Hello everyone, dear friends!

One of the main tasks of every RPG gamer is to find and create cool equipment. Finding a legendary sword in the next dungeon or getting a unique set for completing a quest is the peak of player enjoyment. Today we will talk about the best weapons that can be found in the open spaces.

I will say right away that the selection is based on the personal opinion and feedback of the players, so I hope there will not be angry comments like “Ugh, what a crap, but my sword is much cooler and easier to get”, people, be kinder. Well, we're starting!

Three stages

You won't be able to run in one set until the end of the game. From the very beginning, you will come across legendary items, but towards the end they will become useless and will happily be replaced with more promising items.

That is why, I divided today's top of the best weapons into three parts:

  1. For the early game.
  2. For middle game.
  3. For the late game.

Choose your stage and go in search of the best weapons in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Legendary entry level weapon

From the very start of the game, after receiving the first stars from the dragon, you can already understand that finding a good weapon is one of the main tasks in Skyrim.

The first worthy unique weapon that a player can encounter will be:

  • Nightingale blade. Obtained after completing the Thieves Guild quest line. In addition to good starting damage (10-14), the sword has a special effect that allows you to absorb 5-25 units of HP and stamina of the enemy.
  • Ghost Blade. After killing Lu'a Al-Skaven in the Ansilvund quest, this sword is given as a reward. With a weight of 1 unit and a starting damage of 8 units, this blade, ignoring armor, deals 3 damage, which makes it one of the best in the early stages of the game.
  • Okin and Eduzh. Dual wielding, consisting of the one-handed Okin ax and the one-handed sword Edouge. Weapons are obtained in the ruins of Volundrud at the stage of passing the quest "Silence of tongues". Okin, at 12 damage, deals an additional 10 cold. Edouge, with 11 damage, also deals 10 cold damage.

Any of these weapons will be a great addition to a beginner in the first couple of games.

mid game

Over time, maples become obsolete, and enemies become stronger, which forces players to once again go in search of legendary swords, axes, maces and other weapons.

In the middle of the game, they will be able to show themselves effectively in battle:

  • Wuuthrad axe. By storyline Companions, this item will be one of the quest items, after which it will need to be left in the statue. After completing the quest "The Last Duty", the ax can be returned from the statue of Ysgramor in the tomb of the same name. It has a stock damage of 25 units and is considered one of the most powerful axes in Skyrim. Has a lethality effect when fighting elves.
  • Mehrunes Razor. The dagger appears in the mission "Shards of Past Glory". After completing the quest, the Prince gives us the Razor as a reward. The base damage is only 11 units, but with a weight of 3 units, the attack speed is very high, which goes well with the unique property of the weapon. At a 1.2% chance, an instant kill effect is triggered that can even kill a dragon. The chance, although low, is triggered often enough to make this dagger one of the best in the game.

While Wuthrad's Ax is only good in the mid game, Razor will last until the very end thanks to its unique instant kill effect.

Deep late

By the end of the game, it is rare to find enemies that are able to offer decent resistance, but if you find them, you will need Dragon weapons. This gear has the highest base damage, but it takes some work to craft. Apart from required skill blacksmith 90+, you will need a lot of resources.

And with that I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to the channel and share information with friends. See you soon, dear readers!

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has the truth huge amount weapons and most often the player is lost in the choice.

The best axes, two-handed swords and warhammers in Skyrim

There are fewer two-handed weapons in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, so it is logical to combine the different classes of such weapons into one section. Here best axes, two-handed swords and combat youths in the game: Wuuthrad, Rueful Axe, Bloodskal, Volendrung and Dawnguard Rune Hammer.

How to get the weapon Ax Vuutrad

This thing is great suitable for those who dreams of settling scores with the elves. Wuuthrad does more damage against eared races, and the base value is also quite high - 25. This is a damn powerful ax!

The path to the Ax Wuthrad lies through the passage of the Companions storyline. It will have to be completed completely, since only at the end of the last task, Glory of the Dead, Dovakin gets the opportunity to grab Wuutrad with both hands.

How to get the weapon Ax of Sorrow

A Daedric Prince named Clavicus Vile describes the weapon as "powerful enough to have fun." And this is pretty close to the truth - the Ax of Sorrow in the base version deals 22 damage, and also burns the stamina of enemies. In addition, it can be improved in the forge, if you have the appropriate skill.

The Ax of Sorrow can be obtained as a reward for completing the Daedric quest A Daedra's Best Friend. But before moving on to it, you should grow to at least level 10. After Dovakin becomes strong enough, you need to find a character named Lod (Lod) near the entrance to Falkreath. There will be many more funny and not so adventures to come.

How to get the Bloodskul weapon

Appeared in the game after the release of the Dragonborn add-on. It's hefty two-handed sword, which at strong blow causes a magical explosion. Even without taking into account the impressive physical damage, Blaskal is valued for the fact that the burst of energy deals 30 damage!

To become the owner of Blaskal, you need to start the passage of the storyline of the Dragonborn add-on, and then, having arrived in Solstheim, go to the Raven Rock Mine and take the side quest "The Final Descent" from a character named Crescius Karelli (Crescius Caerellius). The blade will lie near the remains of Gratian (Gratian) in a deep dungeon.

How to get Volendrang weapon

An impressively sized warhammer can seriously scare an impressionable hero with its demonic relief. But his damage is much worse - 47! When struck, Volendrang not only easily breaks the strongest bones, but also burns stamina, which is very convenient for Dovakin, because in order to make a good swing with such a hammer, one’s own strength will obviously be small.

Associated with obtaining Volendrang is The Cursed Tribe quest, which begins in the orc stronghold of Largashbur. Arriving there, the hero must help the local orcs cope with a bunch of problems and at the same time show himself in a favorable light in front of the Daedric prince Malacath (Malacat).

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Hammer weapon

Not the best in its class (base damage is 22), but definitely very useful in some situations. It's all about enchantments: they allow you to place fire traps on different surfaces. Thus, it is very easy to deal with many opponents who prefer to fight close.

As with other Dawnguard rune weapons, you need to complete the Lost Relic dynamic quest. The task is quite troublesome, although it is generated randomly: you need to clear the dungeons, filled to capacity with all sorts of evil spirits and undead.

If you're lucky, the Dawnguard Rune Hammer will be Dovahkiin's reward. For sure. Probably. Probably. May be. Some day. Sooner or later... Well, if you buy Dawnguard, of course.

The best unique bows in Skyrim

A bow will be useful for almost every hero, but it is especially often used by those who, for some reason, do not want to “dirty their hands” by waving all sorts of sharp things like some kind of savage or barbarian. There are plenty of bows in the game, but only 3 of them will serve Dovahkiin best: The Nightingale Bow, glass bow Stag King (Glass Bow of the Stag Prince) and Gauldur Blackbow.

How to get the Nightingale Bow weapon

This weapon belongs to Karliah, a member of the thieves' guild and the protagonist's temporary companion during certain quests. The Nightingale Bow enchantment allows you to freeze and electrocute a target, which is often useful in different situations. It is also another weapon that depends on the level of the character. It is not worth taking it too early, it is better to wait. For example, up to level 46. It is then that the Nightingale Bow will become as powerful as possible.

To convince Karliah to give up the bow, you will have to join the Thieves Guild and follow its storyline. It's pretty long way, which will only end on the Blindsighted mission. The bow will be given to the character as a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Dovakin will also receive an “infinite” master key (Skeleton Key), but who cares about such trifles?

How to get the Stag King's Glass Bow

The name is far from the most remarkable thing that this weapon has. It blesses the owner with a special effect - increases health and stamina while the bow is equipped. To get a blessing, you need to kill 20 animals. Not so much, but not so little!

You can get the Stag King's Glass Bow from Falas Selvayn at the Ramshacle Trading Post. Oh yes, that's right, this location is on the island of Solstheim, so you have to go sailing after purchasing the DLC Dragonborn.

How to get the Blackbow of Goldur

Like the Nightingale Bow, this piece of ancient Nordic craftsmanship is a weapon whose power is directly related to the level of the hero. It is exposed at the moment when Dovakin first enters the location where, in fact, the bow is located.

Goldur's Blackbow deals 36 damage on impact and absorbs magic. Convenient if the main character knows a couple of powerful spells.

As with Goldur's Black Sword, the bow can be obtained from the Forbidden Legend quest. For this quest to appear in the journal, you must read the book "The Lost Legends of Skyrim". You can find it in the most different places, you just need to be careful. Well, or just search the lifeless body of the "adventurer" in the "Lake Cliff" location.

But the bow has its own dungeon - Geirmund's Hall. The ancient and not quite alive (and not dead!) Sigdis Gauldurson lives there. The bow is in his hands, you just need to ask well.

The best sword in Skyrim is a good iron blade, which is a one-handed weapon. To wield it, you need to sacrifice an iron ingot, strips of leather and 2 steel ingots.

A good iron sword is very popular in Tamriel for its durability and lethality. The quest where to find the Sword of the Red Eagle in Skyrim will only be available when you read the book The Legend of the Red Eagle. After entering Cairn, you must insert the Fury of the Red Eagle into the blade slot. Only after that you will open the door to the room with the grave of the Red Eagle. You need to clear the location, search the Red Eagle, the chest that stands behind the grave, and take the necessary things from the chest. After leaving the room, you need to pick it up from the nest. After that, he will turn into Curse of the Red Eagle.

Queen Freydis' Sword is a quest item. It must be delivered to the blacksmith Ongul Anvil in the city of Windhelm, after taking the secondary quest from him. The blacksmith has a great desire to present it to the jarl of his city. You can buy the blade of Queen Freydis in Skyrim from the blacksmith after completing this quest, because it has ceased to be a quest one. It is upgraded with a steel ingot. You can find weapons in Ansilvund, which is located at the foot of Riften.

Download weapon mods for Skyrim here:

There are one-handed and two-handed swords in the game. If the hero is armed with a two-handed weapon, then he takes a lot of damage, but his enemies also take a lot of damage. Two-handed ones are slower than one-handed ones, so when choosing them, you need to calculate the time of impact. In the game menu, one-handed ones are located vertically, and two-handed ones are at an angle. How to carry two swords in Skyrim: To carry two blades on your back, you need to purchase the new Witcher swords, silver and steel. They can be behind you at the same time.

How to get the Dire Sword: Used to be the weapon of Mjol the Lioness who lives in Riften. She will ask the hero to find him in the Dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft, which are located south-west of Dawnstar. There he lies in the very last room on the table, he is guarded by a Dwemer centurion. Hjalti's sword is the same as the weapon of the famous Tiber Septim. Because this is the same person - the founder of the Tamriel Empire. Founder of the Order of Blades. Blades long time kept his armor. Hjalti led the Battle of Sank'Tor as a young man, where he gained a reputation as a great strategist, practitioner, and general. The sword of blades is a one-handed blade, the parameters of which are affected by the level of the hero at the time of his first passage through the ruins of Frostmere. The Ebony Sword is also a one-handed weapon that can be plucked from the corpses of Draugr Overlords/Warlords. When the guards see him, they will say: “How handsome! Just like a moonlit path on the water!”

Becoming a legendary hero is much easier when you have a couple of powerful artifacts at your side. There are a lot of them, but which ones are the best of their kind? This guide has collected the best one-handed weapons in the game, which are perfect for those who went to master on Nintendo Switch!

The best one-handed equipment in Skyrim

Skyrim has so-called unique items that are really worth getting. They are almost never found on sale, in order to take possession of them, you will have to complete dangerous tasks and go to the most remote Skyrim.

If you are tired of going anywhere, completing all the tasks in a row and getting some useless ones, then this guide is for you. In it, we have collected the best one-handed weapons of different classes, and also attached ways to get them. A real guide for the treasure hunter and gunsmith enthusiast!

The best unique daggers in Skyrim

There are a lot of unique daggers in the game, but we will focus only on a couple of absolutely amazing ones. They will come in handy for anyone who relies on stealth and lightning strikes from the shadows: Mehrune's Razor and Blade of Woe

How to get the Mehrunes Razor weapon

A compact weapon that has a very good base damage (11), but is valuable primarily for its magical properties. Each hit with the Razor of Mehrunes has an instant kill chance, which exalts this weapon above all others.

To get the Razor of Mehrunes, you need to complete the "Pieces of the Past" quest by killing Silus Vesuius. The quest itself becomes available only after reaching level 20. The courier will bring a letter in which Dovakin will be invited to the vicinity of Dawnstar. To start the quest, you need to talk to Sil Vesul mentioned above.

How to get the weapon Blade of Woe

It has a higher base damage (12) and the enchantment will be useful in any fight: each hit with the Blade of Woe absorbs 10 health from the enemy.

The Blade of Woe can be obtained from one of the characters in the game during the completion of the Death Incarnate quest. It is part of the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

By the way, you can get a dagger much faster if you start following the goals of the "Death Incarnate" quest even before officially joining the Brotherhood. Simply kill Astrid and take the Blade of Woe from her lifeless body. The downside of this fast way only one: after the deed it will be impossible to join the Brotherhood.

The best unique maces in Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has blunt weapons for every taste. You can pick up something cool for any situation, only unique maces enough in the game to arm a small army. But only one mace is good enough to have the right to be called the best - the Mace of Molag Bal (The Mace of Molag Bal)

How to get the weapon Mace of Molag Bal

This Daedric artifact is dangerous even without the magic that it contains: the base damage is 16. Each hit with a mace burns 25 stamina and magical energy, which allows you to effectively fight against magicians.

But that's not all: if the enemy dies within 3 seconds after hitting them with the Mace of Moghal Bal, then their soul is transferred to the soul stone, if it is in the inventory.

The Mace of Molag Bal is a reward for completing the daeric quest House of Horrors. In the city of Markarth, near one of the houses, the Watcher Turan (Tyranus) will turn to Dovakin, asking for help in cleaning up an abandoned house from Daedra worshipers. The task will begin as soon as you enter the house. Then everything will happen pretty quickly, but do not expect what will happen!

The best unique swords in Skyrim

Swords are the most popular weapon class, and there are more unique blades in the game than any other dangerous piece of hardware. Some of them are good and some are very good. And there are the best. It is about them that we will talk: Miraak's Sword, Chillrend, Dragonbane, Soulrender and Bloodscythe, Gauldur Blackblade.

How to get the Sword of Miraak

This sword was added in the latest official expansion - . And for true connoisseurs of edged weapons, this is almost a reason to fork out. This weapon has a good base damage, as well as a powerful enchantment that drains the stamina of enemies.

To get the Sword of Miraak, you need to start the Dragonborn storyline by going to the island of Solstheim. Almost immediately after landing, the main character will encounter two cultists who will tell him about the very first dragonborn, and then try to kill him.

There will be many more adventures to come, and only at the end of the task "At the Summit of Apocrypha" (At the Summit of Apocrypha) will Dovakin finally be able to take possession of the Sword of Miraak. The main thing is not to forget to search the body of the murdered villain. Yes, it's all very long, but the reward is worth it!

How to get a weapon cooler

A glass sword (sounds crazy, but the standard Elder Scrolls logic doesn't work) that deals cold damage. An excellent choice against adversaries who are vulnerable to this element. As another nice bonus, there is a chance to paralyze the affected opponents. Well, the damage is good, you can not argue with that.

The cooler is the personal weapon of the head of the Thieves Guild, Mercy Frey. The easiest way to get the Chiller is to pick it up from Frey's house during The Pursuit. The dagger is in a closed box, so you have to work with master keys.

By the way, the strength of the Cooler depends on the strength of the character. Therefore, do not rush to complete the task, because you can get a weapon that will turn into a useless toothpick in the future. The strength of the Cooler is determined at the moment when Dovakin first enters the house of Mercer Frey.

How to get Dragonbane weapons

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, you often have to deal with dragons, so there is nothing better than getting weapons that are “sharpened” for fighting hefty winged reptiles. Dragonscourge Enchantment deals additional damage to dragons and also strikes all enemies with lightning.

As with the Chiller, the power of this weapon depends on the level of the character, so it might be worth "pumping up" a bit before chasing after the Dragonbane.

The katana can be found in the Sky Haven Temple during the Alduin's Wall quest. The task is a story one, so it will be difficult to miss it. The dragon scourge lies in a room that is located a little further from the main hall of the Temple. find the Blades.

How to get the Strangler and Bloody Scythe weapons

In fact, these are two separate weapons, but only together they deserve to be called one of best swords in Skyrim. They appeared in the game with the release of the Dragonborn add-on and show themselves perfectly when the character picks them up. Both Strangler and Crimson Scythe are great at absorbing magical energy and health, as well as lowering the enemy's physical and magical resistance.

To get both blades, you need to reach level 36, and then you have to sail to the island of Solstheim, where the Dragonborn story develops. Then only a little remains: find the book "Deathbrand" in Tel Mithryn or on Raven Rock and complete the task of the same name.

How to get the Black Blade of Goldur

Another weapon, the effectiveness of which is determined by the strength of the character when you first enter the location of the task upon receipt. In the best case, the base damage of the Black Blade of Gauldur will be 36. This is very cool, but the sword can still be improved in the forge, having the forging perk of Dwarven equipment.

Also included with good combat power is an enchantment that restores the health of the blade owner.

You can get the Black Blade of Gauldur as a trophy at the end of the Forbidden Legend quest. To start the quest, you need to find the book "The Lost Legend of Skyrim", which will be left on where you can find Goldur - the famous Nord warrior of antiquity. The book itself can be found in almost any city.

If for some reason all copies of the book were lost, then you can find another one in the Lake cliff (Reachwater Rock). In the end, Dovakin will have to go to Folgunthur - the last abode of the dead Gauldur.

The best unique axes in Skyrim

Not as versatile as swords, axes are still very popular, especially among the wild Nords. Among the heaps of various rubbish, only two truly good ax: Okin and Dawnguard Rune Axe.

How to get okin weapons

A very impressive looking ax in the Nordic style. It takes cold damage, burns the enemy's stamina and has a base damage of 12. It is worth upgrading, since for this you only need a perk for forging steel equipment.

To get Okin in your calloused hands, you need to complete the Silenced Tongues quest. You can take it at the very end of the study of the mound Volundrud (Volunruud). Actually, Okin is a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Okin has a related weapon - Eduj, but it is not as cool as it might seem at first glance.

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Ax weapon

As the name suggests, this piece of Tamriel's brilliant military thought is part of the . Deals light damage to the walking dead, and this damage is dynamic: the more "dead" killed since the last dawn, the greater the damage. And the base damage is pretty good too.

Getting a weapon is not difficult - you just need to move along the storyline of the add-on. Sooner or later, Dovakin will get to the Lost Relic quest.

This is actually a radiant quest, which means that it can be repeated many times, each time receiving a new reward. Therefore, it is likely that you will have to go several times to clean up another hot spot so that fate favors Dovakin and rewards him Rune Ax Guardians of the Dawn.

Weapons in the world of Skyrim are divided into three classes: two-handed weapons, one-handed weapons and small arms. One-handed weapons hit quickly and deal medium damage, two-handed weapons are slower, but the damage from them is greater. The bow is a ranged weapon that shoots arrows.
One-handed weapons include:
. Elven, Steel, Orc, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragonbone, and Iron swords .

Orc, Steel, Elven, Ebony, Daedric, Dwemer, Dragonbone, Glass maces a .

Iron, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Celestial Steel, Dragonbone, Dwemer War, Orc, Steel War and Nordic War axes

Dwemer, Orc, Ebony, Steel, Daedric, Glass, Elven, Dragonbone, Celestial Bone, Iron daggers .

Two-handed weapons include:

Dragonbone, Daedric, Ebony, Nordic, Celestial, Orc, Steel, Iron, Dwemer, Elven, Glass two-handed swords.

Draconic Bone, Ebony Bone, Iron Bone, Dwemer Bone, Elven Bone, Orc Bone, Glass Bone, Daedric Bone, Steel Bone war hammers .

Iron, Dragonbone, Daedric, Steel, Orc, Ebony, Dwemer, Celestial Steel, Nordic, Glass axes .

Bows include:

Long, Ebony, Daedric, Draconic Bone, Hunter, Elven, Orc, Nordic, Glass, and Dwemerian bows .

In addition, one of the types of weapons are magic staves .

So how to find good weapon the game is quite difficult, you can make this process easier for yourself by using the following cheats:

Obtaining the necessary weapons:

player.additem [weapon_id] [number]

Example: player.additem 000139A3 1 - get 1 glass one-handed ax

Imperial weapon set:

00013841 - bow
. 000135B8 - sword
. 000139A5 - Bow

Elven weapon set

0001399E - dagger
. 0001399C - battle ax
. 000139A0 - mace
. 000139A1 - sword
. 000139A2 - war hammer
. 0001399F - big sword
. 0001399D - bow

Glass weapon set

000139A7 - Two-handed sword
. 000139AA - Two-handed war hammer
. 000139A9 - One-handed sword
. 000139A3 - One-Handed Ax
. 000139A8 - Mace
. 000139A4 - Two-handed ax
. 000139A6 - Dagger

Daedric Weapon Set:

0001DFEF - Bow of Petrification - Chance to paralyze the target +6 sec.
. 0001DFCB - ax of thunderstorms - +30 pts. electrical damage; takes 15 units. of magic.
. 0001DFE9 - bow of winter - cold damage +30 pts. and to the stock of forces -30 units.
. 0001DDFB - inferno ax - fire damage +30 pts. sets fire to the enemy. 0001DFF2 - bow of thunderstorms - electricity damage +30 units; - 15 units enemy's magic.
. 000139B5 - bow
. 000139B6 - dagger
. 000139B4 - ax
. 000139B7 - two-handed sword
. 000139B3 - battle ax
. 000139B9 - sword
. 0001DFE6 - inferno bow -. +30 fire damage and sets the target on fire.
. 000139B8 - mace
. 000139BA - war hammer
. 0001DFFC - Sacred Bow - Undead level 40 and below falls into flight for 30 sec.

Dwemer weapon set:

00013995 - bow
. 00013993 - battle ax
. 00013996 - dagger
. 00013998 - mace
. 00013997 - two-handed sword
. 00013999 - sword
. 00013994 - ax

Orc weapons

0001398D - bow
. 0001398F - two-handed sword
. 00013990 - mace
. 0001398E - dagger
. 0001399A - war hammer
. 0001398C - ax
. 00013991 - sword
. 0001398B - battle ax

Ebony Weapon Set

000139AF - two-handed sword
. 000139AC - battle ax
. 000139AE - dagger
. 000139B1 - sword
. 000139B2 - war hammer 000139B0 - mace
. 000139AB - ax
. 000139AD - bow

Forsworn Weapon Pack

000CADE9 - sword
. 000CEE9B - bow
. 000SS829 - ax
. 00013992 - war hammer

Ancient nordic weapons

0001C864 - hammer
. 0002C66F - sword
. 000AE087 - heather geis
. 000236A5 - two-handed sword
. 0002C672 - ax

Nightingale weapon set

000F6527 - blade
. 000F652C - bow

Blade Weapon Pack

0003AEB9 - sword

Set Unique weapons with bonuses

000AB704 - Staff "Staff of the Holdir" - calms opponents for 60 seconds or captures their souls after death, if they are weaker.

000F1AC1 - "Scourge of dragons" - damage to dragons +40 units. ; . electricity damage +10 pts.

000A4DCE - Staff "Bloody Thorn" - fills the soul gem when the enemy dies within 3 seconds.

0001C4E6 - "Ax of Sorrow" - takes 20 units. the enemy's reserve of forces.

0010076D - Staff "Staff of Hevnorak" - Within 30 seconds. deals 50 damage. damage per second with lightning and is also applied to the surface.

000F8317 - Staff "Cooler" - +30 pts. cold damage; chance to paralyze the target for 2 sec.

0009FD50 - "Fury of the Red Eagle" -. fire damage +5 units and setting fire to the enemy.

00035369 - Staff "Staff of Magnus" - - 20 pcs. magicka per second, if the enemy has no magic + absorbs his health.

000F5D2D - "Pale Blade" - cold damage +25 units; -50 stamina; makes you rout for 30 seconds.

00053379 - "Fierce" -. +15 Cold Damage and -15 Cold Damage to the power reserve.

00094A2B - Dagger "Phantom Blade" for additional damage +3 pts. ignoring enemy armor.

000B3DFA - Staff "Crayon's Eye" - a fiery explosion inflicts 40 damage. damage in a 4.5 m radius and sets the target on fire

000E5F43 - "Staff of Jurik Goldurson" - inflicts 25 damage. damage and -50 pts. of magic.

000AB703 - "Curse of the Red Eagle" - Sets undead level 13 and below on fire, and turns them to flight for 30 seconds.

000B994E - "Valdar's Lucky Dagger" - to the chance of a critical hit + 25%.

000956B5 - mace "Vuutrad" - deals more damage to elves.

0006A093 - staff "Staff of Tandil" - Creatures and people of level 12 and below will not fight with you for 60 seconds.