Incredible Facts

IN fantasy films often you can see incredible scenes, such as islands flying in the sky or elf houses built on trees. But the world we live in is also full of fantastic places and strange natural formations that amaze the imagination.

And although people have changed the world beyond recognition, not everyone is unique. natural places still lost. Beautiful mountains, turquoise water, amazing islands - our planet is truly rich in breathtaking places.

1. Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

The Phi Phi Islands are located in Thailand, between the large island of Phuket and west coast andaman sea. Most of these islands are not just sharp rocks rising out of the ocean. Clear turquoise water and dense tropical greenery make this place a real paradise on Earth.

2. Nyiragongo Crater, Congo

Volcano Nyiragongo is a unique steep-sided volcano located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Inside the crater of this volcano, a lake of lava has formed, which constantly seethes and foams, filling the night sky with an uncanny red glow. This takes a heavy toll on villages and nearby towns, both from volcanic eruptions and poisonous gases and other deadly forms of seismic activity.

3. Bury Head Arch, Newfoundland, Canada

This magnificent arch is located on the Spurwink Trail along the East Coast Trail in the Canadian province of Newfoundland. The arch looks quite impressive for its massiveness, and it is so large that a whole grove of trees has grown on top of it. Be careful when you get to the arch, as the path itself goes around rather steep rocks.

4. Pamukkale, Türkiye

Water flowing from hot springs and calcium carbonate deposits on large ledges give Pamukkale an impressive appearance, and in clear days The reflection of the sky adds an amazing blue color to the water. As a result, this place is somewhat reminiscent of an enchanted ice palace, although the temperature here is quite comfortable.

5. Pura Tanah Lot, Bali

Pura Tanah Lot is a temple perched on a rock formation jutting out of Bali. This is an amazing place, the silhouette of which, when viewed from some angles, resembles a fairy-tale ship. The only way to reach the temple is through a narrow isthmus. According to legend, this was a holy place built by a Hindu Brahmin, which was guarded by a huge snake created from a Brahmin's scarf.

6. Tianzu Mountains, China

These mountains are gigantic towering spiers several hundred meters high, adorned with lush vegetation. They seem to defy the laws of gravity, reminiscent of the floating monoliths from the movie Avatar. The mountains are located in national park Zhangjiajie, in the northern province of Hunan, being a recognized Site world heritage UNESCO. The balancing elongated mountains are the result of years of erosion, which arose due to the expansion of ice in winter.

7. Hamilton Basin Reserve, Texas, USA

The Hamilton Basin Reserve is a natural pool formed thousands of years ago by major erosion. The pool itself is filled with amazing emerald water, framed by limestone rocks covered with lush ferns and moss. A 15-meter waterfall descends from the outcrops, which never completely dries up, even in the driest periods.

8. Las Canadas, Tenerife, Canary Islands

The Las Canadas Caldera is a series of volcanoes that make up an amazing volcanic wasteland. The desert rocky ground is hot and dotted with fumaroles - cracks and holes spewing poisonous gases. Rough terrain and sharp rocky outcrops create a truly Martian look.

9. Machu Picchu, Peru

There are many interesting ruins around the world, but Machu Picchu is a cult place in this respect. Perched high in the mountains of Peru, in the midst of rainforest This place is simply amazing in its beauty. Once the most impressive creation of the Inca Empire, its gigantic walls, terraces and rampads seem to have been carved naturally from endless rock ledges. Until 1911, this place was not suspected, until the American historian Hiram Bingham discovered it.

10. Meteora, Greece

Meteora is a monastery complex in central Greece, which is located on the tops of cliffs, the height of which reaches up to 600 m above sea level. These monasteries were built in impossible conditions, with virtually no roads, a real achievement of art and a shining example of architectural transformation into a perfect place of solitude, meditation and prayer.

28.09.2018 at 17:15 · Johnny · 23 830

10 most unusual animals in the world that inhabit our planet

Amazing creatures live everywhere. They inhabit the distant Siberian lands, the Pacific and numerous Finnish ones, forgotten by God. These beautiful creatures live on earth, in water, underground and even in the mountains of Tibet, which, in the truest sense of the word, touches the sky.

We have compiled a list of the top 10 most unusual world to show how beautiful and diverse are the creatures that live on our amazing planet Earth. Indeed, in noisy cities, we sometimes forget that there are other forms of life besides people.

10. Kitoglav

  • Style: Birds
  • Subspecies: storks
  • Average size: body length - 1-1.3 meters; wingspan - 2-2.5 meters
  • Habitat: wetlands
  • Location: Central Africa

This creature is a huge bird that lives in wetlands Central Africa. Kitoglav(Royal heron) is predominantly diurnal and feeds on marsh algae. It should be noted the special photogenicity of this creature. Kitoglav can stand in one position for a long time, which allows you to spend a whole photo shoot with this beautiful creature.


  • Style: Fish
  • Subspecies: Psycholute
  • Average size: 30-60 centimeters
  • Habitat: seabed
  • Location: Pacific Ocean

This blot - Living being! Who would have thought! Really weird body shape drop fish has a perfectly reasonable explanation. The habitat of this unusual creature is at a depth of up to 3,000 meters, where the fish's swim bladder cannot function. Therefore, to move around the sea, evolution gave this fish such a bizarre body shape. By the way, the density of fish is less than the density of water.

8. Madagascar sucker

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Bat
  • Average size: 5-6 centimeters
  • Place of residence: Madagascar

Well, isn't he cute? Madagascar Suckerfoot- a cute flying creature that has suction cups on its legs. These unusual animals are quite rare. It should be noted that the Madagascar sucker is listed in. The main diet of this baby is small insects. The peculiarity of the Madagascar sucker is not only in the suckers on the legs, but also in the fact that this animal is practically not studied by modern science.

7. Narwhal

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Cetaceans
  • Average size: 3.5-4.5 meters
  • Habitat: water
  • Location: Arctic Ocean

It turns out that unicorns exist! AND narwhal is the only representative of this mythical animal. It's pretty large mammal which can weigh up to 1.5 tons. The amazing narwhal feeds on almost any fish that can be found in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.

6 Dumbo Octopus

  • Style: Octopus
  • Subspecies: Mollusk
  • Average size: 3-8 centimeters
  • Habitat: deep sea
  • Location: Tasman Sea

It is not clear what this representative of the animal world looks like. About this creature modern science knows practically nothing. The most interesting and remarkable Dumbo Octopus- ears. In fact, these are tentacles that, during evolution, for some reason grew together.

5. Arm-eye

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Primate
  • Average size: 30-50 centimeters
  • Habitat: tropical forests
  • Place of residence: Madagascar

This unusual creature is a direct relative of lemurs. Although it was previously believed that the Madagascar ah-ah- semi-monkey. She is predominantly nocturnal. This nocturnal semi-monster can weigh up to 3 kilograms. The animal is listed in the Red Book.

4. Axolotl

  • Species: Amphibians
  • Subspecies: Neotenic larva
  • Average size: 20-35 centimeters
  • Habitat: mountain rivers
  • Place of residence: Mexico

Few people know about the existence of an amphibian axolotl. The animal looks a bit like a smiling fish with legs. This animal is very interesting, because the axolotl does not have to become an adult to breed. In the event of a threat, the animal can turn into an ambist (like a lizard) creature. In addition, the body of the axolotl has a unique ability to regenerate. If this animal loses any part of the body, then after a while it will grow back.

3. Starship

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Mole
  • Average size: 9-15 centimeters
  • Habitat: forest
  • Location: North America

Is it hard to surprise you after the axolotl? I doubt. starship- this creature looks like a monster from or some kind of alien creature. In fact, this animal is a relative of the European mole. He is very incapable of harming a person in any way.

2. Sloth

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: edentulous
  • Average size: 50-60 centimeters
  • Habitat: forest
  • Place of residence: Central America, South America

Many people know this animal from the famous cartoon. Glacial period. Sloth An animal that sleeps 15 hours a day. He practically does not get off the trees. Sloths move extremely slowly, for which they got their name.

1. Angora rabbit

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Rodent
  • Average size: 70-80 centimeters
  • Habitat: pet

We are glad to present the most unusual animal that lives on Earth - angora rabbit! It should be noted that this animal is a pet. The peculiarity of this creature is that it is completely covered with long hair. They can have so much fur that it is sometimes difficult to understand that this is even a living creature.

This video tells about 8 unusual animals, the existence of which you may not have even guessed:

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What else to see:

Planet Earth is full of secrets and mysteries. The main secret is the process of evolution, as a result of which species of creatures have appeared that have not yet been perceived by the human mind as the creation of mother nature.

1 place - Japanese spider crab

Who said crab is only a delicacy? Seeing such a creature for the first time, you can be horrified: huge, weighing up to 20 kg and with 3-meter legs. But the Japanese are accustomed to and even create special aquariums that contain these amazing animals.

2nd place - Japanese giant salamander

The appearance of this creature is really threatening: up to 25 kg in weight and one and a half meters in length. Despite the repulsive appearance, the Japanese eat salamander meat as a delicacy. The creature itself can eat nothing for a week due to a slow metabolism.

3rd place - Harbour porpoise

Little amazing creatures live at the very bottom of the ocean. Basically, at a depth of more than one kilometer. They move at the expense of small legs, for which they received the name " porpoises(Never to be confused with guinea pigs!).

4th place - Giant grenadier

Belongs to the cod-like order and lives only in the northern part of the Pacific coast. Can reach 210 cm in length. Its massive head and huge body, smoothly turning into a narrow tail, are a reason for surprise. Rarely do you see such an amazing creature. Despite the unusual appearance, the fish has a large nutritional value and is often used in diet food.

5th place - fish belt

The fish was first described by a Norwegian biologist who noticed it in a herring school. He called her "herring king" because of the peculiar crown on her head. The name stuck with her. However, this creature has little in common with the herring. The body resembles a ribbon and can reach 7 meters. Amazing, isn't it?

6th place - viper fish

Perhaps there is no creature in the world more suitable for a horror movie than a viper fish. Her appearance is not only repulsive, but frightening. Huge eyes looking from the depths, thin teeth of different lengths ... There is something to be afraid of. At night, it can be seen even in shallow water. In addition, the fish has the ability to change color.

7th place - giant isopods

Live at the bottom Atlantic Ocean and are like a large cancer. Due to the fact that there are movable plates on their body, creatures simultaneously receive good protection from external environment and high mobility. They can curl up into a ball like wood lice.

8th place - Fluffy Kiva

Another name for this bizarre creature is the Yeti crab. He got it thanks to the bristles located on the body. It may immediately seem that this is a kind of wool. This species was first discovered 10 years ago, in 2005, near Easter Island at a depth of 1500 meters.

9th place - Olm

This creature is also called the "human fish". This is primarily due to color. It is as close as possible to the color of human skin. Outwardly, they look like a serpentine creature, but each of them has small paws. By nature, the olm is completely blind.

10th place - Giant long-legged grasshopper

In the expanses of the Malaysian forests, exclusively at night, you can meet one of the most large insects on the planet - a giant long-legged grasshopper. It comes out in search of food only after sunset. Masked during the day. And he masterfully does this, since his wings are easy to confuse with oblong leaves of trees.

The planet really surprises every time more and more. Just think how much has not yet been explored, how many secrets it hides in itself and how much amazing creatures hides.