Description of the manual: Suggest multifunctional speech therapy manual for children preschool age. The manual is intended for individual and subgroup speech therapy classes. This material will be useful for teachers-speech therapists and educators of speech therapy groups.

The versatility of the manual is expressed in the variety of pictures that can be used in accordance with the goal. Pictures can be easily removed and attached, children can change the necessary pictures themselves. This guide can be used when working on lexical topics, conduct lexical and grammatical exercises “Say kindly”, “My, mine, mine”, “The fourth extra” and many others. In addition, you can widely use the manual in teaching children to read and write. Pictures with letters or syllables are placed on the snail's house, and the children make up words.

Speech therapy games "Sound snail"

Goal: Automation and differentiation of sounds, development phonemic hearing, improvement of lexical and grammatical categories of speech; development prosodic side speech.

Didactic game "The snail crawls merrily, we are lucky with pictures!"

Target: automation of sounds in speech, fixing in the speech of children the agreement of nouns with numerals.

Material: pictures with pictures different quantity objects for a given sound.

Description: The speech therapist reads a poem:

The snail crawls slowly

swinging on a leaf,

The snail carries all day

pictures for yourself!

The child names the pictures, clearly pronouncing the set sounds and correctly coordinating nouns with numerals.

Didactic game "Play with a snail and call colors!"

Target: automation of sounds in speech, selection of nouns for an adjective denoting color, fixing the names of primary colors and shades.

Material: pictures of multi-colored objects for a given sound.

Description: The speech therapist makes a riddle:

Teremok, look, crawling.

He carries him on himself

The owner is rich

The hostess is horny!

The snail has colorful toys in its house! We will play with the snail and name the colors! The child names the pictures, clearly pronouncing the sounds, and names the adjective denoting the color.

Didactic game "We will argue with the snail"

Target: automation of delivered sounds in speech, fixing antonyms in the child's dictionary.

Material: pictures with objects denoting signs: narrow, tall, sharp, hot and others


My motto is simple -

“All mine, I carry with me!”

Two antennas above the gate

The snail carries its house!

The child selects an adjective from the picture of a snail, and then argues with her and calls another adjective with opposite meaning.

Didactic game "Snail's Birthday"

Target: extension vocabulary, learn to call how animals give voice.

Material: pictures of different animals according to the set sounds

Description: Speech therapist reads a poem:

At the snail on Sunday

There will be a birthday party!

Only here's the trouble,

How to invite guests to your home!

Guests came to visit the snail and congratulate her on her birthday. Children name animals and pick up a word, as an animal gives a voice.

Didactic game "The snail teaches the tongue to do exercises"

Target: develop children's articulatory motor skills

Material: pictures for articulation exercises

Description: children look at the pictures carried by the snail and perform a certain articulation exercise

Sections: speech therapy

Group: older.

Target: formation of the correct sound pronunciation of hissing sounds, using information and communication technologies.

Lesson implementation time: 25 minutes.

  1. Wednesday- Microsoft XP, editor - Power Point.
  2. Type of media product- visual presentation 15 slides (mouse click transition)
1. Organizing time 2 minutes 1–2
2. Finger gymnastics 1 min. 30sec. 3
3. Breathing exercises 2 minutes 4
4. Articulation gymnastics 2 minutes 5
5. Isolated pronunciation of the sound Sh 2 minutes. 6-8
7. Automation of sound in syllables 2 minutes 9
8. Visual gymnastics 1 minute
9. Automation of sound in words 2 minutes 10
10. Automation of sound in words (formation of nouns genitive And plural nouns) 3 minutes 11-12
11. Physical education minute 1 min. 30sec.
12. Automation of sound in words (beginning, middle, end) 2 minutes 13
13. Automation of sound in words (game "Complete the word") 3 minutes 14-15
14. Reflection 2 minutes 16

Lesson objectives:

  • To fix the articulatory and optical image of the sound [w], the ability to determine the presence and place of sound in words.
  • Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [w] in syllables, words.
  • Exercise in the formation of the plural of nouns and nouns of the genitive case.
  • Develop attention, memory, articulation apparatus, fine motor skills fingers, speech breathing.
  • Cultivate a sense of compassion, a desire to help.

Means of education

  • Computer.
  • Screen.
  • Multimedia projector.
  • Mouse.
  • Table mirror.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

SLIDE 1, 2.

Speech therapist: Today we will again work with the computer. Which hero will invite us to visit today, you will find out by playing the yes-no game. Rule: FIND THE MIDDLE, REMOVE THE HALF, (guess: mouse). Right. Today you will meet little Mouse and go with her to little trip. She even left a map that will not only show the way, but also help not to confuse or forget anything. But before we hit the road, we need to prepare together with the mouse.

II. Finger gymnastics.


Speech therapist: The mouse offers to play with it and "warm up" our fingers.

A boat is sailing on the river (They fold their palms like a boat, and show how the boat sways on the waves)
He swims from afar. (“Boats” move in a snake direction from the chest forward)
There are four on board
A very brave sailor. (Children show 4 fingers, bending the thumb)
They have ears on top (Put hands to head like ears)
They have long tails (Run hand over imaginary tail)
And only cats are afraid of them
Only cats and cats. (They make scraping movements with their hands on the table).

III. Exercises for the development of a long air jet and facial expressions.


Speech therapist: This is Myshkin garden. She really wants to plant flowers, but she can't. Let's help her. Imagine beautiful, fragrant flowers, we will inhale their aromas and sing songs to them.

Maybe then they will return to their places. Don't forget the rule:inhaling through the nose is short, and exhaling through the mouth is long. When inhaling, do not raise your shoulders. On the first exhalation, we sing the song AAAA; on the second exhalation - OOOO; on the third - UUUU, on the fourth - IIII.

What a beautiful garden. Our mouse is very happy.

IV. Articulation gymnastics.


Speech therapist: The Mouse went out into the street to look at her garden again, looked, and the fence was already closed (exercise "Fence"), was about to leave, looking at the fence, the chick sat down ("chick") he will take off, then sit down again (alternating "Fence" - "chick"). The Mouse looked at him, took "shovel”, Yes, I corrected the bed in the garden. When I straightened the bed, I decided to swing on a swing ( "swing"). I went into the house, decided to drink tea before the path. Took "cup" poured tea. She drank one cup, two, three, and then remembered that she had "tasty jam" eat, eat it. removed everything ( remove tongue from mouth).

V. Isolated pronunciation of sound (Ш).


Speech therapist: While we were doing the cleaning, a scheme appeared. Read it. (The lips are rounded, the tip of the tongue rises, the tongue becomes a "cup", the bell does not work, the air goes warm in the middle of the "cup"). What is this sound? (SH-SH). Tell me about him. (The child gives a description of the sound) Whose song is this? (snakes). Today, this scheme will help us on our journey.


- And here is the map, on which we will go on a journey. Consider what is on it.


See what is painted near the house? (On the map pic.leaf blight.) The mouse ran along the path of dry leaves: sh-sh-sh. Let's go after her and rustle like leaves. I will start the word, and you and the mouse will rustle louder to finish it, if we say correctly, the object itself will appear:

We are..., du..., kamy..., karanda..., small... .

VI. Automation of sound (sh) in syllables.


Sha-sho-shu-shy sho-shu-sho

The child shakes his arms raised above his head and pronounces syllable chains. And who is hiding in the reeds here? This is a duck. The duck was frightened and flapped its wings. Show and tell how she does it:

ash-ash; osh-osh; ish-ish; ear-ear

VII. Visual gymnastics.

We open our eyes - once,
And we close our eyes - two,
We open our eyes wider.
And now they closed again
Our eyes rested.

VIII. Automation of sound in words.


Speech therapist: What does the map tell us? Path ahead. Oh, and a very sad snail is sitting on the path, she brought gifts to her children and mixed everything up. The mouse tells us that in order to walk along the path, we need to help the snail choose only those gifts for their children, in the name of which there is a sound [w]. Choose necessary items hovering over an object. If you're right, the gift will end up on the snail's house. If not, the gift will disappear. (After completing the task). Say the names of gifts for little snails again, highlighting the sound and finding its place in the word. Words: cockerel, car, frog, horse, bear, pants, hat.

IX. Automation of sound in words (formation of genitive nouns and plural nouns).


Speech therapist: Along the path, the Mouse led us to the store. Tell me what she bought there. The mouse bought... (Pictures appear: cupboard, ball, pillow, typewriter, fur coat, hat).


And then I thought and decided to buy a lot ... (Pictures appear: cabinets, balls, pillows, cars, fur coats, hats).

X. Physical education.

Ooh-ooh-ooh, what's that thunder?
(Hands to cheeks, tilts to the sides)
The mouse builds a new house
(Hand movements that imitate walls, roof.)
Hammer: knock, knock.
(Picture of working with a hammer)
A friend comes to help her.
(Hands on the belt, steps with high knees).

XI. Automation of sound in words (beginning, middle, end).


Speech therapist: But how to return home? The map will help us. Here is the familiar path. Remember what is shown in the pictures.

The child remembers and once again pronounces the words with reflectionbeaten sound (cockerel, car, frog, horse, bear, pants, hat).

(Looking at the map, the child describes the way back)

XII. Automation of sound in words (game "Complete the word").

SLIDES 14-15.

Speech therapist: Here is the mouse house. The mouse entered the house, and the clouds came in the sky. She became bored, she looked at the sky and began to compose poetry. And to make it easier for the Mouse, tell her the last words. Maybe then the clouds will float away from the sky.

Children draw together
They have in their hands... pencils.
Wears a bright comb
Our cheerful... cockerel.
Here comes the baby running
Gray... mouse.
Tires rustled softly -
It's coming to us... car.
Mom asks Masha:
"Cook brother ... porridge ».
The mouse takes a shower
washes tail, washes ... ears.

- So we helped the Mouse to disperse all the clouds. And the sky looked bright... Sun. The mouse was very happy, smiled, and (click on the sun) sang a happy song.

XIII. Reflection lessons.

Speech therapist. It's time for us to say goodbye to the mouse. SLIDE 16.

You helped her a lot today!

- Remember and tell us how we helped the mouse?

- What tasks did you do?

- Which one was the most difficult for you? Why?

– And what sound helped you in our lesson? (sh-sh-sh).

Educational and methodological support:

  1. Borisova E.A. Individual speech therapy classes with preschoolers Moscow: TC Sphere.
  2. Kislova T. R. On the way to the alphabet.
  3. Nishcheva N.V. System corrective work V speech therapy group for children with OHP.
  4. Repina Z.A. Logopedic lessons. Ekaterinburg.

L.N. Kozlovskaya Oshmyany 2016

Let's talk right

L.N. Kozlovskaya Oshmyany 2016

Speech therapy snails: a collection of games / ed. L.N. Kozlovskaya - Oshmyany: Publishing House "Center for Correctional and Developmental Education and Rehabilitation of the Oshmyany District", 2016. - 32 p. The manual is a collection of games for conducting remedial classes with preschool children with speech disorders: dyslalia, rhinolalia, general underdevelopment speech (3 levels speech development). Games can be used to automate and differentiate sounds, correct violations of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, develop phonemic hearing and coherent speech in the conditions of a point of correctional and pedagogical assistance. The manual will be useful for teachers-defectologists of points of correctional and pedagogical assistance, educators of special groups for children with severe speech disorders, parents of children with speech disorders. © L.N. Kozlovskaya, author, 2016 © government agency education "Center for correctional and developmental training and education of the Oshmyany region"

Snail Salvia C

Snail Simon Si

Snail Sulsinia

Snail Zarina Z

Snail Zinaida Z

Snail Azazel Z-Z Z-Z

Snail Zlatoslav S-Z

S-Z Snail Susanna

Snail Tsvetana C

Snail Sacinia S-C

Snail Charlotte Sh

Snail Jeannette

Snail Stesha S-Sh

Snail Josephine J-Z

start Snail Celesta H

Snail Cheslava Sh-Ch

Snail Yuschinia Shch

Snail Cishetta Ch-Sch

Snail Laura L

start Snail Lyubava L

Snail Violanta L-V

Snail Rosalina R

Snail Maria Ry

start Snail Rosary R-R

Snail Clarissa L-R

start Snail Claudius K

Snail Kapitolina K-T


Automation of the sound "C" ………………………….……………………........................................... .................................................. Automation sound “Sh” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Differentiation of sounds “C” - “C”………………….………………………………………………………………………………..…… . Automation of the sound "Z" ... Automation of the sound "Зь" …………………………..………………………………………………………………………………… ………… Differentiation of sounds “Z” - “Z”………………….……………………………………………………………………………… .….…. Differentiation of sounds "C" - "Z"………………….………………………………………………………………………………...… .…. Differentiation of sounds “S” - “Z”……………….………………………………………………………………………………………. Automation of the sound “C” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… .. Differentiation of sounds “C” - “C”..………………….…………………………………………………………………………… .……. Automation of the “Sh” sound ………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………… .…. Automation of the sound “Zh” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ... Differentiation of sounds “S” - “Sh”………………….……………………………………………………………………………….. …. Differentiation of sounds “Ж” - “З”………………….………………………………………………………………………………..…… . Automation of the sound “Ch” ………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………… ..… Differentiation of sounds “Sh” - “H”………………….………………………………………………………………………………… ……. Automation of the “Sch” sound………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… ….. Differentiation of sounds “Ч” - “Ш”………………….……………………………………………………………………………… ……. Automation of the sound "L" ………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………… ....… Automation of the sound “L” ……………………………………..………………………………………………………………… ……………… Differentiation of sounds “L” - “V”………………….………………………………………………………………………… ……………. Automation of the “P” sound ………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………… ....… Automation of the “Pb” sound …………………………………….……………………………………………………………………… ………….... Differentiation of sounds “R” - “R”………………….………………………………………………………………… …………………. Differentiation of sounds “L” - “R”………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….… . Automation of the sound “K” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ... Differentiation of sounds “K” - “T”………………….………………………………………………………………………………… ….…. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Contents 33

Collection of games Speech therapy snails Educational and methodological manual for teachers-defectologists of points of correctional and pedagogical assistance Author Kozlovskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna Responsible for the issue L.N. Kozlovskaya Computer set L.N. Kozlovskaya Layout L.N. Oshmyany, Sovetskaya st., 3a


"Sound Snail"

The manual is intended for individual and subgroup speech therapy classes with preschool children

Target: automation and differentiation of sounds, development of phonemic hearing, improvement of lexical and grammatical categories of speech; development of the prosodic side of speech


Form phonetic-phonemic representations and syllabic structure words.

Develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

Stimulate the development of mental and cognitive processes.

Maintain a positive emotional attitude.

To promote the development of children's communication, communication skills.


The versatility of the manual is expressed in the variety of pictures that can be used in accordance with the goal. Pictures can be easily removed and attached, children themselves can change the necessary pictures.

Didactic game“The snail crawls merrily, we are lucky with pictures!”

Target: automation of sounds in speech, fixing in the speech of children the agreement of nouns with numerals.

Material: pictures with images of a different number of objects for a given sound.

Description: an adult reads a poem:

The snail crawls slowly, swaying on a leaf,

The snail carries pictures all day long!

The child names the pictures, clearly pronouncing the set sounds and correctly coordinating nouns with numerals.

Didactic game "Play with a snail and call colors!"

Target: automation of sounds in speech, selection of nouns for an adjective denoting color, fixing the names of primary colors and shades.

Material: pictures of multi-colored objects for a given sound.

Description: Speech therapist makes a riddle:

Teremok, look, crawling, carrying him on himself,

The hostess is rich, the hostess is horned!

The snail has colorful toys in its house! We will play with the snail and name the colors! The child names the pictures, clearly pronouncing the sounds, and names the adjective denoting the color.

Didactic game "We will argue with the snail"

Target: automation of delivered sounds in speech, fixing antonyms in the child's dictionary.

Material: pictures with objects denoting signs: narrow, tall, sharp, hot and others

Description: Speech therapist reads a poem:

My motto is simple - “Everything is mine, I carry it with me!”

Two antennas above the gate, the snail carries its house!

The child selects an adjective for the picture of a snail, and then argues with it and names another adjective with the opposite meaning.

Didactic game "Snail's Birthday"

Goal: expanding vocabulary, learning to call how animals give voice.

Material: pictures of different animals according to the delivered sounds

Description: Speech therapist reads a poem:

The snail will have a birthday party on Sunday!

Only the trouble is, how to invite guests to your house!

Guests came to visit the snail and congratulate her on her birthday. Children name animals and pick up a word, as an animal gives a voice.

Didactic game "The snail teaches the tongue to do exercises"

Target: develop children's articulatory motor skills

Material: pictures for articulation exercises

Description: children look at the pictures carried by the snail and perform a certain articulation exercise