Web - weather service litmus test.
By her appearance and behavior Indian summer determine future weather.

When the threads of the web are long, the web is wide open - to heat, if the web continues to spread widely, but its component threads are short, dry, sunny weather will last a long time. If in autumn the web flies during the day, be warm, before sunset - to frost. And in general, it has been noticed that before the cold weather, spiders spin their webs especially stubbornly.

Spiders spin their webs for the cold

There is such a legend. IN 1794 A "limited contingent" of French armed forces invaded Holland. It was led by General Charles Pichegru. The purpose of the invasion was to restore the republican power of government, to overthrow the stadtholder William V, who exercised sole power. Resist militarily strong French army the Dutch could not, but they had a true natural ally - the sea. The territory of the Netherlands lies partly below sea level. From its formidable power, the country is protected by a system of dams and dams. One has only to open the floodgates, and water will block the way for any aggressor. The Dutch did just that. Pichegru's regiments were forced to turn back. But suddenly the general stopped the retreat. It turned out that he received a secret report ... about the behavior of spiders. They weaved cobwebs together, which, according to signs, meant a cold snap soon. And indeed, after a short time, frosts broke out, the water froze, and the French went on the offensive across the ice.

What happened next?

William V emigrated to England. In Holland, a republic was proclaimed, the so-called Batavian. It lasted only 11 years. In 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte gave the throne of Holland to his brother Louis. He also did not rule for long. In 1810, Napoleon removed Louis from power, annexing Holland to France. After the overthrow of Napoleon, the Netherlands regained its independence. They were led by the son of William V, Prince William of Orange. So the oldest republic in Europe became a kingdom again.

Usually, the first thing we remember when we meet a web is omens. Is not it? And often thoughts about popular beliefs come to mind even to inveterate skeptics. And this is no accident, since in many countries of the world, since ancient times, a spider and its trapping net have been considered something special: the spider itself is still positioned as the keeper of the hearth, and its web is a kind of amulet in which happiness and prosperity remained. and well-being.

Where can you find a web?

Spiders are able to live both on the street and in our homes, respectively, and we can also meet their trapping nets absolutely everywhere. And it is the place where she was seen that helps in many ways to understand the signs.

In the house

According to popular belief, a lot of cobwebs in the house is a sign of wealth. But just don’t go to extremes and completely forget about cleaning just so that the whole apartment is wrapped up in this spider’s waste product. This trick won't work. In addition, it should be remembered that for the implementation of this belief, fertile soil is needed - friendly warm atmosphere. And then, carefully woven by an eight-legged guest, the network will surely fulfill its main purpose - it will catch luck and keep it in the apartment.

On a note! In those houses where misunderstanding and chaos reign in the family, the web does not bring good luck and prosperity! By the way, even the spiders themselves do not stay there for a long time!

There are other signs about the web in the house:

  • if, waking up in the morning, you find that the spider has woven its weightless web right above your bed, then this is a very good omen - happiness awaits you soon;
  • most often, the web can be seen in various angles, and according to signs, this location indicates that a lot of negative energy has accumulated here - the spider tells you exactly where you should “clean” the house with a candle and prayer;
  • if a spider hung its nets above or behind the door and a girl saw them, then according to popular beliefs, she should be afraid of the betrayal of a loved one.

If the web was found in the kitchen, for example, under the dining table, behind the stove or near the leg of the stool, then this promises an assistant to the hostess of the house. According to popular beliefs, in this case, the spider tries to help you with household chores and will do everything to make any business successful!

By the way, the weightless cobweb that you found in your own apartment can become a personal amulet. To do this, you need to sew a small linen bag with your own hands (without a sewing machine, only with a thread and a needle!) And carefully put a cobweb in it. It is advisable to carry this talisman with you all the time - it will protect you in all situations and accompany you in all endeavors.

On the window

If the spider wove a web on the window, then according to the sign, one can hope for good weather. No precipitation is expected during the day, and you can safely spend the whole day in nature. However, it should be remembered that this explanation will fully justify itself only if there was no owner in the web.

Other signs about the web on the window:

  • if the web on the window frame was accidentally hurt by you - very soon you will meet an old friend;
  • if you didn’t notice a web woven by a spider on the window and tore it off, then this promises a quarrel with a loved one;
  • when the spider is in the process of creating its webs, this promises to receive news soon;
  • the owner of the web was frightened of you and rushed up his web - the news will certainly be good, ran down - the news promises to be bad;
  • if the spider does not pay attention to you at all and continues to sit motionless on its web, then according to the sign, profit awaits you - it can be money or a valuable gift;
  • the opposite meaning is the popular belief about the old torn cobweb on the window - after such a find, you will be overtaken by failures in the financial sector;

On a note! You can try to correct the situation - for this, the web should be carefully removed, and then wash your hands thoroughly!

In general, to see how a spider spins a web is good omen wherever she is. You can't just cut it off in this case. If you notice a net with the owner during the cleaning process and do not accept such a neighborhood, then it is better to carefully collect it on a broom and leave it outside the threshold, while trying to make sure that the spider itself remains alive.

On the street

Often, being on the street, we very rarely pay attention to such a trifle as a web, and it becomes noticed only when it touches our skin. What could this mean?

  • According to the sign, getting into the web is a good sign. Wealth awaits you.
  • If you found both a web and its owner on your clothes, this is a new thing.
  • A lot of cobwebs on clothes - a lot of small troubles await you, because of which your reputation may suffer.
  • The web hit your face - such a sign promises clear sunny weather and new pleasant experiences.

How to interpret the behavior of a spider in a web?

Based on the actions of a spider that is in its web, several predictions can be made:

  • a sign according to which a spider descends on a web promises a pleasant surprise - it can be a long-awaited letter, the arrival of a welcome guest, or a gift from which you will be completely delighted;
  • if the spider, having descended, ended up on your hand, you should expect an inheritance;
  • if the owner of the web descended right on your head, your talent will soon appear, which is desirable to develop;
  • the spider has landed on your clothes - wait for the reward;
  • if he went down the web and ended up on the table, then in this case you can expect a move, housewarming;

    On a note! The color of the spider descending on the web also plays an important role: if it is black, then the omen promises unexpected joy, red or brown - sadness!

  • a spider can weave a web and then break it - according to popular beliefs, this behavior promises worsening weather, a thunderstorm.

As you can see, it is connected with the web great amount folk signs. To believe in them or not is a personal matter. The main thing is not to subordinate your whole life to such beliefs, but treats them as messengers of certain events. And even if the omen turned out to be bad, then this is not a reason to indulge in despondency. On the contrary, this is a great opportunity to influence the situation, correct it and even prevent it. When receiving predictions from spiders, always connect your intuition and listen to it. After all folk beliefs times your sixth sense is a great way to keep circumstances from getting the better of you, your emotions, and your life.

Lilia Kharsieva | 09/23/2015 |

Outside great time. After a hot summer came a mild autumn. The sun warms, but does not bake. Nature appears before us in the brightest colors, with its multicolor, pleasing to the eye. In most countries of the world, the division of the year into four seasons is accepted, we all know and understand this. But, there is more short times years with different weather and temperature conditions. They, as a rule, do not have clear boundaries and cover a small period of off-season. One of these phenomena we observe today outside the windows of our house. “There is a short but marvelous time in the original autumn,” wrote the poet F. Tyutchev. This is really a wonderful period when, after a short cold snap, fine days set in, nature dresses in gold and crimson, warm air breathes with falling leaves, and the sun gently warms all this earthly grace. This time of year is called "Indian summer". “Indian Summer” is often associated with that period of peasant life when field work ends and women start their needlework: they knit, spin, embroider, sing songs and arrange bachelorette parties. In the old days, there was a superstition that women have the power to bring back the seasons, to influence the weather. Who knows, maybe the expression “Indian cold”, “Indian summer” came from this belief. According to Big Soviet encyclopedia is the time when autumn sun old women can still warm themselves. It is quite logical, given that the threads of the web, which are carried by the wind through the air, are very similar to the barely silvered threads of women's hair. But, whatever it is called, "Indian summer" in different interpretations is marked by many peoples of the world. So, the Germans call it "grandmother's summer", the Czechs - "spider summer", the French it sounds like "Saint Martin's summer", the Americans call it "Indian summer", rather because of the bright, colorful clothes, like the Bulgarians - " gypsy."

Among the Ingush, as the famous ethnographer Sultan Mereshkov told us, according to ancient legends, the threads of the web flying through the air at that time were called “sa bagara doagIa mazash” (threads of the web that stretch from the mouth of a deer). Where does this expression come from? According to the ancient Ingush calendar month"this I'ha butt" (the month of the roar of the deer) covers the end of September and the middle of October. At this time, and there is an alleged season " Indian summer". This expression is due to the fact that at that time a massive roar of deer began and it lasted no more than 10 days. Then at dawn, especially in clear weather, in the mountains on quiet evenings, a drawn-out, slightly sad, peculiarly beautiful call of deer was heard, reminiscent of the sound of a trumpet, symbolizing strength. wildlife going into winter shutters. This phenomenon coincided with a flying web that stretched through the air, clinging to branches and everything that was in their path. And the Ingush had a very developed deer cult, the images on the crypts also speak of this, deer horns in sanctuaries, ornaments on felt carpets, deer figurines found in mountainous Ingushetia, etc.

According to the recollections of a resident of the village. Troitsky Satsita Barakhoeva, it was this time of the year - the beginning of autumn, that the Ingush in the old days called "mazash teisa ha" (the time when the web flies), or "sa bagar mazash uh ha" (the time when threads of the web stretch from the mouth of a deer). According to representatives of the older generation, the Ingush waited for this time, considering it favorable for the collection of wild rose, medlar and other gifts of the forest. In the Ingush name of this natural phenomenon, the woman herself is not indicated in any way, but the Women's Day, which was magnificently celebrated in the old days, took place at this time of the year. Idris Bazorkin talks about this very figuratively and vividly in his artistic and historical novel “From the Darkness of Ages”. The holiday was called “khalnah tsey” (women's holiday). “In autumn, the highlanders always had many holidays. Field work is coming to an end, and people want to relax together ... The old people said that in old times the women's holiday was celebrated for three, and even for seven days in a row ... Men considered it a woman's stupidity, but they were afraid to openly contradict (condemnation of others). It was a kind of rest, after intense working days. Women from all nearby villages left home problems, from work and enjoyed being away from home, in the bosom of the fading beauty of nature, as beautiful as the woman herself. They picked wild berries, arranged races, demonstrating the ability to own a horse, sang songs, joked. Restrained in everyday worries, they liberated themselves at their pleasure and returned to dreary and difficult everyday life, a little tired, but rested.

The researcher I. Blaramberg also spoke about this holiday, which took place in early autumn: “During the holiday, they find a place away from men and have fun without violating customs ...”. This joyful event took place during the period called “Indian summer”, and in the Ingush interpretation “mazash tus ha” (the time when the web flies). Apparently, this short period of a natural phenomenon has absorbed so much beautiful, bright, charming and generous, which fills the female image, which involuntarily suggests a name of this kind, like “Indian summer” among the Slavs and many peoples; or special attention to the woman herself, as it shows us the bright women's holiday in the old days among the Ingush people. Surely, the Ingush have a similar name for this short pore autumn, but the Ingush weather calendar simply could not fail to mark it, not to designate it.

Spider migration is a phenomenon that is widespread even in middle lane, in warm climatic zones, this process is fascinating, and sometimes frightening, since the scale of migration is impressive and sometimes it seems that the sky is covered with a black cloud that does not let the sun's rays through.

The fact that spiders fly can hardly be called a secret or some kind of scientific sensation, it is a natural, well-studied natural phenomenon that has clear causes and effects. However, before it became clear to scientists how spiders fly, this mystery of nature gave rise to numerous speculations, sometimes logical, and sometimes frankly ridiculous. So, according to one version, it was believed that barely noticeable threads flying across the sky are evaporation of pine resin, the amount of which by the beginning of autumn exceeds the norm that is comfortable for the tree, so it gets rid of the excess in this way. With microdamages that can be caused by a person, bird, animal or bad weather, an amber sticky resin will intensively stand out on the surface of the pine, which hardens in the air, turning into long transparent threads that the wind picks up and carries away.

Another, perhaps the most exotic version was the doctrine of the condensed rays of the sun, which are sent to the planet by a distant patron, helping in such a simple way to keep warm for the winter. The reason for the theory of the appearance of "condensed rays" was the fact that thin, barely noticeable threads began to actively appear precisely at the time of the onset of Indian summer, that is, a period of warm and sunny weather, after which a long period of cold weather would surely come. It was believed that it was at this time that pre-prepared enhanced solar rays came to the planet, carrying heat and light, if not for the entire winter period, then at least for the coldest months.

Now, however, both of these theories can be called nothing more than good fairy tale for children, since the appearance of thin threads of poutine in the sky is well studied by observations, experiments and experimental tests. This phenomenon can even be used when creating a new generation aircraft, which will mainly use the energy of the sun and wind, which will help to significantly save earth's energy resources.

It is important to remember that the migration of spiders through flights is a common natural phenomenon, but not a harbinger of problems, illnesses, hardships and litigation. Even in South America, the mainland, where this process takes on incredible proportions, you should not panic and expect the worst, you just need to remember that history will repeat itself in a year.

In the last warm days of September, grown up spiders of some species go on an exciting journey, designed to help preserve the population, as well as provide food. Small spiders fly, which have recently hatched from eggs, and are already ready for grandiose changes in their lives, it is they who begin to weave a web in an unusual way so that the wind current can pick it up and carry it to a new place of residence. The traveler's web is weaved like this - having climbed onto a high windy place, the spider begins to make support threads that can hold its weight and a new transverse web on which it will move. Clinging tightly to the abdomen, where special arachnoid warts are located, the spider moves to the most windy part of the web, where it then attaches tightly. A strong gust of wind blows out a loop of the web and its weaker edge breaks away from the supporting threads, it is at this moment that the spider begins to actively develop a new thread, on which it will go on a journey.

When the length of the thread reaches 10-15 cm, the spider runs to the base and bites it off with strong jaws, and the torn off strip of the web begins to soar in the streams of cold and warm air, driven by the wind. The distance that a spider will cover can never be predicted exactly, because an unexpected obstacle may arise on the way, or the flight itself may not take place if there is more than one young spider at the starting point. Just do not think that the flight of spiders is uncontrolled, allocating a portion of the web, thereby lengthening the thread and slowing down the flight due to an increase in mass, the flight can be slowed down, and if you bite off too much, you can quickly gain altitude and increase speed. But landing, despite all the efforts of the traveler, takes place in the branches of large trees, bridge supports, ship masts and roofs of buildings. If, after a thorough inspection, the “owner” remains dissatisfied with his own possessions, then the journey continues until a warm one is found. wet place capable of providing warmth in the winter.

Interestingly, far from all representatives of the arachnid order are engaged in flights, this is a favorite pastime of side walkers, certain small types of tenetniks, as well as wolf spiders, other species prefer to settle nearby and are quite satisfied with the tight neighborhood.

Migration certain types spiders is caused by their natural survival instinct and the desire to settle as rarely as possible, that is, to have enough chances to preserve the population, this natural phenomenon falls in autumn, the time when the young spider matures and becomes ready to reproduce offspring.

Olga Tretyakova
Watching a spider in the fall with older preschool children.


1. Continue to form children's ideas about the diversity of insects.

2. Learn to establish links between the features of the structure and the mode of movement.

3. Activate dictionary by topic: abdomen, clings, flies, larva.

4. Raise interest in insects, respect for them.

Note: observation can be carried out both on the territory kindergarten, as well as beyond. Preferably in groups

Observation course.

Guys, today I want to introduce you to how some insects prepare for winter. Do you want to know about it? Let's very quietly part the leaves that have fallen to the ground. What do you see there? (Answers 2 - 3 children) You correctly noted that there are adult insects here, but you can still see their larvae. Insects, like bears, hibernate. They hide under the leaves, in the cracks and crevices of the bark on the trees and hibernate there.

So, who is hiding under the foliage and in the crevices of the bark? (Answers of children - larvae, adult insects)

But that is not all. Take a close look at the branches shrubs, fences, what do you see there? Have you noticed anything unusual? (Answers 2 - 3 children)

Guys, I want to tell you a riddle “The sieve is hanging not twisted by hand”. What do you think it is? (Answers 2 - 3 children) That's right, this is a web, that's what we see with you on the tops of plants, on tree branches, on fences and various buildings.

Guys, and the web is whose house? (Answers 2 - 3 children)

Yes, they build a web spiders, in the summer with the help of a web they catch their food, but in autumn, the web helps spiders find a place for hibernation. Spiders climb onto plant branches, fences, stick to them with their abdomen and release a cobweb. When the wind blows, the packs unhook and fly on the web until it clings to something. So they are looking for a place to winter.

Do you remember from which places the spiders go on a trip? (Answers 2 - 3 children)

Let's let's observe how the wind will carry the spider with its cobweb.

Did you like it watch the spiders? (Answers 2 - 3 children) I want to ask you, if today on the site, when you walk, you see some more insects that have not yet fallen asleep, watch them and then tell us what you learned. Agreed?