All questions regarding obtaining information on royalties for publications in the English versions of journals published by Pleades Publishing should be directed to the editors of the journals.

How to get a fee

Step 2:

Prepare documents:

In order to expedite the registration procedure at the bank, we ask you to download and fill out the attached form in advance.

To receive a fee, you must have a passport with you. For citizens of Russia, a valid internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. For foreign authors with a foreign passport, a notarized translation of the passport into Russian is additionally required.

To receive a power of attorney fee for your colleagues (relatives), you must fill out the power of attorney form and notarize it or properly at the place of work of the trustee.

Step 3:

Contact the bank for a fee:

Contacting the bank and receiving the fee occurs on the day on which you will be recorded. With the prepared documents, you need to contact the bank branch selected during the registration.

For addresses and opening hours of branches, see section

See more

We ask you to be understanding of the presence of queues and long service times at the bank - this is an inevitable moment due to the large document flow when opening an account and making payments, which affects the service time of each client. At the same time, opening a bank account is a one-time procedure, and as the majority already have accounts, the service time will be significantly reduced.


In order to speed up the registration procedure at the bank, we ask you, if possible, to download and fill out the attached form in advance.

To receive a fee, you must have a passport with you. For citizens of Russia, an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. For foreign authors with a passport, you additionally need notarized translation of the passport into Russian.

It is also advisable to provide a TIN (if any) - this will speed up the procedure for opening an account (it is enough to know the number, the certificate itself is not necessary).

To receive a power of attorney fee for your colleagues (relatives), you must fill out the power of attorney form and notarize it or properly at the place of work of the trustee.

Attention: power of attorney options in any form are not accepted!

For all authors who are not tax residents Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of Article 142.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2018 N 693 "On the implementation of international automatic exchange of financial information with the competent authorities foreign countries(territories)", when applying for the payment of a fee to Expobank LLC, it is necessary to provide information about your country of tax residence and the corresponding tax number (TIN). To confirm the tax number, you must present the appropriate document - a tax certificate, as well as the completed application form attached below.


Checkout address and opening hours

Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 29, building 2
Directions: from the Komsomolskaya metro station, exit towards the Leningradsky railway station, then to the Leningradskaya hotel, after the railway bridge, turn right and walk 200 m.

Checkout hours:
Mon-Thurs: from 10-00 to 15-30
Fri: from 10-00 to 15-00
Sat, Sun: days off

Saint Petersburg

Checkout address and opening hours

St. Petersburg, st. Chapaeva, 15, lit. A, room 8-H

Hello dear guests!

Website invites everyone to earn.

  • No affiliate programs
  • No links
  • There are no minimum payout limits.

It's very simple: become the author of this site, publish any of your articles and get a fee for each published text. If after approval your article is published, then you are guaranteed to receive a bonus reward of up to $10.

Now a little more

  1. Anyone can become an author. To do this, you just need to register in the system. When registering, you must specify your wmz wallet. Or you can add it later when editing your profile. Later, your bonuses will be transferred to it.
  2. After that, you can start writing articles.
  3. After submitting the article for approval to the moderator, you will have to wait (usually from 2 to 24 hours). If your text meets our requirements, then your article will be published.
  4. After your article is approved and published, your fee will be transferred to you within 2 hours to the wmZ wallet you specified.

Article Requirements

  • Mandatory requirement: The article must not have been previously published online. Therefore, do not copy them from other Internet sources. Such articles will be removed immediately.
  • You must be the author of the article or indicate the name of the real author at the end of the article.
  • The article should not be shorter than 500 characters.
  • It is recommended to insert an image appropriate for the topic at the beginning of each article. In this case, the article will be evaluated more expensively.
  • After publication and payment, you no longer have the rights to publish the same article on other resources.

Small additions

  • If, when writing an article, there is no suitable category for it, then place it in the “Miscellaneous” category.
  • After submitting for moderation, you need to wait from 2 to 24 hours (in rare cases, this may take 48 hours) . After that, you will know whether the text was accepted or not. If you followed our rules for writing an article, then be 100% sure that the article will pass and you will be paid a reward.
  • Within a few hours (usually a maximum of 2 hours) after the approval and placement of your article on the site, your earned money will be transferred to you.
  • After you have received payment for an article, all rights to it are transferred to this site and you do not have the right to post the same article on other resources.
  • The cost of an article depends on many factors: which circle of users will be interested in your article, on the content, size, popularity and relevance of the topic, etc. and ranges from $0.1 to $10
  • The cost of articles is estimated by the moderator. Claims for payment for the article are not accepted.
  • The moderator has the right to change the text of the article, remove links to third-party resources (except for free placement)

If you still think or are afraid that your article will not be appreciated, try posting a "test" article. And we will prove to you that everything is fair with us.

Program to support the scientific publication activity of MIPT students and staff for 2020

1. Goals and objectives of the Program:

To increase the indicators of publication activity and citation of articles by MIPT employees;

Raise the reputation of MIPT in the world scientific community;

Encourage students, graduate students and staff of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology to qualitatively and quantitatively increase their publication activity;

To encourage students, graduate students and staff of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology who have achieved high rates of publication activity and citation of articles.

2. Persons eligible for promotion from the Program funds:

MIPT students, graduate students and staff, as well as persons who have lost the specified status no earlier than 8 months before the publication of the article for which encouragement is requested.

Heads and employees of laboratories receiving support in 2019 under the 5-100 program and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 220, MIPT visiting professors and members of teams under their supervision receiving support in 2020 under the 5-100 program ", as well as performers state order for 2020 can not receive basic remuneration from the funds of the Program.

These persons retain the right to receive increased remuneration.

3. Conditions for receiving remuneration from the Program funds:

Only publications that have the type Article (article) or Review (review) according to Scopus are considered.

The publication should indicate "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology" or "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology" as the place of work of the author. (If the address of the organization is required, you can specify "141700 Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Institutsky lane, 9" or "Institutsky lane 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141700"). In the Scopus system, the publication must be assigned to the MIPT profile.

- In 2020, articles published from December 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020, as well as publications published from January 1, 2019 to November 30, 2019, are accepted for consideration under these Rules, if they were indexed by the system Scopus in 2020

4. The amount of remuneration paid:

The program provides for two forms of calculating the amount of remuneration: basic remuneration And increased reward.

Size basic remuneration calculated by the formula:

Where P 1 - the amount of the basic remuneration in rubles,

I is a coefficient proportional to the ratio of the SJR of a journal to the lowest SJR among the journals included in the first quartile for the corresponding subject area (the values ​​of the coefficients for all journals that meet the conditions of the Program are given in ),
k 1 - coefficient taking the following values:
1.4 - if the applicant is the first author or the corresponding author who indicated email address in the domain site or, and the MIPT affiliation is listed first in the publication in order;
1.2 - if the applicant is the first author or the author responsible for correspondence (corresponding author), who indicated an email address in the domain site or, and the MIPT affiliation is indicated in the publication second in order;
1 - in other cases.

k2- coefficient equal to 0.3 if total publication authors exceeds 20, and equals 1 in other cases,
N MIPT- the number of authors of the publication who indicated MIPT as their place of work.
The total amount of the basic remuneration received by an employee (student/postgraduate student) for a year cannot exceed 600,000 rubles, while the amount of the main remuneration assigned to an author for one publication cannot exceed 200,000 rubles.

Increased remuneration Awarded for publication in the following journals:

Journal title

Nature Materials

Nature Nanotechnology

Nature Photonics

Nature Chemistry

Nature Biotechnology

Journal of the American Mathematical Society

nature geoscience

Annals of Mathematics

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Physical Review Letters

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

ACM Computing Surveys

Proceedings of the IEEE

Size increased remuneration calculated by the formula:

Where P 2 - the amount of the increased remuneration in rubles.

The total amount of the increased remuneration received by an employee (student/postgraduate student) for the year cannot exceed 600,000 rubles, while the amount of the main remuneration assigned to an author for one publication cannot exceed 300,000 rubles.

If an increased remuneration is assigned for a publication, the main remuneration for it is not assigned.

5. Procedure for receiving remuneration

Within 10 working days after registration, the application is checked for compliance with the requirements of the Program. The author is notified of the decision by e-mail. If a positive response is received on the compliance of the article with the requirements of the Program, the author is prohibited from re-applying for remuneration for the same article.

For questions, applicants can contact by e-mail

You have written a wonderful article and want to publish it in the magazine " main book"? It's real. Moreover, the publishing house pays its authors well.

But before you send us the material, make sure that:

  • the topic of your article is interest for our readers - accountants of commercial organizations. This is a topical issue on accounting, taxation or labor relations and it has practical solution;
  • your article does not retell the standard and known rules, but describes, based on these rules, the sequence of actions of an accountant - what how And When do;
  • Your recommendations are based on the requirements normative documents, clarifications from the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service and other departments, and, if necessary, an analysis judicial practice the reader must understand why it is necessary to act in this way;
  • the article is not too long - no more than 20,000 characters(with spaces);
  • the article you would like to submit to us, not published before in other publications or on the Internet.

Keep in mind that we publish only high-quality materials, so your article will not only pass three-step verification by our experts, but also subject to literary processing. Be prepared to make corrections to the article according to our comments after each stage of the review.
Depending on the amount of revision of the material, the terms of its publication can be from 2 weeks to 1 month from the date of submission of the material to the editorial office.
The final version of the article, which has passed all stages of processing, will be agreed with you. If you do not agree with it, we reserve the right to publish the material without indicating the name of the author.

Fee will be paid to you after the publication of the journal with your article.

If the editorial staff has produced significant finalization of the material, the size of the author's fee can be reduced depending on the labor costs of the editorial office, up to 0.6 rubles per character.

The royalties are officially paid, that is, we will report your income in tax authorities. You have the right to declare a professional tax deduction(in the amount of 20% of income or in the amount of confirmed expenses), by submitting an application to the editor before the contract is signed.

Your article

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