On their official page in social network Instagram Nastasya Samburskaya published a photo showing a thin gold wedding ring. “Now we definitely didn’t joke. Yes, the bride was in black, there wasn’t enough money for white. She didn’t throw a bouquet, because it was heavy and could inadvertently knock down a registry office worker. I’m happy. when necessary. I am loved and love, which is what I wish you all 😘," Samburskaya said in the caption to the publication.


Numerous subscribers showered lovers with congratulations. "Cool 😍Congratulations 💕", "That's what I understand a beautiful couple)) Otherwise, before him, everyone was not very good", "Cool! I'm happy for you! What's there to be surprised, she won't be alone all her life, strange people what wonder! My favorite actress! Greetings and Happiness to you from me from sunny Shymkent _ Kazakhstan!", "Ooooh I just dreamed about this day 😍 be happy", "Congratulations 🎊🎉 Love and well-being in the family (authors' spelling and punctuation preserved. - Approx. ed.)" , - netizens commented on the photo.

Note that this is not the first joint picture of Samburskaya and Dytsevich. In the summer, in her account, Nastasya posted a photo in which she was captured with an actor on a motorcycle. The couple literally beamed with happiness. Then the actress accompanied the publication with the signature Just married, which translates from English as "newlyweds." Fans immediately decided that the lovers got married.

The chosen one of Samburskaya is six years younger. Kirill Dytsevich is 24 years old, he has 18 works in various projects. He graduated from the Belarusian state academy works in cinema since 2012. Actor of the Moscow Pushkin Theatre.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Kirill Dytsevich could not get along under the same roof.

Nastasya Samburskaya planned for new year holidays go to the ocean with my husband Honeymoon. But she spends her holidays on the islands with her friend Natalya Rudova.

During the break between filming in "Revizorro" and work in the theater, Samburskaya sunbathes, bathes, and gains strength for the new working year. Feelings about unsuccessful marriage with Kirill Dytsevich, the actress shares only with loved ones.

The novel by Nastasya Samburskaya and Kirill Dytsevich was unexpected for fans, but not for the actor's relatives who live in a small Belarusian town. The couple met several years ago. " With none of his girls, Cyril had never reached a marriage proposal before. He always had enough fans in Belarus, in Ukraine, where TV shows with his participation are often shown. After trips to Moscow, Kirill said that he had a girlfriend in Russia who sunk into his heart, but hid her name. Later we learned that this is the actress Samburskaya", - said a friend of Dytsevich.

Nastasya Samburskaya was against publicizing her personal life, so she forbade the chosen one to tell the details of the relationship to her friends and the press. Cyril is close to his mother and even at the beginning of the novel brought Nastasya to his native Belarusian city of Berezy, where he introduced him to his parents.

Cyril is 25, Nastasya is 30, but the age difference did not bother anyone. Samburskaya is in great shape, besides, she liked to make decisions herself, and the chosen one did not want to resist. It's no secret that financially Samburskaya is much more successful than Dytsevich. That's why the last word was behind her, including about the first appearance at the event. This happened in the fall at the presentation of one of the TV channels, Nastasya and Cyril held hands: they recognized her and took pictures, but no one paid attention to him, and it was she who published the photo from the registry office. So the country learned about this wedding.

The star of Instagram and the Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, the new host of Revizorro Samburskaya was happy with the young actor. Dytsevich starred in TV series while still studying at the acting department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts. By the way, while I was a student, I lived in a hostel in Minsk. Went to Moscow to shoot and earn money, and after receiving a diploma, he moved to the capital - closer to real earnings and beloved woman. He continued to act in serials.

Russian viewers have already seen Dytsevich in the love melodramas of the Rossiya1 channel, for example, in the TV series Forbidden Love. And two years ago he won the Mister Belarus contest. But the handsome Dytsevich is not a white hand, but a handy guy, he himself said in an interview: “ I'm from Bereza, I can do everything. And drive a tractor, by the way…»

Dytsevich was fascinated by the beautiful and daring Samburskaya and did not resist rapid development novel: an idyll reigned in their relationship - they understood each other perfectly, leaving for the shooting, the couple was constantly in touch, and soon Cyril moved to Nastasya's renovated apartment. The "Snow Queen" Samburskaya finally gave up - Dytsevich found an approach to her, and he turned out to be comfortable in everyday life, the couple had already looked after the New Year's tour.

But then the unthinkable happened. Kirill Dytsevich's mother gave an interview - Nina Vladimirovna told reporters about her daughter-in-law Samburskaya. Only compliments were addressed to the actress: “ A good, kind girl, young people are not in a hurry with their grandchildren ...» But there was no permission from the daughter-in-law for the interview, so there was a scandal, the couple had a serious quarrel. And young and hot should only start to sort things out. It all ended with Cyril moving out of his wife's living space with his things.

And the hot one in this couple is the wife. Nastasya, for example, once cracked a colleague in the theater with a chair - a woman contradicted her. Recall that Samburskaya had enough novels - she was never deprived male attention but did not provide details. Relations with relatives (mother and brother who live in Saratov region) stopped after they talked to reporters and talked about Nastasya. At the same time, Samburskaya always helped her relatives with money. But she forbade her relatives to attend talk shows and communicate with the press. She gives all the interviews.

« Since childhood, I have been complex and self-sufficient.”, - quotes Nastasya “teleprogramma.pro”. The actress did not hide that she was used to a certain lifestyle: for example, to dine in restaurants, to travel. Before the affair with her future husband, Samburskaya said that her man could not be lower in status. But love, apparently, forced the actress to change her point of view. But not for long - after all, Nastasya remained true to herself. And it will benefit her: after all, the actress herself noticed that the more she suffers, the more successful everything is in her work. Means new season"Revizorro" on the channel "Friday!" January should be good.

Today, the star of the series "Univer" and the film "Give me back my love" Nastasya Samburskaya officially married her longtime boyfriend Kirill Dytsevich. Photos with a ring in the registry office only confirm this news!

As the actress jokes in the caption to the picture, on White dress there was not enough money, and she did not throw the bride's bouquet. Too weighty flower arrangement could inadvertently injure the registry office worker. Neither the husband nor the young woman are particularly worried about the scale of the event, according to the bright actress - she loves, is loved and is happy. What he wishes to all fans of her talent and opponents outrageous antics and controversial behavior of the TV star.

PHOTO: Nastasya Samburskaya and Kirill Dytsevich (husband and wife)

The chosen one of Nastasya Samburskaya, whom she officially married this fall, is a popular actor in her homeland, who won the Mister Belarus contest in 2016. This was the first event of this kind among our Slavic brothers, so 24-year-old Kirill Dytsevich attracted special attention with his beauty. A little later, the actor starred in several romantic melodramas, which further provoked the female half of the viewers, subdued by his external data. The guy did not receive special praise for his dramatic talent. AND for a long time nothing was heard of him.

PHOTO of husband Nastasya Samburskaya

For the first time, the actors appeared together at a social event in the summer of 2018, while their relationship was clearly not platonic.

It was whispered in the acting environment that Samburskaya prefers gentlemen younger than herself - there were still her impressions of the scandal over the actress's romance with a 16-year-old teenager. Then the traffic police stopped the couple on a motorcycle for speeding, and it turned out that the beauty's companion Mikhail Veselkin was a minor!

Photo from N. Samburskaya's personal blog

Shortly before this, Samburskaya was at the epicenter of a scandal with former spouse Ksenia Borodina - Kurban Omarov. At the beginning of the summer, the actress was vacationing in Spain, and the producer and businessman went to her just to offer a job in a new project. It is strange that on the basis of some basin and mobile phone, captured in the picture of Nastasya and on the post at Omar, researchers of the personal life of the stars were able to draw such ambiguous conclusions. Accusations of craving for strangers fell on the actress family problems, and even Borodina arranged a public vendetta for a young woman, insulting her with all the obscene language that she was capable of in her microblog.

Because of this, Samburskaya even agreed to take part in the lie detector talk show, where she refused close relations with the former spouse of the Doma-2 TV presenter. The device confirmed the innocence of the actress throughout the country, but there was no apology from Borodina.

But the actress Nastasya Samburskaya, who officially married on November 10, 2018, was especially angry with the comments of her subscribers after participating in the show "Battle of Psychics". Then the actress acted as a guest star, and clairvoyants told the truth about her life in live. It turned out that Samburskaya had a difficult relationship with her relatives, whom she did not really like.

So Nastasya's brother lives in his father's house and does not try to justify his idleness. Sometimes he calls his famous sister and asks for money. The girl's father was imprisoned when she was only 5 years old, and she practically does not remember him. The mother of the actress lives in poverty because of her addiction to alcohol, although famous daughter and bought her her own house.

Subscribers rushed to give advice to the popular beauty, to which she reacted very angrily and forbade them to comment on their posts.

The news that Nastasya Samburskaya got married was confirmed by official sources (see photo and video).

Nastasya Samburskaya and Kirill Dytsevich

Now we're definitely not joking. Yes, the bride was in black, there was not enough money for white. I didn’t throw a bouquet, because it was heavy and could inadvertently knock down a registry office worker. I'm happy. My husband doesn't suffer either. Babies will be born when needed. I am loved and love, which I wish you all,

Nastasya wrote, demonstrating not only the ring on her ring finger, but also her new husband, actor Kirill Dytsevich, known on the Web for Mot's video "At the Bottom". For both Samburskaya and Dytsevich, marriage was the first.

Today it became known that Nastasya Samburskaya will become the new host of the Revizorro program. He spoke about this in detail CEO TV channel "Friday!" Nikolai Kartozia on the page in Instagram:

1. For a year now, Nastasya has been working on "Friday" in the program " spring-cleaning". I had time to get to know her well, take a closer look. And you know what - in her I saw the very quality that is so necessary for our Revizorro project: intolerance for any manifestations of injustice and the desire to restore human rightness. I'm sure she will become excellent "Revizorro". Honest and principled. And her 9 million followers on Instagram will support her in this.
2. Now about Lena the Flying. I love Lena. And again I want to say words of gratitude and love to her. Auditors are not born. But it was her a few years ago that I chose for this role. Then she was not yet the queen of SanPiNov, a blond beast of cleanliness and order. The casting was huge, but it was in her that I saw a genuine feeling - she reacted unusually sharply to any manifestation of injustice.
But it is precisely this, and not gender, age, leg length or hair color, that is the defining quality in order to be chosen for the role of auditor. And my instinct didn't deceive me. Lena and the format "Revizorro" invented by our colleagues coincided so well, complemented each other so much that now we can safely talk about the whole "Flying era" in the life of the Revizorro project.
3. A new era is coming. A year ago, Lena decided to end her career at Revizorro. And publicly announced this to the audience on Friday. Since then, we have been in search of a new "revizorro" for a whole year. We even held the "School of Revizorro" competition, but you didn't like any of its graduates. You voted against the pupils of the "School". Lena Volatile herself is now leading new program. She chose the main, judging by the number "1" in the title, the country's TV channel. And we, her friends and colleagues, are terribly happy for her, because we believe that this is where her well-deserved place is.