Many guys always ask the same question: how much attention needs to pay attention to the girlAnd not understanding so far the exact and correct answer. The problem lies not only in the absence of the right and necessary knowledge, but also in the elementary absence of courage, determination and desire.

After all, some guys feel the fear of girls who blocks all of the movement and mind, respectively, even if knowledge is: how much attention to the girl Enough, they still will not be able to apply the knowledge of knowledge in practice due to fear. Therefore, today, we will analyze with you this question, leading the most interesting and effective methods And the ways that every guy could not just understand how much attention to the girl, but he could overcome his fear of girls and applied all the knowledge gained in practice.

Girls biologically and neurologically different from boys; They communicate and communicate in different ways with children and receive education with various social expectations. Parents, psychologists and teachers should be aware of these differences in the diagnosis of children. Hyperactivity was considered the most important element of symptoms associated with this disorder. Girls show signs of inattention and forget, not hyperactivity. The signs that men are present are underlined, because they are easier to watch.

Girls tend to be more complicated and less active and aggressive. Girls who are inattentive, easily distracted, disorganized and calm, get less attention from parents and teachers than children who represent themselves as destructive, hyperactive, impulsive and complex.

Do you need much attention?

Some girls will answer this question, and they will say that they need a lot of attention and even more. But should I believe these girls and follow their advice? Of course not, since much attention To the girl, this is a sign of your attachment and the fact that you simply cannot restrain yourself. Of course, and unnecessarily forget about the girl, as she will just leave you, realizing that you don't need it. Caution must be in moderation. Also, when dating girls, attention too much should not be at all. Better read: what to talk about on a date, and you will understand the basic principles that you will definitely help understand how much attention to the girl, and you will use knowledge for your own purposes.

The reason for this would be that girls were accustomed to treat each other, giving special meaning verbal communication. Cooperation and sensitivity to the needs of other people will be priorities in typical relationship between girls. It can negatively affect other girls. Children interact through the exchange of activities in which competition, problems, intelligence and risk are dominated, with a high level of activity. In turn, in more passive actions, such as video games or computers, visual-motor coordination over the verbal interaction prevails.

Do you often call her?

You must first appreciate the situation of all your relationships, as they have different, respectively, different and methods to solve the problem. There is no one recipe for all, but possible thanks to the basics, independently build a good relationship. To do this, rate the situation and understand whether you often call your girlfriend. If you are still in the early stages of relationships, then you need to call only when you are going to invite a girl on a date.

That is why children with the difficulties of expression will be less affected in their activities oriented on social world. Some girls who cannot relate to their peers of the same sex interact with the boys, participate in such competitions as sports. The views of their peers as "macho" in the early years will find the recognition of their peers in adolescence, concentrating them social life Around sports teams with other girls.

For other girls, hyperactivity is manifested as hyperverragic and emotionally excitable. These girls can take the roles like "crazy" or "attracting attention", in an attempt to find recognition of their partners. For 10 years, these girls can invade risky situations and behaviors such as drugs, alcohol and sexual succity. It is thanks to this behavior, they will try to compensate their academic difficulties, the lack of their achievements and social differences.

Of course, it is not worth calling every day and hear failures. Call 2 days after a date and agree on the next, then the girl will understand that you will not run behind her, and starts trying to conquer you. Just if your relationships are already developing quite a long time, then it is also recommended to exclude continuous and daily calls to the girl. If you like a girl, she if you miss myself call back even in order to just talk. It all depends only on you, but if you want to understand how much attention to the girl you need, you need to act and experiment, otherwise you will not learn anything.

Usually symptoms of anxiety and depression lead parents and teachers to counseling for the girl. In fact, it can be very demoralizing to understand that regardless of how smart you are, you will not be able to control your feelings and behavior. These are girls, more often develop psychological or emotional problems than children.

Many times parents and teachers lose patience, annoying and feel helpless in the face of the difficulties of their daughters. They believe that they spend time, a lot of energy and attention, without seeing results. Support and support for these girls must include tasks and lessons in which they are taught to delegate and act without the need to constantly seek help to another. For example, although you may need to do homework In the kitchen, under the supervision of your mother, in a structured environment you will not need to perform every exercise on your side.

In brutal, introvert and intimate girls will have their own social difficulties. In some cases, it is difficult for them to express themselves. They usually ignore their peers. They are prone to isolate at school and are limited to one or two friends outside the school.

They are concerned and are very focused on their homework. These girls usually experience difficulties when they pass through the school and when they are presented more complex tasks. Usually they are very little socialized, unable to achieve a balance between recreational activities and school.

Girls appreciate your attention

Of course, girls love attention that pay They guys, but only in cases where it is attention to the measure. It is unnecessary to run for a girl and spoil your reputation before others. Girls and so quite a lot, if you do not like one, then it is better not to run after it, because there is the one you will like to like. Well, like this, how much do you need to pay attention to the girl?

Recent studies show that a first-class, hyperactive and impulsive child, without the symptoms of inattention and distracting attention, is difficult to find. Therefore, parents, teachers and therapists should focus more on these symptoms common to boys and girls who are more difficult to detect.

Only a small percentage of girls this type, although most girls are diagnosed. They are physically hyperactive, require great attention, defiantly, aggressive, interfere with risky actions and invade their satellites into the space. Their tables and books are messy and disorganized, they are disorganized, in general, their editorial board is bad and untreated. They usually write in the fields, forget to leave the gap between the words, etc. They have difficulty thin motility, they cannot control the pencil, the size of letters and pressure.

The answer, of course, depends on the situation and the age of your relationship. But in any case, attention should be, but it needs to be created as little as possible, so that the girl began to take interest and attention to you. Then your life will change for the better, as the girl will already be infinite to call you, inviting on dates. And you, so you will realize that the girls feel when they call and bother other guys. Rightly girls begin to run away from the guys who feel great affection, which is completely unnecessary to understand how much attention to the girl.

Their workplaces and tasks are a sign of a chaotic way, with the help of which information reaches its goals, the answers can be correct, but the teachers must face a messy, untidy and incomprehensible sheet. They are shown a girl in school, an overly talkative and a restless girl who are fighting to work quietly, they are excited, they interrupt their classmate often "jump" from the topic to the topic, or continue endlessly at one point. Being so dramatic and controlling, they tend to see their peers as leaders, charismatic or otherwise as spoiled and powerful.

Darite gifts

Of course for development good relationships With girls, you need to learn in moderation, but to pay a high quality attention. And the gift will be what you need. Having giving a gift to the girl, you, as it were, a little paid attention, but she will be nice and she will begin to respect you even more.

They emotionally exclude, quickly change the mood, participate in intensive disputes or crying. At home, they can be irritable, capricious and unmotivated, with low tolerance for disappointment. They have difficulty sleeping, how to fall asleep and get up to go to school.

These girls are more complicated than destructive and passive from the point of view of school. They may be inactive or slow. Being smug and obedient rules and slogans, they rarely attract the attention of their teachers. They are shy and not speak in the classroom in general, fearing to make mistakes and make rink to their peers. Apparently, they seem to visit their teacher, although in general they are immersed in their thoughts. These are girls with low self-esteem, avoid problems and tend to surrender easily.

But here the main thing is not to be mistaken as many guys who begin to just bother the girl in expensive gifts. Then the girl is already starting to love not you, and your money. Therefore, you just just give gifts on the holidays. Well, in any other unexpected day, but what would it be so often and did not enter as a simple habit, then any gift loses its value. After all, the main thing is not a gift, but attention, so dear gifts It is meaningless, you will only worsen your relationship with her.

The inattention girl tends to be disorganized, forgetful and generally concerned with school tasks. His teachers can be considered less smart than in fact. Their biggest fear is called in the classroom, so they avoid any contacts with their teachers. It is difficult for them to express yourself, although they can know the answers; However, they do not have this problem in their homes or close friends. Inattentive girls who have no difficulty learning, will be diagnosed very late.

These girls are intellectually shiny, have the ability and resources to compensate for their difficulties, however psychological consequencesAlthough less obvious, damage. Some of these girls are due to stress, energy and efforts used for progress, can develop depression or anxiety in adulthood.


There are guys who are very much preventing their shyness not only when communicating with girls, but also in life. Such guys are afraid that the girl can leave them, begin to worry and cock. Remember one thing that fear is the most chief enemy This is all. Therefore, first come across self-development, and then start to meet and meet with girls. After all, your shyness is a sign of different fears that you need to fight with them, be a bold and decisive guy, and for this you need to continuously and regularly do self-development. It will also be useful for you to read: how to stop shy, as such guys not only do not understand how much attention should be attention to the girl, they can not calm down at all when dating and girls come from them, since they did not receive any attention.

Maturation and development: At each point of growth, the girls must face certain problems that will allow them to go to another stage. Each new stage of development requires certain skills. On the contrary, some of them require slower learning, which will have the consequences not only at home, but also at school and in front of their classmates. These delays of ripening are manifested, for example, in the preference of girls to play with toys or younger children. These will be girls who need more support from parents and understanding of teachers.

That's all that we were going to disassemble with you about how much you need attention to the girl . Applying all the knowledge gained in practice, you yourself will be able to not only understand how much attention is needed to the girl, but also feel it all by mistakes and failures, and if you are weak spirit, then give up and without building normal relations.

Many guys always ask the same question: how much and, not understanding so far the exact and correct answer. The problem lies not only in the absence of the right and necessary knowledge, but also in the elementary absence of courage, determination and desire. After all, some guys feel the fear of girls who blocks all of the movement and mind, respectively, even if knowledge is: how much attention to the girl is enough, they still will not be able to apply these knowledge in practice due to fear. Therefore, today, we will analyze this issue with you, leading the most interesting and efficient methods and ways that every guy could not just understand how much the girl needs, but I could overcome your fear of girls and used all the knowledge gained in practice.

They ask themselves: why is it so difficult for me for my classmates is so difficult? Parents must support their daughters, recalling them that everyone has his time to learn, assuring them that they will reach their time and practice, developing each of the skills.

Each new situation puts a new problem to the child, which should be solved, a new task. That is why the support of an adult who helps you summarize your experience for such, has vital important. Another very important skill that the girl will have to become an adult will be monitoring and monitoring its own behavior. The ability to evaluate your way to communicate with other people and adapt it to various situations And people. Understand what influence they have on their classmates or teachers.

Do you need much attention?

Some girls will answer this question, and they will say that they need a lot of attention and even more. But should I believe these girls and follow their advice? Of course not, as much attention to the girl, this is a sign of your attachment and the fact that you simply cannot restrain yourself. Of course, and unnecessarily forget about the girl, as she will just leave you, realizing that you don't need it. Caution must be in moderation. Also, when dating girls, attention too much should not be at all. Better read: what to talk about on a date, and you will understand the basic principles that you will definitely help understand how much attention to the girl, and you will use knowledge for your own purposes.

One of the great difficulties they face is to establish priorities between different incentives that come with the same intensity. "Right" incentive may not stimulate your brain enough, so you do not feel motivated to this. Thus, the difficulty that arises is not to distract attention, but in the short-term period of attention, but in order to regulate attention so that you can focus on incentive, less interesting for her.

After spending everything at school, adapting to the structure of the same and controlling, the girl will need time to achieve a new balance in the house when it moves to another less structured environment. Organization of routine after school - excellent help for these girls.

Do you often call her?

You must first appreciate the situation of all your relationships, as they have different, respectively, different and methods to solve the problem. There is no one recipe for all, but possible thanks to the basics, independently build a good relationship. To do this, rate the situation and understand whether you often call your girlfriend. If you are still in the early stages of relationships, then you need to call only when you are going to invite a girl on a date.

Low stimulation will not allow your brain to function optimally, in fact, a low stimulation environment will cause a girl to create noise, conflict, chaos and excitement. It is not able to carefully regulate the level of stimulation, which he needed for optimal functioning of the brain, it, as a rule, transfers from the state of euphoria and excitement to the desperate search for loneliness and isolation.

This feeling of disorganization and chaos often manifests itself in his personal sites, in disarray and ridiculously his tables, his rooms, as well as his letters. One way to control your ideas and feelings is to impose an obsessive order regarding external things. Thus, it creates an obsessive structure to maintain a sense of control over himself. This tough behavior makes me give up creativity and spontaneity. This behavior leads to a high level of stress and anxiety.

Of course, it is not worth calling every day and hear failures. Call 2 days after a date and agree on the next, then the girl will understand that you will not run behind her, and starts trying to conquer you. Just if your relationships are already developing quite a long time, then it is also recommended to exclude continuous and daily calls to the girl. If you like a girl, she if you miss myself call back even in order to just talk. It all depends only on you, but if you want to understand how much attention to the girl you need, you need to act and experiment, otherwise you will not learn anything.

Usually symptoms of anxiety and depression lead parents and teachers to counseling for the girl. In fact, it can be very demoralizing to understand that regardless of how smart you are, you will not be able to control your feelings and behavior. These are girls, more often develop psychological or emotional problems than children.

Many times parents and teachers lose patience, annoying and feel helpless in the face of the difficulties of their daughters. They believe that they spend time, a lot of energy and attention, without seeing results. Support and support for these girls must include tasks and lessons in which they are taught to delegate and act without the need to constantly seek help to another. For example, although you may need to make your homework in the kitchen, under the supervision of your mother, in a structured environment you will not need to perform every exercise on your side.

In brutal, introvert and intimate girls will have their own social difficulties. In some cases, it is difficult for them to express themselves. They usually ignore their peers. They are prone to isolate at school and are limited to one or two friends outside the school.

They are concerned and are very focused on their homework. These girls usually experience difficulties when they pass through the school and when they are presented more complex tasks. Usually they are very little socialized, unable to achieve a balance between recreational activities and school.

Girls appreciate your attention

Of course, girls like the attention that guys pay them, but only in cases where it is attention to the measure. It is unnecessary to run for a girl and spoil your reputation before others. Girls and so quite a lot, if you do not like one, then it is better not to run after it, because there is the one you will like to like. Well, as it is necessary to pay attention to the girl?

The answer, of course, depends on the situation and the age of your relationship. But in any case, attention should be, but it needs to be created as little as possible, so that the girl began to take interest and attention to you. Then your life will change for the better, as the girl will already be infinite to call you, inviting on dates. And you, so you will realize that the girls feel when they call and bother other guys. Rightly girls begin to run away from the guys who feel great affection, which is completely unnecessary to understand how much attention to the girl.

Their workplaces and tasks are a sign of a chaotic way, with the help of which information reaches its goals, the answers can be correct, but the teachers must face a messy, untidy and incomprehensible sheet. They are shown a girl in school, an overly talkative and a restless girl who are fighting to work quietly, they are excited, they interrupt their classmate often "jump" from the topic to the topic, or continue endlessly at one point. Being so dramatic and controlling, they tend to see their peers as leaders, charismatic or otherwise as spoiled and powerful.

Darite gifts

Of course, for the development of good relationships with girls, you need to learn to moderately, but to pay a qualitatively attention to them. And the gift will be what you need. Having giving a gift to the girl, you, as it were, a little paid attention, but she will be nice and she will begin to respect you even more.

But here the main thing is not to be mistaken as many guys who begin to just bother the girl in expensive gifts. Then the girl is already starting to love not you, and your money. Therefore, you just just give gifts on the holidays. Well, in any other unexpected day, but what would it be so often and did not enter as a simple habit, then any gift loses its value. After all, the main thing is not a gift, but attention, so expensive gifts to give meaninglessly, you will only worsen your relationship with her.

The inattention girl tends to be disorganized, forgetful and generally concerned with school tasks. His teachers can be considered less smart than in fact. Their biggest fear is called in the classroom, so they avoid any contacts with their teachers. It is difficult for them to express yourself, although they can know the answers; However, they do not have this problem in their homes or close friends. Inattentive girls who have no difficulty learning, will be diagnosed very late.

These girls are intellectually shiny, have the ability and resources to compensate for their difficulties, but psychological consequences, although less obvious, are damaged. Some of these girls are due to stress, energy and efforts used for progress, can develop depression or anxiety in adulthood.


There are guys who are very much preventing their shyness not only when communicating with girls, but also in life. Such guys are afraid that the girl can leave them, begin to worry and cock. Remember one thing that fear is the most important enemy in this matter. Therefore, first come across self-development, and then start to meet and meet with girls. After all, your shyness is a sign of different fears that you need to fight with them, be a bold and decisive guy, and for this you need to continuously and regularly do self-development. It will also be useful for you to read: how to stop shy, as such guys not only do not understand how much attention should be attention to the girl, they can not calm down at all when dating and girls come from them, since they did not receive any attention.

That's all that we were going to disassemble with you about how much attention to the girl. Applying all the knowledge gained in practice, you yourself will be able to not only understand how much attention is needed to the girl, but also feel it all by mistakes and failures, and if you are weak spirit, then give up and without building normal relations.

How much and how to pay attention to the girl. Video