Abstract of the lesson on the correction of sound pronunciation

Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist MBDOU "DSKV No. 90"

Topic: “School of the Clever Owl. Sound [S]"

Speech conclusion: ONR - III level speech development

Stage: automation of sound [С] in words, sentences

Purpose: To create conditions for automating the sound [С] in words and sentences.

Correctional - educational:

Pin correct pronunciation sound [С] in syllables, words and sentences, the ability to characterize the sound;

To form the ability to coordinate numerals 1, 2, 3 with nouns.


To develop mental operations of analysis and synthesis, fine and general motor skills, tic hearing, visual perception.

Correctional and educational:

Create conditions for the maximum realization of the child's need for speech communication with a teacher;

To instill self-control skills when performing exercises for the development of phonemic hearing, articulation of sound, the ability to listen to spoken speech;

Cultivate cognitive interest in the lesson.

Equipment: Articulating sound profile C, easel, mirrors, Clever Owl toy, Piano pictures, Magic Ball, Chain Text, Sound Math cards, Listen, Lay, Check game, medal "I made friends with the C sound."

Educational technology: game

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, …. . Glad to see you. Say hello to our guests.

Emotional mood.

Good morning, the birds are singing.

Good people got out of bed.

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning smiling faces.

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

An unusual guest has come to visit us. But you will know it when you guess the riddle. Listen carefully.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night

Whoops, scares people.

Eyes glow in the dark

It is a thunderstorm for all mice. (Owl).

Who is this? That's right, it's an owl! And here she is. The owl is not simple, but smart. She flies only to those children who correctly learned to pronounce sounds. What sound did you learn to make? (sound C)

Clever Owl invites you to her school to find out if you can pronounce the sound C. At school, you will need to complete all her tasks. Are we going with Clever Owl to a magical school?

1,2,3 - turn around.

Find yourself in a magical school.

(Children go to the "school" and stop at an easel with a C sound profile, a mirror)

3. Refinement of the articulation pattern of sound [С].

The first task for you from Clever Owl: tell what you know about the sound C?

1 task "What do I know about sound?"

- .... Let's remember and show how we can pronounce the sound "C".

What do our lips do when we pronounce the sound [C]? (Lips in a smile, teeth closed or close together).

And what does our tongue do when we pronounce the sound [C]? (The tongue with its tip rests on the lower front teeth).

What air stream, warm or cold, comes out of the mouth when we pronounce this sound? Put your palm to your mouth and check (sharp cold jet)

(Children repeat in front of the mirror.)

The owl is glad you know how to pronounce the C sound correctly.

4. Development of phonemic hearing.

Clever Owl wants to know if you can hear the C sound in words.

The game "Listen, lay out, check"

I will name the words. If you hear the sound C in the spoken word, cover the square with a teapot picture. If there is no C sound in the word, the square remains empty. Listen carefully.

- ... count how many words with the sound C I said?

- ... how many words did I say with other sounds?

And you have completed this task.

5. Automation of sound [C] at the syllable level.

Piano game

To fulfill next task, you need to sing a magical “whistling song” with a certain rhythm along with the nightingale. Listen carefully. (The speech therapist shows a sample of the "song" by clicking on the picture with the "piano" keys and pronounces the syllables SA-SA-SA with an emphasis on the 3rd syllable, SY-SY-SY - on the 2nd syllable, CO-CO-CO - on the 1st syllable, SU-SU-SU - by 3)

And now the Owl offers you a little rest. Come out to the circle.


The game "Head, stomach, legs." (Determination of the place of sound [C] in words (beginning, middle, end).

I will call words with the sound [C], and you will have to point to the part of the body, depending on the location of the sound: the head is the beginning of the word, the stomach is the middle, the legs are the end)

Dog, leaf, board, snowman, fox, pineapple, wheel, juice, leaf, globe.

Okay, now we are ready for the next task.

6. Automation of sound [C] at the word level

Game "Magic Ball"

Clever Owl's new task: you need to help Grandma Sovunya.

Little owls tangled the ball of thread from which she wanted to knit warm socks. See how many nodules are on the glomerulus. We need to unravel these knots. The tangle will unravel when you correctly name the pictures with the sound C.

(in front of the children on the easel there is a ball with pictures, they take turns calling the pictures, clearly highlighting the sound C in words)

Good girls, you helped Sovunya unravel the tangle and are ready to hear a new task.

Sound Math Game

Clever Owl decided to find out how you can count objects with the sound C.

(children have 2 cards - with two and three subject pictures:

One plane, one elephant, one dog, two elephants, two dogs, two planes, three planes, three dogs, three elephants

- ... coped with this difficult task of the Owl.

7. Automation of sound [C] at the sentence level.

Chain text "Stas and the dog"

The owl came up with a story and drew pictures for it. Listen carefully.

- ... try to retell the story using reference pictures.

- ... name the words with the sound C that you heard in the story ... .. (Dima)

(Stas, whistle, dog, bowl, piece, table, meat)

Clever Owl was pleased with you.

8. Summary of the lesson.

So our lesson at the magical school ends.

What sound helped you complete all the Clever Owl tasks? Say it again.

- ... which task of the smart owl did you like to do more? And you …?

Clever Owl wants to give each of you just such a medal, which means that you have made friends with the sound [C] and wishes you to cherish this friendship. It's time for us to return to kindergarten, close your eyes.

1, 2, 3 - turn around.

You will find yourself in the ABVGDeika group.

Well done, you tried very hard today, so you clearly and correctly pronounced the sound [C] in syllables, words, sentences. As a gift, Owl left you her favorite sheets - coloring pages with the sound C. Thank you for the activity!

Synopsis of individual speech therapy session

for the correction of sound pronunciation with a student of grade 1

Subject: Sound [l].

Target: Automate the sound [l] in syllables, in words, sentences.


Correctional and educational:

To consolidate the skill of pronouncing the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences;

To form the ability to correlate the phoneme with the corresponding grapheme;

Exercise in the formation of the name of the cubs of animals, relative and possessive adjectives;

Practice matching nouns with numbers.


Develop mobility articulation apparatus;

Develop phonemic perception;

To form the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words; reading skill;

Enrich lexicon, develop coherent speech;

Develop verbal-logical thinking, speech-auditory attention;

Develop a common and fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Correctional and educational:

To cultivate the skill of self-control when pronouncing the sound [l] in speech;

Raise interest in speech therapy classes;

Cultivate respect for the environment.

Equipment: projector, computer, presentation, screen, audio recording "Sounds of the forest"; wall mirror; autumn leaves with tasks; pictures with exercises for articulatory gymnastics; didactic manual "Help the calf find its parents"; tablet for sand therapy, sand; fir cones with letters on them, acorns, chips for making sound patterns, pictures of a squirrel and a bell.

Lesson progress:

Organizational stage (1 min). Greetings:

You smile at me, I smile at you.

Hello bright sunshine!

Hello beautiful sky!

We give thanks for everything

Nature, you!

Motivational-target stage (2 min)

Knowledge update:

Speech therapist: Remember what we learned in the last lesson? (Learned to pronounce the sound [l]).

Creation problem situation:

Speech therapist: Someone threw me at the window

Look at the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What is sneaking into our window?

Who do you know it from?

If you solve the riddle:

Jumping on the branches, not a bird.

Redhead, not a fox? (Squirrel).

Speech therapist: Right. This squirrel invites us for a walk in autumn forest. Shall we accept the squirrel's invitation? (Yes)

Speech therapist: Why do you think the squirrel invited us to the forest? (I think because the word "squirrel" has a sound that we learn to pronounce - the sound [l]).

Motivation to formulate the problem:

Speech therapist: What is your difficulty? (I often make mistakes when pronouncing the sound [l]).

Motivation to formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson:

Speech therapist: Guess what we will learn in class? (Let's continue learning to pronounce the sound [l]).

Speech therapist: For what purpose? ( To control yourself and not make mistakes).

IV. Indicative stage (1 min):

Speech therapist: What is needed to achieve the goal? (To achieve the goal, you need to try to complete all the tasks correctly).

V. Practical stage(14 min).

Development phonemic perception

Speech therapist: To be in the forest, we need to spin around and cast a magic spell:

La-la-la - autumn has come to us.

Street - street - street - the breeze blew.

Silt - silt - silt - foliage circled in the air.

Speech therapist: Here we are in the autumn forest (incl. audio recording "Sounds of the Forest")(SLIDE 1).

Speech therapist: Look what a beauty!

Speech therapist: The squirrel is already meeting us (SLIDE 2).

Speech therapist: She invited us not just like that, but prepared interesting tasks. These assignments she pointed to autumn leaves. For each correctly completed task, she will give you an acorn.

Task 1 - perform articulation gymnastics:

Lip exercises:

"Fence" - "Speaker" - "Tube" Exercises for the tongue:

“Punish the naughty tongue”, “Shovel”, “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Let's brush the upper teeth”, “Sail”.

Speech therapist: Well done, did a great job on the first one. Look what the squirrel is giving you? (Acorn).

2nd task - Analysis of articulation according to the plan:

Speech therapist: Let's pronounce the sound [l] for a long time. What position do the lips, teeth, tongue take when pronouncing the sound [l]? ( When we pronounce the sound [l], the lips smile, the teeth are open, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the tubercles behind the upper teeth).

Speech therapist: And he did a great job with the second task (gives an acorn).

3rd task - Sound characteristics:

Speech therapist: Describe the sound [l] ( Sound [l] consonant, solid, sonorous; denoted by a blue chip - chooses from three chips on the table).

Speech therapist: Good girl! (gives an acorn)

4th task - Communication of sound and letter:

Speech therapist: What letter in the letter denotes the sound [l]? (The sound [l] in the letter is denoted by the letter L).

Speech therapist: Find this letter in the split alphabet.

Speech therapist (takes a tablet for sand therapy): The squirrel suggests writing the letter L on the sand at the same time with the index fingers of both hands, pronouncing the sound [l].

The child completes the task, receives an acorn.

5th task - Practicing sound in syllables:

Speech therapist: Guess the anagram and find out who else lives in this forest (SLIDE 3)


Child: It turned out the word LOS.

Speech therapist: Guessed right. Look who it is? (SLIDE 4)

Child: This is a moose with a moose.

Speech therapist: What is the name of the cub of the moose and moose cow? (The cub of the moose and moose cow is the name of the calf).

Speech therapist: The elk got lost. It is necessary to help him get to the moose and moose cow, "walking" with his fingers along the path, reading the syllables, first sadly, then joyfully.

Didactic guide"Help the calf find its parents"






The child is doing the task

Speech therapist: Well done! (gives an acorn)

6th task - Formation of possessive adjectives:

Speech therapist: Squirrel offers to play a game "Recognize and name"(SLIDE 5):

Speech therapist: Whose body? (Moose). Whose horns, legs? (Moose). Whose muzzle? (Moose)

Speech therapist: Great! (The child receives another acorn).

Speech therapist: The squirrel offers to rest a little.

Dynamic pause:

You and I will go to the forest, we are marching on the spot

There we will find a squirrel. "binoculars" from the fingers

Squirrel - small animal, squat

Jump up and down the trees. jumping

We won't catch you. head turns to the side

Play a little with us. half squat

We will be friends with you leaning to the side

Come to the forest more often. I eat the march on the spot.

7th task - Sound-letter analysis and word synthesis

Speech therapist: A squirrel jumped from branch to branch and knocked all the bumps (SLIDE 6).

Speech therapist: And on the cones - letters. Let's make a word from the letters and find out what tree these cones are from (the child lays out the word from the letters on the cones Christmas tree).

Speech therapist: What are the cones on the tree? (Spruce cones on the Christmas tree).

Speech therapist: How many letters in a word Christmas tree?(In a word Christmas tree 4 letters)

Speech therapist: Lay out of the chips sound scheme words Christmas tree(performs task).

Speech therapist: Divide the word into syllables. How many syllables in a word Christmas tree? (In a word Christmas tree two syllables) Why? (Because this word has two vowels - [o] and [a])

Speech therapist: How many sounds in a word Christmas tree? (In a word Christmas tree five sounds

Speech therapist: Describe each sound.

Child: The first sound in a word Christmas tree[j]. Sound [j] consonant, soft, deaf; marked with a green flag. The second sound in a word Christmas tree[o], he is a vowel, shock; marked with a red flag. The third sound in a word Christmas tree sound [l]. He is consonant, firm, sonorous; marked with a blue flag. The fourth sound in a word Christmas tree[k], he is consonant, firm, deaf; marked with a blue flag. fifth sound in a word Christmas tree[A]. It is vowel, unstressed; marked with a red flag.

Speech therapist: Match the number of letters and sounds (In the word Christmas tree fewer letters than sounds) Why? (Because the letter Yo at the beginning of the word denotes two sounds - [j] and [o])

Speech therapist(handing over another acorn): And he coped with this task, well done!

8th task - "Fix the offer"

Speech therapist: Squirrel came up with suggestions for you . Listen carefully and correct.

The tree sat on a jackdaw.

The hollow hollowed out the woodpecker.

The moon howled at the wolf

The squirrel pounced on the wolf.

The child completes the task, receives another acorn.

Speech therapist: Well done! He coped with all the tasks of the squirrel. I propose to calculate how many acorns earned.

Agreement of nouns with numerals. Game "Count"

Child: One acorn, two acorns, three acorns, four acorns, five acorns, six acorns, seven acorns, eight acorns.

VI. Homework (1 min):

Speech therapist: The squirrel has prepared for you homework- learn the tongue twister:

Alyoshka put acorns in a basket.

Acorns with hats

For squirrels with squirrels.

VII. Reflection. "Finish the sentence" (1 min).

Speech therapist: So our trip to the autumn forest has come to an end. Did you like it? I suggest you complete the sentences (SLIDE 9):

During my travels, I learned...

I succeeded…

It was interesting to me…

It was difficult for me...

I want to commend you for your work...

My expectations…

My mood…

Speech therapist: If you are in a wonderful mood, give the squirrel a flower. What is the name of the flower? (Bell) The child attaches a flower to the picture with a squirrel.

Information and methodological support:

Budyonnaya T.V. Speech therapy gymnastics: Toolkit. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005. - 64 p.+ incl. 8 s.

1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and educators / Comp. N.V. Yolkina, T.V. Tarabarin; artist: V.N. Kurov, G.V. Sokolov. - Yaroslavl Academy of Development, 2006. - 224 p.: ill. - (Game, learning, development, entertainment).

Kulikovskaya T.A. Speech therapy tongue twisters and counting rhymes. speech material for automating sounds in children: a guide for teachers and parents / T.A. Kulikovskaya. - M.: Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2010. - 128 p.

yanochka stallion
Summary of GCD on the formation of the correct sound pronunciation "Sound [K]"

Subject: "Sound(TO)".

Target: Introduce children to sound"TO".

Correctional - educational tasks: specify correct sound articulation"k", to teach children to highlight sound"k" from a series of consonants sounds, learn to distinguish sound from(beginning, middle and end) words.

Correction - developing tasks: develop phonemic awareness, attention, memory, thinking, fantasy, general and fine motor skills, to develop the ability to coordinate movement with speech.

Equipment: computer, Carlson picture, colored squares with letters, individual mirrors, letter "K", picture of fish, number (3, sign "=", letter "sh", pictures (cat, watermelon, pump, orange, calf, "ropes ", chairs, picture of the Kid, pictures on sounds"k" and "k" geometric figures(triangle, oval, rhombus, triangle, cake picture.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment:

Guys, the hero of one of the cartoons flew to our lesson today, and you will find out what his name is by placing all the squares in correct color sequences rainbows:

(blue square "o", red square "k", orange square "a", yellow square "p", purple square "n", blue square "s", green square "l")

And for starters, to arrange the squares in correct sequences of colors of the rainbow, I suggest you remember the mnemonic phrase used to remember the basic colors: (every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits, highlighting the first sounds in words, you name all these colors.

And now we are building a rainbow from squares.

So, what have we got for the word?


That's right, Carlson will be visiting us today.

Why do you think he wanted to visit us?

Because his name starts with sound"TO".

Which one sound?


It cannot be sung, when pronouncing sound"k" on the way there is an obstacle.

What could this be sound?

Hard and soft.

Look in the mirrors and say this sound. Does the throat tremble?

So what will it be like if we pronounce it without a voice?

2.- Guys, I offer you go with Carlson., and where, you will find out by guessing the next rebus:

TO (fish picture)

---> 3 = "w"

Yes we are we go there!

3. - Guys, how do you think, how can you climb to the roof?

On the stairs, on the elevator, in the balloon.

And I offer you another way to climb to the roof. Highlighting the first sounds in words, you will find out what kind of object will help us to rise up:

(cat, watermelon, pump, orange, calf)

Well done! Right! Now we will crawl up it!

4. Physical education: "Rope"

Crawling up the rope

We are not afraid of heights

Feel free to cross our legs

Hello roof, here we are!

5. - Guys, do you know what my favorite pastime is?

Eat, jump, play pranks!

So I suggest you play a little fool with me. Sit down with me on the edge of the roof (high chairs, and loudly shout down the words to passers-by on sound"k", but everyone needs to shout in different ways so that they don't notice us! I advise you to divide into teams, with the help of my counting rhymes:

Sat on the porch:

King, Queen, King, Prince,

Shoemaker, tailor,

Who will you be?

Speak quickly, do not detain good and honest people.

Who chose the "Queen" - will shout words starting with sound"K", who chose to be "King" - shouts the words with sound"K" in the middle, and who became the "King" - shouts the words with sound"K" at the end.

Cabbage, bag, castle. etc.

Oh, guys, how cool we fooled around!

Yes, Carlson, well, you are a naughty one!

It happens, but I not only know how to play pranks, but also play!

6.-Do you want to play with me?

I recently visited my friend Malysh here, and he played with my pictures, and mixed them all up.

Don't worry, Carlson, our children will help you sort them out!

-Is it true, Guys?

-Is it true.

Then let's start playing with my pictures. Give me pictures, in the title of which there is only a solid sound"K", and for yourself take only those in which sound"K" - soft!

Thanks guys, I really enjoyed playing with you!

7. - Guys, I suggest you remember what Carlson loves more than anything in the world by trying to decipher the next task.

8. Summary of the lesson:

Children, let's treat Carlson with a cake so that he will never be naughty again!

Well, now it's time to say goodbye.

Goodbye, Carlson, come and play with us again!

Related publications:

Relevance. Correct speechessential condition for the all-round development of the child's personality. child with well developed speech enters easily.

Games and exercises for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation Ira and exercises for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. 1. Voice games. Games are accompanied by movements for the purpose of development in children.

Purpose: Consolidation and correct pronunciation of the sound Ш in words and sentences, analysis of two-syllable words with a closed syllable. (a cap). Tasks:.

Purpose: education of the correct pronunciation, acquaintance with the letter H. Tasks. Correctional and educational: sound-syllabic analysis of words with confluence.

Abstract of an open lesson on the formation of the correct pronunciation "Differentiation of sounds [K] - [G]" Topic: "Differentiation of sounds" K - G ". Objectives: correctional - educational: to learn to distinguish between the sounds "K" and "G" in syllables, words and phrases;

Topic: Sound [З]. Summary of speech therapy classes.

Author: Valimukhametova Feryuza Kabulzhanovna, teacher-speech therapist, MADOU No. 11 Kindergarten "Fairy Tale", Kumertau city
Republic of Bashkortostan

Synopsis of speech therapy classes in the senior group.

Target: introducing children to the sound [z].
Tasks: learn to locate the sound [h] in a word;
practice doing sound analysis two-syllable words with open and closed syllables, such as "teeth", "fence";
practice pronunciation of words, phrases with the sound [h];
develop phonemic hearing (selection of words with the sound [z] from the text).
Equipment: kits for drawing up diagrams, subject pictures for sound [h], toys, sound signal flashlights, individual mirrors.

Lesson progress

Organizing time. Game "Chain of words"
Acquaintance with the topic: guessing riddles, extracting sound [z] from words.
white flowers -
bloom in the evening,
Wither in the morning. What is this?.

32 thresh
And one turns. What is this?

Children guess riddles, the speech therapist exposes the corresponding pictures.

L: - Listen to the riddles and name the same sound that is heard in these words:
L: - That's right, this is the sound [z]. Today in the lesson we will work with the sound [h], pronounce it correctly and beautifully in words and sentences.
Articulation of sound [h].
L: - Look at me and listen to how I will pronounce the sound [z].
Showing and pronouncing the sound [h] by one of the children.
L: - And now you guys say the sound [z] and watch what your lips, teeth, tongue, what kind of air stream do when you pronounce it.
Children: - When we pronounce the sound [h]
- lips smile
- clenched teeth
- the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth
- the air jet is cool.
L: Well done! Look at each other and make sure that the neighbor pronounces this sound correctly.
phonetic charging.
How do mosquitoes sound? (z-z-z)
L: - We turn into mosquitoes and sing a song - we ring and watch how the air stream comes out.
Children: - The air stream does not come out freely, because clenched teeth interfere with it.
Sound characteristic [h]:
L: - If the air stream does not come out freely, then the sound [z] - what?
Children: - So the sound [h] is a consonant.
L: What else?
Children: - Sonorous (because the neck is trembling),
- paired (there is a paired deaf sound [s]),
- solid.
L: Well done! Let's conclude: the sound [h] is a consonant, voiced, paired, solid.
- Guys, I will pronounce syllables, and you listen:
(Voice behind the door repeats.)
L: - Oh, can you hear someone mimicking me?
Children: Yes.
The arrival of the unknown.
Stranger: Hello guys! I learned that today you will get acquainted with the sound [z], and therefore I decided to come to visit you to watch and listen to how you pronounce this sound. I really like this sound. Guess why?
L: - Guys, why Dunno likes the sound [z]?
Children: - Because the sound [h] is heard in his name.
L: - Dunno, why did you mimic me, don't you know that this is not good?
N: - Yes, I didn’t mean to tease you at all, I just really like the game ...
(forgets the name of the game). Tries to explain, children help: "Echo"
L: - Guys, where can you hear the echo? (children's answers)
Echo game
Dunno quietly pronounces syllables: for zo zu
Children loudly: aza ozo uzu yzy

The formation of syllables.
L: - Dunno, the guys know how to form syllables, listen.
Z-------A Z-------O Z-------U Z-------S

Dunno:- But I can name the words where the sound [z] is heard.
The game "Who will name more words with the sound [z]" - 2 teams.
Game "Tell me a word":
Behind - ... a fence, a castle, a factory ...
Zo - ... umbrella, umbrella, Cinderella, gold ...
Zu-… teeth, bison, tooth…
Zy-... swell, loud (voice) - a hint from Dunno - vocabulary work.
Speaking tongue twisters with elements of finger gymnastics.
For-for-for - here comes the goat
Zy-zy-zy - we bought pots
Zu-zu-zu - we wash our hands in the basin
For-for-for - close all your eyes.
L: Close your eyes, let them rest a little. Pictures appear on the board.
Working with subject pictures. Determining the place of sound [h] in words.
L: - Guys, name the pictures.

umbrella TV vase roses teeth goat fence

N: - Guys, look carefully at the pictures and tell me which picture you can ask about. Who is this?
D: - About the goat.
N: Why? L: - Guess where the sound [z] is hidden in the word goat - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word?
Children work with chips.
N: - And I came up with a proposal about a goat.
There is a goat by the fence.
L: - Good, beautiful proposal. What are the words in the sentence where the sound [z] is heard?
D: - Goat, fence.
L: - Well done, guys, did it. Name the pictures in the name of which the sound [z] is heard at the beginning of the word; in the middle.
N: - Guys, let's play the game "Who is attentive"
- What was missing?
D: - There was no fence, birch ...
N: - And I can compose poetry. Here listen.
The winter forest calmed down and froze,
It's like he's bewitched.
Spring would come soon
For the sun to shine
For him to come alive.
L: - Dunno, do you really think that the forest freezes in winter, falls asleep?
Fizminutka. Children dissuade Dunno.
L: - You see, Dunno, winter forest is also full of various sounds. You just need to listen.
The children take their seats.
Sound analysis of words.
1. “Say a word” - Buba the bunny has a sore ... teeth
__ __
.. ..
2. Listen, remember the word where the sound [h] is heard:
- Egor, Egor, where is your yard?
- But my yard, blue fence.
D: - Fence
__ __
.. ...
3. Guess the riddle: You turn it - a wedge, you turn it - a pancake. What is this?
D: - Umbrella
Live display of sound analysis of the word - umbrella.
L: - Well done, guys, they coped with this task.
The children sit on the carpet.

Pronunciation of a tongue twister with the sound [h].
N: - And I can quickly and quickly pronounce tongue twisters:
The speech therapist invites the children to say a tongue twister - at first slowly, individually, then in chorus with a clapping.
N: Well done! It's time for me to leave. The guys in another kindergarten are waiting for me.
It was very interesting to play and work with you.
Children say goodbye to Dunno and invite him to their other activities.
L: - Our lesson also came to an end. Did you enjoy playing Dunno?
Today you were quick-witted, attentive, smart.
Correctly pronounce the sound [h]. Well done!