Alexander Dobrovinsky
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:



USSR, Russian Federation

Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky- Moscow lawyer.


Born September 25, 1954 in Moscow. From 1972 to 1975 he began to study at the Faculty of Economics of VGIKA, but did not get the opportunity to finish it. In 1976 he came to Paris to his mother Lucy Rubinovna. In Paris, he worked as a waiter, and then ran the Regal Russian restaurant. After 3 years, he left for the United States, where he trained as a lawyer. The first time I worked as an assistant to pay for my studies law firm and a taxi driver In the 1990s he returned to Russia, externally passed the exams to obtain a diploma in the specialty of a lawyer. And already in 1992 he opened the first law office. The bureau specialized in corporate law and divorce cases.


He became famous after the scandal with the Swiss company Noga, which wanted to sue Russia's debts for food supplies and seize property. Then he defended the opponents of Yukos, who fought for the assets of the Eastern Oil Company. In 1999, he was involved in divorce proceedings and the division of property with the entrepreneur Cherny, and in 2001 in similar cases with the owner Severstal Mordashov. In 2003, he won the Best Lawyer of Russia contest according to the show jumping Leader of the Year. In 2007, he was a lawyer for the editor-in-chief of Forbes Russia Kashulinsky, against whom an accusation was brought by INTECO and its owner, Luzhkov's wife Elena Baturina. In 2009, he represented the interests of Baisarov - ex-husband Kristina Orbakaite and his son Denis. Represented the interests of Slutsker in a divorce from his wife Olga Slutsker. In 2010, he defended Philip Kirkorov in the case of a fight between him and director Yablokova. In July 2011, he defended the photojournalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda Guseva in the case against Valery Meladze, who was accused of beating her. In 2010, he opened a branch of his office in London.

In 2014, he bought Lyubov Orlova's dacha and her personal archive. In 2002 he was the champion of Russia in golf. Speaks English and French. Wrote about 10 scientific works by legal law. He is a candidate of legal sciences. He was a member of the board of directors of the Arbat-Prestige company. Since 2012, he has been the host of the Brain Yoga program on Silver Rain radio. In March 2013, he became the chairman of the board of Potok, and in April 2013 he became a co-owner of Pushkino Bank and a 19% shareholder. But in September 2013, the bank's license was taken away for violating laws. He is the president of the Moscow Country Golf Club. He collects Soviet porcelain, with which he even organized an exhibition at the Pushkin Museum. The exhibition occupied 5 halls. He also collects lacquered boxes depicting miniatures of the revolution. He collected photographs and paintings from the first half of the 20th century, Tibetan icons and accessories for smoking cigars. Has his own column in Tatler magazine. He is recognized as the most stylishly dressed lawyer in Russia. His distinctive features in power - glasses, a cigar and a butterfly. He always ties bow ties himself and does not wear them with an elastic band.

In his collection there is a cameo with the image of Trotsky, cufflinks with the image of Lenin, a pocket watch of the King of England Edward VIII, things of Stalin and Krupskaya, medals of Anatoly Tarasov . Is a nudist. Now he works in the Moscow Bar Association "Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners", the head of which is at the same time. In 2015, he began teaching his courses on the legal issues of divorce. Until 1999 he lived in Bulgaria and had its citizenship. Defended the interests of Mikhail Chernoy and Iskander Makhmudov against Alfa Group and in the conflict over the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

Has a taboo to protect murderers, pedophiles and drug dealers. In favor of equalization civil marriage to the legal one and even organized a special website and project Civil marriage.rf.

Personal life

His mother introduced him to his wife.

He is married to a dentist and has 2 daughters. His wife Marina is fond of art history and teaches art courses.

Date of birth September 25 (Libra) 1954 (64) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @alexanderdobrovinsky

Alexander Dobrovinsky is a renowned Russian lawyer, owner of a bar association in Moscow. He became famous thanks to the protection of the interests of Vladimir Slutsker, Valery Meladze, Boris Berezovsky, Ruslan Baisarov, Philip Kirkorov, Alexei Mordashov and other famous people in Russia and abroad. To prove the uniqueness of the famous lawyer, in 2003 Alexander was awarded the prize as the best lawyer in Russia.

Biography of Alexander Dobrovinsky

There were ups and downs in the life of the famous lawyer. However, this did not prevent him from becoming the best Russian lawyer, whom politicians, representatives of show business, athletes and artists turn to for help.

Dobrovinsky was born in Moscow in 1954. The head of the family, Abram Aleksandrovich, passed away when little Sasha was 14 years old. Mother Lucy Rubenovna soon remarried. Her husband was Andrei Bogdanovich Aivazyants, who soon adopted the boy.

Upon receiving the passport, Alexander returned his father's surname. However, for the sake of respect for his stepfather, Andreevich left his patronymic.

After leaving school, Alexander entered the Faculty of Economics of VGIK. In the third year, the young man decided to leave educational institution and move to France, where his mother has long settled down.

Far from his homeland, Alexander worked various types Activities: worked as a waiter, then manager of the French restaurant "Regal". There, the future lawyer graduated from business school. However, Alexander's sleep sat still. He decided to move to the United States, where he received a law degree. After the collapse of the USSR, Dobrovinsky returned to Russia and opened his first legal agency. The office specialized in divorce proceedings and corporate law. At the same time, Alexander tried his luck in other fields - cinema, radio, journalism, banking.

He turned to Alexander Andreevich for help CEO Severstal Alexey Mordashov, editor-in-chief Russian magazine Forbes Maxim Kashulinsky, businessman Ruslan Baysarov, Philip Kirkorov, who was accused of beating journalist Yablokova, and other famous personalities.

In 2011, Dobrovinsky took up a case related to the newspaper " TVNZ”, which filed a lawsuit against singer Valery Meladze, who allegedly beat the journalist.

In 2012, Dobrovinsky opened a legal branch in London.

Alexander is a Russian golf champion, president of a Moscow golf club and an avid collector of Soviet porcelain, expensive lacquer boxes, old photographs, paintings, medieval Tibetan icons and smoking accessories.

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Ex-girlfriend of Kerzhakova is trying to get her son back

“Girls, now you will be stunned by my new hairstyle!” - this is how Alexander Dobrovinsky greets the receptionists in the chic office of his law office. We exchange glances with the secretary and freeze in anticipation, but then he takes off his hat and we smile - no special changes, just a neat haircut. Everyone should have such a sense of humor, like Dobrovinsky. It is easy to confuse his office with a museum: at the entrance to the building in the Last Lane, in the center of Moscow, you are met by four-meter-high Atlanteans propping up the visor - the authorship, by the way, belongs to the architect Andrei Nalich - the father of the same singer Pyotr Nalich, who blew up the Internet in 2007 guitar song. The walls of the hall are decorated with objects of art, here is the "Student" by Alexander Deineka, and a portrait of a naked Carla Bruni, and more than two hundred pens donated to a lawyer. Alexander Dobrovinsky invites me into the office, asking the secretary to bring a cup of tea, takes his workplace at the desk.

"Shaken by divorce!"

Was the news of Vladimir Putin's divorce expected for you? Abroad for public people this is a common thing, but here it is the first precedent!

I'm completely shocked! This is confirmation that Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin - normal people. And it's great! It's not great, of course, that they are getting divorced, it's great that they openly announced this. Most of us on the throne were some kind of mannequins that did not allow themselves to show feelings. Vladimir Vladimirovich and Lyudmila Alexandrovna are the same people as all of us - neither the end of a relationship nor love is alien to them.

From your professional point of view, if this is a “civilized divorce”, as Lyudmila Putina called it, will the division of property follow the statement?

I suspect that there is an agreement between them - is it expressed in marriage contract or this is done without papers, but, apparently, everything has already been decided. For example, I leave the Spassky Gates for you, and I take the Borovitsky Gates for myself ... But there is no divorce stamp in the passport yet! If they have no claims against each other, and the children are already adults, then they will not go to court, but they will have to visit the registry office.

Do you think a new marriage is possible for the president? Here Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Vladimirovich has long devoted himself to the country!

We have no reason not to believe Dmitry Sergeevich - he is a serious person, but no one forbade marriages without registration.

Where do you get this kind of knowledge from? For example, you were the first in Russia to confirm the death of Berezovsky, and stated that he had committed suicide. Were you friends?

No, we weren't friends. In general, I thought Boris was a little crazy. Having information is power, so about twenty people in Russia and about the same number in the West work with me on a permanent basis - they immediately report news in areas that may interest me. For such information as the death of Berezovsky, one has to pay dearly!

A few years ago, your name was associated with any show business showdown, now you are less involved in this maelstrom. Earn a name and that's enough?

I'm not interested in where a person comes from, I'm only interested in him! There is an opportunity - I work with people from show business. Many business relationships have grown into a strong friendship, as with Philip Kirkorov. But ordinary people among my clients, about fifty percent, like any star lawyer. And on hearing only the photographer Zhenya Guseva, whom I defended in the case against Valery Meladze. Our conversation is interrupted phone call. Alexander Andreevich takes him to the speakerphone: “Beloved, hello. For the first time in 35 years, I did not begin to congratulate you first due to the fact that I sent a pretty bouquet with a note that says everything that I think of you. A pleasant sound comes from the tube female voice: "To your feet, beautiful Elena, you have to throw a chinchilla and diamonds, and I throw miserable flowers. Forever loving you cat "... Thank you, dear, what kind of "miserable flowers" are these, a chic basket! Thank you! Adore". Dobrovinsky laughs: “The tattoo with the date of your birthday was made on one of my interesting place well, you know! Kiss!" - This ex-wife, we saved great relationship. My current spouse not jealous at all. Marina and I have been together for more than twenty years, two daughters are growing up. Both are far from us - they study abroad. The youngest at school in Germany wants to become a prosecutor, and the eldest at the Faculty of Law wants to be a lawyer. I am constantly in touch with them - text messages, calls, consult with me even about clothes and boys. Back to our questions...

Okay... Would you like to protect someone from the world's celebrities - to share the property of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher or the children of Madonna and Guy Ritchie?

You have hit the mark! This month I'm flying to Monaco to meet a super-duper star - this woman is number one in France. Her child was taken away from her, we will agree - we will return it together. I am sure this scandal will be in all the world's media! So we continue to blur the boundaries: the office in London is successfully operating, we will soon open in St. Petersburg and Monte Carlo.

“If you know how to laugh at yourself, nothing is scary”

In addition to writing humorous sketches about lawsuits, family and everything that happens, what other hobbies do you have - golf, collecting?

Ha, I still can’t understand: I am a lawyer whose hobby is collecting, or a collector whose hobby is advocacy. I have about twenty collections - paintings, drawings, a collection of erotica (why not remember at your leisure how I went through the pre-conservative period of the development of our civilization), Soviet jewelry (a cameo with Trotsky or cufflinks with Lenin), posters, furniture, a collection of pens, cigarette cases , books, rare cars, agitlak (revolutionary icon). Everything dates back to the 20th century. Memorabilia are of particular value to me - things famous people, in my collection there are pocket watches of the King of England Edward VIII, things of Joseph Stalin and Nadezhda Krupskaya. The biggest pride is the medals of the legendary hockey player Anatoly Tarasov and his honored coach badge. The title was taken away from him, but he did not give the badge. They were given to me by his daughter, a coach in figure skating charming Tatyana Tarasova. My wife was also infected by my hobby - from a dentist she retrained into an art critic and has been teaching the most fashionable courses in the capital for five years. She also organizes amazing trips abroad, but not on tourist routes, but finds something exceptional.

Everyone gets acquainted by chance, and Marina and I - on purpose. In the mid-1990s, at one of the Moscow parties, I met my future mother-in-law. We got to talking: she lived in Paris, I spent 20 years there - there were a lot of common themes and acquaintances. She spoke about her daughter, who also lives in Paris, runs a dental clinic and is soon to be married to a famous French lawyer. And she added that she must certainly introduce us. She called Marina and asked to urgently bring some documents to Moscow. Marina, a good daughter, flew out the next day, and right from the airport they went to visit me. Nelly, my mother-in-law, then told Marina a wonderful phrase: “If you don’t like each other, you will be friends.” We talked all evening - it turned out that in childhood we lived on neighboring streets, then traveled to the same countries, made friends with the same people. We have a common past, so we react to many things in the present in the same way. I immediately realized that such a chance should not be missed, and a couple of weeks later I made her an offer, which I did not regret for a single day.

Marina turned out to be the one I was always looking for. She dresses the way I like, runs the house the way I would like. Once she told one of the journalists: "Alexander Andreevich today is what he wanted to be at the age of 18." We never talked about it, but she felt it.

We've had minor misunderstandings. Once we did not speak for four days. And there are absolutely unsolvable situations. For example, I like to sleep with open window in any frost, but Marina - no. It's a tough fight. I open the window, it gets cold - I get a kick with my foot and I have to get up and close it. We take a break from this only in the country, where the window is located so that it does not bother anyone.

Marina understood very well the main commandment of business: one should not be afraid of big expenses, one should be afraid of small incomes. Yes, we love to live beautifully. We are both collectors of antiques. And my wife never forbade me to buy things for the collection.

We never discuss the cases that I handle at home. Marina, by her temperament, by the logic of her thinking, is not a lawyer, but rather a prosecutor. But she has extreme respect for her husband: he is always right. She doesn't often get into a discussion with me, which is good.

When the youngest daughter was four and the oldest nine, they wanted a dog. They just tortured me. To be left behind, I promised: when the youngest goes to school, you will have a dog. And they calmed down. The deadline has come, Marina has already found a dog, but I did not plan such a development of events at all. Serious battles began with persuasion and tears, but I was inexorable: either I or the dog. The case was heading for divorce. And then Marina offered to go to the rabbi for advice. He listened to his wife's version, then mine and said: “Man, children cannot be deceived - you must buy a dog. But you didn't promise that you would live with her. Take a woman to look after and put her in the country. On the same day, Marina brought a Yorkshire terrier puppy, a girl, I came home and saw a creature trembling with fear. I saw and melted. Three days later, I already told the maid complaining about a puddle in the wrong place that this dog can do anything.

Marina is a very active person, a brilliant organizer. She can't help but work: some time ago she signed an agreement with the Phillips de Pury auction house and made art history courses, which I myself sometimes attend - so interesting!

I spoil the children, and my wife brings up. She gets the hardest, but such is life. Marina knows me very well, respects and trusts me. There can be no question of any jealousy. It happens that I meet a client in a restaurant, and “kind” people call Marina and report. She always answers: "Alexander Andreevich is working."

Alexander, who is called the master of divorces, meets with the writer Zhanna Golubitskaya and is even, according to rumors, ready to make her happy. But before Dobrovinsky quite often went out with beautiful ladies, among whom are many of his star clients like Yana Poplavskaya, Anzhelika Agurbash, Goga Ashkenazi, Ekaterina Liepa, Lada Dance and many others. But with the spectacular brunette Jeanne, the lawyer began to be seen most often. Starting from March, Dobrovinsky and Golubitskaya do not spill water at social events.


According to the publication, lovers are no longer shy about showing their feelings in public. Reporters caught a couple looking at paintings by Dobrovinsky in the office. It is reported that Jeanne "clung to Alexander", and he did not mind and enthusiastically told her about his new grandiose undertaking - a historical epic from the life of Grigory Alexandrov and Lyubov Orlova (the lawyer was in their house as a child and described it in his book " Dobrovinsky Gallery).

"This is my Jeanne!" - Alexander introduced his girlfriend to reporters. They met when Golubitskaya was looking for materials for her new book about the behavior of men in the division of property. "That was in March. And now I'm getting divorced. I love Alexander!"- said the brunette in the presence of media representatives.

Dobrovinsky is officially married, but this does not bother Jeanne. "So what! You understand when next to you a real man everything else becomes irrelevant! I call Alexander my Messire. Do you know why? Incredible power emanates from him - but not ordinary, as in formal power - but some kind of downright unearthly! - the writer is delighted. - I always dreamed of meeting a truly influential, powerful, strong, generous man, and that his main erogenous zone was the brain. And also my Messire kind: in divorces, he is always on the side of the most unfortunate of the spouses. He is very thin - he immediately feels who is more difficult to break. Heavier is usually given to women, so he often protects wives. And then, my Messire conducts seminars on love and is a nudist with experience, so he knows how to make a woman happy in all manifestations - both mentally and physically. What else does a woman need to be completely happy?

Zhanna also boasted that she was already at the lawyer's house. His apartment is luxurious. “As a child, I thought that my prince should live on the Arbat and drive a Rolls-Royce. Imagine, it came true! My Messir lives on the Arbat and has a hammam right in his apartment, which I adore. These are such fateful coincidences! Golubitskaya - Yes, I'm going to get divorced for the rest of my life., just to be next to Messire."

But Alexander is in no hurry to give emotional interviews. Their he did not comment on the relationship with the dreamy writer pretending not to hear the questions. But joint pictures of the couple, of which there are already a lot on the Web, confirm Jeanne's words - Dobrovinsky and Golubitskaya look happy and in love on them.