Artists and public people who died of alcoholism make it clear that this disease does not depend on social status, financial status or success.

Spirits are the best-selling product on the market today. After all, almost every person consumes alcohol to one degree or another. V general view all people are divided into 3 types: those who do not drink alcohol at all, drink occasionally (on holidays) and those who no longer represent themselves and their own. The latter group suffers from alcoholism.

Alcohol has already ruined many lives. He also managed to put an end to the careers and lives of many famous people. After all creative people due to their vulnerable nature, more than anyone else is subject to this craving. In their photo, you can see the imprint of excessive drinking.

Alcoholism: causes and stages

The disease resulting from excessive drinking is called "alcoholism". In addition to the fact that it is characterized by a significant deterioration in human health, alcoholism is addictive, which a person can hardly overcome on his own.

Until now, there are disputes among doctors about the recognition of alcoholism as a disease, but the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has long decided on this issue, and they consider drunkenness a serious disease that must be treated.

After all, just addiction never ends. Added to it are cancer, liver disease, stomach ulcers, nervous and mental disorders, high blood pressure and heart disease, a high likelihood of a stroke, which, one way or another, will lead the patient to premature death.

The reasons leading a healthy person to alcohol abuse are:

  • Dissatisfaction own life;
  • Feeling of loneliness, lack of understanding on the part of society;
  • Poor quality of life;
  • Lack of cultural and spiritual development.

Analyzing the above reasons, we can say that it is the absence of loving and understanding people nearby that pushes you to drink. Unfortunately in modern world a person can very often feel lonely. After all, everyone is running somewhere, in a hurry, no one cares about other people's problems. And while drinking, a person finds himself in a completely different world - the inner one, where he can talk heart to heart with several of his “I”, where he will always be listened to, understood and not reproached for anything.

After leaving this state, the realities outside world once again they "beat" the person, and he has no choice but to return again and again to the ideal environment.

Experts who agree with the point of view that alcoholism is a disease divide it into 4 stages, arguing that, having reached the third stage, there is no turning back:

  1. Unconscious weak addiction. If a person has free time and the possibility - he will definitely fill the void with alcohol; with distraction, the addiction quickly disappears.
  2. Conscious tolerant addiction. Permanent obsessive thoughts about drinking, even when it is not the time or the place; the amount from which vomiting begins as a natural reaction of the body to poison is constantly increasing.
  3. Physical pathological dependence. When the patient refuses to drink, the patient experiences a "withdrawal", similar to drug addiction; healthy liver cells begin to turn into connective tissue, which indicates the onset of cirrhosis.
  4. Pathological uncontrollable addiction. The only thing the alcoholic is worried about at this stage is another dose of alcohol, no matter if it is vodka, cologne, or glass cleaner. Forced alcohol withdrawal can lead to cardiac arrest; only 5% of patients survive this stage, but even they will never get a full, long and happy life.

The main feature that distinguishes an alcoholic from a healthy person who occasionally drinks is the presence of addiction. You can also name such manifestations as prolonged drinking binges, an increase in the rate of alcohol, in which a person has a gag reflex, symptoms of a hangover; external signals visible even in the photo.

Many famous people also suffer from the problem of alcoholism, and fight the diseases that it provokes. After all, it is they who most often feel lonely and useless. The fame, recognition and love of the audience are combined with prolonged drinking, which subsequently ends in death in young age when many roles and images have not yet been played.

Perhaps the most famous person who was ruined by alcohol is Vladimir Vysotsky. He is an outstanding poet and musician, a talented actor. Perhaps there is no person in Russia who would not recognize him from a photo. He died at the age of 42 due to excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs.

Honored Artist of Russia Vladislav Galkin died at the age of 38 from acute heart failure. He was in a state of prolonged depression due to problems with women. Shortly before his death, Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, after which he went on a strict diet and refused alcohol. The actor's father suspects that his son did not die on his own, and even presented to the investigation Required documents and a photo, but the matter did not move.

The genius of Russian cinema, Oleg Dal, also suffered from this disease. According to his acquaintances, the reason for this was constant setbacks in his personal life, in addition, he was too demanding and picky about people. This led the artist to consolation by drinking. Oleg died due to cardiac arrest at the age of 39.

Viktor Kosykh (the hero of "The Elusive Avengers") died at the age of 61 due to an overdose of alcohol. A fatal dose of alcohol led to a cerebral hemorrhage. Experts say that a lethal dose is considered to be an average of 1.5 liters of vodka. However, this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

More long life succeeded Oleg Efremov, an outstanding director and actor. Throughout his life, he struggled with alcoholism, his life was cut short at 72 years of age due to a blockage of blood vessels.

Also, Andrey Krasko, Nikolai Eremenko, Georgy Yumatov, Georgy Burkov and many others had a similar fate. domestic stars.

Today, these are struggling with this disease famous people like Marat Basharov, Alexander Domogarov and a number of other stars. Among this list, one can also highlight Mikhail Efremov.

Mikhail Efremov, his son famous father Oleg Efremov, completely inherited his father's lifestyle. He is rightly credited with alcoholism and excessive love for women. And the actor himself does not deny his illness. According to him, he drinks for the sake of a hangover, in a state of which playing on stage turns out to be many times better. But at the same time, the artist considers his craving as a "black spot" in his life. Despite the seemingly such difficult situation, Mikhail's fourth wife has come to terms with his peculiarities, and completely accepts him for who he is. In the photo you can see quite happy family... The couple had three wonderful children, and they are not going to stop there.

But not all alcoholic stars died from this. Some have overcome this addiction. For example, the artist Tatyana Dogileva, whose life was almost cut short by constant drunkenness. The attending physicians of the actress prescribed treatment in a psychiatric hospital. She had severe depression caused by the lack of the joy hormone serotonin in her body, which was blocked by alcohol. The actress did not want to admit that she was sick, although fans in some of her photos can clearly see all the signs of alcoholism. Despite the fact that it is female, Tatyana managed to overcome him and start a full-fledged healthy life, restore your status.

Alcohol is considered the cause of death Soviet actress Natalia Kustinskaya, who died at the age of 75. In the hospital, where she was taken with pneumonia, her heart could not stand it. Although this is not surprising, because fate presented Natalia with a lot hard trials, the most terrible of which is considered the death of his son, after which the star developed a tendency to drink. But this did not last long, the artist was able to pull herself together and move on.

There are also famous people abroad who have suffered from alcoholism. These are, for example, Whitney Houston and Amy Wayhouse. Also, perhaps, many have seen photos of Britney Spears, Demi Moore, which clearly show traces of alcohol. According to official statistics 8 out of 10 Hollywood celebrities have alcohol problems.

How to recognize alcoholism by photo, treatment of the disease

Even without communicating with a person in person, you can see that he suffers from this. It will be enough just to look at the photo of the celebrity.

First of all, it will be noticeable on the face: the skin will be flabby, sagging or swollen, with pronounced redness, traces of burst capillaries, bruises and swelling under the eyes are visible in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Sometimes in the photo you can see that the skin has acquired a yellow color. This is all due to disturbances in the work of internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.

It is believed that alcoholism is an incurable disease, a companion of a person's entire life. But modern medical methods give a person the opportunity to get rid of adversity, the main thing is to want it very much. Not worth counting on traditional medicine- in most cases it is inactive.

Among the methods of struggle, the following are distinguished:

  • Aversive treatment - the patient is prescribed medications that, when interacting with alcohol, cause severe vomiting and exacerbation of all hangover symptoms. This method is effective even if the patient resists therapy.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins - the patient's body is completely cleansed of alcohol decomposition products, as a result of which it is suppressed physical addiction from him, but the craving at the psychological level does not disappear.
  • Psychotherapy - will give the desired results only if the patient realizes his addiction and his desire to get rid of it.
  • Social factors are the interaction of an alcoholic with society, his family or people with whom he will not be bored and lonely.

Perhaps the most important thing in the treatment of addiction is the desire of the patient himself, and in order for it to appear, close people need to show how important their family is, how valuable the patient is in his family, and will always receive the necessary support in it.

Yesterday the world celebrated the Day of the fight against drug addiction. Stas Piekha did not fail to remind everyone about this holiday, who knows about the problem firsthand. At one time, he won the fight against drug addiction. The singer co-founded the Healthy Country Foundation. On International Day Against Drug Addiction, he officially launched the organization's work, and we decided to remember other stars who managed to end the most terrible and, as a rule, tragic addictions - from illegal drugs and alcohol.

Vlad Topalov, 31 years old

For four years a member of the group "Smash !!" Vlad Topalov used drugs. This fact, in part, became the reason for the collapse of the musical group. For the first time, the singer tried a prohibited drug in 2004, after which he could no longer stop. In an interview, Topalov admits that he vaguely remembers that time. In the memory of the artist, only isolated shots from the get-togethers appear. By the way, Vlad used drugs in huge quantities. If the average drug addict ate two pills per night, then Topalov's this number reached 10-15.

In 2008, Vlad Topalov's body could not withstand such loads. The artist's kidney began to fail. Fortunately, the doctors were on time. The artist was hospitalized. Topalov spent two weeks in the clinic on painkillers, even thought to commit suicide, but found the strength to overcome the addiction.

This year Vlad Topalov co-founded a clinic for people with drug addiction. Moreover, the artist donates funds to funds, and also conducts charity concerts.

Vlad Topalov

Vlad Topalov with his wife

Stas Piekha, 36 years old

Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva with her daughter

Larisa Guzeeva with her son

Tatiana Dogileva, 60 years old

Tatyana Dogileva was a regular at the Moscow Narcological Hospital No. 17. The actress was brought to be treated for binge two or three times a year. A separate room was allocated for Dogileva, where she could hide from prying eyes. The medical staff of this medical institution argued that Dogileva did not delay the treatment and after a few days of binge she called herself and asked for help.

Dogileva's addiction to alcohol began with cheerful gatherings with colleagues after filming. Tatiana kept her brand, believing that the actress should definitely drink and smoke. Dogileva fought her with a pernicious addiction ex-husband Mikhail Mishin... Once on the eve of "Kinotavr", which the actress was supposed to lead, a conflict broke out between her and Mishin. Dogileva drank a lot and had a fight with her husband, as a result of which he hit her. With a black eye, Tatiana could not appear at Kinotavr, and she urgently had to look for a replacement.

In 2010, Tatyana Dogileva tied up with alcohol, as he almost brought the artist to a hospital bed. In February of the same year, the actress celebrated her birthday noisily, after which she ended up in a psychiatric hospital. By the way, in psychiatric clinic the star asked herself. The point is to cope with alcohol addiction Dogileva did not succeed. Her body stopped producing serotonin - the hormone of joy, so the actress was constantly covered with depression. Now the star does not drink alcohol and hopes that by his example he can help other addicts to get rid of bad habit.

Tatiana Dogileva

Tatyana Dogileva with her daughter

Irina Allegrova, 65 years old

From " crazy empress Irina Allegrova also had to hide bottles of alcohol. It was rumored that in the distant zero, the singer got drunk and put on a show at a banquet in Rostov-on-Don. Allegrova crawled on all fours on the floor and urged everyone to play "little trains". By the way, the "empress" had a lot of reasons for alcoholism. The spouse ran away from the star Igor Kapusta, a musical career began to decline.

In the program “Alone with everyone,” Irina Allegrova admitted: “I was an ostrich at that moment, to whom it seemed that he hid his head in the sand, and that's it, no problem. It wasn’t very good. But then I was in pain, and I thought that if I drink it will get better. "

Here are just a few to break Irina Allegrova. This woman has such a strong character that millions of men can envy her. Allegrova managed to say firm and resolute no to alcohol, ending it forever.

Irina Allegrova

Irina Allegrova with her daughter

Irina Allegrova with her grandson

Alcohol is an addiction that affects millions. This is not only about ordinary people, this global problem and genius people, celebrities, world stars, idols of any generation. It is difficult to understand the cause of the toxic addiction of actors, it is even more difficult to admit that today these talented people no longer alive. Despite the fact that they made a colossal contribution to the development of world culture and art, ethyl alcohol took them away ahead of schedule.

Famous women with alcohol addiction

Popular in Soviet times actress Elena Mayorova, known for the romantic comedy film "The Lonely Dorms Are Given", died at the age of 39. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the woman poured gasoline over herself, and then set it on fire. The ambulance that arrived at the scene could not help the celebrity, Mayorova was buried. According to her relatives, in such an alcoholic way the woman struggled with mental trauma, unrequited love and loneliness.

Life famous actress and British singer Amy Winehouse ended at 28 in one of the city's hotels. The girl was treated for alcoholism several times, but she constantly returned to such a destructive habit. Was preceded by such a toxic addiction complicated relationship with a spouse and the so-called "creative crisis". In the hotel, de the body of a woman was found, three empty bottles from under intoxicating drinks, and the medical verdict is unambiguous - alcohol intoxication.

On February 11, 2012, another legendary actress and singer did not become - Whitney Houston herself died. The woman's body was found in the bathroom of a hotel where recent times a celebrity lived. She drowned in a dream, because the day before she had used a large dose of drugs, antidepressants, alcohol. It was such an explosive mixture that was found in her body after an autopsy, the medical report is alcoholism.

Many great people have died of alcoholism, the brilliant French singer Edith Piaf was no exception. The death of a woman came after prolonged binge drinking, which in the fifth decade became the norm of everyday life. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, she lost control over her actions, from which she often suffered in society and family life.

These are those famous women who made a tremendous contribution to the development of world culture. They did not become too early, but in the hearts of fans and in their work, they are still alive, loved and not forgotten. Critics and stories have classified them in the unpromising category of "Alcoholics", and not a single generation has heard about exploits while intoxicated. Despite the fact that female alcoholism is rapidly progressing and is practically incurable, stories are known examples when binges of male celebrities led to the inevitable death of legendary people.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method, which was recommended by Elena Malysheva, helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

Famous men with alcohol addiction

The deceased artists are alive in the cinema and on the screen, but not all loyal fans and fans know that most of the domestic and foreign bohemians suffer from alcoholism, and some have already gone to the next world. These great people, brilliant in their work, by nature could not resist the temptations of the "green serpent".

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What kind of alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Do you have a desire to "get drunk" the next day after taking alcoholic beverages?

What system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol sufficient?

The stars of "Pirates of the XX century" Nikolai Eremenko Jr. passed away on May 27, 2001. He died of a massive stroke, which provoked a prolonged binge. The press carefully concealed this information for a long time, telling the masses that the actor had serious heart problems.

At 42, the heart of such a legendary celebrity as Vladimir Vysotsky stopped. The Soviet director, bard, singer and actor at the time of his death was only 42 years old. The close circle and fans knew well that Vysotsky suffered from chronic alcoholism, and Vladimir himself did not hide this fact from anyone. The last years of his life, the actor was completely mired in drinking, and the binge became for him habitual state body and soul.

At the age of 38, another died, already Russian actor and director Vladislav Galkin, who was destined to live only 38 years. The star had serious problems with the pancreas, and drinking alcohol and one of the forms of alcoholism only aggravated the disease. Today he replenishes the list of "Famous People", and fans live only by good memory.

At the age of 49, another brilliant actor died, who was destined to play the inimitable role of Gena Janissary in the tragic work on the naval theme "72 meters". Other famous works by Andrei Krasko are also known, but the fans remember the movie leader only in words, they live in good memory. He often abused alcoholic beverages, was treated for alcoholism, but then this is how he relieved stress after a working day and stress.

The famous poet Nikolai Rubtsov is practically unknown to modern youth, but historians know that this particular man of genius at one time suffered from alcoholism. He often drank with his wife, after which both were in a state of unconsciousness. In one of these binges in a state of delirium tremens, a woman killed him.

John Barrymore is another experienced alcoholic actor who, by the end of his life, did not spend a day without alcohol. He drank himself unconscious, went into long binges, often became the cause of ridicule and gossip of his colleagues. After one of these festivities, the star of world cinema was gone.

Richard Burton is a Swiss actor who suffered from chronic alcoholism at the age of 58. Such people cannot stop, and a fatal outcome is inevitable. The star did not become after another hangover syndrome, which was more acute than usual and became the main reason for the inevitable death of the body.

At the age of 39, the brilliant actor Oleg Dal died. He could not come to terms with the fact that he was publicly kicked out of the theater, so he began to systematically go into binges. On one of these days, his heart refused, and the doctors simply did not have time to come to the rescue. So die famous people with tremendous creativity.

Actor Georgy Burkov became another victim of chronic alcoholism. Their most best years he spent on stage, but only close people knew about the presence of addiction in his offscreen life. After another binge, a blood clot in the heart of the artist came off, and an autopsy showed that all were significantly affected by ethyl alcohol. internal organs and systems. People do not live long with chronic alcoholism, but Burkov was a little more fortunate.

Elvis Presley is another experienced alcoholic. There were a great many versions and reasons for his sudden death, but the most common among them were suicide, poisoning, and aggravated murder. In fact, the autopsy showed that the dose of sleeping pills, which the singer took after another performance, became lethal. Everything would be fine, but at that time in the blood of the "king of pop" there was a huge amount of ethyl alcohol.

This is how famous people, legendary actors, talented singers, and other artists addicted to alcoholism perished. Many are still alive, but in their Everyday life this destructive habit is also present. If it is not pushed into the background in a timely manner, the fate is unenviable. To understand what in question Now is the time to cite some eloquent examples of on-screen alcoholics.

The well-known Russian actor and "bourgeois" of the domestic cinema Valery Nikolaev often began to appear drunk

Modern celebrities are alcoholics

Yuri Nikolaev is a famous Russian showman, the host of the Morning Star does not hide from the press that he has a weakness for alcoholic beverages. Long time he tried to overcome this destructive habit, but still periodically returns to it. To forget about chronic alcoholism helps him work, a young wife and a clear understanding that every year he is no longer getting younger.

His namesake, a well-known Russian actor and "bourgeois" of domestic cinema, Valery Nikolaev, also began to appear often drunk. Moreover, under the influence of alcoholic beverages, he does not the most good deeds, violates public order, threatens the lives of civilians. Not so long ago, the media published information that Nikolaev, drunk, hit a pedestrian and was detained. Later he was released, but he did not stop his illegal actions, he was again in the bullpen. Today Valery Nikolaev is under investigation, and even former fans are demanding a well-deserved punishment for him.

"Bourgeois" Nikolaev did not settle down, but other actors, after long drinking bouts, were able to overcome such a destructive habit. The well-known "cop" Aleksey Nilov was a chronic alcoholic for a long time, but after he had experienced clinical death, he got rid of this destructive addiction forever. Today the actor considers himself to be an absolutely sober person, acts in films, and lives a full life.

Actor Alexander Domogarov, despite his rapid and successful career, also systematically abuses alcoholic beverages. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, he behaves inadequately, often raises his hand to women, which causes a lot of indignation from colleagues in the shop. Like Nikolaev, he was prosecuted several times for his illegal actions, however, administrative penalties did not have the proper impact on him.

Not only ordinary people, but also celebrities suffer from the addiction to alcohol. Further, we propose to recall 10 domestic stars who were ruined by alcohol.

Vladislav Galkin

The death of Vladislav Galkin in 2010 shocked the whole country. He was only 38 years old. The viewer will remember Vladislav Galkin primarily for his roles in the TV series "Truckers" and "Saboteur". The main cause of death was acute heart failure followed by cardiac arrest. During the autopsy, the doctors came to the unequivocal conclusion that the actor's body was seriously worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Georgy Yumatov

Star of the films "Officers", "Admiral Ushakov" and "They were the first." The actor drank very heavily. Once, while intoxicated, he even killed a man. In 1995 he underwent a serious operation to remove an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, and in October 1997 he died from a ruptured abdominal aorta.

Yuri Bogatyrev

All-Union fame came to Bogatyrev after the release of the film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends", in which he played Yegor Shilov. He was a silvery and idealist. The money did not stay with him. V last years the actor became addicted to alcohol, lost his shape, and he was less invited to the cinema. Friends attributed this to the actor's feelings about his homosexuality. He tried to pour alcohol into the lack of demand and creative dissatisfaction. He died at 41. The diagnosis is acute heart failure.

Oleg Dal

The actor died at the age of 39 from a heart attack. Drank heavily. So that he was eventually kicked out of the Moscow Art Theater. And this despite the fact that according to the testimony of the widow of Oleg Ivanovich, Elizabeth, he had poor health and a sick heart. Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room during a creative business trip to Kiev. According to the common version, heart attack was provoked by the use of alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, "sewn up" with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Oleg Efremov

Like many creative individuals, alcohol helped him create and inspire fellow artists. But at the same time, naturally, he shortened his life. The actor tried many times to get rid of the addiction, but to no avail. He died at 72.

Andrey Krasko

From childhood, Andrei grew up as a sickly child. His mother even had to quit her job in order to spend a lot of time with her son. And nevertheless, already an adult actor Andrei Krasko suffered from alcohol and nicotine addiction in a severe form. And this despite the fact that he had asthma. He died at the 49th year of life from heart failure, the so-called alcoholic heart attack.

Georgy Burkov

Talented Soviet actor died at the age of 57. The official cause of death was thromboembolism - a blood clot came off. But by that time, the health of Georgy Burkov was severely undermined by alcohol. So much so that after the autopsy, the doctors said: "How did he ever live with such vessels ...".

Nikolay Eremenko Jr.

Gallant handsome Soviet and Russian cinema, Russian macho. Women literally fell at his feet. But he, the favorite of millions, was ruined by alcohol. The official diagnosis of doctors is a stroke. But only a few years later, Nikolai's relatives revealed the secret of his death. He just couldn't get out of another binge. And he drank a lot before.

Vladimir Vysotsky

The last years of his life, alcoholism and drug addiction began to strongly interfere with Vysotsky's work. Not long before his death, he decided to finally and irrevocably give up drugs, but did not have time - he was overtaken by a heart attack at the age of 42.

Yuri Klinskikh

Founder and permanent leader of the Gaza Strip group. I have never been a teetotaler, I drank a lot and often. Officially, the cause of death was a heart attack, although he had never had any heart problems before. According to an unofficial version, Yuri suffered from drug addiction and was sick with hepatitis, which was the cause of death.

Alcoholism - terrible disease, from which no one is immune. Millions of people around the planet die from it every year. And this applies to absolutely everyone - how ordinary people and stars of show business, politicians, great scientists. Even long-term studies have not been able to give an exact answer where addiction comes from, which is almost impossible to overcome.

Some people were able to make a huge contribution to the development of culture, art, science, but they could not resist the action of the green serpent, which forever carried away the world famous personalities... Artists who died of alcoholism, at most, lived to be 55 years old.

Popular women who died from alcohol addiction

Even knowing about the dangers of this addiction, many people are convinced that trouble will bypass them. Just hoping for a miracle and playing "Russian roulette" with your own life is rather rash. An illustrative example the fate of the world famous beauties, who were killed by a bad habit, will become tragic:

  1. Elena Mayorova - the girl fell in love with many thanks to the famous domestic film "Lonely hostels are provided". She justified her alcohol addiction by a difficult fate, unrequited love, constant loneliness. Having reached the age of 39, the actress, under the influence of alcohol, poured gasoline on herself and set herself on fire. It was not possible to save her from the received herbs. Artists who died of alcoholism realized their problem late.
  2. Amy Winehouse - despite her young age, often underwent rehabilitation from her addiction. But the positive dynamics was of a short-term nature, soon the girl again took up the bottle. Reaching 28 years old, the British actress died due to severe alcohol poisoning.
  3. Whitney Houston could easily be called a legendary singer, but even such a high title did not save her from a sad death. The woman was often noticed with a bottle of intoxicating drink, but 2012 was a fatal year for her. On February 11, her body was found in a hotel. After the autopsy, it was concluded that the star died due to the habit of drinking.
  4. Edith Piaf is another star whose days were over with an addiction. French singer long years fought with her hard drinking. After all, they became the cause of many conflicts. However, alcohol turned out to be stronger, which ruined the woman.

This is only a small part of those representatives of the fairer sex who have made a huge contribution to the development of culture, whose life was cut short by the fault of a destructive habit. They left too early, but remained forever in the hearts of their fans. The artists who died of alcoholism were truly talented, but the craving for alcohol ruined everything.

Famous men who died from alcohol

Many are convinced that female body unable to fight addiction, so it is rapidly becoming incurable. However, some representatives strong side humanity, the same sad consideration has not passed.

Alcoholism, a terrible disease, has become fatal for many of them. Such great people, recognized genius in their field, could not overcome the "green snake". But even after their death, they continue to delight fans with their works, constantly reviving on the screens:

  1. Nikolay Eremenko - in 2001 he became a victim of alcoholism. However, the press for a long time hid the true cause of death of the star of "Pirates of the XX century". Only after a while it became known that the stroke that happened was caused by prolonged alcohol abuse. Artists who die of alcoholism often leave quickly.
  2. Vladimir Vysotsky - thanks to his versatility, he was able to win the love of millions. Fans and relatives knew about his terrible addiction, but they could not change anything. The addiction became stronger every year, and soon the singer even stopped hiding it. Having reached 42 years of age, a terrible disease took the man.
  3. Vladislav Galkin - even despite his problems with the pancreas, the man continued to drink alcohol. This habit did not pass without a trace, at the age of 38 the actor died.
  4. Andrey Krasko - considered alcohol to be the main ally for relieving stress after a hard day at work. Gradually it grew into a habit, and soon it became a real addiction. The actor of the painting "72 meters" passed away when he lived to be 49 years old.
  5. Nikolai Rubtsov is a genius poet who suffered at the hands of his own wife. The reason for this was the usual family rigging in a drunken stupor, the consequence of which was the death of a man. Artists who have died of alcoholism should be an example for those who can never get rid of a bad habit.
  6. John Barrymore - made alcohol a constant companion of his day. His binges could last for a long time. One such period ended in death.
  7. Richard Burton was so fond of intoxicating drinks that the addiction grew into chronic alcoholism. Another hangover syndrome turned out to be stronger than usual, and cost the Swiss actor his own life.
  8. Oleg Dal - for the man, the public expulsion from the theater was a strong shock. After all, he devoted his whole life to him. Only alcohol could cope with the injury, which killed the 39-year-old actor.
  9. Georgy Burkov - during his offscreen life succumbed to addiction. But once the habitual drinking ended in failure - a detached heart clot took the actor forever.
  10. Elvis Presley - everyone knows about the king's addiction to alcohol. His sudden death was associated with the simultaneous use of sleeping pills and alcohol.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that is merciless. He doesn't care what a person's status, income, social status... Everyone can be threatened, only a strong character can help avoid temptation. Artists who died of alcoholism rarely lived to old age. They left young, and there could be a bright life ahead.

Modern celebrities are alcoholics

Many famous people have died due to the habit of drinking too much. However, how many are still left who, even realizing their full responsibility, do not stop abusing strong drinks:

However, not everyone is negligent about their own health. There are those to whom fate taught good lessons by changing their outlook on life. One of these is Alexei Nilov, for whom it became decisive clinical death intoxicated. This incident helped the man to give up his addiction, to become on the right way... Today it can be attributed to people leading a sober lifestyle. Artists who have died of alcoholism should be an example that will make you give up alcoholic beverages.

It is quite difficult to give up a bad habit, you need to have a strong desire, incentives. Everyone decides for himself what is really important and meaningful to him. Artists who died of alcoholism could be happy family men and role models. But they chose a different path, in which there is always a bottle of alcohol.