2017 was full of interesting events. Throughout the fall, sensation lovers argued whether Timur Yeremeev was the son of Spartak Mishulin. About relationship with famous actor the young man decided to declare only at the age of thirty-three. His story was reflected in the calmness of the official wife of the late Mishulin and his thirty-eight-year-old daughter. What is known about Spartak Vasilyevich?

Birth and childhood

Timur Eremeev was born on 11/17/1983. It happened in the village of Pervomaisky (city of Korolev). Mother, Tatyana Eremeeva, worked as an engineer.

After graduating from nine classes of a local school, he continued his studies at school No. 232 in Moscow, in a theater class that functioned at the Shchepkinsky school. After receiving a complete secondary education, Timur entered the second year of this school. Seleznev was its leader. Then he continued his studies at IGUMO, taking the course of Korenev.

In the footsteps of the father

After graduation, Eremeev served in the army. He was a member of the TSATRA artists. In he remained after the end of military service. He played many roles there.

Interestingly, Spartak Mishulin also served, only in the artillery school. He thought they were teaching acting skills. There he organized an art circle. An uncle subsequently helped him become an actor, who gave the name to his nephew, born out of wedlock. But back to Timur Eremeev.

He made his film debut in 2004. This was the movie Unequal marriage". The most notable works are the series "Kitchen" and its spin-off - "Hotel Eleon".

Timur Eremeev played the porter Yegor, who enjoys authority among all the hotel staff. He has his own secret - in his youth he served time in prison for participating in the theft. Only Mikhail Dzhekovich knows about it. Sometimes he uses the services of Yegor in delicate matters.

Actor Timur Eremeev continues to act in films and play in the theater. Best Roles he still has a long way to go. This is facilitated by a beautiful appearance, high growth and the presence of talent.

The truth about the origin

In 2017, the life story of the Eleon Hotel actor stirred up the public. Many wondered whether it is true that Timur Yeremeev is the son of Spartak Mishulin?

The young man spoke about his origins. According to him, his mother met Spartak Vasilievich when he was filming in the film "Property of the Republic". They dated for a long time. The result was a boy. His mother and grandmother did not hide the truth about his father from him. Spartak Vasilievich sometimes walked with them after performances in the theater, to which mother and son often came.

The news immediately spread. The young man, as well as Mishulin's daughter, Karina, were invited to the "Let them talk" studio. They sorted out several programs until a DNA test (Timur Yeremeev insisted on doing it) confirmed that he was the son of Spartak Mishulin. Moreover, for the first test, the hair of the alleged father, which was taken from the hat, was used. But the result was inaccurate. Then the sample was taken from the artist's costume. The laboratory technicians were able to detect the male chromosome. The second test was 99.9% positive. After that, there was no doubt.

The official daughter and wife of the Soviet artist, who died in 2005, were not happy with what they heard. They tried in every possible way to deny the fact of treason, but in the end they nevertheless reported that Spartak Vasilyevich could still have illegitimate children. Well, he was a living person, and no one has the right to condemn him.

Most of the spectators were on the side of Timur. And this is not surprising! His resemblance to Spartak Vasilyevich is impossible not to notice. Many were bribed by the calmness and restraint with which the young man behaved in the studio. He was sure he was right.

For some people, it was not clear why it was necessary to bring up the topic of fatherhood twelve years after the death of a person. But the answer is obvious. Timur recently became a father himself, he wanted his child to know about his family. However, perhaps the actor decided at the same time to draw attention to himself. Well, you shouldn't blame him for that. He did not deceive anyone, but told the world the truth about himself.

own family

Timur Eremeev is married to Olga Eremeeva. In 2016, a daughter appeared in their family, who was named Nika.

Photos of the couple and their daughter can be seen in in social networks, on official pages actor. He leads active life and share it with your followers.

Timur Eremeev

Timur Eremeev - biography, information, personal life

Timur Eremeev

Timur Sergeevich Eremeev. Born on November 17, 1983 in the village of Pervomaisky, the city of Korolev, Moscow Region. Russian actor theater and cinema.

Timur Eremeev was born on November 17, 1983 in the village of Pervomaisky, the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

Mother - Tatyana, engineer.

In 2017, Timur declared himself the illegitimate son of a famous actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Spartak Vasilyevich Mishulin.

Timur told a fascinating story about how his mother, who is from Vologda, also met a famous actor there, who came to the city to shoot the adventure film “Property of the Republic” (1971). And they've been in a relationship ever since. And 13 years later, Timur was born. According to Eremeev, his mother even accompanied Mishulin on tour. In the family archive there is a cigarette pack with a portrait of Spartak Vasilyevich - drawn by his mother from nature in 1981 on the Novosibirsk-Moscow train.

Timur Eremeev

At the age of 5, his mother took him to a performance at the Theater of Satire, after which she introduced him to her father. Then they began to regularly go to Mishulin's performances. “Sometimes after the performance we went for a walk the three of us, like real family. My father held my mother’s hand, my parents never quarreled with me, ”said Timur.

Also, according to him, Nelli Leonidovna's grandmother drew the boy's attention to the fact that he was very similar to Spartak Mishulin. As a child, as Timur said, he copied Mishulin's gait and other behaviors, causing delight in his mother.

According to the actor, he lived with his mother in the suburbs of Korolev, near Moscow, in the May 1 Factory area, where his parent worked. It was wooden two-storey house which didn't even have hot water. They got to the theater to Mishulin by train - about half an hour's drive to the Yaroslavl station. “After evening performances, they sometimes returned on the last trains,” he recalled.

In Timur's archive there is also a photo with a famous actor, whom he considers his father - taken in the theater (Mishulin in the costume and make-up of Carlson).

After Timur Eremeev declared himself the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin, the actor's daughter, Karina Mishulin, filed a lawsuit. She called Eremeev an impostor who wants to promote himself on a well-known name.

As a result, Timur Eremeev and Karina Mishulina met in the talk show "Let them talk." In the studio, Timur said: “I do not refuse a single word of mine, I am ready to answer for all my words ... Karina or the family knew something.”

The program also conducted a DNA test to establish paternity.

Timur Eremeev - illegitimate son Spartak Mishulin? Let them talk

From the 10th grade, Timur studied at Moscow school No. 232, in the theater class at the Shchepkinsky school.

Later he entered the second year of the school. Shepkin to V.P. Seleznev. From the third year, Timur became a student at IGUMO, the course of V. B. Korenev.

Served in the army, urgently passed in the team of artists of the Central Academic Theater Russian Army(TSATRA).

He remained in TsATRA after the end of his service, among his works: “A long time ago” - Rtishchev; "Inventive Lover"; "Hamlet" - Bernardo, 2nd gravedigger, Court Cavalier; "Forever Alive" - ​​Kuzmin; "Madam Minister" - Courier; "Adventures good soldier Schweik" - Lieutenant Lukash, 4th prisoner, 2nd doctor, cellmate; "Sevastopol March" - Battery Soldier; "The fate of one house (In the trenches of Stalingrad)" - Kerzhentsev; "Doctor Aibolit, or Adventures in the land of monkeys" - Avva; "Tsar Fedor Ioannovich" - Prince Shakhovskoy; "Ma-Mure" - Laurent, great-grandson; "A Midsummer Night's Dream" - Lysander, in love with Hermia; "Filumena Marturano" - Umberto; "Odnoklassniki" - Okopov, a person from the fund; "Star Theater" - Alabyan, Gladkov, member of the artistic council; "Molière (The Cabal of the Saints)" - Charles-Varlet de Lagrange; "Much ado about nothing"; "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"; "The Man from La Mancha".

Since 2004, he has been acting in films, making his debut in the film "Unequal Marriage". Then in 2007 he starred in the film "Nostalgia for the Future" directed by Sergei Tarasov and the series "Matchmaker".

Later he appeared in the films “The house that the Housing Office built”, “Moscow. Three stations”, “Great feelings”, “Farewell, my love!”.

In 2015 he performed prominent role in the popular sitcom of the STS channel "Kitchen", also in 2016-2017 he starred in the spinoff "Kitchens" - the series "Hotel Eleon". His hero is the porter Yegor. His character enjoys prestige among the rest of the hotel staff, was appointed to the position of senior porter. But he has a skeleton in the closet: in his youth, Yegor was in bad company and participated in the theft, for which he received a term in prison. Only the former manager of the hotel, Mikhail Dzhekovich, knows about this, who got Yegor a job - he uses the skills of a porter if he needs to get in somewhere and open something or do other complex and delicate work.

In 2017, the actor starred in small roles in the detective series "Unknown" and the comedy "Call DiCaprio!".

The growth of Timur Eremeev: 190 centimeters.

Personal life of Timur Eremeev:

Married. The wife's name is Olga.

In 2016, the couple had a daughter, Nika.

Filmography of Timur Eremeev:

2004 - Unequal marriage - Maria's boyfriend
2007 - matchmaker
2007 - Nostalgia for the Future - episode
2008 - The house that the housing office built - episode
2013-2014 - Great feelings - Dima
2013 - LiveJournal - episode
2012 - Moscow. Three Stations - Viktor Lysenkov
2014 - Farewell, my love! - episode
2015 - Kitchen - Egor
2016-2017 - Hotel Eleon - Egor, receptionist
2017 - Call DiCaprio! - Bank employee
2017 - Unknown - bartender

In August of this year, the theater actor Soviet army Timur Eremeev, after many years of silence, said in an interview that Spartak Mishulin was his biological father.

For which, in response, he received a lawsuit from the daughter of Spartak Karina Mishulina demanding a refutation of these statements and a public apology.

All this, in the end, led the participants in the scandal to a two-day meeting in the studio of the “Let them talk” program.

As this story developed, Karina found out that Eremeev's mother worked as a janitor and worked as a cleaner in the cooperative house on Mayakovskaya, where Mishulin lived with his official family.

“When my mother and I were shown a photo of Timur Yeremeev’s mother, we immediately recognized her as the watchman of our house. We remember Tanya very well - short, very active, red-haired in those years. Then she was 46 years old.

Timur became one of the heroes of the show “Let them talk”, the producers of which filmed and broadcast four episodes on the air at once, dedicated to this difficult story.

Eremeev passed the necessary tests to confirm his relationship with Mishulin, and at the end of the week it will become known whether Timur is really the son of a Soviet cinema star. At the disposal of 7days.ru was a record exclusive interview Eremeev's mother, which we publish on the eve of the publication of the DNA test.

“I gave birth at the age of 30,” says Tatyana Anatolyevna. - Spartak did not come to the maternity hospital, God forbid. He called. I remember saying: “Well, I already!” Silent. "So, I'm waiting!" - "Boy!" - "Which?" - "Weight 3750, height 56 ​​centimeters." - "Oooh, hero!" He wanted Shurik, and I called him Timur. I watched the movie "Timur and his team." In kindergarten, at school, everyone said: “Timur, where is your team? Take it and let's go."

According to Tatyana Anatolyevna, she had no temptation to give her son the patronymic Spartakovich.

“I lived in a communal apartment,” she recalls. - If, as now, I lived in Moscow, and not in Vologda, I would do it. Of course, I would not give a surname, but a patronymic - yes. And then I didn't want it. I was very shy and I was very squeezed, very. I was afraid he would get in trouble. A friend said: “If I were impudent, I would go to the trade union committee, local committee, party committee, I would raise high. I say, what are you, I’m 30 years old, what, I have everything for love, why do I need this ... "

"Why is all this necessary?" - a question that some viewers ask after the release of the popular TV show.

The behavior of many of the heroes of the shooting is genuinely surprising. But the fact that Timur Eremeev wants his beloved daughter Nika to know who her grandfather was does not seem to leave anyone indifferent.

The daughter of the most famous artist Carlson is not afraid that Timur will claim the inheritance, since most of the property is recorded on her mother. Yes, and they do not have those riches that can be of interest. But for the good name of the father is a shame.

“To those who think that we are afraid for our inheritance, I will answer - everything was written down for our mother. Even if he wanted to claim the inheritance, he would not have succeeded. Yes, we are not oligarchs: we do not have palaces and ranches in Mexico. Our family has an ordinary three-room apartment in Moscow and a dacha in the Moscow region. Only if mom has bastard, so he can claim the inheritance. Experiencing this situation, I won’t be surprised at anything, ”the artist’s heiress admitted.

In an interview with Teleprogramme, Karina Mishulina admitted that over the past month and a half she had conducted her own investigation: she made inquiries, called and met with dozens of people.

“I felt like Sherlock Holmes. 97% percent that Timur Eremeev's mother was my father's fan who could go from morning till night to the Theater of Satire, wait for him at the service exit, and even pass him pies. It is possible that she could inspire the child that his dad famous actor, reports Rosregistr. It bothers me why, being a 22-year-old guy, he didn’t come to his dad and say: “Hello, I’m an artist Timur Yeremeev, I think that I am your son.” He could wait for him at the service entrance to the theater, dad was an adequate and kind person, he communicated with people. Why didn't Timur come to the funeral? Why didn’t you come to talk to us, to relatives, why did you immediately go to give interviews?” — said the daughter of the artist.

Recall that in the second issue of the talk show, Timur Eremeev agreed to undergo a DNA test to prove that he real son Spartak Mishulin.

On "Let them talk" they even brought the artist's hat, in which he played in the play and which retained the remnants of the biomaterial. The test results were announced, but the expert clarified that they may not be reliable, and for complete clarity, the DNA of Mishulin's close relatives, for example, his daughter, is needed.

But Karina refused to undergo an examination and stated that if she does it, then only after a court decision. The artist's daughter also clarified that even if it turns out that Timur is her brother, she will not communicate with him.

Timur Eremeev was born on November 17, 1983 in the village of Pervomaisky, the city of Korolev, Moscow Region. According to the actor, his mother, who worked as an engineer, met Mishulin in Vologda.

Spartak came there to shoot the film "Property of the Republic" (1971). Since then, he allegedly had a relationship with his mother, she even accompanied him on tour. After 13 years, Timur himself appeared.

The family archive contains a cigarette pack with a portrait of the late actor, drawn by Timur's mother from life on the Novosibirsk-Moscow train.

The actor also has a photo with Mishulin himself. Eremeev says that he and his mother constantly attended father's concerts, and after them all three of them went for a walk.

With him, his parents never quarreled. Mother was always amazed at the similarity of Timur to his father. He even knew how to copy Mishulin's gait and other demeanor.

Spartak Mishulin was born on October 22, 1926 in a very wealthy family. His mother, Anna Vasilievna Mishulina, served in the People's Commissariat of Industry not as someone else, but as a deputy people's commissar (that is, a minister), therefore, she was one of the highest government officials.

But the high post did not save the woman from party purges: in 1937 she was considered an "enemy of the people" and sent into exile in Tashkent. The future actor remained in the care of his uncle, the famous historian Alexander Vasilyevich Mishulin.

Uncle specialized in the uprising of Spartacus in Ancient Rome and was exactly the person who once came up with a name for his nephew.

In the mid-twenties, such names were in vogue, with which the builders of the new life sought to replace the former names based on Christian discourse.

However, the name invented by the uncle was not only “fashionable and proletarian”, but also beautiful, and this was a rarity.

Biography of Timur Eremeev

Timur was brought up by one mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, an engineer by profession. Until the tenth grade, Timur studied at Korolev, near Moscow, and for the last two years school life spent in the theater class of the Moscow school No. 232, which has been cooperating with the Theater School named after A.I. Shchepkin. Having received a certificate, Timur entered Sliver immediately for the second year, his master was Vladimir Korenev.

When Timur was 18 years old, he received a summons to the army. He completed military service at the Theater of the Russian Army, and after receiving a diploma, he entered his troupe.

Like many modern young actors, Eremeev began with episodic roles in TV shows. His debut on television took place in 2004 in the series "Unequal Marriage". Lead role I had to wait ten years. In 2015, Timur played one of the main roles in the sketchcom of the STS channel “This is Love”. Since 2016, she has been filming in the TV series Hotel Eleon, where she plays a receptionist. In the Theater, Timur is involved in 14 performances.

Personal life of Timur Eremeev

Timur Eremeev is married. His wife's name is Olga. On September 16, 2017, their daughter Nika turned one year old.

But the attention of the public is riveted on the other side of the actor's personal life, namely, his relationship (imaginary or real - is still unknown) with Spartak Mishulin. For the first time, Timur publicly called himself his son in 2017 in an interview with the Caravan of History magazine. According to him, his mother told him that she met a movie star in 1971. The connection was by no means fleeting. Timur was born in 1983. The truth was not hidden from the boy, but for the time being he was silent. According to him, it was his father who asked Vladimir Korenev to take him into his group. Tatyana Eremeeva herself says that she gave birth to a son in love and never intended to use this information, since she treated Spartak Vasilyevich with reverence.

the only own daughter Spartak filed a lawsuit against Eremeev and the printed publication. Among other things, during communication with representatives of other media, she said that Spartak Vasilyevich could no longer have children due to infertility. She also remembered that Timur's mother, Tatyana Eremeeva, worked as a concierge in their house. The woman is sure that Mishulin would not allow the woman she loves to work practically as a cleaner. For Timur, however, Mishulin really asked Korenev - again, at the request of Tatyana. Meanwhile, the actress refused to undergo a DNA test, the result of which would have put everything in its place, without a court order for it.

Meanwhile, new evidence appears in favor of Timur's version. Spartak Mishulin's personal dresser claims that everyone in the theater knew both about the actor's connection with Yeremeeva and the existence of an illegitimate son.

Photos and frames from films with the participation of Timur Eremeev

Timur Yeremeev is a theater and film actor. Despite his age - the guy is already 34 years old - he has not yet had time to exchange two dozen films. The love of a young viewer fell upon Timur after the release of the last seasons of the series "", and strengthened with the show of the spin-off "". This fall, the actor attracted the attention of Russians thanks to the scandalous statement that he is a son.

Childhood and youth

The homeland of the young TV star is Korolev, near Moscow, where the future actor was born and graduated from 9 classes. The boy lived in a wooden two-story building without running water, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe May 1 factory - an institution where his mother worked as an engineer.

According to Eremeev, he gave his name main character book Timur and his team. WITH early childhood the boy wrote poems and songs, combined classes in a regular school with studies in a "musician", and also dreamed of a stage. This desire led after grade 9 to the capital: Timur continued to receive secondary education at school No. 232, in the theater class at the Shchepkinsky school.

Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man entered the second year of this cradle of actors. But a year later he joined the ranks of the students of the Institute liberal education And information technologies(IGUMO), having got on the course to People's Artist RF. Timur managed to visit the "army" - military service the guy was part of the troupe of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, and is still working there.


Timur Eremeev's debut in the cinema took place in 2004, in the series "Unequal Marriage", and in 2007 the actor got an episode in the film "Nostalgia for the Future". Then creative biography replenished with tapes with minor roles, as well as the picture “ALSIB. Secret route”, series “Unequal Marriage”, “Moscow. Three stations "and" Goodbye, my love!

In 2015, the audience began to recognize Timur on the streets thanks to the role of the porter Yegor in the cheerful series “Kitchen”, which broke all conceivable rating records. And a year later, in the image of the same hero, he joined the acting team of the spin-off "Kitchens" - "Hotel Eleon". Company on film set he was made up, and other popular actors.

Egor is a funny character with a dark past: he served time in prison for theft, but enjoys authority with the leadership. Mikhail Dzhekovich (), the manager of the Eleon Hotel, uses Yegor for delicate purposes, for example, if you need to penetrate somewhere, open something or get the necessary information.

About the role in the series, Timur said:

“The receptionist is a pretty routine job, if you look at it from the point of view of life, not cinema. When I first read that my hero is a porter, I immediately began to think about what features to give him so that he would become interesting to the audience.

Personal life

Timur hid his personal life from prying eyes for a long time. But now pictures with scenes family idyll pleases on his page in "Instagram".

Timur Eremeev with his wife Olga and daughter Nika

Eremeev, together with his wife Olga, is raising their daughter Nika, who recently turned one year old.

Timur Eremeev now

In 2017, another two works appeared in Eremeev's filmography - small roles in the comedy Call DiCaprio and the detective series Unknown.

In addition, at the end of September, Timur posted a photo on Instagram, in which he holds a sign from a hotel room in his teeth asking him not to disturb. The photo was captioned: “Hello! Soon!”, thereby announcing the release of the third season of the series “Hotel Eleon”. However, the premiere date has not been announced. In addition to filming movies and playing in the theater, Eremeev acts as a host at events.


In early autumn, a scandal broke out involving Timur Eremeev. The actor in an article in the Caravan of History magazine stated that he was the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Parents allegedly met in 1971, in Vologda - in the mother's homeland and the filming location of the film "Property of the Republic". The relationship that started lasted long years, my mother even went on tour with her lover.

Timur remembers meeting his famous father - the boy was 5 years old when he got backstage at the Theater of Satire, where Spartak Vasilyevich served. After that, he often came to the theater with his mother, and after the performances, the three of us went for a walk.

Eremeev had never advertised kinship before, even the grandmother had no idea, although she saw in her little grandson a resemblance to the star of Soviet screens. As evidence, Timur provided a photograph where he, in company with his father in the form of Carlson, backstage at the theater. A pack of cigarettes is also kept in the native house, on which my mother painted Mishulin when she was traveling with him on the train.

The statement so outraged the daughter Soviet actor, that, accusing a possible brother of slander, filed a lawsuit demanding an apology, refutation of information and compensation for moral damage. Until now, the woman was considered the only heiress of Spartak Vasilyevich.

“I do not refuse any of my words, I am ready to answer for all the words. How can the story of my life offend and offend anyone at all?

The audience of the show doubted the veracity of Timur's words. The fact is that Karina practically lived in the theater from early childhood and sooner or later would have crossed paths with her new brother. But that did not happen.

Tatyana Eremeeva virtually supported her son - an interview was shown on a talk show in which a woman is frank about her relationship with Mishulin. The face of Timur's mother was not removed, but the host of "Let them talk" tried to convince the audience of the sincerity of Tatyana's words - they say, during the filming she cried.

To dot the i's, traditionally a DNA test was conducted on the program. The material was Mishulin's hat, which was kept by the Yeremeevs. According to the test result, Timur Yeremeev is indeed the biological son of Spartak Mishulin.


  • 2004 - "Unequal Marriage"
  • 2007 - "Nostalgia for the Future"
  • 2007 - Matchmaker
  • 2012 - Moscow. Three stations»
  • 2012 - "ALSIB. Secret track"
  • 2013 - "LJ"
  • 2013 - "Big Feelings"
  • 2014 - "Farewell, my love!"
  • 2015 - "This is love"
  • 2015 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016 - Hotel Eleon
  • 2017 - "Call DiCaprio!"
  • 2017 - "Unknown"