Contemporary residents of Russia to Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich is different attitude. Someone is considered his traitor who ruined great country. Others are grateful for the opportunity to live and develop in New Russia.

Whatever relation to every person in Gorbachev, he is a cult historical figure who has changed the history of the country. Many are still interested in his fate, read recent Interviews And ask the question where the only chairman of the CPSU Central Committee, which was born after the 1917 revolution.

In funds mass media This and case can notice the appearance of Gorbachev at events conducted in different cities of Europe. But where Gorbachev lives Mikhail Sergeevich for many remains a mystery. For sure one thing - not in Russia. IN modern world It is much more affordable information about where Martin Rossel lives than where there lives a former politician. New time dictation new fashion And creates modern idols, distant from world politics and economics.

House for a million in Germany

Permanent place of residence of Mikhail Sergeevich is now in Germany, or rather - in Bavaria, in the resort town, which is famous for the treatment of diseases cardiovascular vascular system Rottach Egen. Former politician Settled there with daughter and grandchildren about eight years ago. The first villa of a famous figure in this German settlement was located in the trusts of meters from the Church of St. Lawrence, where it is considered honorable parishioner.

In 2007, Mikhail Sergeevich bought for a million euros in the same city, which is called "Hubertus Castle". Previously, the Bavarian orphanage was located in two small buildings. Around the house grow huge beautiful trees, quite nearby flows mountain riverwhere you can catch the royal trout. It is said that this castle is not drawn up on his last name.

Gorbachev and modern press

It is said that Mikhail Sergeevich, Mikhail Sergeevich, is not very willing to meet representatives of the Russian press. But the German press loves. Now and the case in various major German editions appear articles on how Gorbachev with his daughter visits a popular beer plant, as he successfully operated on the spine, as he received another award. Often, in the articles of German journalists, you can find the opinion that, in dignity, Mikhail Gorbachev's case will be appreciated only in the future.

It is interesting! In 1990, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev received the Nobel Prize of the World. It also has memorable awards and medals of Yugoslavia, Poland, Bulgaria, France, Dominican Republic, Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Israel, USA, Italy and Vatican. Last Prize Famous politician received in 2010 in Dresden (Germany) for nuclear disarmament.

Putin's relations and the former head of the Russian state

Where Putin lives, everyone knows exactly - of course in Russia. The last official meeting of the modern president of Russia Putin and the last chairman of the Central Committee of the CPSU also took place in Russia, in the Kremlin. She passed aunt-a-tete, and at that time Mikhail Sergeevich supported Putin's politics. Over time, Gorbachev began to relate to Putin's politics more and more critically. Critical views he adheres to now.

It is interesting! Mikhail Sergeevich lately spent a lot of time in England. On April 8, 2013, in connection with the death of Margaret Thatcher, he was invited to London for the funeral, but refused to travel to the state of health.

Nevertheless, Putin in 2013 congratulated the telegram Mikhail Sergeevich with his 82 birthday. The modern President of Russia noted the desire of the last secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU to strengthen authority Russian Federation in modern world.

For a long time, the last chairman of the CPSU Central Committee and its now the late spouse Raisa Maksimovna lived and worked in Moscow. The only daughter Irina, according to some official data, in modern time It also works in the capital of Russia. Gorbachev has two granddaughters, as well as their native brother.

Probably, if on the Internet you can find quite a little information about where Gorbachev lives, he does not really want to know about it. Nevertheless, being an important historical figure, the former secretary will remain a popular person, which is constantly remembered and which are interested.

First I. last President The USSR, the Winner of the Nobel Prize of the World Mikhail Gorbachev has been 87 years old. Gorbachev still thinks about the fate of Russia and does not depart from political life. The publication has published a great interview with him, and ForumDaily. Assembled the same interesting quotes Politics and told how he lives in recent years.

R. Reagan and M. Gorbachev. Photo: Wikipedia.

On freedom

"Solzhenitsyn said somewhere: everyone ruined Gorbachev's publicity. I found the case to answer him ... I said: this is a deep error of the man I am very respectful. Well, in the end, how can it be - when people (live - ed.) With a closed mouth, when they are unable to tell even a joke, they are immediately sent to the re-education somewhere or on logging? And it was so with us. There would be no publicity, no change with you for the better did not begin. And there was no freedom. Freedom is primarily publicity. Freedom to speak with people about their experiences, that person is watching (around - ed.) And how he belongs to this. If he is mistaken - thanks to freedom, it will be corrected. And the press, and society. "

About the spouse and house

"Raisa (Gorbachev's wife is Ed.) He loved to dress well. And, frankly, I liked it. Moreover, it was not some kind of divine beauty, but cute. When we were still young, dressed did not have the opportunity, but always, when our extra money appeared, for example, for books, I tried that we bought her something new. And those seamstresses who sewed, said: For Risa, Maximovna is well sewing, whatever you sew, beautiful, because she can wear. Raisa is a miracle some. I loved her and continue to love, I can't really believe that she was not. And already 19 years old, as it is not. "

Gorbachev 26 years old lives in the same house in Kalchug, did not make repair in him and never thought to move.

"Today I just leave, I look - somewhere flowed and collapsed. I recently come home, four buckets set - water catch. But I like this house. Like because there my life has passed, there is a famous ring of 940 meters inside the yard. The track on which we went. Every day we sought, wherever there were, the norm go through - six kilometers per hour. Raisa did not become - stopped walking. "


"I forgive a lot. By the way, when I answer questions about what I regret, I say - I talked a lot. But imagine what would happen if I were the frkow of Joseph (Stalin - Ed.)? So it is already possible to proceed with the country. "

The Russian millionaire Boris Berezovsky once said that he regretted that he was badly understood in humans, in their human qualities. To the question of a journalist, can Gorbachev say the same, he replied:

"Yes. I would also say so. For example, I believed that there were no react to all sorts there. When it was aggravated, we found ways to put it, but put in place intellectually. With the same story (Putch - Ed.) 1991. I thought - how many attempts were! That someone is going to take the right to take away from the president, to give someone else, then something else. I spend a meeting in Ogarevo, prepare the new (allied - ed.) Agreement, and they are doing something about my back here. I come on the second day - stood them in the fluff and dust! And I was sure that all questions decided, and this confidence turned into self-confidence.

I (about the dangers of self-confidence - ed.) Warned Putin. When I said that he considers himself a deputy god. Of course, it is angry this: he also said that Gorbachev had a language to shorten. President! To shorten the language. "

On the current President of Russia Vladimir Putin

"I think in place he. The place is a common effort to the limit, but it was necessary (the country is ed.) Save so that it does not break. "

"His fun has a lot. And he drinks, and dancing, and flies, and swims, damn, well, everything that can do. That's just afraid of space. Then everyone will write: "Vladimir Vladimirovich, do not return, make a favor to the people!".

"Somehow I was talking to Putin, and we often met him, at the beginning (His Board - Ed.), He says:" Well, how are your business on new Party? ". I say: "I am surprised at all, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Very active people go, and I really like the people. " And Putin said then winged phrase: "Well, what do you want? Our people are generally democratic. Or socialist. "

About family

Most of the Gorbachev family lives in Germany.

"Irina married the second time. For Andrei Trukhachev. And he (in Germany - Ed.) Works in business - logistics, transportation. I like it, a good guy. But he needs to be there. And when they moved to Irina, everyone else was stretched behind them - her daughters. We extremided almost all of your hair - the most modest reserves from us. But they bought them all the apartments there, in Berlin. "

"A group of people, as a former president, is highlighted - just like the apartment. Communication with family with us, of course, close, but far ride. And yet they go, and I come. We (before - ed.) Mete in Germany in New Year always…".

How did Gorbachev lived after resignation

Previously, Medusa wrote that since 1992 Gorbachev became a private person. The state three-room apartment on Kosyigina Street was liberated in Heshke - Gorbachev complained that while things were driving into the car, "some types were followed by a trace and led an offensive audit, suspecting that Gorbachevs would steal state property."

By decision of the Council of Chapters of the CIS for Gorbachev, they retained security, a service car and an apartment smaller in the same house (already in the 2000s it was sold to the composer Igor Cool). Together with his family, he moved to the country. Two-storey house. On the first floor - the dining room and kitchen, on the second - two cabinets and a bedroom. The house is surrounded by ten hectares of a pine forest, where they walked with his wife every day.

Foundation Gorbachev Photo: Wikipedia

In 1991, understanding the proximity of the resignation, Gorbachev founded the Own Research Center "Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies". Replaced Gorbachev as president, Boris Yeltsin allocated the building "Institute public Sciences"For the Ex-President Foundation, but with the condition that Gorbachev will cease to make politics. Life showed that politicians did not understand each other.

It was angry with Yeltsin, and in 1992 Gorbachev took away a personal gardener and the "presidential" zil enshrined him, leaving a modest service "Volga". To buy myself another Machine Gorbachev simply could not: the security attached to him did not allow him to the vehicles not certified by the Kremlin.

After serving from the civil service, by decision of the heads of the CIS countries, Gorbachev was discharged a solid pension - 4000 rubles (at that time - about four average monthly salary). However, to index it, as well as the pensions of other Russian citizens, no one was going, so by the summer of 1994 Gorbachev received less than two dollars a month. At the end of the same year, Boris Yeltsin corrected the situation with his decree and tied a predecessor retirement to the minimum salary - ex-president The USSR still receives from the state of 40 minimum wages per month; Now it is 312 thousand rubles, the greatest pension in the country.

In 1990, Gorbachev received the Nobel Prize of Peace and a million dollars, which spent on the construction of hospitals.

In the 90s, Gorbachev earned his life and financing the Fund at the expense of lectures, which was mainly in America, and books. The fees for performances reached 300 thousand dollars. In 2000, Gorbachev received 100 thousand dollars per speech at the motivational seminar and 75 thousand for a half-hour performance in a closed club.

So in best years Former Soviet president could earn more than a million dollars per trip. However, as several sources tell in his environment, the money received Gorbachev did not spend on himself, but for projects - their own and wives.

Another article of the revenue of Gorbachev began shooting in advertising.

He repeated the word "restructuring", looking at the construction and products of the Austrian Railway Concern. Advertised Pizza Hut. - In the video, the Russians in Pizzeria argued about the role of Gorbachev in history and in the end salute to him a piece of pizza (the former Secretary General received 160 thousand dollars for it).

Came to him and more expensive brands - Already in 2007, Gorbachev appeared in advertising Louis Vuitton.. In the photo, the ex-president was driving in a limousine along the Berlin Wall with road bagwhich braked the issue of the magazine THE NEW TIMES.Opened on the murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya and Ex-Agent FSB Alexander Litvinenko.

Covers of Gorbachev during a visit to India. 1988.
Photo: Boris Yurchenko / AP

Amend text size: A A.

Speaking about the activities of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, it is impossible not to remember his wife Raisa Maximov. After all, it was associated with her long years Tender love and touching friendship. Before her, the wives of the country's leaders remained in the shadows - many citizens did not even know how they look. Raisa Gorbachev violated this chemless tradition. "The only one of the Kremlin wives, who weighs less her husband,", "Communist Lady with Paris Chic," the foreign newspapers wrote about it. In the homeland, the people for a long time Raisu Maximov disliked ...

In 2014, 15 years after the death of the First Lady of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev shared his family secret with Komsomolskaya Mystery, who did not even know the closest friends.

Wedding in the dietary dining room

September for me a special month, "says Mikhail Sergeevich. - And not only because Raisa Maksimovna left (died from leukemia in one of the German clinics. - Ed.), September 25, 1953, we registered with it.

Frank recognition Mikhail Gorbachev: We lost my son with Raisa

The times were difficult, post-war, we are both students of Moscow State University, I am in Jurfak, she is in a philosophical. There is little money, I had to work for a wedding: I cleaned the potatoes in the combine. On the white dress For the bride, it was enough, from chiffon, stitched in atelier. And the shoes had to raise the girlfriend. Even the rings in the registry office did not exchange - I gave her a ring one more years.

And they celebrated the wedding only in November. They staged a evening in a dietary dining room on Stromyanka, where our hostel. It turned out a student table - vodka, vinaigrette, cutlets.

The first time when they got married, I could not cook Rais at all. Even the soup with the vermicelli could not cook! Mom she had a housewife, and Raisa is all in school: she graduated from the gold medal.

- They say, before you, Maximovna had a manger?

Not just a man, they were preparing to get married! There was such a Tolera Zaretsky, a physicist, a good guy. His father worked as director of the Baltic Railway. Mother came in specially in Specialvagon to evaluate the bride - and spoke out against Raisa. I did not allow the son to marry. So we have to thank her. And with us with Rasa somehow it turned out everything. And for life.

We, for example, loved to dance. Somehow invited us to the New Year's Youth Ball. Waltz played. We were so fascinated by the dance that the orchestra was already silent, and we are all circling. Stopped: everyone is watching us. We lived fun happily!

"The name of the child came up with: Seryozha"

It so happened, only got married, and suddenly the news - Raisa became pregnant, - Mikhail Gorbachev continues. - But the doctors have been banned. The fact is that a year before that, Raisa got sick, turned out to be literally on the verge of life and death. The terrible attack of rheumatism, she became all the feet, as if wadded. We could not walk - we were on stretchers with the guys in the hospital. The disease gave a serious complication on the heart.

Doctors told me: "Make a choice: a child can be born, and maybe not, but you will lose my wife. Her heart may not withstand. " Pregnancy interrupted. We were told that it was a boy.

As Raisa worried, suffered! I calmed as he could. But we have already discussed the name: I persuaded to call Son Sergey, in honor of my father. Sergey Mikhailovich - it would be nice ...

Only after a while when we left in Stavropol, Raisa felt better. They say positively affects the change of climate. We moved in 1955, and in two years we had a daughter Irishka.

- And the Raisa itself in honor of whom was called?

When her father after birth took the baby on his handles, said: "Such a pink as a paradise apple. There will be paradise. " By the way, my father and mother called Victor. But after a few weeks, the grandfather brought to the christening in the neighboring village. The priest asked: "How do you call?" Grandfather replied: "Mikhail". So left.

"Perestroika took away my favorite"

- were crisis in family life, serious quarrels?

Only small bitters. But when we argued with her, she said: "You will silent. You have only a silver medal! " (Laughs.)

- Jurnt to her?

It happened, although she tried not to admit. Love without jealousy does not happen. Amazing woman: Father - employee organization building railways. Simple family, they lived hard, sometimes in the wagons, nine schools changed, forever in traffic. But her behavior, manners, attitude to life, style - from the princess! For me, she remained a mystery all his life. And after all, I loved to dress beautifully.

- Is it her idea to open the house "Burda Moden" in Moscow?

Yes, she met in Germany with Madame Anne Burda. He invited her to the opening of the house in Moscow, which Raisa Patronized. She wanted to make taste to our women.

- They say, she was trimmed personally IV Saint-Laurent ...

This is a legend. Dressed her masters from Atelier on Kuznetsky Bridge.

- Margaret Thatcher in Memoirs Foreignly expresses about Raisa Maximov. Like, such a costume, which was on Gorbacheva, she would be happy herself with pleasure.

Well, for a woman, this is the most important thing (with irony). They were friends. Although Raisa Maksimovna is not so easy to converge with people. But if I converged, then the relationship is forever. It was very demanding to myself and to friends.

With Thatcher, they communicated in English. And I could not. From our generation almost no one knew foreign languages. Raisa was very educated.

I remember at meetings, people often asked: "Raisa Maksimovna, what do you do to look so good?" I immediately said: "She was lucky with her husband!" In response, she usually poured: "I still have to figure out, who is lucky more!"

She is a very decent person, wounded - not ashamed of injustice. So much around our family was bloken, the nonsense ... I stopped paying attention to them. And she did everything close to heart. This perestroika from me took away my wife: the experiences reduced the life of Raisa ...

Still keeping her handbag

Raisa Maksimovna started writing a book. She wanted to tell the truth about us as we live. I told her: "This is the policy, you never prove anything." She asked: "Will you help me write?" Until now, her shoulder bag, in which letters, leaflets, mark. After her care began to disassemble entries. The leaf caught, and on it diagonally written in red ink: "What is the heartache?" Finished title ... I myself recently finished another book, called "after the Kremlin." Will be released at the end of this autumn.

- Raisa Maksimovna helped you edit your first books?

This is our tradition: first the text read the most relatives. Now my daughter read my new book before you give to the publisher.

"But there is an opinion that you were a conductor of the ideas of my wife, take your famous phrase:" We must consult with Maximovna Rasa. "

No, I myself made decisions.

- And if you just start - would like a simple life?

I would not trade my life. But much would make it better, with ahead. It is a pity, I could not bring the restructuring to the end, many right things were conceived. But all that was done, played by his role. The country has changed, glastity appeared.

- It's a shame that in your country you criticize you?

Well, what do you think? Sure. But still I get a lot of good letters. Friends are. Most of them are women. I do not feel lonely or forgotten. Lonely only in one respect - that there is no raisa.

Sick question

About brother wives and dry law

- What happened to the younger brother Raisa Maksimovna Evgeny Titarenko?

It was a big drama, Rais was engaged in almost 40 years old. He is alive, but, in essence, disabled from life - alcoholism destroys man. All attempts by Risa to help him did not accept. But what a guy was! The family did not fit the parents, went to the maritime school at the age of 14. Later graduated from the Litin Institute, wrote, and rather talented, for teenagers. But I tried to take something serious - and completely broke. When I came to visit us, Zapoi began. I was already the secretary of the Central Committee, suddenly we were told that her brother was sitting in the reclining. From Voronezh arrived in Moscow, we are looking for us.

Detected him to a special hospital, but it did not work out there. I think the situation with Brother Raisu also loosened. Very worried about him.

- They say, because of his drunkenness, did you come up with a dry law?

Do not exaggerate. Drunk in those years brought many. Drank everywhere. Even at the Department at the University: Raisa was an associate professor, and she was ordered to go buy sausages for a snack! Mature letters "do at least something" piled up the Central Committee, the government. Another Leonid Ilyich, who himself loved to drink, gave orders to find a way out as a society to save from a solid drunken.

It came to the point that per capita (including children) accounted for up to 17 liters of pure alcohol. There is a scientific conclusion: a society where 18 and more lithres per capita, herself destroys themselves! I became the Gensen. And this report comes me. We were going to introduce measures: regulate prices, assortment - all drank only vodka, and dry wines, even beer was almost no ... For the implementation of the plan, Yegor Kuzmich was answered (Ligachev, then the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. - Ed.) And Mikhail Sergeevich Solomen residents (Politburo Member . - Ed.). They were injected! It was about replacing the wine varieties on the dining room. And they all turned inside out, brought to stupidity. I did not give good to cut down the vineyards!

By the way

What made the wife of the President of the USSR

Together with Academician Dmitry Likhachev, in the late 1980s, the Soviet Foundation of Culture was founded and contributed to the return of Russian cultural values from abroad.

Initiated the opening of museums, including Andrei Rublev, Nikolai Roerich, Marina Tsvetaeva. He oversaw projects for the restoration of temples destroyed during the years of Soviet power.

Helped children who survived the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant Sheffined the Central Children's Hospital in Moscow, was an honorary chairman international Association "Hematologists of the World - Children." The Institute of Children's Hematology and Transplantology Today wears the name R. M. Gorbacheva.

The British magazine Woman's Own called Rais Maximovna "Woman of the Year" (1987). In 1988, Raisa Gorbacheva was awarded the "Women of the World" premium, in 1991 - the "Lady of the Year" award.

First of all

Mikhail Gorbachev: "To marry Risa, I went in the combine whole summer"

In reflections about life, Mikhail Sergeevich returns to his roots, then talks about how he studied at Jurfak MSU, as his views were formed, recalls fellow students, their work in his native Stavropol, then "passes" all the circles and steps of the Soviet hardware system with her Secret springs, cattle and traps. In a word, the book gives answers to many questions that cause the Phenomenon of Gorbachev ()

March 2, 1931 was born Mikhail Gorbachev - the last secretary General CPSU Central Committee the only president THE USSR. He is the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World. During the time that Gorbachev led the country, an attempt was made to reform the Soviet system, the cold war was completed, troops from Afghanistan were bred, the USSR broke up ..

Gorbachev was born in the Stavropol Territory. IN post-war years He had to combine her studies with work. In 1949, Gorbachev's schoolboy for impact work on harvesting grain was awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner. In 1950, Mikhail graduated from school with silver Medal And I did without exams at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov - this opportunity provided a government award. At the university he met his future wife Rasa Titarenko.

Misha Gorbachev with grandfather Pantel and Grandma Vasilisa, the end of the 1930s

Students MSU Raisa Titarenko and Mikhail Gorbachev on the eve of the wedding, 1953

After receiving higher education Gorbachev was sent to Stavropol to the regional prosecutor's office, where he worked on the distribution of 10 days. On his own initiative, he was engaged in Komsomolskaya work - he became the deputy head of the agitation department and propaganda of Stavropol Territory VLKSM. So began his political career.

In the mid-1960s from Moscow received ultimate recommendations for the promotion of Gorbachev. In 1966, he was elected the first secretary of the Stavropol Public Committee of the CPSU. In the same year first visited the border - in the GDR.

Gorbachev visits pig breeding in GDR, 1966

In 1978, Gorbachev, after election, the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, and the family moves to Moscow. Two years later he entered the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, from December 9, 1989 to June 19, 1990 - Chairman of the Russian Central Committee of the CPSU Central Committee, from March 11, 1985 to August 24, 1991 - Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU. On October 1, 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev took the post of Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, that is, began to combine higher positions in the party and state hierarchy.

On March 15, 1990, the USSR Gorbachev was elected President of the USSR on the third extraordinary congress of People's Deputies. At the same time until December 1991 was Chairman of the USSR Defense Council, supreme Commander Armed Forces THE USSR.

Yury Andropov and Mikhail Gorbachev

Fame in the political circles of the West Gorbachev for the first time brought his visit in May 1983 to Canada, where he went for a week with the permission of the Andropov Secretary General. Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudou became the first major Western leader who personally accepted Gorbachev and took him to him with sympathy.

In Canada, 1983

In 1984, Gorbachev visited London at the invitation of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

With Nikolae Chaushestka, 1985

In Berlin, 1986

In January 1987, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU Gorbachev gave the Start of Perestroika politics, in the development of numerous reforms and campaigns, which later led to market economy, free election, the destruction of the monopoly authority of the CPSU and the collapse of the USSR.

Gorbachev and Ryzhkov welcome the participants of the demonstration on the day of the International Solidarity of the Workers, 1987

Having come to power, Gorbachev tried to improve relations with the United States and Western Europe. One of the reasons for this was the desire to reduce military spending - the USSR was not able to withstand the arms race with the United States and NATO.

With the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan Gorbachev from 1985 to 1988 spent four large bilateral meetings that marked the essential warming of relations between the USSR and the West.

Vice President George Bush-senior, US President Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev, 1988

Gorbachev and US President George Bush signed an agreement on the destruction and non-production chemical weapons, 1990

Gorbachev played key role In the union of Germany, despite the fact that Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitteran tried to slow down the pace of the integration process and expressed concerns before the possibility of new "dominance" in Germany in Europe.

Gorbachev welcomes the head of the GDR Erich Honecker, 1989

Reagan and Gorbachev near the Fragment of the Berlin Wall

Gorbachev with his wife during a conversation with dad John Paul II, 1989

"In the recognition of his leading role in a peaceful process, which today characterizes an important part of life international community", On October 15, 1990, Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. On December 10, 1990, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Kovalev received at the presentation ceremony in Oslo Instead of Gorbachev, on his instructions, the Nobel Prize was received.

On June 5, 1991, Gorbachev spoke in Oslo with the Nobel lecture, which stressed the desire of the peoples of the USSR "to be an organic part of modern civilization, to live in harmony with universal values, according to the standards international law"But at the same time to preserve your uniqueness and cultural diversity.

Vladimir Putin, Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev

Gorbachev communicates with the residents of Vilnius, 1990

At the meeting with Thatcher, 1990

December 25, 1991, after signing by chapters 11 of the Union republics Belovezhsky Agreement On the cessation of the existence of the USSR and the Alma-Ata Protocol to Him, Mikhail Gorbachev has consolidated the powers of the President of the USSR. From January 1992 to the present - President of the International Fund of Socio-Economic and Political Studies (Gorbachev-Fund).

Gorbachev and Jacqueline Kennedy, 1992

Gorbachev became the first laureate of the Dresden Prize

With Bill Rouie at MTV Free Your Mind Awards Ceremony

In early November 2014, Gorbachev made a visit to Germany, where he opened the exhibition in honor of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Mikhail Gorbachev and German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Mikhail Sergeevich released a lot of books. He was also repeatedly starred in documentary films and advertising.

The first and last ruler of the Great Power, accompanied the conclusion soviet troops from Afghanistan and end cold War. It was he who refused communist ideology and began to build a new relationship with European countries.

But much in the activities of the ruler of the USSR seems ambiguous and strange. At the board of Gorbachev, there was a collapse of the country and the Warsaw bloc, the new country chose another path. And in this renewed reality, Mikhail Sergeyevich no longer found a place.

Since 1992, politician began the life of a private person, although he has survived a large number of previous privileges.

The apartment on Kosygina, though she soon sold it to Igor Krutoy, as well as in life use, he was given a government cottage in the village of Kalchug on Rublevo-Sucan Highway.

All the next twenty-six years, Mikhail Sergeevich spent in this house, in the very village, in which he lived, having traveled from Stavropol. With the mind of the house is not a competitive at all with its neighbors, as inside, however. Two-storey house It contains a dining room and kitchen on the first floor, two cabinets and a bedroom on the second.

But earlier, there were more than ten hectares of the pine forest around the Soviet summer, it was among these trees, after his resignation, Gorbachev loved to walk with his wife.

Most of the time laureate nobel Prize It spends alone, because shortly after the death of his beloved wife, daughter and grandchildren moved to live in Germany. When Gorbachev was a lag, he often visited relatives, helping them financially, but now in 87 years old, it's not easy to do this, so the only satellites are the household assistants.

According to the decision of the Government of Russia, for the first president Soviet Union The old age pension has been preserved, which is 40 minimum wages, it is about 450 thousand rubles; car with a personal driver; Four loyal security guard and household assistant.

They help aging politics not only in solving household problemsBut also accompany him at public events, from which Gorbachev did not refuse.

In 2007, Gorbachev acquired a house called "Castle Hubertus" in the picturesque town of Rottach Eger (Bavaria), famous for the success in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The dwelling surrounds a beautiful well-kept garden, and a mountain river flows nearby.

Some years ten years ago permanent place Accommodation, it was decided to consider this particular house.

"Castle Hubertus" in the picturesque town of Rottach Egen (Bavaria)

However, despite all these beauties, local residents About five years old do not observe Gorbachev here, and by rumors, a year ago, even new owners appeared at the house.

A few years ago, one reputable American edition was sucking a loyal widower with the wife of the famous California billionaire and the mother of three children Dian Meyer Simon.

Woman founded Global Green USA, american branch similar to environmental organizationfounded by the former Soviet president, and they often began to notice together.

However, the head of the press service of Gorbachev, called it with a vile lie and stated that Gorbachev with Dian only connects a strong multi-year friendship, including a woman was familiar with the wife of the former Maxim Maxim Secretary General.

Mikhail Gorbachev's only daughter Irina Virganskaya turned 61 years old, a woman is married for the second time and for more twelve years lives happy life With businessman Andrey Trukhachev.

The woman herself, being the vice-president of the Gorbachev-Fund, has long been living on two cities. She spends a lot of time in Moscow, and in Munich, doing the affairs of the Father's Fund.

Irina Virganskaya with her husband

Pay attention to the press and granddaughter Gorbachev, 38-year-old Xenia and 31 years old Anastasia. According to the famous politician, they are almost never in Russia, and independently build their lives.

Both girls are good and even tried to build model careers, but the famous grandfather and mother dreamed of seeing them in another sphere.

Ksenia married fifteen years ago for his classmate Kirill Malty, though the marriage was fleeting, the couple broke up after two years, then Dmitry Pyrchenkov became a satellite - former director Singers Abraham Russo.

Gorbachev and Ksenia

After not quite a successful career in the fashion world, Ksenia held the post of chief editor of the Russian version of the magazine L "Officiel, where, by the way, it was consequeled by Ksenia Sobchak.

The younger granddaughter of the former Secretary General married eight years ago for successful entrepreneur Dmitry Zangyeva.

Anastasia also managed to work as chief editor in the magazine Grazia.

Now both granddaughter Gorbachev lives mainly in Germany, completely devoted themselves to the family, travel a lot in the world and actively help the mother in working with the Gorbachev Foundation.

Gorbachev with family