Singer Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband, musician Alexei Chumakov are celebrating a "wooden" wedding the other day. Despite divorce rumors star couple, the artists have been happy together for over 11 years, five of which are officially married.

Yulia Kovalchuk denied rumors of a divorce from Alexei Chumakov with a touching photo on the social network

Singer Yulia Kovalchuk denied rumors floating on social networks about a divorce from singer and TV presenter Alexei Chumakov. The other day, the ex-member of the "Brilliant" group posted a touching picture on her Instagram, in which the singer and her husband are depicted kissing with an armful of balloons in hand. Photo Kovalchuk dedicated them to Chumakov "wooden" wedding and accompanied the photo with a declaration of love.

Thus, Kovalchuk denied rumors about troubles in the family of artists and confirmed her status as a “good wife”. Not so long ago, the singer provoked a scandal on the social network, saying that “men don’t leave good wives,” which seriously offended many fans, as well as singer Victoria Daineko. The latter wrote down these words at her own expense and was seriously offended by her colleague, although Kovalchuk did not mention Daineko's name in any way in her entry.

Rumors about the divorce of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov appeared in the spring of 2018. The wave of discussions was provoked by the singer herself, having made an entry in her social network about her husband's infidelity. Later Julia admitted that she was joking, but the fans of the star couple were seriously alarmed: some of them suggested that there was some truth in the joke, and therefore the divorce of the performers was not far off.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov have been living together for 11 years

The relationship between the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant" Yulia Kovalchuk and musician Alexei Chumakov has been going on for more than a decade. The singer and her future husband met in 2007, but the public learned about the novel only two years later. In 2013, the couple tied the knot.

In October last year a daughter, Amelia, was born in a family of musicians. The name of the newborn became known to the press only six months later, since neither Kovalchuk nor Chumakov try not to advertise their personal lives. The couple are opponents of the demonstration family relations to the public, so he rarely gives comments about each other and about his daughter. Kovalchuk rarely pleases fans with joint pictures with her husband, because her recent post-congratulations on her 5th wedding anniversary caused a real stir. On this moment the photo has already gained more than 110 thousand likes.

Numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva made a prediction for the future of artists. According to the expert, serious passions boil in these relations, and in certain moment spouses will want to separate. True, Chumakov and Kovalchuk will still be able to find the strength to restore what they have been building for years.

Today, March 12, singer Alexei Chumakov celebrates his 36th birthday. Became famous in 2003 thanks to the third place in the competition " National artist”on the Rossiya TV channel, today the artist and writer has two music albums and two novels to his credit - “In Search of Ghosts” and “47”. In the personal life of a celebrity, everything is also stable, he has been married to singer Yulia Kovalchuk for more than three years. Star numerologist Clara Kuzdenbaeva on Chumakov's birthday made a prediction for his future.


“Alexey's life code is 257235, which means he was born on Big Jump Day,” says Clara. - The singer has a great future, the peak of his popularity is yet to come. He is a very charming and energetic guy, he is always welcome in any company. But he is not one of those who could make a career as a businessman: Chumakov easily parted with money, and is carefree about the financial side of his life.

As for relationships with loved ones, in this matter, according to the numerologist, Chumakov will have a hard time.

“As a person, he is emotional, has a very difficult character,” says Clara. - Touchy and jealous, unable to remain silent in the right situation, at times he gets on his wife's nerves. On March 12, a period of ascent begins in his life. If he does not become lazy, the next few months he will be lucky, and the singer will have a chance to record a hit that will be loved not only in Russia, but also abroad. Also, perhaps in the next two years, Alexei will become a dad.

The relationship between Alexei Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk seems exemplary to many - the couple have been together for many years and managed to overcome a lot of trials together. True, as it turned out, this union does not do without an emotional shake-up.

“His marriage to Yulia was made in heaven,” the numerologist believes. - The singer has the same as Alexei, life code- this happens very rarely. They are two halves of the same apple. But in the programs of both there are no fours, and this indicates constant swearing in a pair. Their emotions will prevail over reason, so every misunderstanding ends in a scandal. But, on the other hand, the stars quickly reconcile, and harmony again sets in in their family.

Despite the fact that the stars do not yet have children, they should not worry about this - they have no health problems, Yulia can give birth at any time. Most likely, he and Alexei are still determined to work and live for themselves.

At the age of 39, Yulia needs to be careful, she will face a decline in energy. A difficult period will come in their relationship with Alexei, the stars will even think about a divorce, but in the end they will stay together. This couple is one of the strongest in our show business, they will never part. Even the intensity of passions that reigns in their relationship is not capable of harming this lasting union.

Yulia Kovalchuk announced her pregnancy recently in exclusive interview for site.

Photo: Archive OK! Julia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov

Today in the press there was news that a joyful event occurred in the family of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov. According to Rambler, citing a WMJ source, the couple became the parents of a girl. the site contacted the singer's representative to congratulate her on the birth of her first child, and received a response:

Recall that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov got married in 2013 after five years of relationship. This summer, a colleague of the artist on the show "Weighted People" Irina Turchinskaya said that the couple were preparing for replenishment. In September, Kovalchuk and Chumakov graced the cover of OK! and officially confirmed the pregnancy rumors.

“Pregnancy is such a universal joy! From the very beginning, I knew that I would not have capricious, speculative, inherent a large number pregnant girls. It seems to me that this only angers and repels the beloved man, ”Julia told about her condition.

The popular singer Yulia Kovalchuk, because of her love for free outfits, has long been the object of close attention of the paparazzi. Journalists suspected that the artist was going to give her first child to her husband Alexei Chumakov, so she had to clarify this sensitive issue, and she spoke not only about pregnancy, but also about divorce.

Rumors about a possible replenishment were partly provoked by Kovalchuk herself. On Instagram, Julia with enviable regularity boasted of her slender body and perfect press. She often posed in tight outfits and swimsuits.


However, in Lately something has changed. Numerous subscribers noticed that the former soloist of the "Brilliant" suddenly stopped showing her figure. The performer publishes pictures in which she is depicted in closed, loose or layered clothing that hides all the curves.

As a result, reporters and netizens decided that Yulia was in interesting position. And even determined by eye the approximate time. Like, childbirth is expected in the fall.

TV journalists did not hesitate to discuss this personal topic with Kovalchuk. “I get pregnant about every six months, then we get divorced, then I insert my breasts,” Yulia ironically listed all the popular rumors about herself.

Posted by Singer, Tv Presenter, Actress (@juliakovalchuk) Jun 11 2017 at 4:48 PDT

The performer has long learned not to react to such unpleasant moments. Her husband, singer and actor Alexei Chumakov, is also not surprised by anything. “We are so calm about all this. If this happens, we will tell about it after the fact,” Kovalchuk promised on the air of the RU.TV channel.

However, the artist stressed that curious onlookers would not know about her pregnancy in advance. As well as about any other event from her personal life. It turns out that Yulia and Alexei decided to hide everything to the last, as other famous couples like Ksenia Sobchak with Maxim Vitorgan and Polina Gagarina with Dmitry Iskhakov did. It seems that conspiracy games are becoming the favorite pastime of the stars.