On last week the heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, who died as a result of an accident in August this year, committed suicide. The girl had a prolonged depression, which became the cause of suicide. A few days later, Soltan divorced Alexei Plotnikov. Anastasia stated that her husband turned away from her. The victim of the tragedy said that former lover I didn't even ask how she felt.

Journalists contacted former spouse Anastasia Alexei Plotnikov. The man frankly spoke about what caused his divorce from the unfortunate girl. Plotnikov claims that Anastasia's entourage insisted on this. Relatives of Soltan, Aleksey is convinced, persuaded her to go to court with an application for divorce.

“It is a pity that Anastasia was close to people who gave her, in my opinion, not best advice- file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia, together with her sister and husband, was carried out by a lawyer. Nastya did not come to court. And by coincidence, I myself was late to court. The only thing they asked me was: “Will you appeal against the court’s decision?” But you won't be forced to be nice. Fight for a person who says: "I don't want to see you, don't come here." For my part, the conversation was short, which ended after the transfer of the money she asked for, ”shared Alexey Plotnikov.

Former husband Soltan said that a close friend of the family, Marina Parfenova, urged him to protect his wife from the influence of his sister. According to a friend deceased Paul Soltana, Veronica was jealous of her sister for her mother, so she hated her.

Plotnikov is also sure that Anastasia deliberately behaved in such a way that those around her felt sorry for her. It was for this purpose, the man says, that the girl wrote heartbreaking posts. Alexey believes that the victim of the tragedy depended on the likes and comments that were left to her on the Internet. After Anastasia gave an interview in which she spoke negatively about her relatives, they began to condemn her in in social networks. “That is, it was no longer support, but already criticism. Perhaps she could not stand this criticism, ”the ex-lover of the deceased told Life.ru.

We note that in our last interview Soltan spoke frankly about the quarrel with her sister and her husband. Anastasia accused Veronica and Vyacheslav Koltsov of depriving her of the keys to her parents' apartment and protecting her from communicating with outside world, confiscating her money and phone. If we analyze Soltan's latest publications on social networks, it becomes clear that she was in conflict with Veronica's husband and called him a tyrant. The victim of the tragedy also said that she did not receive funds from her father's acquaintances allocated for her treatment and rehabilitation.

Everything happened so fast and scary that it looks even implausible. But that is exactly how events unfolded. Just a few months ago - a wedding with a loved one, White dress, youth, health and happiness.

Now there is nothing.

There is no husband with whom there was a wedding in early June. There are no parents who were so happy about the happiness of their daughter at this wedding. No... the bride herself.

The wedding was just fabulous. Thin, tender, very young bride, groom in love, magnificent interiors of the 2nd Wedding Palace on Furshtatskaya, photo session at Winter Palace, a banquet in a good restaurant ... Dozens of friends and relatives, but the main thing is that Nastya is next to her mom and dad.
And the day before, the family had another celebration, even a double one: Pavel Mikhailovich, Nastya's father, and Alexei, the groom, had a birthday on the same day - June 4th.

"Luckily, the two most important men in my life have birthdays today! I wanted to congratulate you again and say that I love them very much and cherish them!"
- Nastya Soltan wrote on her page on the Vkontakte network.

On August 14, Pavel Mikhailovich, vice speaker of the Legislative Assembly, and his wife Svetlana died in an accident on the Vyborg highway. Nastya was with them in the car.

She survived but was seriously injured.
I had to stay in the hospital for a long time. Chained to a hospital bed, the girl became interested in social networking. And I couldn't stop in time. She wrote about everything, newspapers circulated her notes, journalists competently discussed whether Nastya's sister was right, forcing her to undergo rehabilitation in the hospital, although the unfortunate young woman was eager to go home. Hundreds of commentators threw firewood into a maturing family conflict.

And yet Nastya insisted on her own, sister Veronika could not stand the indignation of the networks, which rose like a wave after each tearful post of Nastya that she was tired of the hospital. Nastya escaped from the hospital, although her ability to walk without a crutch was at stake.

In an orphaned apartment without parents, Nastya lasted only a day: she threw herself out of a window from the 12th floor.

Like this scary tale, in which hundreds of people managed to participate, but it did not benefit anyone. I will act as Captain Obvious, but still I remind you: something that hurts the soul, very personal, should not be posted on the network for general use. Take care of yourself, people are no longer satisfied with soapy made-up stories, they are looking for real heroes and... mercilessly torment them.

After the funeral of Anastasia Soltan, who fell out of the window of the house where she lived before the tragedy with her parents, her ex-husband gave an interview to Life. The deputy of the municipal council Alexei Plotnikov spoke about his relationship with Nastya and her family. Here is a monologue from one of actors in this sad story.

Relationship with Pavel Soltan

It was a good, friendly family. It was a great joy for me when we had dinner every evening, each telling how the day went. I always wanted the family to be one in which there was an understanding father-in-law. I chose my family for a long time. Pavel Mikhailovich introduced me to Nastya. It is a great honor for me that he saw in me a reliable person, and I sincerely respected Pavel Mikhailovich. He was a very kind person and very sincere. Which, you know, is not often found not only among politicians, but also among ordinary people.

Pavel Mikhailovich lived his work very modestly. Pavel Mikhailovich and Svetlana Valentinovna were people of their time. Just in small things: favorite cake - "potato", favorite cake - "Prague". This is what unites people, what was in their youth. For me, this is a memory, in fact, of childhood.

What are the priorities of the sister with her husband?..

Svetlana Valentinovna once said: "Nastya, your sister will eat you." Therefore, it is very important that a person appears, that if we are gone ... Perhaps they felt. They said, "Perhaps we won't be," something like that. We talked with Pavel Mikhailovich two weeks before the event, he said: "Alexey, I'll have enough for five years. Then we have to think." Svetlana Valentinovna agreed with Nastya's sister: we help you with your mortgage, but don't touch Nastya.

On the day of the funeral, Veronica's husband said that I did not need anything in this situation.

With a smile, with such an unpleasant, caustic smile, my sister's husband said to me: "Alexey, you only married Pavel Mikhailovich. And once you get married, you can easily get a divorce." From Veronica towards Nastya it sounded: "We will find you another husband."

The break with Anastasia Soltan

All the time after the accident, I was in Sestroretsk with her. When she was transferred from Sestroretsk to the Elizabethan Hospital, there was a ward with an adjacent room: in one room there was her bed, in the other room there was a sofa on which I spent the night. IN last week they brought a cot, on which I slept next to her bed. For the last nine days, I asked Nastya, said that it was already the moment when I needed to focus on business. But, unfortunately, Nastya did not support me at that moment. And I came to her already on September 19, when the elections had already taken place. To talk: that's it, now I'm here. But at that moment the dialogue did not work out in any way, Anastasia was sure that she was left. It was a tough conversation that didn't lead to anything. And, of course, since September 19, communication with Nastya was only on September 24 or 25. When she, in such a lively, maybe even nervous mood, demanded that I bring the money.

You know, not everyone is nominated for elections of this level in a row. And this, of course, is a split in priorities: it seems that I have a wife, but I also seemed to be ineffective as a nurse. But for the sake of the future it was impossible to leave the matter

Alexey Plotnikov

Nastya had only two claims - a laptop and money (half of the money that was donated for the wedding, and money from a travel agency). If you tell all this in detail, then the laptop was transferred through the sister's husband. And this young man came to the meeting, sorry, with a bat. What speaks of incomprehensible thoughts in the head of this person.

I returned from a business trip, I went to Donetsk, and through my brother Pavel Mikhailovich, all the money was transferred and the receipts were drawn up.

It is a pity that Anastasia was close to people who gave her, in my opinion, not the best advice - to file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia, together with her sister and husband, was carried out by a lawyer. Nastya did not come to court. And by coincidence, I myself was late to court. The only thing they asked me was: "Will you appeal the court's decision?" But you won't be forced to be nice. Fight for a man who says: "I don't want to see you, don't come here." For my part, the conversation was short, which ended after the transfer of the money she asked for.
Of course, the initiator of the contention is clearly the sister and her husband. All this led to this. On the day of the funeral, or rather the next day. Marina Parfenova ( close friend families. - Approx. ed.) wrote to me on VKontakte: "In memory of your parents - to you great advice, protect Nastya from her sister. Because of jealousy for her mother, the sister sincerely hates Nastya.

They wrote on VKontakte: "Aleksey, ask for forgiveness." You know, I'm sure I did everything right. The husband is always responsible. Work, business. In my case, it was an election. You should never leave what you are doing, because this is the future of the family. You can never give up. The family should in any case verbally support each other. Nastya did not hear this. Nastya really wanted pity for herself, she received this pity on social networks. But this pity from social networks played an extremely negative role.

Alexey Plotnikov

Death of Anastasia

Nastya had a mobile psyche, and all this was embedded in school years. The parents themselves, Pavel Mikhailovich, said that it was because of his sister. Before the wedding, when we went to meet my sister's family, everyone was in the car: Nastya was, Svetlana Valentinovna, Pavel Mikhailovich. They told me: "Alexey, never have anything to do with Slava. Especially money. The family is very complicated." And the only phrase that I remember at the end: "They are not good." But no one thought that it would all happen like this. Nastya became very dependent on support on the Internet, on social networks. It was very important for her when she was given likes. And the parents said, and Nastya said: she is afraid of evaluation, evaluation from the outside. And when all these posts - "Nastya, come on, hold on, you must be strong." And when, on the last day after the report, there were phrases in her direction that "Nastya, you need to think. Probably, these are not the most right action". That is, it was no longer support, but already criticism. Perhaps she could not stand this criticism.

Since she did not have access to the Internet, to social networks, as I understand it, her smartphone was taken away from her. And at eight in the evening she went online, read all this and could not stand it.

I don't know what happened in those two months when Nastya lived with her sister and her husband. This is not indifferent to me, I constantly watched what Nastya writes, what my sister writes, what they write in the comments in general. I read that she tried to jump out the window. I don’t know how it all happened technically, how it all looked from the outside.

You know, friends of the parents said: "Lyosha, don't have any illusions, her sister doesn't need Nastya." At a certain point, there are two ways: either a really madhouse, or something else. Nastya had to be separated from her husband. And my sister did it.

It all affected. Disconnection with her husband - once, an assessment from social networks. It is surprising how easily people, not knowing the complexity of the situation, give assessments.

Nastya was completely knocked out from under her feet. She was very attached to her parents, very much. On the day of the wedding, when Marina Parfenova approached her parents and said that now they need to live separately. Svetlana Valentinovna said: "Nastya can't do without me."

Yes, she could not stand the separation from her parents. Of course, it’s a pity that for Nastya there was no authority in this whole situation, despite the advice of her brother Pavel Mikhailovich, friends of her parents, her friend, she didn’t hear what I said. As a result, a sister became a close person at that moment. But life has shown that this was the wrong priority for Nastya.

Veronica took on the load, pushed me back, but she herself did not carry this load to the end. God is the judge of everyone in this situation who was present. I will continue with this.

Anastasia Soltan was buried the day before at the Kuzmolovsky cemetery next to her parents, Pavel and Svetlana Soltan.

Today, the media reported that the daughter of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, who died from an accident in August this year, had died. According to preliminary data, Anastasia committed suicide - the girl jumped out of the window. This happened on the night from Thursday to Friday, at about 22:00. It so happened that the 22nd birthday of the heiress politician was her last.

A month before her death, Anastasia made a touching post on social networks. In it, she promised to live, despite the tragedy that happened to her family. The girl hoped that she would continue the work of her parents and help others. She also shared a video for Igor Matvienko's song "Live". No one suspected that after some time Anastasia would decide to jump out of the window. It seemed that the heiress of Pavel Soltana was optimistic about the future and was trying to hold on.

"I am 21 years old. Back in the summer, I had everything I needed to be happy - this is my family. Loving parents and loving husband. In August, my parents and I had a terrible accident, my mother and father died, and I was between life and death. For me, my parents were everything, and my husband also left in the hospital. I didn’t know how to continue to live, to be honest, I still don’t know now. But I live! It's hard, it hurts, it's scary, but you have to live! My dad lost his arms and legs when he was young, but he didn't give up! A person who needed help himself helped people and children who were in a difficult situation. life situation. And my mother helped dad every day, for 25 years, and until her death she was devoted to him. I want to continue their work, I want to help people. Appreciate life and give good! Anastasia Soltan shared on her Facebook page at the end of October.

Journalists also report that Anastasia's sister made a strange post on social networks, in which she announced her death. “I gave the keys as you requested. Nastya is no longer alive. My God, ”Veronica made such a publication at 22.25, a few minutes after the death of a loved one.

A few days before her suicide, Anastasia went to rehabilitation against her will. Relatives of the deceased insisted that the girl needed treatment. Anastasia tried to escape, but her sister and her husband managed to stop these attempts. By the way, the other day Alexey Plotnikov, the husband of the unfortunate girl, divorced her without her presence. In the statement of Pavel Soltan's heiress, it was written that she would not be able to come to court for health reasons. Plotnikov told reporters that Anastasia did not want to communicate with him and that he only wanted the best for her.

Anastasia Soltan married Alexei Plotnikov on the eve of the tragedy that occurred in her family in August this year. Then Pavel Soltan, who was driving a Toyota, as well as his wife and daughter Anastasia, were returning home from a forest walk. The car, which was the family of a politician, collided with a Mercedes. Pavel Soltan and his wife died, and their heiress miraculously survived, but was seriously injured and recovered for a very long time. We also recall that the deceased deputy chairman of St. Petersburg lost his arms and legs in his youth, so he moved on prostheses.

In August, the girl had a terrible accident that claimed the life of her parents. In the next three months, a divorce from her husband, quarrels with her sister and a difficult rehabilitation after the fractures were fit. Anastasia repeatedly demonstrated that she was in a state of crisis, and twice attempted suicide, but on the fateful day she was still left alone in the apartment. dead moms and dads.

The summer of 2016 promised to be the happiest period in the life of the 21-year-old daughter of the former deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg parliament, Anastasia Soltan. June began with continuous celebrations. The girl's beloved father Pavel Soltan and fiance Alexei Plotnikov celebrated their 4th birthdays, and the next day a beautiful wedding ceremony was held: smiles, kisses and dozens of loving friends and relatives. Should have taken place in the fall Honeymoon. But the honeymoon never came, and happiness turned out to be short-lived and ended in one short moment on August 14 at the 43rd kilometer of the Vyborg highway ...

Law enforcement agencies are still investigating the circumstances of the terrible head-on collision of two cars. In one were Svetlana and Pavel Soltan, as well as their daughter Anastasia, in the other another family: 28-year-old Dmitry Izotov, his wife and their 10-month-old child, all three received fractures. Pavel Soltan died on the spot, Svetlana was hospitalized in critical condition, but soon she died in the hospital. Their daughter was diagnosed with extensive blood loss, as well as fractures of the pelvis and hip. Doctors assessed the condition as serious.

IN law enforcement agencies believe that Izotov's Mercedes flew into the oncoming lane, but he himself claims that he did not violate the rules traffic and became a hostage to the high status of a politician driving a Toyota.

Pavel Soltan is a rare example of a well-known St. Petersburg politician with solid experience, about whom people responded extremely positively. Many people thanked the deputy for the help provided in resolving specific problems of the residents of his electoral territory. At the age of 20, he lost his hands and feet, but did not give up and, thanks to prostheses, took advantage of a second chance at a normal human life. After graduation from the institute future politician For 14 years he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics, and from 1998 to 2016 he was constantly elected to the city legislature.

Anastasia was very attached to her parents. This can be judged by her activity in social networks. I was proud of my dad. In the early days, relatives did not dare to tell her about the loss. But in the end, the sad news had to be delivered, and it was only the beginning of a whole series of blows of fate.

Following the shattered bones, Anastasia's young marriage cracked. The girl was in an extremely depressed state and needed support from the very loved one but met with misunderstanding. At that moment, it seemed to Alexei that politics and participation in the upcoming elections to the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly were more important, and personal affairs could wait. The campaign schedule, which included numerous meetings with voters, photo shoots and other public events, left almost no windows for hospital visits.

As a result, Anastasia filed for divorce, accusing her husband of careerism and misappropriation of money donated for the wedding.

I called him to come, asked for help from relatives and friends, even deputy Anastasia Melnikova called and asked him to come to my hospital. But he had a goal - a career, even before the accident, he said that his work came first, - the girl complained.

At that moment, she was sure that Alexei had only used her to get Pavel Soltan to advance in career ladder and inclusion in the composition of the participants in the elections from the "Fair Russia".

Before the wedding, many people told us, people who knew their husband for more than one year tried to convey to their parents: they say, is it not scary for you to give your daughter to such a person. But we didn't believe them. Alexey and I are familiar on this moment just a year. He asked my parents for political help, they were very trusting people, they wanted to see only the good in people. I think he took advantage of the connections, and I'm sure this marriage was arranged. This is what everyone tried to tell us on the eve of the wedding, - Anastasia said in her hearts.

Sister Veronika and her husband sided with the girl, changing the locks in the parents' apartment where the newlyweds lived, immediately after the break. As a result, Aleksey lost the election miserably both at the city and federal levels.

And yet, new experiences did not help the treatment at all, the girl continued to yearn for her parents, and the injuries threatened to leave her on crutches forever.

Soon, a noisy break with his sister was added to this. On November 22, Anastasia stated that Veronica and her husband forcibly sent her to the hospital for rehabilitation. At the same time, money, keys to the apartment, an iPhone and a computer were taken away.

Veronica and her husband claimed that their actions were caused by concern for the girl's health. As relatives later said, before that she had twice tried to commit suicide.

She did not want to go there and tried to run away. In order to take care of her health and complete a full course of exercises, my husband temporarily changed her iPhone to a regular push-button phone so that Nastya would not be distracted by social networks, posts, likes, interviews and the number of views of her videos, - said the sister.

A day earlier, it became known that Alexey Plotnikov routinely divorced Anastasia. The court decided on a divorce in the absence of a girl who could not be at the meeting for health reasons.

VK "do not talk. I interfere with other patients, and they asked me to move out," Anastasia said.

The documents and keys to her parents' apartment were returned to her that same evening.

Each of Anastasia's latest statements on social networks and interviews literally screamed that she was in a crisis and needed emergency assistance. And then suddenly the girl was completely alone in the apartment of her parents, whose death she could not survive.

I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot. But I resent them for not letting me know how to live without them. How to live without them. And that life does not end without them, - says Nastya. - I was very dependent on my parents. I loved them madly. And the fact that I don’t feel them now, I don’t hug them - for me I still don’t understand this. When I see my mother in a photo or hear her voice in a video, I want to go there and I can't handle it. Now I don't know how to raise my children now. You can’t say from the first years that I am your mother and I will die before you. I am now confused in this world, for me there was a big reassessment, - Anastasia frankly admitted shortly after the move.

And the next day she fell out of the window.