Anatomical implants are used in modern operations to change the shape, increase or reduce the breast - they help women to have an attractive bust and look seductive.

But there are many offers on the breast endoprosthesis market, which is why it is so important to know about the choice of the preferred option. This will allow patients to get breasts of the desired size and avoid complications after surgery.

When is mammoplasty required?

The personal desire of the woman who turned to the specialists for the operation takes precedence. Other reasons include:


  • exaggeration or underdevelopment of the breast;
  • unwanted variability of the bust after pregnancy, childbirth and feeding;
  • sagging or asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • reconstruction of the mammary gland after its removal against the background of a low-quality tumor;
  • the will of the man.

Among the obvious contraindications to the operation are noted:


  1. infectious and blood diseases;
  2. severe course of diseases of internal organs;
  3. age up to 18 years.

The specialist builds the choice of an implant on the basis of surgical goals and the technique used, the anatomical properties of the patients and their personal preferences.

What prostheses for mammoplasty are better

Round or anatomical? Every woman who dares to get a new bust solves such a dilemma. Because these endoprostheses are in great demand among patients of plastic surgeons.

In general, implants differ:

  1. form;
  2. projection;
  3. volume;
  4. surface texture.

Also, implants differ in the width and height of the base.

The difference between anatomical and round implants is in their shape. And it is clearly visible even in the photo. The first type resembles a swelling drop.

The second option means a round classical bust, obtained by implanting the appropriate type of implant into it.

Round endoprostheses provide the mammary gland with symmetry and maintain its shape during the natural movements made by a woman. They turn the bust into a more magnificent one and replenish the volume of the upper pole of the chest.

Teardrop implants do not guarantee this. At the same time, the anatomical shape of the grafts gives the new breast a natural look.

As recent studies show (they were conducted by Dr. Charles Rehnquist from Sweden and Professor Mario Ceravolo), it is difficult even for specialists to visually determine the breasts of women with round and anatomical implants. This is also explained by the fact that during reprosthetics, the often replaced implant changes its shape under the action of the muscle. As a result, a round endoprosthesis turns into an anatomic one and vice versa.

Division of endoprostheses according to the composition of the filling fluid

The outer host of any graft is made of soft silicone and filled with a special gel or isotonic saline liquid, similar to a sterile injection solution.

Such a mixture, if it leaks, is harmless to a woman. It will only be absorbed into the blood, as it enters the body from a dropper to flush the body.

It is also captivating that these implants cost less than other types of endoprostheses. In addition, they are soft to the touch.

But there is also flaw in the use of such transplants. With them, the chest is both heavier and looks unnatural, and often makes gurgling sounds when moving.

Incomparably lighter are implants, inside of which there is a biocompatible cohesin (non-fluid) gel. With these endoprostheses, the bust acquires improved elasticity and a natural look.

The specific composition of gelatin provides, when pressing on the bust and when moving its owner, a return to the natural shape of the breast without issuing third-party "chords".

The downside of this gel is that if it leaks, a surgeon will need to intervene.

In addition, in the arsenal of plastic surgeons there are breast implants with a smooth silicone or textured outer surface.

And these endoprostheses for mammoplasty have their advantages and disadvantages. So, smooth ones are prone to shear, and grafts with a textured shell, albeit sometimes, but in contact with the subcutaneous tissue, cause wrinkles.

Practicing plastic surgeons, as a rule, do not favor smooth and water-filled implants. The former are prone to slipping and flipping. The latter decrease in volume over time as the liquid evaporates. Because of these reasons, the risk of reoperation increases significantly, and long-term results are not satisfactory.

Anatomical implants McGahn (USA)

What distinguishes anatomical implants Natrel McGahn style 410 from other grafts?

  • Their interior is filled with silicone gel.
  • Implants have more perpendicular crosslinks, which makes the gel stronger.
  • Reduced rate of gel diffusion through a wafer with a specialized inner layer.
  • The hardness of filling and bringing the gel to dryness is made using a special technology.
  • The ability to shape the chest so that it will not subsequently warp.
  • A wider choice of this implant for a particular patient - style 410 is made in 12 forms for all possible volumes.

Natrel Macgan, in the shape of a tear, gently enters the surrounding tissue, giving the breast a natural look. This endoprosthesis is more suitable for reconstructing a lost breast, as well as for patients whose breasts have visible asymmetry or deformation. The hardness of the implants provides them with an elastic bust.

Among the main manufacturers of implants, including anatomical ones, there are also:

  1. Nagor(Great Britain) specializes in the production of endoprostheses with a textured host and gel filler and offers patients big choice sizes and shapes of implants;
  2. (USA) - the company has anatomical and round implants filled with cohesin gel, which reduces the risk of capsular contracture;
  3. Polytech(Germany) - the endoprostheses of this company are also filled with a soft cohesin gel and have a "memory effect" that allows them to keep their shape after manipulations;
  4. Eurosilicone(France) is a company supplying consistently high-quality and safe transplants to Europe and other countries of the world.

Before mammoplasty, each patient should inquire about the features of delicate products produced by these and other manufacturers, and the availability of transplant quality certificates.

Polyurethane anatomical two-gel implants

Polyurethane as a coating endowed endoprostheses with excellent characteristics, which are the best suited for mammoplasty, solving problem capsular contracture.

This is due to the fact that the polyurethane coating in tandem with the main cohesin gel has high elasticity and the ability to remember the intended shape of the breast.

Therefore, after the use of such implants, the frequency of capsular contracture sometimes does not exceed 1% of cases 10 years after mammoplasty.

Another advantage is assigned to the polyurethane coating in the form of its "ability" to adhere (stick) to tissues. And then the implant is not subjected to displacement / rotation, which leads to the acquisition of natural and soft-touch breasts by the patients.

The photos before and after the operation clearly show how such an implant creates a natural streamlined shape with a gradual narrowing in the upper chest. But it is worth knowing that polyurethane endoprostheses can cause a longer (up to a year) period of rehabilitation. During this time, their shape may change, and swelling persists for up to six months.

Who should choose which implants

Anatomical implants are more suitable for those women who:

  1. naturally thin physique;
  2. narrow chest;
  3. a small amount of natural breast tissue;
  4. pronounced prolapse of the breast due to its natural diminutiveness, breastfeeding or weight loss.

In these cases, anatomical implants will transform the bust to a natural one. Anatomists will also help in correcting some types of breast asymmetry.

Round implants can be safely chosen by young patients with developed mammary glands, if you want to increase the bust by 1 size.

Breast prosthesis options

The size of each implant, including anatomical, is calculated in milliliters. This means that for 1 breast size there is a filling volume of 150 ml.

The size of the endoprosthesis is added to the natural girth of the bust. Thus, a woman with the 2nd size acquires breasts with indicators of the 4th.

In addition, there are sizes of implants adjustable and fixed. The former are characterized by the introduction of a filler into the shell during the operation after implantation of grafts.

This allows the surgeon to make corrections to the size of the breast during the operating period, increasing or decreasing the volume of the planned bust.

The peculiarity of the latter is that after implantation in the mammary gland, their size cannot be changed.

Endoprosthesis profiles

This indicator of implants, anatomical and round, is nothing but the percentage ratio of the values ​​of the graft projection to the value of its base.

Thus, a high-profile breast prosthesis has a larger projection and a smaller base.

In other words, the profile score reports the plumpness (high profile) or flatness (low profile) of a particular implant.

At the same time, manufacturers are not unanimous in their opinion, which endoprostheses should be considered high- or low-profile. This is due to the fact that manufacturers also use different types of fillings and shells in their implants.

It is proposed to take into account the following profile indicators on the example of McGhan implants:

  • within 32% - low profile;
  • 32 - 38% - medium profile;
  • more than 38% - high-profile.

Experience shows that more beautiful shape breasts are obtained with medium-profile implants.

Endoprostheses after implantation last a lifetime, if there are no complications. However, the implants are removed at any time if the woman wishes. Implants cannot be replaced every 10-20 years. It is also important that implants do not interfere with breastfeeding. The tissue of the gland during the setting does not damage, and also does not have a toxic effect on the quality of milk.

Round implants are endoprostheses of the correct form in the form of a rounded cone. The purpose of their development is to create even, round outlines of the female breast, to increase volume.

Round endoprostheses appeared first, and for a long time were the only implants for breast augmentation. Not so long ago, endoprostheses created in the form of a drop, the so-called anatomical implants, appeared. Endoprostheses of both types have similar features:

  • a silicone shell covered with a protective layer on top to prevent the filler from getting into the surrounding tissue;
  • have two types of surface: smooth, textured;
  • the internal contents are represented by a gel or saline solution.

To understand how round implants differ from anatomical ones, you need to consider their main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:



maximize the volume

do not add much volume

look harmonious in any position of the body

Natural shape when sitting or standing, except lying down

ball shape

drop shape

breast lift effect

natural breast imitation

easy to implant

harder to implant

lower cost

more expensive

when they are turned over, the chest retains its shape

can shift, leading to breast deformity

produce a push-up effect without wearing a bra

restriction on wearing push-up bras

indicated for ptosis of breast tissue, asymmetry, breast enlargement by several sizes

shown with an initially flat shape of the mammary glands

Augmentation with round implants makes the chest rounded, soft, with proportional contours. It is possible to choose an endoprosthesis of the optimal shape according to physiological characteristics every woman.

A particular advantage of round implants is their high plasticity. This quality of endoprostheses allows the breast to be positioned naturally in any position of the body. If a woman occupies a vertical position, then the breasts with round implants take on a teardrop shape. The lying position makes the chest flatter, which is natural for natural mammary glands. This type of implant is great for women who are actively involved in sports and dancing. They look very mobile and natural with intense movements. Round implants are easier to install. The result largely depends on the presence of a certain amount of glandular tissue. Their main disadvantage is the unnatural effect of overcrowding of the upper slope of the chest during the introduction of a large implant. But this factor is a consequence of incorrect installation due to the mistake of the surgeon. Breast asymmetry limits the use of round implants.

Types of round implants

Every woman has individual anatomical characteristics. To obtain maximum naturalness, several types of round implants have been developed. The main criteria for the selection of endoprostheses:

  • size (110-800 ml);
  • type of filler: biodegradable, saline saline, silicone gel;
  • low, medium, high and extra high profile - the ratio of the diameter and height of the endoprosthesis;
  • shell material and texture: silicone (smooth), polyurethane (textured);
  • the degree of density of the gel content: silicone or cohesive (non-fluid) gel with different softness parameters.

Gel-filled implants are considered the best. Bioimplants and prostheses filled with saline over time begin to lose volume, the ability to support the breast. The gel filler is superior to saline in terms of organoleptic properties, for example, to the touch. Saline implants have a chance of wrinkling, leading to a change in the shape of the mammary glands. The textured surface due to micropores allows the surrounding tissues to better grow into the shell of the prosthesis. This minimizes the likelihood of its rotation.

How to choose the size? There is no exact recommendation for choosing implants. Only an experienced professional can appreciate anatomical features the figure and chest of the patient, the size of the chest and determine the most suitable implant. The main parameters taken into account by a specialist:

  • the volume of the mammary glands;
  • the presence of asymmetry;
  • degree of ptosis;
  • the volume of tissues around the mammary glands;
  • qualitative characteristics of the skin, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • parameters of the chest, shoulder width, waist, hips.

The choice of the optimal implant is based on its type, width, height, and projection. Round implants are characterized by equal width and height, while the highest projection point is slightly higher than the center point. To correct the asymmetry of the breast, low-profile round endoprostheses are installed. With severe ptosis, deficiency of one's own tissue, endoprostheses of medium and high profile are used.

The duration of the implants is unlimited. Manufacturers also assure their complete safety. Replacement of endoprostheses for the entire period of use is not required, with the exception of some cases:

  • their break;
  • abrupt change body weight;
  • past pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • complications after mammoplasty: implant displacement, fibrous capsular contracture, calcification, breast deformity.

In these cases, free replacement of endoprostheses is provided.

The main advantage of round prostheses is a uniform increase, giving a beautiful rounded shape to the mammary glands. But the choice of the optimal endoprosthesis will depend on the recommendation of the plastic surgeon and the wishes of the client herself. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct choice of the clinic, to study the reviews of operated women on the Internet.

A woman is a creature that is distinguished by innate kindness, tenderness and natural attractiveness. But, many of the fair sex are not always satisfied with their innate data, which, in their opinion, do not meet the criteria of beauty and are not the standard of femininity. Aesthetic medicine in this case can come to the rescue. Modern technologies that are used in plastic surgery involve the installation of implants of various contents and shapes.

There are salt and gel endoprostheses designed to increase and correct the shape of the breast. Salt prostheses are much softer; they contain saline inside the shell. The disadvantage of such an implant can be considered its possible noise, which manifests itself in the movement of fluid inside the muscle after installation. Gel prostheses consist of a special cohesive viscous filler. The shape of the implants can be anatomical and round.

Anatomical implants

Anatomical implants are teardrop-shaped prostheses that, after installation, resemble the natural shape of the breast. The mammary glands with such elements completely resemble natural forms, and are often indistinguishable from natural ones.

The benefits that a woman receives after the installation of "anatomists":

  1. They do not differ from the natural breast, regardless of the position of the body (sitting, standing).
  2. Ideal for ladies who naturally have a flat chest.

But, depending on certain factors, endoprostheses of this type may not be suitable. Cons of anatomical prostheses:

  • They may look unaesthetic in the supine position.
  • It is not possible to use underwear with a push-up effect, due to a special installation.
  • Surgical intervention is characterized by increased complexity.
  • Can move under the influence of high physical activity cause breast asymmetry.
  • They are much more expensive than analogues.

Thus, anatomical type prostheses may not be suitable for all the fair sex. If the breast is initially flat, then the installation of such implants will not cause difficulties during the surgical intervention. But, it is worth noting the fact that the appearance of the breast will not be defiantly unnatural, which is an ideal argument in favor of those who need plastic surgery after surgery.

Round implants

Round endoprosthesis implants that can be placed under the muscle or skin, and thereby correct the shape of the breast. Depending on the manufacturer, round implants can be:

  1. Salt or water (not durable, during operation they can lose their original shape).
  2. Silicone (inside they contain a mass of gel type).
  3. Combined (contain a saline solution in one chamber and a gel in the other).
  4. Biocompatible (they contain a special gel polymer inside, which is absorbed by body tissues over time).

According to the form of execution, round implants can be of several types - convex and flat. In its own way design feature they can also differ, for example, fixed ones have a clearly defined shape and volume, while adjustable ones are suitable for situations where it is necessary to individually adjust the volume. Adjustable can be filled during the course of the operation itself.

There is an opinion that it is the round shape of the implant that is better suited for girls who want to enlarge their breasts, but have not yet given birth. This is explained by the natural shape of the breast at an early age, since initially the breast before childbirth has a more round shape and a high placement on the chest.

Advantages of round additions:

  • Can form the largest possible volume.
  • Visually make piles higher.
  • They cost significantly less.
  • The installation procedure is easier.

Cons of round implants are also observed. They look unnatural, can cause discomfort at first, due to the increased load on the pectoral muscle and its stretching.

The difference between anatomical implants and round ones

Both types of implants carry the same function - restoration and correction of the shape of the mammary glands. The round implant, compared to the anatomical one, gives a larger visual size, creates the appearance of a push-up breast, and lifts the upper contour of the décolleté zone. Ideal for owners different shapes natural breast.

Anatomical implants are an excellent option for those women who need breast reconstruction after an illness or trauma. The presence of implants is a good panacea for those who want to change themselves and have enough willpower and financial ability to do so.

From the beginning of the heyday of the aesthetic direction in medicine and to this day, prosthetics of the mammary glands is considered the most popular procedure in plastic surgery. Breast implants are medical products made from biocompatible high-quality material. They are placed under the muscle or skin in order to model the shape of the female breast and increase its size after surgery.

Types of breast implants

Modern plastic surgery uses two types of implants:

  • silicone;
  • saline.

The composition of both products suggests filler and silicone shell. Product types are classified according to the density of the filler gel, called cohesive or viscous. This gel helps to ensure the degree of firmness and shape of the breast even if the outer shell is torn. This can be seen in the examples in the photo before and after the procedure.

The consistency of the saline implant is softer to the touch, but they contain effect of audibility of movement of bubbles. This means that when a woman moves, the liquid overflows and makes sounds. If there is a rupture of the membrane, then the saline solution flows into the matter of the mammary gland. It does not pose a danger to the body.

Forms of implants

(photos before and after the procedures are given below) are considered the most suitable for breast correction with obvious asymmetry and ptosis. A round implant is necessary for those who want to get the most voluminous and raised breasts.

Today there are several forms of a round implant: low-profile and high-profile. It should be remembered that after installation they are able to roll over and do not provide a natural appearance. This can be seen in the photo before and after the operation. Because these dentures are easier to fit, doctors love to work with them. Round dentures are relatively cheap.

Anatomical (drop-shaped) implants are widely used to increase the volume of the breast, as well as when a woman wants to keep the naturalness and smooth contour of the breast after surgery. Anatomical (drop-shaped) implants are more expensive than round but they are more difficult to work with.

According to some experts, taking into account the growth of the capsule, the drop-shaped (anatomical) prosthesis acquires a round shape over time. The anatomical prosthesis tends to move, so the breast can become deformed in appearance, as evidenced by the photos before and after the procedures. In order to prevent such nuances, when choosing anatomical prostheses, it is necessary to choose those that are characterized by textured surface.

Anatomical (drop-shaped) implants are able to keep the shape of the breast even when a woman is lying down, and this looks unnatural.

Breast prosthesis dimensions

The size is calculated based on the volume - in milliliters. To put it more simply - one breast size corresponds to filler volume in 150 ml. The size of the breast prosthesis is added to the natural volume of the breast. This means that after the operation, the patient with the second size receives the fourth.

Distinguish implants adjustable and fixed size. In the first case, the filler is injected into the shell during the operation after the implant is placed. Thus, the surgeon will be able to correct the breast size in real time. The surgeon will make decisions after studying the characteristics of the body, including skin condition, body proportions and chest width.

Lifespan of a breast implant

Modern manufacturers of implants give a guarantee for life imprisonment service of the prosthesis after its installation. Purely theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in situations where their integrity is broken and the shape of the breast has changed (examples can be seen in the photo before and after the operation). In addition, mammoplasty does not interfere with the normal process of lactation. However, there are certain cases that force the patient to undergo the operation again:

  • a sharp change in weight;
  • shape change breast prosthesis due to pregnancy and lactation;
  • defects in the shell of a round or anatomical implant (the photo before and after the operation perfectly reflects the process).

Main manufacturers

Advantages of endoprostheses

  1. Biocompatibility and sterility - modern implants guarantee a minimum risk of rejection by the body and do not provoke inflammation.
  2. Imitation of a natural breast - the prosthesis exactly repeats the shape of the breast before the operation, both visually and tactilely.
  3. The safety of the filler is the salt type, which is harmless to the body, and the cohesive gel, even if the prosthesis is damaged, is not transported into the body.
  4. Low rupture frequency - this can only happen due to severe injury or impact.
Author Reviewer: Update: 04/05/2018

Men will not let you lie - female breast is the most attractive part of the body. Of course, many women strive to give this paired organ a perfect shape (we don’t take into account man-haters, feminists and especially with gay). But what is the ideal shape, or, in other words, the anatomically shaped chest - what is it?

Let's just say - the perfect chest does not exist. There are millions of women and their mammary glands each have their own characteristics. However, plastic surgeons use several parameters just to make sure they have a starting point in their work. This is called "breast aesthetic criteria". These are the options:

  • the distance between the nipples and from each nipple to the jugular notch is 21 cm (an equilateral triangle is formed);
  • the distance from the nipple to the middle of the collarbone on the corresponding side is also 21 cm;
  • distance from the nipple to the submammary fold - 5.9 cm;
  • the outer edge of the mammary gland protrudes somewhat beyond the chest;
  • the distance between the outer edges of the mammary gland is equal to the width of the hips.

Is it possible to achieve the parameters of the ideal breast

Given the desire of many women for the ideal, one should not be surprised at the efforts that they make to make their breasts perfect. Everything is in motion: physical exercise, rejection breastfeeding, ethnoscience, Chinese tightening products, etc. Unfortunately, the only thing that somehow improves appearance mammary gland - exercise. By increasing the volume of the pectoral muscles, they raise the glands, making the chest somewhat higher. It looks like an increase in its volume, although in fact it is not.

The only one is real effective way and enlarge the breast, and give it perfect shape– augmentation mammoplasty. In other words, the installation of implants. And here the most interesting begins.

Breast augmentation with implants: anatomical or round

We want to say one thing right away that works everywhere in medicine: what suits one patient may not suit another. If you know a woman whose breasts have become perfect after installing an anatomical (more correctly, teardrop-shaped) implant, this does not mean that the same one will suit you. It doesn't mean he's better. It doesn't mean anything at all. Everything is individual and the selection of the implant is carried out, taking into account many factors:

  • the presence of ptosis (pendulous breasts);
  • nipple position;
  • breast volume;
  • potential capacity of the "case";
  • the presence of asymmetry;
  • the shape of the chest;
  • the presence of tubularity (narrow base of the cone of the mammary gland);
  • the presence of micromastia (exceptionally small breast sizes), etc.

The difference between round implants and anatomical

Round implants are spherical or elliptical in shape, while anatomical implants are drop-shaped. The top of the latter is narrow, the implant expands downwards. There is an opinion that anatomical implants are better than round ones, as their shape repeats the shape of the breast.

The practice of plastic surgeons shows that, with rare exceptions, drop-shaped implants do not have any advantages over round ones. Moreover, the cost of anatomical surgery is much higher, the operation technique is much more complicated, which also increases the price of the intervention.

Finally, round implants do not have such a complication as rotation - the rotation of the implant around its axis. This complication severely deforms the mammary gland and is an indication for repeated expensive surgery. Breasts with round implants look no worse, unless, of course, an experienced doctor deals with it.

Features of preoperative preparation

First you need to determine exactly what a woman needs. Readiness for the result is the main component of success. It should be remembered that sometimes you have to “pay” for beautiful breasts with the appearance of pain, impaired skin sensitivity, etc. Yes, the endoprosthesis is simply felt to the touch. Is the woman ready for this? Here's an important question.

It should be understood that there is no “perfect” implant. For example, when using a dense endoprosthesis that retains the shape of the breast when the woman is standing, her breasts will also "stand" when the woman lies down. This is unnatural, and this is a "fee" for the result. A softer implant will not hold the shape of the mammary gland so clearly in a standing position, but lying down it will look perfect.

There are other subtleties that a surgeon should talk about, and this is a criterion for assessing his professionalism and “sharpening” for the result, and not for simply making money. The decision is still made by the woman, she just needs to be given all the information for this.

Before the operation, an imitation of mammoplasty is carried out, putting special inserts into the cups of the bra for this. This is done so that the lady can determine in front of the mirror what her breasts will look like. Most often, it turns out that a woman is not so important breast augmentation as the improvement of its contour.

After determining the volume of the prosthesis, a decision is made on the location of the incision. There are also nuances here. For example, with a mild submammary fold (SMC), an incision cannot be made in it, and then they resort to axillary access (armpit), in which the scar can be noticeable for six months, and the course of the operation is more complicated. On the contrary, with severe SMS, a submammary incision is made, which provides more opportunities for reviewing the surgical field. But it also has disadvantages: a longer scar, and in case of problematic healing, the implant can slip out of the incision site.

The location of the implant can be subglandular (introduced between the breast and chest muscles) and subpectoral (introduced under pectoral muscles). The latter method is considered more correct, because it achieves a more natural shape of the breast and reduces the likelihood of contracture - the most common complication of mammoplasty.

My question is: do Allergan anatomical implants provoke breast cancer?

Neither Allergan (correctly called Natrelle), nor any other implants increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. Moreover, in women who have undergone implantation, the likelihood of developing breast cancer is about one and a half times lower. The reason: such women are much more attentive to any processes in the mammary gland and identify and treat precancerous conditions earlier.

Before the operation, most doctors photograph the woman in different projections. This is done for that. to study the situation "before" and "after", to make a prognosis of the postoperative period, and simply to "please" the patient with how her breast shape has changed.

After that, the marking of the mammary glands is carried out. This is necessary for the convenience of the surgeon, who must know how and where to insert the implant to achieve the desired result.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia using local anesthetics. No endoscopic methods are provided here, because the implant cannot be inserted through a thin tube! Before this, antibiotics are administered to prevent infectious complications. At the end of the operation, drainage tubes are inserted into the wound, through which the wound discharge flows out for 2-3 days. This is a normal process, the tubes are removed on the third day (usually).

After discharge, the patient should continue to take antibiotics for another three days, painkillers - if necessary, and if the slightest complications occur, she is advised to call the doctor at any time of the day.

Good afternoon. Tell me what breast implants to put better - round or anatomical? Emma, ​​34

Hello Emma. Experts believe that in the vast majority of cases, neither anatomical nor round ones have any special advantages. silicone implants. Moreover, the researchers show that there are more problems from anatomical ones, the operation technique is more complicated, due to which their cost is also higher. Do not fall for marketing promotions, listen to the opinion of your surgeon ..

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