Despite the fact that pile-grillage foundations are popular among developers, this is a rather specific design. It is difficult to calculate such a foundation on your own; for this it is necessary to involve specialists who have experience in the field and can prepare a competent drawing of the foundation with clear data on the type of grillage, the size and material of the piles, as well as the distances between structural elements.

There are several popular types of foundations with grillages: strip, slab and pile. They all differ in design, load-bearing characteristics and strength, and are used on various types soils, and therefore the scheme of their installation differs. But the only general point that ensures the maximum possible load-bearing load on a foundation of this type is proper reinforcement.

It must be indicated in the drawing, where the calculation of the reinforcement, its length and thickness, and the method of connecting the rods must also be made. Accordingly, the entire reinforcement process must be carried out strictly according to the drawing, all calculations must be followed, so that later the foundation does not collapse due to non-compliance with the technology.

Reinforcement of slab and monolithic grillage

If you need to reinforce a monolithic grillage, then laying horizontal chords is done in two separate rows at a distance of 20-30 cm. Between the belts you need to provide longitudinal communication lines with wire or reinforcement, and fasten the connection points with bolted clamps.

When calculating reinforcement, the number of horizontal chords is taken into account, as well as the presence of vertical connecting groups. As a rule, verticals are installed in increments of 20 cm, but this rule is sometimes circumvented by using more powerful wire.

The reinforcement scheme for a monolithic grillage always includes belts. The frame is made spatial, i.e. Vertical bundles of cut reinforcement are used. The length is selected so that the rods do not protrude beyond the grillage.

As a rule, vertical rods are connected to a horizontal belt with flexible wire. The grillage reinforcement will be completed when all the rods have been laid and connected to each other and the bottom layer has been carefully protected. Then you can begin pouring the grillage with concrete mortar.

Reinforcement of strip grillage

The reinforcement scheme for a strip grillage is practically no different from a monolithic grillage. The first difference is that monolithic has a single reinforced slab under the perimeter of the building. And the strip one is constructed around the perimeter of only the load-bearing walls and is reinforced there. Accordingly, when calculating reinforcement strip foundation a smaller amount of reinforcement is taken into account, as well as the concrete solution used.

The second difference is the method of installing the formwork, because This is a two-sided protective plane that significantly limits access to the reinforcement.

Reinforcement is carried out only by connecting with binding wire - welding is unacceptable.

When developing a drawing for the reinforcement of a strip grillage, the absence of sagging areas of the rods, as well as vertical reinforcing beams, are considered. When pouring concrete, all rods must be positioned exactly in the places indicated on the diagram. Any displacements are unacceptable, and therefore the connection must be rigid.

The third difference between strip and monolithic grillages is the method of reinforcement. In a monolithic structure, all the heads are connected, and in a strip structure, only adjacent structures are connected, and therefore the calculation of the strip base is cheaper.

Features of the work

The key problem that arises during the calculation and construction of the foundation is the incorrect choice of the cross-section of the grillage itself. You must always take into account the presence of an air cushion under the plane of the grillage.

Also, some designers, especially those without experience, can combine elements of a slab and strip structure in a design. If swelling of the soil occurs in winter, then the foundation strip will rise, but the slabs will not. As a result, the piles will rupture and the foundation will quickly collapse.

If you need to calculate the cross-section of the grillage and the size of the piles, then you must first develop a house project with specifications for load-bearing walls and floors. Using these data, the permissible loads on the future foundation are calculated, the type of factory pile elements is selected, and only then the thickness of the grillage slab is selected.

If the choice is made on a strip type of base, then the thickness of the grillage corresponds to the thickness of the load-bearing walls or may be slightly larger due to insulation and decorative design. If such a foundation is built on a site with a slope, then piles of various lengths are immediately selected.

In some cases, the slope of the site is too great. In such cases, it is not recommended to use very long piles, because horizontal breaks may occur even in the middle of the pile. In such cases, a stepped foundation is built, where the support rods are deepened to a depth of 25 cm, and the support is inserted by 5-7 cm.

When choosing steps, the thickness of the wall masonry, as well as the location of the supports, are also determined immediately. Here you need to remember that the edges of the steps should not rest on supports. Therefore, the piles are installed completely freely. The fittings are installed on the same plane with the building, its location should be in the steps themselves, the connection should be flexible, without welding.

Slab foundation reinforcement

When calculating required quantity reinforcement, you need to use the type and shape of the future foundation. These characteristics of a reinforced concrete foundation can be obtained by determining the future load on the foundation and the load-bearing characteristics of the soil. Ribbed rods are often used in horizontal and vertical belts, i.e. reinforcement class A3 with a thickness of 10 mm.

When arranging reinforcing belts, you can use rods of greater thickness. After all, the thicker they are, the stronger the foundation will be. Also, when making calculations, the designer must take into account the characteristics of the soil, the type of future building, its number of floors and area. If the soil is dense, the degree of deformation of the base will be less. If the soil is loose, then in the piles and grillage it is necessary to use reinforcement with a diameter of 14-66 mm or more.

The mesh pitch for all types of reinforcement is 20 cm.

We produced everything preparatory work and installed the formwork for the pile-grillage foundation. In this same part we would like to tell you and show you our work on installing, assembling and tying the corner reinforcement and grillage piles into a single structure.

First, let's remember what a grillage is. This is the upper part of the pile foundation, distributing the load from the walls of the building onto the piles. The grillage combines separate structures into a single structure, so reinforcing the grillage is a very important and responsible process that must be approached wisely.

So, today our work began with the installation of previously manufactured elements of the grillage reinforcement frame. They had to be lifted onto the exposed formwork. It turned out that this is not such a simple task as expected. Individual elements were more than 11 meters. All parts of the frame had to fit into each other in such a way that they could then be connected correctly.

After thinking a little about how to do everything more conveniently, we took the following path. First of all, we pulled out all the formwork ties, and to be precise, the previously installed studs. With their help, placing pins along the entire perimeter of the formwork, we made a convenient base for the frame. Then, starting from the larger elements and moving on to the smaller ones, we carefully placed the entire frame on the formwork. Of course, it will be very difficult to cope alone, so it is better to think about helpers in advance.

After installation, we cut off the excess reinforcement that extended beyond the formwork and, using the most ordinary brush, removed all the dirt and rust that, unfortunately, appeared on our frame due to the vagaries of the weather, namely prolonged rainy days.

After all these manipulations, we moved on to the most important thing - tying knots or, in other words, creating rigidity of the joints. When making a grillage Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to them, since the strength of the entire structure depends on them.

To knit the knots of the general framework of the grillage, as before, we needed:

— chopped knitting wire 1.2x400mm (price 145 rubles per package, 1 kg)

- a screwdriver with a homemade tying hook inserted into it (bent reinforcement, diameter 6 mm)

— pliers for hard-to-reach places.

In one of our articles we have already told you how to knit reinforcement correctly, so we invite you to refresh your memory and watch this video or, if not relevant, move on.

And then we want to pay attention to the tying of the grillage nodes, namely the corners and intersections. Let us remind you that all construction of a house with your own hands is carried out on the basis of ours. So we work strictly according to it, although sometimes, to ease our conscience, we make our own additions that will not affect the overall design.

So, we were offered 2 reinforcement tying schemes.

The first diagram in the photo below represents typical units for reinforcing corners and intersections of a grillage using a P-piece reinforcement.

The second diagram, also shown in the photo below, represents typical units for reinforcing corners and intersections of a grillage using a reinforcement L-part.

The second method turned out to be closer to us, and we decided to use this particular option for tying reinforcement.

For each corner of the grillage we needed 6 L-shaped corners made of reinforcement. For each intersection we need 4 bent reinforcements. According to our design, the minimum length of the reinforcement from the bend should be 48 cm in each direction, and accordingly the total length should be at least 96 cm.

Regarding the angles. At the beginning of the work, we realized that it is better to insert the L-parts inside the frame, and then knit them. To do this, it was necessary to first move apart the longitudinal reinforcement, insert the required amount of L-parts, move them, and then tie them together using a tying wire and a screwdriver.

Thus, the corners and intersections of the grillage were reinforced. After that, we lowered the frame down into the formwork, starting from the middle and moving to the outer sides of the frame, and continued working. It was necessary to partially return the studs for screeding the formwork to their places, since according to our idea, the entire frame hung on the top row of studs.

After this, we needed to reinforce the site for the future brick shaft. Reinforcement of the widening under the chimney and ventilation shaft was additionally made with grids in the upper and lower positions from reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm with a pitch of 200x200 mm. You can see how we did it in the photo below.

After knitting the corners, we completed the process by installing all the pins in their places.

In the process of work, we encountered the following nuances. Firstly, our piles, unfortunately, are not ideally located in all places due to the fact that when drilling in the ground we came across a lot of unpleasant foreign bodies, due to which it was necessary to shift the location of the piles. Thus, we had places where the piles were quite close to the formwork and there was simply no room to install the grillage frame. In these places, we cut off the reinforcement and tied it together using U-shaped parts with elongated ends of at least 50 cm in different directions. Below in the photo you can see what it looks like in reality.

In one place, our pile sank quite a lot due to the floor slab in the ground, but since we ended up with 36 bored piles for the whole house, which, according to most, is considered more than enough, we didn’t worry too much. At the same time, all piles for load-bearing walls were in in perfect order, which couldn’t help but rejoice.

Then came our initiative. This was precisely the moment when we acted for the good of our conscience and nervous system=) We decided, in addition to all the universal frame binding that had already been done, to strengthen the corners and reinforcement ties protruding from the piles with our grillage.

How we strengthened the rigidity of the corners of the grillage. To create rigidity, we added reinforcing corners with sides of 40 cm each, 4 pieces, which can be seen below in the photo. We connected the corners with the reinforcement protruding from the piles and the grillage frame. They grabbed it in about 3 places. We also used 1 corner to fasten the outer part of the corner of the grillage. This can also be seen in the photo below.

The situation was identical with all the piles. We tied all 36 piles to the grillage using similar corners. We tried not to spare the knitting wire, as this is another reason to calm our conscience and be confident in the reliability of our grillage.

Using the methods listed above, we added greater strength to our structure, which is responsible for the reliability of the entire future home. We hope that our advice will help you in construction, and our video will answer any remaining questions.

By the way, don’t forget about the ones that need to be put on after the frame is completely made. This important little detail can save you from many unpleasant moments, which we covered in one of our articles.

And finally, about the most important thing. How much does a self-made grillage frame cost? We answer. According to our calculations, the price of our monolithic grillage frame was approximately 18,000 rubles. An excellent combination of optimal price and quality that you are confident in.

And, of course, if you are interested in our DIY home construction, subscribe to our YouTube channel and read our blog.

P.S. You can read the final part of the article about the grillage.

Best wishes,

Yana and Zhenya Shigorev.

A pile foundation is a universal foundation for the construction of brick (read about it separately), wood, aerated concrete (read about it separately) and foam concrete low-rise buildings in any ground conditions. Such bases are also used for other structures (for example, fences). The strength and reliability of a pile foundation directly depends on the grillage, the reinforcement technology of which we will talk about in this article.

You will learn why a pile-grillage foundation is needed, what materials are used for this and how the process itself is performed. Diagrams and drawings will be provided that explain all the nuances of reinforcement of a monolithic grillage.

1 What functions does the grillage perform and why is it reinforced?

The grillage is a strip structure (we read separately about how a regular grillage is reinforced), connecting free-standing piles to each other. By tying the supports, they receive additional spatial rigidity and resistance to overturning loads. The grillage also acts as a supporting surface on which the walls of the building are erected.

1.1 What and how to reinforce?

Reinforcement of the strip grillage is carried out using a spatial reinforcement frame, consisting of two longitudinal reinforcement belts (upper and lower), connected to each other by horizontal and vertical jumpers.

Longitudinal belts are made from reinforcement bars of class A3 (hot-rolled corrugated profile), the diameter of which is 13-16 mm. It can be used, as confirmed by reviews of the successful operation of such pile-grillage foundations on specialized forums.

Connecting vertical and horizontal jumpers can be made in two versions - in the form of separate rods of reinforcement welded to the longitudinal chords (the diagram shows the configuration). In this case, it is necessary to use rods of the same standard size as when arranging the longitudinal belt.

The frame can also be connected by jumpers made of rectangular reinforcement bent into clamps (diagram below). With this approach, smooth rods of class A2 (diameter 8-10 mm) are used. Bent clamps are labor-intensive to install, but due to the smaller number of welds, they are more reliable and durable. Fiberglass reinforcement that cannot be bent is not used to create clamps.

According to the provisions SNiP No. 2.03.01 “Manual for the design and arrangement of pile-grillage foundations”, when installing the reinforced frame, it is necessary to observe the following step between the constituent elements:

  • the number of rods in the longitudinal belts is at least 4, the distance between them is up to 10 cm;
  • the pitch between the transverse jumpers of the longitudinal belt is 20-30 cm;
  • the step between the vertical connecting jumpers is up to 40 cm;
  • protective layer of concrete - at least 5 cm.

The protective layer is the distance between the outer contours of the reinforced frame and the walls of the concrete body of the monolithic grillage. If the protective layer does not have the required thickness, two problems will arise - the frame will not be able to correctly redistribute the loads acting on the grillage and the reinforcement will be excessively susceptible to corrosion under the influence of moisture penetrating into the micropores of the concrete.

To create a protective layer along the bottom edge of the grillage, special plastic mushroom stands are used, which lift the reinforcement above the formwork. The use of pieces of brick for these purposes is not permitted.

1.2 How to calculate the amount of reinforcement?

As an example, we give for a monolithic grillage with a perimeter of 8 * 6 m. We use the conventional dimensions of the strapping 40 * 40 cm. The reinforcement frame for such a strapping will consist of two longitudinal belts of 3 A3 rods with a diameter of 14 mm in each (the pitch between the rods is 10 cm, 5 cm on each side eats up the protective layer of concrete). The belts are connected by jumpers made of A1 reinforcement with a diameter of 11 mm, located in increments of 20 cm.

The calculation is performed using the following algorithm:

  1. We determine the total length of the rods in the upper longitudinal belt. To do this: a) determine the perimeter of the grillage: 8+8+6+6 = 30 m; b) we calculate the length of 3 rods: 3*30 = 90 m; c) calculate the length of reinforcement A3 for both belts: 90*2 = 180 m.
  2. To connect the rods of the longitudinal belt, we will need jumpers 30 cm long, which will be located in increments of 20 cm. We calculate their number for both contours of the grillage: 2*(30/0.2) = 300 pcs, after which we calculate the total length of the transverse jumpers: 300* 0.3 = 100 m.
  3. It remains to calculate the length of the vertical jumpers connecting the upper and lower contours of the frame to each other. But since in the example a rectangular grillage is calculated, their number and length will be identical to the transverse lintels. If a grillage of rectangular configuration is used, the calculation is performed according to the formula specified in point No. 2.

As a result, the calculation showed us that the grillage reinforcement requires 180 m of A3 class reinforcement and 200 m (100+100) A2 rods with a diameter of 11 mm. Calculations may also be required if you do not plan to use welding. It is carried out taking into account the fact that about 40 cm of material is required for one connection: we determine the number of connections: 4*(30/0.2) = 600 pcs; and calculate the material consumption - 600 * 0.4 = 240 m.

1.3 Features of grillage reinforcement (video)

2 Technology of reinforcement of a monolithic grillage

The amplification of the grillage begins after all the previous stages of arranging the pile foundation have been completed - installation of piles, their trimming and arrangement of formwork. You must have a ready-made formwork, inside which the reinforced frames of the piles protrude to a height equal to the cross-section of the framing.

When assembling the frame, the reinforcement can be tied together using wire or the rods can be connected by welding. There is no significant difference in the joining method - it is often argued that a welded frame, due to the lack of elasticity, resists deformation worse than a ductile structure, however, in industrial multi-story construction, the frames of pile-grillage foundations are always welded, so these fears are groundless. In addition, welding is a more practical and quicker method to implement.

Grillage reinforcement - step-by-step instructions:

Assembling the reinforced frame on straight sections of the grillage is quite simple to perform. Difficulties arise when reinforcing the corners, which must be further strengthened, since this part of the frame experiences maximum loads.

Corners and places where the internal walls of the frame meet the external ones cannot be reinforced with overlapping reinforcement. In these areas it is necessary to lay solid rods curved in an L or U-shaped configuration. A diagram of the correct reinforcement of the corners of a pile grillage is shown in the image.

The construction of any structure begins with the foundation - its foundation. Errors at the beginning are unacceptable, and therefore the type, design, composition and installation technology must be calculated with the utmost accuracy. Pile foundations exhibit excellent stability and durability in a wide variety of operating conditions, and with a grillage this structure receives 100% effective base for residential, commercial, architectural and industrial buildings.

Grillage reinforcement is the most important part of creating such a reinforced concrete structure. This process needs to be given special attention using the right technology and. In the article we will tell you what it is? how to do it? and what should you pay attention to?

What is a grillage and what is its role in the foundation?

There are three main types of foundation: strip, pile and slab. In practice, several more varieties and modifications of these technologies are used, and grillage is one of them. This monolithic reinforced concrete structure is similar to a strip foundation, but is installed on top of a pile (cast or bored). An important technological point is the reinforcement of the pile, which should extend beyond the support point from the grillage by 30-40 cm (for maximum binding).

In other words, a grillage is a strip foundation resting on piles. Walls are erected immediately on top of the grillage using insulation and shrinkage materials. The key point in installing a grillage is the reinforcement, on which the success of the entire company will depend.

The fact is that the foundation is affected by forces (pressure from the walls from above, heaving and erosion from below), which are often directed in different directions. Every schoolchild knows that concrete works under compression, and deflections and deformations are destructive for it. Therefore, the correct reinforcement for the foundation and technologically correct piping make it possible for the grillage to absorb loads from different sides.

How to properly reinforce a grillage

To ensure that the grillage reinforcement is not just for show, but strictly fulfills its function, you need to understand the following. Along the entire line of the pile-strip foundation, forces act on it in two directions:

  • Down up. Areas supported by piles.
  • From top to bottom (deflection). The weight of the wall presses on the grillage, creating deflection forces.

Obviously, the grillage reinforcement in such situations is carried out using two methods:

  1. In the span areas, the lower reinforcement chord must be reinforced, since Bottom part will bear the entire load. For this purpose, A3 (relief hot-rolled) reinforcement with a diameter of 13 to 16 mm is used.
  2. In places where the pile is supported, the upper belt is reinforced to withstand pressure directed from below.

The frame is made of longitudinally and transversely directed rods. Vertical brackets, clamps and transverse sections can be knitted from reinforcement with a diameter of 6-8 mm, even with a smooth cross-section (it all depends on design features building).

Excerpts from the requirements for SNIP

When laying reinforcement for the grillage, the following requirements must be adhered to:

  • The rods of the same row should be at a distance from each other of at least 3 cm.
  • The distance between two longitudinal directions should be no more than 40 cm. It is allowed to take a distance of 2 wall thicknesses above it (maximum).
  • If the diameter of the pile is more than 15 cm, then at least 2 reinforcement rods are used in the lower longitudinal row.
  • You cannot make embedded holes in the grillage; the width of the pile (beam) is 1/3 larger.

Grillage reinforcement technology

Knitting the frame reinforcement is necessary to create the correct geometry of the structure and for temporary fastening in space. There are 3 main methods:

  1. Coupling. The most reliable and 100% method for creating an unbreakable ring in a pile-strip foundation. The clutch is worth big money, and therefore they are not in demand among developers, and even more so in small home construction.
  2. Welding. Welding provides quick results, but is not always suitable for concreting conditions (increases corrosion, heats up the rod). According to the rules, a reinforcement frame can only be welded from rods with a diameter greater than 25 cm. Such massive foundations are used extremely rarely, and therefore the method is irrelevant.
  3. Twisting. Most often, in private housing construction and professional developers use twisted wire. This is the simplest and effective method, allowing you to knit reinforcement into a frame with the correct geometry and good stability.

In practice, several methods of hand knitting are used, but the most proven and productive is the use of special crochet hooks. There are also automatic tools, such as a knitting gun or a sting with a screwdriver, but in real conditions this approach is not beneficial.

Let's sum it up

A pile-strip foundation is effective in almost all cases, but only if the correct grillage is created. To ensure rigidity and at the same time flexibility of such a reinforced concrete structure, you need to create a high-quality frame with working reinforcement for the foundation.

Unlike a strip foundation, it is easier to calculate the grillage reinforcement. Without exception, all stresses that arise are absolutely predictable, since heaving forces are completely absent. The upper chord is strengthened above the piles, and more powerful reinforcement is laid between them in the lower chord.

The advantage of a pile foundation is that it rests on layers with a guaranteed high bearing capacity. For example, if a strip foundation on bulk, undermined, swampy soils requires a huge budget to go through them, piles will cost 10–15 times less. However, it is difficult to support small-format wall materials on them, so the heads are connected with monolithic beams, on which the masonry or crowns of the log house are erected without problems.

The only thing the strip foundation and grillage have in common is the drawing; the operational characteristics are different:

  • a vertical bending moment in strips resting on the ground with the entire sole is an extremely rare phenomenon, but for a grillage it is the norm;
  • when the soil swells, they try to tear it, push the MZLF tape to the surface, the beams on the piles are separated from the ground by 15 - 20 cm by an air layer or polystyrene foam, which takes the indicated loads on itself;
  • therefore, the tape is reinforced in both zones equally, the lower layer of reinforcement is reinforced in the grillage, and the upper layer above them (only in tension zones, which concrete cannot cope with without cracking).

The reinforcement cage in any reinforced concrete product is precisely designed to compensate for tension. Composite reinforcement, popular among individual developers, has weak adhesion to concrete and stretches greatly, which leads to the opening of cracks.

Therefore, experts recommend creating a reinforcement frame exclusively from steel rods 8–14 mm of periodic section (in the longitudinal direction), rods 6–8 mm of smooth section (clamps, transverse, vertical brackets).

The best option is class A400 (old marking A3). Which fully complies with the instructions (pile foundations), (reinforced concrete, concrete structures).

Tape grillage reinforcement frame technology

Despite the name of the strip grillage of a pile foundation, monolithic beams have a lattice design. Therefore, the frame has several wall junctions (external/internal) and corners in which overlapping joints are not allowed. The rods are bent in these places, launched to the adjacent side, and overlapped with the frame.

Longitudinal reinforcement is similar to a strip foundation; rectangular clamps are also used to give the frames spatial geometry. However, in tension zones and other critical areas, transverse vertical rods are added. The joints of the pile-grillage frame are tied with wire or joined by welding (only for reinforcement with the letter C in the marking).

Longitudinal reinforcement

Without vocational education and knowledge special programs It is difficult for an individual developer to correctly calculate the cross-section and number of longitudinal rods. The simplest option is to use the ARBAT tool computing complex Scad Office with the simplest possible interface:

  • unlike piles, the grillage is calculated based on bending moments, punching, and cutting forces;
  • the reinforcement frame is made of longitudinal rods 8 – 16 mm;
  • Unlike a strip foundation, in addition to clamps, vertical rods are added near each longitudinal rod.

The laying technology is standard; longitudinal rods are tied with clamps or welded to them. Then the reinforcement frame is placed in the formwork on lower pads made of concrete and plastic (providing a protective layer), and reinforcement elements (vertical rods) are added to it locally.

In cottage projects with concrete or brick walls A double-row arrangement of piles can be used. Therefore, for the strip part of the pile foundation, calculations can be added in the transverse direction, since torques also arise there and sometimes exceed the magnitude of the longitudinal ones. In some cases, the reinforcement frame is reinforced with rods of 14 - 16 mm in increments of 20 cm.

Transverse reinforcement

Without clamps it is impossible to give the frames the necessary spatial geometry. At the same time, these elements strengthen the armored belt. All joints are scalded or tied with wire twists. Additional vertical rods are mounted with a calculated pitch (usually 20 - 40 cm). The above photo contains almost all possible errors:

  • protective layers are not maintained on all sides of the tape, the reinforcement is in contact with the pile formwork;
  • reinforcement of corners should be carried out according to special patterns, and not just with curved rods;
  • there are no concrete or plastic gaskets;
  • the armored belt is offset relative to the center of the pile;
  • instead of the middle belt, which does not take any loads, the upper/lower levels should be strengthened with thicker reinforcement of the pile foundation or by adding additional rods (this option is preferable);
  • incorrect connection between the reinforcement frames of the pile and the grillage.

To learn more about corner reinforcement, we recommend reading the article:. The corner reinforcement schemes for strip foundations and grillages will be similar.

In the lower figure, all elements of the armored belt are located correctly - two vertical rods of the pile are connected to the lower belt, the rest are connected to the upper rods.

Diagram of the correct reinforcement of the grillage/pile interface.

Rules for reinforcement of corners and junctions with diagrams

Most Soviet literature (for example, V.S. Sazhin’s manual) provides incorrect diagrams for laying reinforcement at junction points. According to the correct way to reinforce such L-shaped and T-shaped joints is as follows:

  • launching a U-shaped element onto the adjacent wall, counter-bending the rod from the side tape at a right angle;
  • two U-shaped elements on top of the crosshairs of the longitudinal rods from the corner of the structure outward;

Drawing of the correct reinforcement of the corners and junctions of the grillage.