Our site is designed to help you solve your sleep. Only our dream book online will help you make it easy and quickly. To find out the meaning of dreams, you need to decompose it to the components, allocate the brightest episodes. After that, it is necessary to designate them in one word, for example, the "heart" or "wedding" and find it on the pages: Dream Interpretation Interpretation will be determined by his meaning. Dream intercoms include dreams of dreams from 4 famous interpreters. Information is free.

Intense dreams together:

You dream that you are at the height. This dream to change. But for the better or worse?

Appearing in nightly Gresses, animals personify the very dream ...

Native, friends, random acquaintances and strangers. What does their appearance in dreams mean?

Can the dreams predict the future? It seems that it is impossible ...

Did you ever happen to you that in a dream you understand what you sleep?

Prophetic dreams come to us extremely rarely and foreshadow very important events.

Dreams are the activities of our subconscious and psyche, which even continues to work in a dream. The psyche is designed to resolve our daily problems using the method of predicting the most likely event outcome. Thus, something that can be in an unconscious state, but to be determined is impressed, expressed through dreams. We only need to learn the interpretation of dreams, which will become the key to knowing yourself. For example, quite often dreams help on early diagnosis of diseases, help us pay attention to the state of health. Also, dreams often reveal our desires through the implementation of the fact that it really causes difficulties. In this case, the mechanism of displacement of unpleasant information is triggered with the subsequent replacement to a more enjoyable one. Dreams can even become an assistant in search of answers to the questions exciting in reality.

Now in SpaceEngine you can observe real solar and lunar eclipses! This video shows full solar eclipse August 21, 2017, which will be seen in the United States.

Last month I worked on the ephemeris of the planets. Efemerides are data tables and code fragments that allow you to calculate the exact coordinates and speed of planets and satellites. Solar system At any given point in time. Earlier, Keplen orbits were used in SpaceEngine, which are a good approach to the movement of the planet around the sun (or the moon around the planet) in the absence of disturbances. But the real solar system is not so simple, it has a lot of planets and moons, which pull each other with their gravity. It pertures their orbits, which makes Kepler decision inaccurate. Moon are most strongly disturbed, as you can see in the video below - their orbits are precessing and swinging.

To predict the movement of planets and satellites, astronomers use N-Body modeling on supercomputers. At the beginning of the observations, the starting tables are obtained. status vectors (coordinates and speeds) of all major bodies of the solar system (sun, planets, satellites, hundreds large asteroids, and even uses the analytical model of the rings of Saturn). Then the N-Body simulation is launched, similar to that you can run in Universe Sandbox. But, in contrast to the game, scientific modeling is very accurate and takes into account the many different delicate effects, such as the unevenness of the gravitational potential of the plins, mascons on the moon and relativistic effects. Modeling is carried out to hundreds or thousands of years in both directions - to the future and in the past. After completion, large data sets are obtained, which are not very convenient to use. Therefore, astronomers output an analytical solution, which approximates the results obtained with some accuracy, or more compact data tables are built and the formulas for interpolation between points in these tables are displayed. Sometimes you can develop a fully analytical model of the movement of any object.

There are many such solutions ("theories") of the motion of the planets and the moon: VSOP87, DE405, TASS 1.7, etc., which are then used to calculate the coordinates of objects, predicting eclipses, planning space flights; They are also used in various planetaria programs. From the point of view of use in SE, they can be divided into two categories:

  • Analytical models: Use numeric rows (polynomial or Fourier) to approximate body motion. They are usually less (data tables are limited to several megabytes) and faster, because most of them have developed decades ago, when computers were weak and had a small memory. They can also be easily done even less and faster, dropping the younger members of the ranks (due to the decrease in accuracy). VSOP87 is one of them. Some analytical models are not limited in time, but their accuracy, of course, decreases if you leave too far into the future or in the past.
  • Models based on data tables: usually more modern; There are tables of coefficients going in a step in a few days. These coefficients are transmitted to formulas that calculate the coordinates and the speed of the planets on the desired date. Such models typically require a lot of memory (data files are hundreds of megabytes), and operate only within a limited period of time (several hundred or thousands of years). DE436 is one of them.
  • On the currently I implemented the following theories in SpaceEngine:

  • VSOP87 (FRENCH: Variations Séculaires Des orbites Planétaires) - This theory includes only 8 large planets and the sun (yes, it also moves). The working time interval: unlimited, but recommended for years from -2000 (2000 BC) of 6000.
  • DE436 (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Development Ephemeris) - This theory includes only 8 large planets, the sun, the moon and the Pluto Barcenter, as well as the rotation of the moon. All existing DEXXX data files are supported. Working time interval: limited data file, for DE436 - from 1550 to 2560.
  • NOE-4-2007 (V. Lainy) - This theory includes only Mars satellites: Phobos and Dimimos. The working period of time: unlimited, but recommended only from 1877 to 2025.
  • L1.2 (V. Lainey, L. Duriez, A. Vienne) - This theory includes only 4 Jupiter Galilean satellites: Io, Europe, Ganymed and Callisto. Working time interval: from 1140 to 2760, it can be increased by price reduction in accuracy.
  • TASS 1.7 (A. Vienne, L. Duriez) - This theory includes only 8 large Saturn satellites: MIMAS, ENSELAD, TEFIU, DION, REU, TITAN, Hyperion and IPPER. Working time interval: unlimited.
  • Gust86 (J. Laskar, R. Jacobson) - This theory includes only 5 large uranium satellites: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriell, Titania and Oberon. Working time interval: unlimited.
  • N. Emelyanov, M. Nerzhorodov - Analytical theory of Triton's movement, Neptune satellite. Working time interval: unlimited.
  • Outside the working time interval of the orbital theory SE uses extrapolation. The first or recent available coordinates and body velocity vector are calculated, and a simple Kepler orbit is built on them.

    There are many other theories, including alternative theories for the above bodies, and theories for small satellites. I will add some of them in SE later. Please note that the theory of VSOP87 does not include the moon, and the only theory of movement of the moon, implemented for SE, is dexxx, so the following version of SE will be supplied with DE436 data file (about 100 MB). In the future, I plan to implement the theory of motion of the Moon ELP2000-82, so the VSOP87 can be done by the main model (it has no large data files, and it has a much large working range of time than DE436). There is a more modern version of its version - VSOP2013, but it also requires large data files (several 300 MB).

    SE supports all JPL ephemerides (DEXXX), you can download them directly from the FTP server JPL. There is a remarkable De431 solution for planets, the sun and the moon - it has a huge working time period of 30,000 years (from -13200 to 17191), but its data file weighs 2.6 GB. In theory, SpaceEngine should work with him, but I did not check; SE may not be enough memory (currently SE loads the file in RAM entirely, and 4 GB is limited as a 32-bit application). Available files on the JPL server run out on DE431, but in the top folders there are files in the ASCII format and the ASC2EPH.f utility, with which you can convert to a binary format supported by SE (you need to install the Fortran compiler to compile and run the utility). The JPL server also has data tables for hundreds of asteroids and all modeled satellites, but their total size is several dozen gigabytes - I think it is redundant for SE.

    I also implemented analytical models of the axial rotation of the planets and the moon, based on the document of the WAS group of cartographic coordinates and rotational elements (WGCCRE). They simulate precession axes of rotation of bodies and small periodic perturbations, but are valid only in a limited period of time, as well as orbital theories. The precession of the earth's axis is not modeled there, it is necessary for it another analytical model. The rotation of the moon is also modeled by the De436 solution, so there are two alternatives.

    To support analytical orbital theories, I changed the render of the orbit lines in SE. Previously, for each body, its "model" of the line was generated, its form and the size depended on the parameters of the orbit. But then I realized that, since all the Kepler orbits are conical sections (ellipse, parabola or hyperbole), they can be drawn in total three different models, with appropriate scaling and displacement - circle, parabola and hyperbole. It is very elegant and fast methodBecause now you can use instance to display thousands of orbit at once. Also saves memory and boot time (there is no need to create and store thousands of models). Updating changing orbits in real time (the analytical orbits of the planets, as well as the orbits of ships) is now free - it is necessary to simply calculate the new scale / shift for these three models.

    Important question, especially for beginner astrologers, where to take - and preferably free :) - Ephemeride tables. In this article, I will tell you where ephemerides can be downloaded for free, buy or even win in the competition.

    Efemerides are such magic manuscripts from which the attachment to real astrology begins ... At least when the first time we take into the hands of a weighty tomik of these tables, the feeling occurs exactly that :) In general, ephemerides are the tables in which the positions of the planets are specified on a certain Time period (and with certain frequency). They are needed to build horoscopes manually, to track transit and for other astrological work. Now in ephemeris, information about the ingression, aspects of the planets, the phases of the moon, eclipses, the change of the movement of the planets, etc. are published.

    So, where can the novice astrologer you can take ephemerides?

    1) For example, Swiss ephemerides can be viewed at midnight and download on this page http://www.astro.com/swisseph/swepha_e.htm There are tables of positions of planets at least from 1400 to 2199. In addition to the planets, the positions of the nodes, Hiron and the Black Moon are caught. To open the ephemerides on the year you are interested in, find the link for this year and click it, a page with tables for each month of the selected year will open in a new window. It can be downloaded to the computer in * PDF format. This is what the plate looks like March 2013 (picture is clickable).

    In the first column - the day of the week and the number, in the second - sincer time, the columns are followed with the positions of planets / fictitious points in the signs of the zodiac.

    2) Also Swiss (as far as I see) Ephemerida can be viewed on the site http://www.khaldea.com/kldaephem/1900/jan1989gmt.shtml Select the year you are interested in at the top of the site: in the "Century" window (century) choose 1900-1999 or 2000-2099 - depending on what year you are interested; In the Yr window - two last digits of the year, and in the last window - month. After pressing the "GO" button, a new window will open with ephemeris on your chosen iodic The table will look like this (again March 2013):

    Here are the number of months and positions of the main planets from the Sun in Pluto in the signs of the zodiac. The columns isolated in red show the retrogradity of the movement of the planet. Here it turns out that Mercury is in retravity until March 16, 2013, and Saturn is all March (by the way, the indicator of retrogradity in different tables may differ for a while, as I don't know with these "fight").

    3) Another, already a Russian-speaking and very simplified version of ephemerid can be obtained on the page http://www.astroma.net/service/ephemeris/ephemerides.htm
    There are two options for ephemeride - a table for a month and the position of the planets on a particular day and an hour. To allow, to get ephemerides on the month of interest March 2013, it is necessary to choose a year in the "Ephemerida for a month" block, month and check cells to celebrate the planets whose coordinates we want to see. It looks like this table for March 2013 (clickable).

    The structure of the tables is the same, but in this variant there are no indications for the periods of retrogradity of the planet. Therefore, such ephemerides can be considered simplified. On this service, you can "create" ephemerides for any month from 1900 to 2100, and except the provisions of the main planets, to obtain nodes, selenium, Lilith, Hiron, Proserpines.

    4) Also tables of Swiss ephemeride for a certain period (day, month, year ...) you can generate ZET in the astrological program. To get the tables, click "Miscellane" in the top control panel, select Ephemeride Tables. In the window that opens, select the necessary settings and get the coordinates of the planets for the selected time period. I do not tell in detail and do not show, because in the program it is not the most convenient picture of ephemeride for perception.

    Ephemerides can be bought

    This is obvious: the ephemeride tables can be purchased as a paper weighting paper. Make it can be done in online stores (for example, in the publishing house "Uraniya" in or c) in major cities Efemerides can be find or order in specialized (esoteric) departments on bookcases, in book supermarkets. The sake of fairness should be said that paper ephemerides are not cheap pleasure. Any ephemeris, covering a large period of time (90-100 years), stand from 240 hryvnias / 680 rubles and more expensive. But if you are seriously in astrology and for a long time, then without ephemerid you can not do. I recommend to purchase big book Ephemerid on a current period, for example, Efemerida Michelsen or Kucherenko:

    This, of course, gives them a special "old" charm :) But if you have the opportunity to purchase an ephemeride book in a hard cover, do not refuse.

    • Solid Cover is now sold "New ephemeride tables in the twentieth century. 1900-2000 at midnight »Michelsen (Memorial publication from Urania 2013

    Both books are very similar in their structure. One
    Page \u003d Two tables for two months + lower block with aspects of planets, ingression and other astrostas for this period. Kucherenko has the provisions of the main planets + lunar node, Proserpines, Hiron, Lilith and Selena; And Michelsen is the main planets + node + ceres in the main tables + Asteroids Erid, Chiron, Pallada, Juno, Vesta (at least in the memorial edition, everything is so). Another an important difference Ephemerid Michelsen is that the position of the moon in them is also on midnight, and at noon of every day. This makes more convenient calculations.

    I will show here a typical page from Kucherenko (Long live in March 2013 :)), there are plates for two months and the lower block with current astrotomications (on the right, the picture is clicable).

    Efemerides can be won

    Yes, and this is possible - this is an exclusive offer from astroshkola :)

    (Offer "worked" from 2012 to 2015, now it is not really).

    Generally B. in electronic format Efemerid tables for 1950-2000, as well as all other necessary reference books - house tables, Directory of temporary amendments and coordinates - gets anyone who acquired the training course "Building a horoscope in the old manner" ( detailed information About the course on the page But I wanted to tell not at all about it.

    The fact is that at the end of the year each student of this course has the opportunity to get real paper (!) Efemeride tables. Winners of the competition on best feedback Pthe course will receive one of the sets of reference books necessary to build a horoscope manually, including the ephemeris of Michelsen for 1900-2000 (for the best review), or ephemerida for the 2005-2020 Kucherenko for 2 and 3rd place. Details about gift sets and contest conditions you can find in the article

    So it came to the end of this bulk article) Summarizing, I can recommend newcomers for free download Swiss ephemerides from the site Astrock - He mentioned him at the very beginning of this article. And for those who have seriously carried away astrology - be sure to purchase paper ephemerides. Special magic hides in them ...

    Now you know where you can find-download-generating - buy ephemerides. I really hope that now to master astrology will be a little easier for you)

    See you in Astroshkola!

    with respect,

    Ekaterina Lugovaya

    The Moon Is New In Aries. ON. April 5, 2019, at 4:51 am EDT.

    The New Moon in Aries Marks The Beginning Of A New Cycle. The Pisces New Moon Cycle Ends and The Aries New Moon Cycle Begins. The New Moon in Aries Is a Good Time to Commit to Personal Goals That Express The Positive Energies of the Sign of the Ram. IT's Time to Take Action - Try Something New and Innovative, and Go At IT with Gusto and Confidence; Be Assertive Without Being Abrasive; Take Charge of Our Lives; Start A Brand New Project, And Discover Our Own Personal Courage.

    This Is A Strong Cycle Under Which to Re-Evaluate Our Relationship to Ourselves. With this Potent Aries Energy, We Have the Chance to Make Important Changes in Our Lives. It's time to make some Solid The Stage for Realistic Plans, and to set the stage for reappings, As Little Or Big As They May Be, in Approximately Two Weeks' Time After The Full Moon Occurs.

    Aries Is The First Sign of the Zodiac, and Thus a New Moon in Aries Is Especially Ripe with Opportunity for New Beginnings. We Might Consider Acting On A Constructive Impulse and Following a Hunch or Taking A Risk. Aries Learns Through Experience and Action, SO We Might Treat Ourselves to a Little Adventure Now. It's Also a Good Cycle Under Which to Discover The Benefits of Expressing Ourselves with Authenticity - Expressing Ourselves AS We Are, without putting on airs. WE MIGHT ALSO FIND WAYS TO BE HOW TO RELY ORSELVES AND TO BE HAPPY ABOUT DOING SO - IT WILL GO A LONG WAY TOWARS FINDING INNER HAPPINES WHEN WE KNOW THAT WE CAN BE SELF-SUFFICIENT WE CAN BE SELF-SUFFICIENT WITHOT BAMING OTHERS FOR NOT HELPING US OUT. It's a Time to Revitalize Ourselves Through Experiences That Break The Routine and That Involve Doing Something New and Fresh.

    However, The New Moon Forms a Square to Saturn, Suggesting Some Blocks Surrounding Our New Beginnings. Something May Not Get Off The Ground As Quickly AS We'd Like Now. Even So, We're In A Rare Window When None of The Major Planets / Bodies Are Retrograde, And Things May Very Well Swim Along After This Check-in with Reality.

    This Phase of the Moon Occurs At 15 Degrees and 17 Minutes of Aries, Affecting People Born With Personal Planets and Points AT ApproxiMately 11 to 19 Degrees of the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, And Libra, And Capricorn) Most Significantly.

    If you have already identified GMT, now you can proceed to calculate the position of the planets on ephemeris.

    It is more convenient to use ephemeris at midnight (there must be 00-00 or Midnight in them). This can be American Ephemerides (The American Ephemeris at Midnight by Neil. F. Michelsen) or Swiss Ephemeris (Swiss Ephemeris for 6000 years).

    How to use ephemeris? Open ephemerides, suppose for September 1982.

    IN left column From top to bottom you see the days of the month. IN top row You see the icons denoting planets: the sun, the moon at 00 an hour, the moon at noon (noon), the upstream moon node, then Mercury, Venus, Mars and all other planets in order.

    At the intersection of the date of interest to you and each column, the location of the planet on Midnight of Greenwich for this date is indicated. And the position of the moon is also indicated at noon for convenience in the calculations - since the moon moves very quickly.

    In the column for each planet, the degree is first indicated, then the zodiac sign, then angular minutes and angular seconds (or the tenths of degrees). For example:

    Usually we use only degrees and angular minutes, without angular seconds.

    Look at that column where the position of the Sun is indicated. You see that from September 1 to September 23, the numbers are increasing. The sun comes on the sign of the virgin at a speed of about 1 ° per day. Each zodiac sign takes 30 °. Having passed the sign of the Virgin, the sun passed into the scales - and from September 24 the countdown began from the 1st degree of scales.

    Planets are moving at different speeds. The relevant the column is located, the farther from the sun is the planet in the sky and the lower its angular speed. For example, Pluto passed over the entire month only 1 °.

    The planet may seem to stop and go to reverse side (from the point of view of the earth observer). In such cases, the numbers begin to decrease. For example, in September 1982, Mercury on September 19 stopped at point 17 ° 30 "Weighs and went in the opposite direction ( retrograd movedenoted by the letter R).

    Additional Table

    Now look at the additional table, which is located in ephemeris at the bottom of the page, under the table for October.

    IN left column Astro Data You can find an accurate moment of turning planets indicating Greenwich's time.

    Find a line: Mercury R 19 10:57. This means that Mercury became retrograde on September 19 at 10:57 hours in Greenwich.

    As well as in this column indicated aspects large planets. Typically, such a table refers to two months at once, so what you see in the upper part of it relates to September, and the fact that a little lower - by October.

    Column Planet Ingress. Shows the transition of the planets as a sign of the zodiac (the planets and signs of the zodiac are indicated by icons, but I will write words).

    So, you see:

    Venus Venus 7 21: 38 (Venus switched to the male on September 7 in 21-38 hours.).
    Mars Sagittarius 20 1:20 (Mars switched to Sir September 20 at 1-20 hours).
    Sun scales 23 8:46 (the sun passed into scales on September 23 at 8-46 hours.).

    And just below in the same post you see the data for October.

    Now Column Last Aspect - Ingress. Two such columns - to the left for September, to the right to October. Last Aspect is the last aspect (i.e. angle with another planet) of the moon before moving the moon in next sign Zodiac (ingress). Let's see the column for September (here icons, but I will call them words). We read the upper line:

    2 6:43 Pluto Trigon Fish 2 16:11 (September 2 at 6-43 hours. The moon makes trigon to Pluto, and on September 2 at 16-11 hours. The moon goes into fish sign).

    Next line in the same column:
    4 13:51 Neptune Quadrature Aries 5 0:24 (September 4, at 13-51 hours. The moon makes the square to Neptune, and on September 5 at 0-24 hours. The moon goes into the sign of Aries).

    Column Phases & Eclipses.: Phases of the moon and the eclipse of the sun and the moon.