
Famous video blogger Arslan Valeev died from the bite of the most poisonous snake in the world - the black mamba.

This happened while he was broadcasting live on YouTube. He tried to get the snake out of the terrarium when it bit him. After this, realizing the seriousness of the situation, Arslan Valeev addressed the audience, asking them to report what had happened to him ex-wife and call the doctors. Doctors tried to save the blogger, but without the serum they could not do anything.

Many fans of the blogger hoped that what happened was actually a prank. But the joke turned around the terrible truth. The man actually became the victim of a black mamba bite. According to his subscribers, Valeev could have deliberately allowed the snake to bite him. They admit that the man decided to commit suicide in this way because he suffered due to separation from Katya.

After the death of a famous blogger, about 300 snakes were left unattended in his private house. It is unknown where to put them; the local zoo, closest to Vsevolozhsk, cannot accept them for its balance. And all due to the lack of antidotes and living conditions for poisonous pets.

Now Valeev’s mother is looking after them,” she talks about the situation after the death of the 47news blogger. “The police are trying to understand the situation and find a solution.

Relatives deceased blogger Arslan Valeev is promised to return the snakes

However, it remains unclear who exactly took the reptiles from the house and where they are now.

300 snakes disappeared from a house in Vsevolozhsk; unknown persons took away almost all the reptiles. Serpentologist Arslan Valeev, who died from a black mamba bite, kept the snake in his house; he died in the hospital.

As the mother of blogger Darikha Nurkusheva said, when she arrived, the door leading to the site was open, and the door of the house was held on by a wire. In the serpentarium, out of several hundred snakes, only two pythons remained.

Relatives who arrived later talked to the mother of the deceased and said that they would give the snakes back. But where exactly they are now and who took them is unknown.

“This is the most ordinary dispute over an inheritance. In this case, the inheritance is snakes. Valeev had about three hundred reptiles, including rare individuals. And today, in fact, the mother of the deceased blogger and his wife were searching for the missing collection.”

Darikha Nurkushova does not enter her son’s house, but sneaks in, opening the house with a simple knife. Fortunately, the wire that was used to lock the door gives in easily. Then everything is like in a movie: a dark basement, empty terrariums. Only two boa constrictors remained. Darikha is worried that the rest of the snakes have been exterminated.

"Poisonous snakes. They believe that snakes are to blame for everything, and they appeared because of Katya. There were no poisonous snakes before.”
The mother of the deceased blogger supports his ex-wife and does not blame her for the tragedy. Despite the quarrels and divorce, they would still be together in the future, the woman believes. Catherine herself also came to the house. She feeds the lynxes, shows the alabai, pets the dog and tells how she would like to continue her husband’s work.

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But the end came earlier - on the evening of September 23, Valeev was bitten by a black mamba in his own house. The venom of this snake is deadly to humans. Relatives took 32-year-old Arslan to the hospital, but it was too late to save him.

Arslan wrote blogs dedicated to his favorite snakes and lynxes for several years. There are thousands of subscribers.

It is still unclear what happened - did the mamba accidentally bite Valeev or not? Reporters from Komsomolskaya Pravda together with Arslan’s mother visited the scene of the tragedy.


Arslan Valeev's house stands on the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk - a small two-story box made of aerated concrete blocks.

But the only staircase in his house leads not up, but down. The point is that two last year Arslan lived in literally in the basement. No windows or doors.

They started building the house a long time ago, a couple of years ago, and as soon as it became possible, Arslan immediately moved to the basement,” blogger Darikha Nurgusheva’s mother told KP. She is divorced from his father and lives separately. “My son spent all his money on his animals. This was his passion. And the walls of the house were only folded this year...

In the stuffy room, where we descend along a steep wooden staircase, a light bulb shines dimly. A door, another door - and we find ourselves in a tiny room about 15 meters away. A bed, a computer desk, a shelving unit - and nothing else really fits here.

Let us remember that the tragedy unfolded literally in live: before picking up the black mamba, Arslan turned on the camera on his laptop. Then he leaves the frame and returns five seconds later - already fatally bitten. It was here that Arslan conducted his last broadcast. There is a funny soft toy on the bed.

How it shakes,” says Arslan, rolling his eyes. The poison begins to take effect.

Valeev dictates his wife’s number to subscribers and asks them to notify her. Then he gets up and, staggering, leaves the house. His father took him to the hospital - he lives in a neighboring house.


The dwelling in which the popular blogger lived, of course, was no dwelling at all - but a real exotarium.

All the walls, from floor to ceiling, are nothing but solid terrariums. Only in the room next to the bedroom was there room for a table, kettle and microwave. But also surrounded by snakes.

It is immediately obvious that Valeev was a keen biologist. With some crazy stuff like that. A common person I couldn't live here.

Now almost all the terrariums are now empty - Arslan's father took the snakes out. But no one knows where. He himself does not want to communicate with journalists.

However, some remained - for example, a giant boa constrictor, like a watchman, spread its rings throughout the meter-long terrarium.

The smaller snake looks at the journalists with interest. There is no black mamba. Her cage, by the way, is located two steps from Valeev’s bedroom.

I’m afraid that they will try to quickly sell all the snakes - they cost from 2 to 4 thousand euros,” Darikha Nurgusheva worries. – Although this is the property of Arslan, and now of his widow Catherine.

Nurgusheva emphasizes that she herself is not looking for benefits - she just wants to save her son’s collection.

Arslan dreamed of a private museum. And I must do everything to make his dream come true,” says Darikha.

On the site next to the house, three lynxes and a small puma remained in enclosures. The snow-white alabai melancholy examines the guests through the bars.

I hope at least they won’t be sold,” Darikha Nurgusheva worries.

Meanwhile, the fate of Valeev’s grandiose collection remains unknown. By the way, there were other poisonous snakes in the meeting - where are they now? And Valeev had more than one black mamba - he once bought two copies.

And if reptiles start being sold left and right, who can guarantee that the mamba won’t bite another naturalist?


I didn’t see his last broadcast, - Valeev’s widow Ekaterina told KP.“Subscribers called me after Arslan gave me my phone number and said that he had been bitten by a snake. I immediately arrived at his house, but Arslan had already been taken to the hospital. But the broadcast continued, and I myself had to stop it. I loved him very much. I don’t believe what happened yet.

They say you broke up a few months before?

We had our differences, but we were husband and wife. We saw each other a few hours before the incident. I didn’t watch his latest entry, I just can’t bring myself to.



We knew Arslan, and I can say that he is a very experienced specialist. Therefore, I cannot and do not want to comment on what happened,” the candidate told KP biological sciences Vladimir Cherlin. “I’ll just say that he had no chance to escape.” An antidote would help, but in Russia, in principle, there is none, because we don’t have mambas either.

Valeev had two. I can assume that there are two or three more such snakes in all of Russia.

It's really scary snake. I won’t say it’s the most poisonous, but it’s at the top. The poison contained in her gland is enough for several bites. That is, the snake that bit Arslan is still dangerous.

Valeev also had many boa constrictors in his collection; he bred and successfully kept them. He really was a great specialist.

The problem is that our legislation on reptiles does not actually work. Yes, you need to obtain permits, but no one knows how to do this. People are hitting a wall, but many people love reptiles. So they are forced to go to the illegal market.

I can assure you: everything is fine with Arslan’s collection, it is in good hands. I can’t say where exactly, but there is no reason to panic. And even if some reptiles are sold, this does not apply to poisonous snakes. They will remain with the professionals.

The reptile grabbed Valeev’s finger on the evening of September 23. It is impossible to say for sure whether it was accidental or not.

Everything happened live on the YouTube channel hosted by Arslan. In the video he sits in front of the monitor after fatal bite. At first the blogger shows his bitten finger, but is in no hurry to do anything. When he feels bad, he dictates to the phone in a semi-fainting state ex-wife and asks subscribers to call her.

“I would be glad to see Katya,” says Valeev, rolling his eyes.

Was it suicide or an accident? The Investigative Committee is now looking into this. Well, everyone involved in this story needs to solve one more problem: where to put the 300 snakes that remained in Valeev’s huge terrarium?

A KP correspondent visited the site of the blogger's abandoned terrarium.

Arslan lived in a small house made of aerated concrete blocks on the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk.

There are enclosures with lynxes on the site. In a separate cage, a white alabai is yawning, and another watchdog, smaller in size, is rushing around the yard.

At the gates of this house, Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to talk to the mother of the deceased blogger.


Darikha Nurgusheva - beautiful woman about 50 years old - smiles so as not to cry. She takes the death of her son very hard.

On the evening of the 25th, my friends called me. They say: look on the Internet, there’s some Arslan there strange video wrote it down,” Darikha tells Komsomolskaya Pravda. “When I realized what happened, I immediately went to the hospital.

Before her son's death, she managed to see him once again with one eye.

“I went into the intensive care unit to say goodbye,” Darikha sighs.

According to Arslan’s mother, snakes were his life’s work.

Even as a child he loved all sorts of worms and spiders. Then I became interested in snakes. I saw this hobby of his: I bought snakes, terrariums, and even allocated a separate room. I always supported him.

Dariha divorced Arslan's father a long time ago. But I visited Arslan’s house in Vsevolozhsk quite often.

The day after my baby died ex-husband he took almost all the snakes somewhere - the most expensive and valuable ones. There are only pythons left,” says Darikha.


According to her, one snake costs from 2 to 4 thousand euros. Darikha fears that now they will try to sell them at a profit.

This is the seizure of the property of Arslan and his wife Katya. It's their property! - Darikha worries. - I will do everything to preserve the collection. Arslan dreamed of opening private museum, and he should earn it. This was his dream, and I must make it come true.

She emphasizes: she is not interested in money, but only in the memory of her son.

She does not believe that Arslan could commit suicide.

Yes, he and his wife had a disagreement. So what - who doesn't quarrel? But Arslan was very cheerful and positive. He would never have dared to do this.

Let’s add: four lynxes in cages and an alabai are still sitting on the property near the house.

Valeev's father refused to talk to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Relatives of the family said that “the snakes were taken away by the state.”

At the same time, at the Leningrad Zoo they told us that they would not take the snakes for themselves. Reptiles do not necessary certificates and papers.


Arslan Valeev is a 32-year-old St. Petersburg blogger who owns the public page BobCat TV / Wild Cats. He has 273,633 subscribers on his YouTube channel and more than 55 thousand people are united by the exotarium public. In it he talked about lynxes and other wild cats.

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A black mamba bit a St. Petersburg blogger live.

"MK" details became known terrible death Arslan Valeev, who was attacked live by a black mamba

Details of the absurd death of 31-year-old video blogger and owner of an exotic animal nursery Arslan Valeev became known to MK. During a live broadcast on the Internet portal on September 23, Valeeva was bitten poisonous snake- black mamba, he fell into a coma and later died. St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Care named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze confirmed the death of Valeev.

As MK learned, according to one version, in Lately Valeev was very worried about the separation from his wife Ekaterina (they have not lived together for more than a year). Two days before the tragedy, the young people filed an application for divorce with the registry office. The initiator was Catherine - Arslan allegedly raised his hand against her.

According to friends, on the night of September 23, the video blogger was slightly drunk. He went live, dictated Catherine’s phone number and stated that he would be glad to see her if she managed to arrive before his death. The young man announced that he was dying and said goodbye to everyone.

An acquaintance of the blogger, Andrei Derevyankin, clarified the situation a little - on September 23 at 2.14 he posted a post on the wall of one of the communities that Valeev was bitten by a black mamba, and he was taken to intensive care, without specifying which hospital. Then, until the evening of September 24, Derevyankin left a message about his friend’s critical condition, and at noon on September 25, a note about his death appeared. Again without any details.

MK managed to find out the details of the tragedy.

First and only call to ambulance Vsevolzhsk (this is where Valeev lived) was registered on September 23 at 1.18. A certain girl called from the blogger's number. She introduced herself as a friend and asked the 03 doctors to urgently come to the house of her friend, who had been attacked by a snake. The young man, according to her, was in an inadequate state.

The doctors were about to rush to the call when the girl called back and canceled the call without explanation. Valeev, after consulting with friends, decided to get to the hospital on his own.

Friends took the blogger to the leading hospital in St. Petersburg - the Emergency Research Institute named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze. The patient was admitted to the toxic intensive care unit. Doctors fought for the patient’s life, but at 11:08 am on September 25, he died.

Employees of the RF IC Leningrad region carry out fact-checks. They have already talked with Valeev’s stepmother Svetlana. The blogger lived in a private one-story house on Molodezhnaya Street (the neighboring house was occupied by relatives). In the basement of the house there were terrariums where they were kept different snakes. The black mamba, by the way, was sitting separately from everyone else.

We were already getting ready for bed, when suddenly Ekaterina called her husband and told her that her stepson had been bitten by a snake. - said Svetlana. We ran out into the yard, Arslan was lying near the gate. Literally he said: “Take me to Dzhanelidze, I want to live.” We loaded the guy into our Land Rover, and I got behind the wheel. All the way Arslan vomited monstrously, he complained about the cold and repeated several times that he really wanted to live and did not do it on purpose.

After Arslan was hospitalized, Svetlana called Ekaterina to come and help find the snake (the family did not know where it was). However, the black mamba was sitting in a closed terrarium.

Arslan's own mother would like to continue her son's work. But the father is categorically against keeping poisonous snakes and wild cats(Arslan, in addition to snakes, had three lynxes). Ekaterina, meanwhile, plans to find homes for all the pets.


Arslan Valeev - Russian video blogger, author of popular channels on Russian-language YouTube: “Private Exotarium” - about the popularization of terrarium animals (snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, amphibians, spiders, scorpions) and BobCat TV - about lynxes and other exotic animals. Arslan hosted the second channel together with his wife Ekaterina Valeeva (Pyatyzhkina).

On Saturday, September 23, during a live broadcast, Arslan Valeev talked about his recent separation from his wife and talked about death. For some time he disappeared from the camera's field of view, and when he returned, he said that he had been bitten by a poisonous snake - a black mamba. Next, the blogger dictated his wife’s number and asked to call her. After some time, Valeev lost consciousness on live television.

While there are suggestions that in this way Arslan Valeev wanted to attract attention and commit suicide. When he lost consciousness, subscribers to his channel called an ambulance, and the blogger was hospitalized. Unfortunately, around noon on September 25, he died without regaining consciousness.

The tragic event, as it turns out, was preceded by a major quarrel with his wife - the video blogger accused his wife of cheating, then attacked her.

Ekaterina reported the attack on Instagram, posting a photo and a medical examination.

Later, Valeev publicly apologized to his wife, but the reunion did not take place.

Then Arslan Valeev provoked a black mamba during a stream, and the animal bit him. At the hospital, the blogger was put into an induced coma, however, despite all medical efforts, Valeev died.

Although the black mamba has a reputation for being extremely dangerous, the snake is not aggressive and never attacks without reason. In the wild, she avoids contact with people in every possible way. And only when an inevitable meeting occurs does the snake make a warning pose, and if this does not help, then it only bites.