People meet, show sympathy towards each other. The apogee of long dates, sweet texts and calls until midnight should be the realization that without a soulmate a person cannot imagine his life. He understands that he has fallen in love and unconditionally believes her every word.

In other words, complete trust is established. And that's okay. loving people should not have even a shadow of doubt within themselves in relation to a partner. As soon as a tiny seed of distrust is born, the risk increases that it will become a branchy tree, and in a short time.

Few people after the wedding, simple cohabitation or at the stage candy-bouquet period seriously thinks about the fact that a warm fire must be constantly maintained by adding firewood. If this is not done in a timely manner, it will begin to gradually fade away, and then it will completely go out.

So it is with trust. It needs to be constantly justified. After two or three mistakes, a person runs the risk of being under the constant sight of a partner who will suspect his soul mate of something and try to convict her of this.

What can cause mistrust?

It's very easy to lose him. It all depends on the number of repetitions of the deed. Most often, couples who are on the verge of breaking up due to mistrust talk about the following reasons:

  1. Its absence in the first place. There are times when people meet for a good time and rarely think about what will happen next. Naturally, according to their logic, they owe nothing to each other and are not obliged to strive to maintain warmth in relations. Here all the shortcomings and unseemly deeds begin to show out. It is unlikely that such a development of events will lead to the altar. If it does happen, it won't be for long.
  2. Attacks of jealousy, conviction of treason. Both of these factors are not at all encouraging. After all, if there is no trust, then there are suspicions. Sometimes they are completely unfounded. But this is rather an exception to the rule. A person is so arranged that he feels deceit or infidelity on an intuitive level. Even when the appearance of an ideal relationship is created, there is some kind of chill in relation to the partner. Naturally, jealousy slowly begins to draw unseemly pictures of the development of events in the imagination, and further aggravates the situation.
    If it is justified or the fact of treason was obvious, then in such a situation it is extremely difficult to talk about some kind of trust. Not every person is able to forgive and is ready to never again remind his soul mate of the perfect betrayal.
  3. The absence of an equal sign between word and deed. No sweet speeches can replace actions that confirm them. Often among young people there is such a thing that in private a young man swears in love, is ready to throw everything at the feet of a girl, but in fact, at every opportunity, humiliates her in front of mutual acquaintances, ridiculing her appearance or act.
  4. Deception. It does not matter that a person lied out of good intentions or simply left out important facts for another. It is from such trifles that an opinion is formed about everyone. After a person has been caught lying several times, it is extremely difficult to unconditionally believe his words.
  5. Broken promises. Often people resort to this to avoid an unpleasant conversation, or, wanting to achieve the realization of some of their goals in life. In the second half, such behavior causes disappointment in the partner. You can't feed her "breakfast" all the time. Sooner or later, “saturation” will come, and there will be no trust at all.

What to do when a relationship is on the verge of breaking up?

Firstly, banging your head against the wall and tearing your clothes makes no sense. Cool thinking is important right now. Both partners need to put negative emotions aside and rethink everything.

Secondly, it is important to clarify for each of them:

  • The reason for what happened.
  • To understand if there is even a drop of former love and tenderness for a person who has lost trust.
  • Imagine life without him. Will there be a feeling of lack of a “second hand”.
  • Is the person ready to fight to maintain relationships and restore trust in himself.

If everything in your head has formed into a clear picture, and there is a desire to be together no matter what, you need to win the favor again.

What steps to take?

Of course, nothing will change overnight. And you should not expect manifestations of crazy love from your half just because the culprit apologized for half a day, swore that it was impossible to repeat this.

It's easy to lose trust. Getting it back is a long and painstaking job..To quickly bridge the gap between partners, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. You can't constantly remind each other about what happened. This will only aggravate the situation and will be an occasion for regular showdowns. It is better to try to forget about the current situation, and not mention it in any conversations.
  2. Do not blame the guilty. If he took a chance and tries to restore relations, it means that he realized his guilt. The person will constantly feel like a naughty cat. In such emotional stress he won't live long. Therefore, it will again turn into a scandal.
  3. If, until the critical moment, the culprit did not pay much attention to his soul mate, and after what happened he suddenly began to lose his head from love and almost blow off dust particles, this is at least suspicious. Of course, we are not talking about sincerity here.
  4. A serious offense is not quickly forgotten and is not redeemed like that. No need for loud phrases and promises, expensive restaurants, necklaces and rings. Love and trust are not for sale. Most expensive gifts- pleasant little things, confirming the importance of a person's interests for a partner. And, most importantly, you need to promise only what you really can deliver.
  5. Humiliation for the sake of forgiveness is inappropriate. In addition to ridicule and mockery, as revenge from a partner, there will be nothing more.
  6. No need to take out "dirty rubbish in public." Partners are able to sort out their relationship on their own, without the involvement of outsiders. If it is impossible to reach a consensus, it is better to turn to a specialist, and not to call on friends or relatives for help. It may turn out that then they will remain guilty.
  7. Children should never be manipulated. Parental feelings have nothing to do with the relationship between a man and a woman. Trying to cause, in this way, a feeling of guilt, you still can’t keep a person.

Lost trust takes a long time to recover. Sometimes it takes more than one year. If loving people really need each other, then all the work is not in vain and the struggle is worth it.

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Ideal relationship, like ideal people, does not exist. 23% of men and 19% of women admitted to cheating on their partners. But other data are of greater interest. Of those couples who turn to a psychologist for help after infidelity, 70% stay together. In this article, we'll show you how to work on a relationship to regain your partner's trust.

website collected advice that psychologists most often give to couples who have experienced betrayal and decided to maintain a relationship, no matter what. Both men and women change, so the advice will be useful for both partners in a pair.

1. Don't try to lessen the pain caused by the action.

It is very important for a deceived person to know how everything really happened. When you sincerely try to answer questions, you may or may not deliberately withhold some details or limit yourself to general answers. And at the same time you will consider that you did not lie.

Your partner will feel that something is being hidden from him. And some details will emerge over time, and this will turn the life of the one who was deceived into a nightmare. Bit by bit collecting everything that happened, he will constantly keep in his head a picture of a terrible betrayal, and his life will turn into hell.

But avoiding talking about what happened is not The best decision. There is no need to hide or say anything. To get through this difficult stage, you need to experience the worst and feel the pain, otherwise healing will not come. Do not try to minimize suffering, because the best medicine in this case is time.

2. Tell the whole truth and even a little more

Trust in a relationship is a very fragile thing. If you were ever caught in a lie best strategy behavior - to tell your loved one the whole truth.

Practicing psychologist Robert Weiss notes that the only way to restore trust is to make full transparency a mandatory part of your relationship. And this applies to even the smallest things. If you are going to a bar with a friend, say so to your soulmate. No need to come up with more "harmless" locations in which you are supposedly located.

3. Don't go on the attack

Anyone who wants to earn trust will have a hard time. Listening to negative remarks and comments addressed to him will become his daily reality at the beginning of the journey, and both partners need to experience this.

Don't go on the attack. When you say “You yourself are not an angel either”, you are trying to justify yourself, and this is a normal psychological defense reaction. But think what it can give you. The anger of your loved one is understandable. Do not say unpleasant things to him in response if the goal is to save the relationship, and not destroy it.

4. Let go of the roles of defendant and accuser

When the worst - the confession of deceit - is already behind us, the most difficult stage begins. If you decide to stay together, you should not play the role of the defendant and the accuser. This behavior does not build trust, it has the exact opposite effect.

The "accuser" will try to take out his anger, and he will come up with new and new quests and tasks for the one who has lost his trust. The "defendant" will try to get an indulgence, and he, too, will accumulate anger as the attempts end in nothing.

The best solution in this case is to remain calm and directly tell your partner that you are ready to atone for guilt, but constant reproaches and mentions of her will not help with this.

5. Don't drag other people in

The decision to stay together after the betrayal was made by both of you, and the responsibility for this lies only with you two. That is why you should not involve other people in the process of clarifying the relationship, whether they are friends, relatives or your own children.

This applies to the one who committed the betrayal, and the one who decided to find the strength to forgive him. Talk about what happened should be conducted only in pairs, without outside interference, condemnation and sympathy. Psychotherapist Joe Kort is sure that the only one who can be third in such conversations is a family psychologist.

6. Give your partner more access

Let your partner into completely private corners: social networks, SMS on the phone, calls. If you decide to be honest, then you still have nothing to hide. Such a step will help your partner calm down, trust you more.

Over time, the deceived person will realize that constant checks are not needed. And when trust in the couple is restored, they will stop.

7. Do Symbolic Actions

Dr. Jim Walkop, a marriage counselor in New York, advises his clients who come to him with a desire to survive infidelity or any other betrayal, to perform symbolic actions. It could be something that gave both of you joy when you first started dating and were happy.

You can go to the cinema for the last screening or a walk in the park, feed the swans on the pond. During such classes, you need to refrain from accusations and not remember what happened. This will help to accumulate more positive shared memories.

For fans of extreme sports, there are other options: go on a trip, move to another city or country. This is also a strong emotional shake-up, which both should perceive as a starting point from which the relationship begins anew.

8. Don't Expect Instant Forgiveness

You should not expect forgiveness to come instantly, and you should not put pressure on your partner. It is unlikely that this will lead to anything other than new outbreaks of negativity. The best thing to do is to start listening to your partner's feelings and needs. The pain that he feels is very strong, it simply cannot stop in one moment. This is fine.

Deciding to maintain a relationship after a betrayal, both in a couple must be prepared for the fact that everything will not be the same as before and at first it will be very difficult. Still, the statistics showing that 70% of couples stay together after family therapy is reassuring.

Have you experienced betrayal in a relationship and have you been able to rebuild trust with your loved one? Share in the comments.

Recently I was asked how to regain the trust of a loved one. I was going to answer ... and thought.

The very formulation of the question - "to restore trust" - is doubtful. Trust is not something that is given, taken or returned. This property of contact between two people, and it is born in the process of communication. If a person trusts a stranger from the very beginning, then something is wrong with his way of interacting with environment. The new and the unknown carries a threat, and it is reasonable to take a closer look first. Trust can be issued "on credit", but in such cases they usually risk something that is not terrible to lose.

A common context for talking about lost trust is the relationship between friends and lovers. In such relationships, there are a number of unspoken agreements: to be faithful, to keep one's word, not to harm a friend or loved one. But apart from universal principles, unspoken requirements can be unique - and quite idiosyncratic.

One girl, speaking of her boyfriend's "faithful trust", pointed out that he was dancing with another as an example of betrayal. But after all, no one told him that he signed the agreement "to dance only with his girlfriend." There are many such cases, so it makes sense to clarify: does the partner know about the expectations, compliance with which is charged to him as a duty?

But let's dwell on the most common cases of "deceived trust" in a couple's relationship: treason, lies, failure to fulfill promises. How to regain the trust of a partner, if we are talking about an error, and not about a consistent break in relations?

Forgiveness does not fix the situation. It doesn't undo the pain it's caused or restore trust.

The wrong way is to try to get forgiveness. There are two roles in this scenario: the criminal and the judge, who is also the accuser. The offender has already been convicted and can only bribe the judge in order to mitigate or cancel the sentence. So is the partner who “redeems”, in fact, is trying to bribe the other. In this situation, there is a lot of latent anger on the part of the guilty and open - on the part of the one from whom they are trying to achieve forgiveness.

But forgiveness doesn't fix the situation. It does not undo the pain caused or restore trust. It will not work and "earn the trust again." Here again there are two non-equilibrium roles: the applicant for mercy and the one who condescendingly evaluates his efforts. "You don't try hard!" - an advantageous position that allows you to squeeze as much as possible out of the current situation.

Trust cannot be restored if only one is involved, and the second is in the role of a judge or a ruler sitting on a throne. On the part of the "deceived" - a wave of sadistic aggression, a desire to trample on the one who stumbled. On the part of the "traitor" - anger, growing as one after another, attempts to regain trust fail.

In this scenario, forgiveness or "newly earned trust" is a sham, and it becomes apparent when the offender is reminded of his past sins, knowing exactly where he has pain point. The feeling of one's own "innocence" and the "sinfulness" of another destroys any relationship and nullifies any dialogue.

Restoring trust is a mutual process. If both partners strive to restore it, then it is possible. Not "how to regain your trust", but "what do we do with our relationship, in which trust is lost." And here the quality that arises only in the mutual movement towards each other is important: sincerity.

Healing power has genuine contact, manifested in dialogue, in the willingness to change one's point of view.

It is possible to sincerely talk about your pain from the fact that you have caused suffering to a loved one only when, on the contrary, you are not a judge or a ruler, but a similarly suffering person. Openness to someone else's experience allows you to feel its sincerity, and avoiding conversation into accusations or self-flagellation blocks sensitivity.

Trust cannot be earned, it can only be born again: through the contact of two open, naked consciousnesses, when you feel there is no subtext, there is no second bottom behind this experience. You can only feel it with your heart - and you can “forgive” with your head as much as you like.

What's next? Talk about your relationship, about explicit and implicit agreements in them, about what can be changed. The contact between two people has healing power - a genuine contact that manifests itself in dialogue, in the readiness to change one's point of view, and not to convince the interlocutor or force him to do what you want.

Close relationships are based on trust; without it, friendship and love can hardly exist. It is born gradually, in the process of recognition, a person opens his soul to meet and expects a response. Trust is a quality of close relationships. The result of his loss is the collapse of love, lies and suspicions can poison and destroy even the strongest connection. How to regain the trust of a loved one? How realistic is this?

In love and friendship, there are a number of categories that are not voiced, but implied: to be faithful, to keep promises made, not to do something that can hurt a partner or offend.

What can cause loss of trust? In the first place among the reasons is treason. Loyalty is inscribed in our mentality, it is not discussed. Cheating can be real, or become a product of jealousy. People react differently to the current situation, some scream, scandal, accuse, others “close”, silently worry, and then leave, not wanting to listen to excuses and no longer trust anyone. How to regain the trust of a loved one after a lie? What steps are vital, and what mistakes can lie in wait on this thorny path?

Trust cannot be earned back by simply repenting. But this does not mean that in order to restore relations, one must step on one's own vanity, and kowtow to a partner, begging for forgiveness. In such a scenario, there are two roles: a pretender for trust and a judge who decides whether the subject is worthy of favor?

Some offended people are so carried away by the role of the “judge” and the desire to “squeeze” as many privileges as possible out of the circumstances that they forget about feelings and partnership. This is an erroneous path that can cause a response, now a stumbled person, tired of his own humiliations in the hope of forgiveness, does not want to continue, the couple breaks up.

Let go of the roles of defendant and accuser. The only chance on the way to regaining trust in a person is a dialogue, because the restoration of relations after an unseemly act is a mutual process in which both are involved. In such a movement towards each other, sincerity is important. Feel free to talk about your pain, and most importantly, don't forget to listen.

IN loving families both suffer. One from betrayal, the other because he caused pain and understands how strong it is. Experiences bring together if partners treat them carefully. Excessive self-flagellation is also not an option. The situation when one says: you try to restore trust, I'll see, it won't work.

The head can be forgiven, with feelings everything is different. Trust cannot be earned, it is born when both are open, despite each of their own pain, a sense of care and the desire to reduce the degree of suffering of a spouse, incomparable help. In such ordeals, love can flare up again with unprecedented strength.

How to restore trust after betrayal?

Statistically, cheating is the number one reason for divorce. But it also happens that adultery has become an unconscious step, but the result of temporary insanity or an excessive dose of alcohol. How to regain your wife's trust? Unfeigned repentance, openness, the desire to discuss what happened, understanding what caused the pain, and care can stop the destructive process.

If the attempts do not find a response, the guilty partner sometimes slams the door and leaves with the words: “you don’t believe it, and don’t.” But who is better off for it? Your own ego is satisfied, and then what? Pain, sadness, regret. It is no longer possible to return, hug, say “I love you”, the couple did not survive the betrayal. Everyone is waiting for the other to take the first step. Without waiting, they try to find a replacement, still shuddering from everyone phone call in the hope that the ex is calling.

After betrayal, the fire of indignation burns in the soul, the brain breaks from resentment, but a spark of love smolders in the heart, getting rid of it is not so easy. Whether it flares up again depends on the beloved. Apologize? Undoubtedly! To say that you repent, sincerely love.

However, you need to keep yourself in control, while maintaining dignity. It is unacceptable to slide down to a showdown, trying to shift the blame from a sick head to a healthy one. This is the road to nowhere. When trying to gain forgiveness, remember to use restraint and delicacy.

Many couples go through a difficult period of alienation after infidelity, but if both value love, the years spent together, the future, there is a high chance of coping. It would be better to listen to reason, not feelings.

Sometimes the pain is unbearable, but people tend to make mistakes, do we have the right to punish cruelly? What if the fate of the family and children is at stake? Whether to put their own pain above the feelings of loved ones, everyone decides for himself.

How to regain the trust of her husband after the betrayal of his wife? What you can’t do is try to call for help from relatives and relatives so that they convince a man not to take rash steps. Such a problem is a matter of two, it is not worth bringing it to the public court. The pseudo-sympathy of others can be the last straw in a series of painful events, the reaction can be unpredictable.

How to restore trust after a lie?

You lied once or did it all the time, but you were caught, and the credibility has been exhausted. Realize what is happening, the old life is no more. If relationships are dear to you, you should think about how to regain the girl’s trust after a lie. Psychologists advise to adhere to following algorithm actions:

  1. Repentance. Sorry, try to explain the reasons for the deception without emotion.
  2. Find reasonable arguments showing that you value the relationship and didn't want to hurt your friend's feelings.
  3. Avoid talking about what happened. Sincerely answer all questions, tell the truth.
  4. Do not get annoyed if the girl cries or overreacts emotionally. The best way to calm her - your hugs.
  5. Avoid outside interference.
  6. Promise that what happened will not happen again. You will try your best to change, but let her know that a miracle will not happen overnight. You will need her help and approval.
  7. Candies and bouquets (if a man turned out to be a liar) have not been canceled. After talking, move on to action.

Just a few words, and the situation can change in an instant:

  • I hope that your favorite daisies will cheer you up;
  • doctors recommend, if you are not in the mood - eat a piece of chocolate, it doesn’t help, kill the whole bar, if you don’t mind, I will help;
  • smile, I really like your smile.

Humor is the first assistant in matters of reconciliation, just be careful, joke carefully.

How to restore trust after a scandal?

Which of us, in the heat of a showdown, did not say too much, and then regretted what was said? In such a situation, even innocent words painted negative emotions that can harm relationships. How to win back a guy's trust after a fight?

If you know each other well enough, then after lowering the degree of emotions, you can soberly assess what happened and understand that you were wrong. It remains to apologize, without delay. Meanwhile, for some people simple words“Sorry, I was wrong” is very difficult to pronounce.

It is possible to hope that a little time will pass and everything will fall into place, but there is a risk that the point of no return has been passed. You don’t know about it yet, and your boyfriend has already decided that there will be no continuation of the relationship.

Take the first step, do not remember past grievances and do not wind yourself up. Your love deserves to be treasured. It is possible to restore trust, it is important to convey to a loved one his importance in your life, then it will be much easier to receive forgiveness.

The first step is to take responsibility for what we have done and ask for forgiveness, and this is where trust begins. Don't try to blame your loved one for what happened. Do you know what is the main thing for the remission of sins in the temple? Sincere remorse.

Do the same for you. Tell us how important it is for you to be together. Show tenderness and care without demanding anything in return. Be interested in the morning, how you slept, and in the evening, how the day went, offer help.

From a psychological point of view, great idea to start a new, happy stage of your life together, a change of scenery. Make a surprise for your beloved, go away from worries and anxieties, to the lake, to the forest, to the sea, to sightseeing tour. Perhaps you're both just tired? 3-5 days are enough to get a charge of vivacity and positive.

After you have admitted your mistake, the most reasonable thing is not to push, but to take a little time out. It cannot be endless, ask your loved one to make a decision within, say, two weeks. Set terms in advance. If he needs to be alone with himself, limit communication.

It is in the nature of many men to take a balanced approach to serious problems, withdrawing into themselves. Do not be afraid that he will wean you during this time, on the contrary, he will have time to get bored. Trying to arouse his jealousy, thereby pushing him to make a decision as soon as possible, is a gross mistake. A person who has already experienced the loss of trust will be very painful to experience what happened.

Be gentle and kind, don't beg for forgiveness or threaten to do anything to yourself. Say that with respect and understanding you will accept any of his decisions.

Almost every person has a situation in life when he loses the trust of a loved one (husband, boyfriend, wife, girlfriend). The reasons for the loss of trust can be different. Some people are able to easily forgive even betrayal, and some will never forgive even a "harmless" lie. And even very strong feelings of love and affection cannot change the principles of such people. The lost trust of a loved one can be returned if you listen to the advice of psychologists.

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    Reasons for mistrust

    In a relationship between a man and a woman, the worst thing is the loss of trust. After one partner loses trust, the relationship dies. This may be due to the following factors:

    • Treason. It can be both physical and emotional. And it is impossible to understand which is worse. Cheating is the most common cause of loss of trust between partners. Not everyone can forgive betrayal. Even very strong feelings cannot guarantee the return of relations to their previous course.
    • Betrayal. It is also one of the terrible disappointments in a loved one. The worst thing is to get hit in the back, which you do not expect at all.
    • Broken promises. Make promises to family close person only necessary if there is confidence that you will keep them. If there is no such confidence, then you do not need to give them at all. Broken promises will not strengthen the relationship, but only destroy it.
    • Lie. Everyone has lied at least once in their life. But when this happens all the time in a relationship, then there is no need to talk about trust. The constant lies of one of the partners makes you live in tension and expecting another portion of lies.

    How to get your loved one back

    Barriers to regaining trust

    It is very easy to stop believing in a loved one, but the return process is very complicated and lengthy. The following may interfere with returning the former faith:

    • Anger and negative attitude to a partner.
    • The desire to take revenge, to hurt the offender.
    • Silence, refusal to communicate.
    • Emotionality.
    • Unwillingness to understand or forgive the offender.
    • Wrong behavior of a guilty person.
    • Repeated occurrences.
    • Relationships heated to the limit.

    How to learn to trust a man

    Analysis of the situation

    Before proceeding with the return of lost trust, the delinquent person needs to analyze the current situation and understand:

    • how important it is to regain lost trust;
    • whether the person whose trust has been lost is important;
    • are people ready for hard work in order to regain their former faith;
    • what act was the culprit of the current situation.

    By answering these questions, the guilty person will draw conclusions and understand whether he is ready to fight for the return of his former trust.

    Loyalty and betrayal

    What to do?

    It is impossible to live with a shattered faith in your life partner. In order for relationships to be normal, trust and understanding must reign in them. If people live together without faith, then there is no harmony and mutual understanding in their relationship. Everyone has their own scenario for the future. Such couples in public may not show that they have any problems. But they themselves are hardly satisfied with this.

    Rebuilding trust in a relationship is very difficult. The efforts of one of the partners are not enough. Both man and woman need to work hard on the return of faith. In order to restore the former attitude of a spouse, you need to spend a lot of time and effort.

    Psychologists' advice:

    • The guilty must admit their mistake. Sincerely ask for forgiveness and not try to shift the responsibility for what you have done to other shoulders.
    • The one who lost the trust of a loved one should definitely talk with the victim. Try to explain the reason for the perfect act.
    • Listen to a person who has lost confidence. It should be noted that this may be overly emotional.
    • It is necessary to give the victim time to think about the situation and to make the right decision.

    The guilty should not engage in self-flagellation! Even if it was not possible to establish relations with a partner, he must forgive himself!

    The behavior of the offender

    In order to earn forgiveness and renew the former trust between partners, one should adhere to the correct behavior model. It is important to realize that for a long time a loved one will check, distrust and suspect.

    The one who has lost confidence needs to be prepared for reproaches from the victim. The victim in a fit of anger is able to say unpleasant things to his offender. It's important to be patient!

    Important! The guilty should not be allowed to be humiliated! Admission of guilt and sincere repentance has nothing to do with humiliation!

    The guilty must surround his partner with affection and attention. Try to behave like at the beginning of the relationship. It is worth remembering that the location needs to be won again.

    Not only the shown wisdom of partners and understanding is the key to the return of past relationships. The psychology of men and women is arranged in such a way that if they sincerely love, they will try to renew contact with their loved ones. Loving people are often ready to forgive a lot.


    If half of a person who has lost confidence has forgiven, then the culprit needs to do his own re-education:

    • If the reason for the loss of trust was a lie, then you need to become completely honest and an open person in front of your soul mate. You have to be honest, even in small things. There is no need to hide or try to hide anything. Say it like it is!
    • If betrayal or jealousy is to blame in this situation, then you need to completely reconsider your behavior. Do not give reasons for jealousy and suspicion. A loved one should always know the whereabouts of the offender. The one who lost confidence should talk about the day spent, share plans for the future.
    • If the reason for the loss of trust was betrayal, then the deceived person should see remorse for his deed and be able to forgive the culprit. After that, you need to take the relationship to a new level, at which both partners will be completely confident in each other.
    • If the cause of this situation was unfulfilled promises, then henceforth it is worth thinking before giving the floor.

    Nobody is immune from mistakes. But it is better to cherish and cherish the trust of a loved one than to return it later. Yes, and it is not always possible to return it.