Play exciting games many love. However, problems with games often lie in wait for a gamer. To help the player deal with one of the common problems with the game, we have prepared this article.

In it, we will look at why the game turns off or, in other words, crashes.

Game shutdown

Shutting down or crashing from the game is a common problem for many gamers, and the solution to this problem will depend on the specific situation. Next, we will look at several situations in which the game can crash.

If the game crashes in progress

If the game crashes while you are playing, then most likely your drivers are not up to date. Solving this problem is quite simple - download the drivers on the official website of the game developer. However, it may be that the developers have not provided for the optimization of the game for your video card or processor. In this case, you can download custom patches or patches from the developer. However, it should be noted that such patches are usually prepared several months after the release of the game. Therefore, it is possible that you will have to wait for them.

If the game crashes during launch

  • If the game began to crash during launch, then you may have problems with your computer, namely: incompatibility according to requirements. Check if your computer is compatible with the game, it may not meet the minimum requirements that are required to run.
  • Alternatively, you may be using a pirated version of the game, which explains why it shuts down. If you are using the licensed version, please contact technical support on the developer's site.
  • We also recommend checking the relevance of drivers, as well as direct x.


Viruses can also adversely affect the operation of the game. Some of them do not allow you to run games at all. Be sure to check your computer for viruses if your game starts to crash. This is especially true if you downloaded a pirated version of the game on a torrent tracker. Do not forget that while downloading from a torrent tracker, you may be given a virus program disguised as a torrent file. Very often, this is how attackers disguise "bows" - simple viruses that can do a lot of harm. They usually have a .bat extension. Although the shortcut may fully correspond to a torrent or a file of any other program.

Browser game crashes

If your browser game crashes, then most likely the problem is low Internet speed. In this case, you can check the modem, network cable, or contact your ISP for help. If a black screen appears and the game crashes, you need to restart the game as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the game's shortcut and select run as administrator. We also recommend that you read the article that will tell you what are the causes of lags in the game.

Many are faced with such a problem when the laptop turns off by itself. Most often this happens while playing games, watching movies or other system-intensive programs in which there is more energy consumption and the cooling system can not cope with this, while when working with less system-intensive programs, the laptop may work and not turn off.

In 90% of cases, the reason for this "behavior" of the laptop is overheating. Less often, a laptop shutdown can occur when the battery fails or there is a problem with the motherboard. And finally, this can be caused by viruses or software errors in the latter case, as a rule, a warning appears on the screen about the incorrect operation of the software.

Let's consider such questions. Why does a laptop overheat? What are the consequences of overheating? What to do and how to prevent laptop overheating? Causes of laptop overheating. As noted in 90 percent of cases, the laptop turns off during the game due to overheating.

When the processor reaches a critical temperature, the system shuts down to save it. In this case, before this, the processor frequency decreases and, accordingly, the work slows down. The main causes of overheating are faulty fans, drying out of the thermal paste that provides heat dissipation from the processor, damage to the cooling circuit, and the most common cause is clogged vents that can be clogged with dust or something, for example, if you put the laptop on the laptop during work. knees, a blanket, carpet, or otherwise blocking the ventilation openings.

There are several ways to determine if your laptop is overheating. The simplest of them is that you will feel that the laptop is hot just by holding your hands on it. Also, overheating can be determined by continuously running fans, 100% CPU load, frequent laptop freezes (although this may also be due to software operation), laptop slowdown during the game. You can control the temperature using the EVEREST Ultimate Edition program.

effects of overheating. If this problem is not solved in time, then, as a result of overheating, microcircuits and boards of which, in general, the laptop consists of, may fail. This turn of events will cost you a pretty penny.

What to do and how to prevent laptop overheating. If the laptop overheats, first of all, you need to clean it from dust, while it is not advisable to do it yourself, but it is better to contact service center. Attempts to self-clean the lights "experienced" posted on various forums can lead to serious damage. Change the thermal paste - this procedure is also better to entrust to the specialists of the service center.

To prevent overheating, you must follow the basic rules for using a laptop:

  • Do periodic cleaning of the laptop (at least 1-2 times a year) and change the thermal paste (1 time in two years), as already mentioned, it is better to do this in service centers.
  • When using a laptop, avoid blocking the ventilation holes. Do not use your laptop on your lap, blankets, or other soft surfaces.
  • Use cooling pads (forced cooling devices). If the laptop is heated, put two books or some other items under it, for example, to raise it above the level of the table, which will provide more intensive cooling.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will talk about such a problem as turning off the computer during the game. Also, let's talk in general about the problem of spontaneous shutdown of a computer or laptop.

For gamers, unexpected computer shutdowns at the most inopportune moment are a big problem. First of all, you need to find out why the computer turns off during the game and what to do in such cases.

Sudden computer interruptions lead to data loss. And the fact that the game will have to be reloaded, or even played through - if there was no save, is not the worst.

With frequent shutdowns, damage to hardware, such as a hard drive, can occur, and the appearance of bad sectors on a disk in the system part can not only damage system files, but also make the equipment unsuitable for further use.

First of all, we will consider the reasons for shutting down during the game, and at the end of the article we will analyze additional problems of turning off the computer without your intention.

Reasons when a computer or laptop may turn off


Dusty computer leads to overheating, which impairs the performance of coolers, increases temperatures and leads to sudden shutdowns personal computer.

If you are the owner of a laptop, then sometimes, in order not to completely disassemble, you can use a can of compressed air to blow it through the outlet of the cooling system on the laptop.

Most often, the process of cleaning a computer or laptop from dust does not require much effort and can be done independently, but I advise you to contact the service center if the computer / laptop is still under warranty.

To clean the system unit, unscrew the cover of the system unit, and then carefully remove dust from the computer components.

Attention! First, turn off the power to the computer by turning off the power or the surge protector. To clean your computer, you will need a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. The latter must be used very carefully (!), Better at minimum power. Also, be careful with the force of pressing - strong actions can cause mechanical damage!

If you have a laptop, then disassembly may be more delicate. The main problem with disassembling a compact personal computer, no matter how ironic it may sound, is its compactness.

When disassembling a laptop, you should be very careful. If you are doing this for the first time, I advise you to take photos of the process, and put the bolts on White list and sign from where you unscrewed them. Such small manipulations will be of great help in assembling the laptop after cleaning it.

Most often, the main problem of dust and the associated overheating of the laptop is at the very end of the disassembly - in the cooling system.

With care, you can easily clean your laptop, but when you get to the cooler, there may be one caveat - the cooler may not be separable.

Collapsible coolers have bolts and covers are easily unscrewed, which will allow you to clean inside radiator and fan blades. Non-separable, they can be fastened without bolts, as, for example, in the model AB0805HX-GK3 (3 PIN). It is used in laptops five years ago ASUS K55.

In such cases, it will be quite difficult to disassemble the cooler without damaging it. In such cases, it is better to use a can of compressed air and clean the cooler without disassembling it.

"Blue screen of death"

BSoD - Blue Screen of Death, Blue Screen of Down. Or just the blue screen of death.

Red highlights all the information you need to search. It is desirable to fix it in safe mode.

Such a screen appears after a sudden shutdown of the computer associated with damage to any drivers or hardware. Write down the error number that will be on this screen, and then you should look for ways to eliminate these errors.


The most common misuse concerns laptops.

When the laptop ventilation holes are blocked, located below and on the side - at the outlet of the cooling system.

Since heat dissipation is worse, due to the close location of the surface on which the laptop is standing, it can heat up more.

The elimination of such a problem is very simple - you do not need to block the ventilation. To avoid overheating, do not place the laptop on your knees, uneven, soft surfaces, etc.

You can easily notice overheating - the laptop will make a loud and strange noise - increased load on the cooler, the laptop will be very hot, and the system may also be slower.

And after that, at the extreme heating point, the protection that is built into the system is triggered. Some machines may shut down, others hibernate, such as the HP Pavillion g6 laptop. But this is not the only model with such protection.

After such a reaction, the laptop cools down and its performance is restored as it cools down.

One way to troubleshoot such a problem, when proper operation does not completely solve the problem, is to purchase a cooling pad for laptops. It will be good help to the built-in cooling system.

The stand provides additional heat dissipation thanks to additional fans. Before buying, clean the dust inside the laptop.

When the computer turns off by itself after a while

The power supply unit (PSU) is not designed for the load

When you play, the graphics card takes on a lot of work. If the load is large and the power supply cannot cope with it, then in this case it is possible to turn off the computer. When a user plays a game, the video card is under load that the power supply cannot handle.

You probably already knew that the problem is in the power supply. They even replaced it, but if the problem remains, what to do then?

There are two answers - the PSU is defective, or it is not powerful enough and is not suitable for your needs.

Therefore, before buying a new one, try asking your friends for a working power supply to check how the computer will behave with the new unit. If your friends don’t, you can ask around in stores about the possibility of returning the PSU if it doesn’t suit you.

The computer turns off by itself. Is the temperature normal?

CPU or thermal paste

Another reason for turning off a computer or laptop without your desire is the processor (overheating from high temperature), or dry thermal paste. In the first case, you need to make sure that the problem is in the processor, since it is not a cheap component.

This is what dry thermal paste looks like.

Thermal paste needs to be changed over time. The service life of thermal paste is from 3 to 5 years, after which it can be replaced.

And this is how the already applied, new thermal paste looks like.

It is inexpensive and quite easy to replace. To do this, you need to disassemble a computer or laptop, reaching the processor. Remove the rest of the old thermal paste, and then apply a new one, but do not overdo it. The thermal paste must not leak out of the processor and must not get on the motherboard.

Other reasons

You must understand that each game requires certain system requirements, and if your PC does not fit them, then both the impossibility of starting the game and turning off the computer are possible.

Please be patient as it will take a long time to check all the reasons.

Check carefully and you will find your cause, as well as a way to fix the problem.

That's all, be careful when checking and operating the computer.

Question from user


Help with laptop. While playing WOW - it turns off. My laptop is HP, it is already about 3 years old, AMD processor, Radeon HD 5570 video card, 4 GB of RAM (this information is on the sticker, the documents have not been preserved).

In other applications, it works fine, there are no shutdowns. Can anything be done? No money to buy a new laptop yet...

Good day!

The problem you describe is most likely related to overheating of the laptop. In case of overheating, protection is triggered, and so that nothing burns out, the laptop turns off automatically without asking you. Usually in this case, after 10-15 minutes, if you turn it on again, it will work as if nothing had happened ...

However, the reason may be different... In this article I will analyze all the most basic things that you need to pay attention to with this problem, and what can be done at minimal cost. So...

Why is my laptop turning off by itself?

Option 1. If the laptop turns off without any warning, immediately and abruptly, as if there was no electricity (for example, during resource-intensive applications: games, video editors, etc.).

Such a sharp shutdown of the laptop is typical, as I said above, when overheating . The point is that in modern games, laptop / PC resources are loaded above average (often, up to 80-90% of the load, which is close to the maximum), and when heavily loaded, the CPU and video card start to warm up. And not always the cooling system copes with its task.

In general, different processors and video cards have their own critical temperature threshold. For example, in modern Intel processors used in laptops, this threshold is about 100 degrees Celsius. When approaching it (depending on the operation of the sensors and the "stuffing" of the device), for example, when reaching 85 gr. C. - the laptop will simply turn off (abruptly and without warning). I also note that many laptops have an unthought-out and "weak" cooling system (for example, HP, Acer most often suffer from this).

How you can notice overheating, and how to find out the temperature of laptop components

First, pay attention to the noise. When the laptop decides difficult task- the cooler starts to make a lot of noise (because the temperature rises, and it needs to blow more air into the space in order to disperse warm air).

Secondly, the case of the device may become warm, sometimes hot. This is especially noticeable at the air outlet, next to the ventilation holes. Often they are located on the left side, therefore, you can easily feel it with your hand ...

Thirdly, install yourself some utility to control the temperature. For example, AIDA 64 is not bad in my opinion. It allows you to find out the temperatures of the CPU, video card, hard drives, mat. boards and other components where the manufacturer has installed the sensors.

The best utilities for viewing computer characteristics to help you (they will do the job!) -

What can be advised in case of overheating, how to reduce the temperature

1) Use the laptop only on clean, flat, dry surfaces such as a table. It's just that many people put their laptop on the sofa, bed, etc. The fact is that such surfaces very often close the ventilation holes, which is why the hot heated air from the device case has nowhere to go. As a consequence, there is overheat .

2) A book (or something else) can be placed under the laptop, which would increase the space between the table and the ventilation holes. As a rule, the factory legs of the laptop allow you to achieve only a gap of 2-3 mm. between the table and the back of the machine, which is not enough for hot air to escape.

3) Buy a laptop cooling pad. Now there are dozens and hundreds of such devices on sale. They allow you to reduce the temperature to 10-15 degrees (depending on the design of your device, the degree of its heating, the quality of the stand itself).

4) Also pay attention to the graphics and performance settings in the game itself. If you reduce them, then you can reduce the load on the laptop, which will positively affect the degree of its heating.

5) Clean the laptop from dust. Dust clogs the ventilation holes, sits on the cooler blades, thereby interfering with normal air circulation.

Help article!

How to clean a laptop from dust - independently at home -

To diagnose and check the laptop for overheating - I recommend . It will allow you to trace the relationship between the temperature of the device and the load on it in real time.

Also note that the reason abrupt shutdown there may be a problem with the battery, power supply ( network cable) and mat. device board. Those. the laptop, in fact, is disconnected from the power supply and, as a result, it turns off.

A similar reason is not tied to games and this will happen regardless of which applications you run. Diagnosing the problem in this case is not always easy, but first, check:

  1. the power cable itself and the power supply - are they all right, does the device turn off when you fix the cable, is it interrupted?
  2. the power socket in the laptop: has it started to play, is the plug tight?
  3. Check the battery for wear. I talked about it here:
  4. with a degree of battery wear of more than 20-25% - a similar problem may well be observed when, under high load, the battery does not perform its function.

Option 2. If any errors, warnings appear before the shutdown, you have time to see how Windows crashes, etc.

In most cases, this behavior is due to software problems. Often this happens when you have a driver conflict (or they are not updated to the optimal version), with a virus infection (often when viruses closed or blocked some applications), with software incompatibility (for example, a game may not be compatible with your OS version) .

Often, when Windows shows you the error itself (window) for at least a second or two. You can try to take a picture of it, and then find a solution to a similar error.

In general, if you failed to capture the error, I recommend doing a few things first:

  1. note, in one application (or game) a similar thing happens, or in several (when exactly, chaotically, or when performing a certain action);
  2. check and update drivers in the system (as well as game components). I recommend Driver Booster for this -;
  3. check your computer for viruses(fully!). I recommend, in addition to the classic antivirus, to use special utilities. For information on how to check a PC for viruses that a classic antivirus "does not see" - see here:

If the above did not help, reason you can try to find it in Windows logs (after all modern system saves all important parameters of his work in the log!).

To do this, open the control panel, section "System and safety" . This section should include a link to "Administration "We open!


"Administration" can also be found using the search bar in the control panel.

Then, in the menu on the left, expand the "Windows Logs" section: it should contain a log "System"- here it also needs to be opened.

Look in the System log for recent events related to PC shutdown. Usually in the note there is a word "Power". Be guided by the time of the event - it will be easy for you to find the right one if you immediately turn it on after turning off the laptop and see what's going on!

Pay special attention to events that are marked with yellow and red exclamation marks.

By opening any of the events, you can see what the system did, the reason for this event, the event code, etc. Those. similarly, you can try to find the culprit of this laptop behavior (at least you will get very close to it).

The laptop went into sleep mode, because. the power button was pressed...

Well, knowing the reason, it will be possible to try to find a solution. If, say, there is a problem with some application (say, the antivirus shuts down the laptop), then by deleting it, the problem will be solved.

That's all for me. Give all sorts of reasons in this article, which you will be able to find in Windows log, for obvious reasons, it is impossible ...

Additions are welcome.

Good luck with your setup and fewer crashes.