The history of Maundy Thursday is connected with the Last Supper. Jesus, having gathered his disciples, washed their feet, showing that the humility of a true Christian should be unlimited. It is also a symbol of spiritual and physical purification. Part of it is the obligatory visit to the temple - believers must pray and confess.

From this day until the Resurrection of the Lord, everything is dedicated to the memories that he experienced on earth.

What should be done on Maundy Thursday?

As mentioned above, even before sunrise, Christians tried to “purify themselves” with water - they swam in a river, a lake, or poured themselves in a bathhouse in order to be healthy for a whole year.

Also, earlier on this day, many were made for the Easter table. To do this, they took a harvest of salt, wrapped it in a rag and put it in the oven. When the rag burnt, the salt was collected and stored throughout the year.

AT Pure Thursday people tried to bring a candle home from the church so that it would not go out. For this, special lanterns were made of colored paper or glass. With the flame of a passionate candle, they burned a cross in the house on a scum - from all evil spirits. Light this candle and serious illnesses people or livestock, as well as in difficult childbirth, were given into the hands of the dying.

Let us dwell on this tradition of Maundy Thursday in more detail. There is a belief: if you want, by all means, swim before sunrise on Maundy Thursday. It is believed that, indeed, this morning the water acquires wonderful. This water can wash off accumulated over the year.

Therefore, it is advised at dawn, but a shower or with soapy foam is also welcome.

It is believed that not only is happening, but also the soul, as water acquires cleansing and protective properties that can wash away the accumulated negativity and illness. It is important to have bright, joyful thoughts during the procedure.

Money omen on Maundy Thursday

It has long been believed that if all available are counted three times, then during the year the family will live in abundance. According to popular beliefs, money counting should be done early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This should be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from all your household members. Only then will the performance of this ancient rite be useful.

What can not be done on Maundy Thursday?

Orthodox people have a list of actions prohibited on Maundy Thursday. All because this day is associated with the cleansing of the body, soul and housing from dirt. And those who, on Maundy Thursday, littered the house with mud, will live in mud and quarrels all year long.

On Clean Thursday, you can’t give anything of value from home and you can’t, because well-being can be transferred along with values.

Pure (Great) Thursday is the fourth day of Holy Week. He does not have an exact date, because Maundy Thursday depends on what date Easter is. In 2018 Maundy Thursday falls on April 5th. We offer to figure out what the essence of Pure Thursday is and how to spend it correctly.

1. What event is Maundy Thursday dedicated to?

On this day, the Orthodox remember the Last Supper, during which Jesus Christ established the main church sacrament - Communion. In addition, Christ washed the feet of the disciples, showing an example of humility and caring attitude towards loved ones.

2. What can not be done on Maundy Thursday?

  • You can't fight or quarrel.
  • Contrary to the established tradition, cleaning should not be done to the detriment of attending a church service.
  • You can't drink alcohol.
  • There is a popular belief that from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, you should not leave dirty dishes and soaked linen.
  • There is also such a sign: on Pure Thursday you can’t give anything of value from home, as well as lend money. Thus, you allegedly give away your well-being.

3. What can you do on Maundy Thursday?

On April 5, it is advisable to attend a church service, confess and take communion. Thus, believers are preparing for Easter. On this day, there are no restrictions on work, trips to the cemetery, or the performance of church rites.

4. Why did the tradition of cleaning up on Maundy Thursday appear?

Most likely, this happened because of the custom to baptize people on the eve of Easter - in Good Saturday. People cut their hair and bathed on Thursday so as not to be distracted by this for the next two days. Both washing and cutting used to be quite laborious. This was perceived as work, and it was not customary to work on a holiday.

5. Is it possible to cut hair on Maundy Thursday?

There is no ban on cutting hair on Maundy Thursday. Bring your appearance in order for Easter - good.

6. Is it possible to clean up on Maundy Thursday?

Yes, you can clean up on Maundy Thursday. The Church warns against making cleaning the main event of the day.

7. What time do you need to swim on Maundy Thursday?

The custom of having a haircut and bathing on Maundy Thursday came from those times when it was a laborious task. Therefore, bathing was considered a great work, and it is not worth working on a holiday. Today, taking a shower is a matter of five minutes, so it doesn’t matter what time a person does these procedures.

8. Is it possible to drink wine on Maundy Thursday?

You can’t drink wine on Maundy Thursday, because Holy Week is a time of strict fasting.

9. Signs associated with Maundy Thursday

There are many folk signs that have pagan roots. For example, it was believed that if a girl cannot get married for a long time, on Maundy Thursday she needs to wash and dry herself with a towel, which, along with eggs and Easter cake, should be given as alms on Easter. In addition, sites on the Internet are filled with conspiracies and sentences, but Orthodox Church treats this very negatively and does not recommend such practices.

Holy Week or Holy Week is the last six days of Great Lent before Easter, which believers spend in a special way, trying to focus as much as possible on preparing for the main Christian holiday - the Bright Sunday of Christ, celebrated in 2018 on April 8.

And today we will tell you about one of the very important days this special week for all Orthodox people - about Maundy Thursday. Namely, about what is possible and necessary, and the most unusual for many, about what absolutely cannot be done on this day.

Of course, we are used to the fact that more obligatory deeds are connected with this day of Holy Week than any prohibitions. You need to clean the house, wash, count the money and go to church. However, there are things that are better not to do on Maundy Thursday and are worth knowing.

The essence of Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is the fourth day of Holy Week, the last and strictest week of Lent. On this day, every Orthodox person strives to be spiritually cleansed, to take communion, to accept the sacrament established by Christ.

On Maundy Thursday, since ancient times, people have tried to “purify themselves” with water. They bathed in an ice-hole, a river, a lake, or poured themselves in a bath before sunrise. In addition, on this day they tried to clean the house from dust and dirt.

On Maundy Thursday, we remember the events of bygone days, immortalized in the memory of the entire Christian people. The Bible describes how, three days before the execution, the Savior gathered his disciples for the Last Supper. That evening, Christ reminded his apostles that it was important to lead a godly lifestyle, to be pure in spirit, and to love your neighbor.


It is very good to go to church in the morning on Maundy Thursday. After the service, communion will take place, which on Maundy Thursday has special power. Indeed, on this day, the events of the Last Supper are remembered. It was during this last supper with his disciples that Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the sacrament. He handed over the bread and said it was his flesh. He passed the cup of wine and said it was his blood.

But note that in the church on this day, in no case should you sit. The whole service must be defended to the end, and then take communion.

In the evening, you can also go to the service, which takes place from Thursday to Friday. This evening you need to buy a candle and keep it lit throughout the service. After that, you need to bring the candle home, do not extinguish it on the way, and put it in the corner with the icons to burn out completely. It is believed that this Thursday candle will bring happiness to the house.

But it is impossible to extinguish a candle throughout the service, on the way home and already at home. The candle should burn out completely next to the icons.

Well, and most importantly, what you can’t do on Maundy Thursday is to leave dirt in your apartment. Cleaning is an obligatory tradition given day and the church even recognizes it, despite the fact that the rite has its own pagan roots.

It is impossible not to devote your time on this day to cleaning your own apartment, house or yard. If you leave dirt in your home, then dirt and quarrels will haunt your family throughout the year.

It is also impossible to lend money or things on this day. It is said that a loaned thing on Maundy Thursday can convey to another person the happiness and health of the owner. Therefore, it is best to transfer questions of this kind to other days.

On Maundy Thursday, you can not eat animal products, because, continues great post. According to the nutrition calendar, you can cook food, but without using vegetable oil. However, many believers who fast on Maundy Thursday adhere to the rule of the previous three days: dry eating.

Before communion, which is held after the morning liturgy, you can not eat anything and even drink plain water.

Do not pour out dirty water after washing the apartment within the house. It is best to take it outside and pour it under a tree.

Also, do not leave unwashed dishes or unwashed linen: on Good Friday, all these things can no longer be completed.

Do you know that on the night from Wednesday to Thursday of Holy Week or on the morning of Maundy Thursday, our ancestors used it for a wide variety of purposes: they washed the sick with it, gave it to animals in case of illness, added it to the soil for a rich harvest, scattered it in the corners of their homes, to protect against spoilage and the evil eye.

Do not forget about the existing folk signs and superstitions associated with Holy Week and specifically Maundy Thursday. For example, in order to save money and prosperity throughout the year, they count money in the early morning, at noon and at sunset.

An important condition is to keep this process secret. To increase income, doors and windows on Maundy Thursday are washed with water, in which a trifle was placed in advance. Upon completion of the cleaning, the trifle is laid out in the far corner for a week. Water on this day is considered healing and miraculous. Washing your face on Maundy Thursday before dawn, you can whisper: “ On Pure Thursday, all slanders that disturb the soul and body are washed off with water. Confession cleanses, and water washes away dirt, and Thursday will be clean».

However, the clergy do not share this opinion, they recommend not to believe in various superstitions, especially not to perform such rituals, but offer to rely only on the will of God, read the Bible, go to church, and work on yourself.

Maundy Thursday is great holiday. I wish you to spend it with pure thoughts and a light heart! And don't forget to tell your friends about this helpful article.

Pure Thursday is also called Great or Holy Thursday. On this day, active preparations for Easter begin. On Maundy Thursday, there are a number of customs that should be followed, but there are also things that are not advisable to do.

How to start the day right?

Clean Thursday is clean enough to wash off all the dirt. And we are talking not only about the body, but also about the soul and thoughts. On this day, it is customary to bathe on Wednesday night or early in the morning, before sunrise. It is believed that water today has special powers, as for baptism, therefore it is able to cleanse the soul from sadness. And you need to ask God to make all diseases go away with water.

Why Thursday? This must have happened because of the custom of baptizing people on the eve of Easter - on Holy Saturday. Haircut and wash old times were considered a lot of work, and work in holidays You can’t, so that’s how the preparation went.

In the morning on a holiday, you need to go to church to confess and take communion. After all, the preparation of Easter cakes and Easter cakes is allowed only with a pure soul and thoughts. You need to take a candle from the temple with you so that it keeps comfort and protects family members.

holiday house cleaning

You need to “bath” not only yourself, but also the house. It is advisable to wash the floors on this day from the farthest corners to the threshold, and dirty water should be poured as far as possible from the home. So you will remove all the negativity from your shelter. After Thursday, cleaning is no longer possible. It is believed that on Maundy Thursday during cleaning you can find long-lost things.

You can make "Thursday salt", which will protect the house all year round. To do this, after bathing, family members should throw a handful of salt into a bag and bake it. Previously, such salt was added to water when washing floors, and used as a "cure" for diseases. She was believed to have healing powers.

On this day, you need to keep fasting, because Holy Week has not yet ended. And this is the most strict and important post in the Orthodox faith.

What is forbidden to do?

Try festive dishes You can't drink alcohol either. Also, one should not allow bad thoughts to fast, give in to despondency and get angry, swear and be offended. It is believed that Easter cakes cannot be tasted until Sunday, even for those who do not fast.

You can’t cook Easter cakes and paint eggs before they’ve cleaned the house. Cooking Easter cakes- a serious ceremony. Not only the heart should be clean, but also the house in which the treat is prepared.

Do not leave dirty dishes or soak laundry on Friday night. It is believed that whoever littered the house with dirt will live in quarrels all year.

But at the same time, you can’t do cleaning to the detriment of visiting the temple or praying. Everything should be in time: if you cleanse your soul, you can also cleanse your house.

On this day you can not borrow or lend money. And in general, it’s better not to give anything from home, even salt to a neighbor. It is better to refuse, because it is believed that in this way a person gives wealth and well-being.

Maundy Thursday is one of the seven days of Passion Week, which is usually completed with the Bright Resurrection of Christ. What needs to be done on this day and what cannot be done, we will learn thanks to ancient and modern signs.

Easter is one of the oldest and most important holidays in Christian religion. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the center of biblical history and the foundation of Orthodox teaching. In this regard, from the past centuries, the main rites of celebration have come down to us. They did not lose their meaning and were of practical importance even in the harsh years when the church was in exile.

On Maundy Thursday, believers also fast, go to church and try to lead a calm, measured lifestyle. But the most important event of this day is the general cleaning of the home and the bathing of the Orthodox in clean water.

Our ancestors tried to observe all the rules of this holy day. Water was in high demand that day. It was necessary to swim at dawn or before the first rays of the sun. It cleanses from sins, delivers from negative energy, brings strength, enlightenment of the soul and body. After such a procedure, you can expect a lot of new ideas, positive decisions and creative actions from yourself and others.

A belief helped to gain financial well-being - pour water into a bowl and put a few shiny and beautiful coins in it. After that, wash all the windows and doors of your own home with this liquid, starting from the entrance. Pour dirty water from the bowl under the tree growing in the yard of your house.

If you want to get rid of the evil eye - on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, pour water into a jug and place silverware there. It can be a spoon or a silver fork. Wash yourself with this water at dawn. For girls, this method will help not only to ward off damage, but also to attract good luck and female happiness. You will sparkle with your beauty and charm. Such a belief will give a man masculine strength and will. There is a high probability of finding love and family well-being this year.

Those who have long considered themselves an old maid should definitely wash their faces in the morning and wipe their faces with a clean towel. Such a rite will help instill vigor, joy and optimism in you. And as you know, only such young ladies like men and quickly attract attention. Just remember that this towel, along with Easter cake and eggs, should be given to the poor for Easter.

A young beauty who wants to get married this year should look out the window in the morning. If the first passerby turned out to be a young guy, expect a meeting with a future spouse. For a married lady who dreams of becoming a mother, such a plot can promise the future conception of a baby if you see children in the window.

For deeply believing people, blessed events will be brought by the prayer read on this day. special magical power they carry words spoken aloud with great faith and an open soul. Sincerity of intentions will give you health, fortitude and hope for a successful outcome.

If you save Thursday salt for this date, it promises to ward off misfortunes and troubles from the whole family, instruct true path foolish children, give husbands self-control in the face of temptations, and endow women with patience and understanding. To do this, each family member must take a handful of salt, wrap it in a rag bag and put it all night next to the Icon of Jesus Christ. Remove in the morning, taking it out when you are in a difficult situation or have health problems. A pinch of salt thrown into food can change your future state and mood.

People who have high hopes for this day and strive to fulfill all the rites of well-being, remember the main thing: to fast and be sincere in their intentions. The material desires in your soul should not exceed the spiritual ones.

Modern signs

What to do on Maundy Thursday

If you take a shower in the morning, before the first rays of the sun, it promises to change your life for the better, believe in your own endeavors and succeed this year. It is generally accepted that water on a clean Thursday has a special healing and magical power. It charges with its freshness and purity, is able to carry away illnesses and minor sins of a person.

The main condition is to believe that it can change you, and to repent of bad deeds. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the fact that the water should wash you from top to bottom. A bath with fragrant foam in this case will not be able to bring the desired effect.

Cleaning the house is the main event of Clean Thursday. Without it, the dough will not fit on Easter cakes and the paint will not be taken on the eggs. You should not use other rituals without doing a general cleaning in your apartment. It is customary to wash and clean everything before Easter. After washing the windows and washing the curtains, there is a high probability of changing your previous look at seemingly familiar things. You will be able to expand the horizons of your desires and possibilities.

Clean doors will be ready to let only kind, necessary and decent people into your house. Bed fresh bed sheets, spouses can hope for a stormy reconciliation after a period of cold and strained relations. The decoration and cleanliness of the dining area will be a sign that in next year you expect abundance and prosperity. You will not have to think about your daily bread, and the crisis in the country will most likely bypass you.

For those in dire need of an increase financial resources, on this day you need to count money three times. It is advisable to prepare large bills, and keep the account strictly in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Girls who have stayed too long in brides should visit a hairdresser on this day for a light haircut and hair wash. This promises to increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. You will feel more confident and free in choosing a partner. There will be a chance to find a life partner worthy of you.

For the fulfillment of the most secret and cherished desires after a general cleaning in the house, you should swap things that can be thematically related to your dreams.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

  • break the fast with variety in food and neglect the rules of intimate abstinence;
  • ignore attending a church service;
  • sit on a bench during a service in the temple of the Lord;
  • clean the apartment after clean Thursday until Easter;
  • lend money, things, food;
  • pour water into the ditch after general cleaning.