Tradition strictly regulated the course of the funeral rite. The main signs of funerals that our ancestors believed in and followed:

We always looked at the weather. If the sun is shining, then the deceased was a good man. Rain at a funeral says no best qualities dead man.

They took care of pregnant women. Pregnant women should avoid any hassle associated with burial. They were not allowed to look at the deceased and attend the funeral service and burial. If a pregnant woman nevertheless decided to come to the funeral, she had to leave the house before the coffin was carried out. These superstitions are associated with the desire to preserve the fetus: it was believed that the deceased could take the soul of an unborn child.

Protected the children. They were treated with the same reverence as pregnant women. The children were not allowed to attend the funeral and were closely watched until all the rituals were completed. Children could, while playing, drink water intended for the deceased, put something in his coffin, or take some of the deceased’s things for themselves. Any of these actions can provoke serious illness or death, therefore they controlled the behavior of younger relatives very carefully.

They were in mourning. The traditional period is one year. At this time, close relatives of the deceased were not allowed to marry. A funeral before a wedding is one of the worst signs. Its authenticity was to some extent confirmed by the last Russian Tsar: Nicholas II took Alexandra Fedorovna as his wife a week after his father’s funeral. Sad and bloody history Everyone knows this family.

Believed in strength church holidays. One of the few good luck states: a person who dies or is buried on the day of a religious holiday automatically goes to heaven.

Superstitions and omens at funerals are still common today. In many ways, they are justified, as they are associated with many years of human observations.

What signs at funerals indicate new deaths?

Relatives saddened by grief may be faced with the need to organize a funeral again: often one deceased person is followed by another one. The following signs of imminent death speak about this:

  • Someone accidentally crossed the path of the funeral procession. This person will die for the same reason as the current dead man. A “lighter” version of a negative prediction is the development of a cancerous tumor.
  • The relatives forgot to put an ax under the coffin. This custom is associated with the desire to cut off death from the house, to frighten it. If this is not done, then very soon she will come “to visit” again and take another person with her.
  • The relatives forgot to untie the ropes binding the limbs of the deceased. A dead man can drag the whole family to the next world.
  • The ordered coffin or dug grave turned out to be too wide for the deceased. This means that the deceased leaves room for the “new guy”.
  • The dead man's eyes open: looking for a mate.
  • The deceased's feet remain warm until the funeral. The sign foreshadows a new death.
  • The coffin fell. The incident indicates deaths in the family within three years.
  • The dead man fell out of the coffin. Someone else will die soon.
  • The coffin lid fell off (or was forgotten at home in the chaos). One should expect the quick death of one of the relatives.
  • The grave collapsed. If the earth crumbles on the south side, death will come for a man, from the north - for a woman, from the east - for an old man, and from the west - for a child.
  • Someone tripped or fell during a funeral. To his near death.
  • In a short period of time, two people died in one house. Death loves a trinity and will soon take someone third.
  • The funeral fell on New Year's Day. December 31 is an unfavorable date for such an undertaking: next year at least one person will be sent to the next world every month.
  • They are buried on Sunday. The sign says that within next week the funeral ritual will have to be performed three more times.
  • The funeral was postponed, regardless of the reason. Over the course of a month, another death will occur in the family or close circle (and according to some sources, even two or three). According to legend, the dead man, delaying the funeral, is simply waiting for the next deceased.

Folk signs At funerals, people are warned against placing their photograph or personal item in the coffin “as a souvenir.” Thus, a person risks going to world of the dead much earlier than expected.

The same applies to dressing the deceased in his own clothes. After saying goodbye to the deceased, it is advisable to touch his shoes and say: “Farewell! When the time comes, we will come to you, but don’t follow us.” You need to walk away from the coffin without looking back.

Signs at funerals in magic: what ordinary people don’t know about

If the average person perceives farewell to the deceased as a sad event, then sorcerers rejoice at the opportunity to “get rich.” Many signs about funerals are based on fear of magicians and witches: relatives tried to do everything to prevent such people from stealing funeral paraphernalia. Of particular value are:

  • a rope that tied the hands and feet of the deceased;
  • water and soap used to wash the deceased;
  • coins for eyes;
  • crest;
  • measure from the coffin;
  • candle stub left over from the funeral service.

All this is used to inflict severe damage. Therefore, it is recommended to pour the water into a specially dug hole away from the house, and throw soap there as well. The comb and measure are usually placed in the coffin. A dead person should not be left alone in the house. This is partly explained by the desire of witches and sorcerers to put a personal item, biomaterial or photograph of their victim in the coffin: this is how damage to death is done. For the same reason, strangers should not be allowed near the coffin in the cemetery, especially if it seems that they are planning something.

Suspicious behavior that indicates magical work is being done includes:

  1. Please lie on the bed of the deceased.
  2. The desire to go behind the coffin backwards.
  3. Tying knots in a string or rag while removing a dead person.
  4. Throwing fresh flowers at the feet of people walking behind the coffin.
  5. Placing needles crosswise on the lips of the deceased. Folk signs are closely related to the idea of ​​magic.

Many modern people they do not believe that a sorcerer can cause harm by manipulating any object. But there are a lot of cases confirming the effectiveness of black spells. For example, a popular way to get rid of an unwanted person forever is to put his photograph in the dead person's mouth. It is necessary to carefully observe what is happening, not allowing grief to cloud your eyes and hide someone’s negative activity. Bad omens are mostly common at funerals. This is connected not only with the natural fear of death, but also with the fear of the dead: the one who was recently nearby has now become a representative of another world. Following traditions allows a person to experience separation from a loved one as comfortably as possible.

When escorting dead people to the afterlife, often no one thinks about the fact that this ritual must be carried out properly, avoiding unexpected and inexplicable cases.

The coffin fell at the funeral

If suddenly the coffin fell at a funeral, you need to turn to folk signs in order to know what to expect from this, according to superstitions. It is explained this way: the family of the deceased will bury their relatives within three years. If you believe this sign, then you need to do everything possible to avoid trouble. In the morning of the next day after the funeral, you need to bake pancakes, go with them to the grave of the deceased, stand there for some time, reading “Our Father”. Afterwards, go to church and give out these pancakes as alms. Having done all this, if you believe the signs, your family will not be touched by such grief as death for a long time.

The coffin fell into the grave

If, while immersing the coffin in the grave, it somehow fell, you need to resort to an explanation of this from the side of folk superstitions and do everything possible so as not to cause trouble. According to beliefs, this case may mean that in the near future someone from the relatives or immediate circle of the deceased will die. In order for this not to happen, and for all relatives and friends to be alive and well, it is necessary to take various gifts to the grave of the deceased the next day after the funeral. Bread, a piece of cloth, or some item of clothing are good for this.

The dead man fell out of the coffin

At the funeral, an incident occurred when the deceased fell out of the coffin. According to popular belief, this means that there will soon be another dead person in this house. If such an incident occurred, then we can assume that the deceased was a very restless person, and everything must be done to ensure that his soul calms down in the next world. Be sure to go to church, order a prayer service for the repose of his soul. It would also be a good idea to pray from the bottom of your heart.

The coffin lid fell off

If at a funeral the coffin lid suddenly falls, this means the same as in previous cases, one of the relatives will soon die. It is necessary, the next day, to go to the grave of the deceased and, along with the gifts, be sure to place a coin on the grave. This is a kind of ransom from death, for yourself and your family. And a sincere prayer for salvation will always be heard by God.


To believe in omens or not to believe is everyone’s personal choice. The fear of death arises from the fact that a person experiences a natural fear of the unknown and unknown. The signs themselves are based on the age-old knowledge of the people, who strived to pass on their experience and knowledge to their descendants. Oddly enough, our ancestors knew much more about life and death than we do.

Believing in omens is a sin! The church thinks so. A true believer trusts in the Lord in everything, and he judges by deeds, and not by some incidents at a funeral. Faith in God, best protection from all troubles and misfortunes. Believers never resort to folk signs when explaining some incident - “Everything is God’s will!” they say. And such a factor as self-suggestion does not affect them.

And you should never forget that signs work when you believe in them.

When the omens noticed during the mournful hour of seeing off a deceased relative after the funeral come true one after another, you involuntarily begin to believe in the existence parallel worlds. What signs do distant ancestors send to their descendants, and how to avoid negative impact funeral superstitions - do you want to stop walking in the dark and find out everything now?

Would you have guessed, for example, on your own that from the day of the death of the owner of the house, within a year it is necessary to get a hen so that she can hatch the chickens, supposedly this way the farm will not fall into decay?

Of course, this belief is not suitable for urban residents, but there are a number of generally accepted signs and superstitions at funerals, passed down from generation to generation, which are remembered by everyone who has attended a funeral ceremony at least once. Here they are:

  1. As a reminder of the deceased, handkerchiefs are distributed to everyone present.
  2. Flowers for funerals are bought in pairs so that the soul does not experience need in the next world.
  3. It was a fine day for the funeral - the deceased was a good person during his lifetime.
  4. Unmarried girls They are buried in a wedding dress as the brides of Christ. Another sign says that wearing a dress, a deceased woman will quickly find a groom in the kingdom of the dead. And so that the couple finds happiness in the afterlife, living relatives distribute gifts to those who come to the funeral.
  5. You cannot cross the road before the funeral procession - you may get sick or your body will become covered with growths.
  6. While the dead man is within the walls of the house, it is better to remove the animals from there. A dog can howl to frighten the soul of the deceased and prevent it from leaving for the light, and a cat can cause new trouble in the home - how exactly, inquire at.
  7. Dressing someone dear to your heart in last way, make sure that his favorite things are placed in the coffin: glasses, dentures, watches, wedding ring, pectoral cross– all accessories must be buried with it.
  8. Make sure that none of the observers and guides take the deceased’s thing for themselves - otherwise the deceased will appear to blood relatives in a dream, asking for the return of what was stolen. In addition, witches often use objects belonging to the dead to do something similar, and the soul of the deceased may involuntarily fall into the hands of evil forces.
  9. Excess mourning attributes left after the funeral must be taken to the grave, distributed to the poor or thrown away - ritual accessories cannot be left at home, so as not to provoke death.
  10. Often seen at funeral ceremonies strangers, so to speak, regulars of cemetery places. They believe in the superstition that the one who spends forty dead will be forgiven three mortal sins. And such sinners are not afraid of other beliefs, which threaten those who become the target of the bony with mortal danger.

Deadly omens about funerals

There is an old wise saying that one misfortune never comes. This time-tested postulate also applies to death, which loves to take away kindred souls, especially when they are weakened due to severe shock. What the messenger of death can react to with lightning speed, beliefs will tell you:

  1. The deceased does not fit in the coffin, which means the box is intended for another member of the household.
  2. The last nail in the coffin has been hammered into the house - soon someone else will have to hold a funeral service.
  3. When carrying the dead man out of the yard, they forgot to close the gate - they themselves invited death into the house, expect trouble.
  4. Blood relatives should not undertake the removal of the body, otherwise a series of deaths will affect the family.
  5. Anyone walking in front of the coffin is doomed to quick death.
  6. When saying goodbye to one dead person in a cemetery, don’t walk on the graves, don’t step on the towel laid out next to the domovina, don’t turn your head - you’ll attract the attention of other spirits and anger them, but they know how to take revenge!
  7. If the corpse’s eyes are poorly closed or one accidentally opens and looks at someone present, it means that he has already found a victim (comrade in misfortune), and will soon take her with him.

Perhaps a good half of superstitions are just a figment of the sick (or rich) imagination of pagans, however, why check the predictions on yourself - it’s easier to just follow the ancient customs, including those outlined below, and stay healthy.

Funeral customs and signs after the funeral

After the burial of the body, the farewell of the deceased does not end: traditionally everyone is invited to funeral dinner. After nine days, relatives gather again in the house of the deceased to remember him, and after forty days they bake ladders (bread in the shape of a ladder), distribute alms, order a prayer service - thus celebrating the liberation and transfer of the soul to heaven. During this period it is important to observe the following signs funeral related:

  1. On the day of visiting a cemetery, you cannot pay a visit to someone’s house - you can bring death to the owner. By the way, the custom of arranging a funeral dinner is in a certain way connected with this sign - after all, it is not held in the house, but somewhere on the side. So death will not find its way back and will not be able to take anyone else.
  2. On the funeral table there must be a treat for the deceased - a glass of vodka, covered with a slice of bread (according to another sign - a pancake and a glass of jelly).
  3. Pancakes are served as the first dish at a funeral.
  4. Clinking glasses at the funeral table is prohibited so that trouble does not pass from neighbor to neighbor.
  5. For those who suddenly start laughing or singing at a wake, the omen predicts imminent unbearable grief, such that they will want to howl like a wolf.
  6. You should also not get drunk at a memorable dinner, otherwise your children will grow up to be alcoholics.
  7. If you are asked to give a table or stools from your home for a funeral meal, find a reason to refuse - the omen promises illness and grief for the owner of the furniture.

In the old days, upon returning from a funeral, it was customary to put your hands on the stove three times so that death would become numb, petrified like a stove.

Now, unfortunately, stoves are not provided in city apartments, therefore, the most the best option you will have a bath with holy water. You can also warm your hands on the fire church candle- so that your fingers and palms feel the heat.

How to avoid bad omen at a funeral

If you notice one of the signs that promises a sad development of events, do not despair. While you are alive, you can fix everything and ward off danger. Although, it is much better to prevent it.

It is no coincidence that in the living room where the unfortunate person died, all mirrors are covered with opaque fabric for forty days.

It is known that a mirror is a portal to the other world, but at the same time it can serve as a trap for a restless soul. Until she has access to the kingdom of heaven, she stays next to the body and visits her home, watching her loved ones. Therefore, do not neglect the ritual if you want the spirit of a person dear to your heart to find peace.

When the coffin with the body of the deceased is taken out, be sure to wipe the floors in all rooms - wash the spirit of death out of the house. And so that no one else gets hurt by the old woman with the scythe, you should pour a handful of rye after the deceased and close the road.

If the superstitions associated with funerals and meeting the funeral procession on the street are true, then joint disease (in common parlance - growths on the bones) will soon strike the one who crossed the road in front of the procession.

But there is a way out, pay attention: you need to rub the growth on the heel of some dead person, and a miracle will happen - the growth will disperse!

We had fun - thank God! Now you understand that you shouldn’t unquestioningly believe grandma’s stories, but you need to take care of yourself! In a bitter moment, fulfilling your duty to a loved one who has died in peace, observe the conventions without losing a bit of reason and healthy skepticism!

Every person faces a funeral sooner or later, so there are many superstitions and customs regarding this event. According to signs, relatives should not carry the coffin of the deceased. The deceased's eyes are closed and his hands and feet are tied. In the house where the grief occurred, mirrors and all reflective surfaces are curtained. A falling coffin during a funeral is considered a bad omen, as is a collapsed grave.

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    Signs and superstitions associated with a deceased person

    When a person dies, many strangers come to his house who knew the deceased, and not all of them are friendly towards the family of the deceased.

    If someone puts a personal item of a living relative, his photograph or biomaterial into the coffin of a deceased person, the person may become seriously ill in the near future and pass into the next world after the deceased.

    According to superstitions, relatives sit with the deceased at night to close their eyes if they suddenly open. They must be closed from the moment the heart stops. It is believed that a person who sees a dead person in a coffin with with open eyes and looks at them, he will die soon. If the deceased's eyes are not closed, his hands are soft and his body is not frozen, another death will occur in the house.

    If a person seems to be smiling in a coffin and has a happy expression on his face, he looks joyful - it is believed that the person wanted to die and feels great relief, so there is no need to cry and be killed in connection with the tragedy that happened. If the deceased's mouth is open, you should not try to close it - you can try to tie the jaw with a bandage, and if the body is already numb, you should leave everything as is.

    The clergy explain the sign that one should not leave a dead person alone in the house, the fact that prayers must be read over the newly deceased all the time (especially at night) so that the soul can go through the ordeal and go to the Kingdom of Heaven through. For the same reason, you should not sleep near the coffin in order to ease the fate of the newly deceased.

    Actions of relatives after death

    After cardiac arrest, the deceased must be immediately washed and dressed in fresh clothes so that he appears clean before the Lord. Unmarried girls are usually dressed in Wedding Dress. Be sure to put a cross on the deceased. The body can only be washed by women who have become widows.

    After the death of a person, the windows and doors in the house are opened, including the gates, so that those who wish can come in and say goodbye to the deceased, as well as to facilitate the departure of the soul of the deceased .

    Immediately after this, you should stop the clock in the house and cover mirror surfaces. They must remain in this state for 40 days. In the room where the deceased lies, you should not greet with words, but simply nod your head to the person who comes. You can walk around the coffin with the deceased only at its head, while bowing to the deceased. Friends bring a bouquet with an even number of flowers to wish them prosperity in the next world.

    On the threshold of the house, relatives should place several spruce branches so that people who come to say goodbye to the deceased do not carry misfortune into their home.

    Pets should not be allowed into the room where the coffin with the deceased is located, so as not to frighten his soul. Household members should not start cleaning, take out the trash, wash the floor or sweep, even if one of the relatives spilled or spilled something through carelessness, until the body is taken out of the house.

    While the corpse lies in the room, there should be a glass of water on the windowsill. clean water: It is believed that in this way the soul of the deceased person is cleansed.

    Why are the hands and feet of the deceased tied?

    According to folk superstitions, the deceased’s hands and feet are tied a few hours after death in order to “tie” the soul to the lifeless body and so that it does not wander around this world in the form of a ghost. Just before burial, the shackles must be untied in order to free the soul of the deceased.

    There is also a logical explanation for tying the legs and arms of the deceased: the body cools down after death, rigor mortis sets in, and the muscles can shrink, so the limbs are frozen in unnatural positions, which does not correspond to the correct position of the body of the deceased during the funeral procession.

    According to tradition, the hands of the deceased should be folded on the chest. A wax candle is inserted into them. The legs should be extended and pressed against each other.

    How to take a coffin out of the house?

    It is forbidden to remove the coffin before noon and after sunset.

    It is important to know: the coffin with the deceased should be carried out feet first, so that the deceased does not find his way back home. This is done through the back door, and if there is only one exit in the house, you should hit the coffin on the threshold three times to give the deceased the opportunity to say goodbye to his home. While the corpse is near the house, you need to lock the door and say: “Get out of the house, dead man, go away alone and don’t come back!”

    The deceased is not allowed into the house - you need to sprinkle water on the floor, and after removing the body, thoroughly wash the floor with clean water. The chairs or table on which the coffin stood should be turned upside down and left in this position for the whole day.

    The coffin with the body is brought into the church for the funeral, feet first, and placed facing the altar (head to the west, feet to the east).

    On what dates can funerals not be held?

    Funerals cannot be held on Epiphany or the Nativity of Christ. It is not recommended to arrange a burial ceremony on December 31st, so that next year did not begin with a new tragedy.

    WITH superstitions say that a funeral held on a Sunday will result in three deaths occurring in the next seven days.

    The funeral rite cannot be delayed too long: it is believed that the deceased can take one more person with him. Funerals are not held at sunset: the deceased should be buried during the day.

    Signs at a funeral

    Bad omens associated with funerals:

    • If the dug grave does not match the size of the coffin According to popular wisdom, the earth does not accept the dead.
    • If the deceased lies in a coffin that is larger than the deceased, death will knock again on the family where the tragedy occurred.
    • If a grave collapses during a funeral- this is a bad sign, promising another death that will happen in the coming days.

    What not to do while staying at the cemetery, as well as after the burial ceremony:

    • Cross the road of a funeral procession (otherwise disaster will happen).
    • Walk in front of the coffin with the deceased - otherwise it will lead to death.
    • Remove the pillow or any belongings of the deceased from the coffin. Otherwise, the person who took the item will become ill with an incurable disease.
    • Be the first to look in the mirror after the funeral (first you need to bring the cat to the mirror surface).
    • Turn around after the end of the funeral, leaving the cemetery.

    The coffin lid is not brought into the house, otherwise another tragedy will occur in the family. Relatives cannot carry the coffin, lest they suffer the same fate. According to signs, the deceased should be carried out by people who were not related to him, but during his lifetime treated him with respect and goodwill. Everyone needs to tie an embroidered towel on their sleeve. It is believed that in this way the deceased last time

    thanks for the service rendered to him.

    If you happen to stumble or fall during a funeral procession, the sign promises a person negative and even death. Dropping a coffin is a bad sign. Everyone who witnessed this incident will soon face tragedy in their family. To avoid a sad fate, you need to pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased and light a candle in the temple. You cannot leave after the funeral things that were in any way in contact with the dead person: a comb, measurements for the coffin, shackles that tied the hands and feet, a candle and an icon that was in the hands of the deceased. They should be buried together with the deceased in the same coffin, so that evil people

    could not use objects to inflict damage and terrible diseases on the relatives of the deceased. A new handkerchief is also placed in the coffin so that the deceased has something to wipe the sweat from his forehead during God’s Judgment.

    Relatives usually place an ax in the grave to cut off the deceased’s connection with this world.

    If someone feels bad during a funeral service, according to folk superstitions, this person is possessed by demons. If a candle goes out during a funeral service, a great tragedy will happen to a person in the near future, which could end in death.

    During the burial, everyone present at the funeral must throw a handful of earth on the coffin.

    Pregnant women are not allowed to attend the funeral. It is believed that the dead take away the energy of the child in the womb, and he may be born dead.

    Relatives should not visit anyone after the end of the funeral procession, so as not to bring misfortune to someone else's home.

    When you come home, you should light a wax candle and warm your hands near it to ward off evil spirits. Everyone who has been to the cemetery should thoroughly wipe their feet, or better yet, wash their shoes and pour dirty water over the threshold in order to ward off trouble from their home.

    How to behave at a wake?

    Relatives must invite all people present at the funeral procession to a funeral dinner, and no one has the right to refuse the funeral.

    Lunch usually starts with wheat porridge(Kuti). During the wake, you need to pour vodka into a glass and cover it with a piece of black bread. This glass should stand for 40 days in the house where the person died. Pies, pancakes, borscht and sweets are placed on the table. At the end of the funeral dinner, each of those present takes a handful of sweets and cookies to remember the deceased at home.

    Bread and other baked goods should not be cut with a knife; they should be broken off with your hands. Crumbs from the funeral table cannot be thrown away - they are collected and taken to the grave the next morning.

    You can only say good things about the deceased, and if you have nothing to remember, you should remain silent. You can’t cry too much at a wake so that the soul of the deceased is not tormented. For the same reason, funeral services are held on the 40th day after death (for the repose of the soul in the afterlife).

    If someone starts laughing or singing songs during a wake, it means that this person will shed a lot of tears in the near future and will suffer a tragic fate.

    Other signs

    If someone owes a debt to the deceased, the debt should be repaid to the relatives of the deceased so that no one in the debtor’s family dies.

    It is impossible for anyone to sleep in the house past which the funeral procession passes, so that the deceased does not take the sleeping person with him. Looking through the window at a funeral- doom yourself to tragic death.

    If during the burial it's raining, according to popular superstitions, the heavens mourn the deceased. He was a good man, and even nature is sad about him. Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes - another funeral procession will soon take place.

    The morning after the burial, relatives must take breakfast to the deceased at the grave. The deceased’s belongings cannot be distributed within 40 days after death, and when the specified period has passed, clothes and other items left behind by the deceased must be given to loved ones and those in need. Bed and bed sheets where a person died is burned away from the house.

    If nettles or thistles grow on the grave of a recently buried person, folk signs say that he has gone to hell. It is believed that lilies or roses usually grow on the graves of the righteous.

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You can believe in omens and strictly observe them, or you can treat them lightly, with ridicule and not take them seriously. But when it comes to death, even the most inveterate skeptics, without any questions, perform rites and rituals to honor the memory of the deceased and see him off on his last journey.

Today, the guardians of signs and superstitions about the dead are the older generation. They are the ones who can help and tell you how to behave and what to do. But if there is no one nearby who can enlighten you on this topic, then you have to look for the answers yourself.

Superstitions before burial

Any process always begins with preparation. When there were no ritual agencies, people themselves prepared the deceased for burial. Moreover, only widows were allowed to wash the body, who had to perform the ritual so that the limbs of the deceased did not freeze. The widows lit a fire from the remains of the coffin and warmed their hands over it.

But time passes, and some traditions remain with us, while others are forgotten, like this ritual of widows. Therefore, only those signs that still remain relevant in our society are listed below.

Signs threatening death

As you know, bad things are remembered better than good things, so by remembering these signs, you will know exactly what you can and cannot do.


The first wake is held immediately after the funeral. Second - on day 9 when the soul knew the beauties of heaven and the horrors of hell. And the last ones - on day 40 when it’s time for her to leave the earthly world. After the burial, a relative should invite everyone to a funeral dinner. The invitation cannot be refused.

During a wake, it is very important to observe some traditions:

  • A glass of water or vodka and a piece of bread are placed for the deceased.
  • On the day of the burial, do not go to visit anyone - otherwise you will bring death to this house.
  • Funerals are not held in the house, only on the side - so that death does not return and take someone else.
  • When you return from the cemetery, immediately warm your hands over the fire or wash them in hot water. This must be done to cleanse yourself of negativity.
  • At a wake, the table should not be bursting with abundance. The most important thing that should be present on it is pancakes, kutia, pies, jelly or compote. First, pancakes and compote are served. The very first portion is always given to the deceased.
  • During the wake, you cannot have fun, sing songs or joke, otherwise you will attract grief to yourself.
  • They don't clink glasses at the funeral table.
  • There should be only one candle on the table.

And only the most common beliefs. It is not at all necessary to know them by heart and blindly follow each one. But they will help you see off your loved ones on their final journey with dignity.