Summary of GCD on decorative drawing with children of primary preschool age.


Program content: continue to develop artistic taste in children, introduce them to (Dymkovo, Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel painting).
Develop aesthetic feelings: colors, compositions.
Fix the skill freely and with the entire brush, across the entire sheet of paper, but without going beyond its boundaries. Teach children to evaluate completed work, highlighting means of expression.

Materials: paper different color and forms in accordance with the forms of one type or another decorative arts. Items decorated with Dymkovo, Gorodets, Khokhloma painting, Dunno toy.

Preparation for the lesson: Before the lesson, get acquainted with decorative and applied folk and modern art (fabrics, scarves, dishes, etc.), examine albums, postcards, filmstrips on the topic.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part: knock on the door. Children, let's look who came to visit us. This is Dunno.
Why are you so sad?
N: look how many different objects I have, but what is written on them and what they are called and why they are needed, I don’t know.
Children will help Dunno answer his questions. (Ask the children what folk decorative art products they know).
Show the prepared items, clarify how they look and how they are decorated.

Let us teach Dunno how to draw a pattern called Curl.

Invite children to draw a pattern based on one of the considered types of painting, passing it on characteristics.
Offer to choose the paper of your choice different shapes, think and choose the colors that will be needed when drawing.
Tell the children that we are drawing a pattern on the entire sheet.

Performing part:
I help those children who have difficulty doing work, give directions, verbal instructions, and encourage children as they work.
I invite the children to put aside their work for a while and get up and play with Dunno.

Physical exercise.
Dunno reached out
Bent over once, bend over twice,
He spread his arms to the sides,
Apparently I didn't find the key.

Final part:
We are with you today
They drew patterns.
And the patterns are not simple,
Painted and colorful like a rainbow.
We drew a pattern on the entire piece of paper,
And they called it a curl.
Curls, look like that,
We placed them at the exhibition.
And now they hang
And to all adults and children
Pleasant to the eye.

Children, did you like our activity?
Who came to us?
What did you and I do?
Who remembers what types decorative painting exist?
What pattern did we draw today?

All work receives a positive assessment from the teacher.
Invite the children to choose the most beautiful patterns and explain why they chose this particular work.
Invite children to design an exhibition dedicated to arts and crafts in a group.

The children say goodbye to Dunno, and he thanks them for their help and gives them sweet gifts.

Title: Abstract of GCD in younger group for drawing "Curl"

Position: teacher
Place of work: GKUZ KO KDRS " Warm house»
Location: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna

EMA: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, golden Khokhloma.


Learning Objectives:

Introduce the history of the fishery, features Khokhloma painting;

Practice making a pattern;

Based on knowledge about Khokhloma crafts to consolidate the ability to create an independent composition, conveying the floral nature of the ornament, the festivity and solemnity of the Golden color Khokhloma;

Teach how to fill most of the surface of the silhouette with a pattern, perform the pattern in a certain sequence (branch, leaves, berries, grass).

Educational goals:

Cultivate love and respect for folk art, in particular, to the masters Khokhloma painting.

Developmental goals:

Develop memory, observation, speech, creative abilities.

MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: dishes with Khokhloma painting, gouache, brushes, water glasses, napkins, stands for brushes, paper for drawing - tableware templates, sample elements Khokhloma painting; musical recording of Russian folk songs “There was a birch tree in the field”, "Kalinka", “Let’s go to the garden for raspberries”.

Course of the lesson


What do I see, what a miracle

So much joy around!

Really, kids, it’s beautiful here.

It's breathtaking!

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush

There is grass and flowers there

Unprecedented beauty

They shine like gold.

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here everyone is golden.

Such beauty people

Called Khokhloma.


Do you guys know why these products are called Khokhloma?

- Khokhloma is a village on the banks of the Volga River. The craftsmen living here know how to turn wooden dishes into gold. Sellers at fairs shouted: “Who needs dishes for food - okroshka, a miracle - a dish, and cups, spoons?” Buyers asked: “Where are the dishes from?” And they answered: “Golden herself came to us Khokhloma And so it happened Khokhloma, Yes Khokhloma. They began to call the dishes Khokhloma.

How did this amazing art begin? They say that a long time ago a cheerful craftsman settled in the forest beyond the Volga. He built a hut, built a table and a bench, and carved wooden dishes. I cooked millet porridge for myself and didn’t forget to sprinkle millet for the birds. One day the Firebird flew to his doorstep. He treated her. The Firebird touched a cup of porridge with its wing, and the cup became golden... This is, of course, a fairy tale.

It seems like a simple dish, but it’s not easy to make. First, spoons, bowls, cups, plates are cut out of wood, then they are covered with clay so that the wood does not absorb paint, they are covered linseed oil, rubbed with aluminum powder, this made the dishes look like metal. The dishes were painted with different patterns, varnished and placed in a hot oven. When exposed to temperature, the varnish turns yellow. Then this delightful honey-golden color appears. This is how the phrase arose "Golden Khokhloma»

Let's look at the dishes. What colors are used Khokhloma masters? (Red, black, gold, green, yellow).

What did the masters depict on wooden dishes? (Berries, leaves, flowers, curls, blades of grass).

You are absolutely right in your murals masters used the fabulous beauty of their native nature. An invariable element of the pattern in Khokhloma painting is"grass". The grass is dotted with large and small curls, reminiscent of narrow leaves. This pattern also includes others elements: leaves, berries, flowers, birds. Sometimes the main elements are placed in the center (flower, bunch of rowan). And all around, twigs and grass bend, as if growing. Khokhloma artists love to paint on their products strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, black and red currants, and rowan.


Do you know, guys, that guests from other countries come to our country and everyone wants to take some kind of souvenir from Russia? souvenir: Dymkovo horses, painted nesting dolls, and of course elegant Khokhloma products!

Through the mountains and seas, the whole world admires -

Oh yes, a Russian souvenir!

Oh, what a miracle of colors!

And fairy tales roam the world,

And smiles Khokhloma!


Guys, let's open our own art salon so that our guests can also choose a souvenir as a keepsake. Do you want to become an artist? (Yes). Before we paint the cutting boards, let's take a little break!


Our scarlet flowers are opening their petals... smoothly we understand hands up

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway... swinging your arms left and right

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals... crouched down, hid

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep... moving their heads left and right, placing their hands under their cheeks


Before we start decorating, let's remember the sequence!

Where do you start? (- From the border at the bottom and top of the product, or according to the shape if it is round).

What are you up to? draw after? (- Curl, curved twig).

Why? (- Curl is the main element Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are drawn on it).

What will you draw on the curl first, what then? (- Large ones first elements: berries, leaves, then small ones elements: droplets, grass, curls, etc.).

As needed draw grass and curls? (- With the end of a thin brush, alternating colors).

What can we use for drawing berries? (- Brush, poke).

What colors will you use? (Red, black, green, yellow).

Well done guys, you know everything!


Now, young masters, you can safely get to work! Surprise your guests Khokhloma patterns!

Khokhloma, Khokhloma,

Our miracle is wonderful!

We are drawing Khokhloma -

Unprecedented beauty.


Sunny paint

Berries, lights -

Scarlet paint from the dawn.

(Russian folk melodies sound, children work to the music).


I'm very interested to see what you came up with? Look how beautiful it turned out, bright, colorful, festive - real gold Khokhloma.

What elements Khokhloma painting used in their drawings.

Do you like guys? Look at each other!

What did you like most?

Listen to a very beautiful poem about Khokhloma painting.

Poem by P. Sinyavsky « Khokhloma»

Khokhloma painting

In the green grass.

Groves, copses,

Silk splashes

Sunny honey

golden foliage

The beauty is chiseled -

Brocade sundress,

Along the waves of patterns

The yachts are burning.

What kind of sorcerers

They dressed Khokhloma

In this unspeakable

Holiday outfit?

Khokhloma painting

Like a witch

Into a fairy song

She asks herself.

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences

The most wonderful of all miracles

Our Khokhloma.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Decorating a handkerchief based on Dymkovo painting” Program content a) Educational objectives. Learn to create a decorative composition based on the painting of the Dymkovo toy, using.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognition, social and communicative development, speech development. Methodical.


Elena Vakhrushina


1. Continue to introduce subjects Khokhloma painting. Introduce the view

Khokhloma painting"grass" and her elements: "sedge", "droplets", "antennae",

"curl", "bush". Give an idea about color scheme ornament.

Learn draw an ornament"grass". Continue to improve techniques for working with

paints. Strengthen the skill paint with the entire brush and the tip of the brush, adjusting it

position and force of pressure on the hand. Introduce new people words: "sedge",

"perpendicular". Activate dictionary: "bowl", "solonitsa", "supplies",

"body", "spiral", "droplets", "antennae", "curl", "bush".

2. Develop memory, attention, speech.

3. Cultivate feelings of beauty.


Russian folk music.

- Khokhloma dishes;

Gouache paints (yellow, red, green) ;

Squirrel brushes No. 2 and 3;

Jar of water;

Flannel napkins;

Blanks Khokhloma dishes(spoons) .

Move:1. Organizing time.

Guys, let's play. Finger gymnastics "Helpers":

One two three four, (Rhythmic fist and clap strikes alternately) .

We washed the dishes: .

Kettle, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle. (We bend our fingers one at a time for each name of the dish) .

We washed the dishes (One palm slides over the other) .

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken, (Bend your fingers again) .

We broke the spoon a little.

This is how we helped mom. (Rhythmic fist and clap strikes alternately) .

2. Motivational-target stage.

Guys, look at the table. Look at the objects that stand on it.

(The teacher invites the children to look at the dishes Khokhloma painting) .

3. Learning new things.

Who knows what they are called? Where do you think they were made and from what?

(Answers children) .

That's right, they are made of wood and painted by master artists. (Slides 1-7) Let's

Let's take a closer look at these items. On the round golden sides of hospitable

the bowls depict bright red and black blades of grass; the body of the vase bends

delicate leaves and twigs with elastic, as if shining in the sun, black berries

currants. On the surface of the sugar bowl, salt shaker and supply - that’s what it’s called

cylindrical vessel with a lid - flowers never seen before gold

flowers. The fiery red color of the dishes and golden the radiance of the patterns really evokes the feeling of a hot flame, fire. And it’s not for nothing that the fire turned wooden

the surfaces of these things gold. Why are the items discussed

are called Khokhloma? How they are born under the hands of skilled craftsmen and how

different from other works of folk art? Answers to these questions

sound in the lines of a Russian song.

Like hops beyond the Volga

It curls over the bush.

Yar hops have overflowed

To our side.

Like on our side

Housing is very rich:

Silver leaves

Flowers gold.

How passionately you need to love your land to compose such a song! As needed

deeply feel and see everything that surrounds you in order to express it in song and

drawing. (Slides 8-13)

Walking through the forest, along the river bank, you are surprised by the abundant herbs of your native meadows, above

which in the summer heat have a sweet honey aroma and buzz to all voices

shaggy worker bees. You will lie down on this ground and begin to look at a blade of grass

by blade of grass, flower by flower, leaf by leaf - how many of them are different and

similar to each other. There are curly branches of ants and flexible saber sedges. All

they strive upward, towards the sun. Loving with all my heart native side And

admiring her, Russian people not only sang of her beauty in songs and fairy tales, but also

created simple household items, decorated with bright ornate paintings, in

which came to life natural motives. True works of art

these things become - beautiful shape, easy to use, skillfully

fulfilled. Today we will start learning how to transfer elements Khokhloma painting in

drawing. The masters did not at all strive to show the plants exactly as they were

we saw them in the forest, in the clearing. Khokhloma Images decorative: they are in

in general, convey the beauty of living life, decorating objects with plant

ornament. This is a pattern of flowers, herbs and berries. Khokhloma artists and They say:

“I am writing under a floral design”.(Slides 14-18) There are several types of it. Most

ancient and beloved by artists - "grass ornament", or simply "grass".

These are elongated, slightly curved blades of grass, written in groups of three, five or more.

bushes. Separate "grass" resembles sedge. One of the types of this ornament is

called "sedge". "Grass" usually written in red and black. Her

the main wide leaves are juicy because the brush takes a lot of paint and it

fits tightly. The tips of the leaves are written thinly; they curl, as if bending from

wind. "Grass"- an essential part of any floral ornament Khokhloma.

Very often among bushes and twigs of black, red, green or yellow "weed"

the artist places berries, birds and fish. This ornament is also called

"herbal" or the name of a berry or flower. Today we will study paint

the simplest element of a grass ornament.

(The teacher shows the ornament) .

All elements of the grass ornament are drawn immediately with a brush, without applying

preliminary pencil drawing. The brush must be held with three fingers,

perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, i.e. the brush handle looks up at the ceiling. "Osochka" performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom. "Blanks of Grass"

are drawn smoothly, with thickening. "Droplets" are drawn using a technique known to all of you

dipping. "Mustache" are drawn as a continuous line twisted into a spiral.

"Bush"- most complex element "weed" performed from simple "sedge",

located symmetrically on paper, i.e. at the same distance from each other.

And now we will take the blanks of the dishes and paint them.

(Children do work to Russian folk music)

4. Summing up.

Well done boys. Bring your works, we’ll set up an exhibition and admire yours

Khokhloma dishes. At the end of our watch the classes, How Khokhloma painting can decorate modern world in which you and I live. (Slides 19-22

Publications on the topic:

Integrated entertainment in the preparatory group “Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Golden Khokhloma” Integrated entertainment in preparatory group: “Wonderful, marvelous, marvelous - Golden Khokhloma” Program content: - Deepen knowledge.

Summary of educational activities on the formation of a holistic picture of the world for the middle-aged group “Golden Khokhloma” Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten combined type No. 45". The summary is immediate.

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma” Summary of GCD in the preparatory group: “Golden Khokhloma”. Objectives: to arouse interest in folk and applied arts; consolidate knowledge.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts for children of the preparatory school group “Golden Khokhloma” Summary of a lesson on visual arts for children in the preparatory school group Topic: “Golden Khokhloma” Program objectives:.

Goal of the work: introducing older preschoolers to the basics of arts and crafts

Exhibition of dolls in Gzhel costumes and dishes

Items of decorative and applied art (Zhostovo trays, Palekh boxes, Filimonov whistles, Khokhloma dishes, nesting dolls (Semyonov, etc.), an exhibition of Gzhel dishes and dolls in “Gzhel” costumes (At the beginning of the lesson, it is covered with blue and white chiffon), Cut-out pictures To didactic game“Assemble the picture and guess the painting”, Drawing of Gzhel dishes, painted over with white paint so that blue patterns appear, contour blanks of Gzhel dishes, blue gouache, brushes No. 1 and 2.
1. Organizational part.
Educator. Guys, today we will take a journey into the world of beauty, goodness, into the world of amazing creations of folk craftsmen. And for this we must smile at each other and say hello.
Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
Hello, light breeze!
Hello little leaf!
We live in our native land.
I greet you all! (Children repeat the movements after the teacher)
Educator. Folk art has its roots in ancient times. People have always had a need to decorate their everyday life, the things that constantly surrounded them. What did folk artists paint? (Children list the objects lying on the table)
All these beautiful and useful things were made by folk craftsmen with their own hands. They gave us and all the people a real holiday. They believe that all these things are not only necessary in everyday life, but also decorate our lives.
Please come here. Here are the pieces of the mosaic. Put the pieces together to create a whole picture and see what you come up with.
Didactic game “Collect the picture and guess the painting”
Conversation during the game. What's in your picture? What kind of painting is this? What elements of Gorodets painting can be seen in this picture? What kind of dishes were painted in Gorodets? How do Filimonov toys differ from all others? What patterns were drawn on Filimonov whistles? In what village were such beautiful toys made? What elements make up Dymkovo patterns?
And I have prepared a very beautiful painting for you. Look at the magical blue Gzhel patterns on her. Oh, what is this, I don’t understand anything?
Who did this? I painted over all the blue patterns, as if frozen......
Educator. Gee. Winter covered blue Gzhel with snow. (we approach the tables). And our dishes, which we painted yesterday, were covered with snowflakes and no patterns were visible. There’s not even anything to surprise moms and dads with. We will have to work hard again, to return the patterns to the dishes. Maybe then Gzhel will return to us.
2. Practical part.
I think that it will not be difficult for you to do this, because you are real craftsmen, masters of your craft. First, let's remember what the painting is called, the elements of which we used yesterday when painting dishes? (Gzhel painting)
What kind of paint do we need?
What brush techniques did you use when painting? (Painting with the whole brush, with the tip of the brush, dabbing, smearing)
3. Independent work children.
Educator. Now sit back and get to work. Don't rush, remember the proverbs that the Russian people came up with about those who are in a hurry. (If you hurry, you will make people laugh. If you do it quickly, you will redo it.)
4. Final part.
Bring your finished works to the exhibition. Analysis of works.

Summary of a lesson on decorative drawing in

preparatory group of MDOU "Rodnichok"

Art teacherI categories

"Composition in Ural painting"

Program content:

1. Expand children's knowledge about artistic features Ural painting: introduce them to different options its compositional solution.

2. Continue to develop children's pattern making skills.

3. Exercise children in well-known painting techniques (“animations”).

Dictionary enrichment: scheme, composition.

Materials and manuals:

v Variable schemes of compositional solutions of Ural painting.

v Background maps.

v Round brushes No. 2.

v Products decorated with Ural painting (cutting boards, panels, etc.).

Progress of the lesson


Guys, this morning strange things started happening to us: this folder appeared on my desk. Let's look together at what lies in it. (The teacher takes out the diagrams and shows them to the children.) Some drawings! I wonder what it is? Guys, can you tell me what this is? (The teacher, together with the children, examines the patterns, compares them. Finds similarities and differences in the location of identical elements of the patterns.)

I guessed what it was! What about you guys? Look at this cutting board and here's this drawing. How are they similar? (Children's answers.)

You noticed correctly: the flowers in the painting on the board and the flowers in the drawing are in the same places, as are the leaves and buds. This drawing is called a painting scheme, i.e. a drawing that tells the master how to arrange flowers, leaves, buds, birds and other elements of the painting.

Each pattern has different elements, but they can be the same, only the master can draw flowers, leaves, buds differently: they can differ in both shape and color (show on objects).

Let's play: who can quickly find painting elements that are identical in location to this scheme (the teacher suggests a painting scheme with a circular composition).

Well done, such a painting on a round panel." alt="scan0004" align="left" width="349" height="475">А теперь найдите роспись вот к этой схеме (симметричная композиция «Куст в вазе» или «Куст»).!}

That's right, this bush mural fits this scheme. How are they similar?

Guys, the arrangement of pattern elements (flowers, leaves, buds) in a certain order (in a circle, in the form of a bush) is called composition. This is the word that artists use.

Now let's rest a little.

Physical education “Scarlet Flowers”

Our scarlet flowers open their petals...

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway...

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals...

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep...

(Smoothly opening your fingers, waving your hands in front of you and smoothly lowering them onto the table)." width="192" height="187">Guys, on your tables you have background card sheets and sets of cut out elements (flowers, leaves , buds).