New Year is a holiday that children look forward to. Every parent dreams of organizing interesting evening for the child, so that the holiday is bright and remembered for a long time. Some prefer to order a whole performance with the participation of fairy-tale characters, while others independently organize a holiday for their children and their friends. In any case, such an event is not complete without competitions.

Active competitions for children

While the fun is in full swing and the children are not tired yet, it will be interesting for them to participate in fun and funny contests. Standard competitions that are present at every holiday quickly get bored, so on New Year's Eve 2017 it is worth offering little fidgets games that are associated with the symbol of the coming year - the rooster.

  1. A fascinating and very fun game - "draw the cockerel." It consists in the fact that the guys are divided into 2 teams, the participants of each in turn draw the tail, head, scallop, beard to the finished body of the rooster. The difficulty is that this must be done with eyes closed. The results always cause a storm of emotions in children.
  2. The mobile game "gather the chickens" will appeal to every child. For her, the children will need to be divided into 2 teams. In each, you need to choose a captain who will be the "chicken". Prepare small yellow balls in advance. You can make them by crumpling sheets of yellow paper. A large bag is put on the “chicken”, with cutouts for the legs. On command, the participants begin to collect the balls in the "pants" of the captain. Those who have more "chickens" win.
  3. If there are not so many children, a competition is suitable in which there is no need to divide into teams. 2017 is the year of the Red fiery rooster, so red is the priority. The task for the children is to find as many objects of this color as possible in the room. The winner is the one who has the most items of this shade. The ingenuity of children knows no bounds, so mom's hairpin or dad's tie can be a trophy.

It is worth stocking up on small souvenirs for fidgets in advance, because gifts for a victory always cause joy and a storm of emotions.

Quiet games at the New Year's table

When the children are tired, you can offer them quiet contests. This will help them calm down and rest in between active games and at the end of the holiday. When riddles and charades are bored, they are offered Interesting games that do not require special activity.

  1. "Snowballs". Favorite game of children, but at home it seems unrealistic to many, but in vain. It is necessary to prepare the surface, the table is perfect. On it, draw a line or put a point that divides the surface into 2 parts. For the competition you will need a light ball. You need to play in pairs, each sit down from different sides. The ball is placed in the middle on the line, each participant begins to blow on it with all his might. The one who blows the balloon towards the opponent wins. It will be more interesting if you make a gate out of improvised materials, then you will need to hit them with a “snowball”.
  2. "What an animal I am" - fun competition which adults can also join. Everyone invents an animal and writes it not on a piece of paper. You can't show it to others. On command, a piece of paper with the name must be glued to the forehead of the neighbor on the right. A person must guess what kind of animal he is, while you can ask questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. Fun game can drag on for a long time, causing outbursts of laughter.
  3. "ABC on the table". The first child is asked to find ingredients starting with a certain letter in the dishes on the table. When the task is completed, he offers his letter to the next participant.
  4. Prepare several pairs of sticks. Put small products (peas, corn, etc.) on plates in front of the participants, put a glass next to them. On command, the children begin to shift food from the plate into the glass with chopsticks. The winner is the one who completes the task faster with minimal losses.

The alternation of competitions and the encouragement of the winners will allow children to spend time with pleasure, not get tired and not overexcited. Incentive prizes for each participant at the end of the holiday will leave pleasant memories and unforgettable emotions.

The most wonderful holiday of the year, the most magical. Guess what we're talking about? Yes, of course, this is the New Year 2017. But along with the joy and expectation of magic, it often causes a lot of trouble. How many things do you have to do before December 31st? And prepare a treat, and think over what outfit to choose for the celebration, and entertainment program compose for guests. You also need to decorate the Christmas tree and the apartment, figure out what to give to your family and friends. There is no point in talking about it in detail. In our article we will talk about how it is interesting to spend new year's eve so that it does not turn into boring gatherings. For this, it is necessary to arrange various contests for the New Year 2017. We offer two types: for children and at the table (for a large and cheerful company). And the first not only for children. The whole family can easily participate in these fun activities.

Children's New Year's competitions 2017.

First, let's say that all these games can be played throughout the winter holidays.

All children stand in a large circle. To the music, you need to pass the New Year's cap to each other. As soon as the music stops, the child who has the cap in his hands puts it on his head. He will need to complete the task from the leader. The latter can dress up as Santa Claus. It would be better if for this competition the children learn poems and songs on the New Year theme in advance.

  1. In bags around the Christmas tree: Children's competition.

The game is played by two children. They are given a bag. On a signal, the guys in bags run around the Christmas tree in different directions. Whoever does it faster wins.

  1. Guess the hero of the fairy tale: a cool contest.

All children sit in a circle. The facilitator invites each participant in turn to continue the name of the famous fairy tale hero. For example, Red (Riding Hood), Baba (Yaga), Snowy (Queen). The one who does not answer is out of the game. With the rest of the participants, the game continues until the final question.

  1. Balloon: Children's games for the New Year of the Rooster 2017.

The number of participants is from two to four people. Each of them is given an ordinary balloon ik. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to inflate them at the same time. The participant who does it first wins. But the ball should not burst, otherwise - a loss.

  1. Who will collect more snowballs: games for the whole family for the New Year 2017.
Who will collect more snowballs: Competition for children 2017

For this game, the guests must be divided into teams. Snowballs can be made from cotton wool. Or buy special balls in the store, these are now sold. Also, for this competition, you need to take large garbage bags. They need to cut off the bottom corners, but so that the legs can crawl through. One of the team members must climb into the made bag, and the rest, on a signal, begin to collect snowballs and put them in the same place. The team that manages to get large quantity snowballs.

As a variant of this competition, there is another

But for him you will need children's plastic buckets. Children will need to be divided into pairs. Participants should move away from each other at a distance of approximately 5 steps. One holds a bucket, the other throws snowballs. The task of each participant is to catch as many snowballs in their bucket as possible. The winner is the pair that has more of the latter in the final of the competition.

  1. Let's build a New Year's castle. Competition for young architects 2017.

The number of participants is from three to six people. Before starting, they should carefully consider the drawing of the New Year's castle made in advance. We must say right away that for this competition it will also be necessary to stock up on several sets of plastic cups in advance. Each participant will receive this kit. Everyone is blindfolded. In this form, the "architects" get to work. At the end of the competition, the work is evaluated by a jury consisting of other guests. Whoever completed the work first and reproduced the drawing more accurately than others, he becomes the winner. Also, viewers can choose their favorite work. This member is awarded in such a case with an incentive prize.

  1. Carry a snowball in a spoon

Two people are selected for this competition. Each of them must take a spoon in their mouth, in which lies a snowball (made of cotton wool or paper). On a signal, the children should run around the Christmas tree in different directions. The one who runs faster and does not drop the snowball wins.

  1. Neighbor is better!

A competition that will amuse the kids. Everyone stands around the Christmas tree in a large circle.

Host: "Children, do you have ears?"

Children: "Yes, there are."

Host: “Are your ears good?”

Children: "Very good"

Leading: "And your neighbor?"

Children: "And he is much better!"

They take each other by the ears and lead a round dance. Gradually, during the game, all parts of the body are moved.

  1. Ball between heads

For this competition, you will need two large rubber balls. The number of participants is 4 people (that is, 2 couples). The guys squeeze the ball between their heads and run in different directions around the Christmas tree. The pair that runs faster and does not drop the ball wins.

  1. New Year's song

Children's version of the competition "the third extra". The rules are about the same. Chairs are placed in a circle with the seats facing out. But they should be one less than the participants. Children lead a round dance to popular New Year's children's songs. It is better for the host to dress up as the Snow Maiden. As soon as the song ends, all the children should take their places. It is clear that one participant will not get the chair. This child becomes the helper of the Snow Maiden. After each round one chair is removed. The game goes to the very end.

  1. Give the snowman a nose

For this competition, it will be necessary to draw snowmen on two large sheets of plywood in advance. Two people are selected, they are blindfolded and given a bump or a carrot each. Players try to correctly attach the snowman's nose. Fans can help them with words (to the left, to the right, below, above). The first person to put a nose on their snowman wins.

  1. New Year's bowling tournament

Skittles are required for this competition. If they are not, then you can take ordinary plastic bottles. You will also need ordinary rubber balls. The competition can be held in two ways: either divide the children into teams, or individually. From a distance of about five paces, each child must knock down as many icicles as possible. Skittles and bottles must be arranged in advance accordingly. And by the way, if the children are older, then you can use basketballs.

  1. Push out of the hoop

For this competition you will need an ordinary gymnastic hoop. Two people are involved. In the hoop you need to stand on one leg. The second each participant lays behind his back. On a signal, the participants begin to push each other with their elbows. The one who manages to stay in the hoop wins. You can’t stand on the second leg either, otherwise you’ll lose.

  1. Carnival costume contest

It's no secret that children (especially little ones) love to dress up. Why not hold a competition on this basis? All children come to the party dressed as their favorite characters. Condition: they must be made by hand. A jury is selected, which will ultimately choose the best costume. But the outfit will have to be presented. This will need to be done as follows: portray the hero whose costume the child made. You can sing a song about him, read some poem dedicated to him.

  1. Felt boots

For this competition you will need large boots. They also need to be high enough. Two people participate in this competition. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree in different directions. The winner is the one who comes running first and puts on both felt boots.

After that, we smoothly move on to those competitions that can be held during the New Year's feast. All large and friendly company can participate in them.

  1. make a wish

Entertainment: Competitions for the New Year 2017 for the whole family at the table

For this competition you will need balloons. There should be as many as there are guests. On pre-prepared sheets of paper, the whole company writes their cherished desires. Then each guest ties this sheet to the string of the ball. After the chiming clock, everyone can go out onto the balcony or directly into the courtyard, say a magic spell in unison and release the balls into the sky.

  1. What is in the black box?

For this competition, you need to prepare a large box in advance. The host puts some object into it. All the guests in turn pretend to be psychics and try to guess what is in the black box. If no one can guess, the host can give a certain number of hints. The most artistic guest is given a prize. Well, the one who still manages to guess what is in the black box receives this item as a gift.

  1. Divination about the future

For this competition, you need to prepare two hats or two small boxes. In the first one you need to put pre-written questions, and in the other - answers. Guests will be delighted! There may be coincidences. And there can be very funny and awkward answers.

  1. We make balls

Everyone in your fun company needs to be given a balloon (it must be inflated in advance) and a colored marker (any color). The task of each guest is to turn the ball into something original and interesting. And by the way. It would be nice to give next task. Make a symbol of 2017 from a balloon - a rooster. Upon completion, all works are put on public display in the middle of the table. The winner is the one whose work is recognized as the best by the audience.

  1. Hey honest people! Dress up but don't yawn

Free the table from food for a while. It must be placed in the middle of the room. On the table you need to put all kinds of accessories (rings, brooches, bracelets, beads). It is desirable that they be with a New Year's theme. But their number should be one less than the number of participants in the competition. The music turns on (of course, New Year's) and the whole cheerful company dances around the table. But as soon as the music stops, everyone should grab any accessory from the table as quickly as possible and put it on. Who did not get it, he leaves the competition. But all the losers get a New Year's treat. Then one decoration is removed again. The competition runs until the final winner is determined.

  1. Snowflake: Competition for the New Year 2017 for the whole family.

It will be very fun to cut New Year's snowflakes at the table with the whole friendly company. In this case, feel free to take napkins, paper, scissors and go! You can announce a competition for a snowflake of the most original design.

  1. The best New Year's toast: cool and interesting competition for the New Year of the Rooster.

To conduct this competition, you must prepare cards with various abbreviations in advance. For example, housing and communal services, traffic police, UN, Moscow State University, PFUR. All that is enough for imagination. They all need to be put in a box. Guests take turns pulling out cards. Everyone's task is to come up with a short toast. All words in it must begin with the letters of the specified abbreviation. The author of the most original - a prize.

  1. Guess who you are

On separate sheets of paper, all guests write the names of animals, objects, names and surnames famous people. In a word, everything that is enough for imagination. It is better to discuss the topic in advance. All sheets are placed in a box. Each guest must pull out one piece of paper and attach it to his forehead (you can’t read). To others, he can only ask leading questions. The winner will be the one who can guess in the least amount of time.

  1. We decided to cook letters

For this competition cheerful company should be divided into two teams. Each chooses one letter of the alphabet (any). It is necessary to take turns naming dishes that begin with this letter. The team that calls last wins.

  1. Congratulations alphabetically

Each guest in this competition should congratulate the others on the New Year. But the toast must begin with a specific letter. And the letters are not random, but in order. The winner is the author of the most original toast.

  1. sweet moments

All your friends must again be divided into two teams. For this competition, two chocolates are needed (one for each team). The task is as follows: each participant must bite off a piece of chocolate and pass it to a neighbor. But you can’t touch a chocolate bar with your sleeve. The team that eats first is the winner.

These, of course, are not all competitions that can be held on a New Year's light. You can also create your own contests. Happy New Year 2017!


The best contests for the New Year 2017:

How fun to spend new Year's Eve in the circle of your family! It's great when everyone is at home and rejoices together. But often such joy does not last long: the news ends, anecdotes and funny stories are not remembered, and everyone starts to simply look at the clock. It shouldn't be like this, so we prepared funny contests on New Year 2017 for the family, which will be great at home. Watch contests and play with the whole family!

Hunger Games Contest!
At the very beginning of the evening, all the guests are hungry. They are ready to eat everything that is on the table. But we have to wait a little more.
And to make waiting more fun, let's spend a little game- The Hunger Games! The essence of the game is to take food of a certain color from the table faster than others. The host speaks or shows the color, and the guests should take food of that color on their fork.
If you do not want to spoil the table setting at the beginning of the feast, then you can not take food. And just call a salad or something edible, where there is a product of the desired color. And when everyone has played enough, you can start eating with a good appetite.

Competition - this is KU-KA-Kino!
And this is a competition for knowledge of movies and TV shows. You are showing a video where one still frame appears first. In this freeze frame, all the faces of the characters are hidden under the masks of a rooster and chickens. The guests make an assumption and name the name of the movie or series. And then the second freeze frame turns on, where the actors are without masks. And everyone can see what kind of movie it is. Whoever guesses the most is the winner!

Competition - dancing in the style of animals!
Have you ever seen animals dance? If not, then don't worry, show it yourself! Or rather, your guests will show, who will amuse you and have fun themselves!
For the competition, you need cards with pictures of animals. We put all the cards in a bag. Each guest in turn takes out one card and looks at it. You can't show it to others! Then he goes to the center and starts dancing, as this animal can dance. And the other guests guess what kind of animals these dances are! Whoever guesses correctly draws the next card.

Competition - such different roosters!
And in this competition you will have to show different roosters. Again, you need cards, but they will say which rooster to show you.
For example:
- the rooster is frozen.
- A rooster courts a hen.
- Rooster thinks about life.
- the rooster saw grilled chickens spinning on a spit.

Competition - let's sing, cockerel?
Do you want to sing? Let's! And we will sing Christmas songs. But how to sing? Crow!
And again we need cards. On which the titles of the songs will be written. For example, a song - a Christmas tree was born in the forest. Whoever took out this card crows a song, its motive. And the rest of the guests, realizing what kind of song, I begin to sing along, that is, to crow. The result is a wonderful choir.

New Year - traditional holiday, which is customary to celebrate with the family, to hold matinees at school or in kindergartens, to gather with colleagues at a corporate party. It is quite difficult to organize a variety of activities at home for people of all ages so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time. The following Christmas games and activities will make this task easier for you in the New Year 2017.

Arranging children's entertainment

arrange good holiday is not an easy task, but for children this is the most important thing. Christmas games for kids should be especially intriguing and fun for every child to enjoy.

Traditionally on New Year's Eve joke contests that will not leave children without a smile.

Children stand in a round dance around the Christmas tree, and the leader begins to ask questions. He asks: “Do you have a nose?”, And the children shout: “Yes!”. Again he asks the children: “Is your nose good?”, And they answer: “Good!”. Again the question: “Is the neighbor better?”, And the children shout with a joyful cry: “Better!” and begin to wag his neighbor's nose. Then they dance for a while and then again the host asks questions. And so on until the supply of body parts of a neighbor runs out. Each other's funny actions will provide children with high spirits.

Guess the hero

It's very entertaining new year game. The children sit around the Christmas tree, and the host goes in a circle and gives everyone in turn the incomplete name of the fairy-tale hero. For example, Postman…, Red…, Gray…, Winnie… and others. Examples can be very diverse, but often the presenter runs out of such phrases, so you need to prepare well by recalling children's cartoons and fairy tales.

Several children are called to participate, who are shown a drawing of a New Year's castle. They are given a certain amount of time to roughly remember what it looks like. Then, they blindfold and ask them to reproduce the New Year's castle from plastic cups. The rest of the children watch the construction and cheer on their friends. The game can be diversified by allowing the rest to suggest where to put the cup. In such cases, the original castle can turn out to be fun, and the children will laugh heartily at their creation.

Another fun New Year's game that will not bore any child. It will require a large number of skittles and balls. Children are divided into teams and required to bring down maximum amount skittles with one throw of the ball. The team that knocks down the most pins in total wins. For preschoolers, rubber balls are great, and for schoolchildren, basketballs. You can arrange a personal offset for each participant, and the one who knocks down more pins will receive a small prize.

Santa Claus chooses a Christmas tree

A fun contest, the main host of which will be Santa Claus. He needs a tree for the holiday, and he asks the children to help find it. They stand in a circle holding hands. If Santa Claus says: “The Christmas tree is high!”, Then the children sit down and lower their hands, and if the Christmas tree is low, then the children stand up with their hands up. To complicate the competition, Santa Claus can say: “The Christmas tree is narrow!”, And then the children should expand the circle, and if the tree is wide, then, on the contrary, narrow it down.

On New Year's Eve, children crave some magic, and so a balloon launch contest is perfect for the solemn end of the holiday. For each little guest, you will need to prepare in advance one helium balloon, which will have a thread. Children should write their innermost desire on a small piece of paper (if there are kids at the holiday, then parents should help them) and tie it to a thread. Then they all go outside together and after the words of Santa Claus or the leader, the balls are released into the sky. Children will be delighted to watch this spectacle.

Youth competitions

New Year for young people is not the same children's holiday that was once before. In order for the Year of the Rooster to be remembered for a long time, organized events must be modern, non-primitive. The competitions presented below will make the New Year unforgettable and magical, just like once in childhood.

Participants of the competition are given pre-prepared photographs of any fairy-tale characters or animals. The task of each participant is to walk along the podium, depicting fairy tale character which they got. However, they should not use facial expressions and make sounds. The rest must guess who is depicted on the podium. The winner will be the most artistic participant, who will guess the fairy-tale character in the least number of passes.

Find your Snow Maiden

A romantic competition that can be arranged before a slow dance. The boys are asked to come out, and the girls come up to the Christmas tree and choose their own Christmas ball. The guys need to guess whose Christmas tree toy is on the Christmas tree. The one who guesses correctly gets paired with his "soulmate" and after the end of the competition they are asked to dance a slow dance. Such an unexpected alignment will not leave them without emotions!

Most wanted gift bag

Popular on New Year's Eve cool contests. Here is one of them.

All participants are divided into two equal teams and each is given a hefty bag.

the main task of this game is to fill the bag with "gifts", that is, all the various items that come to hand. It can even be clothing items! The team with the most "gifts" in the bag wins.


funny New Year's contests everyone will cheer up, for example, the New Year's version of football. The main attributes of the game are a “snow ball” made of paper or cotton and a goal with bags of gifts instead of bars. The guys will be happy to play football, and the girls will cheer for the chosen team. The team that scores in a certain time will win. more goals. To create a festive atmosphere, fans can blow up firecrackers and throw small snowflakes or snowballs onto the field.

bottle of snow

For this competition, you need to prepare a large number of large snowflakes and empty bottles in advance.

Snowflakes are sprinkled on the floor, and the participants are given the task to collect in their bottle the largest number snowflakes. The one who collects the most in a certain time will win. Also, the competition can be made for elimination, leaving only those who managed to score a "passing number" of snowflakes.

Snowman hurries to duty

All participants are divided into two teams. Each is given a large bag, a plastic bucket and a carrot nose. The task of each participant is to quickly change into a “snowman duty outfit”, jump in a bag to a chair, sit on it and return to pass the baton to another participant. The team that has all the members running the fastest wins.

Adults have fun too

For many, the New Year is a boring gathering at the table. The atmosphere of a magical holiday and the tradition of celebrating merrily and solemnly go further and further. In order to somehow avoid this in the year of the Rooster, you need to properly plan a pastime for adults on New Year's Eve, and the competitions below are suitable for this.

Oh, let's sing now!

The participants are divided into two musical teams. The task of the first is to sing a line from a song, and the second must continue with words from another composition. For example: “A million, a million, a million scarlet roses ...”, and the other one picks up: “For a day, at least!” .The team that will be the last to continue the first line will win. You can complicate the task if you take only winter and New Year's songs.

Siamese twins

The invited couple of participants are tied back to back. The essence of the game is for observers to give a variety of instructions. For example, dance or try to sit down at the table. If the company of celebrating is not devoid of a sense of humor, then the competition will turn out to be hilarious and fun!

Let me hug you!

This competition is perfect for a couple in love or married people. Participants stand opposite each other. Between them put a few bottles of champagne or wine. The man is blindfolded, and at this time the host quickly removes all the bottles. The main task is to reach your beloved and hug her. The blindfolded man is unaware that there are no more bottles and will move carefully and carefully. This picture will cause fits of laughter until the very end of the holiday!

bag blast

Invited participants stand in a circle with Santa Claus. When the music starts, the gift bag is passed from hand to hand until the song is stopped. The person who had the bag in his hands must perform some number at the request of Santa Claus. When the bag is with him, he will gladly distribute gifts to everyone.

Hooray - the new year 2017 is coming! everyone has already prepared gifts, decorated a Christmas tree and are waiting. Waiting for the new year is the best thing to eat this New Year's Eve. And to make the waiting more interesting, you can play funny and new contests for the new year 2017. It is not at all difficult for children to come up with contests that they will like. After all, children usually play everything that adults offer them. We already have ideas for children's competitions, and we are happy to share them with you. So, record and play.

Competition - palm or rooster?
This competition is for kids who love to fantasize and love to draw. The competition is held in two stages, and each of them is interesting. First, the children should trace their palms on paper. For example, like this:

Then having a drawing of his palm. Children should draw a cockerel1 yes, make a cockerel from the palm of your hand! Do you think it's difficult? Look. it turns out like this:

You see, everything is simple and beautiful. As we already wrote, the main thing here is to turn on the fantasy and then everything will work out.

Competition - oh, frost, frost!
New Year is winter. And winter is cold! Shall we play a little frosty game?
All children stand in one line. The host says how many degrees of frost, and the children make certain movements for each degree.
Minus ten - the children rub hand in hand.
Minus twenty - the children shift their legs.
Minus thirty - the children are jumping.
Minus forty - the children are hiding in the house.
The leader must confuse the children so that they show the wrong movements. For example, first try and say everything to the degree in order. And then alternate: minus ten, and immediately minus forty! Which of the children made the wrong move, he leaves. And the winner is the one who did everything right and did not freeze.

Competition - tell the Snow Maiden, where was it?
The next competition based on the song from the cartoon "Just you wait"! remember, there the wolf and the hare sang a song with lines - tell the snow maiden, where were you? You need this song and this particular piece. And you also need a snow maiden who will show the actions.
The song turns on, and the Snow Maiden shows the actions where she was. And then the children must guess where the snow maiden was. For example, the Snow Maiden shows that she was swimming. Or that she was asleep. Or that decorated the Christmas tree and so on. Which of the children guesses the most, he receives a prize.

Competition - snag puzzles for children
This competition is very popular with children. And it’s easy to play it - you guess tricky riddles, and the children guess. And since they are tricks, the first answers are very funny and off topic. And who will be more attentive, he will guess and get a prize.