Tasks: to develop cognitive interest, to cultivate love and respect for their land, for the indigenous people of the district, to expand the knowledge of children.


Hello dear guys! Today we have an unusual lesson - the birthday of Yugra - Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was formed on December 10, 1930. Our Ugra turns 84 in December!

KhMAO-Yugra is located in the heart of Russia in Western Siberia.

The flag of Ugra is blue-green with an ornament of the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi -

"deer horns".

The coat of arms of Yugra is decorated with an ornament "Bear" - a symbol of power, strength, mind. The bear is a sacred animal of the Khanty and Mansi.

The capital of Yugra is the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. Khanty-Mansiysk - ancient city, located at the confluence of two great Siberian rivers - the Ob and the Irtysh, the city is 377 years old. There are many modern big and small cities in our Ugra. You know the names of some: Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Megion, Pyt-Yakh, Langepas, Kogalym and others.

Our region has a very rich and diverse nature. Ugra is beautiful at any time of the year. The natural wealth of Yugra is oil and gas, water resources, fur.

The capital of the KhMAO is the city of Khanty - Mansiysk The nature of the KhMAO is very rich and beautiful. The main thing natural wealth HMAO is oil and gas.

We live in the city of Nizhnevartovsk. Nizhnevartovsk is a city of oil workers. A lot of work in our city oil companies. Oil workers extract oil and gas, explore new deposits, drill


The nature of Ugra is rich in its gifts: mushrooms, nuts and berries.

Guys, I will make riddles for you, and you will find out how rich Ugra is.


drilled the earth,

Left the box

Himself came into the world

Covered with a hat. (Mushroom)

What tree gives us food? (Cedar - nuts).

Grew - grew, climbed out of the bushes.

The red girls loved it. (Cloudberry).

There is only one house, but many people. (Pine cone with nuts).

Ruddy, with smooth skin, she,

looks like a cherry.

But are there any differences?

To find out, you need to eat the berries!

Sour! (Cranberry).

The flora is rich in trees different breeds, especially conifers: these are cedar, pine, spruce, larch, fir. Cedar - sacred tree Khanty and Mansi, to whom they bring gifts. Forests in Yugra are called taiga. Pine forest - pine forest. From cedar - cedar, from firs - spruce forest, from fir - fir. Those are some interesting names.


Like pines, like fir trees,

But in winter without needles. (Larch)

I have longer needles

Than the tree. Very straight I grow

In height. (Pine)

green in spring,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals. (Rowan)

Nobody scares her

And she's shaking all over. (Aspen)

Curls dropped into the river

And sad about something

What is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

And how many different and interesting animals live! To find out what animals live in Ugra, I suggest you solve riddles.


Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest.

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Deer)

This is who, from the high pines,

Did you throw a bump at the kids? (Squirrel)

Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry? (Wolf)

He is the master of the forest,

He loves to sleep in his lair.

It can be scary.

Who, tell me, is he? (Bear)

Black vest, red beret

Nose - like an ax, tail - like an emphasis. (Woodpecker)

Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf. (Tit)

He flies all night - he gets mice.

And it becomes light - it flies into a hollow to sleep. (Owl)

A white rope stretched across the sky.

(Sterkh - white crane).

The Siberian Crane is one of the symbols of Ugra, located on the coat of arms of the capital of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug -


Sterkh - very rare view white crane. The Siberian Crane is listed in the Red Book of Russia and Yugra.

People of different nationalities live on the territory of Yugra, but the indigenous people are the Khanty and Mansi peoples.

Today, the Khanty shaman Alvali (wizard) and the Mansi storyteller Misne (forest fairy) came to visit us. (Heroes in national costumes).

Greetings in Khanty.

Sayryn Kotalum! White bright day for you!

Pase olyn sim com! Live long sweet boys!

Pase olyn sim ne! Live long sweet girls!

Misne: I live in the small Mansi village of Leushi. The Khanty and Mansi people are nomadic, they often move from place to place, they graze large herds reindeer. Reindeer give Khanty and Mansi meat, skins for clothes and shoes, strands for thread and fishing rods. For travel, they have collapsible houses. Guys, guess the riddle and find out what the name of their house is.

There is only one wall in the house

There is a sheaf, and inside there are people. (Chum)

She is very round.

Before that she is round -

Not a single corner. (Chum)

That's right, chum! Chum is covered in winter deer skins, and in summer birch bark (birch bark). Chum is collected and disassembled by women - this women's work. In summer and winter, the chum is transported on sledges. Guess the riddle and find out their name.

The deer runs away from them

And they are not far behind. (Sled)

The Khanty and Mansi also have wooden and earthen houses. There is a roof, walls, in the middle there is a hearth - in Khanty - chuval. A hook hangs in the middle, on which a cauldron or kettle is hung and food is cooked. The house is divided into two halves: male and female. Women cook food, pick mushrooms and berries, sew clothes, handbags, decorate them with beautiful ornamental patterns.

Ornament - like a fairy tale, it can tell any story of a craftswoman. There are ornaments denoting animals, fish, plants. Symbols of the sun, moon, stars and more. The most important are deer horns, bear symbol, squirrel and hare ears, pike and burbot head.

And they are also great craftswomen of weaving amulets, beads, earrings and beaded bracelets so that evil spirits do not touch people, but good spirits protect them.

Especially the Khanty and Mansi peoples love hunting and holidays. Khanty and Mansi are lucky and cunning hunters and fishermen, the most accurate shooters. The most important holidays are the Bear Games and the Crow's Day. Bear games are held in autumn and are dedicated to bear hunting. The bear is a sacred animal of the Khanty and Mansi, so hunters after the hunt ask for forgiveness from the bear and arrange archery and gun shooting competitions, dances and sing Khanty songs.

Raven day is dedicated to the meeting of spring. The crow flies into the forest and brings spring to Yugra.

In order for all people to learn about our land of Ugra, famous Khanty and Mansi writers and poets write fairy tales for children, poems and stories. Most famous writers these are: Yeremey Aipin, Margarita Anisimkova, Andrey Tarkhanov, Maria Vagatova, Taisiya Chuchelina and the storyteller Anna Konkova, she is also affectionately called grandmother Anna. The writers of Ugra wrote wonderful tales and poems about the Khanty and Mansi heroes: the bogatyr Ekva-Pyris, the bogatyr Cedar Seed, about the Bunny and the proud deer, the shaman Polum-Torum and many others.

Misne: Like all children in the world, small residents of Yugra love to play games and toys. And the Khanty toys are unusual! They are sewn from pieces of deer, mink and sable fur, from the skin or skin of pike and burbot, from duck and loon feathers, geese and partridges, decorated with beads and colored threads. Boys play with toy nets and bows and arrows, learn to catch deer with a lasso (such a long rope).

Alvali (shaman) Now we will play the game of the peoples of the Khanty "Fish".

In Khanty, fish is "hul". Get up in a circle and we will pass the fish to the sounds of a shaman tambourine. As soon as the tambourine is silent, you need to say loudly in Khanty “hul” (fish). Then the game moves on.

Another game for little hunters. A real hunter, even a small one, needs to know the habits of animals and be able to freeze and take the pose of an animal, for example: a bear, a deer, a hare.

Educator: Guys, let's say thank you to the guests and say goodbye. Outcome: Guys, did you like Yugra's birthday party? What did you find interesting for yourself?

Katya's doll's birthday

Target A: Continue to enrich the content of games. Help bring children together joint games.


Educational. We introduce children to the rules of serving table with rules behavior at the table, introducing children to tableware

Developing. We develop game skills. To form the prerequisites to correctly find and select dishes for tea drinking, enrich the vocabulary-cup, saucer, sugar bowl, napkins.

Educational: We cultivate the desire to observe the norms of behavior at the table, respectful attitude towards each other

Integration of areas: security, communication, reading fiction

Activities: gaming, communicative, motor, musical and artistic, reading thin. literature.

Preliminary work: celebrating the birthday of children in a group, singing songs - “loaf”, “I’ll bake a pie for Tanya”, “birthday”, etc., round dance games, outdoor games, examining plot pictures.

Equipment: tea utensils, a tablecloth, a doll in an elegant dress, toys (a bear, a hare, a barrel of honey, a carrot. Substitute items can be used.

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment.

Show by educator game actions and participation in the game, providing game material, attracting illustrative material and art. literature

Introductory part: The teacher says that Katya's doll has a birthday today and she invites her to visit. He advises the children to think about what they will give Katya, how they will please her. It suggests that they can come to visit with a bear and bring a barrel of honey or a bunny, which will give Katya a delicious sweet carrot.

Then the teacher invites the children to help Katya beautifully set the table for the guests, prepare tea, and he bakes a cake, saying:

I’ll bake a pie for Katya,

I'm ruddy for my daughter.

On it is a crust of wheat,

And the egg filling

And honey brush.

(Russian folk song “I’ll bake a pie for Tanya”)

The children are going to a birthday party, on the advice of the teacher, Ilya takes, for example, a bear and says that the Bear is bringing honey and a big bump as a gift to Katya.

Main part:

The doll joyfully greets the guests, thanks them:

Thank you Polina. Sit down to drink tea. Look, here comes the Runaway Bunny. What a big carrot! She's probably cute and sweet. Thank you, Zainka, sit down, and you can drink tea, help yourself to honey.

The guests sing the song "Birthday" (music by V. Gerchik, lyrics by N Frenkel):

Whose, whose, whose, whose,

Whose birthday is today?

Who, who, who, who,

Accepts congratulations?

Who will receive from the guys

And toys and gifts?

Whose eyes are shining

Is there a bright blush on your cheeks?

All, all, all, all

We all congratulate Katya!

With her, with her, with her, with her.

And who wants to tell Katya about the cat? (the nursery rhyme "Like our Cat"). Let's give Katya a cat, she will be very pleased.

Then the game "Catch up with the Bear" is organized. First Mishka runs away, then the children, then Katya catches up with the children.

Final part:

This is Katya's birthday. Now it's time to say goodbye, let Katya rest.

When repeating the game, you can celebrate the birthday of a bear, bunny, cat, etc.

Publication date: 05/17/17




Educator: Matlak O.N.

Topic:"Earth's Birthday"

Age group: medium, 4-5 years old

The form joint activities : Integrated GCD

Form of organization: group, individual

Region Integration: « cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “ Speech development», « Physical development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "

Preliminary work: viewing albums "Spring"; "In the garden or in the garden", observing seasonal changes in nature during walks; listening to the audio recording "Sounds of Nature"; examining subject pictures, illustrations "Respect for nature", "What can and cannot be done in the forest"; stories of the educator, children about the holiday, conversations with children about the planet Earth; dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip", acquaintance with proverbs about the earth; modeling: “Flower-petal”, application: “Beautiful flowers”, drawing: “Dandelions-flowers, like the sun are yellow!”; the teacher's story about the rules for safe handling of the earth during planting work.

Activities: game, motor, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, labor, musical and artistic.

Teaching methods:


Visual (slide show, show of working methods)

Verbal (conversation, story, explanation)

Practical (simulation method, playful, productive, labor activity)

Educational and methodical set:


  • Visual - model pictures: the target is a picture of a Nasturtium plant; the subject of labor is a picture depicting the seed of Nasturtium; material - pictures depicting the earth, and containers for planting; tools - pictures depicting a spatula and a watering can; the result of labor is a picture of a shoot (sprout) of nasturtium.
  • Multimedia - presentation.
  • Literary - poems, proverbs about the earth.
  • Musical - space music "Flight to Distant Stars", "People"; Didier Maruni "Cosmos", space music-instrumental.
  • Equipment - ICT; CD player; letter from Luntik; soft modules for building a rocket; cards (pictures) for modeling; a hill of earth on a tray, cups of earth, spatulas, watering cans with water, Nasturtium seeds for planting, wet wipes by the number of children; sheets of paper with a contour image of a six-leaf flower, scissors, yellow circles d - 3 cm, glue stick for each child, a strip of paper 3 cm wide, 60 cm long - the basis for a wreath, a globe.


Enrichment of ideas about space, the universe, planets and the formation of children's cognitive interest in the Earth Day holiday.


Learning tasks:

To teach children to talk about the Earth, based on previously acquired knowledge;

Learn to draw up a sequence of planting actions using models;

To acquaint children with the works of folklore (proverbs, sayings about the earth);

Continue to learn to work with scissors, cut out the image of a flower along the contour.

Development tasks:

Develop cognitive interest;

Develop the ability to analyze, draw conclusions;

Develop dialogic speech;

Develop Creative skills;

Educational tasks:

To cultivate the ability to work in a team, to build a common building - a rocket according to plan;

Cultivate the understanding that the Earth is ours common Home and it must be protected;

To cultivate a desire to help, to do something pleasant, to give a gift.

Planned results:

1. Show positive aesthetic feelings and emotions when listening to Russians folk proverbs, melodies, making a gift for the Earth;

2. Actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks;

3. Support proposals, expresses their point of view;

4. Possess elementary skills of planting flower seeds in the ground and further caring for plants.

GCD progress

  • Organizing time.
  • Main part.


Guys, a letter came to our group today, I wonder who it is from? Let's read.

Text of the letter: Dear Guys!

I want to ask you for help. On the planet where I live, trouble happened. People completely forgot about beauty, stopped appreciating it, loving it, taking care of it. They offended nature, poisoned the air, land, water, cut down forests, destroyed flowers, many wonderful animals. started on the planet natural disasters people started to get sick. Please help me find a planet where I could live.

Your Luntik.

Educator: guys, do you agree to help Luntik? Let's take a flight through the Universe and help Luntik find a planet where he could live (children's answers)

What can go into space?

Guess the riddle:

This bird has no wings
But you can't help but wonder:
Only the bird will spread its tail -
And rise to the stars.

- But we don't have a rocket! What do we do? (children make different assumptions, and in the end they come to the conclusion that the rocket can be built from soft modules)

Educator:- get down to business faster! Let's build a big beautiful fast rocket so that everyone has enough space, and it is comfortable and convenient to fly into space.

Children build a rocket from soft modules, the teacher advises, helps.

Rocket built? Everything is ready? Then we take places in spaceship and let's go on a trip! Attention! Fasten your seat belts!
Five-minute readiness announced! Put on spacesuits! Checked the helmets! Straps fastened. Attention! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Start! The first stage of our flight has been completed. We're flying into space! You can relax, unfasten your belts, take off your helmets! Look out the windows!

Slide 1. A slide film is shown. Planets, stellar worlds float on the screen. Soon our heroes notice a beautiful blue planet.

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful, blue planet. Let's get down on it?

Children. Yes.

Educator: let's look around the planet to see what it is? see the beauty of the whole planet?

Children: Yes.

(Children look at the planet on the slide)

Educator: And what is this planet? Maybe someone knows? Children are - the Earth - the planet on which we live. Let's introduce Luntik to our planet. So, fasten your seat belts, we're landing.

slide 2

Guys, our planet Earth, like each of you, has a birthday. And we celebrate this holiday on April 22.

Educator: The whole world is celebrating Earth Day. It is customary to plant trees on this day.

Why do you think?

Children: To be beautiful, to have a lot of trees.

slide 3

Educator: Well done, children, look how beautiful our planet is when many trees grow on it.

(Children look at the image of the Earth surrounded by trees and houses)

Educator: Children, do you like to live on such beautiful planet?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Do you want her to become even more beautiful? Then it's time to get to work. (I pay attention to containers with earth)

Educator: Kids, guess what we're going to do?

Children: Plant.

Educator: That's right, we will plant flowers - nasturtium.

slide 4.

Educator: (pointing to a hill of earth on a tray) What is this?

Children: Earth.

Educator: That's right, black earth. Why is she called that?

Children: Because she is black.

Children examine, touch the ground.

What land? (soft, fluffy, fertile, lively). Why is the earth alive?

Why is the earth called "mother"? (In it is born new life. Without land, as without a mother, one cannot live)

Educator: That's right, the earth is black, hence the name - chernozem, from the word - black. There are many vitamins in the earth that help plants grow.

Slide 5.

Educator: Children, look what grandmother and granddaughter are doing?

(Flowers are planted)

But growing such flowers is not at all easy! What does it take to grow such flowers? Let's make a diagram using pictures - models.

In order to better remember the labor process, the teacher suggests first telling the children how to do this with the help of models: the goal is a picture of a nasturtium plant; the subject of labor is a picture depicting the seed of Nasturtium; material - pictures depicting the earth, and containers for planting; tools - pictures depicting sticks for loosening and watering cans; the result of labor is a picture of a shoot (sprout) of nasturtium.

Preparation for the labor process

The teacher invites the children to go to the table, on which there are pictures depicting the process of planting seeds.

And now let's discuss the sequence of actions: pour the earth into a container, make a recess, lower the seed, sprinkle with earth, water it, put it in a warm, bright place.

What is needed for good growth colors? (children choose pictures - air, water, light, heat). After discussing the models, the children begin practical activities, which are accompanied by an artistic word.

3.Productive activity(children put on aprons and go to the table for planting nasturtium seeds.)

Educator: Let's get to work.

IN Kindergarten spring came,

We will sow the seeds

Into the black land

In a soft bed

You, flower, freak out,

Rise above the earth

With lush flowers

With big leaves!

(Children, under the supervision of a teacher, plant nasturtium seeds in the ground, wipe their hands with a napkin)

caregiver(summarizes the results of the children's work).

What have we forgotten to do?

Children: Water it!

Educator: That's right (I give a watering can to water the child).

slide 6.

Educator: We have planted flowers and if we take proper care of them, the first sprout will appear very soon. (pointing to the slide).

Have we forgotten about Earth Day?

Children: No.

Educator: Then we need to do something nice for her.

Children offer options for congratulating the Earth.

(if children find it difficult to point to the right answer)

Children: I need to give her a present.

Educator: That's right, we must congratulate the Earth, but how?

Educator: And what else can we give to Mother Earth?

Children: Flowers.

Educator: Let's give the Earth an ornament of flowers on its head. What is it called?

Children: Wreath.

Educator: That's right, now you will go to the tables and cut out the flowers from paper along the pencil outline, and stick the middle, then we will collect them in a wreath. And give to the earth.

Educator: (shows and tells how to cut flowers along the contour and stick a circle of yellow paper on the middle of the flower).

The children are doing the work musical accompaniment. I help those in difficulty.

Slide 7.

(Children put a wreath of daffodils on the globe)


Educator: Children, look what the Earth is doing?

Children: Smiling!

Educator: What is her mood?

Children: Good.

Educator: Children, what shall we say to the Earth.

Children: Congratulations!

Educator: What can you wish for her...

Well, what do you think, will Luntik stay on our planet or fly off to look for another one? (children's answers) Yes, I think Luntik liked it very much with us, and he will stay on planet Earth, because it is so beautiful.


  • Luntik's letter;
  • Pictures - what is necessary for the growth and life of the plant.

2. Pictures for compiling a Nasturtium planting model;

3. Pictures - the sequence of planting;

Letter from Luntik.

Dear Guys!

I want to ask you for help. On the planet where I live, trouble happened. People completely forgot about beauty, stopped appreciating it, loving it, taking care of it. They offended nature, poisoned the air, land, water, cut down forests, destroyed flowers, many wonderful animals. Natural disasters began on the planet, people began to get sick. Please help me find a planet where I could live.

Your Luntik.

Pictures for compiling a Nasturtium planting model

Pictures - planting sequence

Pictures - what is necessary for the growth and life of the plant.





Outline image of a flower for cutting

Galina Zubko
Summary of GCD "Birthday"

Abstract NOD in the senior group.

Target: creating a wall newspaper for parents « Birthday in our group»


1. Teach children to work in pairs, in a microgroup, in a team.

2. Repeat the sequence of the holiday Birthday.

3. Increase children's self-esteem.

4. To develop creative abilities, the desire to carry out a common cause.

Lesson material: photos from the holiday, colored cardboard, gift applications, glue, scissors, colored paper, napkins, pencils, brushes, drawing paper.

Course progress.

Children, your parents are very interested in how we celebrate the holiday birthday in our group. How can we tell about it in an interesting way?

You can make a wall newspaper. (This is a newspaper that you can make with your own hands and talk about an event).

Wall newspapers are different. We will make a wall newspaper about birthday.

Let's remember

What's happened birthday?

This is joy, noise, fun,

These are songs, jokes, laughter,

Day which is the best!

A game "Who's birthday today?".

Remember how you celebrate birthday at home?

How can you invite guests to a party?

Guests should prepare gifts.

What can you give a birthday birthday?

A game "Gift" (Pantomime).

What to do to celebrate the day birth(set the festive table).

Who except the guests comes to the holiday (Clowns, animators.)

What do you wish for the birthday birthday?

A game "Wishers".

“You help each other, answer questions.

Only "Yes" only "No"-Give me an answer.

If "No" you say, then tap your feet,

If you speak "Yes" clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to kindergarten, is it true, children? (No)

He takes his granddaughter there, answer, children (Yes)

birthday is a happy day?

Are you waiting for games and jokes?

Congratulate the birthday girl?

Or send to grandma?

Shall we give her chocolate?

Let's kiss sweetly sweetly?

With day birthday congratulations?

And of course we wish:

Is it necessary to be fatter?

To be healthy, smart, cute?

Both loud and pugnacious?

What should be the wishes?

And now, I propose to start making a wall newspaper.

Everything you need for work you will find on the table.

Let's think about where we will start the work, we will make an algorithm.

The work of children in a team.

Examining the wall newspaper, evaluating your activities, summing up!

Related publications:

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Develop the concept of friendship. Promote the understanding that friendship brings joy in communicating with each other.


To form in children the initial ideas about loneliness and how important it is to have a friend.

Help children understand how to please a friend (with a gift, attention, word). Encourage the desire of children to participate in feasible work.


Organizing time:

Communication exercise "Hello!"

I came here in the morning

Hello my friends,

Hello sun and earth

It's me ... (children take turns calling themselves by name)


Sun: Guys, do you like to visit?

Children: yes!

Sun Q: Who did you visit?

Children : grandmother, grandfather, friends, relatives, etc.

Sun: today I suggest you go to visit the doll Masha. Guys, today is her birthday, let's all congratulate her on this holiday together.

Main part:

Children enter the group, a Masha doll is sitting at the table.

Sun : Hello Masha, what happened, why are you so sad?

Masha: I am very sad today, today is my birthday and I am 5 years old, but I am not at all happy about this, because I have no friends, I am completely, completely alone. I don't even have anyone to invite to my party. Doll Masha is crying.

Sun: Guys, what should we do? How to calm Masha?

Answers of children (have pity on her, caress)

Sun: And let's celebrate Masha's birthday all together, because we came to congratulate her. Guys, how are we going to celebrate it?

  • Children's answers (let's play, dance, drink tea).

Masha: Let's drink tea, and what will we drink it from, what utensils are needed for tea drinking?

Children: cup, saucer, sugar bowl, teapot, milk jug, teaspoon.

Sun : Guys, what is this dish called?

Children: Tea.

Sun: Guys, do you know whatPeople have been using utensils since ancient times.

At first it was wooden. Russian national dishes remained wooden and earthenware. Then came glass, metal, faience, porcelain dishes. Services appeared. People are very careful about the dishes, because they can break, and the work of the person who made them is lost. The dishes are washed, cleaned, wiped, so that it is always clean, and it was pleasant to eat from it.

During the story of the teacher, the children set the table, arranging the dishes for tea drinking.

Masha: Thank you guys, you helped me set the table,but what shall I feed you? After all, it’s customary to treat guests on a birthday, but I don’t know how to do anything myself.

Sun: And I suggest you bake delicious cookies. Guys, we will help Mashenka and prepare a festive treat, and she will learn with us how this can be done.

Sun: See what I have in my hands?

Children: This is dough.

Vos-l: What is it?

Children: Soft.

  • And let's make delicious cookies from this dough.

You can make cookies from dough different ways: you can roll out sausages and connect them, you can knead the dough with your fingers, inventing different patterns, and we will make cookiesprinting method.We will print cookies. (Repeat guys). To begin with, we will roll out a large cake from the dough. And now we have these beautiful cookie cutters. And with the help of these molds we will print holiday cookies, look how (the teacher shows the children). Children each try to print cookies on their own.

We have a holiday today. We cook cookies
We hope you enjoy our meal...

The finished cookies are laid out on a rack and put in the oven.

Sun: Guys, while our cookies are being prepared, I, inviting you and Masha to play a game called “Ball with Wishes” (children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other in a circle, say wishes for the doll on her birthday).

Since Mashenka has a birthday today, each of you will be able to wish her something very pleasant and intimate.

Mashenka, I wish you good health,

Mashenka, I wish you many true friends,

Masha, I wish you happiness, etc.

Guys, I think our treat is ready. The teacher takes out ready-made cookies and treats children and guests.

"Here's a treat for you guests,
Very tasty cookies
We cooked it ourselves, and you can eat with us.”

Sun: Guys, look how smart Masha is, cheerful, she has a birthday today. Let's sing a song for Masha(perform the song "Karavai").

Masha: Thank you guys for this good holiday I was very pleased to celebrate it with you.

Sun: Guys, let's say goodbye to Masha and it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Summary of the lesson:

Guys, who did we meet today? And what happened to Masha, why was she so sad?