Creativity in the work of a defectologist teacher is an integral factor in the success of correctional work.

Probably desirable in any profession creativity to work, and in the work of a teacher-defectologist, he is simply necessary. Children with whom the teacher-defectologist of the point of correctional and pedagogical assistance of the institution works preschool education, due to their age, they do not understand why the speech therapist takes them to classes.

In addition, in addition to a speech disorder, they may have features of attention, memory, thinking, children may have insufficiently developed fine motor skills. Just like all children, they can be active, restless or passive, distracted. And the teacher must find an approach to everyone, because the result of his correctional work depends on it.

Special attentiondefectologist teacher should give visibility and games.

The didactic material used by the defectologist teacher (games, exercises) should be colorful and interesting for the child.

A preschooler wants to play - let him play, and the teacher must build his work so that the main task is performed in the game - the correction of the existing violation.

Each teacher-defectologist has his own set of games and exercises in his arsenal - computer or paper, purchased or made by himself. Games are huge.

But no matter how many manuals and didactic games are published, each defectologist in the arsenal will have something of his own, made by himself, some kind of original game, unlike other games. And if he also owns a computer, the possibilities of which are simply endless, then there is a lot of room for imagination.

I offer several samples. simple games made with the help of a computer, which can be used in working with children with speech disorders to automate and differentiate sounds, develop sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, correction of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, the ability to compose simple and complex (complex) sentences.

I compose games in the Power Point presentation program: I insert the selected background image (track, snail, snake, caterpillar, table, etc.) and overlay pictures with the desired sound on it. The background of the images should be made transparent.

This can be done in Adobe Photoshop,, or some other program - the one that the teacher owns. Further, if desired, you can make a background allowance.

The plot of a speech therapy game is a matter of the speech therapist's imagination.

Logopedic walkers

Making a grant. Choose a picture-walker, overlay pictures with the desired sound on it, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game:

Game progress.

The child “walks” along the path with his fingers, clearly pronouncing fixed or differentiable sounds.

Variants of the game (this and subsequent):

1. Invite the child to find more objects with a given sound in the picture and count them: one Christmas tree, two Christmas trees, three Christmas trees, four Christmas trees, five Christmas trees. In this case, the child learns to coordinate numerals with nouns. For an exercise in agreeing adjectives with nouns, we add a sign - a green tree. The child will need to say: one green tree, two green trees, ... five green trees.

2. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like (for example, a bicycle, a fish) and make sentences with them (“Mom bought a bicycle”, “A fish swims in the river”).

3. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like and play the Greedy game: “My bike, my pig, my hat”, etc. Or the game "Not Greedy": "I gave everything to you, and now I have no bicycle, no pig, no hat." This is how we train the child correct use case endings nouns.

4. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like and play the One-Many game: Christmas tree - Christmas trees, pig - pigs, bicycle - bicycles.

On the basis of one picture from the proposed games, you can implement a variety of game options, realizing the main goal - the correction of speech disorders.

Logopedic labyrinths

Making a grant.

Choose a labyrinth picture, insert it into a presentation slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child names the pictures of the maze, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

This game can be played by a child with a speech therapist, or it can be organized with a subgroup of children who automate the same sound. In this case, you will need a cube and chips. The players roll the dice. How many points fell out, so many moves the player can make, clearly pronouncing the words with a fixed sound (or with differentiable sounds). In this game, there is a danger of reaching a dead end, so the child needs to be careful and make sure that this does not happen. In addition to automating sounds, this game also develops visual attention, and answering the question-name of the game, the child learns to make sentences with prepositions.

In addition to fixing sounds, in the games of this series and in the games presented below, you can also offer the same task options for correcting the lexical and grammatical side of speech as in rpg games.

Speech therapy caterpillars

Making a grant. Select a caterpillar picture, insert it into a slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child advances the chip along the caterpillar, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

On this material, in addition to fixing sounds, you can also work out the agreement of numerals and adjectives with nouns, the only and plural nouns, the ability to make sentences.

Speech paths

Making a grant. In the "Insert" function, select "Shapes", insert a suitable shape, multiply it and make a track out of it. Then put pictures with the desired sound on the track, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child “walks” along the path with his fingers, clearly pronouncing the sound. Further, the child, answering the question (for example, “Who is the goat calling?”), Makes a simple sentence (“The goat is calling the kid”).

On the material of the games in this series, you can also work out the coordination of words in a sentence, the selection of features for an object, the singular and plural of nouns, etc.

Speech therapy collections

Making a grant. Insert a picture into the file (for example, a mushroom, strawberries), multiply it and make a path out of it (you can take pictures different mushrooms), then overlay pictures with the desired sound on them, if necessary, arrange the background. You will need a dice and chips.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing the die - how many points fell on the die, how many pictures you need to advance the chip, clearly pronouncing the name of the pictures.

Speech therapy snakes

Making a grant. Select a snake picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing the dice - how many points on the dice fell out, so many moves can be made by the player, clearly naming the words with a fixed sound. And here you can also choose three to five pictures, make sentences with them, count them, matching the numerals with the nouns. Then you can close or remove the pictures and give the child a task: “Remember what pictures were on this snake” (development of visual memory).

speech therapy domino

Making a grant. In the "Insert" function, select a table, insert it into a slide, fill the table with the color you like, overlay pictures with the desired sound.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds.

Cut the picture material horizontally, then vertically between identical pictures (can be laminated) and play like a regular domino. The only difference is that instead of dots on dominoes there are pictures, and you need to name them, coordinating the numeral with the noun.

Speech therapy snails

Making a grant. Choose a picture-snail, overlay pictures with the desired sound, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

To play, you need a dice and chips. A child can play with a speech therapist, or you can organize a game with a subgroup of children with whom the pronunciation of the same sound is consolidated.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing a die - how many points fell out, as many moves a player can make, clearly naming words with a fixed sound.

The goal of the game for the child is to get to the prize (it can be a chip, a picture, a sticker or some other prize), and for a speech therapist it is to fix the delivered sound in the child.

The options for using the game of this series can be the same as in the games of other series, or they can have their own - it's up to the teacher's imagination.

Didactic games are designed for individual, speech therapy classes with children 4-7 years old. This material will be useful to speech therapists, educators, parents.

Target: automation and differentiation of sounds, development sound analysis development of phonemic awareness.

Description of games:

1. "Snow Maiden and Snowman"

Purpose: automation and differentiation of sounds [C] - [W] in words.

Equipment: a picture depicting the Snow Maiden and the Snowman, snowflakes, on the back of which there are pictures with differentiable sounds.

Game progress: The Snow Maiden and the Snowman are the snow grandchildren of Santa Claus. What do you think they eat? And they also love “delicious” snowflakes. Let's feed them. But it's not easy, look what is drawn on the snowflakes. For the Snow Maiden, we will choose snowflakes with pictures, in the words of which the sound is heard - [Ш], and for the Snowman - pictures with sound - [S].

2. "Treat Zoya with sweets"

Equipment: a picture of a girl; sweets, on the back of which pictures with automated sound are depicted.

Game progress: The girl Zoya loves sweets very much. Let's treat Zoya. You take a piece of candy and name the picture. If you clearly pronounce the sound [Z] in a word, Zoya will get the candy, if not, then the candy will remain with me.

3. "Rain"

Purpose: automation of sound [Z] in words.

Equipment: a picture of girls under an umbrella; droplets with pictures, in the words of which an automated sound is heard.

Game progress: Two girlfriends Zoya and Zulya went for a walk. But suddenly it started to rain. The girlfriends were not upset, because they had with them ... (what?) - an umbrella. The girls took cover under him. And cheerful droplets flowed together from the umbrella and turned into puddles. Let's see what kind of droplets made a puddle. You take a drop and name the picture, clearly pronouncing the sound [З]. Just try very hard to make our puddle big.

4. "Balloons for the Frog"

Purpose: automation of sound [Ш] in words.

Equipment: a picture of a frog with balls; multi-colored balls, on the back of which there are pictures with automated sound.

Game progress: Frog Kvasha received balloons on his birthday. But suddenly a breeze blew, and the balls scattered. Let's help the Frog catch the balloons and tie them to a string. Name the picture on the back of the balloon, clearly pronouncing the sound [Ш].

5. "Sound clearing"

Equipment: three flowers indicating the beginning, middle and end of a word; sound bee.

Game progress: I will call you words with the sound [R], and you listen carefully. Place the Sound Bee on the flower where you hear the sound.

6. "Hedgehog dreams"

Purpose: automation of sound [L] in words.

Equipment: a picture of a hedgehog sleeping in a crib, dream clouds with pictures, in the words of which we hear the sound [L].

Game progress: The hedgehog sleeps sweetly and dreams. Let's see what he dreamed. Take a cloud and name what you see in the picture, clearly pronounce the sound [L].

7. "Carlson's birthday"

Purpose: automation of sound [R] in words.

Equipment: picture with the image of Carlson; “Gift boxes” with pictures with automated sound on the back.

Game progress: Carlson has a birthday. He invited many friends. Who do you think came to the holiday to Carlson? (child's answer). They brought many gifts. Let's see what's in these boxes. Name the pictures, clearly pronouncing the sound [R].

8. "Which house does sound live in?"

Equipment: pictures - three houses with sound circuits(beginning, middle and end of a word); pictures for automated sound.

Purpose: development of sound analysis, phonemic hearing.

Game progress: Look at how many pictures, let's put them in houses. Put the picture in the house where you hear the sound.

Each of these games can be diversified, for example, turn the pictures over and ask the child to name what was depicted on them. With each picture, you can play the games "One - many", "Name it affectionately", "My, mine, mine, mine", etc.

Speech therapy games for kindergarten

Chervyakova Tatyana Vasilievna, teacher-speech therapist at MDOU kindergarten"Rodnichok" village Svecha, Kirov region
Description of work: I bring to your attention didactic games and exercises on the lexical topics "Clothes", "Shoes", "Headwear". Games designed for older children preschool age. During the games, children in an entertaining way practice word formation and inflection. Games can be used for individual and subgroup work. This material will be useful for speech pathologists preschool institutions, educators, as well as parents when playing the game at home.
Target: consolidation of acquired knowledge in the classroom in an entertaining game form.
- to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of children on the topic;
- learn to apply them in practical activities - the game;
- Raise interest in speech games.

The game "Whose clothes are mother's or Tannin's?"

Target: exercise in the formation of possessive adjectives.
game material.
- pictures with items of adult and children's clothing and shoes

- pictures of two cabinets:
A wardrobe for mother's clothes and a wardrobe for Tanya's clothes.

Game progress:
An adult puts pictures of wardrobes, pictures of clothing and shoes on the board. Children come to the blackboard, choose a picture, tell whose item of clothing it is and put it in cabinets.

- This long dress mother's.
- It's Tanino's blue dress.
- This pink blouse Tanina.
- This is my mother's white blouse.
- Those black trousers of my mother.
- Those lilac trousers of Tanina.
- This puffy skirt Tannin.
- This tight skirt is my mother's, etc.

Game "Pick a Sign"

Target: exercise in the selection of adjectives for nouns.

Game progress: The child names an item of clothing, and then selects signs for this item of clothing, For example,
dress - beautiful, long, evening, elegant.

The child must select at least 3 signs.

The game "Call it affectionately"

Target: to exercise children in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes -chik-, -echk-, - points-, -enk-, -onk-.
Game progress: An adult calls an item of mother's clothes or shoes, and a child - Tanina, and calls him affectionately, For example,
- Mom has a dress, and Tanya ... dress.
- Mom has shoes, and Tanya ... shoes.
- Mom has pants, and Tanya ... trousers.
- Mom has a jacket, and Tanya ... jacket.

Game "What of what?"

Target: exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.
Game progress: Adult says:
- Mom and Tanya have a lot of clothes. It is made from different fabrics. Let's tell you what and what items of clothing are made of.
- Silk dress (which?)- silk.
- Wool jacket (which?)- woolen.
- Leather boots (which?)- leather.
- Rubber boots (which?)- rubber.
- Drap coat (which?)- drape.
- Corduroy trousers (which?)- velveteen.

Game "One - many"

Target: formation of the skill of forming noun forms in the genitive plural.
Game progress: The child is invited to name a piece of clothing with the word a lot, For example,
- Mom has one dress, and Tanya many dresses.
- Mom has one skirt, and Tanya lots of skirts...

The game "Two - two"

Target: exercise in the ability to coordinate the numerals two, two with nouns.
Game progress: The adult invites the child to answer the following questions:
- What can you say two?
- Two dresses, two coats, two raincoats...
- What can be said about two?
- Two T-shirts, two fur coats, two jackets, two skirts, two sweaters ...

Game "Count and name"

Target: exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns.
Game progress: An adult shows a map showing items of clothing, shoes, hats and invites the child to help Tanya count things.

For example,
One hat, two hats, three hats, four hats, five hats.
One jacket, two jackets... five jackets.
One pair of boots, two pairs of boots, three pairs of boots... six pairs of boots.

Game "Say the other way around"

Target: exercise children in the selection of words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms).
Game progress. The adult invites the child to answer the other way around:
Clean shoes... dirty shoes;
New boots... old boots;
Wide skirt - ... narrow skirt;
Long coat - … short coat;
White jacket... black jacket.

The game "Lay out on the shelves"

Target: exercise in the classification of items of clothing, shoes and hats.
Game progress. An adult shows a picture of a cabinet with shelves and reports:
- Look, it's a closet. Each item has its place in it: hats are stored on the top shelf, shoes - on the bottom, and clothes - on the middle one. Let's arrange the pictures depicting various items of clothing, shoes and hats in their places.

Children lay out the pictures and explain:
- I will put the hat on the top shelf, because it is a headdress;
- I will put the jacket on the middle shelf, because it is clothes;
- I'll put the slippers on the bottom shelf, because these are shoes ....

The game "My, my, my"

Target: practice matching nouns with possessive pronouns my, my, my, my.
Game progress: An adult lays out clothes and shoes on the table. Invites the child to look at them carefully and say what subject the word “mine”, “mine”, “mine”, “mine” fits.
My (What?)- sweater, sundress, scarf, suit ...
My (What?)- jacket, jacket, fur coat, skirt ...
My (What?)– boots, shoes, shorts, trousers…
My (What?) dress, coat...

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: to activate the vocabulary of children on the topic, to develop mental activity, attention.
Game progress. An adult shows the child pictures, asks to name them, indicate an extra picture in each row and explain why it is superfluous.

The purpose of the work: To create favorable conditions stimulating the process of correcting the sound side of speech in children with speech disorders using a variety of games.

One of the areas of speech therapy correctional work is the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Sometimes it is not so difficult to put a sound on a child, how to automate and put it into speech. As a rule, the child will be able to freely use the set sound only after repeating this word from seventy to ninety times. But the mechanical repeated repetition of the same word tires children, does not stimulate them to use it independently.

As E.F. Arkhipova points out, the stage of sound automation is the consolidation of conditioned reflex speech-motor connections on linguistic material of varying complexity until the skill is fully consolidated. M.E. Khvattsev, M.F. Fomicheva, G.V. Gurovets, S.I. Maevskaya and others were engaged in the development of methods and stages of automation of sounds. I.A. Smirnova notes that a speech therapist should form in a child motives, strong-willed qualities necessary for long-term work, giving stable results. And this must be done easily, naturally, in a playful way, intriguing the child.

Practical knowledge of the language involves the ability to distinguish by ear and correctly reproduce all the sound units of the native language, so work on the formation of the pronunciation of sounds in preschoolers should be carried out systematically. Observations of articulation in children create the basis not only for the formation of speech hearing, but also for the development of culture oral speech in its pronunciation. Observations of their own speech lead to the fact that children, understanding the meaning of the word, begin to associate it with the sounds that make up these words. From here begins the observation of the pronunciation of the word, the alternation of vowels and consonants.

To form the correct sound pronunciation, it is important for a speech therapist to make the most of visual and game techniques, given that the game is the leading activity for a preschooler. Thanks to the use of games, the process of automating the set sounds takes place in an accessible and attractive form for children. Important in the correction of sound pronunciation and development phonemic perception is the work of the organs of hearing and vision, as well as a special place is given to the work of the motor analyzer (hands). It is known that the motor and speech centers in the cerebral cortex are close, so the mobility of the articulatory apparatus is due to the state of the motor sphere. In the process of playing, children work together with all analyzers: auditory, visual, speech-motor, which makes it possible to carry out corrective work most effectively.

Here are some of the games I used:

- ball games “A vowel sound will be heard by the ears, the ball flies over the top of the head”, “Colorful balls”, “Sound chain” with the transfer of the ball, “Catch the ball and throw the ball - how many sounds, name”, “Meet the word on the road - I will break it into syllables” by T.A. Vorobyeva and O.I. Krupenchuk “Ball and Speech” KARO St. Petersburg 2003
- games with clothespins: "Collect sound beads", "Distinguish and name", "Magpies". You can find these and other games with clothespins in the manual of Yu.A. Fadeeva, G.A. Pichugina, I.I. Zhilina “Games with clothespins: we create and speak” - M .: TC Sphere, 2011. (Library of a speech therapist).
- outdoor games: "Flowers and bees", "Live arrow", "Find your house" and others you can find in the article by V.N. Sotnikova. “Outdoor games in working with children ONR” magazine “Speech therapist” No. 3/2011.

I want to dwell in more detail on didactic board games, the main purpose of which is automation and differentiation of sounds; as well as the development of phonemic perception; formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

  • "Find the sound"
  • With the help of this game, children determine the presence of a given sound in a word. For example: put in the basket only those products in the name of which you hear the sound A. <Рисунок 1>
  • "Ladybug"
  • decorating the wings of a ladybug with circles, children reinforce the ability to distinguish the first and last sound in a word. < Рисунок 2>

  • "Similar words"
  • competitive game. On the playing field are words that sound similar to pictures. A cube, chips are used, the child needs to find a picture with a word that sounds similar, and rearrange the chip on it, so the child can move away from the finish line or get closer. <Рисунок 3>

  • "Aquarium"
  • children like it very much, because you never know in which aquarium there are more fish swimming. To find out, an adult pronounces 10 words (using the sound Sh as an example). if the sound Sh is at the beginning of the word, the child puts the fish in the first aquarium, in the middle - in the second, at the end - in the last. It remains to count the fish in each aquarium . <Рисунок 4>

  • “We play with the R sound”
  • a poem in pictures allows you to quickly remember it, as well as automate the sound [P ]. <Рисунок 5>

  • "Rybalov"
  • The good thing is that it is multifunctional. With its help, you can automate the set sounds in words, develop lexical and grammatical categories, coherent speech . <Рисунок 6>

  • “Pair pictures”
  • The game is bright, colorful, cards with pictures are matched to each sound. With this game, I not only automate the set sounds, but also exercise children in the use of nouns in units. and many others. number; as well as in agreement of numerals with nouns . <Рисунок 7>

  • "Snail"
  • I use two versions of the game. One is flat on cards, where a cube and chips are used, and the other is on a children's pyramid, on which you need to find pictures with a given sound. <Рисунок 8, 9>

  • “A frog catches mosquitoes”
  • in this game, I automate and differentiate the sounds z and zb. If a child hears a word that hard soundЗ, then with a blue chip it closes large mosquitoes, and if soft ZL, then with green small mosquitoes .<Рисунок 10>

  • "The frog runs away from the heron"
  • in order to escape from the heron, you need to correctly determine whether the sound Ts is in the word or not. If the child correctly determines, then he goes forward, if not, then he goes back. <Рисунок 11>

  • "Where did the sound hide"
  • in order to correctly resettle the tenants in apartments, it is necessary to correctly determine the given sound in the word. Another tenant waiting in line in the attic .<Рисунок 12>

  • "Feed the Clown"
  • I use the clown not only to develop fine motor skills of the hands, but also to automate the necessary sound. "Call the word - throw a pea." <Рисунок 13>

  • “Friendly penguins”
exciting game I use it for a subgroup of children. Players take turns rolling the die and making the required number of moves. If the child stops at the blue hexagon, then he comes up with a word containing a solid sound (for example, P), if on a green one, then you need to name a word containing soft sound(for example, R). The one who reaches the finish line first wins. It is especially interesting if children use penguin toys from Kinder Surprises instead of chips. <Рисунок 14>

  • "Basketball"
  • I use the game in several ways:

1. An adult pronounces the first word with the sound C. The child determines the place of the sound in the word and places the ball in the corresponding cell in the first line (from the bottom), then the second word - the ball is placed in one of the cells of the second line and so on until we hit to the basket (sheet 1).
2. In front of the child is an image of three basketball baskets, we “throw” the ball into one of them, depending on the position of the sound in the word (sheet 2).
3. If in the word the sound C “throws” the ball into the blue basket, if the sound СЬ - into the green one (sheet 3).
4. Lay out as many balls as there are syllables in a word (sheet 3). <Рисунок 15, 16>

  • "Encrypted Tongue Twisters"
  • I recommend this game to you, as it allows you to speed up the process of automating the set sounds. I used the technique of mnemonics, i.e. a system of techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory through the formation of additional associations.<Figure 17>

  • "Chests"
  • children play this game with pleasure, with its help they practice differentiating the sounds Sh-S . <Рисунок 18>

  • "Cubiconia"
  • there are many variants of this game and this is its advantage; on the principle of eliminating the superfluous, many tasks of the correction process are solved . <Рисунок 19>

  • "Sunflower"
  • unusual colorful game is of great interest to children. The element of competition brings excitement to it. The child takes out a seed from a sunflower, opens it and says what is depicted there, if he pronounced the word correctly, then he takes the seed for himself, if not, the adult takes it. At the end of the game, the result is calculated . <Рисунок 20>

  • "Color loto"
  • I use from bottle caps not only for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, but also for the automation of delivered sounds and the development of coherent speech . <Рисунок 21>

  • "Fridge"
  • This game is very popular with children. It automates and differentiates delivered sounds, develops memory, spatial representations. <Рисунок 22, 23>

Game options:

  1. The child needs to put in the refrigerator only those products in the name of which there is a sound C (or another).
  2. An adult asks to put it on a shelf above or below the previous one, etc.
  3. When all the necessary products are in the refrigerator, it is closed, and the child remembers what is there.

In creating many games, I used not only my own ideas, but also games developed by a speech therapist teacher I.A. Matykina. from her website LOGORINA., as well as materials from scientific and methodological journals: “Speech therapist in kindergarten”, “Hoop”, “Speech therapist” with the application “Speech therapist library”, “Sweetie”; "Preschool Pedagogy".

Thus, the use of gaming methods and techniques allows you to speed up the process of automating sounds, including all analyzers, including fine motor skills hands. In addition to the work of motor and speech analyzers, mental processes are also included in development: perception, memory, thinking. All this makes correctional work the most diverse, maintains interest in speech therapy classes, and helps to prepare children for school in the most qualitative way.

« flowers bloom »

Target : Introduce children to different colors and help them learn their names. Comparing flowers, children learn to highlight their common and individual characteristics.

move : Two to four children take part in the game. Conducted by an adult. The facilitator distributes one to each big map. The leader shuffles the small flower cards corresponding to these cards and puts them on the table face down. Then, opening one card at a time, he asks: "What is the name of this flower?", "Who has such a flower in the bouquet." The player says: “This is a red rose. This rose is in my bouquet. The answer is correct - the host gives him a small card. Wrong - leaves to itself. The winner is the one who first picks up all the flowers to the bouquet.

« Who needs what to work? »

Target : exercise in the classification of objects, the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

move : Educator: I will call a person by profession, and you will say what he needs for work. "Shoemaker!" - says v-l. "Nails, hammer, leather, boots, typewriter." - children answer. Also: doctor, educator, janitor, driver, cook, pilot.

Option 2: V-l names the objects for labor, and the children name the profession.

« I give a flower »

Target : Introduce children to different colors and help them learn their names. Comparing flowers, children learn to highlight their common and individual characteristics.

move : Three to six children participate in the game. The host distributes big cards- samples of bouquets that they will have to compose. Small cards are shuffled and distributed equally. Participants look at their flower cards and place them face down on their large bouquet cards without showing them to others. Turning to any participant, each player in turn gives him one of the small cards, some flower that was not included in his bouquet, says: "I give you a rose." And he replies: "And I give you an iris." Exchange until all participants make bouquets.

« What, what? »

Target : learn to coordinate an adjective with a noun in masculine, feminine and neuter genders.

move : Two to four children take part in the game. Pictures are laid out depicting objects of various kinds. The child takes any picture. For example, an umbrella. V-l asks: What umbrella? The child should answer: red, beautiful.

For example, a pear. V-l asks: What kind of pear? The child answers: yellow, juicy, tasty. (Same cf.)

« What is the same color? »

Target : to teach children to use adjectives in speech, correctly coordinating them with nouns in gender, number, case.

move : The teacher shows a green sheet. Children name its color, and then objects of the same color (they also use red, blue, yellow, orange, brown and purple).

Complication: gray, black, white colors.

« Call it in one word »

Target : to learn to use generalizing concepts in speech.

move : The teacher shows a card with the image: carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes. Children must first name each object, and then name these objects in one word. In this case, vegetables.

Crockery: cup, saucer, teapot, sugar bowl, plate, milk jug, etc.

Transport: passenger car, bus, tractor, truck, excavator, trolleybus, tram, etc.

Fruits: apple, pear, lemon, pineapple, etc.

Do the same with the topics of domestic and wild animals, toys, tools, flowers.

« Who - who? »

Target : to fix the cubs of domestic and wild animals.

move : Two children participate in the game. The teacher lays out cards with the image of adult animals - mothers. The children name them. Next, the cards of the cubs are laid out. A child picks up his cub for each mother. And the other child picks up the mother to the cub.

« What was missing? »

Target : learn to use nouns in speech genitive singular and plural.

move : the teacher lays out five, six pictures depicting objects of various kinds, first in singular. The child names these objects.

For example: one tomato, one pear, one apple, one carrot and one lemon. The child closes his eyes, and at this time the teacher removes one card. Opening his eyes, the child guesses - what is missing? Answer: one tomato was missing. Also play with cards, where the items are in the plural.

« Third, fourth, fifth extra »

Target : clarify generalizing concepts, develop observation, memory. To teach to recognize by a single sign, to develop the ability of children to compare, generalize. Cultivate love for wildlife.

move : in front of the child is a card with the image of objects of one lexical topic, and one object is extra. The child must name aloud all the objects and answer the question - which one is superfluous.

For example: “fourth extra” - cucumber, radish, apple, cabbage (an extra item is an apple, this is a fruit).

Similarly with the cards "third extra" and "fifth extra".

« One, two, five »


move : the child, looking at the picture, counts one object, two and five. For example: one apple, two apples, five apples. One candy, two candies, five candies.

« Count and say »

Target : exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns in f.r., m.r. and s.r.

move : the child, looking at the picture, counts the objects.

For example: one pear, two pears, three pears, four pears, five pears.

« Whose tail? »

Target : teach children to use possessive adjectives in speech.

move : large cards with the image of wild and domestic animals without tails are laid out. On small cards, only the tails of these animals. The child picks up the tail to the desired animal.

« name the word »

Target : audio automation "C


« name the word »

Target : audio automation "W » in a word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. Consolidation of the concept of "word".

move : The child lists the objects and animals that are depicted on the disk - a circle.

« name the word »

Target : audio automation "W » in a word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. Consolidation of the concept of "word".

move : The child lists the objects and animals that are depicted on the disk - a circle.

« Read by first sounds »

Target : consolidation of reading skills, development of attention, thinking.

move : There are 24 picture cards and 96 letter cards in the game. Offer to read the words by the first letters of the pictures and make them from a set of letters. You can also use a set of letters to compose other words.

« Divide words into syllables »

Target : strengthening the skills of sound analysis of a word, acquaintance with stress in words, development of memory, attention.

move : There are 32 picture cards and 16 diagram cards in the game. Suggest to name the pictures and divide the words into syllables. The cards need to be laid out on large cards in this way: where a trailer with one window - cards with words from one syllable, where with two - from two syllables, etc. Invite the child to choose schemes for words.

« Collect Bashkir dishes »


move : Children from five years old play. There are 18 cards in the game. Of these, 9 were cut into pieces. V-l says: “The dishes are broken. It is necessary to assemble a whole from parts - fragments.

« Bashkir patterns »

Target : continue to teach how to make a whole out of parts, develop thinking, observation.

move : A game for children from six years old. Included in the game: 9 cards - samples and 144 small squares. V-l says: “From small squares with patterns, you need to fold the pattern according to the samples.

« Get to know your element »


move : A game for children from six years old. Consists of 6 large cards and 36 small cards. 6, 3, 2 people take part in the game. They are dealt big cards. Small cards from the leader. The facilitator opens the card and says: “Describe the element and find it on the big map.” The winner is the one who quickly learns and picks up his elements.

« Bashkir loto »

Target : Develop memory, speech, thinking, observation.

move : A game for children from six years old. Consists of 7 large and 56 small cards. The leader distributes large cards to the players. Shows small cards, asks questions: “What is this? What game does it belong to? Unidentified cards are set aside. The one who closes his card the fastest wins.

« Weave carpet »

Target : Develop memory, speech, thinking.

move : A game for children from five years old. It consists of 7 large cards - samples and 112 small cards, from which you need to make a carpet pattern.

"Lotto"Target: Close sonorous sounds.

Number of players - from 2 to 6 people. Each player has one large card, the leader has small cards. The facilitator shows the picture without naming it. A player who has the same picture on a large card must name it, clearly pronouncing the sounds. If the child does not know the name of the picture, the host calls it himself, but the player does not receive the picture, and it remains with the host. The host does the same with respect to the player who did not clearly pronounce the name. The winner is the one who first closes all the pictures on the big card with small cards, or the one who at the end of the game will have fewer uncovered pictures.

"Fruits and vegetables", "Trees and flowers", "Animals and birds». Target: Close sonorous sounds.

For games, you need small cards on the stated topics.

2 people play. Before the game, they agree on who will collect what cards. For example: one with fruits, the other with vegetables.

Picture cards are laid out on the table in front of the children, face down. Players take turns opening them. If the picture is appropriate, the player must name it, clearly pronouncing the sounds. The player puts an unnecessary picture down without naming it. If he makes a mistake when naming the image of an object or pronounces it indistinctly, the picture is not given to him. The winner is the one who first collects 8 pictures on a given topic.

"Clean Up"

Target:closure of sonorous sounds.

move: Thumbnails of several topics are placed in disorder in front of the player. He must distribute all the pictures by topic, and then name each group of objects (vegetables, trees) with a generalizing word.

"Encrypt Pictures"


Stroke:play from 2 to 6 people. Players have big cards for a couple of sounds. The leader has small cards and chips: blue to indicate the hardness of sounds and green to indicate softness. The facilitator shows a card. A player who has the same picture on a large card must name it and determine what sound - hard or soft - is in the word: R or R, L or L. If the answer is correct, the player is given a small card and a chip. In case of an error, either a card (if the word is not named) or a chip (if hardness or softness is not defined) is not issued. The one with the most correct answers wins.

"Check by Pattern"

Target:strengthen the ability to distinguish sounds.

move: play from 2 to 6 people. Players have large cards and a set of blue and green chips. Players place chips on the pictures, determining whether the sound is hard or soft: R or R, L or L - is in the name of the picture. The correctness of the issue is checked by the players by the key, which is given to them at the end of the work. A penalty point is awarded for an error. The one with the fewest mistakes wins.

“Put the vegetables in the right baskets”

Target:close the ability to distinguish sounds.

move: players are given cards with the letters P (er) and L (el). The host has small cards on the topic "Vegetables". The host shows them, and the players name the pictures they need until they collect 8 pieces each. The first person to collect all the pictures wins.

"The Sounds Quarreled"


move: use small cards. 2-6 people play. Each player has one card with a letter and a set of cards from both groups with the sounds L and R without focusing on lexical topics in a quantity of 8 pieces. Players are invited to sort the cards into 2 groups depending on the presence in the words - the names of the pictures of the sounds L and R (the sounds quarreled and do not want to live in one box). At the same time, children should not name the pictures aloud. The winner is the one who correctly laid out their pictures first.

"Extra picture"

Target:development of phonemic representations.

move: The “extra” picture is one in the name of which there is no desired sound. Lex. The theme is irrelevant in this game. For example, 3 pictures with L sound and 1 with R sound and vice versa.

Soft variants of L and R are also taken.

"Pick pictures to schemes"

Target:finding the place of a sound in three positions (beginning, middle, end of a word)

move: play 2-4 people. The players have diagrams showing the position of the sound in the word in three positions and the letters L (el) and R (er). The leader has small cards with pictures, in the names of which the sounds L and R are in different positions in the word, 3 pictures for each position for the player. The host shows the pictures to each player in turn, and he must correctly determine the presence of a sound and its position in the word. The winner is the one who collects all the necessary pictures first.

"My favorite stories"

Target: development of memory of attention, thinking, speech.

move: Colored small cards for an adult, and black and white for children. Bewitched characters of favorite fairy tales are hidden behind black silhouettes. To disenchant them, you need to guess who is drawn on the cards. Look carefully. The one who recognizes his hero calls him and those fairy tales that are found in the cat. The host gives the player a colored card, with which he closes the silhouette. The winner is the one who first closed all the silhouettes.

"What juice?"

Target: to learn to form an adjective from a noun, to teach children to use adjectives in speech, related adjectives, to fix vegetables, fruits.

Stroke:the teacher shows the picture, the child names the vegetable or fruit shown in the picture. "Apple" - says the child. What juice is made from an apple? Apple.

"Where is whose house?"

Target: exercise in the classification of wild and domestic animals, learn to recognize them by a single sign, consolidate knowledge about animals. Develop attention, thinking. Cultivate love for wildlife.

"Rainbow Dance"

Target: exercise in the ability to talk about the color of sundresses and kokoshniks for nesting dolls. To consolidate the ordinal count, knowledge of the colors of the rainbow in their sequence.