Photo: social networks Valeria and Joseph - in Russian show business this is one of the most famous and influential couples. For more than 15 years of relationship, the gentle and fragile singer Valeria and her determined husband, producer Iosif Prigozhin, have repeatedly proved that two opposites, having united. can create a true pattern of harmony as in family life, as well as at work.

On April 2, their family celebrates an important event- Iosif Igorevich is 50 years old. We called the hero of the day to congratulate him and find out how he is going to celebrate this round date. “I will celebrate my birthday with friends. This time there will be few friends - 500 people. Everyone will gather, there will be a cultural program. Everything will be closed, without journalists,” Prigogine said.

The children of Prigozhin and Valeria will come to the anniversary

The people closest to Prigozhin and Valeria will come to the celebration - their children. Recall that the couple has six of them - three for one and three for the other. Some of the children live in Moscow, the rest will come from other countries. The 20-year-old daughter of Joseph Prigozhin, Lisa Prigozhina, is now studying in Geneva (Switzerland), and her brother, albeit not a half-blood, lives and works there, - 24 -year-old son of Valeria from her second marriage Artemy Shulgin. Both of them, of course, will not miss the anniversary. It is not known whether the mother of the producer Dinara Yakubovna will be present at the celebration. She lives in Israel and Prigozhin himself, according to recent rumors, planned to move to Israel for permanent residence. In March, he denied all the rumors, saying that he was quite satisfied with his life in Russia.

"Unclassified" diet from Valeria

He approached his sixth ten in excellent physical form. The fact is that for about two to three months the producer has been losing weight using a nutrition methodology based on personal experience his wife. “I am on a diet, I have already lost 11 kilograms and plan to lose at least ten more. The diet is called No secret by Valeria and this is the very case when you can eat and not get better - all the calories are listed in it and so on. ”Of course, proper nutrition the matter is not limited - together with his wife Valeria, today's birthday boy visits the gym. IN Lately on Prigozhin's Instagram page, more than once one could see videos from their joint classes. “We are working, getting ready for April 2,” Iosif Igorevich wrote under such a video back in late January.

0 September 27, 2016, 19:04

Joseph and Lisa Prigogine

17-year-old Lisa Prigozhina, the youngest daughter of Iosif Prigogine, is studying in Switzerland and plans to become a television producer in the future. girl support warm relationship with his father and his wife, and is also friends with his stepmother's daughter - ..


Elizaveta Prigozhina was born on January 15, 1999 in the family of Iosif Prigozhin and Leila Fattakhova, the owner of a PR agency. The girl's parents broke up 13 years ago, and Lisa supports a good relationship with her father: she comes to him for holidays in Moscow or spends time with her dad in European cities.

By the way, Lisa is friends with current spouse Joseph - singer Valeria, as well as her daughter Anna and son Artemy. Valeria herself was not only able to find an approach to youngest daughter wife, but also became friends with Joseph's ex-wife, Leila. If the opportunity arises, both families often spend time together.

Lisa and Joseph Prigogine

Note that Iosif Prigozhin has two more children - Dmitry and who were born in the marriage of the producer with Elena Prigozhina, Lisa rarely sees them. In addition, in the past, Prigozhin's youngest daughter had a small conflict with her sister: she then condemned Danae, who spoke unflatteringly about her father on one of the popular talk shows. Now Lisa prefers not to discuss her relationship with her father's children from her first marriage.

Study and hobby

Liza Prigozhina is studying at the College du Leman in Geneva - Joseph Prigogine and Valeria insisted on studying in Europe. In her free time, the girl is actively involved in sports, takes music and zumba lessons (a fitness program that combines elements of strength, aerobic and interval training).

It is also worth noting that Prigozhina plays the piano perfectly and takes part in school charity concerts with solo numbers (College Du Leman collaborates with charitable foundations). The girl organizes performances with her friends, and all the proceeds go to needy children in Africa.

Future plans

By the age of 17, Elizabeth had already decided that she would become a producer, but she wants to work exclusively in the field of television, but the musical field does not appeal to her. Lisa dreams of producing American TV series, to which she is not indifferent. In order for all her plans to come true, Lisa intends to enter the Los Angeles Film School, and after training, to build a career in Hollywood.

Instagram photo

18-year-old Danae Prigozhina spoke about the details family drama V in social networks

Scandal between Joseph Prigogine and his ex-wife did not leave indifferent their children, whom, according to the producer himself, their mother wants to leave without housing. 18-year-old Danaya Prigozhina, after making the family conflict public, opened up on social networks and shared the details of the family drama. According to the girl, her father never paid them due attention and was ashamed of the offspring from his first marriage. He was ashamed of us all his life, is that normal? - complains Danae Prigogine. - For me, this is how parents should love, and not throw in Hard time.In public, "my children", and without the public, "you are not a daughter, a creature, a bitch" - the words of the pope! All this is a lie! I am 18, my brother is 26, and we have the right to decide for ourselves. My mother does not drink, as he says, she is adequate.

For the 46-year-old producer, his lawyer Sergey Zhorin immediately stood up.

“In vain you are. He loves you and worries, - writes Sergey. - Joseph is worried that you and Dima will stay on the street. I know what I'm talking about."

"", 04/28/15, "Joseph Prigogine's daughter Lisa: Danae, stop humiliating your father"

After posting on social media producer's daughter - 18-year-old Danai - from behind the phenomenon that the father was ashamed of his children all his life, followed by a response from the youngest daughter of Prigogine. The girl did not support her sister in her opinion and accused her of lying.

“Tell me, please, do you consider your behavior normal? Do you think it's okay to lie in public? We are together at all the holidays, at Lera's concerts together, we also went to Switzerland and Dubai to relax together. And you lie, humiliating the person who gave you life and who invested in you more than anyone will ever invest. You blindly believe what you don't understand and refuse to see how much your dad loves you. But you betray him and keep lying. Please stop dishonoring our surname, I also wear it, only with pride, ”writes the daughter of Joseph Prigogine Lisa. His wife Valeria and designer Igor Gulyaev have already supported Joseph in the comments.

The touching message that Danae addressed to her father on his birthday was deleted by the girl from the page on the social network. In addition, the middle daughter of Prigogine is going to get rid of the name of a once close person in the near future.

Bloggers also rushed to connect to the family scandal. Internet users urge the daughter of a famous producer to think sensibly and accuse her of hypocrisy.

The director of the Joseph Prigozhin production center, Stas Kalinkin, also accuses Danae of lying. The girl deleted her post congratulating her father from her Instagram page, but a similar message remained on the Vkontakte social network. According to Comrade Joseph, Prigogine's daughter would not have congratulated her father so touchingly if her accusations were true.

“I will not give offense to my boss. Tell me, please, did you lie on April 2 in order to receive another tranche of money from dad, publishing such a congratulation? (which you deleted from Instagram, but foolishly forgot about Vkontakte). Or are you lying now because you are in the share and participate in fraudulent machinations with your mother? - the director of the production center of Joseph Prigozhin, Stas Kalinkin, is indignant. “There is simply no other option. You write that "daddy was ashamed of us." First, speak for yourself. Dima, unlike you, received higher education and he has no complaints against the pope, and he would hardly have allowed himself to compose such nonsense. Or maybe dad was ashamed and that's why he invited you to his concerts in the Kremlin and posted your photos on social networks? Or is it just jealousy, rapidly developing into envy and hatred towards Valeria's children? Stop immediately. You know that I saved all the bills, warrants and checks from cool iPhones, treadmills and other benefits that you and your mother immediately resold. Stop living like this. You are 18, Dima is 26, and you are still around your dad's neck. For God's sake, so be it, we humbled ourselves, but we did not sign up to support your mother's suitors for many years and sponsor daily banquets and multi-million dollar loans. And in general, you should be ashamed to make any claims against your father, having several apartments within a five-minute walk from the Kremlin.”

"", 04/28/15, “The ex-wife of Joseph Prigogine deprived their children of a common living space”

Russian producer Iosif Prigozhin has been happily married to singer Valeria for more than ten years and is raising her three children with her. However, the provision of heirs from previous unions is still entirely on his shoulders. So, having parted fourteen years ago with his first wife, housewife Elena Prigozhina, the 46-year-old producer purchased property for their common children. It's about about two apartments in Moscow bought for his son Dmitry and daughter Danai. However, as SUPER managed to find out, 49-year-old Elena suddenly decided to sell the living space without the knowledge of her children, and also without informing Prigozhin himself.

As it turned out, all this time a non-working woman took consumer loans in banks. For them, she paid with the money that Joseph sent to support the children. Several times she turned to her ex-husband with a request to give her a large amount, ostensibly to provide for her family and pay off the bank. After the money was credited to the woman's account, the producer invariably lost touch with his ex-wife.

Moreover, according to relatives, Elena Evgenievna began to live with a 28-year-old security guard named Dmitry. A young man originally from Stavropol is now serving time in a local military colony.

To date, the woman owed the bank about three million rubles. At the same time, immediately after receiving a large amount from Prigozhin, Elena, instead of paying the loan, left for another city and disappeared from communication.

According to Prigozhin's lawyer Sergei Zhorin, in February of this year, Elena sold one of the apartments in the center of Moscow. Odnushka on Pokrovka Street was originally intended for the eldest son Joseph - 26-year-old Dmitry. The producer's children also own another apartment in the same house, which, according to relatives, is also this moment put up for sale.

Zhorin confirmed that the living space intended for the children of his client was sold by his ex-wife. In addition, the eldest son of the producer did not even know that he was no longer the owner of the apartment.

Yes, some time ago Joseph Prigozhin really contacted me, concerned that his children might lose the housing he left them, parting with his wife, - told SUPER the details family scandal advocate. - I began to raise information and found out that one of the apartments had already been sold. According to information from the real estate register, the apartment intended for Dmitry belongs to the organization, and he himself does not know about it. According to him, Elena explained to the children that she wanted to sell the apartments so that they could move apart and live apart. According to preliminary information, the living space was registered to Elena illegally. I plan to wait for Prigozhin to make a decision whether to prosecute her or not, but there is every reason for this.

SUPER contacted Iosif Prigozhin himself, who said that he was in shock from the actions of his ex-wife.

I wouldn't like to talk about it. God is her judge, - Joseph shared his point of view on the family conflict with SUPER. - It seems to me that I acted like a man - I left in some shorts and left them everything, including the land in the Domodedovo region, which, as it turned out, she had already sold to someone. The children are now of age. It hurts and hurts me that I've been fooled all this time. I bought property not for her, but for my children. I'm just shocked! I'm afraid that she just zombified the children and they were forced to sign a refusal.

The producer also noted that he regularly helped his son and daughter with money. In addition, the ex-wife threatens his assistants by phone.

All these years I did everything so that my children would not be infringed in anything. Provided, paid for their education, financed, paid for everything, up to the rent. But I could not even imagine that this money went past them for the maintenance of Elena's new men! Joseph is angry. I don't know what's in this man's head. She turns my children against me solely for the purpose of making them sign documents and quickly escape to Stavropol. This news took me by surprise: I am now in China with Valeria and I learn this from you. In addition, today my assistant Stanislav also called me and said that Lena called him. She promised that "her new friends would deal with him if he sticks his nose in other people's business." I didn't talk to her because they don't answer my phone. I will understand this issue in the legal field and look for a civilized solution. I'm afraid that she herself would not become a victim of some criminal fraud!

The family war has resulted in father and daughter threatening each other with legal action and cursing each other on social media.

Life eldest daughter Iosif Prigogine is reminiscent of a plot from ancient Greek mythology- more than once filmed tragedy "Danae". According to legend, the girl became a prisoner of her own father, who imprisoned her in an underground copper house because of a prophecy that her son would kill her.

Having lived all her life in the shadow of her famous dad, a 19-year-old girl watched on blue screens how children bathe in glory current wife Prigogine - singer Valeria. However, the attempts of the young singer and model to break into show business led to a huge scandal in the family, because of which the father and daughter renounced each other.

Family squabbles of the Prigozhins have long been made public. The producer's daughter accused her father of threats by publishing her correspondence with him. In the message that Joseph sent own daughter, the following was written:

"You're very limited person. You do everything to be even further away from me, and you leave no chance for peace. The deeper you climb, the harder it will be to get out. PR gathered their stupidity and stupidity. Don't you think that you have megalomania, or rather an empty star disease out of the blue? You use tricks and lies for self-promotion purposes. I will be forced to hire lawyers and put you on trial for insulting honor and dignity, despite the fact that you are my daughter. And then you will remain in disgrace. Shut your mouth. This is my last warning."

Iosif Prigogine's message addressed to his own daughter.

In response, the girl asked her father to leave her alone, noting that she was deprived of parental love, and Prigogine is not worried about her, but about her reputation.

Now the war between the producer and his children from his first marriage has reached its climax - once again without dividing the property, the Prigogines stopped communicating due to family business. This time, the stumbling block was the firm founded by Joseph's ex-wife Elena and her new husband, businessman Dmitry Shlapak.

A year ago, the woman decided to sell two apartments on Pokrovka Street, which, according to Prigozhin, he bought for his children. The man was outraged that he ex-wife and her husband manage the property that he left for his children - Dmitry and Danai.

In his interviews, he said more than once that Elena turned to her ex-husband with a request to give her a large amount in order to provide for her family and pay off the bank. After the money was credited to the woman's account, the producer invariably lost contact with his ex-wife.

The children, in turn, decided to support their mother, who by that time, according to the documents, had collected loans for almost three million rubles. On social networks, Danae once again attacked her father with criticism, saying that he was ashamed of children from his first marriage all his life.

“He was ashamed of us all his life, is that normal? For me, this is how parents should love, and not leave in difficult times. In public - “my children”, and without the public “you are not a daughter, creature, bitch” - the words of the pope !"

Danae Prigogine

Meanwhile, money was tight in the family: Danae studied as a make-up artist, and the elder Dmitry was not hired due to a hearing disability. The money that was raised from the sale of real estate, according to relatives, went to the implementation of the business of Elena and her husband. The couple is engaged in buying up KAMAZ trucks, which they then rent out to help their children without the help of a famous producer.

Now my husband and I have a business in Stavropol - a transport company, but it has nothing to do with Prigozhin, - the ex-wife of the producer told Life. - We are going to buy another apartment now, so that our son would have his own. Everyone has an apartment to finally live separately.

The reason for another grandiose conflict between father and daughter was her arrival on the television project "Dom-2". Upon learning that the girl, who was building a career as a makeup artist and plus-size model, was going to build love on one of the most popular reality shows in the country, Prigozhin made a statement that his daughter was a disgrace to his entire family. For the girl herself instead own father only the host of the project, Olga Buzova, stood up.

"In fact, it is necessary to prove and show love to me by actions and by its viability. It would be better if I were pleased with my studies and education. Dad promoted the surname, and she has no more relation to it than Zhirinovsky to ballet"

Iosif Prigogine in an interview with Life

18 year old model plus size took part in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2". However, after a negative reaction to the act of her father's daughter Joseph Prigozhin, the girl was forced to leave the project, reports Lady Mail.Ru.

The day before, the daughter of Joseph Prigogine broke up with her boyfriend. To forget young man, the girl came to the TV set "Dom-2". Upon learning of his daughter's act, the popular producer spoke sharply about her decision.

“I am very ashamed and embarrassed that Danae went to Dom-2. But what can I do? The family is not without its black sheep - I’m not talking about my family now, but in general. Then let him change his last name for the sake of the project. After all, her mother has a husband with the surname Shlapak. If Danaya Shlapak were there, she wouldn’t do that, because she is cunning, "said the popular producer.

According to the star of "House-2" Olga Buzova, after learning about her father's reaction, Danae Prigozhina looked seriously frightened. "It's terrible. It was very painful for me to hear these insults. On the project, the girl was even a little intimidated," quotes the TV presenter.

As a result, Danae Prigozhina had to leave the scandalous project. “Guys, I came to the project and left! And I didn’t go to Vengrzhanovsky. Everything they write is complete nonsense ... I didn’t like it there. There was a desire, I came, looked like that, and left,” the girl said.