Today we will talk about all the most common types of parrots that are most often kept at home.

Wavy parrots. One of the smallest parrots (they weigh 30-45 grams). The advantage is their global distribution around the world, low price and unpretentiousness. There are ordinary and exhibition parrots (slightly larger and, as it were, more serious from the outside. Their variety of colors is also surprising: green, blue, yellow, white, multi-colored, with and without waves. Another feature is a good imitation of human speech. A small bird can learn up to 200 words and pronounce whole sentences, and with due care, it will also become good friend who will haunt you throughout the apartment and do all the work with you. Parrots live on average 10-15 years.

. Small parrots, about the size of budgerigars, but more stocky. Have powerful beak, and very bright coloring. They do not require much attention if they live in pairs, they are very curious and interesting to watch, whether it is one bird or a couple. They are practically not amenable to learning, and instead of singing, they chirp and crackle more. Live 15-20 years. However, it is these birds that are increasingly gaining popularity with home owners, because they are so interesting to watch! At the same time, the birds are unpretentious and do not require the presence of large aviaries.

Medium parrots reach up to 30 cm, weigh 80-120 grams. These parrots are distinguished by a funny crest on the head and pink cheeks. Unpretentious and easy to keep at home, however, they require a more spacious dwelling than lovebirds or budgerigars. They can be taught to speak. Males sing beautifully after puberty, girls are quieter and calmer. Live 25-35 years.

Kakariki. Medium parrots reach 26 cm. Such parrots feed more on juicy than grain feeds that are familiar to us. However, when buying from pet stores, owners are more likely to feed them grain-based food. Kakariki are very curious and inquisitive birds, they easily breed in captivity, while being kept alone, they become attached to a person.

Rosella. The size does not exceed 30 cm. The colorful birds move in short flights, quickly run along the ground. Birds are called flat-tailed appearance and structural features of the tail. Houses are selective to feed and are difficult to reproduce. Aggressors and do not like the presence of other parrots. But they sing wonderfully, though they don’t talk. they get used to the person quickly and are friendly.

Sparrow parrots. Reach only 10-12 cm in length, weigh 30-35 grams. Average duration life is 10-15 years. The conditions for keeping parrots are similar to those for budgerigars, although it will be much more difficult to find breeders who deal with these birds. By nature they are very affectionate, but stubborn. When defending the territory, they can be aggressive. Unfortunately, just like the lovebirds practically do not speak, the vocabulary reaches 10-15 words. However, these birds are very cute and are increasingly winning the hearts of people.

Ara. These are those big, bright, cool parrots that pop into our minds when we hear the word parrot. Such birds grow up to 90 cm. They are very popular, but at the same time they are significantly expensive and require a whole aviary for flights and a comfortable life. These are very noisy birds, jealous if you do not pay attention to them. Therefore, not everyone will be able to keep such pets. They imitate human speech very well, live 50-60 years, are sociable. But at the same time, they bite very painfully and strongly, so it is important to create a friendly environment with such a bird, otherwise it will be difficult for you to live with such a pet.

Cockatoo. Like many types of parrots, there are various subspecies, in particular white and black, with a yellow crest and a pink crest. If cockatoos are domesticated, fed by people, they can become excellent companions. However, these are very noisy birds, and many owners recognize this particular species as the most active, hooligan and jealous. They are very fond of playing, screaming, flying - which requires a large aviary for good maintenance. Living in an apartment, ora cockatoos are unlikely to bring you closer to your neighbors.

Jaco. Representatives of large parrots reach up to 33 cm, weigh 400-600 grams. These parrots do not differ in exquisite appearance, but they are the most intelligent, know many words, and are easy to train. They get bored without a person, they cannot live in peace, they are sad and depressed. Therefore, these parrots need attention almost all day long which requires an experienced owner. Such parrots live 60-80 years.

Amazons. They belong to large parrots. They are easy to train, easy to learn and imitate human speech. Amazons are loud, so keeping them in a city apartment is quite problematic. Amazons are very attached to a particular person, they live for more than 50 years.

Lorikeets. They belong to medium parrots. Interesting and active birds. They eat pollen and nectar, not seeds. Very friendly and easily attached to people. Live up to 20 years. They can easily be kept in an apartment, by the way they are very easy to learn, they imitate human speech well.

Senegal parrot. Very interesting parrots. They have a high intelligence, as well as many others, a great ability to learn. It will be a good alternative to expensive Aru or Jaco, because the Senegalese parrot is more inexpensive. Unlike many large parrots, there are no special problems with keeping Senegals.

Alexandrian parrot. Reaches up to 60 cm in length, but this is mainly due to the long and beautiful tail feathers. The Alexandrian parrot has a calm and friendly nature, but it can happen that it will become attached to one person. This type of parrot is distinguished by good intelligence and the ability to speak, in this moment very popular with parrot owners.

Necklace parrot. The size is average, up to 50-60 cm with a tail. The coloration is predominantly green, on the chest there is a pink rim, which gave the name to the species. These parrots rely on their beak when walking. The characteristic mode of movement is associated with the natural weakness of the legs. The friendly nature and intelligence of the bird makes it popular among lovers of domestic birds.

A multi-colored parrot has long been one of the leading places among pets. How much can you read interesting reviews about them. For a long time they have been brought from exotic countries. On the pages of more than one glossy magazine, these bright birds are placed to increase their attractiveness. The article does not consider all, but the most common types of parrots, given short description and photos of some of them.

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How many types of parrots are there in the world?

It is probably impossible to answer exactly the question of how many exotic birds there are in the world and what breeds of parrots are. There is more than one glossy catalog with photos of parrots. You can only give general information about the number of these birds and their habitat. Ornithologists roughly calculated how many species of parrots exist: they counted 80 breeds and 350 species.

Their names are varied, often they reflect the characteristics of the breed, and sometimes they just have an original name, for example, a king parrot. All birds are brightly colored. Therefore, when a feathered pet appears in the house, all family members are in a good mood and it becomes even more fun to live. All sizes vary from 9 cm to one meter.

Budgerigars are the most popular for home keeping, followed by lovebirds and korelas.

They do not require special care, sociable and friendly. Many birds have a special vocal apparatus, thanks to which they make various sounds, repeat melodies, but not all can imitate the human voice. On the Internet, you can read a lot of rave reviews about talking birds and watch videos.

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Varieties of the most popular decorative poultry

What kind of parrots do not exist in the world. It seems that as many flowers exist, there are so many varieties of these birds.

All types of parrots live in places with a tropical and subtropical climate.

Below are the most popular types of parrots.

araThese large birds reach a length of 90 cm. They are the owners of bright plumage, which is dominated by yellow, red, green and blue shades. Among all types of brothers, these are centenarians, as they live 40-80 years.
AmazonThese birds are among the popular "talking" birds. Their size is from 30 to 45 cm. They mostly have green plumage. They can live up to 45 years. Habitat - South and Central America also live in the Caribbean.
Barraband parrotHas a green body. Forehead, neck and cheeks yellow. Length 40 cm. Lives in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.
WavyAmong these birds, you can find individuals of all colors of the rainbow. In addition, they differ in appearance: harlequins, crested, etc. The body size is 17-20 cm. They live for about 10 years, but some can live up to 25 years. Natural habitat - Australia.
JacoAmong talking birds, they are the best at imitating the human voice. Feather color is grey. They can live up to 70 years. The body length is 30-45cm. Habitat - equatorial Africa.
CockatooA distinctive feature of this species is the crest on the head. The main color is white, pink or yellowish is possible, rarely black. The size of the body can be from 30 to 60 cm. Homeland - Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia.
CorellaThey have, like cockatoos, a crest on their heads. The body size reaches 30 cm. Mostly olive in color, they are gray. This variety is distributed throughout the Australian continent.
king parrotRoyal parrot - medium bird body size 43 cm. The color of the wings and back is green, the belly is red. The females have a green head, the males have a red head. The king parrot lives in Australia. They can live an average of 25 years.
parrotThe Carolina parrot is an endangered species. This beautiful bird had a grassy green body and a red-orange head. They reached a size of 32 cm. Caroline lived in North America. Life expectancy averaged 35 years.
Chinese parrotThe color of the body is green, 40-50 cm long. The birthplace of the bird is China, the region of Tibet, the northern part of India.
red-winged parrotMales are brighter in color. The front of the body is bright green, the wings and back are black. The ends of the wings are green. The length of the bird is 30-33 cm. The red-winged parrot lives in Australia and New Guinea.
Congo parrotThe main part of the body has a bright saturated green color. The size of the bird is 25-29 cm. The habitat is Western and Central Africa.
LoriThese are small parrots with a body length of 18 to 35 cm. Most often, the body is green, and the feathers on the head are blue. They live in Tasmania, the Philippine Islands and Polynesia.
Azure ParrotIt has a bright color: the upper body is dark green, and the lower egg-yellowish color. Possible combinations of sky blue, red and white flowers. Body length 22 cm. Homeland - South Australia, New South Wales.
Bald parrotThey are born with green feathers on their heads and bright primary plumage. Then the feathers fall out. Some representatives of this species go bald due to illness. The habitat is the Madeira and Tapajos rivers in Brazil, as well as the Amazon basin.
LovebirdsThese are bright beautiful birds, unpretentious in care. They got their name because of their way of life. Having chosen once a life partner, they live together until the end of their days. Life expectancy is 20 years. The color is mostly greenish, the breast is painted in a different color. The body is up to 17 cm long. Their historical homeland is Southeast, Southwest Africa, found in Madagascar.
necklaceBirds have a color of feathers - green or yellow-green. The body length can be from 30 to 50 cm. Habitat - Africa and Asia, also found in Madagascar and Australia.
pyrruraThe main color of the plumage is green. The corps is defrosted from 22-29 cm. In captivity, they live 13-15 years. These birds are native to South America.
RosellaThe plumage is varied color scheme. They can live 20 years. Unpretentious. The body length is 30 cm. They are representatives of the Australian continent.
Luxurious mountain parrotThe mountain parrot reaches a length of 40 cm. Males and females have a different color: yellow plumage predominates in males, olive green in females. The mountain parrot lives in Australia.
blackheadThe main part of the body has green plumage. The forehead, cheeks and throat are black, hence the name. The breast has a bluish-green color. Body size 30 cm. Lives in America.
ToucanDistinguishing feature - a long nose. The body size is from 20 to 50 cm, depending on the species. The color of the feathers is dominated by black, on the neck there is a shirt-front white. He comes from South and Central America.

Note to parents: young children are often allergic to parrots!

Photo gallery

The photo below shows some types of parrots.

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Video "How to choose a budgerigar"

Many parents do not want to get cats or dogs because of care problems. Therefore, as an alternative, wavy birds or other small birds are chosen. This video explains what you need to pay attention to when choosing budgerigars.

Having a talking bird at home is not a new idea, and not even an original one. But the desire to have such an “interlocutor” is quite understandable. And it is fashionable (moreover, it is fashionable at all times), and it is interesting and exciting. But the breeds of parrots are so diverse that it is rather difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular one. Some of them are more affordable, others are attracted by their exotic appearance, and still others are disarmed by their unique imitation abilities. And it’s really not easy to choose “your” mockingbird from them. But let's try to do it. So, talking parrots: breeds and abilities.

Most Capable

The list of breeds of talking parrots is rightfully headed by the gray jaco. He, of course, is not as bright as the others, but his abilities are unsurpassed. Parrots of this breed are able to learn more than a hundred words and even phrases. In addition to a rich vocabulary, they also have the ability to imitate the timbre of the voice, intonations of the speaker, as well as vocal data. Yes, yes, do not be surprised: Jacos are able to memorize and whistle unpretentious melodies. A talking Jaco is easy to confuse (by ear, of course) with a talking person!

In the content, Jaco does not cause any particular problems, but has a complex character. He gets used to the new environment for a long time, does not forgive insults, is inclined to win back leadership positions, is noisy and restless. Prefers to move around the house on foot, likes to demonstrate Bad mood and hold a grudge. But if the owner finds a “common language” with this bird, is affectionate and patient, then the Jaco always reciprocates.

Amazons are next on the list. There are more than twenty varieties of this breed, but the most common are blue-fronted, Cuban, Venezuelan. These are bright birds of a flashy green color with white, blue, yellow or red markings. It is believed that they are the most easily trainable among all large parrots. In addition, Amazons are able to break the record for the number of learned words, and they pronounce them quite clearly. But here are the intonations and the timbre of the voice ... This is beyond their power.

In general, Amazons are easily tamed, adapt quickly, behave calmly, do not make noise or scandal. If there are children in the family, then of all the large parrots, it is worth choosing the Amazon. The only drawback is the increased requirements for comfort (Amazons tolerate drafts worse). But they are very affectionate to humans.

Cockatoos will be smaller than previous breeds. Thanks to their luxurious plumage, cheerful disposition, energy and unpretentiousness, these parrots have become one of the most popular breeds. In addition, they begin to speak quickly, pronounce words clearly, are able to imitate the style of speech of different people and whistle melodies of songs. They are good-natured and gentle with the owners, unpretentious and responsive to affection.

However, their affection sometimes borders on tyranny. So, for example, a tamed cockatoo will tirelessly demand attention from you, attracting it with loud and persistent cries. In the absence of the owner, these parrots begin to get bored and mope, and without him (in freedom) they can die at all. So what about good rest in peace and quiet you will have to forget while an energetic and eccentric (and very fond of flying around the apartment) cockatoo lives in your house.

Ara (arara) is the most intelligent talker among all talking parrots. Lexicon representatives of this breed have a small (no more than twenty words), but they speak clearly, and most importantly - “in the subject”. That is, it is the macaws that are most capable of associative “speaking”. They, better than other parrots, consciously associate ongoing events with specific words from their vocabulary. Such an ability can simply shock an outsider, because it seems that the parrot really understands everything that he says and pronounces words and phrases consciously.

Outwardly, all macaws are very impressive: they have a colorful and bright plumage, a very large and strongly curved beak - a real "parrot" appearance. With all this, these birds behave with dignity. They are not fussy, never scream for no reason, graceful in their movements and unpretentious in their care. These are truly intelligent birds, with virtually no flaws. The only obstacle to the acquisition may be its cost. But this is understandable: better quality the more expensive the item.

Simply capable

  • Lori parrots are able to imitate human speech and other sounds even without special training, but students are considered capable. These are small and very bright parrots with a friendly character, which are also easily tamed. However, keeping them at home is quite problematic, since this type of parrot is selective in food. Lorikets are parrots from the same group, also of unusually bright colors and also capable of learning. They can remember up to fifty words, but they are not able to pronounce them clearly.
  • Eclectus. A large, easily tame parrot with a striking exotic appearance. Eclectus is also capable of learning, but speaks worse than other breeds. In care, it is relatively whimsical, but has an even character and is perfect as a pet, beautiful, but not very talkative.
  • Lovebirds, rosellas and cockatiels complete the list of talking parrot breeds. They can learn a few words, but they are not particularly strong in learning. Therefore, they are kept in the house solely for aesthetic reasons. Nevertheless, quite capable and even talented individuals can be found among the representatives of these breeds.


This species of talking parrots should be mentioned separately. And you need to do this for one simple reason. In the absence of sufficient funds to purchase a large parrot of an exotic breed, you can pay attention to these babies. The budgerigar will quite cope with the role of a domestic feathered "speaker". Despite the fact that they do not pronounce the words very clearly, these small birds can simply amaze with their vocabulary.

Budgerigars are trained willingly, they also “chat” with pleasure. In addition, in the vastness of our country, this is the most common breed of talking parrots. With their small size, they not only live in captivity for a long time (about twenty years), but also breed well, and also do not require any special conditions of detention. They are easily tamed, adapt perfectly to any environment, love to fly and play. And they bring joy to their owners no less than expensive and rare breeds of talking parrots.

Therefore, having learned what breeds of parrots talk and how pronounced they have the ability to imitate, do not rush to spend money on the most expensive specimens. Please note that among representatives of any breed, both especially gifted specimens and mediocrity can be found. So in many ways the success of the choice will depend on the bird itself, in some ways on you, and in some ways on providence.

In addition to the well-known wavy, cockatoo and cockatiel, there are many other breeds of domestic parrots. Initially, of course, they are all from their natural habitat, but all are tameable. Let's talk about the most popular varieties of parrots with photos and descriptions.

Breeds of domestic parrots:

Small and medium parrot breeds

Small and friendly budgerigars

The most popular parrots in Russia, and in the world. The size of adult wavy is from 16 to 20 cm, and they weigh up to 50 grams. They live for about 10 years, but everything is individual - in rare cases they can live up to 25 years. main reason popularity low cost with high intelligence, and the ability to teach a parrot to speak. The main (natural) color is green, but there are other, sometimes bizarre colors:

White-blue and yellow budgerigar

Black budgerigar

Wavy blue parrot photo

Corella (Nymph) - features and varieties of the breed

A little more expensive, a little smarter and bigger budgerigars Corella, or, as they are also called, nymphs. They rightfully occupy the second line in popularity among other breeds of domestic parrots. You can consider them one of the most tame parrots. Average life expectancy is 20 years. The size of an adult nymph reaches 32-34 cm, including the tail. Weigh an average of 90 grams. An attractive feature of the cockatiel is the crest, which is why it is also called the crested parrot. Colors can be different, but the most common is a gray body, yellow head and crest, orange cheeks. You can read more about the conditions for keeping this bird in the article.

The friendliest parrot breed is the lovebird

The lovebirds got their name for a reason: wild nature they live in pairs, they are distinguished by a special manifestation of tenderness for each other and a constant presence close to each other - even when searching for food or materials for the nest, the female flies away not far from the male, is in the hearing zone. Yes, it is a female, because matriarchy prevails in these birds. However, do not think that lovebirds will also be nice to you - at the same time, these birds are one of the most aggressive and impudent parrots. Other pets, as a rule, are not tolerated at all. If you have acquired a pair of untamed lovebirds, it is unlikely that you will ever be able to tame them - they have enough of each other's company.

These are small parrots, reaching only 17 cm in size. But, unlike wavy ones, they have a smaller tail, and most of it is the body. The nature of the lovebirds is curious, they definitely need to explore everything and test it on their beak. They speak reluctantly, can learn up to 10 words. If you got such a pet without a mate, you should definitely pay a lot of attention to it, otherwise the bird will experience frequent stress. How to diversify the leisure time of a feathered friend, you can find out in the material

From the photo you can see that these birds have a lot of colors.

Singing breed of Rosella parrots

Not the most the best choice if you want to have a talking parrot. But, unlike the same jacos and macaws, the voice is very pleasant and melodic - rosellas love to sing melodies, and do it beautifully and with expression. They are distinguished by a calm disposition and friendliness to people. However, you should not plant other types of parrots in their cage; in relation to such neighbors, rosellas are intolerant and most likely will fight.

Rosella has a medium size (from 20 to 30 cm), a small beak and bright plumage of a wide variety of colors. According to the colors, they are also divided into subspecies.

Hand parrot Amazon

If you want a talking and intelligent parrot, but the macaw is too expensive and big, and the gray is not very beautiful, there is a great option: the Amazon parrot. According to the ability to learn words, these birds take second place. In addition to words, they can repeat anything: from the sounds of various animals to playing the violin. Moreover, a characteristic and amazing ability is the reproduction of sounds, taking into account intonation and, as they say, “in the subject”.

Amazon is very easy to tame, because the history of their "friendship" with a person has been going on for a long time. By the way, it is believed that traditionally they sit on the shoulders of pirates. These birds are very sweet and friendly, they can become a reliable friend and participant in all everyday activities.

Amazons reach an average size of 30 cm, but there are species up to 45 cm. Life expectancy is up to 50 years. To maintain the house, it is important to provide suitable conditions: it is not recommended to lower the temperature below 18 degrees, and the air humidity should be within 60-90%. Still, do not forget that these parrots originally lived in the tropics. Amazon parrot subspecies in photos:

The most popular types of amazon parrot

Monk (Kalita) - European pigeon

Another species of talking parrots, which lends itself perfectly to training and gets along well with a person. In Russia, they are only gaining popularity when, for example, in Brazil or Spain they are considered “urban” birds: like our pigeons, they live among people. Moreover, they often seek to get rid of them, as they cause significant damage to agricultural fields.

Their name monk comes from the similarity of color with the cassock: green back, tail, upper part of the head and light bottom of the head and torso. By nature, cheeky, curious, playful. One of my favorite hobbies is to store all the small things found somewhere in a secret place. It is quite easy to accustom to hands, especially if tamed from childhood. A few dozen words can be remembered, but the voice is hoarse and not very pleasant, which is why not everyone wants to buy such a bird. See the most common monk parrot colors in the photo:

Parrot Kalita natural color
A bred kalit parrot with a bluish tint of plumage

Large breeds of parrots. Photos and description.

Cockatoo, funny crested parrot

One of the most beautiful parrots, they are distinguished by their special playfulness and developed intelligence. They do not really like to talk, but they can learn a certain number of words. The life span is 70-90 years, so think before buying - such a feathered one for life. There are many types of cockatoo, ranging in size from 30 to 70 cm and the most various colors. All are united by a crest on the head, and a special shape of the beak. By the way, their name is also from the beak: kakatua is translated as wire cutters, which resemble their beak. Photos of the most popular types of cockatoos:

Yes, yes, these are all cockatoos: white, black, pink and red ...

Giant feathered macaw

One of the most famous, large and colorful parrots. The largest breed of parrots. Probably everyone has heard about them, but not everyone can get such a parrot. Let's explain why:

- First of all, because of the high cost of the bird - the prices of some can reach a million. This is due to the fact that macaw parrots for a long time actively caught and this led to the virtual extinction of some species, and macaws breed quite rarely;

- Also, these birds have a very strong beak: not only furniture, but also a family member can suffer. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to their upbringing, with aggression on your part, the macaw can easily reciprocate.

- Due to its large size (up to 100 cm), the parrot requires a large room for keeping. In addition to a large cage, he also needs to fly somewhere.

If this does not stop you, we offer you to see photos of the most popular subspecies of the macaw parrot. And in the material “How much do parrots cost in Russia”, you can find out where and for how much you can buy a feathered friend.

No comment, just admire these beauties:

The smartest parrot

Not the most beautiful of all breeds of domestic parrots. It has a gray plumage and a red tail (the subspecies has a red-tailed jaco). But, the nondescript appearance is fully compensated by the highest intelligence among parrots, amazing ability to learn the language, emotional behavior and affection for a person (with proper education). The size of a Jaco parrot reaches 35 cm. Life expectancy is up to 50 years. It is better to acquire a young chick so that the pet can get used to you, and it’s nice when you know that you taught the feathered everything yourself.

IN natural environment The parrot spends all its time on flights, searching for food and communicating with relatives. Therefore, in captivity, under secure living conditions, the Jaco parrot, like no other, requires entertainment and attention. Due to his high intelligence, he is bored just sitting in one place in a cage, or even flying around one room. It is imperative that you either deal with him daily - teach conversation, various commands, or provide logic games so that the parrot has something to occupy his outstanding mind. For the same reason, a parrot's cage should be a real impregnable fortress - it can easily open ordinary locks.

An interesting feature: the Jaco parrot is prone to dominance, so the cage must be placed either at a level no higher than the eyes, so as not to look down. Below you can see photos of this amazing bird:

red-tailed parrot
Brown-tailed, common jaco parrot

We have analyzed only the most popular varieties of parrots with photos and descriptions, you can find out about lesser-known birds in our next material: Rare breeds of parrots with photos.

The only way to buy a bird that will definitely talk is to immediately look for a talking parrot. If there is a desire to grow a "talker" yourself, you need to choose from young parrots those species that are easiest to train.

There are several types of parrots that are easy to train to speak. Birds of these species are smart enough to remember dozens to hundreds of words.

African gray

The African Gray Parrot is famous for its memory for words and clarity of speech, as well as its high intelligence. The African Gray tops the wish lists of many bird breeders. Some representatives of this species can memorize a dozen words and phrases, others boast a stock of hundreds of complex expressions.


Many parrots of this species learn quickly enough, while enjoying their own vocal abilities. These quick-witted birds are demanding on the speech of their owners: if the owners do not want to hear something inappropriate from their feathered friends one day, they will have to watch their speech.

Indian collar

Indian Collared Parrots can speak very clearly and memorize large amounts of text. There is a story that monks once bred them, and the birds repeated prayers heard in the garden of the monastery. Presented on the Internet great amount videos in which collar parrots read complex and long excerpts from books, poetry and Holy Bible. These parrots can be ideal for those owners looking for a medium sized, talkative bird.

Quaker parrots

This type of parrot is smaller than the Grays or Amazons, but they can be included in the list of the best talkers. In addition to repeating ordinary words, Quakers can easily repeat everyday sounds, such as the sound of a microwave oven, the ringing of a telephone, or the whistle of a kettle.


They have a very gentle timbre of voice, but they are able to remember several phrases and individual words. If the size of the bird and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe space provided play an important role in the issue of choice, budgie will fit better than its other relatives.


This is one of the most prominent representatives large parrots. They have an incredible ability to learn speech. With proper training, they can learn to imitate their owners. By adhering to the class schedule and memorizing certain words with the feathered one, you can turn this bird into a charming talker.