The moon is humanity's closest satellite on our journey to outer space, as well as the only celestial body that we visited. Nevertheless, despite its relative proximity to us and its apparent simplicity, our satellite continues to hide a lot interesting secrets, and some of them are worth learning about.

1. Moonquakes

Despite the fact that, in fact, the Moon is just a dead piece of rock with extremely low geological activity, crustal movements occur there too. They are called moonquakes (by analogy with earthquakes).
There are four types of moonquakes: the first three - deep moonquakes, fluctuations from meteorite impacts and thermal moonquakes caused by solar activity - are relatively harmless. But moonquakes of the fourth kind can be quite unpleasant. Usually they are up to 5.5 points on the Richter scale - this is enough to start shaking small objects. These shocks last for about ten minutes. According to NASA, such moonquakes cause our Moon to "ring like a bell."
The most frightening thing about these moonquakes is that we have no idea what exactly causes them. Earthquakes on Earth are usually caused by the movement of tectonic plates, but there are simply no tectonic plates on the Moon. Some researchers think that they may have some connection with the tidal activity of the Earth, which, as it were, "pulls" the Moon on itself. However, the theory is not supported by anything - tidal forces are associated with full moons, and moonquakes are usually observed at other times.

2. Double planet

Most people are sure that the Moon is a satellite. However, many argue that the Moon should be classified as a planet. On the one hand, it is too large for a real satellite - its diameter is equal to a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, so the Moon can be called the largest satellite in solar system if this ratio is taken into account. Pluto, however, also has a satellite called Charon, whose diameter is equal to half the diameter of Pluto itself. Only now Pluto is no longer considered a real planet, so we will not take Charon into account.
Because of its large size, the Moon is not actually in Earth orbit. The Earth and the Moon revolve around each other and around some point in the center between them. This point is called the barycenter, and the illusion that the Moon is orbiting the Earth is caused by the fact that the center of gravity is currently inside earth's crust. It is this fact that does not allow us to classify the Earth with the Moon as a double planet, but in the future the situation may change.

3. Lunar debris

Everyone knows that there was a man on the moon. But not everyone knows that Man (let's write this word with a capital letter on purpose) used the Moon as a standard place for a picnic - the astronauts who visited the Moon left a lot of garbage there. It is believed that about 181,437 kg of artificial materials rest on the surface of the moon.
Of course, not only the astronauts are to blame - they did not deliberately scatter sandwich wrappers and banana peels on the Moon. Much of this debris is from various experiments, space probes and lunar rovers, some of which are still operational.

4. Moon grave

Eugene "Gene" Shoemaker, a renowned astronomer and geologist, is something of a legend in his circles: he developed methods scientific research cosmic impact, and also came up with the tricks that the Apollo astronauts used to explore the moon.
Shoemaker wanted to be an astronaut himself, but was unable to get the job due to minor health issues. It remained the most big disappointment throughout his life, but Shoemaker nevertheless continued to dream that someday he would be able to visit the moon himself. When he died, NASA did his best cherished desire and sent his ashes to the moon with the Lunar Prospector station in 1998. His ashes remain there, scattered among the moondust.

5. Lunar anomalies

Some of the images taken by various satellites show very strange things on the surface of the Moon. It seems that there are artificial structures on the Moon, the size of which varies from very tiny, usually in the form of a parallelepiped, to "obelisks" at least 1.5 km high.
Fans of paranormal phenomena even "found" among these objects a large castle, "hanging" high above the surface of the moon. All this seems to indicate an advanced civilization that previously lived on the moon and allegedly built complex structures.
NASA has never debunked these strange theories, despite the fact that all the pictures are most likely faked by conspiracy theorists.

6. Moondust

One of the most amazing and at the same time the most dangerous things on the moon is lunar dust. As everyone knows, sand penetrates everywhere on Earth, but the dust on the moon is an extremely dangerous substance: it is fine, like flour, but at the same time very coarse. Thanks to its texture and low gravity, it penetrates absolutely anywhere.
NASA has had numerous problems with lunar dust: it tore apart astronauts' boots nearly completely, seeped into ships and spacesuits, and caused "lunar hay fever" in unfortunate astronauts if they inhaled it. It is believed that with prolonged contact with lunar dust, any, even the most durable object, can break.
Oh, by the way, this devilish substance smells like burnt gunpowder.

7. Difficulties with low gravity

Although the gravity on the moon is only one-sixth that of the earth, moving on its surface is quite a feat. Buzz Aldrin said that it would be extremely difficult to establish settlements on the Moon: the legs of astronauts in bulky spacesuits were almost 15 cm buried in lunar dust.
Despite the low gravity, human inertia is high on the Moon, making it difficult to move quickly or change direction. If the astronauts wanted to move faster, they had to pose as clumsy kangaroos, which was also a problem, since the Moon is full of craters and other dangerous objects.

8. Origin of the Moon

Where did the moon come from? There is no simple and exact answer, but, nevertheless, science allows us to make several assumptions.
There are five main theories about the origin of the moon. The fission theory claims that the Moon was once part of our planet and separated from it at a very early stage in the history of the Earth - in fact, the Moon could just be in the place of the modern Pacific Ocean. The capture theory says that the moon simply "wandered" through the universe until it was captured by the earth's gravity. Other theories say that our satellite either formed from the debris of asteroids, or was left from the collision of the Earth with an unknown planet the size of Mars.
The most reliable theory of the origin of the Moon so far is called the Theory of the Rings: a protoplanet (a planet that is just being formed) called Theia collided with the Earth, and the cloud of debris that formed after that eventually came together and turned into the Moon.

9. Moon and sleep

The influence of the Moon and the Earth on each other cannot be denied. However, the influence of the Moon on humans is a source of ongoing debate. Many believe that the full moon is the cause of the strange behavior of people, but science cannot provide conclusive evidence for or against this theory. But science agrees that the moon can disrupt the cycle of human sleep.
According to an experiment conducted at the University of Basel in Switzerland, the phases of the moon affect human sleep cycles in a very specific way. Worst of all, people sleep, as a rule, precisely on the full moon. These results can fully explain the so-called "lunar madness": according to the experiment and the assurances of many people, it is on the full moon that they most often have nightmares.

10. Moon shadows

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first set foot on the Moon, they made an amazing discovery: the shadows on the Moon are much darker than Earth's shadows due to the absence of an atmosphere. All moon shadows are completely black. As soon as the astronauts stepped into the shadows, they could no longer see their own feet, despite the disk of the sun glowing brightly in the sky.
Of course, the astronauts were able to adapt to this, but such a contrast between dark and light areas of the surface still remained a problem. Astronauts have noticed that some shadows - namely their own - have a halo. They later learned that the eerie phenomenon was due to the opposition effect, in which some dark shadow areas appear to have a bright halo, provided that the observer looks at the shadows at a certain angle.
The shadows of the moon have plagued many of the Apollo missions. Some astronauts found it impossible to complete spacecraft maintenance tasks because they couldn't see what their hands were doing. Others thought that they accidentally landed in a cave - such an effect was created due to the shadows cast by the slopes.

11. Lunar magnetism

One of the most interesting mysteries of the Moon is that the Moon has no magnetic field. Surprisingly, while the stones that astronauts first brought from the Moon to Earth in the 1960s, magnetic properties possessed. Maybe the stones are of alien origin? How can they have magnetic properties if there is no magnetic field on the Moon?
Over the years, science has established that the moon once had a magnetic field, but so far no one can say why it disappeared. There are two main theories: one says that the magnetic field disappeared due to the natural movements of the moon's iron core, and the second claims that this may be due to a series of collisions of the moon with meteorites.

With a diameter of about 3476 kilometers, the Moon is a quarter the size of the Earth, and its territory is the subject of many fascinating theories. Soil samples obtained on lunar expeditions revealed the content of brass, mica, uranium 236 and neptunium 237, giving rise to the splendor of fascinating mysteries.

In the eyes of numerous hypotheses, the Moon as an astronomical object appears to be one of the most mysterious bodies in the system. Our satellite is rightfully considered a strange astronomical body due to numerous physical qualities which scientists are not yet able to explain.

The uniqueness of the Moon also lies in the fact that it is incomparable with any other satellites discovered near neighboring planets to date. In fact, our moon is so unique that Robert Jastrow (American astronomer and planetary physicist, former NASA lead scientist) called the Moon the "Rosetta Stone of the Planets." - By the way, the astronomer was skeptical about the idea of ​​UFOs due to the lack of physical evidence to support this hypothesis.

For a better idea of ​​the uniqueness (or strangeness) of the Earth's satellite, it is enough to hear a quote from Robin Brett, a NASA scientist, who once said in his hearts: It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence!

Lunar anomalies.

Who won't let us go to the moon? Why was the US lunar program curtailed, in which an astronomical sum was invested? Why at one point, the achievements of American astronauts began to speak from different points of view?

There are no clear answers to these questions. Among the many versions and arguments, supporters point out that the Moon is an inhabited celestial body!

In fact, astronomers have repeatedly observed mysterious objects on the lunar disk, the origin of which cannot be explained. Strange flights of celestial bodies, whose trajectories of movement do not allow them to be confidently attributed to space debris. It is difficult to classify them as wandering cosmic bodies, since they do not have a clearly directed trajectory of movement. Many unidentified ones behave as if they are under the control of a pilot.

In other words, according to the assumptions of ufologists, this is nothing but from distant worlds and galaxies, and our satellite is a special base created for the maintenance of space technology.

Therefore, if you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and analyze a number of facts, then it is likely that the “Lunar Program” was curtailed for more solid and serious reasons than they were told to the whole society.

It is not difficult to guess that if humanity has not yet encountered representatives of other, more developed civilizations, then the proposed base on the moon is simply hidden from human sight. However, these are just guesses and another version, because. the scientific community does not provide confirmation of the existence of intelligent beings in our galaxy.

Why is the Moon a strange object?

The moon rotates in an amazing orbit, not found anywhere else in the solar system. Not a single satellite of the visible planets behaves properly. This is a unique phenomenon for the Moon, because all other satellites revolve around the equator of their planets. The moon rotates in the orbit of the Earth according to its own rules, negating the accepted laws of the system.

Surprisingly, the Moon maintains a precisely set altitude, heading and speed, which allows the satellite to properly function (interact) with our planet. Some researchers are sure that if the Moon is perceived as an object of natural origin (according to generally accepted teaching), then it cannot be located at all in the place where we see it.

The moon has copper, mica, uranium 236 and neptunium 237 - these products have never been produced natural conditions. The incredible is hidden in the following: uranium 236 is a radioactive product of nuclear waste contained in spent and regenerated uranium.

The discovery of neptunium 237, which is a radioactive element in nuclear reactors and a participant in the production of plutonium, is extremely intriguing. Such facts speak about the activities of intelligent beings, completely excluding the natural factor, the researchers are sure.

Mysterious lunar characteristics led Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov of the USSR Academy of Sciences to write an article about the satellite in the 1970s entitled "Is the Moon the creation of an alien intelligence?" Almost half a century has passed since the publication, but despite the research expeditions to the Moon, we have not come close to understanding the mystery of the origin of the Earth's satellite.

In addition, Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, adds: I am terribly surprised by the lunar samples delivered by astronauts with the presence of titanium. In fact, the soil samples are unimaginably breathtaking, because scientists have not been able to really explain the presence of the finds on the satellite.

The Hollow Moon Theory.

Could the Moon be an artificial construct? Studies show that the Moon is most likely a hollow object, according to ufologists. Developing the hypothesis, the researchers suggest the incredible: the Moon is a tool for terraforming the living conditions of the planet Earth. An ancient Earth engineering project has been launched by a powerful alien civilization.

Under a protective layer of regolith, the Moon has a hard shell made of high-strength materials such as titanium, for example. Uranium, mica, neptunium, copper, finally - definitely, these are products that no one expected to find on the moon. Meanwhile, this is just construction debris from the creation of a space station, where radioactive elements are “waste” of its working activity. Speaking of garbage, there are now more than 180,000 kg of garbage on the Moon, which people have thrown there.

The version of the Moon with a hollow inside "pocket" looks absurd at first glance. However, due to the large number of anomalies, researchers are convinced that the night star is not just hollow inside, but is a product of extraterrestrial engineering built tens of hundreds of years ago.

In 1969, NASA staged a probe crash on the surface of the Moon in order to determine the satellite's response to impact. The observed effect amazed the experimenters themselves: a powerful moonquake swept the entire satellite! Scientists were stunned when the moon "hummed" like a bell for more than an hour. Ken Johnson, the head of NASA's information department then noted: the moon was not just ringing like a bell, but the whole "dangling" ...

A small experiment with big results has generated innumerable hypotheses about the true origin of the moon. In one version, the Moon does not have an internal natural core, which partially confirms the average density of the Moon of 3.34 g / cm3, indicating a light body. For example, the average density of the Earth is 5.5 g/cm3.

The main idea of ​​the origin of the Moon is based on a fantastic story, supposedly the Earth's satellite was brought here by aliens, who are not only conducting exploration work in space, but also preparing the planets for biological life.

The theory echoes things like ancient records of life before the Moon people, of that time period when the Earth had no moon. This also includes the version with the Universal Flood. They say that the unexpectedly appeared Moon caused a giant tidal wave, which is why the Earth could not calm down for almost two months, and in general, this seems to be true.

During the flyby of the Moon by spacecraft, it was found that its gravitational field is very uneven. Scientists P. Müller and V. Sjögren discovered pronounced positive gravity anomalies over large lunar seas. They tried to connect such a strange phenomenon with the existence of excess masses in these seas, which they called mascons (“mask” for short - mass concentration).

The term "mascons" is hard to find in the dictionary. A few decades ago, there was no such thing at all. So what are mascons?

Hypothesis one. Mascons are iron-nickel bodies that arrived from outer space and “deepened” into the lunar soil. Müller and Sjögren suggested that the bodies that formed these seas had an iron-nickel composition. But the hypothesis is very artificial, since the possibility of the formation of large iron-nickel satellites in a near-Earth swarm is extremely unlikely.

Hypothesis second. Mascons - strata of sedimentary rocks on the site of ancient seas. The idea that mascons consist of components of fallen bodies is rejected by J. Gilvary (USA). He believes that the masses of the bodies that formed the seas are an order of magnitude smaller than the masses of the mascons. Gilvary tries to explain the properties of mascons, starting from his long-standing idea that the seas on the Moon were once real water formations, similar to those on Earth.

In the early era of the Moon's existence, a large amount of volatile substances and water was released from its bowels. Water covered the low places of the lunar surface with a two-kilometer layer. By this time, giant craters already existed. The bottom of the craters was raised by the pressure of the underlying layers, and subsequently did not sag, since, according to Gilvary, the initially heated Moon had time to cool down, restoring its strength.

“As you can now see, there are a lot of questions regarding the Moon, and the presence of water on the satellite in the past is not the most intriguing of them. More interesting is something else - can we call the Moon "our natural satellite of the Earth"?

Why did the leading space powers of the USSR and the USA suddenly lose interest in the Moon? Either they made grandiose plans for its development, even colonization, or for decades - silence.

This happens when everything is known and there is no point in continuing the study, or when results are so unexpected that the work goes into a phase of secrecy. The first option is doubtful: there are no less questions related to the Moon now. But here's the second one...

Signs of the lunar mind?

In 1977, a book by a certain J. Leonard was published in the UK under the title “There is someone else on our Moon” and with the subtitle “Amazing facts of intelligent life on the Moon discovered.”

An excavator the size of a city on the surface of the moon! This is just one of the stunning revelations of the author. According to him, only a very narrow circle of specialists knew about the powerful mechanical devices that American astronauts saw working in the craters of the Moon, about bridges, viaducts, domed structures and other structures on the lunar surface.

Who this J. Leonard is is unknown. In any case, this is a person who had access to extensive, including top-secret information. He was able to talk to many NASA officials, study thousands of photographs, listen to hours of tape recordings of conversations with astronauts.

Thirty-five photographs (each with a NASA code number), dozens of detailed drawings, according to the author, made from high-quality large-format photographs, 230 pages of text listing facts and documents, statements by NASA experts, and an extensive bibliography lead to a stunning conclusion: NASA and many scientists world-famous have long known that signs of intelligent life have been found on the moon!

Disinformation? But then the reaction to this publication is striking. No denials
no comments, no discussion. Are the pictures fake? But the author in the application gives the address where you can get copies of them.

Maybe NASA orchestrated a leak? Here is the hypothesis of J. Leonard himself: “I'm starting to think that NASA is presenting these photographs with the attitude: “Here they are. If you - the public and the scientific community - are not too interested or blind to see these oddities, this is your problem. We don’t have funds for your education in the budget.”

Few people knew about Leonard's book. Its circulation, competent people testify, immediately disappeared from store shelves. The second edition appeared in 1978 - the same result. Only copies accidentally exported abroad, including to the USSR, remained. But it seems that the Moor still did his job. In 1981, a book (“Alien Moon Bases” by Fred Steckling) was published in the United States, full of NASA facts and photographs of UFOs and other phenomena on the Moon and in its vicinity. In 1992, a book of similar content was published in Japan.

mysterious light

"Wow!!! - Astronaut Harrison Schmitt, pilot of the Apollo 17 lunar module (December 7-19, 1972) could not contain his surprise, already on the first revolution around the Moon. “I just saw a flash on the lunar surface! .. A bright little flash on the northern edge of the Grimaldi crater ... where there was only a narrow strip of light.” (This is where Apollo 16 pilot Ken Mattingly saw a flash of bright light.)
The next day, it was the turn to be surprised by another pilot - Ronald Evans: “I would never have believed it! I am right above the edge of the Eastern Sea. I just saw a bright flash with my own eyes! Right at the end of the furrow…”

One of the serious authorities on the physical and geological nature of the Moon, Dr. Farouk El-Baz, a consultant and assistant to many American astronauts, commented on these observations: “There is no doubt that this is something grand: these are not comets, and this is NOT NATURAL origin !"

Strange light phenomena on the lunar disk have been noticed for a long time. Flashes, luminous streaks, moving light spots were described in detail by researchers of previous centuries. Only to XVI century includes more than 900 recorded cases.

The library of the Royal Astronomical Society contains information about strange light spots and fluctuations of light on the moon. By April 1871, 1,600 such cases had been recorded in the Plato crater alone. Observers saw a flickering blue light, or clusters of specks of light that looked like bright, needle-like dots clustering together. V. Herschel (1738-1822), the founder of stellar astronomy, who discovered the planet Uranus and several satellites of Saturn and Uranus, recorded about 150 very bright spots on the surface of the Moon during a total eclipse.

White sparkling dots arranged in an arc, tiny dots and streaks of light are especially often observed in the Sea of ​​​​Crisis. Sometimes these are the smallest dots and strips of light, combined into some figure, sometimes periodically flashing light, similar to intelligent signals.

The attention of astronomers has long been attracted by the strange light in the craters of Aristarchus and Plato. Bright red flashes in the area of ​​the Aristarchus crater sometimes cover areas of several kilometers and are more often observed above domed structures. Moving objects are observed in the Sea of ​​Tranquility. In 1964, at least four times, light or dark spots were seen there, mixed over tens and even hundreds of kilometers in a few hours.

On September 11, 1967, for 8-9 seconds, Canadian researchers observed how a dark rectangular spot with purple edges moved from west to east above the Sea of ​​Tranquility. It was clearly visible until it entered the night area.

After 13 minutes, a flash of yellow light was recorded in the direction of the spot near the crater Sabine. And, apparently, it was no coincidence that a year and a half later, the Apollo-! 1". The study of the lunar soil at the landing site surprised experts. The ground was melted by a light source 100 times brighter than the sun. Experts believe that the radiation source was at a low altitude above the moon. But these are not the engines of the Apollo lander.

In 1968, NASA published a summary of the observations in the "Chronological Catalog of Lunar Event Reports". Among the 579 phenomena were named: moving luminous objects; colored trenches extending at a speed of 6 km/h; giant domes that change their color; a large luminous object, the so-called "Maltese Cross", observed on November 26, 1956; geometric figures; disappearing craters and other things that have not found an explanation. The catalog also recorded the speed of movement of the mentioned spots in the Sea of ​​Tranquility - from 32 to 80 km / h.

Logic dictates that the vast majority of lunar phenomena simply remain outside our field of vision. After all, there is also the other side of the moon.

Something sits down, something flies

In the summer of 1955, V. Yaremenko from Odessa examined "countless lunar craters, mountains and seas" through a homemade telescope. “Above the disk, parallel to its edge, at a distance of about 0.2 lunar radius, a luminous body flew, similar to a star of the 3rd magnitude in normal observation,” he recalls. - Having flown a third of the circle (it took 4-5 seconds), the body descended along a steep trajectory onto the lunar surface. It was big enough and... controllable! A artificial satellites didn't exist back then...

Here are the observations of V. Luchko from Lvov (March 31, 1983): “About 2 hours 30 minutes. on a clean, almost full disk of the Moon ... a rather large dark body was seen that quickly and smoothly passed along a slightly curved trajectory through the northwestern part of the disk in the direction from west to east. His journey took less than a second. After a short period of time, exactly the same (or the same) body crossed the Moon again at the same speed and in the same direction ... ”That same night, Luchko managed to notice six appearances of the same bodies (or the same). “In all cases it was comparatively large, dark, even black body irregular shape, perfectly distinguishable against the background of the shining lunar disk.

Our television has repeatedly played a video of the shadow moving across the surface of the moon, which was made by a Japanese amateur astronomer. If this is not a hoax, then the size of the shadow (about 20 km in diameter) and the huge speed of movement (about 400 km in 2 seconds) allow us to talk about the high technical level of the object that left it.

On March 15, 1992, astronomer E. Arsyukhin observed a swift zigzag flight over the Moon of a black square body about 5 km in size. During the observation period, the object flew about 500 km at the same speed as the "Japanese" one - 200 km/s.

Astronautics gave a new impetus to the study of lunar mysteries. Photographs of the Moon taken from spacecraft, and the information obtained during the flights and landings on the moon, forced NASA to seriously deal with the satellite of the Earth. A special program was created to study LTP (“random phenomena on the moon”, Russian abbreviation - LF, lunar phenomena). Experienced public observers were connected to the program. The results of the studies are not known to the general public.

Only hypotheses

Exploring the pictures from the book by J. Leonard, Researcher Association for Engineering Dowsing O.A. Isaeva revealed zones with an increased energy background on the surface of the Moon and came close to the definition chemical composition sources of anomalous radiation. There is reason to believe that these objects include technetium. This promising nuclear power The radioactive element was artificially obtained on Earth only in 1937; it does not occur naturally in nature.

Various theories and hypotheses have been invoked to explain light LFs. They tried to explain them by flashes in the eyes of astronauts, which occur when cosmic particles hit the brain or eyeball. However, light phenomena are also observed by terrestrial researchers who are not subject to such cosmic bombardment. In addition, flashes from cosmic particles are described as instantaneous, and even many hours of glow or periodic flickering in the same place were observed on the Moon.

They try to explain the outbreaks on the moon by impacts of meteorites on rocks and rock. However, this can only explain random short-term and one-time effects. M. Jessup, a mathematician and astronomer who seriously substantiated the connection between UFOs and the Moon, noted that both in the 18th and 19th centuries on the Moon for
hours and longer spots of light were observed. The moon sparkled, sparkled, flashed. And the probability of two meteorites hitting the same place in a relatively short period is negligible.

It has been suggested that at one time on the Moon, gases could get under the uncooled lava flows, and now they are being released. But gases spontaneously released in nature, as a rule, do not have color, rhythm, shape and size. And all this is on the moon. It was not possible to connect the glow of the "gases" with the influence of the ultraviolet rays of the Sun. Glows are also observed when the Sun does not illuminate the lunar surface.

It has been hypothesized that the Earth's magnetic tail is accelerating solar particles that bombard the Moon, causing flares and luminescent excitations. But in this case, glows and flashes would not have been tied for centuries to certain areas on the Moon (there are 90 of them!).

The hypothesis of volcanic activity contradicts the official concept of NASA, according to which our satellite is a relatively dead planet. In addition, tremors typical of an eruption would have been recorded by a network of seismographs installed on the Moon. However, they were silent even on April 25, 1972, when a “light fountain” was recorded in the area of ​​​​the craters Aristarchus and Herodotus, which reached a height of 162 km at a speed of 1.35 km / s, shifted to the side by 60 km and dissolved.

In 1992, the American astronomer M. Kenton reported on strange tremors on the Moon: “Their strength ... reaches 12-14 points on the Richter scale. If this process continues for another six months, the moon will burst and split into two halves... Two moons can cause people to experience frustration, mental splitting, and group insanity. The reaction of the animal world, where instincts prevail, is unpredictable ... "

Many scientists recognized that tremors on the Moon were something new in scientific observations, but did not believe that the Moon could split. And they were right.

Vitaly Pravdivtsev. Scientific Director of the Information and Analytical Center "Unknown"

 5.11.2011 13:03

We will talk about unearthly structures on the moon, as well as traces of intelligent beings on the nearest cosmic body from us.
Washington. March 21, 1996 National Press Club
“... NASA scientists and engineers who participated in the implementation of the programs for the study of the Moon and Mars reported on the results of processing the information received. For the first time, the existence of artificial structures and man-made objects on the Moon was announced.

The briefing also mentioned that Soviet Union once also possessed part of the photographic materials relating to irrefutable evidence of the presence of traces of intelligent activity on the moon. And although the nature of this activity has not yet been established, thousands of photo and video documents obtained by Apollo and the military space station"Clementine", made it possible to identify and topographically designate numerous areas of the lunar surface, where facts, traces of extraterrestrial activity were discovered and are clearly visible. The briefing showed videos and photographs taken by American astronauts during the implementation of the Apollo program. When asked why this information was not brought to the public earlier, NASA experts answered: “...20 years ago it was difficult to predict how people would react to the message that someone was or is on the moon in our time. In addition, there were other non-NASA reasons."
Some researchers believe that the structures on the Moon were created by alien civilizations, and were used as a transshipment base for their activities on Earth.
Such conjectures are confirmed in the legends and myths of different peoples of our planet. Many kilometers of ruins of lunar cities, huge transparent domes, many tunnels and other structures force scientists to reconsider their views on the problems associated with our ideas about the Moon. Its origin and features of its movement relative to the Earth - and today, remains a mystery to researchers.
On the surface, as we believed, of our satellite, a large number of structures were found that do not raise doubts about their artificial origin.
"Some partially destroyed objects on the surface of the Moon cannot be attributed to natural geological formations" - experts say - "They have a complex organization and geometric structure."
In the area of ​​the Tycho crater, mysterious terrace-like workings of rocky soil were discovered. Concentric hexagonal workings and the presence of a tunnel entrance on the slope of the terrace are difficult to explain by natural processes. It is more like an open pit mining.

Rice. 1. Candidate for archaeological objects of the Moon or traces of intelligent beings.

The moon surprises with its mysteries

Rice. 2. An aerial photograph of the ruins of the ancient Assyrian capital of Assur resembles a lunar lattice structure.

NASA has at its disposal large archives of astronomical observations, which indicate that on our nearest neighbor the Moon, not everything fits into the framework of a lifeless and uninhabited desert. Many interesting facts can be found in the NASA Lunar Anomaly Catalog containing observations of strange short-term lunar phenomena (KLE) on our satellite from 1540 to the present day. The most complete catalog with these data was published by NASA in 1978.
In this regard, observations will be of interest. mysterious phenomena on the Moon from astronomical archives before the rocket period.
1064"A star of great brightness appeared in the circle of the Moon a few days after its separation from the Sun (chronicle of J. Malvetius)".
1540 Many people saw a star on the body of the Moon "right between the ends of her horns" (an old English chronicle).
November 26, 1668"... A star appeared below the body of the Moon, inside its horns" (J. Josselin. "Two trips to New England", 1675).
1737 March 1st. During the total eclipse of the Sun, a strange spot of light was observed on the disk of the moon in the region of the Sea of ​​​​Crisis. The stain was visible until it interfered sunlight.
1794 March 7. A mysterious light was noticed on the night side of the Moon (an old drawing is given).
1874 The Czech astronomer Šafarik saw a luminous object moving across the lunar disk, which then left the Moon and flew into space.
1875. Astronomer Schroeter observed a luminous spot on the Moon moving in a straight line from the Sea of ​​Rains to the north. A second similar spot appeared in the south. The estimated speed of their movement relative to the surface of the moon was 63 miles / hour (110 km / h).
1888 July 15 On the dark side of the Moon, in the northern part of the lunar Caucasus, Holden noticed a bright "star" of the first magnitude.
1910 From the territory of France, they observed how some kind of body similar to a rocket was launched from the surface of the moon.
1912 The American astronomer Harris observed a dark object about 50 miles (80 km) moving around the Moon, and its shadow could be seen moving across the surface of the Moon.
May 1943 Morning. "Suddenly I hear one of the fighters shouting: "Look in the middle of the darkened Moon, the star is shining." We looked, and for sure: a month, and next to it, a bright star. A surprised uproar arose here, they say, how can a star shine through the moon? And all of a sudden she was in motion. Gradually she left the lunar disk, circled it and began to move away ... Everything described by me can be confirmed by my fellow soldiers who survived "V. Zaitsev.
1954 or 1955 October-November. 21-23 hours. Full moon. Moskvich V.I. Tikov, who was in the city of Ordzhonikidze, observed with the naked eye how some oblong luminous point separated from the upper edge of the Moon and, turning sharply to the right, quickly flew around the right side of the Moon's disk, after which it again turned sharply and connected with bottom Moon. The entire observation lasted about 6 seconds, the trail from the flight lasted for another two seconds.
May 24, 1955“Behind the southern horn of the narrow crescent [of the Moon], where the Sun touched the peaks of the Leibniz region, there were two bright points. …Besides, there was another light between them, weaker than the other two; but he jumped and sparkled; finally, a faint beam of light separated from it, which soared vertically into the sky above the Moon, flaring up as it rose and simultaneously fading at the base, and then disappeared. The total length of the beam, unprojected, was about 100 miles (160 km), and it took 2 seconds to rise, maybe a little more... ; so the phenomenon, perhaps, seems real ”(English astronomer V.A. Firsov).
1955 August 7-10 Observing the Moon through a homemade telescope, V.V. Yaremenko (Novocherkassk) witnessed how “over the disk [of the Moon], parallel to its edge, at a distance of about 0.2 lunar radius, a luminous body flew, similar to a star of the 3rd magnitude during normal observation. Having flown a third of the circle (it took 4-5 seconds), the body descended along a steep trajectory onto the lunar surface. Of course, this was not a projection of a meteorite falling to Earth. The body was large enough and ... controllable! And there were no artificial satellites in those years yet.
1959 F. Almor and other members of the Star Astronomical Society of Barcelona observed a dark ellipsoidal object that maneuvered 2000 km above the lunar surface and crossed the lunar disk in 35 minutes, after which it reappeared like a satellite. Its diameter was estimated at 35 km (W. Drake "Messengers from the Stars").
1963 A group of astronomers at the Flagstaff Observatory (Arizona) observed 31 identical luminous objects on the Moon, each 5 km long and 0.3 km wide. These objects moved in a clear formation, and small objects with a diameter of about 150 m moved between them. In addition, giant domes were observed on the Moon that changed colors and had no shadow, as if absorbing sunlight.
1964 astronomers Harris and Cross observed over the Sea of ​​Tranquility for one hour a white spot moving at a speed of 32 km / h, which gradually decreased in size. In the same year, another spot was observed moving for two hours at a speed of 80 km / h.
1967 Montreal astronomers observed a dark rectangular spot moving from west to east in the Sea of ​​Tranquility.
Thus, in the examples shown, it is clearly seen that on the Moon in the pre-rocket period there were observations of very mysterious objects that performed reasonable maneuvers. For example, the flyby of the Moon, described by V.I. Timakov and V.V. Yaremenko, as Arkhipov A.V., a researcher of lunar phenomena, requires amazing speeds of 1000 km / s and accelerations of the order of 46’000 g. From the point of view of traditional rocket technology and physics, this is simply impossible. Only UFOs observed in the atmosphere have similar properties.

is. 3. Sea of ​​Tranquility: Blair Cuspids. The anomalous structures are seven obelisks that distinctly cast a shadow from the morning sun. The largest obelisk has a height of about 200 meters. For obelisks 2 and 3, the shadows are curved, like a hockey stick. Anomalous structures may be interstellar ships, ancient ruins or high cliffs. Materials Lunar Orbiter II LO2-61H3.gif (345k file).

According to Dr. Richard NASA Shorthill: “If the cuspids were the result of a series of geophysical processes, then one would naturally expect the obelisks to be randomly distributed. In fact, triangulation of a d system with x, y, z coordinates produces regular geometric formations: right angles, six isosceles triangles, and two axes each consisting of three points.”

Rice. 3. An unidentified object on the surface of the moon. Area WALLACE WOLFF B.

The relevance of the search for ancient extraterrestrial artifacts on the surfaces of celestial bodies was pointed out by many authors (for example: A. Clark, I.S. Shklovsky, K. Sagan, J.V. Foster, A.R. Freitas, M.J. Carlotto, D. L. Holmes). The main goal of the study is to develop a methodology for searching for candidates for the archaeological objects of the Moon and traces of the presence of intelligent beings, as well as compiling a catalog of the most interesting areas and objects for further study.
1. Arkhipov A.V. Selenites. M.: Innovation, 1998.
2. Kolchin G.K. UFO phenomenon view from Russia. St. Petersburg, 1994.
3. Maksimov A.I. Space odyssey. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991.
4. Levantovsky V.I. The mechanics of space flight in an elementary presentation. Moscow: Nauka, 1980.
5. Golovanov Ya. The truth about the APOLLO program. M.: EKSMO-Press, 2000.
6. Alexandrov V. They are watching us // Miracles and Adventures. 1993. N8. C.50-51.
7. Butusov K. American lunar program "Apollo" // UFO. Incredible legendary. Supplement to the newspaper "Kaleidoscope". 1997. N5(39) May. P.13.
8. Volkov A. Americans were not allowed to go to the moon // World of news. 1999. N30 (292). July 24th. C.10.
9. Nepomniachtchi N.N. Did the Americans fool everyone? Why were there no stars above the surface of the moon? // book: Nepomniachtchi N.N. Riddles and secrets of history. M.: AST, 1999.
10. Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, John Grigsby. Secrets of Mars. Moscow: Veche, 1999.
11. Rakov A. We came in peace. Lenizdat, 1991.

Moon...secret area

Doc. a film about the mysterious manifestations of alien civilizations on the moon, strange lights, unknown spaceships, UFOs. In short, We were given to understand that the Moon is already occupied. That is why, according to the authors of the film, all lunar programs were unexpectedly curtailed

The moon surprises with its mysteries

A sensational article appeared in the American newspaper The New York Times: "A human skeleton was found on the moon." The publication refers to Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kang. It was he who, back in 1998, shocked the entire scientific world by presenting at a conference in Beijing a photo where the imprint of a human foot is clearly visible on the surface of the moon. Now the astrophysicist has presented photographs to the scientific world, where a human skeleton is visible, reports
It is technically possible to see such small details on the surface of the Moon. The possibilities of modern optics make it possible to read the texts of the headlines of newspapers spread on the earth from the Earth's orbit. But that's why the "reliable source in the US" referred to by Mao Kann is in no hurry to officially release these photos.
Back in the early 70s, the sensation went around the world. The American Viking-1 satellite circled Mars and images were taken from it, where cone-shaped buildings are clearly visible. Not far from them was a gigantic face of a man carved from the rock. In appearance, they were clearly of artificial origin.

All this did not fit with the generally accepted scientific concept, and scientists unanimously decided that it was just natural phenomenon and the play of light and shadow. But all the same, the talk that we are not the only ones in this universe did not subside among journalists and ordinary people. And there were reasons for this.
In the late 60s, the Nobel Prize-winning researcher Pollack enters into the computer all the data about the planet Earth - the composition of the soil, atmosphere, space and solar radiation, all physical parameters and all known to science information about living beings. He asked the computer a question: is protein life possible on a planet with such conditions. The computer's answer was unequivocal: no. On a planet where the absolute solvent is water, which is in abundance and in which glass and all metals decay over time, the emergence of a protein substance is not possible. The experiment was repeated later at the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics and the same result was obtained.

This question by Pollack to the computer was not accidental. A little earlier, scientists made an amazing discovery that all living creatures on our planet have one biological code. This was not possible according to the world-wide theory of the origin of life and its evolution. But the fact remains. And some scientists began to come to the conclusion that life on earth originated with the help of the Higher Mind. And the planet Earth is something like a laboratory, where more developed beings set up experiments on genetic engineering.

Those who laughed at all these conclusions were really not laughing when astronaut Neil Armstrong, who first saw the far side of the moon, shouted out, forgetting all the instructions, that he was seeing spaceships. The reaction of the flight control service was instantaneous, the connection was interrupted. Subsequently, this exclamation was disavowed. Never again did Armstrong stutter about spaceships.
Let's look at what the Moon is in general, and most importantly, where did it come from in our sky. Scientists astronomers concluded that 20 thousand years ago it did not exist at all. They suggest that due to some kind of cosmic catastrophe, she left her orbit and fell into the field of gravity of the Earth. But such an explanation does not satisfy many. For many years of research, experts have not encountered rogue planets. There are many meteorites and comets, but there is no such thing as wandering "living" planets. After all, there is volcanic activity on the Moon, because it is considered a "living" planet. Then the hypothesis was born that the Moon is nothing but spaceship that someone controls. After all, the moon is very interesting. It turns around its axis so that we can not see its reverse side. It was on the side that we do not see that Armstrong noticed spaceships.
Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kang said that the Americans deliberately hide information from the public, calling their actions criminal. He accused the US government of covering up startling facts, saying that they kept the picture of the human footprint for 20 years, and the picture of the human skeleton for even longer. He believes that such pictures are the property of all mankind.

The US space and intelligence services did not comment on the words of the Chinese astrophysicist. Even after his claims that he has more than 1000 photographs taken by NASA, where a footprint and a human skeleton are clearly visible. The most interesting thing is that as there were no comments, there was no refutation of this information from the responsible persons.
As mentioned above, today optical capabilities allow you to see the smallest details. So, examining the pictures of the human skeleton, you can see that a person wore jeans during his lifetime. In an airless atmosphere, decomposition of body tissues is not possible. Thus, if a man died on the moon, the whole corpse would be preserved, not the skeleton. Consequently, death occurred elsewhere, and somehow only one skeleton ended up on the moon. Here one involuntarily recalls the stories of people about their abduction by aliens. In any case, Mao Kang has no doubts that these are pictures of a human footprint and a human skeleton, and that extraterrestrial civilizations regularly interfere in our lives. But people will not know the whole truth until the Americans declassify the information they have and make it the property of mankind, states Mao Kann.

The moon is a different reality

Back in the 1960s, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov of the USSR Academy of Sciences put forward the hypothesis that our satellite was actually artificially created.
This hypothesis has eight main postulates, popularly called "riddles", which analyze some of the most amazing moments regarding the satellite.
Is the moon an artificial satellite? The first mystery of the moon: artificial moon or cosmic exchange

In fact, the orbit of motion and the size of the Moon's satellite are physically almost impossible. If it were natural, one could argue that this is an extremely strange "whim" of the cosmos. This is due to the fact that the magnitude of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the magnitude of the Earth, and the ratio of the magnitudes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually the same. This allows us to observe such a rare phenomenon as a complete solar eclipse when the moon completely covers the sun. The same mathematical impossibility holds for the masses of both celestial bodies. If the Moon were a body that at some point was attracted by the Earth and acquired a natural orbit, then this orbit would be expected to be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.
The second mystery of the moon: the implausible curvature of the surface of the moon

The incredible curvature that the surface of the Moon possesses is inexplicable. The moon is not a round body. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is actually a hollow ball. Although it is, scientists still fail to explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without being destroyed. One of the explanations proposed by the aforementioned scientists is that the lunar crust was made from a solid titanium framework. Indeed, it has been proven that the lunar crust and rocks have extraordinary levels of titanium content. According to Russian scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, the thickness of the titanium layer is 30 km.
The Third Mystery of the Moon: Lunar Craters

Availability Explanation huge amount meteorite craters on the surface of the moon is widely known - the absence of an atmosphere. Most of the cosmic bodies that are trying to penetrate the Earth meet kilometers of atmosphere on their way, and everything ends with the “aggressor” disintegrating. The moon does not have the ability to protect its surface from the scars left by all the meteorites crashing into it - craters of various sizes. What remains inexplicable is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned bodies were able to penetrate. Indeed, it looks as if a layer of extremely strong substance did not allow meteorites to penetrate into the center of the satellite. Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers deep into the moon. This feature is inexplicable in terms of normal observations that there should be craters at least 50 km deep.
The fourth riddle of the moon: "lunar seas"

How did the so-called "lunar seas" form? These gigantic areas of solid lava that comes from the interior of the Moon could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior where they could originate from meteorite impacts. But physically much more likely is that the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body. Another mystery is the location of the "lunar seas". Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the moon?
The Fifth Mystery of the Moon: Mascons

The gravitational pull on the Moon's surface is not uniform. This effect had already been noted by the Apollo VIII crew as they circled the lunar seas. Mascons (from "Mass Concentration" - concentration of mass) are places where matter is believed to exist greater density or in large quantities. This phenomenon is closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located under them.
The Sixth Mystery of the Moon: Geographical Asymmetry

A rather shocking fact in science, which still cannot be explained, is the geographical asymmetry of the Moon's surface. The famous "dark" side of the Moon has many more craters, mountains and landforms. In addition, as we have already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are on the side that we can see.
The Seventh Mystery of the Moon: The Low Density of the Moon

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, proves that the Moon is a hollow object. Moreover, several scientists have ventured to suggest that the aforementioned cavity is artificial. In fact, given the location of the surface layers that have been identified, scientists claim that the Moon looks like a planet that formed "in reverse", and some use this as an argument in favor of the "artificial casting" theory.
The Eighth Riddle of the Moon: Origins

In the last century, three theories of the origin of the moon were conditionally accepted for a long time. At present, most scientific community accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the planetoid of the Moon as no less substantiated than others.
One theory suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth. But the enormous differences in the nature of these two bodies make this theory practically untenable.
Another theory is that this celestial body was formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But the previous conclusion is also valid in relation to this judgment, since the Earth and the Moon would have to have at least a similar structure.
The third theory suggests that, while wandering through space, the Moon fell into the earth's gravity, which caught and turned it into its "captive". The big flaw with this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is practically circular and cyclic. With such a phenomenon (when the satellite is "caught" by the planet), the orbit would be sufficiently removed from the center or, at least, would be a kind of ellipsoid.
The fourth assumption is the most incredible of all, but, in any case, it can explain the various anomalies that are associated with the Earth's satellite, since if the Moon was designed sentient beings, That physical laws, to which it is amenable, would not be equally applicable to other celestial bodies.
The riddles of the Moon put forward by the scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov are only some of the real physical estimates of the anomalies of the Moon. In addition, there are many other video, photo evidence and studies that give confidence to those who think about the possibility that our "natural" satellite is not.
Recently, a controversial video appeared on the network, which will be interesting within the framework of the topic under consideration:
Description for the video:
This video is made from Germany and filmed over 4 days starting July 7, 2014. It is clearly seen how waves “run through” the surface of the Moon, or rather a strip, and this is similar to how the image of the lunar surface that we see from Earth is updated.
No matter how crazy it may sound, but precisely such bands have been noticed more than once when shooting with various video cameras and telescopes. I think anyone with a good zoom camcorder will be able to see the same thing.
And how can you explain this, may I ask? In my opinion, several explanations are possible, and all of them will not please the adherents of the generally accepted picture of the world.
1. There is no Moon in the Earth's orbit at all, but there is only a flat projection (hologram) that creates the appearance of its presence. Moreover, this projection is quite primitive technically, judging by the fact that its creators were forced to create a flat projection, and that is why the moon is turned to us on one side. This is simply saving resources to maintain the visible part of the moon.
2. In the orbit of the Earth, there is indeed an object whose dimensions correspond to the "Moon" visible to us from the Earth, but in fact what we see is only a hologram - a disguise created over the object. By the way, this explains why no one flies to the Moon. I think all the states that have sent their spacecraft to the "Moon" are well aware that under the guise of what we see from the Earth, there is something completely different.
In favor of these versions, those facts that have long been surprising in their illogicality fit in:
- Why does humanity send spacecraft into deep space, but completely ignores the planet closest to us.
- Why are all the photographs of the moon transmitted by earth satellites of such disgusting quality.
- Why astronomers with perfect telescopes cannot take pictures of the lunar surface in quality comparable even with pictures from Mars or from earth satellites. Why are satellites flying in the Earth's orbit capable of taking a photograph of the surface on which the car number is visible, and lunar satellites are shooting the surface in such a resolution that the tongue cannot be called photography.
In addition, we present two excerpts from RenTV films on the theme of the Moon. The reputation of this channel is known to everyone, however, the information provided is useful for analyzing the arguments proposed above.