© Nikolay Avvakumov. 2008.

Sovereign and Grand Duke Ivan III.

The history of present-day Khitrovka goes back to ancient times. The Grand Duke's country yard, located in these places, is mentioned in the spiritual charter of Prince. Vasily Dmitrovich in 1423 (CHG and D, I, 80). The Podkopaevo tract is reported in connection with the fire of 1493; The chronicle says that he led. book. Ivan Vasilyevich, after a severe fire that destroyed the palace in the Kremlin and all of Moscow, temporarily settled "with Nikola Podkopaev under the stable in the Christian courtyards" (PSRL, VIII, 227; XII, 237). From here, Ivan III led the restoration work. It is difficult to name another historical person who influenced the course so much. Russian history. Under Ivan III (http://hitrovka.livejournal.com/48349.html) National emblem, used until now, the country becomes the spiritual successor of Byzantium, Moscow is declared the Third Rome. The layout of the capital was radically changed. It still preserves the urban planning ideas of Ivan III, the Kremlin was rebuilt under this sovereign (Italian architects were involved in the work).

The ancient courtyard of the Buturlins with stone chambers was divided between the two owners A.A. Volynsky and S.D. Volkonsky, and in the 1740s it was again united in the hands of Second Major Feodor Ivanovich Ushakov.

Remains brick decor facade architraves of the 18th century, which ended up in the interior. North facade of the second floor.

Even the late "post-fire" extension is replete with eagle bricks from the 1660s. These are bricks from the masonry of the ancient arches of the Buturlinsky chambers, which collapsed as a result of a fire in 1812.
In the 1780s, the Ushakovs’ courtyard with ancient chambers, located next to the church, was sold to Captain Fyodor Dmitrievich Koltovsky, who also owned the family estate, located opposite, on the banks of the Rachka River, where the building was still wooden. In 1784, Koltovsky added two L-shaped outbuildings to the new estate, which faced the lane line and were connected by a gate.

In the early 1820s, the Koltovskys left Podkopay, and their estate with old chambers passed into the hands of the Boborykin brothers. Having subsequently changed many owners, from 1887 until the revolution it belonged to the nobleman Vasily Alexandrovich Yaroshenko, and from 1901 to his widow, Elizaveta Platonovna Yaroshenko.
The old chambers were preserved, and the outbuildings on the line of Podkopaevsky Lane were combined into a large tenement house with a passage to the courtyard.

Modern view c. Nikola in Podkopayy and the chambers of E.I. Buturlin.
The ancient building is waiting for its explorers...

Of particular interest is the so-called governor's courtyard with a monumental palace-type building, both residential and well adapted for defense, it was excavated on the very edge of the high Oka bank and, adjoining the western defensive wall, strongly towered above it. The building burned to the ground, so its size and plan were determined only along the boundaries of the conflagration - a layer of ash, coal, charred logs. Nevertheless, this complex architectural ensemble was restored. lower floor big house consisted of two huts with brick bases of stoves (2x2 m), with narrow passages between the heated rooms. Adjacent to the back of the house was a small storage room with a hearth recessed into the wall. In the cage there are two dozen locks and keys to them, a lot of nails, birch bark for wrapping iron things so that they do not rust.

From the south, a lower log building, a stable or a barn for the winter keeping of livestock was nailed to the building.

In the yard near the choir, barns - "granaries" were cleared, where grain bread and other agricultural products were stored in bins and large red clay amphorae vessels. Grains of rye, oats, wheat are charred. Iron scythes-pink salmon for haymaking, a lock with a key were also found here: like other rooms, barns were always locked. The small log cabins of the granaries had plank floors so that the bread would not get damp and be protected from mice.

The building of the palace type, the richest of those excavated in Staraya Ryazan, closely adjoined the fences - a chopped parapet at the top of the fortress wall - and, therefore, had a superstructure in the form of a "golden-domed tower", "vezha", "guard". The expanse that opened up from here was breathtaking: villages above the steep coastal slopes, endless expanses beyond the Oka and blue forest distances that closed the horizon. And the immense vault of heaven, to which the man of the Middle Ages constantly turned his gaze, lived his own life, rich in signs: in fine summer days its blueness evoked peace, and in bad weather, when swirling clouds entered into their eternal battle, it inspired a vague feeling of anxiety.

Judging by the nature of the finds in the burnt-out estate, it was owned by the prince's husband - the senior combatant, boyar. A glass insert from a ring-seal with an in-depth figure of St. George the Warrior indicates his belonging to the military administration of the city, the “best” people. This is also evidenced by the finds of weapons and equipment of the rider: a bronze mace is not only a weapon, but also an emblem of military power, the tip of a sulica - a throwing spear, iron arrowheads, including a crossbow, spurs. The owner of the house, “skillful in military affairs”, could be related to the princely family: a trident is imprinted on the bottom of the clay vessel - the family “sign of the Ruriks”. The knight with a sword and shield, carved on a round bone plate, is presented in a princely cap. The wealth of the family that lived in the mansions is also evidenced by four treasures of precious women's jewelry discovered during the clearing of the ashes, a drop-shaped gold pendant and an earring with pearls, and an enamel plate depicting a griffin. During solemn meals, a highly valued glassware, performed in the workshops of Constantinople and Corinth, Cyprus and Egyptian Alexandria.

While the investigation had almost no doubts about the guilt of the arrested mayor of Astrakhan Mikhail Stolyarov, the security forces also had claims against the governor of the Astrakhan region Alexander Zhilkin. After all, as it turned out, he also has his own interests in business, and is also associated with a number of criminal elements, opposition circles told The Moscow Post correspondent.

"Cleansing" in the Astrakhan region began with Stolyarov

Grandiose corruption scandal, which broke out in Astrakhan, has already reached federal level after Astrakhan Mayor Mikhail Stolyarov was caught red-handed while receiving 10 million rubles from one of the Astrakhan businessmen.

As the investigators found out, in October 2013, an Astrakhan businessman turned to Stolyarov with a request to allocate him an administrative building for the construction land plot. Mr. Stolyarov, of course, agreed, but put forward a counter offer to transfer him in the form of a bribe in the amount of 10 million rubles, and also demanded that a 25% stake in the authorized capital of the enterprise be issued to his principal.

But the businessman was very dissatisfied with the fact of extortion and turned to law enforcement agencies, under whose control all further negotiations between the entrepreneur and the official took place. And soon the mayor of Astrakhan was detained.

Moreover, earlier the investigators carried out a whole series of arrests of Astrakhan officials!

For example, in March 2013, Deputy Mayor of Astrakhan Andrey Kovalev was detained while receiving a half-million bribe. Kovalev, heading the department for communal services and improvement of the city administration, turned to the director of one of the companies with which the department concluded an agreement on road repairs. Knowing that the financial and treasury department was not transferring funds to this company in a timely manner, he volunteered for a “rollback” of 10% to contribute to the speedy allocation of money.

In reality, he did not have such an opportunity. When receiving funds, he was detained. During the investigation, two more similar episodes of the official's criminal biography were revealed. However, against this background, a whole team of Stolyarov's associates appeared in the dock earlier, and, in the end, he was also arrested!

Astrakhan "triad"

It is now known that Stolyarov is considered a protege of the ex-mayor of Astrakhan, and now the governor of the Volgograd region, Sergei Bozhenov. And he, in turn, is connected both with the governor of the Astrakhan region Alexander Zhilkin, and with the first deputy of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin. Obviously, because of Bozhenov's acquaintance with Volodin, the Astrakhan elite (Stolyarov, Bozhenov, Zhilkin) turned out to be confident in their impunity.

However, this is not at all the case, but rather, quite the contrary! Indeed, within the framework of the federal anti-corruption campaign, the Kremlin decided to “hit” precisely the Astrakhan region, which since 2004 has been headed by Alexander Zhilkin.

By the way, despite the quarrels and competition, Zhilkin and Bozhenov, in fact, were players from the same team. So Zhilkin did not resist when the wife of the then mayor of Astrakhan, Olga Bozhenova, became the first deputy chairman of the committee on state building, law, order and security of the Astrakhan Regional Duma.

Governor's "business family"?

Note that the wife of the governor Zhilkin owns shares commercial bank in the amount of 40,590 pieces, and the name of the bank "for some reason" is not disclosed. However, not only the wife of the head of the Astrakhan region is seen in business projects!

Immediately after that, rumors spread in the region that the governor was going to transfer (or had already transferred) management of key Astrakhan assets to his daughter's company!

Who benefited from the death of ex-governor Guzhvin?

However, where did the governor's relatives get such business acumen from?! However, Alexander Alexandrovich, even when he was the first secretary of the Astrakhan Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, was called a "dealer" behind his back.

And after he became the first deputy head of the administration of the Astrakhan region in 1991, his lobbying opportunities became generally unlimited. And when in 2004, under very strange circumstances, the governor of the Astrakhan region, Anatoly Guzhvin, died, Zhilkin himself very quickly became the head of the region.

But why is Zhilkin so indebted to Pashayev that, according to rumors, he literally “surrendered” Astrakhan to him?

But bloggers write that Mr. Pashayev acted as a sponsor of Mr. Zhilkin in the gubernatorial elections in 2004 !!! Now everything seems to be clear.

Friend in law?

Also, a considerable scandal came out when, in the 2011 parliamentary elections, Zhilkin made opera singer Maria Maksakova-Igenbergsm second in the list of United Russia members from the Astrakhan region, so that she soon became a State Duma deputy.

According to local law enforcement, Vladimir Anatolyevich Tyurin was "crowned" by the "thief in law" Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) and headed the "fraternal criminal group". Tyurik is part of a clan led by Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro-young) and the late Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), who previously clashed with criminal communities from western Georgia, as well as with the Izmailovo, Podolsk and Uralmash groups. Spain has information that Kalashov and Usoyan periodically held meetings of their allies, one of which took place in October 2002 in Geneva. It was also attended by Vladimir Tyurin.

The petition also notes that on March 20 and 21, 2003, magnificent celebrations of the birthday of Zakhary Kalashov were held at the Montiboli Hotel, located in the Spanish town of Alicante. The event was attended by thieves in law Aslan Usoyan, Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik), Vitaly Izgilov (The Beast), Tariel Oniani (Taro), Merab Gogia (Merab), Jamal Khachidze (Jamal - represented the interests of the Solntsevo group), Vakhtang Kardava, Mamuka Mikeladze, Armen Arutyunov, as well as several businessmen, including Konstantin Manukyan and Leon Lann. According to the Spaniards, at these celebrations it was decided that the OPS would be engaged in money laundering in Spain. And after all this, Zhilkin trusts the thief in law's wife to become a State Duma deputy from the Astrakhan region. It is no coincidence that rumors appeared in the region that money was collected from the entire "thieves' common fund" to promote Maksakova to the federal parliament.

The governor “overslept” the arson?

But the last major scandal in the Astrakhan region is Zhilkin's suspicion that he deliberately "turned a blind eye" to the arson of houses and seizures of land when Bozhenov was the mayor of Astrakhan.

After all, as she wrote New Newspaper”, it is possible that the current governor of the Volgograd region (when he was the mayor of Astrakhan) was involved in the arson of residential buildings!

After all, according to the opponents of the former mayor Bozhenov, his relatives and acquaintances owned and still own considerable real estate in Astrakhan. Moreover, areas for the construction of new facilities often appeared after residential buildings were accidentally burned down in their place. Whether there is a relationship - no one has definitely established, but the fact is obvious.

The fire victims say that at first they negotiated with people - they bought them housing, but then, apparently, having calculated the costs, they began to offer obviously unacceptable options: for example, one-room apartment for five or an apartment on the very outskirts in an emergency building. People argued, put forward demands - and then their houses simply burned down.

The one who managed to get out of the burning housing - the mayor's office resettled in the slums, those who did not have time, respectively - in the morgue. Mostly old people died. Fire-technical examinations came to the conclusion about "arson using a flammable liquid", but the criminal cases fell apart due to the lack of evidence base. Even when the fires happened on the same night with a 30-minute break, the investigation did not see a connection between them.

But this connection, most likely, was!

"The owner of the region" - on trial?

And if, with the permission of Sergei Bozhenov, they really burned houses in Astrakhan, then this is a real crime! Yes, you should be judged for this!

Although, in fact, governor Zhilkin should also be prosecuted for this, to whom residents have repeatedly complained about all this "outrage" with arson, but he did not react in any way.

But now, they say that the arrested Stolyarov will make a deal with the investigation and “surrender” Zhilkin to the security forces. And then Alexander Alexandrovich will have not another gubernatorial term, but prison bunk beds and gruel!!!

Voivodship court (remains), 1686-1696
Emergence and further history Voivodship court are connected with the new conditions of social and political life of Novgorod in XVI-XVII centuries. After, at the end of the 15th century, power in Novgorod and Novgorod land passed from the veche - the Council of Lords and Vladyka - into the hands of the Grand Duke of Moscow, the management of state affairs was concentrated in the hands of the Novgorod governors of the Grand Duke, who were sent from Moscow.

In the 17th century, the voevodas, located in the Kremlin, became the sovereign masters of the city. The Novgorod governor had broad rights, including the right to mint coins, i.e. he had his own money yard. The so-called Voivodship Court became his residence. Previously, on the site of the Voivodship Court there were two governors, two deacons and three sovereign courts. There was also a Sytny yard.

It is assumed that the Voivodship Court of the 17th century occupied mainly the territory of the vicegerent courts.

The voivodeship court was a large urban-type estate, which included residential and economic purpose fenced with a high wooden fence.

The main administrative building of the Voivodship Court was the Order Chamber, built in the 16th century. The remains of this large building have survived to our time in the lower part of the building of the Presences.

In 1686, the buildings of the Voivodship Court burned down, after which, the governor P.V. Sheremetyev built a new courtyard on the site of the old, burned down one. There were a few buildings inside the courtyard - the main one was a hut, which consisted of two large rooms separated by a vestibule. During excavations in 1957, it was possible to find the remains of one of the buildings of the Voivodship Court in 1686, apparently, a cookhouse.

The buildings of 1686 did not last long. Already after 6 years, the voivode Prozorovsky asked permission from Moscow to build a new courtyard.

In 1692-1696, on the territory of the southern part of Detinets, great work for the construction of stone buildings of the new Voivodship Court. The construction was carried out by S.L. Efimov. Under his leadership, not only the stone buildings of the Voivodeship Court, but also a number of other civil structures of outstanding importance were built in Novgorod. According to his projects and estimates, a bridge across the Volkhov, Gostiny Dvor, stone tents on the Prechistenskaya tower of the Kremlin were created.

Built by S.L. Efimov in 1692-1696, the Voivodship Court was an outstanding monument of civil architecture of the second half of XVIII century. Its territory from the west and south was limited by the walls of the Kremlin from Pokrovskaya to the Spasskaya tower, and from the north and east by a new stone wall, on the northeast corner of which there was an octagonal corner tower, discovered in 1965-1957 by archaeological excavations. It was an extensive civil complex, designed in a single ensemble. The main building was the Large Chambers intended for housing. Other buildings adjoined the fence of the yard.

The entrance to the territory was carried out through the gate, which had two passages, between which there was a chamber on two floors. There was a garden inside the Voivodship Court.

The voivodship court existed for less than a century.

With the destruction of the voivodship, the courtyard lost its significance and its buildings were gradually destroyed.

The voivodeship yard is a typical monument of Moscow architecture of the late 17th century using the forms of Novgorod architecture, which testifies to the gradual transformation of the Novgorod Kremlin from a defensive complex into the administrative center of the city.

Many thanks to "Soviet Chuvashia" for covering the work of archaeologists in Alatyr. I would like to inform the readers of the newspaper some new details. During recent excavations, a group of archaeologists from Ulyanovsk, led by a candidate historical sciences, assistant professor at the local state university, Alexander Viskalin, stumbled here on the voivodship court of the early 17th century.
Scientists were interested in the territory between the obelisk to soldiers-countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War, and the Cathedral of John the Baptist. Just on this place was the ancient fortress Alatyr. I was lucky enough to participate in research work. Several goals were pursued during the excavation expedition at the Wence in the historical part of the city. The first is the definition of the objects of the old fortress. The second is the determination of a more accurate date for the founding of the city; the third is the definition of the underlying culture, that is, the settlements that existed before the founding of the city.
The expedition was of an exploratory nature, and it is important that it was possible to accurately identify southern part moat. It turned out that the moat was only on two sides of the fortress. Completely it was an irregular quadrangle, on four sides there were log walls. It was possible to identify, by examination of the layers, the remains of a burnt wall on the eastern side, which was facing Sura. However, a landslide took place here, which destroyed most of the ancient territory.
Another discovery was made, a very deep cultural layer was found - obviously a dwelling, where a unique find was preserved at the bottom - a tile from the beginning of the 17th century. He was badly melted and burned. The expert accurately determined the age of the find by drawing and color. Only in late XVI- at the beginning of the 17th century there was a zoomorphic pattern in the form of green animals. On this tile there were heraldic mythical beasts - two one-headed dragons with eagle paws attacking each other. Preliminarily, we can assume that we stumbled upon the voivodship yard, which was burned down.
This is the end of exploration work. Assume in next year make large-scale excavations. According to the materials of the conducted intelligence for the city, interesting objects for restoration were revealed. It is possible to reconstruct part of the fortress wall with two towers, about 30 meters of moat, by the way, it can also serve as a modern engineering structure to prevent landslides. In general, the prospects are good. On the basis of these findings, the Crown can be turned into an interesting cultural center.

director of the local history museum.