Lip augmentation is very popular these days.

And this can be associated not only with fashion, but also with the desire of a woman to maintain a beautiful and young look.

This procedure will save you from age-related changes such as smoothing contours, loss of volume, tightness and thinning.

You can easily adjust the upper and lower lips, and choose one of them. Experienced cosmetologists-specialists individually approach the appearance of each patient.

Lip augmentation is carried out with incorrect symmetry of the lower and upper lip, after injuries and operations for a more beautiful appearance, when correcting the contour associated with age-related changes, and for a more effective and aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of modern methods of lip augmentation with fillers

Synthetic gel fillers

Such fillers, injected into the lip area, will not dissolve, that is, they will remain for life.

Outdated modifications of these drugs are displaced under the skin, thereby significantly worsening the aesthetic appearance of the lips.

Patient's own fat

In modern cosmetology, the method of lip augmentation due to the patient's fat cells, lipofilling, is also used.

Since the person's own cells are used, a rejection reaction is automatically excluded. Although, this method has a significant disadvantage - about half of the injected material is absorbed in the first week after the procedure.

Therefore, these injections will have to be repeated several times.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid fillers is a more suitable cosmetic material for lip augmentation! They provide the expected effect, which lasts for a long time.

When you can and can not carry out the procedure


Lip augmentation, correction and contouring are usually carried out in the following situations:


As with any cosmetic procedure, there are certain contraindications in which lip augmentation is not performed:

  • viral infections, herpes;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • damage and inflammation in the lips;
  • dermatitis of various origins;
  • the presence of other synthetic fillers at the injection sites;
  • pregnancy, lactation, menstruation.

Filler lip augmentation procedure

Gel fillers are used for lip augmentation. They contain hyaluronic acid, which fills the skin of the lips with the necessary moisture.

This substance is a natural component and is present in our skin, and therefore is considered safe and as effective as possible.

injection site

Filler injections are performed in the area of ​​the lower and upper lips using a special technology. The results of the procedure will be noticeable after two days.

The period of natural metabolism of hyaluronic acid is eight months. It biodegrades and is excreted naturally from the human body.

The whole procedure will take you no more than 15 minutes. In modern clinics, at the request of the patient, local anesthesia is performed. After injections, redness is possible, which soon disappears, as well as minor hematomas in places from injections. Minor soreness may persist for a week.

Procedure steps

The procedure takes place in two main stages with a break of 2 weeks. Injections are made using the finest needles. At the request of the patient, the injection site can be anesthetized. After the procedure, swelling and slight redness persist for about two days. Depending on the type of drug and the area of ​​influence, the effect can last up to six months.

Used drugs

It is necessary to choose a filler based on two main parameters: safety and effectiveness (obtaining the expected result). Among the preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid, the following are widely used:

  • Surgiderm;
  • Juvederm
  • Restylane.

Also, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, you can use a combination of several drugs.

For example, to give softness and mobility to the lips, and to preserve the clarity of the lines, they introduce Perlane. And in addition, in order to increase the lips, Restylane is introduced.

Gel fillers are used to correct and enlarge the lips.

In clinics, an individual drug is selected for each patient, taking into account all the tests performed, which is a guarantee of safety and quality.

You can buy a filler for lip augmentation in a special salon. Restylane, Juvederm and Surgiderm are among the various preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid.

Restylane It is a transparent gel based on hyaluronic acid.

This filler is widely used to remove signs of aging of the lips, as well as to increase them.

The drug is also used for young patients to correct some of the shortcomings.

is a hyaluronic filler for lip contouring. It is based on non-animal acid.

This drug is used to increase the lips and correct irreversible age-related changes.

It contains lidocaine, and this is a guarantee of painless administration.

is a hyaluronic filler for volume correction of the lip contour.

Such a filler does not require testing and will not cause allergies, since all substances contained in it are of non-animal origin.

Advantages of these drugs for lip augmentation:

  • the effect of rejuvenation can be seen immediately after the procedure;
  • safety of cosmetics;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • all injected substances break down and are excreted naturally from the body;
  • the speed of the procedure and the recovery period.

Applied techniques

Lip augmentation with modern techniques carried out to achieve the expected effect of volume, expressiveness and elimination of various defects.

In modern clinics, there is a painless and low-traumatic technique for introducing a filler through two punctures using a flexible microcannula.

In this case, you will not need anesthesia, and swelling and bruising will be absent. Within an hour your smile will become sexy and charming!

For cosmetic defects, lipofilling.

Cosmetic procedures performed in the salon allow you to eliminate asymmetry and cicatricial age-related changes. Effective the latest techniques remove scars and restore the previous volume.

There is not one. Their popularity continues to grow, as today many women pay Special attention to their lips, they want to add a little plumpness, sensuality to them.

With the help of fillers, you can correct the shape or improve the condition of the skin in this part of the face. Moreover, you can also find balms, creams with a filler effect, such as Librederm,.

What are lip fillers?

Fillers are drugs that are used for injection. With their help, you can change the shape, volume of the lips, etc. The composition of such funds may include bovine collagen, a variety of additives of synthetic origin, and much more.

Fillers are used for different purposes. This may include:

  • lifting the corners of the lips;
  • shape correction;
  • increase in volume.

To inject the drug into the skin, a special syringe is used, which has a thin needle. The procedure itself takes about 15-30 minutes.

Many fillers contain an anesthetic. This helps reduce pain after the injection.

If the filler is used to reduce wrinkles, then the drug is injected into its base. If a woman wants to increase the volume, then the specialist injects the agent directly deep into the tissues, distributing it throughout the area.

The effect of such injections can be seen immediately. But it disappears after a while. Depending on the individual characteristics of the filler used, the effect will last from six months to a year.

The fact is that the composition of the funds contains substances that have the properties to dissolve after a certain period of time.

Pros and cons of using fillers

2-3 decades ago, lips were enlarged using polymer gels of synthetic origin. In this way, it was possible to achieve a positive change in volume, really make the lips bigger.

But the problem is that such gels are not excreted by their body and remain there forever.

Quite often, patients encountered complications, as a result of which they had to resort to surgical methods to remove the injected composition.

In addition, there were cases when the migration of the gel under the skin was observed, so the woman was constantly faced with a new inflammatory process.

Luckily, lip fillers have been created. If the procedure for their introduction is performed good doctor, then the risk of collision with complications is reduced to zero.

But, unfortunately, such fillers require repeated injections from time to time, since after a certain time they dissolve. As a result, the lips become as they were.

The disadvantages of the funds include a fairly high cost. The price for 1 ml of filler is about 10-35 thousand rubles.

What fillers are used today?

The most popular are fillers, which are based on hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, and bovine collagen.

It is worth noting that products based on the last component are used less frequently, since they have a high risk of allergies.

Some fillers scored great popularity, included in the rating the best means. Below is a list of them.

Juvederm VolumaThis filler has gained great popularity, it is often used by cosmetologists. It contains hyaluronic acid and an anesthetic.
Surgiderm 24 XP and Surgiderm 30 XPThe base is hyaluronic acid. They differ in density and speed of action. To get a more pronounced result, the first filler option is used.
PrincessPrincesses is a fairly popular lip filler, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. For its manufacture, hyaluronic acid is used.
Belotero intenseThe filler is a gel based on sodium hyaluronate. These are hyaluronic acid salts.
SculptraPolylactic acid is used in the production of this filler.
Glytone 4This is a drug for the production of which native and synthetic hyaluronic acid is used.
DermalaxDermalax is made in France, is a popular lip filler, as evidenced by the reviews. For its basis, hyaluronic acid is used, which has undergone the highest purification. With the help of this filler, you can correct the skin relief, eliminate wrinkles, and also moisturize the epidermis well.
EllanseThere is a whole line of fillers with this name. All of them have a prolonged action. For the production of drugs used polycaprolactone.
Zyplast, Resoplast, ArtefillBovine collagen is used to create such products. They are rarely used by cosmetologists, as they often provoke the occurrence side effects. But they can be a great alternative for those people who have an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.

But which filler is best for lips? It is impossible to accurately answer this question, because the drug is selected individually for each person.

Quite often, in order to increase the lips, Surgiderm and Princess preparations are used. After the injection, you can immediately notice the effect, but there is a slight swelling, which disappears after a while.

Important rules when choosing a filler (and the procedure itself)

It is impossible to determine exactly which lip fillers are best to take. The thing is, they all have their pros and cons.

The choice of a suitable tool should be entrusted to a professional. Often, to increase the lips, cosmetologists use drugs that have hyaluronic acid in their composition.

This safe means, as they rarely provoke the occurrence of side effects. In addition, the biodergradation of hyaluronic preparations stands out most best speed, since the resorption of fillers occurs from six months to a year.

Before deciding on the choice of remedy, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body, his age. It is also important for him to know if a person is allergic to any substances.

In some cases, one session of filler injection is not enough. Therefore, the doctor performs a second procedure after a few weeks.

In order not to run into trouble, the doctor must conduct a test that will help determine the presence of an allergy to the drug. For this, the specialist introduces the agent into the forearm area. If itching, burning, swelling does not appear, then it will be possible to proceed to the main procedure.

The fact is that active facial expressions can provoke a displacement of the drug. It is better to give up cosmetics for a couple of days, alcohol, saunas, and it is recommended to sleep on your back.

Filler injection scheme

The procedure for the introduction of any filler is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Often, the doctor initially anesthetizes the lip area using a special gel.
  2. Next, the doctor gradually introduces the selected filler with a thin needle.
  3. At the end, the lips are treated with a cream or other product that soothes the skin.

This is all the manipulations that the doctor performs. The job will take less than an hour.

Basically, the doctor uses up to 1 ml of the product to increase the lips. But there are times when more gel is used (2 ml is the maximum allowable volume).

5 important rules after the procedure

In order not to face complications, to get a beautiful result, you should follow these simple rules for several weeks:

  1. 2 weeks after the injection of the filler, you should see a doctor. It may be necessary to repeat the adjustment procedure.
  2. It is worth trying once again not to move your mouth. Pronounced facial expressions can worsen the result.
  3. It is forbidden to go to the sauna, do strenuous sports. Alcoholic beverages and spicy foods are prohibited. Even nuts should be eaten carefully so as not to hurt the skin.
  4. It is worth giving up kissing for the period of rehabilitation. Cool compresses will help reduce swelling.
  5. If there are any irregularities, it is forbidden to try to correct the defect on your own.


Majority cosmetic procedures have certain . Filler injections are no exception.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to abandon this procedure in some cases.


  1. if an oncological disease, a blood disease is detected;
  2. when an inflammatory process appeared in the lip area, for example, herpes, pimple;
  3. if a person systematically encounters epilepsy;
  4. if the patient has recently had an infectious pathology;
  5. when a woman is carrying a child or breastfeeding him.

It is important to tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, as well as if you have any specific medical conditions. If you ignore the contraindications, you may encounter unwanted complications.

Possible complications after fillers

There are some minor complications after the injection of fillers, which disappear after a while. They are considered temporary, so they do no harm.

It can be hematomas, swelling, allergies. Such effects disappear after a week. Especially often in patients there is swelling, which disappears in a couple of days. This is a normal reaction.

But if inflammation appears, fibrosis develops, then you should seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe the necessary drug treatment.

You can face more serious consequences after the injection. In some cases, there were such troubles:

  • there were seals;
  • the drug has migrated;
  • pigmentation appeared;
  • infection developed.

In rare cases, doctors encounter vascular ischemia. This happens if the gel was injected too deeply.

If the patient is faced with such a complication, he needs immediate medical care. Otherwise, more serious consequences can be expected.

Question answer

Fillers can't be cheap. This must be understood. The price of the lip augmentation procedure is affected by the amount of gel required, doctor's consultation, anesthesia.

Many cosmetologists usually recommend Restylane for lips if you want a more natural look. Restylane Silk worked particularly well. However, if you want voluminous lips and don't like the effect of Juvederm or Restylane, then we recommend trying Perlane or Juvederm Ultra Plus.

We strongly recommend that you return to your specialist who performed the injections so that he can correct the situation. Often cosmetologists correct the result 2 weeks after the procedure. To correct such defects, hyaluronidase is often used, for example.

Filler creams

On sale you can find cream fillers. What is it? These are products designed for the care of the lips and skin of the face.

They are relevant for those women who do not have a neglected condition of the skin, as they are not able to penetrate deep into the epidermis. Such products provide excellent hydration, visually enlarging the lips.

Quite recently, a serum called Loreal Revitalift filler appeared on sale. The manufacturer did a great job in order to attract people's attention to their products.

The packaging is reminiscent of appearance syringe, in this way this tool is compared with the effectiveness of the injection. But, unfortunately, they are different things.

With the help of the cream, it is impossible to achieve such results as after the introduction of the filler. But you can improve the condition of the lips. The cream moisturizes the skin well, but it is not able to remove wrinkles. This should be taken into account when buying a product.

You can also find Faberlic lip filler balm on sale, about which there are many various reviews in the Internet.

A large number of people note that the tool helps to add some volume to the lips, provides them with moisture.

The balm contains a complex of brown algae. They provide the tissues with the necessary nutrition, as a result, their collagen is better produced. The product also included an extract obtained from cayenne pepper.

It improves blood circulation, as it has a warming effect, improves the tone of the skin. The balm also contains vitamin E, F.

The first component accelerates wound healing, and the second adds firmness and elasticity.

After using the product, volume and shine are added to the lips. The balm does not spread, provides long-lasting moisture.

Features of Librederm balm with 3D effect

Today, many women want to make their lips more plump. But not everyone decides on injections. Do not despair, as there are other more gentle methods.

Libriderm hyaluronic lip filler deserves special attention, as it is in demand among people, has many reviews different nature. What is this remedy?

The manufacturer promises that with the help of such a balm you can increase the volume of the lips, add an attractive shine to them. Lip filler Librederm fills skin covering moisture, improves the contour of the lips, adding sensuality to them, which is confirmed by the reviews of women.

The balm contains hyaluronic acid, which provides thorough hydration to every cell. The product also contains the Pal-KMO2K peptide, which gives youth by improving the contour, smoothing wrinkles.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Any doctor will not be able to answer the question which filler better fit for lips. There is no universal remedy for sale. Each gel is suitable for a specific situation, solves a specific problem. For example, I would advise young people to pay attention to such fillers as "Princess Volume" or, for example, "Juvederm Ultra Smile". They will add sensuality to the lips. For older patients, "Restylane Lip Volume" is suitable, but many other gels have also proven themselves.

Michelle Green


Fillers differ from each other in their composition, the duration of resorption. In addition, some gels are injected superficially, while others are injected deeply. The doctor will help you choose the right remedy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and his wishes. Personally, I think Juvederm fillers are great for lip augmentation. To correct the contour, I advise you to pay attention to Restylane Silk.

Fillers are preparations designed to fill voids in the epidermis in order to increase the volume of the lips and cheekbones. Contour plastic has become widespread among the owners of various birth defects (asymmetry, thinness, eversion). This technique allows you to correct the shape and size of the mouth already in the first session.

Types of fillers

All fillers are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable.

Most often, doctors recommend the use of biodegradable drugs. They are safer to use, rarely rejected by the body and have virtually no contraindications. They, in turn, are divided into collagen and hyaluronic. Collagen includes:

Hyaluronic acid includes:

List of insoluble fillers:

  • Artrokol. This filler tops the ranking of the most affordable lip augmentation products. Some girls even buy it in pharmacies for sessions at home. The composition of the drug includes propylene glycol, sodium balls, saline and excipients.
  • Paraffin. Surprisingly, it was previously used to fill voids. Now doctors are trying to abandon this technique, although there is a “specialist” in every city. The technique is dangerous - there is a high probability of rejection of the material by the body.
  • This is a 5th generation Korean filler. Filler refers to combined. It contains active plant ingredients, acids and silicones.

Which filler is best for lip augmentation

When choosing which filler is best for lip augmentation, you need to pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the types described above. biological materials(Aespira, Filorga, Biomialvel) take root very well, are rarely rejected and cause allergies only in case of individual intolerance. But they are considered short-lived. You will have to regularly sign up for corrections and monitor proper care behind the lips.

Synthetic and combined materials are more practical in this regard. They stay on for a very long time and do not come out on their own. Correction will be needed only if the desired shape of the lips has changed or the filler has “moved out” to the side. But they have other disadvantages. High rejection rate - up to 25%, a large number of side effects, difficulty in care.

Conventionally, in aesthetic cosmetology, there are two techniques for introducing fillers into the lips:

The master himself decides in which cases to resort to internal or surface techniques. We advise you to trust a specialist. A good beautician will be able to pick up an organic shape and volume by eye so that the lips are like Jolie's, but do not turn into dumplings.

Consider how the increase in lip volume with the Overage filler goes:

  • To begin with, the skin is cleansed, any cosmetics are removed from the surface of the epidermis: lipstick, cream, foundation. The treatment area is degreased.
  • A thick layer of anesthetic cream is applied to the lips. It is important to understand that this does not hurt - only very uncomfortable. But during the procedure, one awkward movement can negate all the efforts of a specialist. Therefore, it is important to immobilize the pierced area. After using analgesic creams, the sensations of hyaluronic injection are comparable to mosquito bites.
  • After that, the master waits 20 minutes and begins the procedure. To do this, he pulls the processed lips and works out the contour. Only then fills the voids at the base. These actions are repeated until all deficiencies are corrected.
  • At the end of the procedure, a protective cream is applied to the skin.

After the end of the session, a slight swelling will be noticeable on the lips, it will pass within 2 days.

Remember, this is a dangerous procedure, fraught with negative consequences. Lip augmentation with fillers cannot be done at home, especially on your own.

How to care?

First of all, at home you need to wash off the cream applied in the beauty parlor. It acts as a protective layer and is needed to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering damaged skin. For this:

Apply a regenerating composition to cleansed skin. This may be Bepanthen or another suitable ointment. On the first day, simple ice will also help to relieve swelling. But it can not be kept on the skin for a very long time - blood circulation will be disturbed. Apply compresses for a few minutes.

If you have a predisposition to the appearance of herpes, then it will not be superfluous for the first 3 days after the procedure to treat the skin with an antiviral ointment. This may be Acyclovir, Gerpevir or other suitable drugs.

What not to do after the procedure

Proper lip care after filler augmentation implies them full protection from negative environment. It is forbidden:

  • Sleep on your stomach, lay your head face down, spend more than 1 minute with your head down.
  • Kissing is strictly prohibited. You will have to refrain from tenderness for 2 whole weeks.
  • Visit tanning salons, saunas and other places where temperatures are above the comfortable temperature of 25 degrees. For a while, stop warming up in the infrared sauna and reduce daytime sunbathing.
  • If you decide to increase your lips, be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to swim for 2 weeks. Even the washing procedure is better to abolish. Instead, wipe your lips with Chlorhexidine.

Doctors also insist that for some time you will have to change your lifestyle. In the first week after training, any physical exercise. Until the lips are completely tightened, you need to limit yourself to alcohol and try to exclude smoking.

Contraindications and complications

This procedure has its contraindications. Be sure to check with your family doctor. Perhaps you have an individual intolerance to drugs. When You Can't Augment Your Lips:

  • With exacerbation of chronic diseases. This is herpes, sinusitis, any diseases of the excretory or circulatory system.
  • During pregnancy and lactation. Here main danger lies in the introduction of infections into the body in the process of care.
  • When diagnosing any inflammatory processes of connective tissues.
  • During elevated temperature (over 38 degrees), while intoxicated, during menstruation.
  • In case of fungal skin diseases, such procedures should also be avoided.

If properly cared for, then negative consequences occur very rarely. Neither manifest themselves in prolonged swelling (more than 4 days), elevated body temperature, activation of herpes disease, the appearance of scars and bruises. In some cases (for example, when a scar occurs), the cause negative consequences lies in the low professionalism of the master. In all the other options listed, the fault lies only with the patient who did not follow the instructions for care.

Photos before and after

You can not enlarge your lips with injections, but continue to treat them with a suction cup, use contour makeup and rub with red pepper. But the result in the photo speaks for itself. It is better to go through the session once and enjoy beautiful shape and volume than to correct it every day with improvised means.

Injection techniques are widely used in modern aesthetic medicine, and are absolutely justifiably considered one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. With the help of injections of special filler preparations, a specialist can fill in the missing volumes on the patient's face, thus correcting the contours of his face. But the quality and severity of the final result is influenced by several factors, among which is the choice of the correct technique for administering the drug. Today, on the site, read about the main techniques for introducing injectable fillers and their features.

The main techniques for the introduction of preparations for contouring

The choice of technique for introducing an injectable preparation largely determines the effectiveness of the contouring procedure. Specialists working with injectable fillers must remember that each of the drugs that exist today implies certain features of administration.

Injecting almost all fillers using the same technique is the wrong decision!

The doctor must necessarily understand the nature of the substance that he introduces to the patient, and determine the required depth of its introduction. Only this approach will allow good result procedures that will satisfy both the doctor and his patient.

Insertion techniques:

  • basic approaches to the introduction of injectable fillers;
  • injectable filler techniques: a short guide.

Basic approaches to the introduction of injectable fillers

There are two main approaches to the introduction of microimplants into soft tissues: these are superficial (intradermal) and deep (supraperiostal, subcutaneous) approaches. The last of them is designed specifically to restore or create reliefs of soft tissues: correction of facial contours, giving volume to the chin and cheekbones. Right choice approach to injection facial correction plays a very important role for the successful completion of the procedure, since the peculiarities of the placement of the filler in the tissues determine the severity of the correction effect. Before the procedure, the specialist must also determine the technique for introducing the filler.

Injectable Filler Techniques: A Quick Guide

The choice of filler injection technique takes into account the type of preparation, as well as the area of ​​correction. There are the following main techniques for the introduction of injectable fillers:

  • linear insertion technique:

This is a basic technique that is used to correct folds and wrinkles. The needle at an angle of 30-40° to the skin for the entire length is inserted parallel to the fold or wrinkle, the direction of its cut is not of fundamental importance. If a filler based on low viscosity hyaluronic acid is used, the drug is injected into the upper or middle layers of the dermis, high viscosity - into the middle or lower layers, at the border with the hypodermis. The insertion of the implant must be completed before the needle is removed from the skin. Joining lines form one continuous line, which raises the fold or wrinkle to the required level;

  • fan insertion technique:

this technique is used to correct the base of the nasolabial fold, in the area of ​​the cheekbones, corners of the mouth, as well as for lip augmentation. Injections are performed according to the same rules as the linear technique, but after the injection of the drug is completed, the needle is not removed, but deployed in the skin under acute angle, and the administration of the drug continues. This manipulation is repeated several times;

  • mesh insertion technique:

this technique is used to increase the volume of soft tissues in areas where lipoatrophy or severe depression is observed, for example, cheeks, drooping corners of the mouth, cheekbones and the “ crow's feet". Linear injections are performed in the middle or lower layers of the dermis, at a distance of 5-10 mm from each other. Initially, injections are performed in parallel, and then perpendicular to each other, while the drug is allowed to be injected at different depths, but within the recommended depth. The material should create the effect of soft tissue filling;

  • micropapular injection technique (multipuncture, point injections):

the technique involves the implementation of numerous injections located along the line of the fold or wrinkle. The drug, introduced in the form of separate portions, merges together into a continuous line. There should be no gaps between the individual portions of the input material;

  • short-line technique:

this technique is used to create long-term skin hydration or potentiate the action of hyaluronic fillers. The needle is inserted into the skin at an angle of 30-45° for 1/2-1/3 of the length, injections of the drug are performed in small doses into the middle layer of the dermis. The drug should be administered in small droplets on the return stroke of the needle, and the distance between the injection sites is approximately 5-10 mm;

  • sandwich insertion technique:

this technique is intended for the correction of deep wrinkles and folds of the skin, and involves first an injection into the middle layers of the skin with a needle angle of 30 °, and then into the upper layers of the skin, with the needle at an angle of 15 °;

  • tunnel injection technique (deep injections):

the drug with this technique is administered from the transoral access, that is, through the oral cavity. Small skin incisions (1-2 mm) are made with a scalpel or a sharp injection needle, the drug is injected in small equal portions, filling the intended area. The technique involves manipulation of the cannula into different directions, while separate portions of the drug are retrogradely injected into each "tunnel".

The correct choice of drug administration technique is, to a large extent, the key to a successful injection contouring procedure.

That is why, every aesthetic medicine specialist should have information about existing techniques, and understand in which cases their use is recommended. In the "Cosmetology" section of the site, read more interesting materials about contouring.

Fillers are injected into the deeper layers of the skin using a thin needle. The procedure in most cases does not take more than half an hour.

"Beauty injections" are used in the following situations:

  • Required.
  • Create the desired form.
  • An increase in the volume of the upper or lower part of the lips.
  • Creating a beautiful and correct bend of the nasolabial fold.

It is known that lip fillers can be of biological and synthetic origin, which one is suitable in a particular situation, the cosmetologist will help the client decide.

All detailed information about lip contouring, you will find in.

We offer you to watch a video about what fillers are:

How to prepare the injection area?

  1. It is better to refuse the procedures in the first three days of the menstrual cycle and in its second phase, since during this period the subcutaneous fatty tissue retains and accumulates water.
  2. Three days before the procedure, Troxevasin gel should be applied to the lips, it will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. If herpes often occurs on the lips, then before the “beauty injections” for its prevention, it is necessary to use Acyclovir or Zovirax ointment for three days.
  4. One day before the procedure, you can not use painkillers, for example, "Analgin", "Tempalgin", "Ibuprofen" and some others, as they reduce blood clotting, which leads to bruising.

It is worth noting that “beauty injections” should be abandoned if a cold, herpes or acne suddenly appears on the lips.

Test for an allergic reaction

  1. Before the introduction of the filler into the lips, the cosmetologist conducts tests for the presence of an allergic reaction of the patient to the drug.

    If there are any contraindications or individual intolerance to certain components in medicinal and cosmetic products, a specialist should be immediately warned about this.

  2. Next, the cosmetologist selects a special syringe that would correspond to the administered drug and the treated area of ​​the lips.

It is worth noting that the procedure should be carried out not only by an experienced specialist, but also under certain sterile conditions.

Insertion Techniques

The choice of filler injection technique and correction scheme depends on the problem posed. that the patient wants to correct and the drug used.

How to inject the drug? Cosmetologists use several insertion techniques:

How much preparation is needed to correct the contours of the lips? The volumes of administered drugs are directly dependent on the goals that the patient wants to achieve. If fillers are introduced to give the lips a beautiful contour, then the cosmetologist injects no more than 0.5-0.7 ml into their lower and upper parts in one procedure. How much drug is needed for lip augmentation? If “beauty injections” are carried out in order to increase the size of the lips and make them plump, then from 0.8 to 1 ml of the drug is used in one procedure.

The aesthetic effect after the introduction of fillers persists for 6-9 months. Some modern drugs can work for 12-15 months.

We offer you to watch a video on how the procedure for introducing fillers into the lips is carried out:

Immediately after the procedure, the cosmetologist treats the areas where “beauty shots” were placed with an antiseptic and a cream or gel with a calming effect.

Also, the patient should pay a second visit to the beautician in a few weeks to get a consultation or re-introduce the drug.

In the first days after the “beauty injections”, it is worth smiling and laughing less. Beauticians recommend giving up kissing for a short time, visiting saunas and pools, alcoholic beverages, spicy food. Lips do not need to be touched, massaged and applied to them with care products. The injection site takes time to heal. About what can and cannot be done after the introduction, how to maintain the effect, and also what possible consequences, you will learn .

What to do if side effects appear?

If the procedure was carried out incorrectly or low-quality drugs were used, then side effects may occur. Side effects from the procedure:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Blockage of blood vessels.
  • gel migration.
  • The formation of benign tumors.
  • tissue necrosis.

Slight swelling, redness and swelling are a normal reaction of the body to "beauty injections", but if they bother you, it is better to consult a specialist.

How and how to remove side effects? The consequences of the introduction of fillers are removed:

  1. In a medicinal way, introducing special substances into the body.
  2. How to remove severe swelling? They are removed with ultrasound.
  3. How to completely remove the filler? If medical treatment does not help, then you need to resort to removing the gel surgically.

It is worth noting that the result after “beauty injections” is noticeable immediately, and if it does not suit the patient, then the effect of the gel can be neutralized within 20 minutes after its administration with injections of hyaluronizade or longidaza.

The best drugs

Today, cosmetologists use fillers various origins Each of them may have advantages and disadvantages. main role plays the individual susceptibility of drugs by the body. The most popular and safe are hyaluronic acid fillers.

There are also preparations based on calcium and phosphorus, which are well accepted by the body. In some cases, the patient's own fat is used as fillers. Modern "beauty injections" may contain polylactic acid, collagen, polycaprolactone.

Cosmetologists most often advise doing “beauty injections” with the following drugs:

  • Juvederm Voluma.
  • Surgiderm 30 XP and Surgiderm 24 XP Source.
  • Glytone 4.
  • princess volume.
  • Teosyal Kiss.
  • Sculptra.
  • Belotero intense.

These preparations were highly appreciated by qualified specialists in the field plastic surgery and patients.

All of the above drugs have passed numerous tests, take root well in the body and do not cause side effects.

Useful video

We suggest using the video to learn more about how to increase lips with fillers:


The procedure for introducing a filler into the lips, at first glance, is not complicated, but this is not entirely true. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, it is important to contact a highly qualified and experienced specialist, as well as to know which one to choose a high-quality and safe drug.