We have already considered the malfunctions in which the designer of the camera is to blame. No matter how the user takes care of the camera, the malfunction still comes.

Time passes and some cameras from the previous review are no longer being repaired (they are not left with the population or are so outdated that they are not being repaired). New regulars have appeared on the shelves in service centers.

Well, the trends are such that a modern camera is becoming cheaper and works less. "Shoals" in production are more and more. Some cameras are striking in abundance simultaneously occurring breakdowns, and all of them occur through no fault of the user.

Olympus FE340 shutter cable broken.

Three defect.

  • Fractured lens cable(mentioned in the last article, they incorrectly laid the cable at the factory). By the way, a number of models suffer from the same defect: Olympus FE 330, Olympus mju 840, Olympus mju 820 and some others.
  • Fracture of the shutter loop. The cable is 2mm longer than necessary, and the mechanism breaks it. This defect is Olympus cameras FE 46, Olympus FE 47, Pentax M 50, M 60, L 50.
  • Matrix marriage- a completely new defect. Appeared relatively recently, but has a massive character. Vertical streaks appear on the image, colors are distorted, or the image disappears completely. Moreover, the latter can also be caused by a defect in the shutter loop. The manufacturer of matrices Panasonic is to blame, we have already identified about 5 models of matrices that hardly live up to today. There are five matrix models, and more than 3 dozen camera models.

In connection with the last defect, the repair and diagnosis of this model is difficult, sometimes it is necessary to eliminate successively the first two malfunctions to understand that the matrix has already failed. Its replacement is noticeably more expensive than the replacement of loops.

Immediately after the Olympus FE340 follows OlympusSP-560. Again, three defects, unrelated to each other.

  • First appeared defect of the piezo-stabilizer of the matrix. The matrix is ​​moved horizontally and vertically by the so-called. piezoactuators (fragile crystals that generate an ultrasonic wave, which moves the matrix). The crystals break, the system stops working properly, the camera says “zoom error”, “lens error”. Its brothers in design (Olympus SP 550, SP 565, SP 570, SP 590) similarly suffer from this defect.
  • Matrix failure. Still, the matrix there is the same as on the FE -340. It's a shame that with malfunction No. 1 it is impossible to diagnose malfunction No. 2.
  • Battery cover splits in half exactly in the place where the engineers decided to save on a metal plate.

Here is a crack that cuts through the battery cover of the Olympus SP-560 camera.

Olympus mju840, three defects:

  • Lens cable crushed by the display frame (somewhere we heard it ...)
  • Bracket flies off stabilizer frame
  • Defect matrix(yes, yes, the same as on the first two devices)

Analyzing our repair accounting database, you can see a funny picture: the most popular device in repair is just the Olympus FE -340. 52 hits in repairs in one year. Behind him - Olympus mju 700, with 51 entries.

Nikon S 3100, Nikon S 4100, Nikon S 4150, Nikon S 2600 and some others who got the same lens. What those who designed it were thinking is unknown.

The lens is extremely compact, but the zoom range (“zoom”) is 5 times. It is arranged like a nesting doll. Many barrels - and all moving forward. There are many points of friction - and when dust gets in, it becomes harder and harder for the motor to turn the rings. A lens of a different design in such a situation will simply jam, immediately the consequences are worse. In this lens, the ring gear is for some reason made of extremely soft plastic; as the load increases, two teeth are cut off. As a result, the lens can no longer reach the working position, it chirps loudly, the tubes twitch at a position of 1 cm from the folded state. If you pull the lens at the moment of turning on, the camera will work normally until the next turn off.

Defective ring Nikon lens S3100. Two missing teeth are clearly visible.

Canon A1000, Canon A1100, Canon A3000 and some others.

The fault is again connected to the loop. The camera takes overexposed pictures, pictures with stripes, an error occurs after a minute E 32 even in view mode.

The reason is the shutter / stabilizer cable, which loses elasticity over time, and gets between the moving parts of the lens, is pinched and torn. The malfunction is not yet massive, but over time this problem is expected a large number of not only old cameras (A1000), but also relatively “fresh” ones (A3100). The repair consists in replacing the entire cable.

Sony H 10, H 3, H 20 - flash defect.

The flash cable on the Sony DSC-H10 in the "naked" state. Everything seems to be fine..

Over time, these cameras fail built-in flash. The head with the lamp “shoots off” there, and the appearance of a defect is associated with this. The lamp is connected to the device by a cable, which tends to break. Makes things worse huge values current passing through this loop (tens of amperes!). When the slightest crack appears on the cable, the resistance of this section of the circuit slightly increases, the discharge current of the lamp heats up the section of increased resistance, the crack melts, the resistance still increases ... This continues until the crack burns completely and completely breaks the contact.

And here is the crack. Everything is as it should, burnt, contact is completely absent.

Views: 129079

Lens failure- this has to be the most common digital camera failure. Some common error messages that may appear on the display of cameras with this issue include “E18 lens”(“E18 lens error” in older Canon models), “ACCESS” (access error) (Sony), “Zoom Error” (zoom error) (Fuji), “Lens Obstructed” (“lens problems”) (Kodak) , “lens>error, restartcamera” (“lens error, restart camera”) or simply “lens error” (“lens error”) (almost all camera manufacturers in Lately use this option). Some cameras may not show anything at all on the display, but only emit a beep, the lens drives in and the camera turns off. Sometimes the lens won't even pop out.

The problem is actually quite common with all models of digital cameras. This is usually sand or other small particles that get into the lens extension mechanism and the autofocus mechanism. Or the camera was dropped with the lens extended. Perhaps the camera was turned on, but the lens was prevented from extending (for example, accidentally turned on in a bag). It happens that after the lens is extended, the batteries run out and the camera turns off with the lens extended. Believe it or not, one of the causes of lens failure is the use of cases and purses. Sand, dirt, fibers, etc. accumulate at the bottom of the body. These materials like to cling to the body of the camera due to the electrostatic charge when rubbed (especially in cases where the case is soft and fleecy). After these particles find their way into the lens mechanism, error messages occur. I have a lot of Canon cameras and never use cases for this very reason.

The owner of the camera with this problem, perhaps, does not make any sense to contact the warranty workshop. Many camera manufacturers will not fix this issue under warranty. According to them, this is due to damage to the camera due to impact or sand or debris trapped in the lens extension mechanism (none of which is covered by the warranty). The repair cost is usually close to or more than what the camera is actually worth. Since warranty workshops in most cases change a defective lens to a new one, the cost of which as a spare part is high.

Fortunately, about half of the cameras that suffer from this problem can be easily fixed by one of the following methods. None of these methods require disassembly of the camera, although some of them can cause other damage if overused and not taken care of. If the camera is still under warranty, before applying any of these, please visit your camera manufacturer's warranty shop to see if the repair will be covered under warranty or to determine how much they will charge for a paid repair. Who knows, you might get lucky. But if they quote an amount that is higher than the cost of your camera, you may want to consider the following methods. Here is a video description of each of the troubleshooting methods, followed by a detailed description of them.

The methods are listed in order of risk of damage to your camera. Therefore, you should try them in that order. And remember that these methods (in particular, No. 6 and 7) should only be considered for cameras for which the warranty period has expired, the indicated repair cost would be excessive. If these methods did not lead to the correction of the error, it is possible to contact a paid service, the cost of repairs in which is lower than in the warranty one.

Method 1: Remove the batteries from the camera, wait a few minutes. Insert a fresh set of batteries (preferably rechargeable NiMH 2500 mAh or higher) and turn on the camera. If you have been using batteries for more than a year, consider purchasing new batteries as they may not provide enough power to start the camera.

Method 1a: If the new batteries do not work, try pressing and holding the Menu, Function, Set, or OK button while turning on the camera. This, along with Method 1 and Method 2, sometimes works to correct lens errors that occur due to battery drain when the lens is extended.

Method 1b: For those of you who were able to access the camera menu with this error, try searching for and selecting "reset" to reset the camera. On some Canon cameras, this requires holding down the menu button with the power button for up to 10 seconds. Note, however, that a lens error may sometimes prevent the reset option, and thus the option may not be displayed.

Method 2: If the camera's batteries are completely dead while its lens was still open, the camera may show a lens error or not start correctly when new batteries are installed. Remove the memory card and do not insert into the camera, then install new batteries. When you turn on the camera without a card, it may come back to life as this causes a reset on some models. Error E30 (for older Canons) means you don't have installed card, so you should turn off the camera, insert the card and turn it on again.

Method 3: Insert its audio/video (AV) cable into the camera and turn on the camera. Connecting the cable ensures that the camera's LCD screen remains off while the process starts. This way, additional battery power will be available to the camera lens motor during startup. This extra power can be helpful in overcoming dust or sand that can interfere with the lens. If an AV cable does not fix the lens error on its own, I consider keeping this cable installed as a skimmer when trying to fix 4, 5, and 7 as a means to provide extra power to aid in the process of these attempts. But note that I do not recommend keeping the cable installed during the Fix 6 process as this may damage the AV port when trying to turn on the camera.

Method 4: Place the camera on its back on a table with the lens pointing towards the ceiling. Press and hold the shutter button and at the same time press the power button. The idea is that the camera will try to autofocus while the lens is extended. We hope that while the lens extends and the autofocus lens moves, the guide pins will sit in place.

Method 5: Use a blower to blow compressed air through the gaps between the lens cups. The idea is to blow sand or other debris stuck in the lens mechanism. Other purge options are using a hair dryer on a cool setting or sucking air out of the lens gaps (be careful with this!). Some use a vacuum cleaner for this.

Now we are entering the realm of potentially dangerous ways to save the camera. There is certainly some risk, so be careful when doing the following:

Method 5a: If you do notice sand particles in the cavity around the lens barrel and the airflow doesn't help to dislodge them, consider using tissue paper or a sewing needle to help clean them up. Pay Special attention to avoid scratching the lens barrel with a needle. Also, I don't recommend probing too deep around the paper lens barrel (don't go deeper than 1cm). I especially don't recommend deep probing around the outermost (largest) part of the lens barrel, as you can knock out the anti-dust gasket that is just inside that gap.

Method 6 : Hit the rubber cover of the USB socket repeatedly with the intent to dislodge any particles that may interfere with the lens of the lens. It is also possible to tap the camera body with the palm of your hand. Many people report success with this method. However, there are also some obvious possibilities for internal components to be damaged or dislodged using this method, such as cables falling out of connectors, or LCD screen cracks.

Method 6a: This is a variation of Method 6 and is applicable if the lens barrels are straight (not bent by impact). In other words, try this unless there is obvious mechanical damage to the barrels that is causing the problem. With the lens pointing down, try "softly" tapping the lens from all sides with a small object such as a pen or pencil. The idea is to try to knock out sand particles that can interfere with lens barrel movement. Simultaneously try turning the camera on and off while you do this.

Method 7a: Please note that this correction method is only for cameras whose lens extends, then stops after going part of the way, and then returns to its original position again. Try to grab and hold the smallest front lens cup in the most extended position without letting the lens come back. Inspect and clean the area around the lens cups from dust and sand. Turn the camera off and on again. If the lens extends further, grab the front glass again without letting it come back. Repeat cleaning again. Turn the camera off and on again to check if the problem is gone.

Method 7b: The most extreme fix. Just be aware that this is the absolute last resort before throwing your camera away, and there is an obvious potential for further camera damage with this method. You may consider this technique if the lens is visibly and visibly damaged, bent, or twisted, such as from a fall. In this case, try thinking of the lens as a shoulder dislocation. Try to force the lens to straighten up and stand back in place. In this case, the pins of the lens cups will become in their guides. Your goal is to try to transplant them by straightening the lens. Listen for a "click" confirming that the pins have jumped into the guides, and immediately stop any further effort at that point. All more people report the success of this method compared to any other methods.

Variations of Method 7b: Gently pulling, rotating, and/or twisting the lens barrel while pressing the power button. Check the lens for any hint of tilt or unevenness. Again, the goal is to try to straighten or straighten the barrels if they are twisted or twisted. Another option is to look for uneven gaps around the lens barrel and then push down on the side of the lens barrel that has the most gap (note, pushing the lens barrel all the way down is not recommended as it can get stuck there). Again, with all of the above, you should listen to a “click”, which means the pins of the glasses fell into the guide grooves. If you hear this sound, stop immediately and try turning on the camera.

Like any technique, cameras are constantly being improved, but even the newest model is not without damage, and then you have to repair digital cameras, which is possible only if the master has special knowledge and high-tech equipment. There are a number of damages that are most often addressed to service centers.

1. Mechanical damage. A scratch or crack is not so bad, it's much worse when the camera has been dropped and hit a hard surface. In this case samsung camera repair can cost a lot, because the impact damages the internal elements that have a direct impact on the performance of the device.

2. Moisture ingress. Water causes corrosion, which makes many circuit boards unable to perform their functions. Usually the first indicator that Sony cameras need to be repaired is that the buttons do not respond to pressing. You need to turn off the device, remove the battery and contact the service center.

3. Entry of dust or sand. Dust and sand clog the machine, rendering it inoperable, in which case panasonic lumix camera repair it is best to do it in a service, since artisanal repairs can completely ruin the device.

4. Exposure to sunlight, under which the camera heats up. Strong heating can lead to the melting of the elements of the apparatus, and in this case, the repair canon cameras requires a complete replacement of components, so keep an eye on the device and do not leave it in the sun.

There are also the most common injuries.

1. Lens. May break for any of the above reasons. Usually, a breakdown manifests itself in poor focus, jamming. When such malfunctions appear, the repair of Olympus cameras can be of very different complexity: from replacing some of the components or the entire lens.

2. Display. The reason is most often mechanical, the most vulnerable cameras, on the display of which there is no protective screen. For such devices, a slight impact is enough to damage the display.

3. Interfaces. These are all kinds of outlets for connecting external devices, which can be damaged due to excessive use or careless handling of the camera. Follow the rules for use and storage.

4. Flash. The breakdown is common, and its elimination is a very difficult task, so repairing nikon cameras with a damaged flash should only be a professional. The most common reason is a malfunction of the contact with which it is possible to connect external flash. To avoid this, you must strictly follow the instructions for use.

5. Control board. The problem is rare, but annoying. It occurs most often due to mechanical stress or moisture ingress. It is noticeable immediately, as the buttons fail.

In case of any malfunction, it should be remembered that only professionals should be contacted for its elimination, otherwise your camera will become unusable completely.

Our service center professionally repairs digital cameras (camcorders) under the manufacturer's warranty: CASIO, and also provides services on a paid basis for products from the following manufacturers: Canon, Casio, Fujifilm, HP, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Samsung, Sigma, Sony, Kodak, Pentax and others, and with qualified service we guarantee not only reasonable prices and short deadlines, but also high-quality service.

In our service center only highly qualified service engineers work, who can carefully and carefully deal with breakdowns of your camera and perform fast and high-quality repairs.

Repair of such complex equipment as digital camera should be carried out by an experienced specialist who detects a malfunction of the product after carrying out complex diagnostic work. In this case, the Client receives all necessary information to make a decision on the advisability of repairing your camera or camcorder. Free diagnostics is made without printed detailing. After the diagnostic work, if necessary, the replacement of failed parts is carried out. Our Service Center has the necessary components that require replacement.

List of works performed:

  • Lens repair cameras of any complexity, including SLR cameras;
  • Standard repair, elimination of non-critical defects without installing new spare parts;
  • Complicated repair. This procedure includes a comprehensive diagnosis with the replacement of various nodes, electronic elements, optics and mechanisms; Replacement of components - microphone, optical parts, cables, connectors, LCD displays, speakers, electronic boards and control buttons;
  • Technical restoration after ingress of water, dust, sand, including the overhaul of the lens mechanism;
  • Preventive actions– testing, cleaning, lubrication, setting options;
  • Electronics repair at the component level;
  • Replacement software .

Digital Camera Problems

The main causes of repair and malfunction of digital cameras.

Camera repair becomes necessary after improper or careless handling of a high-tech device. High-quality repair is possible only if the cause of the malfunction is accurately identified and its further elimination using professional equipment. In general, there are a number of main reasons for the repair and breakdown of digital cameras, which are typical for any brands and models of this type of electronics. Consider the main reasons for the repair.

Physical impact is the main reason for repairing cameras.

Due to the portable nature of the device and high degree mobility, increases the likelihood of mechanical damage to the device, and this in turn leads to the need for professional repairs. Mechanical damage as a result of physical impact is the main reason for the repair of most digital cameras. The most common repair in this regard is a fall. Hitting a hard surface can severely damage the internal components of a digital camera, as well as cause significant damage. appearance. Scratches and cracks on the case are not as terrible as malfunctions in the operation of Zoom or the display - without them, the camera will not be able to work normally. You will certainly understand if your LCD screen is broken as a result of an impact or a fall. The situation is more difficult with the definition of a breakdown of the motherboard or matrix of the camera. These elements are located inside the camera body, and only a specialist can accurately diagnose their malfunction and repair it. In any of the above cases, repairs are possible, in some of them, with the replacement of damaged elements.

Water ingress is a common cause of camera repairs.

water ingress

The second most popular reason for contacting service centers is the ingress of moisture into the case, which leads to serious internal damage to the electronic device and urgent camera repair is required. Even at the slightest contact of the liquid with the electronic elements of a digital camera, the process of electrochemical corrosion occurs and repairs are indispensable. The salt in the water is deposited on the internal elements of a digital camera, and this in turn leads to serious damage and the need for urgent repairs. If you have a suspicion that the camera might get wet or you see that nothing happens when you press the control buttons, then this definitely indicates the penetration of moisture or abundant condensation inside the camera, you should urgently seek professional help. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid serious repairs in a specialized service center. The only way you can help your camera is to quickly turn off the device, remove the battery and take the camera to us.

Sand ingress is a very common cause requiring camera repair.

This repair reason is also widespread, as the camera is usually widely used during summer holidays, and these are beaches, nature and dusty roads. Even the smallest particles of dust or sand can render your digital camera inoperable and require repair. First of all, the camera lens suffers from this, the movement mechanism of which becomes clogged and stops working, if this happens, immediately contact a service center for qualified help. Thus getting sand in requires immediate repair. Do not try to use such a camera for shooting, clean it yourself and, even more so, try to repair it. Seek professional repair.

Overheating in the sun can also lead to the need for repair of a digital camera.

Violation thermal regime operation may seriously affect the performance of your digital camera. The inside of the camera overheats, and high temperatures even melt, so repairs due to overheating cannot be avoided. So, as a result of careless handling of the camera (forgotten on the beach, left under direct sunlight), you get an absolutely non-working camera that requires serious repairs, professional equipment and a qualified specialist. Remember that from getting inside the camera moisture, dust or overheating, and as a result of the need for repair, you can save ordinary compliance with the instructions for use.

Lens damage

The main reason for contacting camera service centers for many years is damage to the camera lens. As a result of a drop, impact, moisture or dust, the lens of your digital camera stops working normally. This manifests itself, most often, in the incorrect operation of the zoom and poor focusing of the image. As a result, professional intervention by a specialist may be required, and in severe cases, its complete replacement. At times, it is enough to replace only individual components of the camera lens and not make expensive repairs to the entire camera. Urgent repairs may also require failed gears of the lens, which are responsible for its movement. This can happen as a result of breakage of gear teeth, which have increased brittleness. If the smallest grains of sand get between the teeth of the zoom lens drive gear, it can clog and fail. Not to mention the physical impact on the teeth of the mechanism and lens pins. Do not try to "help" the lens move, you will only harm and damage one of the fragile mechanisms that will later have to be repaired along with the camera. In this case, it is easy to break some other part of the camera and costly repairs cannot be avoided. Repairing a damaged zoom requires more skill than simply replacing it. Many services do not even try to repair damaged camera lenses, offering to replace them with new ones. Which ultimately results in "a pretty penny", and sometimes even becomes unprofitable.

Lens in a digital camera is a complex optical-mechanical device that requires proper care. It is the quality of the resulting image that depends on the operation of the lens - clarity, sharpness, lack of distortion, etc. Camera lens repair accounts for the majority of all calls to digital camera repair shops. The cause of damage, in most cases, is improper operation or careless attitude to the device. The camera has been dropped, spilled, stepped on, or left to play with a child, all of which will eventually lead to serious camera lens failure and require professional repair. Full diagnostics and repair of the camera lens is required.

Lens problems are typical for almost all manufacturers of this type of electronics, which is why it is important to carry your camera to a service center if such a breakdown occurs. Especially often with damage to the retractable lens mechanism, Canon and Nikon digital cameras come to us for repair. This is due to the most complex assembly (mechanics, electronics, optics) of cameras from these manufacturers.

Damage to the camera display.

Display damage

A frequent case of mechanical impact on a digital camera is damage to the camera display. Dropping or impacting the LCD may crack or shatter, which will undoubtedly require professional repair or replacement. Most at risk of damage to the display and repair of digital cameras that do not have a protective glass. A slight external influence (for example, light pressure) is enough for you to urgently resort to the help of qualified specialists. Repairing displays without a protective coating is a fairly common occurrence.

Here are a few characteristic features malfunctions of digital camera displays: cracks or spreading of liquid crystals, display of only part of the information on the display monitor or its complete absence. In any case, you need a quality repair, which is impossible without the use of high-precision equipment.

Camera flash repair.

Almost all modern cameras are equipped with a built-in flash that can illuminate the foreground. Flash malfunctions are among the most common problems with photographic equipment, while not causing much difficulty in the repair process, provided that it is carried out by a qualified specialist using modern equipment and using the latest technologies. Only if all these conditions are met, you are guaranteed a high-quality repair of flash cameras of cameras of any modification.

Most flash units today come with additional features, including red-eye reduction. Professional and semi-professional cameras have a contact for connecting an external flash, the so-called hot shoe, which also often needs to be repaired. Damage to this seemingly insignificant element can lead to a complete failure of the digital camera flash. Shoe failure is the most common flash problem. This can happen due to banal negligence or careless use.

To maintain the full operation of your digital camera, it is necessary to visit specialized service centers from time to time, where experienced specialists will carry out general preventive work and they will check the flash lamps and the flash mounting mechanism, that is, the shoe.

Repair of camera interfaces.

In addition to the varieties described above, there are also frequent problems in the interfaces of this electronic device, which include the USB connector (Universal Serial Bus), audio outputs and video outputs of cameras. Damage to at least one of these elements, important for external access, can seriously spoil the mood at the very exciting moment. Camera interfaces can be damaged by inaccurate use of the device, regular bumps, drops, and frequent use of connectors, which contributes to the rapid wear of the elements. Repair of the camera interface in this case consists in replacing a loose connector and does not present any particular difficulties when necessary skills and skills. Compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the care, storage and use of your camera will help prevent unforeseen breakdowns, save on repairs and extend the life of your camera. Care of the camera includes several elementary rules: respect for the device, protection from drops and shocks, and prevention of sand or moisture getting inside.

Control board repair

This problem is not among the most popular, it accounts for only a small percentage of the total number of all works, but, nevertheless, it has a place to be. This type of damage occurs when liquid is spilled onto the control panel or when it hits a hard surface. The consequences can be quite deplorable, because it is with the help of the board mechanisms that all the numerous functions of the software of any digital camera are controlled. The lack of response when pressing the camera control buttons or their inadequate operation most likely indicate a malfunction of the control board caused by moisture or heavy condensation inside the camera body. Some panel buttons may fail, or the camera does not turn on completely and does not respond to any actions of the owner, you must contact the service center. In this case, you simply need the help of a qualified specialist who, as a result of a complete diagnosis of the camera, will be able to accurately determine the cause of the malfunction and repair it. If it turns out that the problem is a malfunction of the control board, then the service center masters will repair the damage by component repair of this element, or replace it with a new one.

Malfunction of the power circuit or power connectors of the camera and its repair.

Most modern digital cameras are equipped with rechargeable batteries that allow for a long time use the device without additional power supply. Over time, they either wear out or become unusable as a result of the negligent attitude of the owner. As a result, the camera power system may require technical diagnostics. We carry out all types of work on the repair of cameras and the replacement of power connectors and other circuit components.

The reason for the repair of the camera is a broken microphone.

Modern digital cameras have all the features of a real camcorder, capable of producing continuous recording, in a volume that allows a memory card, and at the same time record sounds. In most cameras of different models, manufacturers and price category, today there is a built-in microphone, which, like other electronic and mechanical elements of the camera, tends to break. And, instead of children's voices, looking through the record New Year's party, You hear a hiss at best and an oppressive silence at worst. To prevent such a malfunction, it is enough to replace the defective element (repair the camera microphone), in our case it is the camera microphone, and enjoy the happy moments of life.

09.01.2013 - 11:45 efgeny

Digital cameras - compact and easy to use, endowed with many functions and modes, have entered our lives very tightly, almost completely replacing film cameras. In this article, we will consider the most common reasons why they turn to a specialized service center to repair cameras. It is possible to repair the device qualitatively only if the cause of the malfunction is accurately identified, as well as further elimination of the breakdown using professional equipment available at the service center. It is highly not recommended to camera repair at home, without knowledge of the matter and the right tool. This is guaranteed to lead to more serious consequences. There are a number of main reasons that are typical for any brand and model, for which the camera will need repair. The first is physical impact. Since a digital camera is a mobile device, the risk of mechanical damage increases, that is, falls, hits on a hard surface, water ingress, sand ingress, etc. This is especially noticeable if the LCD screen is broken during a fall. It is more difficult to determine the breakdown of the motherboard or the matrix of the device. This is due to the fact that these elements are located inside the case, so diagnostics are indispensable here. If moisture enters the camera, serious damage to the internal electronics may result. Even with a slight contact of the electronic elements of the camera with liquid, a corrosion process can occur, which will undoubtedly entail repair. Since the camera is more used in warm time year - on the beach or in nature, sand or dust particles can enter it, which can damage it. In such cases, the lens suffers first of all, as its mechanism becomes clogged and starts to work incorrectly. An equally common problem is overheating of the camera in the sun. Violation of the thermal regime will seriously affect the operation of the device, since the internal components, overheating, can even melt, so such a procedure as repairing cameras cannot be avoided.

24.07.2012 - 21:57 efgeny

Going for a walk, on a business trip or on a trip, you can’t do without a camera, which, like other equipment, tends to break down. If such a trouble occurs, it is better to immediately contact the service center where it will be made camera repair, and regardless of the brand, model of the device, as well as the degree of damage. Trying to repair the camera yourself is highly discouraged, as this is a rather complex device that requires certain knowledge and skills. This article will discuss the most common camera failures. The first is lens failure. The lens may not move in or out, be bent, the shutters may not open well or not at all, or focus may not be achieved. In this case, the display may show the inscriptions “Zoom Error”, “Lens Eror”, “Lens error”. You may hear crackling or squeaking in the lens area. The cause of this malfunction is usually mechanical effects, such as shock, overpressure, sand or moisture. In addition, lens problems can also appear as horizontal streaks in photographs, and a broken shutter may be the cause. Basically, breakdowns of this type can be eliminated without replacing the lens, by making a quality repair. The second is display failure. This malfunction can manifest itself if the display is broken, black and does not react in any way to turning the camera on and off when the display is as dark as possible, but there is a picture. In the first case, the only way out will be a complete replacement of the display, in the second - there is the possibility of revitalizing the screen, but at the same time, diagnostics should be done, which can be done, as well as repairing cameras, in a service center where there are special tools and equipment for this. Third, the flash fires, but the pictures are either overexposed or underexposed.