How the pregnancy of Galina Yudashkina proceeded was closely followed on Instagram by hundreds of thousands of it-girl fans. The daughter of the famous designer was happy to tell subscribers about how she changed herself while waiting for the baby. Later it turned out that . And this means that now everyone can also see how she was preparing to become a mother. We met with Galina a few days before the premiere of the show and asked her our questions.

The fact that Galina Yudashkina and her husband Peter Maksakov will become parents for the first time became known in the fall of 2015. In early October, the most attentive fans of the couple saw a rounded belly in the daughter of Valentin Yudashkin. Guesses were soon confirmed by Galina's mother, Marina. that her daughter is in her third month of pregnancy.

Only on recent months pregnancy, Galina decided to take a time out. At the end of January, Yudashkin. It-girl walked a lot, met friends and went shopping, buying clothes for the future baby.

Of all the kids who were born during the filming of the project, the son of Galina and Peter is the eldest. On June 4, he will be 2 months old. Having met with a young mother, we remembered how the days passed in anticipation of a miracle...

I was lucky - I had practically no toxicosis, and there were no specific preferences in food. Only in the last two months, I was very tired and dreamed that this would end as soon as possible ...

How hard it was for Galina, her fans also noticed. Two weeks before the birth, Yudashkin posted a picture on Instagram that seriously worried the followers. In the photo, the belly of the daughter of the famous designer looked huge -.

website: How much did you get better while you were expecting a baby?

G. Yu.:“I gained quite a lot - 20 kilograms, but a month after giving birth I already managed to get rid of 11 of them.”

What is true is true. With such a rapid weight loss, Galina Yudashkina surprised many. As soon as her son Anatoly was two weeks old, the couturier's daughter went to the gym to lose weight. To her subscribers on Instagram, the girl then. Today Galina returned to her usual exercises.

website: In what ways do you now maintain a slim figure?

G. Yu.: Part of the extra weight goes away thanks to breastfeeding, and so I stick to the Sistema Me program. This is not the first time I have followed it, and it seems to me that this is the most fast way get in shape, not starving, but eating right. The most convenient thing is that it includes not only detailed plan nutrition and recommendations for sports at home and in gym, but also the supervision of a specialist - his support helps to avoid breakdowns.

As for sports, I work out with a trainer in my own Life Cycle studio - I do functional exercises in the fresh air. And, of course, do not forget about special massages that help keep the skin in good shape.

Galina Valentinovna Yudashkina. She was born on December 22, 1990 in Moscow. Russian designer, photographer, creative director of the Fashion House Valentin Yudashkin. Daughter of Valentin Yudashkin.

Father - Soviet and Russian fashion designer, People's Artist of Russia.

Mother - (nee - Patalova), Russian designer clothes, top manager of the Fashion House Valentin Yudashkin.

After graduating from school, she entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Arts.

In 2009, Galina had an internship with the famous American portrait photographer Patrick Demachelier. Then she studied design and photography at the Parsons School of Design in New York. Worked with famous photographers, had an internship in the famous Vogue magazine.

In 2010, Galina, together with Gilia Restoin-Roitfeld, supervised the shooting of a denim collection at NY Valentin Yudashkin.

Worked in the genre of fashion photography. She inherited an understanding of fashion as an art from her father, and at the same time formed her own artistic vision of the fashion industry, which was reflected in her original photographs. On December 22, 2012, she presented an exhibition of works called “I don’t know why”, where works of various thematic and genre directions were presented: staged photographs, costumed stories, backstage shooting, vintage photos referring to the aesthetics of old masters.

The projects of Galina Yudashkina aroused interest among the stars domestic show business, many stars were filmed with pleasure.

In 2012, she resorted to plastic surgery. For the first time after face correction, she appeared at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia show. Judging by the changes appearance, she resorted to lip augmentation.

Engaged in a family business - is the creative director of the Fashion House Valentin Yudashkin.

In 2018, she launched the first children's clothing collection under the Yudashkin brand, which was shown in Moscow with the participation of star children.

Growth of Galina Yudashkina: 167 centimeters.

Personal life of Galina Yudashkina:

In 2012, she met with businessman Ruslan Fakhriev. Although the media wrote about a possible wedding, it never came to marriage.

Since 2014, she began a relationship with Pyotr Maksakov, a graduate of Moscow State University, the grandson of the People's Artist of the RSFSR. After three dates, Peter decided to propose to Galina. They signed in September 2014 - they did not want to wait. And they decided to arrange a wedding later.

On June 5, 2015, Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov got married in the church of the Holy Martyr Clement.

On June 7, 2015, the couple played a luxurious wedding, which took place in Gostiny Dvor. Galina went down the aisle in a unique dress designed by her father. A dress made of 44 meters of silk was embroidered by hand with 34,100 pearls. The bride's shoes from Jimmy Choo were also unique - they were made in a single copy especially for her. The ring on the bride's ring finger was with a seven-carat diamond - for the sake of it, Pyotr Maksakov, together with Valentin Yudashkin, specially traveled to New York to place an order with a private jeweler. and carried a train for the bride. Journalists dubbed the identity the "wedding of the century."

In April 2016, the couple had a son, Anatoly, it happened in New York.

Just two weeks after the birth of her son, Galina Yudashkina went to the gym. “We need to throw off the kilograms gained during pregnancy,” she wrote on Instagram, posting a photo on an ellipse. We met with Galina early in the morning before the start of her training: fit and collected, in sportswear, she told us about the reason for her return to sports, the fight against excess weight and stretch marks. And then she let us into the holy of holies - to her lesson with the coach. Most effective exercises from her program we recorded on video.

Galina, you are a role model for many young mothers: only two weeks have passed since the birth, and you went to training. Why so soon? Didn't you want to feel sorry for yourself?

During pregnancy, many told me that you can eat as much as you like. I ate, and not only healthy. As a result, I gained 20 kilograms, I stopped liking myself in the mirror. After giving birth, I realized that I needed to pull myself together as soon as possible and go in for sports. Many wrote to me: “How is it, it’s impossible so soon!”. And why not, if I'm under the supervision of specialists? I have a wonderful coach, my own training and nutrition program. Some young mothers after childbirth begin to limit themselves in food and believe that this is enough. I didn't count on the diet. excess weight, perhaps they will leave, but skin tone and relief will not return on their own. Since I didn’t succeed with breastfeeding, I decided to go to practice as soon as possible.

That is, you do not feed the child?

I fed for a month, tried, but the milk was gone, unfortunately. I know that some mothers breastfeeding allows you to lose weight, but it depends on the characteristics of the body. In addition, they cannot play sports like I do, because they are forced to adhere to a certain lifestyle. But if the child is on the formula, I think you need to force yourself and do everything so that the body returns to its previous shape. Even if you don’t have grandmothers and nannies who help with the child and don’t have time at all, find at least an hour a day. Yes, we all do not get enough sleep, all young mothers have chronic lack of sleep. But even here there is a way out: while the baby is sleeping, sleep for an hour yourself, and work out for an hour. In general, I learned to sleep in small fits of 15 minutes - quickly, but there is a feeling of cheerfulness.

What is your training program?

I work out five times a week, each workout lasts an hour. I do cardio three times, mostly running. I alternate it with walking and make sure that the pulse is no more than 150 beats per minute. Twice a week I go to functional training, where I do jumps, push-ups, exercises on my problem areas - ass, sides, stomach. I don’t work with weight, I already have extra pounds, I don’t want to pump up even more. In the summer I really enjoy exercising outdoors, sometimes even in the rain. But if it gets cold, then you have to go to the gym and change the bars from the sports ground to simulators. In principle, I don’t care where to practice, anyway, I don’t get distracted by people around and completely focus on training. The lesson began - that's it, I have no phone, no music, nothing distracting, only the coach with her "Come on, Galya, you can't relax!"

Do you have favorite exercises? Or, on the contrary, those that are given the hardest?

I don’t like squats and planks, but I still do it, there’s nowhere to go. I stand on the bar for only a minute, I treat this without fanaticism. I don't have favorite exercises. After half an hour you get so tired that you don’t want to do any more. However, I get high from the sport, because I am very active and always for the "kipish". In the last stages, I could no longer wait until I could plunge into the sport again. Now I miss cycling, but I still can’t get on the bike.

Did you play sports during pregnancy?

I tried yoga, but I got bored pretty quickly. For stretching, I like Pilates more: it affects the internal muscles that are hard to work out during functional training. Posture noticeably improves from it, because during the lesson you must constantly keep your back and abs in good shape.

Do you restrict yourself in food in any way?

My trainer has developed a special nutrition program, everything is adjusted to grams, the time is scheduled when I should eat. Each meal consists of fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. I eat small portions four times a day, and while I don’t bother with cooking, they bring everything to my house.

For breakfast, be sure to have proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable or fruit fiber and fats. For example, a morning menu might look like this: a three-egg omelette (1 whole, 2 egg whites) with 1% milk, 150 grams of fruit jelly, a green apple, and 10 grams pine nuts. Or 100 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of 1%, oatmeal in milk or water with a sweetener, freshly squeezed carrot juice with celery, and again 10 grams of pine nuts.

A few hours later - a second breakfast, which also includes proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable fiber and fats. It can be boiled buckwheat porridge, fresh vegetables, seasoned vegetable oil(choice of cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, Green pepper, radish, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, yellow pepper). Another option is boiled brown rice, boiled vegetables (you can choose zucchini, eggplant, green peppers, white or green asparagus), 10 grams of walnuts.

At lunch, you need to combine proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable or fruit fiber and fats. Good idea- eat vegetable soup, boiled or baked white fish steak with pasta (they must be strictly from wholemeal flour, cooked "al dente") and 5 grams of hazelnuts. You can refuse soup and add fruit, for example, make buckwheat porridge with stewed beef, boiled vegetables, and then eat one tangerine and 5 grams of cashews.

Dinner should contain proteins and vegetable fiber. It could be boiled chicken breast with fresh vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese with unsweetened yogurt.

It is important to drink 1.8 - 2.5 liters of water per day, tea, coffee, vegetable juices (except beet and carrot) are allowed in unlimited quantities. Fruit juices - no more than 2 times a week. Once or twice a week, you can treat yourself to something tasty no more satisfying than 300 calories, preferably before training.

Pretty strict diet. Is this food enjoyable?

How to say. A person gets used to everything, and now I'm already involved. If I eat something “not my own” in some restaurant, I immediately feel heaviness, I feel uncomfortable. I don’t allow myself sweets, although I ate during pregnancy, I generally have a sweet tooth by nature. Now I realized that the less I eat it, the faster I will come to the result.

What has changed in your care after pregnancy?

I, like many mothers, have stretch marks. I was lucky that the skin is elastic, so they are not very noticeable. However, I continue to use Weleda oil. Now I started going to drainage massage. During the procedure, the master breaks your subcutaneous fat with his hands. To be honest, it hurts, but I lie and endure. Even before giving birth, I completely abandoned perfume, because any smell seemed too harsh. I did not have toxicosis, but my sense of smell became very acute. Now it's gone, but your favorite fragrances are still on the shelf.

Did you wear makeup at all when you were pregnant?

Yes, and I don’t see anything wrong with that, I even covered my nails with shellac. Some mothers advocate naturalness in everything, but I am not one of them. I have breast implants, I never hid it, and I spoke on the show "Pregnant". They did not interfere with breastfeeding, there are no problems with them at all if you find a competent specialist. I am calm about facial plastic surgery: for now I don’t have much to tighten, but if wrinkles appear in the future, I don’t deny that I can turn to a surgeon.

How do you feel as a mom?

Great, a child is a happiness that you can’t exchange for anything. He is very calm with us, we get up to him at night no more than two times, and some mothers, as I heard, get up twenty times. I will also instill in him a love for sports, but when he at least starts walking. For now, we limit ourselves to massage and light exercises.


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1 year ago


I knew right away when I got pregnant. Probably, this feeling cannot be confused with anything. A year ago, in early June, we played a wedding, and in July we already began to prepare for the child.

The pregnancy was conducted at the EMC clinic on Spiridonievsky Lane. I also went to special courses for young mothers. Very useful information about the process of childbirth, how to breathe correctly. That is, I went to give birth prepared - I knew what would follow, what sensations await me and what they mean. I recommend to all expectant mothers!

In the eighth month, I flew to New York, and the Valentin Yudashkin team and I were supposed to open a showroom there. She threw herself into the work process. When I was about to go home, the doctor said that he did not advise flying back at such a time. It so happened absolutely spontaneously that I stayed in the USA to give birth. We returned to Moscow when Anatoly was only three weeks old, because everything he needed had already been bought here: clothes, diapers, a crib, a stroller.

Approaches to pregnancy management (and to this condition in general) in New York are strikingly different from those in Moscow. For example, many medicines, such as ginipral, which are allowed in our country, are prohibited there. If in Russia you don’t want to breastfeed your baby, they give you a pill and lactation stops. It's forbidden there. They are generally ardent supporters breastfeeding(GV) and will do everything for the milk to come. Immediately after giving birth, a breastfeeding specialist will come to you and teach you how to properly attach the baby to the breast. You can't say, "Give me a pill..." My milk was gone after a month. What I have not tried! I went around several doctors - it was not possible to return GV. I take this philosophically, apparently, it's just not my story.

Even in America, it is forbidden to hang bumpers in the bed of a newborn, because the child is small, he can roll over in his sleep, bury his nose and suffocate. Instead, they use meshes through which the baby will be able to breathe under any circumstances. And there are a lot of such troubles!

There is no such thing as a nursing diet. When I asked the nurse in the ward what I was allowed to eat, I was surprised to receive the answer: “That's it!” The main thing is to monitor how the child reacts to food. And so you almost bring a mango to the ward after childbirth!

A pregnant woman is carried in her arms here, treated to a cafe, they strive to help her and make compliments at every step, despite the gained kilograms. Americans have a much easier attitude to the birth of a child than we do, they don’t make a cult out of it. They go for a walk with children almost on the very first day after giving birth, they take newborns to cafes and shops, mothers sit on a pedicure and feed the baby at the same time. Nobody closes at home. People keep living ordinary life the child simply becomes a new part of it. And it's great!


My water broke, like in American movies, in the store! It’s good that I had a jacket with me, I covered myself with it and ran to catch a taxi. It was raining outside, and in the rain it is almost impossible to catch a car in the city! I went home, changed clothes and went to the hospital.

That day I went to the doctor and she told me that I had to walk for another three or four days. And the second prophesied that I would give birth that same night. I then thought that it was impossible, and with a calm soul I went for a walk around the city.

I can call my birth ideal: six hours without much pain! Either this is my peculiarity, or American doctors, really, are pros.

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For some reason, I often hear the stereotype that in America they like to do cesarean just like that. Or that women themselves ask for abdominal surgery. This is wrong! On the contrary, doctors provide great moral support, set them up for natural childbirth and encourage in every possible way. Almost all family members are admitted to the maternity ward for support. My mother was with me during the contractions in addition to my husband. On attempts, I simply asked them to leave, and after 20 minutes everyone was allowed back.

I gained a lot, especially for my height - 20 kg. At first she was thin, and then, in the last months, the weight crept up. Plus, I had a lot of water. Feelings for the body, of course, are not the most pleasant. And then, how can you not eat all sorts of goodies? Especially in the first pregnancy, when you don’t know yet how difficult it will be to lose the gained kilograms afterwards.

In the hospital, I left only 7 kg. I looked at myself and thought: “No, this is not my body. I've never been like that." It was 57 kilos on the scales when my regular weight was 43! At that moment, I understood the meaning of the phrase "postpartum depression." Only for me it happened not because of the child, but precisely because of my appearance and the realization of how much work lies ahead of me. Especially when the girlfriends around say: “And I gained only 8 kg during pregnancy, and after giving birth I began to weigh a kilogram less than before!”

As soon as my milk was gone, I started training with a trainer. We reshaped the LifeCycle company and turned it into a database of personal trainers. We officially open in September. We gathered the best athletes from all over Russia and now we provide personal, corporate and family training. In another way, it can also be called fitness coaching, which, by the way, is very fashionable in the USA now. That is, you choose a coach - and he makes training and nutrition plans for you, takes measurements, stays in touch around the clock. I myself am just finalizing the last nuances of our new direction - I have already lost 17 kg in three months.

IN good weather we work out on the street. And when it gets colder, we move to the hall. We have an agreement with several sports clubs (for example, CrossFit DOZEN, Velobeat) and we can use their spaces.

I eat carbs, protein and fiber. Just all in small portions and four times a day. Carbohydrates - only for the first or second breakfast, and proteins and fiber - for lunch and dinner.


IN Everyday life paint myself. My daily makeup is foundation, mascara, eyeliner or black Chanel eyeliner. And that's it. The period when I could go out with evening smoky eyes, or, as I also call it, “panda eyes”, has long passed.

Make-up artist Alexandra Kim paints me for important events. She did my wedding makeup. Irreplaceable professional, I can only trust her. By the way, she taught me how to do facial contouring. I recently flew to a friends wedding in France, before leaving, Sasha gave me a lesson so that I could make up myself there correctly. She taught me how to use highlighter. It turns out that for each type of face there are winning points and zones where it should be applied. So be sure to go to a highlighter master class with a make-up artist or in the corner of some brand!

I love Anne Semonin care - both for the body of the face and for the body. They also have an amazing line for tanning. I also always have the fattest face cream from L "Oréal on my shelf: it is ideal for the night, it gives the effect of a moisturizing mask.

I've been a huge fan of lipsticks since childhood. I always told my mother: “Until you make up my lips, I won’t go to kindergarten.” With such blackmail, I got a drop of hygienic lipstick with a slight sheen. It was my mother who later gave me the simplest, but valuable advice: The later I start using cosmetics, the better my skin will be. And I followed him!

There were no experiments in my life. IN kindergarten two twins cut my bangs. Mom was in complete shock! I don't know where the teachers were looking. With a friend, they painted me, as it is fashionable now, the ends in red. Then they were painted over, tinted. All in all, it was fun!

Massage is mandatory item my beauty routine. Three times a week a master comes to me and gives me a cupping massage. It hurts, but it's worth it. After all, it is proven, and most importantly, effective way get rid of cellulite and tighten the skin!

Text: Olesya Mints
Photo: Asya Zabavskaya
We thank the restaurant "Aist" for cooperation.

The daughter of designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina and the grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova Peter got married on September 3, 2014. Registration of marriage took place in the Griboedovsky registry office in Moscow. The celebration was modest, it was attended only by close friends and family couples. Galina and Peter played a magnificent wedding in the summer of 2015, at the same time they got married. In April 2016, Tolya, the first-born of the couple, was born in one of the US clinics.

In July, Peter and Galina became the "Couple of the Month" according to the jewelry brand SOKOLOV. The brand launched a romantic project that collected 12 stories star couples. The project was opened by Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota, who are now preparing to become parents for the first time. Now Peter and Galina have told their love story.

According to the couple, they met in in social networks. A spark ran between the young people at the first meeting. “It seems to me that at first glance you can immediately understand whether a person is nice to you or not. We immediately got along, some kind of “chemistry” was felt, ”Galina admitted. “Even in psychology there is something on this topic: a person, looking at the external data of another, makes a decision in the first 15 seconds. I think we were even faster. On the first day we met, we talked, in my opinion, for 8 hours in a row! Peter adds.


The first date of the couple took place at an exhibition dedicated to the work of Van Gogh. Then it was Galina who invited Peter. “I had heard a lot about this exhibition - it was then the first multimedia exhibition with video projections on the walls and, interestingly, not in the Pushkin Museum or the Tretyakov Gallery. I was curious why people stand in line for so long to get in. And I decided to use the opportunity to invite Petya, ”says Yudashkina. According to Maksakov, they passed the exhibition in 20 minutes, as they were more passionate about each other than the exhibits.

The couple also spoke about a luxurious wedding in Moscow's Gostiny Dvor. About 500 guests were invited to the celebration. Galina shone in a dress that her father, designer Valentin Yudashkin, created especially for her.

“We, like everyone else, were preparing for the wedding for a long time: we started almost 8 months in advance, including because of the dress. Of course, on this day, everything is not perfect: something can go wrong, something can not be liked. But the guests don’t notice this, you see it and get nervous, and after everything you think: “It’s good that the wedding has already passed!” Of course, it was a very beautiful event - it’s nice to look at photos, videos and know that you can show it all to the child later. We prepared a special wedding video and rehearsed the dance, ”said Yudashkina.

After the birth of her son, Galina did not fully devote herself to motherhood. The girl continues to work, but tries to give the baby as much of her time as possible. The couple considers themselves calm parents who do not raise a panic on any occasion.

“We are very calm parents in this regard: I myself don’t like to impose anything, and I don’t like it when someone imposes on me, so for a very long time I was looking for a pediatrician who would not annoy me with his “Soviet” views. I think the simpler the better. This is how we live, and everything is still excellent, ”said the young mother.

Like Valentin Yudashkin, SOKOLOV has grown into a giant brand Russian market from family business. Galina, what is your current area of ​​responsibility in your father’s fashion house and how important is the continuity of generations in your work for you?
Galina: We can say that in our company everyone is responsible for everything. As an art director of a fashion house, I also do castings, fittings, and the accessories department, which I manage.

Petr: I am the executive director of the company: I deal with both financial issues and international contacts, communication with clients.

Galina: As for the continuity of generations: both dad gives us advice, and we give him advice. Time passes, everything changes and does not stand still. For example, before you had to think about how to place an ad in a newspaper so that everyone would write about you, but now one post on Instagram is enough, and you already get advertising.

While we're on the subject of fashion, I'd like to ask you both how you would describe your own style? Are there any favorite things in your wardrobe that you can say “this is definitely mine”?
Peter: And fashion is changing, and we are changing. To be honest, there is absolutely no attachment to some things.

Galina: I also always have a different style: I can wear jeans, an evening dress, anything - I don’t get hung up on one thing.

Galina, as a fashion expert, can you advise girls what trends are in the top right now and what, on the contrary, should definitely not be worn?
Galina: It seems to me that you just need to select everything according to the figure. When they put on something, for example, not in height - this is not at all. I really like high boots, but they don’t fit me - they are as tall as me! (Laughs) So I won’t wear them, but someone will try to fit into them.

Peter: Can I express a man's opinion? Girls, when will you finally stop dressing in sporty style? I hate those hoodies and pants from the 90s - it looks weird. You can put on such things when you are flying somewhere, but when you wear it all every day, and even on various events... I have a question: where do such girls try to find a husband? (Laughs) You can't even see that a woman is walking in front of you!

Galina: I agree. I love more feminine things. These oversized long sweaters and hoodies never suited me. Although I understand that someone wants to be in trend - they have their own reason.

When it's time to take a break from the clutter of everyday activities and work meetings, where do you go together? Do you have any favorite places in Moscow or abroad that you would like to recommend to friends and acquaintances?
Galina: We are sitting in the country, we are homebodies (smiles). Abroad, we like to rent a car and travel by ourselves. Recently I was in Italy for work and traveled around the country.

Peter: We drove from Milan through small towns, then we spent two days in Florence, from Florence we drove past Forte dei Marmi and returned back to the suburbs of Milan - we have a factory there.

Galina: It was rather a working trip - we often combine work with leisure.

Peter: We can just go to America to relax, for example.

Do you make each other jewelry gifts? Which ones are your favourites, and do you have any special stories associated with them?
Peter: Yes. My engagement ring, which Galya gave me, in the form of a nut, she brought me from New York. So, what's your favorite piece of jewelry that I gave you?

Galina: All the favorites! (Smiles). Peter and I, in fact, are not so romantic. He's not the type to secretly surprise me for months. Petya usually asks what I want, waits for my birthday or some holiday, and I get my gift.

Peter: Wow! And just like that, on vacation, for example?! Or bags and the like don't count? (Laughs).

Peter, are you wearing wrist watch? Can you call them an indispensable stylistic component of the image of a modern man? How important is their design to you and what is closer - classic or avant-garde?
Galina: He can't live without them at all.

Peter: I wear watches, I look at the time on them: I always put my phone somewhere, and the watch is a functional accessory that is always with me. I believe that if the watch is comfortable, reliable, then you can wear it for years and then even give it to your son as a gift. In watches, I prefer classics or something in between “sports” and “classics”.

We got a really amazing atmospheric shot with SOKOLOV jewelry. Which of them did you particularly like and why?
Galina: I chose rings from white gold with diamonds, gold hoop earrings, long gold earrings, chain necklace, silver bracelets and three different watches. All these jewelry and accessories can be worn under anything and anytime: in the morning - to work, in the evening - to meet friends.

In summer, you especially want to wear jewelry that is easy to combine. Earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets are easy to put together in one look: both gold and silver. For the first look at the shoot, I chose a watch with a white strap, again, because in the summer you always want light colors, and they also went well under the dress.

A few of the rings I have chosen have a diamond scattering, it looks very beautiful, and combining such a ring with other, simpler ones is always a good combination.

Peter: My choice is SOKOLOV watches with classic Swiss design. This is a stylish watch made of gold, with a real "masculine" case, which can be worn every day, for any meeting, under any suit.

If you were approached on the street asking for an autograph and asked to ascribe some inspirational advice to your memory,


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