At corporate, youth, friendly parties, where an adult audience has gathered, ready to have fun and a little flirt and fool around - contests and games are quite appropriate where you can “make fun”, hug and even kiss each other, show sympathy and affection for friends, girlfriends or colleagues .

Contests and games for close company, collected in this collection are suitable for those for whom it is boring to play only children's competitions, and in "- too much.

1. Game for a close company "On whose knees?"

For this competition, chairs are placed in a circle - one less than the participants. "Superfluous" - naked, they blindfold him, the rest sit on chairs. Under cheerful music The “extra” starts to walk in a circle, but as soon as the music stops, he quickly sits down on the nearest knees. The one to whom he sat down should not betray himself in any way, because the task of the goer is to guess on whose knees he found himself. If he guesses, then the one who was “declassified” is already naked. If you didn’t guess right, he continues to burn.

You can simplify the rules a little and allow a blindfolded person to ask three leading questions, which, of course, will be answered by a specially appointed leader for this purpose. Questions allowed next type: “Man or woman?”, “Over thirty?”, “Brown-haired?” and so on.

2. Cheerful competition "How many points of contact do you have?"

Two or three pairs are called for the game. From the hat they pull pieces of paper on which different parts of the body are written. The man pulls first. For example, an “ear” falls out to him, and he takes this part of his partner’s body with one hand. Then the lady pulls out of the hat, she gets the "priest", and she, without hesitation, takes her partner's ass with her hand. Then they again take out a piece of paper and touch the “new” parts of the body, while letting go of the previous ones is prohibited.

In the event that the pose reaches an incredible configuration, the couple can be offered chairs, a sofa or armchairs - let them continue in a reclining state. When they can no longer personally pull out the papers, they can be helped. Those men and women who have more points of contact win.

3. Competition with a catch "Size matters!"

All men present can take part in this fun competition. If you spend it at a men's holiday, then it can become an eyeliner for

First stage. A competition is announced for the longest compliment to the ladies present.

Second phase. For intrigue, the presenter should come out with a tailor's centimeter and announce a competition for the highest dignity ... then invite the men to smile and measure the length of each smile.

Third stage. Who is ready for what to win? Under erotic music, offer to take off several items of clothing, which are then laid out in one line and measure its length.

Based on the results, award a victory and give everyone medals or diplomas with various comic nominations: “the most smiling”, “the most productive”, the most charming”, “the most eloquent”, etc.

4. "Caring Sultan".

Every year more and more entrepreneurs look at social media and create pages (groups) of their business on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, but immediately stumble upon a problem total absence audience.

Leading a group requires effort, and successful - colossal effort. Here you need to create interesting content, communicate with the audience, answer questions and much more, which is sometimes beyond the power of one person. Despite the apparent difficulty in promotion, there is a method that, with an adequate approach, will always attract an audience, albeit a cold one, to the page, and these are contests for groups and pages in social networks. networks.

What contests can be held on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki

1) A prize for reposting and joining a group - you don’t even need a special reason here

Everything is simple, you just need to place a brighter picture with a bold inscription “DRAW”, and with a photo of a valuable prize, prescribe the conditions and wait for the addition to the group. However, it was so before, but now there are much more nuances, you can read about them.

If you want something more interesting, then you can pay attention to:

2) Competition for the best photo

The reason can be very different, for example:

“Today is the first day of spring and we are waiting for photos from you with your March cats, the author of interesting photo will receive a monthly set of food for his pet.”

A big plus of this format lies in the unique content that users themselves voluntarily provide to you.

If the prize is especially valuable, you have an interesting idea and a marketing budget, go ahead:

3) Competition for the best video

In this format, you can implement all sorts of ideas, depending on the subject of your page. These can be competitions for the best:

  • drawing;
  • phototoad;
  • under the tree;
  • history, etc.

With the right approach, the results can be stunning, but in inept hands and without an audience, everything goes extremely inefficiently.

Global contests are good, but it never hurts to do something interesting in between:

4) Competition for the best comment

Everything is simple here, the main thing is to choose an interesting and preferably thematic picture or phrase and ask your subscribers to leave a funny comment. In some cases, you can do without a prize, many will voluntarily leave a signature without expecting anything in return.

Without any hassle:

5) Prize drawing in honor of 1*** subscriber

Share your joy with your readers and win small prizes to celebrate your round number of followers. This is insanely nice and people who receive such bonuses will definitely tell their friends about their luck.

With special twists:

6) Competition-quiz

Here simple question about where the penguins live, you can’t do it, you have to rack your brains. The more interesting and tricky the question, the greater the effect will be achieved. Remember the notorious question about the color of the dress, you can do this, or come up with something unique, the main thing is that it captures your users and makes them rack their brains, otherwise everything is lost.

To promote commercial projects, there are interesting ideas which can solve several problems at once:

7) Competition for the most interesting review

This format is suitable both if you sell goods and if you provide services. Ask subscribers to attach photos and write in detail, and most importantly adequately, about their experience of interacting with the company. Even after the prize is drawn, the reviews will remain and will work for you for a long time.

You can also draw prizes suddenly:

8) Competition for the most activity (likes, reposts, comments)

This format can be organized in two ways:

  • a full competition with a description of the conditions
  • choosing the most active subscriber all of a sudden

If you want to get a loyal audience, the second option is more interesting. The person who receives such a gift is very likely to tell everyone he knows about his luck, and may even publish a post on his page.

If your goal is to get as much activity as possible in your group, then choose the first option, although there is a risk of seeing a bunch of empty comments like “Great picture” or “Good post”.

Before entering the competition, be sure to read the rules of their conduct. For VKontakte

These fun games and contests are not just for birthday parties. They can be used at any fun holiday - from a family celebration to a corporate party.

To have a great time, you only need a few ingredients: good company and rich imagination. You will have to decide on the company yourself, and we will help you with your imagination. Before you are the top most funny contests, most of which require no props and can be played anywhere.

1. "Unexpected find"

Very funny contest, because you can laugh at the participants to your heart's content!

Competition description: You need to wrap large pieces of different products in foil and put them all in a paper bag. The host calls the product. Players take turns taking foil-wrapped "delicacy" out of the bag and taking a bite, no matter what's in there. Then they put it back in the package and pass it on. If the player does not want to bite, then he is out. The winner is the one who got the named product, and he receives it as a gift =).

The highlight of the game in the "delicacy". The more original they taste, the more interesting it is to observe the reaction of the participants. Here are examples: onion, garlic, lemon, hot pepper, liver sausage, a piece of lard, a pie.

Number of players: 5-10, depending on the number of products.

2. "Magic package"

The essence of the competition: hold out until the very end.

Competition description: participants become in a circle. A paper bag is placed in its middle. Everyone in turn must go to the bag and pick it up, without using their hands and standing on one leg. The highlight of the competition is that the presenter cuts off 5 cm of the bag with each circle with scissors. The winner is the one who does not lose his balance, falling lower and lower.

Number of players: 4-6 people.

3. "Close tango"

The essence of the competition: hold on to the smallest piece of fabric while continuing to dance the tango.

Competition description: we choose 2-3 pairs, you can have the same sex. For each pair on the ground we spread a large fabric - it can be an old sheet. Participants must dance to the music on this fabric. For a laugh, give each man a flower in his mouth and ask him to look serious.

Every 20-30 seconds, fold the fabric in half. The players keep dancing.

This continues until there is no space left on the fabric at all. The couple that continues the dance without touching the floor will win.

Number of players: 2-3 couples.

4. "Delicious relay race"

The essence of the competition: come to the finish line first.

Competition description: It is necessary to divide the guests into 2 teams of 3-5 people. The first participants are placed a slice of cucumber, chocolate or cookies on their foreheads. It must be moved to the chin without using hands. If it falls, the player starts over. The baton is then passed to the other team member. The team that finishes first will win.

Number of players: 6-10 people.

5. "King Elephant"

The essence of the competition: do not get confused and become the Elephant King.

Competition description: players sit in a circle. The Elephant King is chosen, which is the "head" of the circle. Each participant chooses an animal to portray and a special sign. For example, a worm can move its thumb right hand. The Elephant King extends one arm up.

The Elephant King shows his signal first. The next player must show his signal, and then his. The other repeats the signal of the previous one and shows his own. And so on in turn. At the end of the circle, the Elephant King must repeat all signals. If someone gets confused, then he sits at the “end” of the circle. The winner is the one who is in the place of the Elephant King and does not get confused for three laps.

Number of players: up to 11 people.

6. "Classic charades"

The essence of the competition: collect the largest number points by guessing idioms by drawings.

Competition description: the judge comes up with famous expression, and the member of the first team must draw it so that others can guess. Teams receive 1 point for each correct drawing. The team with the most points wins.

If the opposing team guesses, then their participant draws. If the team of the one who draws guesses, they get 2 points, and another participant comes out to draw. If no one guesses, the same player draws the next expression.

Number of players: 2-4 teams of 3-5 people and a referee.

7. "Non-fictional story"

The essence of the competition: work together to come up with a funny story.

Competition description: This competition will provide an opportunity to relax at the table, but continue to have fun. Players sit in a circle and take turns, in several sentences, to tell a funny story. In terms of meaning, each sentence must correspond, forming one text. The one who laughs or smiles is out. And so on until the very end, until there is a winner.

Number of players: unlimited.

8. "Dynamic racing"

The essence of the competition: find the Item, ahead of rivals.

Competition description: players are divided into pairs. We tightly blindfold one of the partners. We put the Item (anything) away from the participants, and in the space between them and the Item we create insignificant barricades. You can use bottles, for example.

Those who remained in a pair with open eyes, must tell the partner where the Item is. The latter still has to guess the voice of his partner, among the voices of the opponents' partners.

Number of players: any pair.

9. "Cossack robbers in a new way"

The essence of the competition: find the Treasure using the prompts, ahead of the opposing teams.

Competition description: presenters hide the Treasure and create clues different colors for players to find it. Each team chooses their own color and must find only their clues. Those who find the Treasure first will win. They can be toys, souvenirs, food and more.

Number of players: 2-4 teams of 3-6 people and several leaders.

10. "Bright garland"

The essence of the competition: be the first to create a garland of balloons.

Competition description: each team is given 10-15 balls and threads. All the balloons need to be inflated and create a garland out of them.

The team that completes the task first will win. The quality is checked by the public, with the help of applause.

Number of players: 2-4 teams of 4-5 people.

Are you scouring the Internet at night in search of cool competitions for a corporate party? Relief in this article.

Like many organizers of all kinds of events, we spend a lot of time writing various contests for parties, and along the way, monitoring various sites where you can get different jokes. For the most part, everything and everywhere is offered the same ... One word TAMADA-STYLE. Dear reader, brings to your attention a kind of TOP-7 contests that will definitely be great in any company. Something peeped, something invented, the fact is that these things are great in any company.

Competition 1. Flippers.

An excellent contest that is suitable for starting your New Year's program. The host invites everyone to play the game. It is necessary to guess the original names of the films by the "inverted" versions. In order for the participants to better understand the essence, you can give them an example. You can come up with your own list of changelings, here's what we offer:

Changeling - movies

1. "Seventy-one eternities of autumn" ("Seventeen Moments of Spring").
2. "Ragged hippopotamus" ("Dundee, nicknamed the Crocodile").
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. "Cap of the French Republic" ("Crown of the Russian Empire").
5. "Everyone is on the street" ("Alone at home").
6. "Glass leg" ("Diamond hand").
7. "Thieves' vocational school" ("Police
8. "Cadets, back!" ("Midshipmen, forward!").
9. "Black Moon of the Jungle" ("White Sun of the Desert").
10. "Home cactus" ("Wild Orchid").
11. "Cold feet" ("Hot heads").

Changelings - movie titles (second option).

1. "Devil's Liver" ("Angel's Heart").
2. "Sing, sing!" ("Dance Dance!").
3. "Uryupinsk trusts smiles" ("Moscow does not believe in tears").
4. “We will die after Wednesday” (“We will live until Monday”).
5. "Vasil the Good" ("Ivan the Terrible").
6. “All men in rock” (“Only girls in jazz”).
7. "Little hike" ("Big walk").
8. "Cat under the straw" ("Dog in the manger").
9. “Put Dad on a Plane” (“Throw Mom off the Train”).
10. "Sidorovka, 83" ("Petrovka, 38").
11. "Short lesson" ("Big break").

Changeling - lines from songs

1. “Above the floor of his hut” (“Under the roof of my house”).
2. “The painter who smears the snow” (“The artist who paints the rain”).
3. “Wake up, your girl is sick” (“Sleep, my little boy”).
4. Dumb green sock"("Stylish orange tie").
5. “I will live with myself for a hundred years” (“I can’t live a day without you”).
6. “There were locusts on the tree” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).
7. “Russian in the house is not waiting for sunset” (“Chukchi in the plague is waiting for dawn”).
8. "I, I, I am in the morning and in the evening" ("You, you, you night and day"),
9. “That night of defeat does not smell like a bullet” (“This Victory Day smelled like gunpowder”).
10. “Black Bat Polonaise” (“White Moth Samba”).
11. “He hates tomatoes on fire” (“She loves strawberries on ice”).

Competition 2. WHERE AM I?

Another contest of the conversational genre, which is also good for the start of the holiday program.

The game requires four players. They stand in a row with their backs, and a pre-prepared poster with one of the following entries is hung on each back: - a sobering-up station - a public bath - a restroom - public transport.

The participants themselves do not know what is written on the posters that hang on their backs. Then the facilitator asks questions, turning to each participant in turn. The questions should be:

How often do you go there?
- When you go there, who do you take with you?
- What are you doing there?
- What do you feel when you go there?

Do you want to come there at least once more?

The inscriptions on the "signs", of course, can be changed. Let's say you can make signs:
- Nudist beach,
- Shop "Intimacy"
- Pedicure


Before the start of the competition, the host calls two real men who are ready for anything for the sake of the lady of the heart. The ladies of the heart are there to do good psychological impact on your knights. Cavaliers wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The leader's task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask to have short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The host, who is also a judge, recalls the rules, such as: do not hit below the waist, do not leave bruises, fight to first blood, etc. After that, the presenter hands the fighters the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unfold, especially when they are stuck together), and asks for his lady of the heart to unroll this candy as soon as possible without removing boxing gloves. Then they are given a can of beer, you need to open it and drink it yourself. The one who completes the task before the opponent wins.

PROPERS - 2 pairs of boxing gloves, caramel candies, 2 cans of beer

Competition 4. DANCE FLOOR STAR

A super-moving competition, which is great before a musical break for a warm-up. Here, a lot depends on the host, you need, of course, to make fun and joke about the contestants and invigorate them. The competition was held at more than one hundred corporate parties, and it always met with laughter and fun!

Well, now for you there will be a competition called "Star of the New Year's dance floor." This competition will require the participation of the 5 most active employees of the company. Your task is simply to dance very, very, very actively, because the most inactive dancer is eliminated. Go! (plays rock and roll) (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor).

Now there are only four of you left. Imagine that you have been dancing for an hour and are so tired that your legs have been paralyzed, but real stars do not give up so easily! So, your task is to dance no less actively, but without the help of your legs. (plays “hands up - well, where are the handles”). (After 20-30 seconds, the host chooses the most inactive one and, to the applause, asks him to leave the dance floor).

There are only three of you left, and you are quite tired, it's time to sit down. Now dance actively while sitting, you can move only with your head and hands. (Caste - Blatnoy's Number). After 20-30 seconds, the host chooses the most inactive one and, to the applause, asks him to leave the dance floor.

And we still have two real super-stars of the dance floor! There is one last push left. And, of course, at the end of such a dance battle, the whole body becomes numb, but the stars are never lost, because the face is still alive! Your task is to dance with facial expressions without moving anything! Let's go! (rock and roll).

After 30 seconds of “writhing”, the host chooses a New Year's star of the dance floor with the help of applause from the audience!

Competition 5. A PIECE OF BREAD


The essence of the competition is that the host offers to bet with someone that he will not be able to eat a piece of bread (standard half) in 1 minute without drinking. It seems like a very simple task and will captivate the participants to try their hand. But in reality, it is almost impossible to do so. Doubt? Try it for yourself at lunch.

Competition 6. ICE, BABY, ICE!

A VERY INTERESTING TEST THAT IS FUNNY TO DO. True, a little trouble with the props is required.

The host calls three daredevils to participate in the competition and says that the task is "easier than simple" - you need to put on a T-shirt, that's all. After the participants are found. The host brings out three T-shirts that are well rolled and frozen in the freezer. The task of the participant is to put on a T-shirt as quickly as possible.

Contest 7. KISS OUT


The host calls 8 participants - 4 males and 4 beautiful. We put people in order - m-m-m-f. Then they are told that they need to pass a kiss on the cheek, everyone in order kisses the next one on the cheek. At any moment, the music stops and on whom the stop is eliminated. The presenter must discreetly command the DJ when it is necessary to stop the music. At first, you can make it so that girls and guys drop out alternately, but by the end you need to adjust so that three or two guys remain. It becomes very funny when only men remain in the competition.

Well, that's all, dear organizer of noise and fun! We hope you enjoy our contests. In this blog we will post them very, very much, so do not forget to subscribe, and we will do everything so that you mark the most fun New Year in your life.

Remember Smartyparty is a boxed solution for hosting a corporate party on your own. if you AND YOUR COLLEAGUES do not want AND CANNOT waste time and fool around with the search for props and the preparation of the holiday - GIVE them a box. in it you will immediately find everything you need to organize a super fun PARTY.

Really funny script New Year's corporate party here!