
Put an image on the web page that will match your essence. And you don't have to use any text. Your image should be clear without words. You can put your own photo on the ava. Choose a shooting location with beautiful scenery and take a picture with a professional camera. It is desirable that you be photographed by another person, and not by yourself.


Feel free to follow the pros and learn from the skills. The time will come - you will "acquire" useful skills and your own tricks. And if you liked any photo of someone else, feel free to repeat it. Perhaps you can do better. And if the picture does not work out, you can always analyze what you did wrong.

Materialize your photos. What does it mean that you should print them on large formats. You can immediately see minor flaws in a large photo and work on the mistakes. And your friends, having looked at the live image with a fresh look, will also be able to point out mistakes and evaluate the photo.

Participate in exhibitions and competitions more often. Don't bury your talent in the ground. And besides this, it is useful for you on other photographers. Strive to take photographs, because rivalry strengthens the craving for excellence. And don't be afraid of criticism. But look for it wisely. Show off your still unprofessional shots at or above your level. They will really help you with advice, while a professional photographer would limit himself to a couple of phrases like “not bad” or “it will do for a start.”

And the last advice: do not get carried away with what it is too early for you to get involved in. Many capable people immediately try to buy cameras, fashionable and other “gadgets”, but in the end they are disappointed, having spent a lot of money and not getting the desired result. You need to be able to handle professional equipment. So take your time with it, improve.

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We often want to capture certain moments on video so that the best or most significant moments of our lives remain in our memory. And we want them to last as long as possible, so that in the future you can review them and completely immerse yourself in the mood. There are many factors that affect video quality, from the choice of camera to the final cut of the film we want to keep in our home archive.

You will need

  • - camcorder
  • - computer
  • - video editor


Choose the camera that best allows your budget at the moment. Of course, you can record from digital, but the quality of the video shot with the help is much. Pay attention to three main parameters: the graininess of the image, its lightness and color, in particular, color. The brighter the colors, the better.

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Avatar - a small image that is used as a graphic component of a profile on a thematic forum, social network site, etc. The avatar can be copied from a special site or made by yourself using any graphic editor.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop software;
  • - an image for the avatar.


You can use any picture, photo, etc. as an image. Initially, you can use any graphic file copied from the Internet, then you can try to repeat it on your portrait. Before you start working on a flashing avatar, you need to install Adobe Photoshop on your computer.

Open the program and double-click on an empty area of ​​the program or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O to open the image.

Make a duplicate of the main layer that was created when loading the image into the program. Right-click on the layer in the layers panel and select "Duplicate Layer" or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J.

You need to apply a change in color levels to the bottom layer. Click the top menu "Image" and select "Levels" (shortcut Ctrl + L). In the window that opens, move the middle slider to a value of 2.35.

The top layer (the newly created one) also needs to be re-leveled. Press the key combination Ctrl + L. In the window that opens, move the slider to 0.40.

Now click the top Window menu, then open the Animation palette. In the layers panel, leave only the bottom layer visible, to do this, click on the image of the eye opposite the top layer - it will become invisible.

In the Animation window, duplicate the image by clicking the Duplicate button. Turn on the visibility of the upper layer, and make the lower layer invisible by clicking on the image of the eye opposite the corresponding layers.

In the "Animation" window, activate the "Always" loop option and press the Play button. If you want to decrease or increase the frame rate, adjust this value in the same window.

To save the resulting avatar, click the "File" menu and select "Save for web and devices ...". In the window that opens, select the Gif image format and 256 colors. Click the "Save" button.

To create a simple animation, it is not at all necessary to go to study as an animator. Sufficient tools are available in Adobe Photoshop CS5. You will also need to master a few simple skills.

You will need

  • - Russified version of Adobe Photoshop CS5.


As a source image, use e.g. photograph with a skyscraper against the sky. Run the program and open the required file: press "Ctrl" + "O", select the picture and click "Open". Select the Rectilinear Lasso Tool (hotkey "L", switch between adjacent elements "Ctrl" + "L") and select the skyscraper . Press the combination "Ctrl" + "J" to create a new layer and transfer the selected area to it.

Open in the program photograph with clouds, it should be larger than the skyscraper image. Press "Alt" + "Ctrl" + "I" and remember the values ​​​​that are in the fields "Width" and "Height". Create new file: "Ctrl" + "N", in the "Width" field, specify the same value as the photo with clouds, in the "Height" field - the same, but multiplied by three. As a result, you should get three documents: with a cut out skyscraper, with clouds, and an empty document. In the following, they will be referred to as documents 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Switch to the cloud document, activate the Move Tool (V) and drag the image onto document 3. Align it so that it completely occupies lower part. Switch back to document 2 and drag the picture onto document 3. Align it so that it fills the top. Reactivate document 2, click Edit > Transform > Rotate 180 Degrees. Then Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontally. Drag the result onto document 3 and center align.

In the "Layers" window (if it is absent, call it with the hot key "F7") select the three existing layers with clouds (they should be named "Layer 1", "Layer 2" and "Layer 3"), holding down "Ctrl" and by clicking on each of them. Press the right mouse button and in the window that appears, click "Merge Layers". Drag the newly formed layer onto document 1 and place it below the cut skyscraper layer.

Click the menu item Window > Animation. At the bottom of the window that appears, click the only active button - "Create a copy of the selected files." Another frame will appear. At the bottom of the frame, the time that it will be on the screen is displayed. In each of the frames, change it to 0.1 seconds.

Switch to the first frame and then to the document 1. Select the cloud layer and use the Move tool to align its bottom right edge with the bottom right edge of the document 1. Switch to the second frame and then back to the document 1. Select the layer with clouds and align its top right edge with the top right edge of document 1. These two frames will be the start and end frames of the animation you create - moving clouds.

Click the Tween button at the bottom of the animation window. Enter 20 in the Add Frames field and click OK. Delete frames 21 and 22 using the "Delete Selected Frames" button, which has a trash can logo and is located at the bottom of the animation window. Animation is ready. You can check it by clicking on the "Play" button.

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Everyone knows how to properly hold a spoon and fork in their hands, knows how to eat properly, drive a car and knows that you need to cross the road at a green light. We acquire these skills quite quickly, but only those for whom photography is part of their professional activity know how to take a beautiful picture.

In nature, there is no such thing as a "non-photogenic" person - it's either the model does not know how to choose the right pose, or the photographer's hands are "out of place".

Three whales

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the components of a successful photo. To understand how you can take a beautiful picture, you need to know the basics of creating a good picture.

First, there are three main components of a good photo:

  1. Place.
  2. Model.
  3. Cloth.

Secondly, these three whales are complemented by such indicators as accessories, light and the ability of the photographer to work in Photoshop.

Place, model, clothes

So, how to take a good photo? The first thing to do is decide on a location. The background on which the photo will be taken is one of the keys to success. There should not be any aggressive colors, ridiculous patterns or stripes in the background. The more uniform the place, the better.

The second thing to think about is clothing. Like the background, it must be carefully selected. Clothing is a must for a good look. If there is no professional stylist at your disposal who can create a cute and innocent look from a colorful fabric, then it is better to avoid experiments. It is worth choosing clothes in neutral tones, without bright spots. It should be uniform, without a ridiculous print. No matter how you look at it, in the photo the viewer will first of all see bright spots, and only then the model and the general concept.

Also, do not forget about the correspondence between the background and the image. A lady in a vintage dress against the backdrop of a high-tech room will look rather ridiculous.

The last final component is the model. There are people who confidently hold themselves in front of the camera, and there are those who do not like the gaze of the lens. Therefore, if the model is clamped in front of the camera, then the picture will not be very successful. In addition, the appearance of the model can give a great idea for a photo shoot, you do not need to ignore the features of the appearance.

Accessories, lights and other tricks

But that's not all it takes to do a good job. What else do you need to know to take a good photo? The photo will not be complete without the presence of accessories. This is a very powerful tool. IN Lately accessories are very popular in wedding photo shoots. Soap bubbles, masks, flowers, etc. can play their role. If you approach this issue wisely, then the presence of just one additional element can completely change the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bphotography.

Another idea for great photography can come from light. Various lighting schemes or additional lighting can be used both in the studio and on the street. Perhaps this is one of the most powerful tools in the hands of a photographer. After lighting, the second important factor is the ability to use Photoshop. With it, you can completely transform the picture.

Best Positions

So, how to take a good photo? The first and most important thing is to learn the positions, thanks to which you can emphasize your strengths and hide your weaknesses. Here are the most profitable options that have been tested by experience:

  • Become a half-side to the photographer and turn a little in his direction, while leaving your legs in the same position. This pose will make your figure slimmer.
  • Stand with your back to the photographer, turn your shoulders or head slightly, straighten your back and keep your shoulders at the same level.

Not many people wonder how to take a beautiful photo, but definitely every second person is dissatisfied with their photos. To minimize your resentment, you should use some recommendations:

  • A full face (as on a passport) can only be afforded by people with ideal facial features.
  • No need to take a profile picture of a person who has a long nose.
  • If the girl has a round face, she needs to be photographed a little from above.
  • To visually lengthen the leg, you need to take a picture from below.
  • If the model is lying, she needs to stretch her socks, so the position will come out more graceful.
  • You can reduce the waist by placing your palms on this area, and your palms can also hide the folds on the stomach.
  • And do not forget about a smile, a light half-smile will be more than enough.

Most Popular Poses

Basically, such poses are used by professional models, but this does not mean that they are not intended for mere mortals. A little practice and you're done.

So, how to take a beautiful picture (poses):

  1. The most successful portrait shooting angle for girls of any physique is a look from behind the shoulder. Then the model looks at ease and easy, as if she was accidentally caught in the frame.
  2. If the model is not afraid of close-ups, she can use her fingers to emphasize lips or eyes.
  3. Many successful photos can be obtained from a lying position, however, you will first need to experiment in front of a mirror.
  4. good decision will practice a simple pose - lying on her back, when the model looks into the lens, slightly turning her head towards the photographer. The main thing is to figure out where to put your hands, they should not lie along the body.
  5. To demonstrate yourself in full growth, you need to sit sideways to the photographer, lean on your hands, bend one leg at the knee, and stretch the other forward with an extended toe, tilt your head back and bend at the waist. Bends - that's what this angle is good for.
  6. For those who like dynamic poses, pull your shoulder back and walk towards the photographer lightly and from your hip. No need to look at the camera, then the frame will turn out very natural.
  7. The pose with support looks very relaxed. On this theme, you can come up with many variations, the main thing is that it should not be seen how hard the model is trying. Everything should be casual and graceful.
  8. Although the hand-up pose is time-worn, it is very popular in the arsenal of experienced models. Fix your hair, casually twist a strand of hair, etc. The main thing is not to freeze motionless during the shooting.
  9. Also very popular is the pose called “I didn’t know that I was being filmed.” A thoughtful and detached look to the side looks very advantageous in the pictures.

How beautiful to take pictures in winter?

There are many ideas for photo shoots. One of them is to use the landscape, in particular the change of seasons. As it turned out, winter is very popular, obviously because of the holidays. What can you think of for winter photography?

Here are the most common ideas:

  1. Snow covered forest. This is an ideal place where all the grandeur and luxury of winter landscapes are reflected. snow covered trees, sparkling play of snow under the bright sun - what could be better than such scenery? Alternatively, you can play snowballs, build a snowman, make an angel or snow fireworks. A cold background will favorably emphasize the sincerity of feelings.
  2. New Year's atmosphere. Snow is the best component to help create a New Year's atmosphere. Several Christmas decorations in the snow, rain, garlands, firecrackers. Baskets with sweets and floral arrangements will perfectly complement the photograph.
  3. Ice rink. Another great place to winter photoshoot- ice rink. Even if the model does not know how to skate, the shots will still turn out to be very lively and positive, besides, you can pose just sitting on the fence or casually throwing your skates over your shoulder.


The hardest part is taking pictures outside. How beautiful to take a picture in this case? In advance, you need to take care of the appropriate makeup, styling, which is not afraid of the wind, rehearse several poses for a photo shoot.

To take a beautiful photo with an architectural landmark, you need to move away from it as far as possible. Then both the model and the building will get into the frame. The photographer should not stand in front of the light. Maybe a lonely dark silhouette in the picture will seem to someone a work of art, but this is a bad form. You can use benches, swings, bridges and scaffolds, stairs, etc. as props. Taking pictures on the street is difficult due to possible interference, but in terms of the variety of photographs, this is the best place.


And finally, how beautiful to take a picture at home? Of course, studio photos will turn out much better, but not everyone has the time and opportunity to organize it. Therefore, you have to take photos at home. Selfies can be excluded immediately - this is not high art.

When choosing an image for a home photo shoot, you need to focus on concise things. It is better to avoid something spectacular and extravagant. The choice can be stopped on a dress of pastel colors and shoes with heels. Hair is best left loose, and makeup - smoky eyes. As for the poses, they can be chosen along the way, using whatever comes to hand (but not the wall carpet). Interesting photos are obtained near the window. Near the door, you can depict a leaving girl, and bake in the kitchen.

Taking beautiful pictures is easy. The main thing is to cover up the shortcomings, focus on the merits and pay attention to the little things.

Beauty is, of course, a terrible force, but without demonstrating this beauty to others, there will be no effect. And how to present yourself in such a
form to attract and interest people? This question torments both artists and photographers.

In our age of technological progress, any person who has a more or less decent camera or even a phone with a good camera can call himself a photographer. But no one is happy to be a mediocre photographer. If we are to photograph, then do it beautifully and in an original way. What is the secret of successful shots?

One, two, three - shoot!

A rare person takes the trouble to delve into the secrets of the art of photography. And these incomprehensible terms do seem to be a set of sounds. What is exposure? How is this related to human qualities and is it connected? And what's with the diaphragm? And what kind of focus lies at the heart of everything? Most often, all these questions refer to professionals, because it is much easier to take a beautiful pose and let the technique do everything for you.

Is it really easier? Isn't it enough to get pictures in which quite nice boys and girls look strange, comical or awkward?! The camera can distort the figure in such a way that long legs become invisible, the neck suddenly becomes half as long, and the nose - longer. And this is not even the fault of the photographer, or rather, it is not entirely his fault, since he sees the subject and can tell how beautiful to take a picture. But the model should listen to a professional and have at least a vague idea of ​​how she wants to look as a result.

Best Avatar

If you use the official terminology, then the avatar is a graphic picture by which the user in the virtual world is recognized by friends and acquaintances. And to this day there are people who do not want to show their true face to the world. They hide under cute pictures of kittens, puppies, cartoon characters. In honor and photos of models.

What lies behind this withdrawal from the real self? Dislike for the world? The essence of an introvert? Hostile attitude towards yourself and negative perception of your reflection in the mirror? Or maybe everything is much simpler and the person hides the lack of normal photos? Agree, if you are not a professional photographer and do not have good equipment at home, then you have a very distant idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you can take a beautiful picture. Hands, feet, lips do not want to be creative, and at best, as a result, we see a passport photo, and at worst, a photo on the wanted board.

Learning to be beautiful

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the photoshoot. What do we want to get as a result? The face of a robot without emotions or a gentle sincere smile? Latent expression
sexuality or outright vulgarity? The same person is able to express different emotions simply by playing with an eyebrow, wrinkling his forehead, smiling with his eyes or crying with them.

We are all different precisely due to our facial expressions and special inner beauty. Even a seemingly soulless shot can take on a life of its own. Remember "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - after all, the beauty of this work was so huge that it captivated everyone without exception. Girls more often than young people think about how to take a beautiful picture, as they strive to capture every successful moment of their lives, knowing that it is unlikely that they will be able to exactly repeat today's makeup or copy a smile. But this and other attributes of beauty are not the most important thing. If you are going through options on how to take a beautiful picture, then catch the mood! Today is truly unique, as it is one of the days of your
life. It will not be possible to live it again and today's emotions will sink into oblivion. So this is the secret of a beautiful photo - do not play for the camera, but catch your inner mood.

The mirror of one's heart

Speaking about how beautiful it is to take a picture on ava, one cannot ignore the eyes. No wonder they are called the mirror of the soul, because they reflect our hidden feelings, hidden emotions, inner pain or euphoria. Many professional models are taught to convey emotions with their eyes, without helping themselves with lips or gestures. There is nothing easier than showing a smile with your mouth, but only a professional can show a smile with your eyes. If you are thinking about how to take a beautiful picture, you can work out the poses at home in front of the mirror. Relax all your muscles and take a deep breath. Looking directly at yourself in the mirror, smile broadly. Remember that an empty smile that does not touch anything inside does not hurt the eyes. Therefore, remember a pleasant moment in your life, tell yourself a well-deserved compliment aloud and, smiling, pay attention to the sparkle in your eyes. Noticed? Now cover the bottom of your face with your palm and keep smiling. Please note that even so, it is clear from your eyes that you are smiling. Now relax the muscles of the lips and try to repeat the sparkle of the eyes that was when you smiled. It may not work right away, but when the effect is achieved, you will be able to boast of the most spectacular portraits among all possible.

Expressing yourself

Putting a photo on the avatar, we expose ourselves to the unspoken (and sometimes very public) court of the audience. Therefore, quite often we choose an informal photo. Why strain yourself and those around you with boring pictures when you can post your pictures from a recent barbecue, walk or visit?! Only now, how to take a beautiful picture at such events, so as not to waste time on Photoshop later? Soberly assess your strengths and weaknesses. You consider yourself a complete person, then give up full-face photos. In group shots, stand sideways and tilt your head slightly forward. Don't hunch over in pictures, but don't specifically pose like a top model either. Remember that they spend hours practicing such poses, and you want to create a copy right away. Most precisely, a close friend with whom you will go for a walk will tell you how beautiful to take a picture on ava. Choose a beautiful background, but do not repeat the mistakes of many generations - do not become a soldier in front of luxury cars and high-rise buildings! You want to take a picture of yourself, not a car. The car is beautiful in itself, and you, sadly, in such a situation fade and become the background yourself. Sit behind the wheel of a car, stand on a step and lean on the railing. Once in the background of a sprawling apple tree, pick up one fruit and admire it.

Preparations for "later"

Tired of monotonous wishes, photographers have peculiar templates that tell them how to take a beautiful picture. Hands are always recommended to be removed from the face, the neck is straightened, but the head is slightly tilted forward to demonstrate the neck, but visually reduce the nose with its excess length. The profile photo hides the volume, and the eyes look larger if you take a picture from above. If you are thinking about how to take a beautiful picture at home, then perhaps you should resort to autofocus? The picture will be more natural, and there is no one to be embarrassed about.

Pair photo session

What a beautiful word - "date"! A huge number of associations, a sea of ​​romance, flowers and sweets! And, of course, joint portraits! But how to take a picture with a guy beautifully?

Ask a stranger at the risk of running away with a camera or cutting off your legs in a picture? Rarely are shots like this successful. Resort to the now popular "crossbows"? Aren't you tired of looking at photos of huge heads obscuring the entire lens ?! Try to use mirrors - the technique is already "hackneyed", but still relevant. Turn off the flash so that the reflection is clear. Photos in which people look not at the lens, but at each other are very touching. It seems that the feeling that connects them is especially strong.

Sea Sea

But when warm days come, the camera takes its rightful place in every purse. After all, it is simply criminal not to capture today's tan, a caught mollusk or an evening bow at a disco!

But how beautiful to take a picture in the summer? Is there any special wisdom? Yes, I have! In the summer, our skin can rebel. In the morning, a huge pimple will jump up, the forehead will turn red, and an accidentally touched ivy will suddenly give you a rash. Night disco will turn into a pale face and circles under the eyes. How beautiful is it to take a picture at the sea or even a city beach with such decorations on your face? Girls come to the rescue make-up. We hide all the irregularities, trying not to
overdo it with powder and foundation. The forehead and bridge of the nose often shine in the photo, so they must be powdered, after moistening and wiping with tonic. In the summer, do not be zealous with cosmetics, as it will look gloomy and give you extra years. A little bit of tone, mascara and lip gloss - you will be the queen! If you are planning in advance how to take beautiful pictures of the sea, then try to take more pictures in the morning. This is the best time for a photo session. Refuse strict clothes, but also do not take candid pictures in a swimsuit if you are shy about your figure. Choose comfortable clothes and color your look with bright summer accessories.

final touch

No, this is not photoshop processing at all, which, by the way, is also very milestone before the photo is released. But the final touch of photographing, we will call a calm, relaxed smile. We have already said that it can be different, but it is also worth noting that the wrong smile can simply ruin the photo. A wide smile of 32 teeth will look sincere only if it comes from the heart. A modest smile at the corners of the lips is appropriate for any event, but can sometimes look forced. Loud laughter at the moment of shooting is fraught with a defiant look in the photo, so never tilt your head back while laughing if you want to get a good picture. In pictures in a large company, you can often see people sticking out their tongue while smiling. Sometimes it even looks appropriate and perky, but the key word here is "sometimes." If you take pictures like this everywhere, then people may think that it simply does not hold in your mouth and falls out involuntarily. Do you want that kind of fame? Hardly.

It happens that after a lot of time spent on applying the right makeup, choosing colors, clothes and a suitable background, the result is not as good as expected. And it seems that the camera was set up as it should, and the background was chosen interesting, but the result was not what was expected. And it happens on hastily without further ado, brilliantly executed shots come out. A lot of people complain about not being photogenic, but that's an expression that doesn't make sense. Any, albeit at least 100 times beautiful, has “its own” wrong angle, which is calculated empirically. To figure out how to pose for a photo shoot, let's see how professional models comprehend this science.

Aspiring models practice the art of gently changing positions in front of a mirror, using photos from fashion magazines as study guide. Taking a photo is an art. This includes a wide range of parameters responsible for the result. Moreover, some of the parameters are of a variable nature, and it is simply not realistic to take into account absolutely everything during operation. Naturally, the photographer must be able to use and quickly change the settings for the camera, intuitively understand what the setting of the light will be when taking pictures, but it is never possible to determine in advance which position at a given moment will be the most suitable for a particular model.

To reduce the risk of photographic error, there are several important rules. In fact, you can collect a whole book of them. However, here are the main ones:

  • Don't overdo the stereotypical frozen poses. Bet on naturalness.
  • Be mindful of facial expressions. Mimic busting is good for video, but not photo shooting. Before starting, it would be nice to have a glass of champagne, improve your mood to relax your facial muscles. A bold burning look sets the tone for the whole image in the frames.
  • Watch your posture, do not twist your shoulders, do not raise the shoulder closest to the lens higher than the farthest one. Try tensing your neck muscles just before the click.
  • Control your hands. Let the hands be relaxed, do not spread (unless specifically asked) the fingers and do not direct the front of the palms. Do not point your elbows towards the lens with your arms bent and keep your hands slightly at an angle for the camera.
  • Tighten your stomach, it will be better to stretch up a little. When tilting, keep your back arched so that the curved outline of the body is in the frame.
  • Looking away, cling to a certain object or point so that it does not seem empty
  • If the photo session is done in free mode, then stick to the movement, do not freeze like a statue. You can even walk around or dance around.

The emotional contact between the photographer and the model is very important. Listen carefully to what is asked of you. The high level of experienced models is that they know how to take pictures correctly, poses and are ready to change the chosen pose or facial expressions at the slightest hint.

Other things you can do in front of the lens: imagine yourself in the form of different animals, play with hair and clothing, imitate walking on a thin rail, modestly cover yourself with your hands or cloth, play hide and seek, run away, pretend to be cold.

Do not forget to use the range of human emotions - surprise, joy, sadness, fear, anger, puzzlement, cunning, falling in love, passion. The master will evaluate the results of various effects and let you know what is the most “what you need”.

To help you take pictures should be a photo selection of various poses from London-based photographer Lin Herik. I wish you good luck and good photos!

In our digital time, when there’s a camera installed almost everywhere, even in a matchbox, everything that is left is to enjoy ourselves in photos. But unfortunately the result is often frustrating. It seems that everything works towards a great photo: atmosphere, dress and make-up. But when you look at a camera screen the first thing you want to do is to delete the photo, and the second one – to cry.

Why does it happen? Why do we often look bad in photos?

We know how to eat and hold a spoon and a fork, we know how to drive a car and that we need to cross the road when green light is on. We have been learning this since we were born. But nobody taught us how to look good in photos, and this is a skill as well.

Those people who look bad in photos again and again, tell themselves: “We’re non-photogenic”. But in fact, there are no photogenic and non-photogenic people. One should just learn how to look good in photos.

One of my specializations is to shoot an individual portfolio. I work with people who are nowhere near model business and are often stand in front of a camera for the first time. I know almost everything that a person standing in front of the camera might tell me. And I work with this. And my work gets a lot of positive feedback.

I would like to share 9 tips, which will significantly improve photos of you. And it doesn't matter whether you are going to a photo session of a professional photographer or a picture will be taken by your friend with an amateur camera.

1. There are 3 main pillars that create an image, and if you follow them, your picture will be really successful. One of them is proper clothes. In my work, I’m assisted by a stylist who chooses clothes for a model and if it’s necessary finds the clothes I need to create a complete image. But you don't need a stylist to improve your appearance.

Put on clothes of neutral tones without conspicuous and extremely bright colors for a photo session. If, for example, you are wearing red top, a viewer will see this top first, and only then you.

Clothes should preferably have no patterns and stripes. So leave leopard dresses and tops with large patterns at home. Firstly, you’ll get lost in them, and secondly not all cameras can cope with complicated patterns of clothes.

And it is very important to complete your image with accessories. I always remind my models about accessories prior to photo session. Don't forget to put on relevant pendant or a bracelet that will emphasize your appearance.

2. The second photography pillar is a background. Here advice is similar to that for clothes. No aggressive colours, patterns and stripes. The more homogeneous background is the better. It's mauvais ton to have a picture taken with a carpet behind. But you already know it.

Background shall match your image. If you put on a Victorian style dress, and choose to have a photo session in a hi-tech interior, it will look rather strange. The same is if you decide to have a photo session in a field of wheat while wearing your wedding dress. What sane bride will go to the country to have a photo session in a dusty dirty field?

That's why choose a location in line with the idea you want to implement.

3. The third pillar to create your image is you, the photographer's model. And the next 7 tips are all about this.

There are no photogenic or non-photogenic people. There are people that like and respect themselves. Such people feel sure in front of the camera, they are as they are. That's why first of all get to like yourself. I understand this is a piece of advice from the psychological area, and you need more than 10 visits to a psychologist, but you shall try. Attend photographer's consultation at least. Perhaps a photographer will dispel lots of your doubts. Because photo session in reality is a bit different from what you expect. For example, I try not to appoint a photo session without preliminary meeting.

There is one more trick that will set you up for the photo session and will help you loosen up. This trick was proposed by one New-York photo school and due to its efficiency it has quickly become very popular all over the world.

When you are home alone, stand in front of the mirror and say 100 times while stroking yourself: I'm the most beautiful. I'm the best. I love myself very much. If you can tell this 100 times without laughing, you can become an actress in Hollywood. And no photo session can frighten you then.

4. Preparation for a photo session is very important. As I've mentioned above, I always try to meet those whom I'm going to shoot. This helps us to understand each other more quickly and not to waste time during the photo session. During the meeting I also try to find a reason, why a person comes to my photo studio and basing on this information we discuss a topic of our photo session. We also plan it.

Communicate with a photographer prior to your photo session. Half-hour talk several days before the photo session will save you couple of hours during the shooting.

5. The 5th tip is a make-up. Make-up is aimed at emphasizing advantages and concealing disadvantages of your skin. Of course, lots can be done in Photoshop now, but believe me, it will be lower in cost to use services of a professional make-up artist, than of a professional retoucher.

6. Rest and general state. It's important to sleep well prior to a photo session. Because sleep is a health itself. If you come to a photo session wishing that everything is finished as soon as possible, you'll never get good pictures then. It's impossible to conceal eye fatigue and lack of tone in your muscles.

I also forbid alcohol both during a photo session and the day before it. The reason is the same as that for sleep. It may seem that alcohol can loosen you up, but it's not so. It can liberate your thoughts, but not your body or poses. And very often, a person that has taken even 50 grams of alcohol looks rather funny.

7. In many cases, people are afraid of shooting, because they don't know how to pose right. Here I'll give you several pieces of advice that will help you to put your arms and legs to look good in the photo. But remember that the main posing is in your head. I've already mentioned this for the 3d tip, and I'll talk about it later.

To conceal an extra weight you gained during holidays, stand in front of a photographer half-turned. This will conceal your figure and make your waist slimmer.

Remember, straight lines are forbidden in the poses. Bend your arms, legs and tilt your head a bit. Just a bit. But the joints shall be half-bent. Photographers call it Rule of Triangles. When you, so to speak, draw several triangles with your body.

Crossing elements, for example arms, always attract attention. This is an example of how to create mood in a photo with the help of a body.

Don't hump your shoulders. This is a common mistake of many people. Crane you neck a bit. And lower a shoulder which is closer to a photographer.

Don't lean towards a photographer. By this you'll have a square-shaped figure and no waist.
These are just a few tips for posing. But in general, just trust your photographer. Seeing you through the lenses, a photographer knows better how you should stand.

8. Be natural. Forget about those broken poses from magazines. These poses are for professional models advertising clothes. And you have a photo session for yourself. That's why be natural. Because the more natural you look, the better the picture is!

9. One more psychological tip to improve the way you look in the photo is to get into a character. how?

For example, you came to a studio to have a business portrait. Imagine that you're the main and the most important person in your profession. You're an idol for many newbies; magazines and newspapers write about you. People want to have your autograph. Imagine all this. Have you?

Or you want to have a picture for social networks to find a husband. Imagine that you love and are loved in return. Imagine the man, you want to have a photo for, imagine how he hugs you, gives you presents and kisses. How do you spend time with him. Have you imagined?

Look, how you've straightened up, see the gleam in your eyes, you're confident in yourself and you don't have to think about your pose any more. Now you're posing like a professional model. It's very simple. And this is the most important of my tips.

And always ask yourself a question “Why?” This question will allow you to avoid lots of unnecessary and stupid photos. For example, if you come to a birch and embrace it, ask yourself “why am I doing this?” If you have no answer, then you should just give it up and try to find another story for your photo session.