Felt products mainly consist of natural wool, therefore they are afraid of moisture. Due to this feature, it is difficult to clean felt boots, but in any case it is possible. Natural material requires delicate care.

improvised materials

What items may be needed for cleaning depends on the degree and source of contamination. So, they can be used:

  • Vacuum cleaner. With it, you can get rid of dust and the smallest contaminants.
  • Hard brush. Suitable for removing dried dirt, but for felt products you need to purchase a special rubber brush so as not to harm the material.
  • Semolina or flour for surface cleansing.
  • Special cleaners that are used for carpets and delicate fabrics.
  • Laundry soap.

Cleaning methods

Before proceeding, you need to make sure that the boots are dry. If not, the shoes must be thoroughly dried. So that wet boots do not lose their shape during drying, you can fill them with paper. It will also help you deal with excess moisture. You need to change the paper as it absorbs moisture. After drying, it is necessary to vacuum the felt boots to remove surface contaminants in the form of dirt or sand. You can also use a hard brush for this.

Felt boots are dried at room temperature, you can not leave them near the stove or fireplace, as they are flammable.


You will need flour or semolina - they help to clean the felt from minor impurities, while leaving no streaks or other marks. For cleaning, pour flour or semolina on a dirty place and wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth. After that, you need to knock out the boots, so the grain particles will go away with the dirt.

If there is no semolina or flour at hand, then you can use tooth powder, soda or starch instead.


If after the dry method, there are still dirt on the boots, then you can proceed to the next step.

Very effective way is the application laundry soap. It must be dissolved in water to obtain a solution of medium consistency. Then apply to the felt, rub with a brush. Then carefully remove.

Do not rinse off the soap under a direct stream of water, the excess can be easily removed with a damp hand and then blotted with a clean towel.

Stubborn stain removal

If the stain is old and has long been ingrained, then more thorough cleaning methods are used here.

  • Carpet cleaner. The most popular and effective is Vanish. The product must be diluted with water, shaken until foam forms. Sponge apply the solution to the contaminated area, leave for the time specified in the instructions. After that, clean the place of contamination with a brush and remove the foam with a rag or sponge. Dry at room temperature.
  • Dilute the detergent for delicate fabrics in cold water according to the instructions. Use it to clean the contaminated area of ​​the boots. Then dry the shoes in a warm room. This method also suitable for white felt products.

Stickers, embroidery and other decorative embellishments are recommended to be removed before cleaning.

What to do with salt

As you know, not only dirt, but also other substances are brought home on shoes. These include salt, which is sprinkled on slippery sections of roads. Cleaning the salt is easy enough. This is the only case where you can reasonably use a direct jet of water to clean the felt.

After the main cleaning, it is necessary to grate laundry soap on a fine grater, mix with water until foam forms. Apply to the stain, clean with a shoe brush. Rinse soap residue under running water and quickly remove moisture with a towel.

Only cold water is used to remove the salt. Heat treatment deforms felt boots.

How to get rid of moths

Usually, moths visit garments in spring and summer. If eggs appeared on the boots, which were laid by the moth, they must be dried in the sun. It will take 2-3 hours for the larvae to die. You can remove them with semolina or flour. After the boots are knocked out, you need to go over them with a brush.

How to clean boots inside

Such cleaning is somewhat more difficult than outside. Since there can be no strong contamination inside, cleaning is carried out using flour, semolina or starch. To do this, it is better to purchase a brush with a long handle. After cleaning, the felt boots must be knocked out, and the remnants of the cleaning material removed with a vacuum cleaner.

The nuances of cleaning different types of boots

From felt

  • Most The best way in order to put the boots in order - this is dry cleaning. Thanks to it, the shoes will last much longer than when wet, which is recommended only in critical cases.
  • Cannot be cleaned with pumice. Doing so may damage the material and cause deterioration in appearance, as pellets may form.
  • Felt should not be soaked or washed in washing machine. Even on a delicate wash.
  • During drying, it is better to place inside the shoes white paper, as drawings or lettering may leave traces.

Light and white boots

The lighter the shoes, the more often they get dirty, besides, even minor pollution is better visible on them.

Wet cleaning can leave ugly stains on shoes, so the most popular substances for cleaning white products are:

  • starch;
  • soda:
  • dentifrice;
  • flour;
  • semolina.

Light colors require more care. Before cleaning, you need to vacuum the white felt boots, if after this pollution remains, then proceed to the next step. For cleaning, choose one of the materials listed above and clean gently with a soft cloth or brush. If the dirt has not gone away, then continue cleaning with the same substance, but using a damp cloth. Pollution will quickly disappear. Dry thoroughly after cleaning and vacuum again before use.

To remove old stubborn stains from light felt, you can use Vanish bleach, which gently cleans and cares. According to the instructions, it is necessary to mix water with bleach in the proportions indicated on the package and gently brush. Remove any remaining detergent with a clean, white towel.

Gray and dark

Dark types of boots need cleaning less often, so they are practical because light dirt is less visible on them. But still they need care, and from time to time they need to be cleaned. You can use soapy water for cleaning. It is necessary to apply it on felt boots, then carefully clean with a brush or sponge. After cleaning, remove the foam with a damp cloth and send to dry in a warm room.

You can also use the dry cleaning method, especially since it is more gentle on the material. After the boots with dirt are dried, you need to walk on them with a crust of black bread. This method is very effective, it will not only remove surface contaminants, but also return the boots to their original appearance. Remaining crumbs can be removed with a brush.

Cleaning colored boots

If there are decorative colored elements on the shoes that are sewn to it, then before cleaning it is necessary to remove all stripes, stickers, beads. After cleaning and drying, you can return the entire decor to its place.

When cleaning, only the dry method is allowed, otherwise there is a risk that the pattern will be damaged. When removing a stain, not the entire surface is treated, but only the area with the stain. In order to freshen up the look of shoes, tooth powder or starch is perfect. It is necessary to rub one thing over the entire surface, then carefully knock them out.

Boots with rubber soles

Having a rubber sole is definitely a plus. Shoes will be less prone to getting wet and will last much longer. But if the boots are without rubber soles, then galoshes will do. They are especially relevant for children. It is very easy to clean rubber-soled boots with a soft brush.

So that felt boots do not need to be cleaned or washed often, simple rules should be followed:

  • After walking, carefully inspect shoes for dirt, as fresh stains are easier and faster to remove.
  • Before going outside, use water-repellent impregnation, it will help protect shoes from dirt and moisture.
  • After walking, be sure to send shoes to dry, then clean with a soft brush. Light dirt will come off immediately.
  • Dry in the sun at least once in the summer.
  • In the period when the shoes are not used, add a moth remedy inside.

Caring for felt boots is quite easy, so you can easily get rid of dirt. The most important thing is to detect stains in time, or to prevent their appearance by regularly caring for shoes. With proper care, felt shoes will last a fairly long time and will look like new.

Today, felt boots are experiencing a rebirth, and the most capricious fashionista will not refuse to have these fashionable boots in her wardrobe today. The subject of special desire is white felted boots, but in this case, their happy owners are faced with the problem of cleaning. The tips below will help you clean these felt boots at home, avoiding unpleasant surprises.

The natural sheepskin from which these shoes are made, and especially its White color, require a delicate approach to the cleaning procedure.

Important! Do not use pumice or sandpaper to clean felted boots - this will ruin the fiber structure, and felt boots will forever lose their original appearance.

What can be used from improvised means?

Depending on the degree of soiling of the shoes, the following items and tools may be needed to clean them:

We clean boots

Before you start cleaning, boots should be thoroughly dried.. In order for the drying process to go faster and the boots not to lose their original shape, they must be tightly stuffed with paper. If the shoes are very wet, then the paper needs to be changed more often.

Important! Do not dry felt boots near the stove or fireplace - felt is flammable!

The steam then needs to be vacuumed to remove surface contaminants like dust and sand. The same procedure can be carried out with a hard brush.

Dry cleaning

For this, flour or semolina is used, they clean the felt well from light dirt and do not leave marks.. It is necessary to pour the product on a dirty place, rub it thoroughly with a flannel cloth, and then beat out the boots. Dirt should fly out along with particles of flour or semolina.

Important! Instead of semolina or flour, starch and tooth powder can be used.

Wet cleaning

If dry cleaning was not enough, you need to proceed to the next step. You can rub the pre-moistened areas of contamination with laundry soap, and then gently rinse.

Important! It is not worth washing off the dirt from the boots with a jet of water unless absolutely necessary: ​​the remnants of soap and dirt are quite effectively removed with a wet hand. Excess moisture is quickly blotted with a dry towel.

Removing heavy stains

In case of strong or chronic pollution, you can try using a carpet cleaner (for example, Vanish):

The same processing algorithm can be applied to a solution of detergent for delicate fabrics.(for example, "Weasel. The magic of white"). It also cleans white boots well.

Important! If there are decorative elements on the boots, then it is better to tear them off before cleaning, and after thorough drying, sew them in place.

What to do with salt?

Any winter shoes are exposed to the aggressive effects of the reagents that are used to treat the streets. However, it is not difficult to clean felt boots from salt. This is probably the only case in the process of caring for felt boots, when the use of a jet of water will be justified.

After the usual pre-treatment (drying and cleaning from dry dirt), you need to apply a solution of laundry soap (previously grated on a grater) or washing powder to the felt boots with a sponge, lightly rub with a shoe brush, quickly rinse off the remnants of the product under running water and immediately remove the remaining moisture with a soft dry towel. Dry the felt boots well at room temperature, remembering to fill them with paper beforehand.

Important! When processing boots, only cold water is used. Any thermal impact will necessarily provoke deformation and shrinkage of the shoe.

Daily care of white felt boots

Like any light-colored shoes, white felt boots need especially careful and regular care. There are several recommendations that will extend the life of your favorite boots:

Modern felt boots meet all the requirements of fashion: they are beautiful and practical, easily combined with different styles of clothing. In addition to decorative elements, the designers brought a purely feminine elegance to the models of felt boots, putting them on heels and even wedges. If you follow the recommendations for the care of these comfortable and warm shoes, they will delight with their appearance for many years.

How to clean white felt boots at home? It is known that felt boots are considered traditional footwear of the Russian people, therefore, at present, their socks are quite popular. But along with this, many people have a question - how to clean white felt boots on their own, as well as how to wash this species winter shoes. Today they are being cleaned. different ways, each of which should be performed correctly and following all the recommendations, otherwise the shoes can be badly damaged. This is especially true of white boots, which are more in need of care and "attention".

How to clean felt boots? To do this, first the shoes must be carefully prepared, namely dried. Only after that you can start washing the product.

To properly dry boots, you should pay attention to some rules and recommendations, which include:

  1. This type of footwear is strictly forbidden to dry on a battery, as this can cause shrinkage of wool. In addition, in this case, the product will quickly lose its appearance, especially if the wool on the shoes is white.
  2. Before thinking about how to clean white felt boots at home, you need to understand how to dry them properly. For this, it is strictly forbidden to use various modern dryers that operate with electricity. These devices can easily burn through the coat, which will significantly worsen its condition. It is especially forbidden to do this if the shoes were previously wet.
  3. Do not dry near an open flame, such as a stove or fireplace. In this case, the surface white product can instantly catch fire, which will render the shoes unusable.
  4. To properly dry the felt boots, they need to be stuffed with newspaper or paper, which will keep their shape and also help to dry them quickly and efficiently. After this, the product must be dried in a warm place.

After drying, it is recommended to impregnate the white pile on winter shoes with felt products that can repel moisture - this will extend its service life and also make it less dirty. In this case, it will be possible to save detergents for washing, since it will be necessary to wash felt boots much less often.

But if the shoes are still dirty and need to be washed, it is important to clean the product without delay so that the white wool does not absorb dirt - in this case it will be much more difficult to wash it off.

Can you wash felt boots? This question is certainly interesting to those who have this type of shoe. In fact, many types of shoes, including felt boots, require cleaning. But is it possible to wash felt boots in a washing machine? It is strictly forbidden to do this, since the main negative property of felt is high moisture absorption. This means that you cannot wash shoes in a machine, since when a wool product is placed in a washing machine, its base is quickly deformed.

Before washing shoes, stock up on some cleaning products and accessories.

The cleaning itself is carried out in stages:

  • to begin with, cleaning is carried out over the boots. We remove the remains of snow, sand and other contaminants from the base of the shoe, which are easily removed by hand. To remove large dirt from the felt, you need to use a brush that will have hard teeth. Cleaning must be carried out carefully and efficiently;
  • then we start washing the product. We dilute a little product in water (the liquid must be cool) intended for cleaning silk carpets. In this case, Vanish is perfect. The finished solution is thoroughly whipped into foam, which is then applied to the base of the boots. Felt should be wiped gently;
  • then we wipe the shoes with a soft cloth, put a newspaper inside and leave it to dry.

If the surface of the shoe is too dirty, I wash it with other cleaning products, namely powders or bleaches. In this case, the products are also diluted in water until a stable foam is obtained, and then the base of the shoe is wiped.

In the old days, any woman washed felt boots made of white felt using white bulk components, namely semolina or flour. Such powders are gently rubbed into dirty places, and then carefully knocked out along with grains of dirt. In this case, you do not need to use any detergents or cleaning agents.

It is important that felt boots do not get wet - this means that they do not need washing, but wet care. That is why it is impossible to wash felt boots in a washing machine, because in this case it will shrink a lot and also lose its shape.

If the dirt is too “strong” and there is a lot of it, the surface of the boots is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Traditional for Russia winter shoes is felt boots - from boots-scooters progress in combination with fashion trends smoothly turned into spectacular and stylish felt boots: modern fashionistas are only happy on a frosty snowy day to change model boots for warm and reliably warming the legs of felt boots. Once upon a time, felt boots were originally village shoes, now they have become the property of the townspeople - fashionable colors, patterns, decor make felt boots relevant and natural in an urban environment.

Felt boots are not decorative shoes, they have a certain functionality and are designed to keep your feet warm and comfortable. But so that they do not lose their useful qualities, boots should carry out proper care- dirty snow with unpleasant additions in the form of salt or chemicals negatively affects the appearance and quality of boots.

We offer to consider methods of cleaning felt boots of various complexity: from simple ones for classic plain models to special ones - for light, patterned ones, with exquisite embroidery or appliqué.

Tools and means for cleaning felt boots

Felt boots are not the kind of shoes that can be washed under running water or wiped with a damp cloth and polished with shoe cream. The fleecy felt structure requires a special approach and special tools and fixtures, you will need:

brush with rubberized teeth;
moisture-repellent impregnating composition used before going out - its use will reduce the intensity of dirt sticking;
specialized preparations for cleaning felt boots.

Usually specialized products for the care of felt boots are sold in the same place - in shoe stores and places where felt boots are sold.

How to care for felt boots and clean them?

any cleaning of felt boots does not begin with the removal of dirt, but with their drying - when returning home, dry the boots naturally, without placing them on or near central heating radiators and without using dryers;
after each wearing, it is recommended to clean dry felt boots with a rubberized brush: it will not damage the felt structure, but it will clean sand, dried dirt and dust well;
it is better to remove large mud lumps with your hands: a knife, sandpaper of any abrasiveness, rough and hard materials should not be used - careless movement can damage the surface and make the felt boots completely unusable.

Regular cleaning of felt boots as they get dirty will not lead to deplorable appearance at the end of winter.

Method 1. Soapy

After drying the boots, dirt can be removed with a soft sponge moistened with a solution of washing powder, for this in a glass warm water washing powder is carefully diluted - for black boots, the powder should not contain bleaching particles.

As a detergent, you can use chopped laundry soap, a mixture of washing powder and carpet cleaner, even a well-foaming hair shampoo will come in handy. It is important to do everything quickly and avoid excessive wetting of felt products:

using a soft sponge, the composition is applied to avoid spotting not only on contaminated areas, but also on the entire surface;
dirty foam is washed away cold water, which is typed into the palm and held over the surface;
if the detergent is not completely washed out, the remains are removed from the dried boots with a vacuum cleaner, or the cleaned surface is again treated with a rubber brush for felt.

Additionally, you can use Vanish for carpets at the rate of one liter of water: boots are left in such a foam for five minutes - this time is enough for the washing particles to absorb dirt. After that, the dirty foam is washed off, and the felt boots are naturally dried without heating devices.

Method 2. Machine

Specialists allow machine washing of felt boots: for this, each felt boot is wrapped in a pillowcase and fixed, and the machine mode is selected “manual” or “delicate” - it is important that the water is cold, and there is not too much washing powder or other means.

After washing, the felt boots must be properly dried: as always, heaters and electric dryers are not used for these purposes, and paper is stuffed into the felt boots to maintain their shape.

Machine washable for boots of any color, but for subsequent drying of light boots, it is recommended to use only white paper

How to understand that the boots are dry? Felt, especially thick felt, can dry out on the outside and even inside, but remain wet in the middle - such felt boots cannot be stored. To check the dryness of the boots, it is recommended to put a sock on the foot, and on top of the boots: ten minutes of intensive walking - and the wet sock after that will show that the boots need to be dried.

When the boots are dry, brush over their surface with a brush - this will remove the remnants of the detergent and refresh the surface.

How to clean white felt boots?

On black or gray boots, stains after wearing or failed cleaning will not be very noticeable, but white or light brown boots require a special approach:

dirt is sprinkled with powdered potato starch, flour, tooth powder (if the felt boots are dark, then the tooth powder should not have a whitening effect) or semolina;
a thorough surface treatment is carried out with a brush or a soft flannel cloth - cereals, flour or starch that swell under the influence of moisture absorb dirt particles, sand, dust;
the final removal of the grains of the product that have absorbed the dirt from the fibers of the felt boots is done by knocking out a carpet cracker over the bathroom or on the street or using a vacuum cleaner;

With a soft sponge, the solution is applied to the surface of the boots, while trying not to wet it too much.
Dirty foam is quickly washed off the palm of your hand with cold water - it is important not to let it soak into the felt surface of the boots.
The remains of soap or washing powder after the boots have dried are removed with a vacuum cleaner or a rubber brush.

In addition to washing in a washing machine, manual is also possible: pour cool water into the basin and add a little detergent - carefully wash off dirt with a sponge or cloth, dry and remove the remnants of powder or soap with a rubberized brush.

January 2, 2014, 10:06 am

In our harsh winters, it is necessary to keep your feet warm in order to maintain your health, but in leather boots, your feet quickly freeze and get tired. There is nothing more comfortable and warmer than soft felt boots. In them, the legs will not freeze in any frost and will not get tired. They will never rub calluses, and, in addition, now they produce felt boots of any color and color with appliqués and embroideries.

Of course, black and gray boots are more practical, but white or colored ones are more beautiful and attractive, especially if they are intended for a child. But since we use these shoes, we must know how to clean white boots from dirt. The answer to the question is especially important, is it possible to wash felt boots in any way?

There are several ways to clean felt boots at home without resorting to dry cleaning services. But in a washing machine, even with a delicate mode, the product cannot be washed, this will ruin them irrevocably.

Caring for felt boots

If you have purchased felt shoes, then you know that they get wet pretty quickly. Therefore, before proceeding with cleaning, they must be dried at room temperature, and then the dried dirt should be removed with a stiff brush. Of course, this is not enough for white boots, so they need to be washed with lukewarm water with washing powder diluted in it. Rub the product intensively so that foam forms on the tops. It should then be washed off with cold water.

Dry felt boots very carefully, away from radiators and other heating devices. Otherwise, the product will sit down several sizes or lose its shape. Before putting your shoes out to dry, stuff them tightly with crumpled paper.

Dry cleaning

Even in frosty weather, white boots will quickly get dirty, especially in the city. You can use starch, flour, semolina, dentifrice. You should not treat only the stain, because after cleaning these places may stand out for more dark background. Therefore, we fill the felt boots with a cleaning agent and gently rub them with a semi-rigid brush.

At the end of the procedure, shake off the remnants of the cleaning agent with your hand.

If it was not possible to clean the shoes with a dry method, then they can be cleaned using Vanish, Laska carpet cleaner or suede cleaner. In this case, 1 tbsp. l. Shake the funds into a strong foam in a glass of cold water. With a semi-rigid bristle brush, apply the foam to the contaminated areas and rub in in a circular motion. Wash off the remaining foam with a jet of cold water and dry the shoes.

In some cases, you can wash the boots entirely. To do this, dissolve shavings of laundry soap in a container with warm water, beat the foam and immerse the whole shoe there. Leave for 10-15 minutes, rub a little and then wring out without twisting. Push crumpled newspapers inside and leave to dry in a draft for 48 hours.

Felt boots are very specific shoes, and, of course, they should be washed and cleaned as little as possible. Therefore, in order for them to serve you for a long time and not lose their functionality, you need to follow some simple rules.

  • When buying felt boots, pay attention, first of all, to the sole. If the sole is rubber, then buy shoes one size larger, because after wet washing and cleaning, such a sole may sit down, and the shoes will become tight for you.
  • Every day, when you come home from the street, carefully shake off the snow from your shoes and dry them. From excessive moisture, it loses its shape.
  • Do not dry such shoes on radiators or near other heating devices.
  • Be sure to brush your felt boots once a month to get rid of the smallest particles of dirt and dust.
  • IN special occasions wear overshoes on your shoes, so you can keep your shoes dry.
  • Beautiful expensive felt boots can be dry-cleaned, specialists will cope with any problems.

We hope that after reading our article you are not worried about the question of how to wash felted shoes. Now you can save these comfortable shoes for a long time without much effort and effort.