How to always be on top

Shooting a wedding is no easy task. After all, the photographer is responsible for how one of the most happy days newlyweds.

These 50 tips will help you avoid common wedding photography mistakes and make the process easier and more relaxed.

1. Wear comfortable shoes

You will have to move around a lot while shooting. Of course, hairpins are more suitable for a wedding ceremony, but trust me, you will howl and be the most grumpy wedding photographer on the planet.

At almost every wedding, there is a person who thinks that he knows better than you how to place people in the frame, what angle is better to shoot from, etc. It is better to immediately refuse any advice. You must be confident in your actions and responsible for the result. Be polite and let them know you don't need help. And rest assured, the newlyweds will appreciate how quickly and accurately you do your job.

3. Be honest about the pre-wedding shoot

Many couples take very seriously the tradition that the groom must not see the bride in a dress until the wedding. In such cases, try to explain that you need to spend at least an hour with the bride and groom (and no guests) in order to do wedding album with good pictures. Quite often, couples simply physically cannot allocate time for a photo session on the wedding day, so they agree to hold it the day before the ceremony. By the way, this is a great opportunity for the bride to try out hair and makeup.

4. Make the newlyweds happy with the photos

Most often, you can hear complaints from the bride and groom that the photographer missed a certain shot (for example, he didn’t take a picture with a school girlfriend / friend or forgot his little sister in a pink dress). The best way to avoid such incidents is to meet with the bride and groom in advance and ask them to make a list of required photos. You can also bring examples of wedding photos to the meeting so that the bride chooses the poses she likes. Don't forget to bring a list of photos to the wedding with you, and check the boxes as you go. As a rule, this list is limited to 15 mandatory shots.

5. Change lenses

If you see that the bride and groom are not relaxed and tense enough in front of the camera, then it is better to change the lens to a longer one (for example, 200mm) and move away from the couple. This will give the young people the opportunity to relax a little. Then their interaction will be more natural, and you will make good shots. A little later, when they get used to your presence, it will be possible to get closer and change the lens.

6. Learn the names

During the preliminary meeting with the bride and groom, ask for the names and phone numbers of witnesses or the best man and bridesmaid. As a rule, these people take an active part in organizing the wedding ceremony, and perhaps they will be useful to you.

7. Keep the color of the dress in the photo white

To do this, you will have to resort to positive exposure compensation. The exposure meter in your camera, seeing White dress, decides that this area of ​​the image is simply too bright, and not white. As a result, the camera will make the entire photo darker to compensate for an area that is too bright. By setting the exposure compensation to positive, you can easily deal with this problem.

8. Have a spare carcass

In the middle of the celebration, your equipment may experience a technical failure. Fortunately, you can rent a spare camera, the cost of this service is not high, and having a second camera gives confidence. Having two carcasses is good not only for reinsurance, but also for your own convenience, as it allows you to have different lenses on two cameras. During the celebration, you can quickly switch from telephoto to standard zoom as needed. Once you've tried dual cameras, you'll never want to go back to shooting with one body.

9. Don't chase quantity

You can often hear aspiring photographers brag about taking over 2,000 wedding photos. Each photographer has their own style, so don't go for numbers, but take each shot thoughtfully, capturing the moment.

10. Hire a second photographer

Most beginner photographers do not resort to the help of a second photographer. But if you have the opportunity, then it is definitely worth doing. Firstly, then not a single good shot will be missed, and secondly, you will have a second set of equipment in case of unforeseen circumstances. Write a message to several photographers from your city with a proposal for mutually beneficial cooperation. They will be the second photographer on the shooting of your wedding, and you, in turn, will render them the same service during the shooting of their wedding.

11. Take care of extra batteries

The energy of your battery is not infinite. Be sure to get a spare battery, and preferably two.

12. Be mindful of memory cards

It is best to shoot weddings on cameras with two memory card slots (for example, Nikon D7000), because this makes it possible to duplicate each photo, that is, one photo is saved to two flash cards at once. This is another way to play it safe. Going to shoot a wedding is best with a total memory on the cards of at least 30 gigabytes. Not to take a lot of pictures. It's not the quantity that matters, but the quality.

13. Don't miss the shots of the bride and groom with their siblings

Photos of the bride and groom with their siblings tend to be some of the most moving, so don't miss out!

14. Don't get in the way

Try to make photography a fun part of the celebration, but don't forget to go into the shade whenever possible. This is especially important during the ceremony and the delivery of speeches and toasts. Use a telephoto lens for such cases.

Don't forget to capture the details of the wedding, for example, wedding rings, table setting, wedding cake and so on. The fact is that the bride spent a lot of time (perhaps even more than one month) preparing for this important day and tracking every little thing, so she will be pleased if you see all these important little things and details.

16. Clearly describe everything that is included in your services.

To avoid various kinds of trouble, contact or personally meet with your clients and very clearly and clearly list the full range of services you provide and their cost. Will the photos be digital only? How many hours do you shoot? How much is an hour of your work? Are you going to film the reception? Are flights paid if the wedding takes place in another city or another country? Do you make a wedding album? Give yourself answers to all possible questions if you do not want to subsequently face the wrath of disgruntled customers.

17. Take funny pictures

Wedding photos don't have to be serious. The funny moments captured in the picture, after a while, bring a smile to the face.

18. Divide the time allotted for the photo of the bride and groom by two

Weddings always start later than the scheduled time. Always. If the bride says that they will have an hour to shoot with you, it means that you will only have half an hour. The time that you spend alone with the bride and groom is priceless, during this half hour you should squeeze the maximum.

19. Agree on whose family will be photographed first

There is nothing worse than trying to connect two large families in one photo. It is better to plan the shooting in detail. Therefore, discuss in advance with the bride and groom, whose family you will shoot first.

20. Ask to find you an assistant

Ask the couple to assign you an assistant who will know all the invitees so that you can turn to him in case of emergency. Such a person is especially useful when taking family portraits, as he can spot those who are absent. Another plus is that you will not bother the couple.

21. Capture unexpected moments

Always try to capture the unexpected moment. Special moments spent by the bride with her parents or the groom, their emotions and reactions.

22. Imagine it's your wedding

Imagine that you are on your own wedding! Think about what you would definitely want to capture? Constantly ask yourself this question during the shooting.

23. Take a piece of white paper with you

Often photographers ask the bride and groom to stand in some unexpected places(For example, flower bed). Brides do not like to do such things, as they are afraid to get dirty Wedding Dress. Be prudent and take a piece of white paper with you, on which the bride can stand and thereby protect her dress. The paper will hide under the hem, and no one will notice anything.

24. Stay calm

A lot of things can upset the bride on such a day, including the apparent incompetence of the photographer, the inability to take everything into their own hands. This is a big responsibility, and if you have already taken it upon yourself, then bring the matter to the end.

An out-of-focus crowd of people, through which the bride and groom will be visible, can serve as an excellent frame. This method of shooting makes the viewer feel like a part of what is happening in the photo. Use the windows architectural structures, plants, people - this will make the picture even more romantic.

26. Get close during the ceremony

During the ceremony itself, try to take a seat closer to the bride and groom so that nothing and no one bothers you. But do not forget: you should not disturb the guests either. Photos with the exchange of rings and a kiss are the most important at the wedding.

27. Learn to work with natural light

When photographing in natural light, do not forget about the shadows on the face.

28. Draw up a contract

So much can happen on your wedding day and with wedding photography. Draw up a contract to protect yourself from possible lawsuits.

29. Schedule Important Events

The photographer is also a person and may miss some an important event such as throwing a bouquet or cutting a cake. Photographers, as a rule, discuss with the bride and groom the time of shooting the newlyweds themselves, but they miss many other important things.

30. Bring your wedding emergency kit

Include standard things in such a set: pins, ribbons, stain remover, a beautiful wooden hanger for shooting a wedding dress.

31. Three short words

Ask the bride and groom to name three words that they associate with the upcoming wedding ceremony, remember them and try to take a picture. If the client says “fun”, then try to catch as many funny and funny moments as possible, if “romance”, take pictures of cooing lovers. You are a photographer, and this is their day, so try to display it in the photo in all its glory.

32. Don't Let Religious Practices Affect Your Shoot

Depending on the religion, the traditions of the wedding ceremony can vary greatly. An unprepared photographer can simply sit in a puddle. When shooting inside a Catholic cathedral, don't be surprised if you're not allowed to use a flash. If you happen to be at a Jewish wedding, then don't miss the moment when the bride breaks the glass. Familiarize yourself with the traditions, be prepared.

33. Don't Forget Elderly Relatives

Even the bride and groom, due to an overabundance of emotions and energy, can forget about elderly relatives and guests. But you do not lose sight of them for a long time and take pictures from time to time.

34. Visit the venue early

If you have such an opportunity, visit the wedding venue in advance to inspect the premises, understand from which places there will be the most favorable angles, what kind of light is there, and so on.

35. Remind Bridesmaids to Remember to Smile

Before the ceremony, ask the bridesmaids to smile as they walk down the aisle. You cannot imagine how often the bridesmaids at this crucial moment not only do not smile, but walk, looking down and tilting their heads down. They just forget that they are being photographed.

36. Ask the bride to hold the bouquet lower

Ask the bride and bridesmaids to keep their bouquets a little lower, even if it's not very comfortable. Bouquets look best when held at the level of the navel.

37. Be confident in settings

One of the reasons why wedding photography is quite challenging is because complete absence time for digging in the camera settings. You must have time to shoot everything and everywhere, and this requires experience and skill.

38. Ask the newlyweds to kiss slowly

The kisses of the bride and groom at the wedding are not very long, the photographer simply does not have time to take a good shot. Ask the couple to kiss a little slower to get a good shot.

39. Silent shutter release

Many cameras have a quiet shutter release feature. Be sure to use it if you do not want endless clicks to be heard during the pronunciation of the words “I agree / agree” by the bride or groom.

40. Take a tripod with you

Portrait photographers rarely use a tripod for these types of shoots, but a tripod can come in very handy if the wedding ceremony will be taking place in a dimly lit room. A tripod will allow you to shoot at slow shutter speeds without having to increase your ISO.

41. Take some black and white shots

With the permission of the clients, take a number of black and white photos from the ceremony, do not miss this opportunity. Black and white wedding photography is a true classic.

42. Come up with new ideas

In addition to the fact that the photographer must be organized and prepared, his ability to come up with various ideas for photographs is also important. Realize your fantasies.

43. Don't be afraid to invest

Buy a bracket for external flash. This is not a useless acquisition, the photos will be 10 times better.

44. Take time to rest

Allow yourself a few minutes of rest, for example, when everyone is eating. Nobody wants to be filmed mouthful food. At this time, you can review the footage and delete the worst shots to free up some space on the memory card.

45. Constantly look for non-standard angles

Don't stand still, move! Take pictures from a variety of angles. Climb up to take a photo of the guests from above. During the white dance, circle around the couple, then come a little closer and, while photographing, make another circle.

46. ​​A question that will save money on advertising

When you see that the bride is delighted with your photos, ask if there is anyone among her acquaintances who needs the services of a photographer?

47. Bring a stepladder or step stool

Take a 3-step stool or a small stepladder with you. With their help, you can take good group portraits and use them during the day to photograph the newlyweds.

48. Dress appropriately

Having learned in what format the wedding will take place, think over your outfit. Some photographers wear a tuxedo to every wedding, while others think it is appropriate to come in trousers and a shirt. In any case, think about it beforehand.

49. Know how to take everything from natural light

For sure, at some weddings you will be lucky enough to shoot during the so-called “golden hour”. Turn the bride back to the sun. Her veil and dress will glow with a beautiful golden light. Use the reflective surface to fill deep shadows on your face with light.

50. Take pictures

It is best to hand over the photos immediately after the couple returns from their honeymoon. Do not delay the processing and preparation of the album, do not put off the work indefinitely.

Don't be afraid that "Oh, so many, I won't remember everything." Make a checklist and go through it before each shoot. It doesn't matter if you forget something - each time you will remember more and more, and your shooting will become better.

- a very important holiday in the life of the newlyweds. And the atmosphere of this holiday is simply overflowing with various emotions and experiences that would be worth capturing. The result of reportage shooting, of course, will be "live" photos.

The photographer will try his best to display all the emotions that were experienced at the holiday. You might think that reportage photography is the easiest to take. But this is not so, because often newlyweds and guests cannot relax, knowing that they are being filmed. Therefore, many seemingly sincere moments seem strained. In addition, just reportage shooting is now of little interest to anyone. Newlyweds today also want colorful staged shots.

To achieve natural emotions in a wedding photo, you can pre-arrange a photo session with the newlyweds. This type of shooting is called love story. This is an opportunity for the couple to get to know the photographer better, as well as get used to the idea that the lens is watching you at the celebration all the time. In addition, photos from such a walk can be shown at the wedding itself, as part of the program.

Usually this is a love story of lovers, which touches everyone present at the holiday. But this may not be a love story, but just a pre-wedding shoot, that is, a half-hour walk with a photographer, during which you will learn to be natural in front of the camera and not close yourself off from the photographer, which is the most important thing.

If you are not satisfied with the “pre-shooting” option, then on a holiday, namely during a wedding ceremony or entertainment in a restaurant, you should try to forget about everything and just enjoy the fun. Then the photos will be successful. By the way, you will be photographed not only by a professional, but also by many guests who have taken their cameras or camcorders with them to the holiday. So ease, naturalness and sincerity are exactly what is required of you, since you will be the center of attention.

Today we present our new column - photo tips for parents who love to take pictures of their children for a blog or just as a keepsake. Our expert, Marina Cherkasova, will share with you tips on how to diversify your shooting and improve the quality of your shots. You can leave your feedback and questions in the comments to the article or write personally to Marina on her page in instagram.

How to capture the emotions of a child?

What separates a simple shot from a memorable one? The photographer's ability to capture real sincere emotions. We all want photos to be alive, without strained smiles and lean facial expressions.

The more emotional the shot, the more it appeals to our feelings, the better we feel the connection with the characters in the frame. Successful can be considered not only a photograph that shows the joy of the hero, but also pictures with a sincere expression of surprise, sadness and even anger.

But how to capture children's emotions in the frame? Actually, it's much easier than it looks. Children are direct, sincere, open in the manifestation of feelings - you just need to quietly observe them and catch moments.

This is often easier for parents than for a photographer during a photo shoot in the allotted time. With an unfamiliar photographer, a child may be shy, pinched. If the photo session takes place in a studio, the child is also affected by an unfamiliar place, which first needs to get used to. And within the limited time, parents try to squeeze the maximum out of the baby, persuade them to smile at the camera and look at the “aunt” or “uncle”.

When mom or dad takes pictures of the child on his own during his daily activities or on a walk, the child is much more relaxed - and this makes the task easier. The main thing is not to put pressure on him and follow some recommendations:

  1. Do not ask the child to smile!

Emotions live by themselves, they do not obey rules and orders. In children, emotions are simply a reflection of what they are feeling right now. If we ask them to smile, then we can get either photos with fake smiles, or at all - unwillingness to be photographed, refusal to pose.

  1. Play with children

Babies are the easiest, especially if you are filming your child yourself, it can be a game of "cookie" too! At the moment when the child jumps out of his hiding place, press the shoot button.

If the photographer takes pictures, help him - show the child what big ears or horns the uncle or aunt with the camera has grown. This is usually very amusing for children, even if they see the photographer for the first time and are a little shy.

  1. Take more shots - press the shutter button as often as possible.

per century digital photography You don't have to pay for extra pictures. It is impossible to predict at what point the child will give out this or that emotion, and which frame will turn out to be more successful.

If you shoot with a camera, you can use the multi-shooting mode. Then the camera itself quickly clicks the whole photo session, and you can choose the most successful frame. This function is especially relevant if the child is mobile and has rich facial expressions.

  1. Shoot the Mood

If your child is in a pensive mood, take calm shots. The photo does not have to be with a smiling face.

  1. Wait a moment

Unscheduled shots are the best. A great moment when the child is relaxed and does not notice that he is being filmed. At such moments, children are most sincere.

It is also not necessary to ensure that the child looks into the camera. Sometimes “peeped” moments when a baby kisses his mother or enthusiastically teaches his sister to play are valued in the family archive more than staged portraits.

  1. The eyes are the mirror of the soul

And the eyes will show the viewer what is going on in the soul of the child during the shooting. Particularly interesting shots are obtained at a time when children still do not know how to speak. If you can adjust the focus, put it on your eyes!

  1. Shoot after they say "stop, filmed"

Sometimes the most successful photos are obtained after you have told your child: “That’s it, I don’t take pictures anymore.” The hero of the shooting relaxes, takes a more natural pose, or starts dancing for joy or eating a prop cake - in general, this is a signal that you can try to catch a good shot.

Every photographer - a professional with a DSLR or a mother who shoots a child on a smartphone - should set a goal to capture the feelings of a child in a particular period of life. Then, years later, it will be especially interesting for you to look at family archives together with the grown-up hero of the shooting, to remember how the photographs were taken. Years later, kids can rarely remember how they felt during a shoot, but they love to guess "what I was thinking when I was this little kid."

How to capture the sincere emotions of a child? Tips from children's photographer Marina Cherkasova was last modified: June 9th, 2017 by Polina Rtishcheva

Sometimes you, as a photographer, are lucky, and you hold a family photo session, where all the models have perfect radiant smiles. It won't take you long to take a photo that you can hang on the wall. However, more often than not, family portraits are not so easy.

Perhaps you have come across someone who does not want to be photographed at all, or there are small children involved in the shooting who do not understand what you are trying to get them to do. And if you had the opportunity, you would like to receive photographs that reveal their personality. Everyone looks at the camera and smiles sweetly - this is good photo. But we are always more interested in taking photos that can tell a little more about who is who in the family. We've got some tricks to help you get through the stresses of a family photo shoot and enjoy your shots.

1. You are responsible for children

Often during family photo sessions, you will come across parents who will be very concerned about whether or not their children are looking at the camera, and whether there is a smile on the faces of the kids. Parents do not understand that because of their focus on the child, they themselves are not ready for a photo when the baby looks at the camera and smiles.

Remind parents to be ready for a photo at any time. And you, as a photographer, will take responsibility for the smiles of the kids. When a parent asks a toddler to look at you, he may get confused and decide that he should look at mom and dad. Whether or not you want your parents to look at the camera in a particular photo, remind them of their responsibilities and take care of the rest.

2. Let your parents help you sometimes.

At first glance, this may seem to contradict point 1, but there are times when the help of parents is needed to get the smiles of children. If there is an unnatural forced smile on the child’s face, and you want to get real emotions in the photo, ask the parents to make faces or do something funny out of the frame. If you want the baby to look directly at the camera, ask the parent to stand behind you and call the child. Parents often know some stupid word that makes their child laugh. Or the baby just needs to see mom and dad to feel more comfortable.

You can also take photos of parents interacting with children. Often these photos become our favorites. We love capturing the authentic communication and real emotions that parents see every child. Sit parents and children together and ask them to smile. Often in this situation, they become embarrassed and they start laughing, and you get a great shot.

3. Laugh at the fool

One of the most effective ways get a good shot, ask all family members to laugh at the fool. Sometimes they immediately all look at the same person together and immediately start laughing. And it happens that there is a second hitch and only after that laughter is heard.

This can lead to unpleasant consequences, so this technique must be used carefully. Some children think that laughing is belittling a fool. And their natural laughter grows into a loud and tortured cackle. Other kids think they should point the finger at whoever is being laughed at and it always looks bad in a photo. In such cases, we ask them to giggle softly and keep their hands down. Usually, this solves the problem. If this does not help, then we simply get distracted by something else and wait for the right moment.

4. Simple hugs

Often at photo shoots, we just seat everyone in the right positions, ask them to smile, and take a great photo. And then we tell them: "Now hug each other." And when we look at the photos one by one later, we are always surprised how much more natural smiles turn out in photos with hugs.

When the photo is too formal, people find it difficult to relax and smiles are forced. When all the participants of the photo shoot are comfortable, their real smiles appear. There is something about hugging those you love that makes you feel safe. Sometimes you need to push them into a hug a little, but make sure they're still looking at you. Sometimes you may come across a person who loves hugs very much. And although such hugs look cute in real life, in the photo it will not turn out very well.

5. Let your personality shine

Sometimes you have an image in your head perfect photo, but in fact you have several small children with bright personalities. You can spend the whole shoot trying to get them to be something they are not. Or you can throw your idea aside and betray the individuality of your characters in all colors.

Let's be honest, sometimes those facial expressions that just scream a person's personality are perfect for a photo. Families will cherish these photos and laugh at them for the rest of their lives. You can try to get the perfect family shot for mom, but don't make everyone suffer by asking them to take unique poses or make faces every time you release the shutter. Sometimes tomfoolery can get out of hand, so it's best to just take a picture and move on.

6. Big companies are fun too.

Photo large groups can sometimes look very boring. When you need to take a photo of a large group of people, your task is to fit everyone in one frame, but the result can be a photo with a bunch of boring faces.

Take a few photos just for the sake of it. Ask the whole group to hug or kiss a neighbor. Give them a choice. Nobody likes to be told they have to kiss the person next to them. If you have a bride and groom, you can capture their kiss and ask everyone around you to react the way they want.

When you have a large group of people with funny and happy faces in your photo, you can't help but look at the photo and smile. Such photos are never perfect, but families love them very much.

7. Take live photos

You don't always need smiles and you don't always need everyone looking into the frame. Film a family doing common cause, and let their facial expressions be natural. These photos will capture the image of the family as it is now. These photos will really bring back memories when the family will look at them after many years. You don't have to come up with something complicated. It can be a family picnic or just a walk in the park. If the family is walking ahead of you, ask them to look at each other so you have their profiles and emotions.

8. Don't be afraid to take lots of shots in a row

When you need to fit a lot of people into one frame, the chance that everyone in the photo will have great facial expressions is negligible. We take many shots in a row in the same position, because this increases the chance that everyone will have their eyes open in the photo and smiles on their faces. If all the shots are unsuccessful, then you have a lot of shots in one position and you can replace eyes, faces, heads in Photoshop, if necessary.

It's very frustrating when you have an almost perfect family photo, but someone blinked at that moment. Trust us, even three photos in a row may not be enough to get the facial expressions you need. We don't often use replacements, but sometimes it's a necessary measure to get the perfect photo.

For newlyweds, a wedding celebration is a happy moment in their life and they want it to be remembered for a lifetime. But such an event needs careful planning, as without it there will be no photographs that would reflect the feelings of young people for each other. This will help to make truly valuable photographs both artistically and emotionally. Such shots should evoke emotions in the newlyweds when they look at them many years later, and for this you need to choose accessories for wedding photo shoot that evoke those same emotions. You need to understand in advance that as you spend the wedding, you will live on.

Therefore, it’s not worth it to trifle with a wedding photographer, it’s better to choose a specialist who could cheer you up and evoke these very emotions. Such a wedding photographer, who has experience in this matter, will be able to help make pictures that will be remembered for a lifetime. In our studio there are such specialists, we have been conducting wedding photo shoots for many years and know how to achieve this, please contact us.

Wedding photo accessories

At a wedding celebration, newlyweds often take pictures in parks, on a river or pond, near city attractions. And such photography often becomes an interesting and entertaining activity, a kind of wedding entertainment. But such photos can revive Wedding accessories. What are they?

Mustaches and lips that overlap and stick on a stick.

Nowadays, such an accessory began to accept everything great popularity. If you put false lips or mustaches on your face, then the photo becomes not just beautiful, but with its own character and even very cheerful. In such a photo shoot, you can fool around and invite not only newlyweds, but also guests for it. Probably the most strict and critical people are not averse to fooling around at a wedding. This accessory creates a cozy atmosphere of fun and helps to relax.

For a wedding photo shoot, not only false mustaches and lips are used, funny masks and crowns are often used.

beautiful frame

More good option picture frames for a photo session. Such an accessory can be interesting and beautifully decorated. Using it in the process of photography, you can create interesting illusions, and this, in turn, will decorate the wedding celebration. For example, during the shooting, the newlyweds can kiss each other in the frame, and it looks amazing. This attribute in the wedding celebration brings a special style and charm.

It is also good to use sports equipment for a photo shoot. To do this, you can use a bicycle, roller skates or a skateboard. But you need to remember that you need to be able to manage this equipment or the photos will not turn out as you would like.

Capital letters of the word LOVE

When decorating a wedding banquet hall, large letters are often used for this. One of the popular words that many make up is the word “LOVE”. This attribute in wedding photography can be easily applied. You can make such letters from any material. Such voluminous inscriptions will look good everywhere. They can decorate a table with sweets or banquet tables. Or decorate the place where the newlyweds will sit.

But such an attribute can not only decorate the wedding hall, it can be used during wedding photography. In the future life together the word love will remind spouses of their former love, and revive their tender feelings during life's adversities. This word will not only decorate wedding photos, but will also help you not to forget your love in the future.

In a wedding photo shoot, you can use not only these accessories, but many others. You can make large paper flowers that will embody the elegance of the newlyweds and help them in the future, create a life full of flowers.

Our specialists in wedding photography will help you choose the right accessories. We will help you make an unforgettable photo shoot.