Is it possible to freeze green onion for the winter? This question is asked by many housewives. After all, in winter time years to find such a fragrant and natural product is quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to harvest it from the summer. How to do it correctly, we will tell in the presented article.

Basic information

Before answering the question of whether it is possible to freeze, you should tell what properties this product has.

It's no secret that feathers onion able to protect the human body from various viral diseases and infections. This is possible due to the presence of phytoncides in it. That is why many experts during the period of active spread of influenza and acute respiratory infections recommend eating salad with green onions more often.

Also, the product in question contains chlorophyll, which plays a huge role in the process of hematopoiesis.


Can green onions be frozen? Of course you can. Moreover, such processing does not affect the properties of the product in any way. After defrosting, all the same vitamins remain in it as before freezing:

When to collect?

Is it possible to freeze green onions and when is the best time to do it? Surely everyone knows that such greens begin to ripen in the beds already in mid-May. It is at this time of the year that green onions are especially soft and juicy. In young greens there are a lot of useful substances that are essential for the human body.

Thus, collect onion feathers for its subsequent freezing better in spring when the arrows have not reached their maximum height and become rigid.

How to collect?

Can green onions be frozen whole? Of course you can. To do this, it is plucked right from the root, and then the coarse feathers located along the edges are carefully removed. Such a process will allow you to clean not only the stalk of greenery, but also its not yet strong rhizome.

If you did not have time to collect green onions in mid-May or early June, then it is better to pick them without a root, as it will already be massive. For subsequent freezing of feathers, they should be carefully torn off from the base or use scissors for this.

How to prepare?

Can green onions be frozen in the refrigerator? In order for such a product to retain all its useful qualities on for a long time, it should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than 5-9 days. Otherwise, it will simply go limp and spoil. Place green onions for a long time only in the freezer.

So, how should this product be properly prepared for further freezing? First, the feathers must be carefully examined for the presence of worms and dirt. Next, the product must be loaded into cold water and leave it like this for half an hour.

After the onion is soaked, it should be washed well. If it was plucked along with the rhizome, then in the process of washing it is necessary to open its root part, since it is in it that a large number of mud.

If you decide to use only feathers, then it is enough to rinse them, tearing off unnecessary tips.

Once the greens are processed, they should be dried a little. To do this, shake the onion well over the sink, and then spread it on a large towel. In this form, the product is kept for several hours, that is, until it loses all moisture.

How to freeze?

Is it possible to freeze green onions in the freezer? It is possible, but only if all the necessary rules are observed.

We described above how to properly prepare this product. However, after that, you need to decide exactly how you will freeze it. Some housewives prefer to harvest green onions for the winter as a whole, but there are also those who chop them beforehand. Let's consider both options in more detail.

Is it possible to freeze green onions in the freezer as a whole?

Freezing whole green onions takes less time than chopped ones. To do this, the processed product is carefully wiped with napkins, and then carefully laid out in special bags for freezing. In this case, the packages are not completely stuffed. Green onions should not be crumpled. It is lined with a small layer in a bag, after which it is sent to the freezer.

After keeping the greens in the cold for about an hour, they take it out and lightly beat it into a pile right in the bag. After that, they are again sent to the freezer and kept in it until direct use.

Is it possible to freeze chopped green onions?

Most often, modern housewives freeze chopped green onions. After all, it is very convenient. You can simply take it out of the bag and season any dish. But how to make sure that the onion does not stick together during the freezing process, but is preserved in a crumbly form? To do this, the prepared greens should be thoroughly dried on a towel, and then chopped on a cutting board. Next, it must be placed in a large plastic bag, knocked down into a thin layer and put in the freezer for half an hour. After the lapse of time, the onion should be shaken, laid again in a small layer and continued freezing.

It is desirable to repeat such actions about 4-5 times. Only in this case you will get crumbly frozen onions.

You can freeze onions according to different recipes

In fact, there are not so many recipes for harvesting green onions for the winter. At best, there will be four. This is what I mean about adequate recipes, which include my onion freezing. But be that as it may, I use only one of them - dry freezing onions. I won’t say that the rest of the recipes for harvesting onions are somehow bad, they are just not so versatile and are suitable only for gourmets. The other three recipes for harvesting onions include freezing onions in ice, freezing in butter, and elementary onion drying.

You can freeze onions for the winter in ice cubes

Freezing green onions in ice is a lazy and unproductive recipe. Firstly, when green onions are frozen in ice cubes, it is unlikely to be a good idea other than using them in soups and borscht. After all, we want to prepare green onions for the winter so that they can be added to various salads. After such a cube melts, instead of green onions there will be an unpleasant looking mass, sorry for the expression - “snot”. Second, storage issues. All cubes must be stored in five pieces in each individual bag, which are immediately used. If you store a lot of frozen onion cubes in one bag, then each time you pull the bag out of the freezer, the cubes will thaw and eventually stick together. Further help is only a hammer. 🙂

You can freeze onions for the winter in butter

The recipe for freezing green onions in butter is more suitable for gourmets. I can’t even imagine where such a culinary “miracle” can be applied. To harvest green onions for the winter in this way, you need to be 100% sure of the freshness of the oil itself. Among other things, I consider it doubtful that the safety of such a mixture in freezer long time. The question is, where are the guarantees that during a long blackout, and in our country this happens, butter won't spoil? Here I don't know. If freezing onions for the winter according to such a recipe is used, there is a risk of completely spoiling the pot of the same soup. And the spoon, as they say, is the road to dinner.

Drying green onions for the winter

In principle, the recipe to which the harvesting of onions for the winter by drying belongs is the place to be. Something, I have nothing against this method. Well, almost nothing. Green onions are cut and dried, stored in any, even large containers. It does not spoil unless wet, and it is a pleasure to use it as a seasoning for liquid dishes. But I can note only two minor drawbacks - color and smell. If you dry green onions for the winter, then it brightens a lot and the color does not look so natural. As for the smell, then there is a nuance. When drying onions, the real aroma of green onions is lost. Unfortunately, I can not describe the smell and explain in words. But he's not very nice.

So, I gradually got to the point of this note and now I’ll tell you the recipe for how best to harvest green onions for the winter.

How to freeze onions for the winter

If you are interested in the question of how to freeze green onions for the winter without losing quality, the answer is yes. If you use the method of dry freezing, then the onion practically does not lose its qualities. Aroma, color and geometry remain almost unchanged. Thanks to this, onions can be frozen safely and used in all dishes, including salads.

Photo: How to freeze onions

First you need the green onion itself. It must be fresh. its freshness is easily determined by elasticity. If you hold a bunch of green onions horizontally, they should not hang down. You are more fortunate if, like me, you yourself grow onions in a greenhouse, well, or in a garden, or even on. Try to choose a whole onion so that there are no dry, wilted tips.

Preparing and freezing green onions for the winter

Wash all onions thoroughly. Green onions are used along with turgor. Turgor, in professional slang, is the white part of the “leg” of green onions. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I have met a lot of advice when they call for turgor to cut off and freeze only green onions. Allegedly, the white part of the onion is porous and draws in a lot of water when washed, then the onion does not freeze well. All this is complete nonsense, and only people who are far from this are advised to do so. I responsibly recommend freezing green onions for the winter in the form in which you are used to seeing and eating them.
After the onion is washed, it must be shaken well and laid out on a litter. As a bedding, you can use napkins, towels or kitchen paper towels. Leave to dry for half an hour. During this time, after 15 minutes, change the bedding material and turn the onion over. After half an hour, it will be 90% dry and the onion can be frozen.

Photo: Freezing green onions for the winter

Next, green onions are taken and cut into rings. The size of the rings does not matter, so cut as you like. For chopping green onions, I strongly recommend using a pre-sharpened knife. Otherwise, the bow will tear more, losing a beautiful appearance. All chopped is poured into disposable transparent bags. The best solution new, non-leaky packages will be used. Then there will be no smell from green onions in the refrigerator, during storage for a long time. Pour no more than 10 gr. into each package. Luke.

Photo: Green onions for the winter

Next, a bag of onions is taken and shaken so that the green onions are evenly located at the bottom of the bag. After that, the package is wrapped first by one turn. It is pressed lightly to remove air from the bag, but not completely pressed. Then it wraps up completely. And so with each package. After all the “flat sausages” have been wound up, they are neatly folded into one whole bag and put into the freezer where the onion is frozen.

Photo: Harvesting green onions for the winter

In a day, all harvested green onions will be frozen and it can be stored like this for more than a year. Thanks to this freezing recipe, green onions will be crumbly when frozen. And when thawed, it will look very natural and edible.
That's the whole trick of how you can freeze onions for the winter by freezing in the freezer. As you can see, there is nothing easier. I hope the answer to the question of whether it is possible to freeze onions in the freezer has been received.
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Juicy, tasty, green onions are known in cooking all over the world. People learned about its beneficial properties many years ago. Today, this plant is rightfully considered one of the most useful for raising immunity, normalizing digestion and increasing appetite.

Green onions are rich in vitamins A, C, B1, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. As well as sulfur, which gives the plant unique scent. Supporters traditional medicine claim that daily consumption of fresh green onions improves the condition of hair, nails, helps people with anemia and beriberi.

The plant is very unpretentious. It can be seen in almost every garden or at home on the windowsill in special pots. At home, the onion is “not naughty” and grows quickly. However, not all housewives have the opportunity to grow it. In this case the best option harvesting plants for the winter - freezing in the refrigerator. There are many recipes on the Internet with photos and video instructions on whether it is possible to freeze green onions and how to do it correctly.

Harvesting green onions for the winter is carried out by modern housewives in several ways: they freeze the whole plant, cut in a bag or in a bottle. At the same time, the bow retains everything beneficial features and vitamins. Therefore, in winter you can treat yourself and your household to green juicy greenery.

Recipe for Freezing Chopped Green Onions


Servings: - +

  • green onion 300 g

per serving

Calories: 19 kcal

Proteins: 1.3 g

Carbohydrates: 4.6 g

20 minutes. Video recipe Print

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Posh! Gotta fix it

whole green onion recipe

Servings: 1

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content - 19 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.3 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.6.


  • green onions - 200 g.

Step by step cooking

  1. Wash the feathers of the plant in cold running water. We clean each one of the dirt. Discard the yellowed leaves. We cut off the tails.
  2. We spread the greens on a dry cloth towel. Let it dry properly.
  3. We put it in a bag or a special container. We close the lid.
  4. Glue a piece of paper with the date on top. We send it to the freezer.

Freezing Secrets

Housewives are often interested in: is it possible to freeze green onions without a bag or a special thermal container. No, we do not recommend, because it will stick to the walls of the freezer. You can store onions in this form, however, its specific smell will be distributed throughout the freezer and the feathers will be saturated with moisture. After defrosting, the greens will be watery and not very tasty.

Advice: in order for the product to retain its juiciness, the plant must be properly dried. Excess moisture can reduce the shelf life of the workpiece.

How long can you keep onions in the freezer

In the freezer, onions can stand for six months. Wherein temperature regime should not exceed -15 degrees.

In what container to store

The plant is stored in any convenient form: plastic and plastic containers, plastic bags, cups with lids, tight bags with zippers. The main thing is that the container closes well and does not let in excess air and moisture.

Freezing green onions in a bottle

The hostesses came up with another quick and interesting way storing green onions in winter - freezing plants in a bottle. The recipe doesn't require a lot of effort. plastic bottle will be an excellent and practical container for storing greens in the cold season. Washed and dried onions must be cut into small pieces.

Important: the bottle must also be completely dry. Only if these two conditions are met, the greens will spill out of the mold, and not stick together inside.

Fill the bottle with chopped onion and close it tightly with a lid. We send it to the freezer. Preparation for the winter is ready.

In the cold season, frozen green onions will be a godsend. It harmonizes perfectly with a homemade dinner of potatoes, butter and herring. It is in order to supplement dishes with juicy summer greens in winter that hostesses need to take care of supplies in spring and summer.

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Bright, juicy and vigorous green onions are an excellent seasoning, their colorful color and aroma goes well with many dishes, making them spicy and original. It is good for filling pies, making green borscht, okroshka, hot sandwiches and sauteed.
IN summer time it can be found in every garden. Its juicy greens and aroma differ from the product that can be purchased in winter.
To enjoy quality and useful bow for a long time, it can be prepared for future use. Most often it is dried, but at the same time it loses its bright color. Let's figure out how to freeze green onions for the winter, while maintaining their brightness and aroma.
In order for the greens to retain all their qualities, it must be frozen in portioned packages. So you can be sure of the quality of the workpiece.

Taste Info Home freezing


  • Green onion feathers, without damage or other flaws.

How to cook green onions for freezing and how to freeze green onions in the freezer

Preparing the feathers Any product is suitable for freezing, the main thing is that it be juicy, have a rich color and a persistent aroma. We clean it of debris and dirt, wash the feathers under running water. Spread on a linen towel (to remove moisture). Remember: it is necessary to harvest only dry greens - this is one of the conditions for proper freezing.

Cut the green onion into small segments. To do this, use a knife with a thin and sharp blade. Also, together with the feathers, the white part is frozen, but only if these are very young root crops.

We spread the chopped greens in a special bag for freezing, trying to distribute it evenly.

We close the bag, carefully releasing excess air from it. To do this, we can use a simple cocktail tube. Insert it into the bag, close it and run the edge of your palm from the bottom up. Then quickly remove the tube and close the sealed valve.

We send the workpiece to the freezer of the refrigerator.

Sometimes inexperienced housewives are interested in whether it is possible to freeze green onions in the freezer without a special package. It is not advisable to do this, its aroma will be absorbed into other products. In addition, high humidity will reduce the shelf life of the product. You can use special containers for freezing, but then there is a chance that the greens will freeze in an inconvenient lump for use.

A few more tips on how to properly freeze green onions and other greens in the freezer:

  • if possible, use the "shock freezing" function, it allows you to avoid the formation of large crystals in the product;
  • frozen greens should be dried and ready to use;
  • Store frozen in airtight containers.

How to defrost green onions:

  • for fillings of pies, onions can not be thawed;
  • get it required amount greens and put it in the refrigerator, in a closed container;
  • when the workpiece becomes soft, it can be removed and thawed at room temperature;
  • do not defrost greens in the microwave or under hot water, after that it will lose color, aroma and useful properties;
  • in soup and other hot dishes, you can put half-thawed onions, or even add ice;
  • in salads and cold dishes, only a completely defrosted product is added.

The shelf life of green onions in the freezer depends on many parameters. Well dried, clean, undamaged and in an airtight bag - it will retain freshness and aroma for up to two years. In an unsealed container, the shelf life is greatly reduced.
Green onions in sealed bags take up little space in the freezer. At the same time, it will delight you with a summer aroma all winter.