His motto is "I DO"

cardinal sign
, ruler - Mars. The element is fire.
lucky days- Tuesday, Sunday.
bad days- Friday Saturday.
Season- summer.
good places- stadiums, factories, forest, taiga.
Numbers- 4, 7, 9 (all divisible by 9), 11.
Color spectrum- blue, lilac, crimson, bright red, carmine, orange and all shiny. Purple- unsuccessful.
stones- amethyst, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald.
Metal- steel, iron (gold).
Flowers- anemone, violet, cornflower, sweet pea.
Symbols- ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Mascot- The Golden Fleece.
Happy lottery numbers - 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217...

Erotic horoscope for Aries man

If your friend, lover or husband was born under the sign of Aries, you can be sure that he is aggressive, energetic and tireless. He is a boaster. He may be impractical and impulsive, but imaginative and dynamic. He doesn't sit still. If you go out with Aries, you never know for sure what will happen and how. But in any case, it will be exciting. You know that now he can be generous, but in next moment- tight-fisted. It drives you crazy, but you love it.

I like it because a man born under the sign of Aries radiates sex. He has a strong nature, intolerant of rules and conventions. This is a person who is not interested in the position "on top" in bed. (If he's still in bed!) The Aries man will love to have intercourse on top of a car, in a speeding boat, on a crowded bus!)

You will get the pleasure you expect, and perhaps a little more than you are able to perceive. It's a bit like playing cricket with real bombs. At any moment, something could explode.

He is jealous. He wants all of you, even if you can't have all of him. The Aries man is fickle, but he expects devotion and fidelity from you. He is jealous of everyone - from his close friend to television master.

Don't tell him that you need time to think things over - he only waits for one word - "yes". And don't worry about what happens. His pride won't let him part with you just by spending the night. If he persuaded you to go into the bedroom, he will not allow you to undress yourself. He will rip your clothes off, he is impatient. But you will not be disappointed, and he will not bore you. Perhaps you will spend a night that you will not soon forget.

You can then say something nice to him - he is greedy for flattery. But remember: Aries is not stupid. He's just so proud of himself that he tends to believe flattery.

If you prefer a quieter, homely life. Aries is the wrong partner. He is an innovator. Although vulnerability is perceptible under the external brilliance of his nature, the call little boy in need of mother's care. Anyone who is able to consider this will win his heart. He will be devoted, sincere and attached to the person he loves.

He has a great sense of humor, he loves smart and attractive women. He is smart and resourceful, witty, hiding his attachment to others with the help of wit. He is a capable performer, persistent in moving towards the goal. He may be able to make a lot of money, but he is unlikely to be able to keep it. He is too fond of extravagance and believes that by spending money, he demonstrates strength.

Your task is to be able to maintain a relationship with him. But you yourself will want it.

Sexual characteristics of the Aries man

Key to it sexual behavior- his impulsiveness. He needs to understand that in a real sexual union it is necessary to give and take. He is intolerant of rejection of his sexual fantasies.

Don't try to tease him. If you promise something, then keep it. If you're not going to bed with him, stay at home and watch late-night TV shows. Aries don't play games. And if you're not ready for the unexpected love moments you've only read about in books, stay home and knit. Everything ordinary is boring to him. If you want to satisfy an Aries sexually, you must use your imagination.

He won't worry about the consequences. When he wants you, he wants you. If you have a connection with such a person, always plan ahead and take care of contraceptives. Or remember to take the appropriate pill. He may have a condom, but don't expect him to use it. He will certainly develop further any of your ideas. For example, if you ask him to kiss his nipple, don't be surprised if he soon starts kissing his navel. Get ready for the unpredictable. His desires are directed towards the shocking and the forbidden. Aries are explorers. If he is crossed, he gets irritated. Poses depend on his age, but at any age he is young in spirit. He always prefers to dominate.

He will not stop at sadism either.

When the Aries man reaches middle age, he discovers that his potency is no longer the same as in his younger years. The wrong word at the wrong moment will lead to temporary impotence - this is a terrible blow. He will react in his usual aggressive manner, possibly flirting with women half his age. He will try in every possible way to prove that he is the man he has always been. And if he fails, a nervous breakdown is not ruled out.

Be wary of his persistence and his tendency (remember, I'm only describing tendencies all the time) to take pleasure in causing pain. He will enter a woman before she is ready for it, just to enjoy, feeling her wince in pain. In oral sex, he is rude.

He is able to complete sexual intercourse by beating. Its goal is submission. Naturally, the other signs in the constellation have different influences on the personality of Aries. And men born under this sign can be the exact opposite of each other. But they are extremists. So girls beware! If you meet a "pure" Aries, be prepared to run out the nearest door if his sexual needs are over the top. Or stay and enjoy. It depends on you and your sign.

One way to "tame" it is to use position 69. Then you can always say, "Look, we don't want to hurt each other, right?" The tendency to sadism is popular with men born under the sign of Aries.

Aries compatibility with other signs

ARIES - ARIES: In the case of sexual relations, the woman will dominate. Aries man will not be satisfied for a long time with the role of a subordinate. Everyone will try to become a leader, and this will create an atmosphere of quarreling. As a result, this means disharmony in the bedroom. Initially a promising connection. Bad prognosis for marriage.

ARIES - TAURUS: Aries wants to make love under the influence of feelings. Calculation Taurus, who rarely does something impulsively, will be annoying. If Taurus allows Aries to pave the way for themselves, they will discover new opportunities for sensual pleasure. Otherwise, it is difficult to strike the desired balance. Communication will cause serious friction. Mutual attraction is short-lived.

ARIES - GEMINI: This union can turn out to be delightful, since both are tireless, active, prone to learning. Aries' tendency to dominate is limited by Gemini's ingenuity, Gemini has no sexual prejudice, but their highly spiritualized energy may seek other ways to satisfy. The connection will continue as long as the Gemini skillfully maneuvers. Marriage can calm Gemini and be quite successful.

ARIES - CANCER: Powerful sexual attraction usually for these two characters. The problem is that when feelings are wasted, there is little left. Aries does not find sufficient satisfaction, and they may begin to quarrel over trifles. The mismatch of temperaments leads to increased incompatibility in bed. The weather forecast for this relationship is rough seas, and the marriage will almost certainly lead to a shipwreck.

ARIES - LEO: Aries and Leo are the same aggressive temperament. Their frank sexuality is in full accordance. Sexual relations are straightforward, without eccentric tendencies. But that doesn't mean they can't be fiery. Aries should flatter Leo about his physical potency. Leo should not upset Aries too much, limiting his innate tendency to dominate.

ARIES - VIRGO: The courage of Aries is likely to capture the imagination of the reserved Virgo. However, their sexuality is so different that it will take a lot of patience from both to get things going. Aries will be fascinated by Virgo's tact, restraint and self-control. Virgo may not approve of Aries' extravagant idea of ​​how to make love. Communication will be pleasant, but the chances of a successful marriage are fifty-fifty.

ARIES - LIBRA: Possibly a permanent relationship. The aggressiveness of Aries may not get along with Libra. Both are lovers of sexual pleasures, but Aries will probably try to go too far too fast. Libra tends to be idealistic and can become disillusioned. Aries and Libra must comprehend together the subtleties of sensuality. Physical union is possible only temporarily, like a bond, but not a marriage.

ARIES - SCORPIO: Sex can be stimulating or useless. Here are two directions in which events can develop. Both Aries and Scorpio have great physical energy prone to action. But both of them are independent and do not like control. Prolonged disagreements will put to the test the phenomenal ability to share passion and remain happy.

ARIES - SAGITTARIUS: Both are prone to conflict, so there will be plenty of them on sexual grounds. Aries optimism and a good sense of humor. Overcome the Sagittarius tendency to despondency and introduce a playful attitude towards love. Mutual understanding achieved in the bedroom can create a favorable atmosphere for relationships. Successful connection. Marriage will be closely related to the problem of physical satisfaction.

ARIES - CAPRICORN: Aries is restless, looking forward to the future, experimenter. Capricorn is more of a hypocrite. Capricorn may prefer one position for making love and even a certain time. He is more reserved. However, Aries can disrupt Capricorn's calculations by awakening a strong libido in him. If this happens, then marriage is preferable to a short relationship.

ARIES - AQUARIUS: The physical connection will be stormy and will bring a lot of new things. It is possible that Aries will dominate as Aquarius is more passive in nature. Aquarius will not give up, but will not accept the leadership of Aries if it is not in his interests. Aries needs tact to deal with this highly emotional dreamer. An unusual, eventful connection and - with good mutual understanding - a very prosperous marriage.

ARIES - PISCES: Aries will be intrigued by Pisces' subtle intuition in the bedroom. The live participation of Aries will help Pisces get out of a state of shyness. The fulfillment of Pisces' sexual fantasies can be highly arousing. Together they should be fun and pleasant. The prospect of a relationship or marriage is very good if they manage to overcome the difference in temperaments.

Aries are finicky, so remember well how to please an Aries in bed. Today, there are a large number of people who, while looking for their partner, are trying to find answers to their questions in horoscopes. In many ways, such people can find these answers, since the horoscope reveals all sides and features of a particular zodiac sign.

Aries in bed - what to expect from him

One way or another, in many people of the same sign, you can find some common character traits. So the horoscope is trying to help in different situations people. Many people want to know how to get closer to their partner and how to seduce him. Also important is the satisfaction of the partner. Aries is considered the most obstinate in this regard.

First of all, in order to satisfy Aries, he needs to offer an abundance of sexual relations. But before doing this, he should say a lot of flattering words and compliments. The sign of Aries rules the first House of the Zodiac, which relates to appearance. Therefore, Aries constantly live by the beauty of the human body, and then through it they master the inner beauty of their partner.

If you are an Aries husband or wife, then always be clean and tidy. For people of this sign, the smells of expensive perfumes and silk underwear are very attractive.

How to Satisfy an Aries Man in Bed

If you feel that your Aries partner is nervously exhausted, he will immediately need a head massage, which can slowly develop into sexual intercourse. It is known that the nerve endings in Aries are most sensitive in the face and head.

As a result of a gentle head massage, hair pulling, light kissing, lip or ear biting, they can react sharply and become passionate lovers. After such therapy, they will not have a trace of a nervous state and a lot of strength will be added.

How to Satisfy an Aries Woman in Bed

If a woman wears the Aries sign, then a kiss with a bearded man will bring her great pleasure. Also, an indescribable excitement for an Aries woman can bring an ordinary touch of her fingertips to her lips. In addition, Aries men also react violently to such a gesture.

When figuring out how to satisfy an Aries woman, try to use romance. Representatives of this sign are simply crazy about pleasant music and subdued light. You should not plan intimacy with Aries, as people of this sign love spontaneity, and most likely they will want it in the most unpredictable places and at the most inopportune times. Although very often Aries love to have sex after a pleasantly spent evening.

Yana Volkova

Even a man will envy the characteristics of an Aries woman according to the sign of the zodiac. After all, the character of the Aries girl contains many classic male traits- assertiveness, ambition, straightforwardness, vanity and independence. Pity from the young lady-Aries can not wait. She is easily oriented in innovations and innovations. Works great in a team. And he never looks at a situation or a problem, "like a ram at a new gate." This is because she copes with problems herself and does not expect help from men. Wonderfully builds a career, not shunning "to go over their heads."

The Aries girl is inherently cheerful

But a woman is still a woman. This means that the Aries girl is characterized by cheerfulness, striving for the ideal, initiative and amazing femininity.

Lamb takes care of herself, loves to look good

Shortcomings in appearance easily compensates for makeup, hair and innate charm. Easily convinces others that she is "the most charming and attractive."

Compatibility of Aries women with other zodiac signs: “I am all fire! I'm taking care of myself!"

Aries woman is so bright personality that at the first stage any man will be interested in her. But the Sheep is not so simple and supportive. Exactly she has to choose who is most suitable in love and marriage.

Aries Passion boils, but the mutual stubbornness of the partners makes it difficult to find compromises.
Taurus The Aries girl often puts pressure on her partner with her assertiveness. The young lady should slow down and make concessions, otherwise a gap is inevitable.
Twins Rare and unfortunate compatibility. Partners do not find the desired qualities in each other. The Gemini is too passive and independent for the Sheep.
Cancer Good sign compatibility. Aries is able to pick out an arthropod from its shell and make it be much more active. If Cancer gets used to the way of life set by the partner - advice and love.
a lion Ideal relationship! The war of ambitions does not interfere, but on the contrary, pushes the couple to development and improvement. Aries and Leo strive to meet their own high standards and the expectations of a loved one in marriage.
Virgo The conservatism of the Virgo man slows down the Aries desire to develop. But if the Sheep takes organizational matters into their own hands, both will benefit in this relationship.
Scales Stormy relationships - passion, love, scandals, tantrums. The Aries woman is often unhappy with her partner's financial problems. She proves superiority in relationships. The Libra man is offended by this behavior. Sheep need to learn to yield.
Scorpion Incredibly passionate union. Scorpio and Aries are perfectly compatible in bed. Emotional showdowns are not rare, but love is much stronger than conflicts.
Sagittarius Controversial relationship, where from love to hate is one step. The Sagittarius man is overly loving, which infuriates the jealous Aries girl.
Capricorn Relationships of equal people in marriage. The Capricorn man is used to walking towards the goal slowly but surely. Aries should be patient, but the result will please her.
Aquarius Relationships can have a bright start, but just as quickly fade away. Aries does not see in the Aquarius man the qualities she needs: purposefulness and initiative.
Fish The rich imagination of Pisces and his creative nature attracts a romantic Sheep. But the male ability to slowly go with the flow all his life leads to a break in relationships. Too active Aries does not accept such behavior.

Aries woman in bed is the most fiery of the signs

Passionate Essence of the Sign of Fire awakens feminine energy and makes the Aries girl sexually attractive to the opposite sex. But she will not immediately agree to satisfy her partner.

In sex Sheep:

  • determined to enjoy itself,
  • ready to experiment
  • not too sentimental and puts passion above other feelings.

The Aries girl has the passionate essence of the Fire Sign.

This woman is ready to make love, anywhere and anytime. As a mistress, she does not require long foreplay or special romance.

Her willingness to immediately get down to business sometimes confuses and repels fans of long intimate games.

The ideal man in bed for Aries is Scorpio. Their compatibility is so high that the couple will indulge in love joys in the most unexpected places. If you meet a couple an interesting activity in your entryway and start chastising them for inappropriate behavior, ask for a laugh who they are according to the horoscope. Most likely, this will be Aries and Scorpio.

How to win over an Aries girl - one step forward and two steps back

The Aries girl is an example of an independent and self-sufficient woman. She tries with all her might not to obey even her beloved man. Both morally and financially. To fall in love with yourself and conquer the obstinate Lamb can, at least, her equal in intelligence and status man. Last but not least is the appearance of the partner.

It is unlikely that Aries spending a lot of money on personal care will pay attention to an untidy man in dirty shoes.

Ideally, an Aries woman needs a man who will serve as her role model. Best Compatibility in a relationship with this girl with a Leo man. His desire to go up the social ladder and high moral principles like Aries and make him develop himself.

Aries woman is not seduced by luxurious gifts

An Aries woman cannot be seduced by luxurious gifts and grand gestures if she does not feel sincerity and passion from a partner. The young lady will buy all the expensive trinkets for herself if she feels the need. She can only like real interest to his own person and the care of a beloved man. But only after she will be interested in his personality first. And here, most likely, the rule will work, “than less woman we love, the more she likes us." A worthy, but shown indifferent man himself, imperceptibly to himself, will become the goal of the Aries girl.

How to understand that an Aries girl is in love? She'll tell you about it after a stormy night

An Aries in love is unlikely to stagnate and coquettishly lower her eyes to the floor. She liked a man will notice her interest almost immediately. Some representatives of this sign are so straightforward that they can take the initiative even in the most intimate moments. However, this does not mean that she needs the chosen man like air.

If Aries does not feel the necessary feedback from her partner, she will not suffer for long, but will simply find a new object of adoration

It will definitely not be possible to return the location of this woman after betrayal and betrayal. Jealousy and possessiveness of Aries have become a byword.

Aries in love generous and loves to give a partner gifts. But she does this, rather, to emphasize her own status. Often selfishness prevents her from listening to the true desires of her beloved.

A gift for an Aries woman - a sword for a warrior

To win the favor of Aries a sincere present, it is not necessary to give an expensive and valuable thing. A woman will not appreciate such a gift if it does not correspond to her personal interests or hobbies. Aries likes things that will make her even more beautiful:

  • quality cosmetics,
  • fashion perfumery,
  • brand clothes,
  • exclusive accessories.

Aries woman likes things that will make her even more beautiful

Aries belongs to the type of women who will wear expensive underwear even for a visit to their beloved granny. It is important for them to feel beautiful everywhere and always.

Perfect as a gift item that support the Aries hobby. Whether it's a yoga mat, riding boots, a catalog of new paintings or an embroidery kit.

It is important for a woman to feel that the present was chosen personally for her and with the thought of her.

The only exception is travel. Aries are so inquisitive that they are ready to go on a trip even to those places that they have never heard of.

Aries woman is practical,
Loving, selfish.
Obedience is unaccustomed.
To keep pace with fashion, she walks.

Control desires -
There is no such understanding.
And make every effort
To fulfill them immediately

February 11, 2018, 10:17

For modern world equality is inherent, therefore, not only men, but also women make attempts to attract a soul mate. In thinking over a strategy in behavior and communication, a characteristic of the zodiac sign can help. Detailed description, preferences and habits will help to get the man you like.

How to conquer an Aries man?

Next to the representatives of this zodiac sign there may be a strong and active woman who will radiate vital energy. Aries will never choose calm women as companions, because they cannot stand still and be bored.

How to Win the Heart of an Aries Man:

  1. For representatives of this sign, it is important that a woman be proactive in relationships. If you want to go on a date, you should not wait for a step from a man and immediately take everything into your own hands. Aries also appreciates ingenuity, so when choosing a meeting place, stop at something unusual and unexpected. Such tactics should be followed not only at the stage of conquest, but also in the future, when the man is already nearby. Constant dynamics and even minor changes will not let your loved one get bored, and the union will be strong and lasting.
  2. Another weapon that will help in the conquest of Aries is humility. A man must believe that he conquered a woman, and not vice versa, so you should not impose yourself. An important skill for the fair sex is to use their weakness correctly.
  3. Understanding how to win an Aries guy, it is worth saying that in communication and behavior a woman should exclude aggression and any actions that would anger the chosen one.
  4. Another important point, which is unacceptable for representatives of this zodiac sign - insincerity and cunning. Aries do not like "difficult" women, often playing some kind of role.
  5. Image loving woman in terms of Aries, it has nothing to do with rudeness and vulgarity, so rude words should be avoided in a conversation. Representatives of this sign are attracted by generous ladies who communicate politely with all people.
  6. In a relationship for Aries great importance has the support of a beloved woman. Perfect Union for them it looks like this - he is the leader, and she is help and support.

In any quarrels, it is worth remembering that Aries will never admit their mistakes and do not go for reconciliation, so if you want to be close to such a person, you will have to put up with it.

How to surprise an Aries man in bed?

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not like refusal in physical intimacy, especially if this happens without any obvious reasons. If a woman is not ready to move on to the next stage, then it is best to explain this in a frank conversation, which will not repel, but rather attract a man.

To surprise and relax Aries, you need to create an appropriate environment, for example, light candles, turn on gentle music, use scents, etc. love in sex, such men are different experiments, so regularly come up with plots and role-playing games. Do not forget that visual perception is of great importance for representatives of this sign, so a woman should be responsible in choosing underwear or a revealing suit.

Another important point worth dwelling on is the erogenous points of the Aries man. Knowing the location of these zones, it will be possible to deliver great pleasure to your man. A large number of nerve endings are located in Aries on the head and face. They will get goosebumps from the fact that a woman is combing their hair or stroking their forehead and cheeks. Excite Aries, light biting of the earlobes and lips.

Aries is very quick in making decisions and conquering the opposite sex! Doesn't talk too much long speeches and already on the first date will offer to go to bed. Sometimes, simply without any preface, it pounces on the object of desire. It doesn't take too much effort to conquer an Aries. He accepts any erotic signals from environment and instantly respond to them. A deep enough neckline, a very short skirt, or a passionate and daring look to make you, Aries, fall for a woman.

The Aries woman loves strong men who are rough, masculine and show bare, muscular arms. Aries can arrange romance everywhere. Often this is just a street where an impatient and enchanted Aries will not withstand the stress and will pounce with kisses on his object of desire. It is much more difficult to stop an Aries than to start one. It is as if he, like an experienced hunter, cannot get out of practice and is constantly watching a new victim.

In love, there will be no patterns of ornate compliments or courtship for months for a partner. When he likes someone, he immediately follows him in pursuit. Directly expresses his proposals, so that Aries is not suitable for a romantic lover, who, before he sees his beloved or beloved without clothes, sighs for a long time and writes letters.

In bed, Aries quickly takes the lead. He will not even have time to put out the light, so quickly he will want to satisfy his lust. He impatiently throws off his clothes, and expects the same from his partner.

The prelude in his case is very short. Goes straight to the basic pleasures of the body. The environment for making love is indifferent to him. This could be a locker room at the pool or gym, an underground passage, or a bathroom at your parents' house. Aries doesn't care. It is also important for him not where and with whom, but how quickly he will do it. Aries marathon runners in love. Therefore, if someone wants to live with an Aries, then he must maintain his interest and not allow the emotions and passion of Aries to exhaust themselves at the very beginning. You should deceive him, even avoid him, in order to warm up the appetite of Aries and his ingenuity that is not cut off.

Aries loves energetic and determined partners. Independence and independence attract him and excite him. He also likes athletic and muscular silhouettes. Therefore, it gets along well with Leo and Sagittarius. Sometimes Aries create an alliance with exquisite Libra. Aries are attracted to Libra by their charm, tenderness and intelligence. Libra is attracted to Aries by force and even cruelty.

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