A laptop is a mobile device that can be used equally effectively both at a full-fledged workplace and in field conditions, for example, in transport. The touchpad is one of those devices that provide mobility. Therefore, it is very important for users to know how to enable the touchpad on a laptop.

After that, a window with mouse properties will open in front of you. Here you need to go to the "Device Settings" tab (sometimes this tab may have a different name, for example "ELAN"). On the Device Options tab, there should be an Enable button. Click on this button and save the settings by clicking on the "OK" button, which is located at the bottom of the window.

It should be noted that on the "Device Options" tab, the "Disconnect when connecting an external mouse" function may be available. If it is active, then the touchpad will not work when a regular keyboard is connected to the computer. computer mouse. If you want to use the touchpad and mouse at the same time, then this feature must be disabled.

If you have tried all of the above methods to enable the touchpad and nothing has helped, then your touchpad may have been disabled in the BIOS. In this case, in order to enable the touchpad, you need to enable a feature called "Internal Pointing Device". As a rule, it is located in the "Advanced" section of the settings.

If everything is also enabled in the BIOS, then there are only two options left: uninstalled drivers or a broken touchpad.

Not all users know that the touchpad can be disabled on an Asus laptop. How to do it and why is it necessary? After all, this technical device is useful. But when using a traditional mouse, sometimes you may need to avoid duplication of control functions.

In this case, the question arises: what are the ways to disable the touchpad and what are the solutions to this problem?

Why is a touchpad needed?

This device is a special touch panel, which is designed to control the device without auxiliary devices, similar to a mouse. The touchpad is designed for those who adapt to deftly move their fingers. For some users, it simply annoys, because it often touches the palms during printing. As a result, you can drop desired settings. Also, laptops today are often used instead of desktop computers. And they, as you know, do not need such a device. Next, it’s worth analyzing in more detail how to disable the touchpad on an Asus laptop.

Unprofessional shutdown methods

Most in a simple way for those who do not want to delve into the intricacies of the device and look for the appropriate instructions, is to close the touchpad with any unnecessary plastic card and secure it with tape. Although, it will not close the device buttons, so they will continue to cause inconvenience during operation. The second way is to place the cursor on any place in the text and move the mouse away so that the arrow appears at the very base of the right corner. True, and it does not provide high level reliability. After all, you can touch the mouse with your hand and move it to another place.

Standard methods

Most laptops have a dedicated button located near the touchpad. It has a crossed-out square or rectangle with a hand touching it. In addition, there is an official keyboard shortcut to disable the touch pad. In this article we are talking about the Asus touchpad, for which the combination Fn + F9 is provided. It will need to be remembered. If the user does not know which "hot keys" to use, the following actions are performed:

1. Press "Start" and "Control Panel".
2. A transition is made to "Devices and Printers".
3. The "Mouse" tab opens, it contains the touchpad driver tab and checks the box where it says "Disconnect when connecting an external USB mouse."

In the case when nothing happens when pressing hot keys, as well as when using the "Mouse" tab, this means that the user does not have a touchpad driver installed. Asus devices have Elantech touch panels. To download the required driver, go to official portal Asus and select a laptop model, as well as a touchpad and an operating system.

professional ways

For advanced users who know what BIOS is, it is recommended to use a reliable option to disable the touchpad through this program. Manipulations are carried out in the Internal Pointing Device section. You must select the appropriate value, after which the question of how to disable the touchpad on Asus will never arise. You can also simply disconnect the cable from the touchpad, for this you have to remove the top panel. However this method good only for specialists who are familiar with the internal configuration of the device. In addition, before performing such an operation, you should make sure that the touchpad will never be needed. As a rule, the methods listed above are enough to deal with such an unpleasant problem on your own.

Every laptop has a touchpad, a device that emulates a mouse. It is very difficult to do without a touchpad while traveling or on a business trip, but in cases where a laptop is used more permanently, a regular mouse is usually connected to it. In this case, the touchpad can interfere a lot. When typing, the user may accidentally touch its surface, which leads to chaotic jumping of the cursor inside the document and damage to the text. This situation is extremely annoying, and many want to be able to disable and enable the touchpad as needed. How to do this will be discussed next.

There are several ways to disable the laptop touchpad. It cannot be said that one of them is better or worse. All of them have their own disadvantages and advantages. The choice is entirely up to the user's preference. Judge for yourself.

Method 1: Function keys

The situation in which the user wants to disable the touchpad is provided by manufacturers of all laptop models. This is done using the function keys. But if on a regular keyboard a separate row is allocated for them from F1 before F12, then on portable devices, in order to save space, other functions are combined with them, which are activated when pressed in combination with a special key fn.

There is also a key to disable the touchpad. But depending on the laptop model, it is located in different places, and the icon on it may vary. Here are typical keyboard shortcuts for this operation in laptops from different manufacturers:

  • Acer- Fn+F7;
  • asus- Fn+F9;
  • Dell- Fn+F5;
  • Lenovo- Fn+F5 or F8;
  • samsung- Fn+F7;
  • Sony Vaio- fn+f1;
  • Toshiba- Fn+F5.

However, this method is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that a significant number of users do not know how to properly configure the touchpad and use the Fn key. Often they use the driver for the mouse emulator that is installed during Windows installation. Therefore, the functionality described above may remain disabled, or only partially work. To avoid this, you should install the drivers and additional software that are supplied by the manufacturer with the laptop.

Method 2: Special place on the surface of the touchpad

It happens that the laptop does not have a special key to disable the touchpad. In particular, this can often be observed on HP Pavilion devices and other computers from this manufacturer. But this does not mean that there is no this opportunity. It's just implemented differently.

To disable the touchpad on such devices, there is a special place right on its surface. It is located in the upper left corner and can be indicated by a small indentation, an icon, or illuminated by an LED.

To disable the touchpad in this way, just double-tap on this place, or hold your finger on it for a few seconds. Just like in the previous method, for its successful application, it is important to have a correctly installed device driver.

Method 3: Control Panel

For those who, for some reason, did not fit the methods described above, you can disable the touchpad by changing the mouse properties in "Control Panels" Windows. In Windows 7 it opens from the menu "Start":

In later Windows versions you can use the search bar, the program launcher window, the keyboard shortcut Win+X and in other ways.

Next, you need to go to the mouse options.

In Windows 8 and Windows 10 Control Panel, mouse options are hidden deeper. Therefore, first you need to select a section "Hardware and Sound" and follow the link there "Mouse".

Further actions are performed in the same way in all versions of the operating system.

Most laptop touchpads use technology from Synaptics Corporation. Therefore, if drivers from the manufacturer are installed for the touchpad, the corresponding tab will be present in the mouse properties window.

By going to it, the user will have access to the functions of disabling the touchpad. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Clicking on the button "Disable ClickPad".
  2. By checking the checkbox next to the inscription below.

In the first case, the touchpad is turned off completely and it can only be turned on by performing a similar operation in reverse order. In the second case, it will turn off when a USB mouse is connected to the laptop and automatically turn on again after it is disconnected, which is undoubtedly the most convenient option.

Method 4: Using a Foreign Object

This method belongs to the very exotic, but also has a certain number of supporters. Therefore, it deserves consideration in this article. It can be used only in the case when all the actions described in the previous sections have not been successful.

This method consists in the fact that the touchpad is simply covered from above with any flat object that is suitable in size. It can be an old bank card, calendar, or something similar. Such an object will serve as a kind of screen.

To prevent the screen from fidgeting, it is grabbed from above with adhesive tape. That's all.

These are the ways to disable the touchpad on a laptop. There are enough of them so that in any case the user can successfully solve this problem. It remains only to choose the most suitable for yourself.

Many have asked this question. And it's not even that the mouse is much more convenient to work with. It's just that if there is a mouse, then the touchpad is of no use. It just uselessly absorbs energy. In addition, it is very inconvenient to type text with the touchpad enabled. One wrong move and all work can go down the drain. Therefore, you need to be able to disable the touchpad on a laptop. There are many ways to do this. And we'll look at them all. For not every method is suitable for a specific device. We will also consider options for disabling the touchpad for various operating systems.

What is a touchpad?

The touchpad is the same touch pad that replaces the mouse in laptops. They have to be used only in the case when it is absolutely impossible to connect a mouse to a laptop. There are many reasons for this: there are no free ports or there is no way to use a mouse due to lack of space. In any case, the touchpad comes to the rescue. It has a bunch of useful features. Even though it is not very convenient to use it.

Among the features supported by the standard touchpad should include gestures, multi-touch, support for multi-finger scrolling. The touch panel is a multifunctional device, although not very convenient. Therefore, most users tend to use the mouse as their main working tool. So it will be useful to know on a laptop. Different laptops have their own characteristics. So, let's begin.

Laptops from Lenovo

These laptops are characterized by good technical specifications and decent level of performance. It goes without saying that in such laptops there are hot keys to disable this or that equipment. There are buttons to turn off Wi-Fi, display, multimedia keys. Naturally, there is also a button to turn off the touchpad. Of course, the key combination may differ from model to model. But on each key there are icons that display a particular device.

In most laptops from the Chinese, the touchpad is turned off with a combination of + F6. The end key may change, but the function Fn remains the same. Here is Lenovo. However, hotkeys do not always work. Especially if you are using the tenth version of the operating system from Microsoft. With this brainchild of Satya Nadella will have to tinker. But this will be discussed below. Now let's move on to other laptops.

Notebooks from HP

The products of this American company are well known in our country. Laptops are famous for their performance, workmanship and affordable prices. These devices also have functional buttons that allow you to easily turn off certain laptop components. So how do you disable the touchpad on an HP laptop? Exactly the same as with Lenovo. Only the keyboard shortcut is different.

If your laptop does not have a touchpad disable key, then you can do this "feint with your ears": tap twice on the upper left corner of the touchpad. In some models, it turns off just like that. In any case, even if this did not help, then below you will learn how to disable the touchpad using the operating system. These are the features of laptops from HP, and nothing can be done about it. Will have to adjust. Thankfully it's easy.

ASUS laptops

The products of this company are also popular, but, unlike previous laptops, these are not always all right with cooling. However, despite this, laptops are selling like hot cakes. So, the answer is: using the Fn + F9 keyboard shortcut. The combination may change a little, but it's definitely there. If the images on your keys have been erased, then you can select the desired combination using the "scientific poke" method. Usually helps.

It is worth noting that this method of turning off the touchpad is only suitable if the drivers necessary for the correct operation of the touchpad are installed on the laptop. But it is not always the case. How to disable the touchpad on a laptop running Windows 7? If there are no drivers? Let's try to solve this problem.

Laptops with Windows 7

If the laptop has a seven on board, the drivers for the touchpad are not installed, and you need to disable it at all costs, then you can try the following. Go to "Device Manager", open the "Mice and other pointing devices" tab. Here's where it can get tricky. It is not known how the touchpad will be signed. Most likely it will be something like "PS/2 Device". We turn it off. If something is wrong, then no big deal. You can always turn it back on.

With Windows 7, everything is more or less clear. The same principle of work will be in the eight. However, there is another "newfangled" operating system, in which not everything is so simple. It's called Windows 10. And how do I disable the touchpad on a laptop running Windows 10? The answer will be below.

Laptops with "ten" on board

Let's start with the fact that the "ten" automatically installs some left drivers on the touchpad. And manufacturers are in no hurry to release updates software for their devices under Win 10. What to do in this case? In this case, we will use the method from "Windows 7". Through the "Device Manager". But the trouble is that in the "top ten" even the device manager is hidden in the devil knows where. Therefore, we do the following.

Open the "Start" menu, look for the "Run" item. We enter the phrase devmgmt.msc into the line. Our favorite device manager will open. Here we are already looking for "Mouse and other pointing devices" and repeat the steps that were performed for the seven. This is how you can disable the touchpad on an ASUS laptop running Windows 10. Yes, there is a lot of hassle. But who said it would be easy? Especially with ten.

Operating systems of the Linux family

Everything is simple and clear here. Hotkeys do not work on some distributions. How to disable the touchpad on a laptop in this case? Very simple. We go to the settings, look for the item "Mouse and and move the slider that disables the touch panel. That's it. But not all distributions are so simple. This method is suitable for Ubuntu and Mint operating systems.

In the case of "Arch" and "Fedora" everything is a little more complicated. Here you will need to make some manipulations in the terminal. But such systems are not used by beginners on laptops. And professionals themselves know perfectly well what to do in such cases. Ease of management of mass distributions of "Linux-like" operating systems is one of their main advantages.

For those who have "Hackintosh"

There are fans of illegal installation of MacOS on ordinary laptops using all sorts of "crutches". They also need to know how to disable the touchpad on a laptop. Everything is simple here. Since both "Mac" and "Ubuntu" are "Unix-like" operating systems, the method from "Ubuntu" will suit "Hackintosh" as well. But only true "gourmets" can put "Mac" on ordinary laptops. For picking up components so that they work without minimum quantity"crutches", in laptops it is impossible. They have always been and will be problematic in this regard. Another thing is personal computers.

Go to settings, look for "Mouse and Touchpad" and move the touchpad slider to the "Off" position. Everything is as simple as two and two. Another reason to switch from a buggy and incomprehensible "Windows" to a normal, adequate system. This is one way to turn it off. For the owners of "Hackintosh" we can offer another option - to completely remove the "kext" responsible for the operation of the touchpad from the system. The measure is radical, but one hundred percent.


Now you know everything about how to disable the touchpad on a laptop. It makes no difference - what kind of laptop, what features does it have and what operating system is installed in it. All actions are essentially the same. The differences are only in the nuances. Worst of all is the owners of laptops with Windows 10 on board. Everything is so confusing there that it is very difficult for a beginner to figure it out without outside help. But nothing. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. With the "ten" we also figured out. By the way, you can turn on the touchpads with the same key combination. Now you all know this. So go ahead and experiment. Just don't get carried away. And then hang the system casually.

The laptop is becoming more and more popular among consumers. It is explained simply - portable device mobile and takes up little space. Therefore, choosing a laptop for yourself, the question arises: do you have? However, other issues related to the purchase and use of a laptop are becoming more and more. For example, often when typing on a keyboard, users accidentally hit the touchpad, a touchpad that acts as a mouse on a regular computer. In order to avoid this situation, you need to disable it. Instead, you can connect to a laptop wireless mouse via USB connector.

Disabling the touchpad with a button

Talking about how to disable the mouse on asus laptop or other models, first of all, it should be noted that there are several ways. The most common and simplest of them is the use of the keyboard, or rather some of the function keys that are located here.

Some laptops have a small button in the upper left corner of the touchpad that acts as an on/off switch. But it is not available on all models, so sometimes you have to resort to other methods. Yes, call button. additional features Fn in combination with one of the F keys will give us the desired result. But on portable computers from different manufacturers, it may vary. For example, if we are interested in how to disable the mouse on a Lenovo laptop, then it will be Fn and F8, on Acer - Fn and F7. You can recognize the function key by the designation on it, a crossed out square should be drawn here. After you disable the touchpad, if the Fn button interferes with your work, then read how to disable the Fn button on a laptop in this.

It happens that the user wants to activate the touchpad function in the above way, using the “hot” buttons. If such an operation fails, it is quite possible that this is due to the laptop settings. For example, you can enable a feature that will automatically disable the touchpad when a wireless mouse is connected to the device.

Disabling the mouse through the control panel

In order to disable the mouse on a laptop, you can go to the Control Panel. To do this, use the Start button. In the drop-down menu, select and click on the inscription Mouse. A new window opens in front of you.

In the menu that appears, you will need to slightly change the parameters. To do this, select the touchpad, and then click the Disable button. Confirm the operation by clicking on OK. in this way, you can reactivate the touchpad.

bios settings

Enough hard way how to disable the mouse on an hp laptop or other model is to do this operation in Bios. Although such manipulation is quite possible. It will come in handy if for some reason other methods do not suit you or are impossible, although this rarely happens.

So, we reboot the laptop and go into the BIOS. Here we select the Advanced tab. If you do not find this tab in the BIOS, then you need to new version. Next, in the Advanced tab, follow the link Internal Pointing Device. Opposite it, under normal settings, is Enabled. To disable the touchpad, you need to change the inscription to Disabled. That's all you need to do. After that, we load the operating system.

There are other methods to disable the touchpad, but they are even more complicated. For example, you can disable the loop connected to it. However, this is a rather complicated operation, especially for those who are not too well versed in the innards of their laptop. In addition, there are special utilities, such as Synaptics.

There are many ways to disable the touchpad. You should not be too smart, the easiest way to solve this problem is to use hot keys. If for some reason this does not work, then try other methods. Although, do not forget that the touchpad can be very useful if you forget your wireless mouse or the batteries are suddenly dead in it.