0 February 24, 2016, 17:17

For those who were actively interested, my middle son Nikolai opened his Instagram @n_baturin27! So brides, welcome! Professional football player, just a second.

the site learned more about the son of Yana Rudkovskaya.


Nikolai Baturin was born on June 28, 2002 in the family of billionaire Viktor Baturin and producer Yana Rudkovskaya. After a long and painful divorce by court decision, Nikolai and Andrei (adopted son of Yana Rudkovskaya, own son Viktor Baturin and his second wife Yulia Saltovets) remained in the care of their mother.

Past tests are behind us. Nikolay now lives in happy family with her mother, stepfather - the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko - and two brothers. 14-year-old Nikolai goes to school and is seriously interested in football. The proud mother is sure that the boy has great prospects in sports, and in every possible way encourages her son's hobby.

Yana Rudkovskaya, Evgeni Plushenko with sons Nikolay, Andrey and Alexander

Yana Rudkovskaya with sons Andrei, Nikolai and Alexander


Nikolai Baturin studied at the school of the football club "Torpedo" and played as a forward in the team "Torpedo-02". The path to the dream was not so easy for the boy: Kolya had to lose a lot of weight. In one of the interviews, Yana told me what to throw off excess weight Evgeni Plushenko helped her son. The figure skater took Kolya to his training camp, taught him to physical activity, diverted to Gym. Already after the first training camp, Kolya managed to lose 10 kilograms. By sporting standards, Baturin became interested in professional football relatively late, but in three years he made great progress on the field.

And this summer, Rudkovskaya shared the good news with her Instagram followers. Nikolai went to study football with the coaches of the famous Spanish club Barcelona for several months.

Only a few days left until one of the most significant events in the life of our Kolya. He packs his suitcases and goes to Sochi, namely to the football camp of the most successful club in the world FC Barcelona in Sochi. Kolya will learn the secrets of the game best practices schools. The teachers are, of course, the Spanish coaches of the school. They will teach him not only football skills, but also the values ​​of Barça, which every player of the club follows,

Posted by Yana on her Instagram page.


Few people know, but many of the photographs of Yana Rudkovskaya are taken by her son. Nicholas often arranges for star mom photo shoots in stylish images and he selects frames for publication. It remains for Yana to collect likes and enjoy compliments. And Nikolai himself does not like to be photographed - he is more comfortable on the other side of the lens.

Instagram photo

16-year-old Andrei Baturin - adopted child 43-year-old Yana Rudkovskaya. The producer adopted the young man when she was married to his father, billionaire Viktor Baturin. Andrei's mother ex-wife Baturina Julia Saltovets.

In 2008, Yana divorced Viktor, but Andrei stayed with her. From Baturin, Rudkovskaya also has a biological son, 16-year-old Nikolai. She also brings up five-year-old Sasha, whom she gave birth to from her current husband, figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

Rudkovskaya often posts photos of Sasha and Nikolai on Instagram. The youngest son of Yana is engaged in figure skating and building a modeling career, and Nikolai is making his first successes in the music field.

According to Yana, Andrei avoids publicity and does not like to be photographed, but sometimes she still shows his pictures to subscribers. So, on July 16, Rudkovskaya published a photo with her eldest sons, taken the day before at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow.


Yana with Andrey (left) and Nikolai

“With my elders yesterday) and who will say from this photo that I am their mother?)!” — Yana signed the frame (Spelling and punctuation more. — Note. ed.). Many subscribers agreed that Rudkovskaya looks very young and can be mistaken for a friend of her sons.


Recall own mother Andrei Yulia Saltovets assured that Rudkovskaya had taken her son from her. The woman said that the certificate of abandonment of the child, which she allegedly signed, was fake. According to Yulia, she wants to see Andrei, but Yana interferes with their communication, and she herself does not pay due attention to the boy.

Rudkovskaya denied this information and stated that it was she who arranged Andrei's first meeting with his own mother. According to Yana, the young man was never forbidden to see Yulia, but she herself did not seek meetings with him.

After the mother of three sons, Yana Rudkovskaya, spoke about the conflict in the family of Alexander and Milana Kerzhakov, there was a lot of criticism against her. The famous producer was reproached for supporting her father, not her mother, in this difficult family history. But Rudkovskaya knows how to stand up for herself. It taught her long fight in court for their sons. IN in social networks under the publications of Rudkovskaya about the conflict in the Kerzhakov family, there are thousands of comments. In some of them, Rudkovskaya was also reminded that she was raising the child of Yulia Saltovets. Indeed, Yana Rudkovskaya brings up: Alexander (5 years old, son of Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko), Nikolai (16 years old, son of Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin) and Andrei (16 years old, son of Viktor Baturin and Yulia Saltovets). Rudkovskaya raised Andrei from the cradle. Are the reproaches against the producer fair? Why biological mother the boy did not participate in his life? The history is confusing. We tried to figure it out.

Yulia Saltovets version

Wedding of Yulia Saltovets and Viktor Baturin. Photo: archive, program frame.

In the 90s, Yulia Saltovets danced in nightclubs in Sochi, then the girl met a wealthy businessman from Moscow, Viktor Baturin. Soon Baturin made an offer to a pretty dancer, they played a wedding, then got married. The groom was 45 years old, the bride was 21 years old. And Yana Rudkovskaya walked at the wedding of Yulia and Victor. Saltovets and Rudkovskaya at one time in Sochi were introduced by Baturin.

Yulia Saltovets and Yana Rudkovskaya were introduced in Sochi by Viktor Baturin. Photo: archive, program frame.

“Happiness began to end at the moment when Yana Rudkovskaya began to tell me that Victor was sleeping with one model from Sochi, then with another. We lived with Viktor for less than a year ... Viktor's guards told me that Yana had a relationship with Viktor. I left him for my parents... Of course, I regret that I divorced Victor, we would have a wonderful family. I was young and hot-tempered. We all make a lot of mistakes in our youth ... ”- Yulia Saltovets told her story on the air of the Mirror for a Hero program (NTV).
Saltovets gave birth to a boy in September 2001: “I asked the child to feed, I was told that he should not be given milk. They didn’t even explain why ... They brought the child, and on the third day they took it away ... ”Julia said on the air that her son was taken from her directly from the hospital. The boy was taken to Moscow, and from birth he was brought up in the family of Viktor Baturin and Yana Rudkovskaya - the couple had already formalized the relationship by that time.

In an effort to arouse sympathy, Saltovets told on TV for decent fees that the ex-husband took her son without her consent - he simply took it away. But for some reason, Yulia “forgets” about one important detail: in the maternity hospital, she wrote a refusal of the child. When asked about this document, she replies that she does not remember how she signed the paper.

“When they got divorced, Viktor Baturin came to me in Krasnodar to improve relations,” Saltovets recalled on the TV show that she saw her son after 7 years. At that moment, Baturin and Rudkovskaya broke up, and the businessman took the children from Yana. He suddenly allowed Saltovets to see his son. By that time, Yulia was already raising her daughter (Saltovets did not have a relationship with her father), and a woman from Krasnodar Territory brought his half-sister. Julia periodically flew to meet with the boy. In 2011, when Viktor Baturin was put in a pre-trial detention center, the children were returned to Yana Rudkovskaya.

Yulia Saltovets with her daughter Polina. Photo: archive, program frame.

Saltovets disappeared for a while. She arranged life in Spain: at first she worked there as a dancer, and then she successfully married. When she appeared in Russia, she gave interviews about her difficult female lobe. “In 2015, I met with Andrei. I told him, Andrei, you know that I am your mother, and I love you very much. It’s not my fault that they took you away from me ... ”Saltovets voiced her feelings throughout the country. After next vacation in Russia, the woman was returning to Spain.

It is worth noting that Andrei Baturin himself always wanted to live in the family of Yana Rudkovskaya.

Yana Rudkovskaya's version

Since Yulia Saltovets was giving an interview, Yana Rudkovskaya had to answer. After the divorce, the producer fought for her sons, went through many court cases, but even when the truth triumphed and the children had to return to their mother, another problem arose.
“... But Baturin continued in a different way. “Please,” he said. - Here is Kolya, this is your son, take it. And Andrei is adopted and has nothing to do with you, ”the producer recalled in an interview with Elle.
Yana Rudkovskaya was able to arrange custody of Baturin's son from her marriage to Yulia Saltovets, after the boy's mother wrote a refusal from him in the maternity hospital. “Unfortunately, the adoption documents were not made quite correctly: the metrics said that I was Andrei’s mother, and Baturin arranged another trial, where they demanded that I conduct a genetic examination, which was pointless. Taking advantage of this, he offered to sign a settlement agreement for me (when the children live alternately with me, then with him). And in 2010, in order not to lose Andryusha, I signed this agreement, ”Rudkovskaya explained the situation.
In 2011, Baturin was imprisoned, and the children returned to Rudkovskaya. Yana, answering journalists' questions, said that she loves boys equally. She noticed with a smile: “Moreover, Kolya sometimes complains that I pay Andryusha more attention. This is true. Kolya can get a slap on the back of the head, but Andrei can’t ... "
Rudkovskaya, even after court battles for children (there were more than 200 of them), never spoke badly about her father to the boys. Andrei and Nikolai are brought up by Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. After Viktor Baturin was released from prison, Rudkovskaya managed to restore relations with him. The father meets with his sons, participates in their upbringing, gives expensive gifts.

Rudkovskaya tried to restore relations with Saltovets. Yana responded to Yulia's requests to see her son, and organized the very meeting between Saltovets and her son in 2015, which Yulia talked about. “For a week, the whole family persuaded Andrei to go,” Rudkovskaya said in an interview. The meeting took place in a cafe, Andrey came in the company of his brother, Evgeni Plushenko and his friend. “Then I tried to maintain a relationship: I sent Andrey’s sizes to Yulia so that she would have the opportunity to show a sign of attention: buy him something from clothes as a gift, because his birthday was approaching. I told her that he was fond of golf, sent a photo. She was invited to come to Andrei at any time. When Viktor Nikolaevich Baturin left the places of detention, he also supported my idea, and we offered three options for seeing Andrey. The first is to negotiate through my assistant, the second - through Viktor Nikolayevich, the third - directly by phone with Andrey. They sent her his number, ”said Yana Rudkovskaya in an interview with Hello.

But instead of winning the trust of the child, Saltovets returned to her new husband in Spain, and when she once again came to Russia, she gave a “sensational” interview. Children grow up quickly and soon Yulia Saltovets will no longer have anything to reproach her “rival” with - an adult guy will be able to make all decisions himself ...

By the way, after Alexander and Milan Kerzhakova began to negotiate and were able to come to an agreement on raising their son, Yana Rudkovskaya promised to get Milan Kerzhakova a job. The producer demonstrated that she helps not only in word, but also in deed: “I invited Milana to work in our team, to head our St. Petersburg ice show department. She is already at the finish line in treatment, and I am sure that she will succeed! And even though all these days it was unpleasant and painful for all of us, I am happy that the guys agreed. So for me, a few more days of my life have not been lived in vain!

Yana Rudkovskaya at the wedding of Yulia Saltovets and Viktor Baturin with the bride. Photo: archive, program frame.

The ex-husband of Yulia Saltovets and Yana Rudkovskaya was released in January 2016 - Viktor Baturin spent four years in prison for fraud. While the businessman was serving his sentence, there was a small truce in the relationship of his ex-wives. Recall that Rudkovskaya brings up his own son Saltovets. All attempts to return Andrei were unsuccessful, Yulia barely managed to prove that she was the boy's biological mother.

“I sent Victor an SMS with congratulations, he replied “thank you ...,” 36-year-old Saltovets shared with StarHit. Who knows, maybe things will change now. Although Yana and I sometimes communicate. On February 23, when she congratulated her son on the holiday, she again invited him to visit. Rudkovskaya answered “not against” and that Andrey is big, he is 14 years old, let him decide whether to go or not.

Four years ago Yulia together with youngest daughter Polina moved to live in Spain. There she got a job at the university - a specialist in social pedagogy. They have their own house, photos of Andrey are placed everywhere in it.

“After the trials, I realized that I couldn’t change anything, I let go of the situation,” Saltovets continues. - I began to wait for Andrei to grow up and understand everything himself. I have Yana's phone number, I sent congratulations on the holidays to him, words about my son taking care of himself. On the eve of 2015, for the first time in all these years, Rudkovskaya answered me, saying, why do you rarely write, do you want to meet your son?

Saltovets could not fly out immediately because of a working contract. The meeting was scheduled for the summer. In August, in Sochi, Yulia spoke with her son for the first time in six years.

“In my dreams, I painted everything a little differently,” she admits. - I thought we'd talk heart to heart ... But everything turned out somehow officially. My daughter and I visited relatives in Krasnodar, arrived in Sochi by train, at the station we were met by the driver of Rudkovskaya and taken to the hotel. Andrei was waiting in the foyer along with Evgeni Plushenko and a security guard. I hugged my boy and kissed him. He is so handsome and mature. Outwardly similar to me: we smile the same way, we have similar noses, eye shape and lip shape. Yes, and by nature the same - restrained and stubborn. Andryusha successfully goes in for golf, studies at an elite school, is well brought up - a promising young man. We brought our son wrist watch good brand, he thanked.

// Photo: Personal archive Julia Saltovets

There were three hours of communication. She asked me how you were doing, how you were studying. Andrei answered, but somehow in monosyllables ... It was felt that he was uncomfortable. Although this reaction is quite understandable - he grows up in a different family, maybe there is resentment. Plushenko helped to dilute the tension - he joked, Andrey smiled. Probably, Zhenya foresaw such a reaction, and therefore did not leave us alone. I asked to call on Skype, Andrei did not want to, said that he was talking with friends there, did not agree to take a picture for memory, they say, he does not like to be photographed.

After meeting in Sochi with my beloved Andryushenka, it was as if a stone had fallen from my shoulders. I really want our story to have a happy ending. I wait and hope that someday he will call me mom.

// Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Saltovets

Yana Aleksandrovna Rudkovskaya is a successful business woman and a popular music producer known not only in Russia, but also abroad.


A girl was born in Moscow on January 2, 1975. And almost immediately after her birth, her father was assigned to serve in Barnaul, it was there that little Yanochka spent her childhood and youth. The girl was very active, read a lot, studied music and figure skating.

All photos 17

After school, Rudkovskaya decided to connect her life with medicine, partly her choice was influenced by the activities of her mother, Svetlana Rudovskaya, a successful doctor specializing in neurology and a candidate of medical sciences. Yana studied as a dermatovenereologist, having graduated from the state medical University. Her main direction is medical and hardware cosmetology.

Despite her active work and unconditional success in show business, Yana continues to work in her main profession today.

Her success in this field began immediately after receiving higher education when Rudkovskaya opened a beauty salon with loud name"French beauty studio". The businesswoman turned out to be a smart girl and in just three years she promoted her business.

Since 2001, Yana Rudkovskaya has been the CEO of the Franck Provost network of salons represented in Russia. And since 2003, she has been the founder and owner of the Grand La Scala Fashion Group, a chain of fashion branded stores.

Yana entered show business only at the end of 2005. She had to cooperate with Dima Bilan before - his stage image, and his whole appearance, were thought out by Yana from and to. A successful business woman became Dima's producer by accident - Yuri Aizenships (ex-producer of the singer) could not attend the Russian Music Awards ceremony with his ward for health reasons, so he had to ask Yana for this service.

Rudkovskaya not only accompanied Bilan, but also supported him in every possible way when the singer was awarded well-deserved awards as the best performer and artist of the year. And after the death of Yuri, Yana Rudkovskaya completely took control of the activities of the popular singer.

The undoubted joint success of the businesswoman and Dima was the enchanting victory at Eurovision in 2008, where the girl and the singer were supported by the current husband of the music producer Evgeni Plushenko and violinist from Hungary Edwin Marton.

Dima Bilan is not the only one on stage in whom Yana Rudkovskaya has invested her soul, money and her strength. In 2007, Rudkovskaya became a producer and jury member of the mega-popular television show STS Lights a Superstar. After some time, she actively promoted the singers Sabrina and Alex. The hits "Lookin" and "I Can't Live Like This" were born during a joint creative activity Yana and young artists.

The music producer also appeared on television screens: in one of the MTV series called "Club" and in some of Bilan's videos. In addition, Yana Rudkovskaya has her own TV project, revealing all the secrets of show business Naked Showbiz.

Yana is the owner of such awards as "Sound Track", "Golden Heel", "Diamond Hairpin", in her arsenal there are also the titles "Best Producer of the Year", "Most Stylish Producer" and other awards.

Personal life

In 2001, a successful girl married a businessman and famous person Victor Baturin. But their marriage did not last long, in the spring of 2008 the couple broke up. The divorce was one of the most scandalous, Viktor and Yana Rudkovskaya had a lot of jointly acquired property, as well as two children - neither one nor the other famous couple could not be divided among themselves.

For seven years life together the couple managed to acquire an impressive amount of living space - this is a castle with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 500 square meters. m, and a huge apartment in Moscow (about 400 sq. m), and a mansion in Sochi, and a few more modest apartments. As a result, the court ruled to prohibit Baturin from selling or donating jointly acquired property, and also ordered Yana to pay compensation in the amount of $ 5 million.

But the main reason for the long scandals were still children. The couple has two of them: boys Andrei and Nikolai. During the proceedings, it turned out that the eldest son Andrei is the son of Baturin and his first wife, and Rudkovskaya is only a foster mother.

In the end, Victor took the boys and forbade his ex-wife to approach them, but Yana managed to defend her rights: on weekdays, the brothers lived with their father, and on weekends and holidays they came to their mother. This continued until the fall of 2011, until Baturin was arrested, now the boys live with their mother, but their father can see them at any time.

Rudkovskaya was satisfied with the decision of the court and, according to her, she does not feel the difference in children - she loves both boys equally, no matter what.

While the proceedings were former spouse, Yana Rudkovskaya registered with Evgeni Plushenko, communication with whom began at Eurovision after the joint performance of the figure skater and Dima Bilan. In 2013, the successful and happy couple son Alexander was born.