Topic: How animals prepare for winter.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of forest animals in the autumn.



Clarification of ideas about the signs of autumn, seasonal changes in nature; to systematize knowledge about forest animals about how they prepare for winter; fix the application technique of woolen thread.


The ability to determine features animals; enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; continue to develop fine motor skills.


To instill love for nature, respect for forest dwellers; ability to listen to each other.

Preliminary work:

Observation of changes in nature in autumn (walk);

Conversations about autumn, about preparing forest animals for winter;

Examination of paintings depicting wild animals, discussion of the content

Reading the stories of G. Skrebitsky "Four Artists".

Thematic physical minutes.

Integration educational areas:

Cognition (acquaintance with nature), artistic creativity (application from waste material).

Materials for the lesson:

Painting "Seasons";

Pictures depicting wild animals;

Model cards;

Didactic game"When it happens";

Musical accompaniment;

For each child, a mushroom template, threads (for application);


Course progress.

caregiver - Guys, I suggest you make a trip through the seasons (picture "Seasons")

Here is summer and autumn, winter and spring,

Spring is coming, forests are turning green

And bird voices are ringing everywhere.

Red - summer has come - everything is blooming

And ripe berries ask in the mouth.

Yellow autumn will color our garden

Beautiful leaves fly in the wind.

Winter covers the fields with snow

AND of blue color the earth slumbers.

Now let's play a little.

Game "When it happens."

Children have colored cards. Blue cards are for winter, green for spring, red for summer, and yellow for autumn.

caregiver “I will give you riddles, and you will show me the riddles.

Snow on the fields

ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking.

When does it happen?

Answer: in winter

Snowball melts

The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.

When does it happen?

Answer: in spring

The sun bakes

Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening

When does it happen?

Answer: in summer

empty fields,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen?

Answer: in autumn

Children accompany their answers by raising cards.

Educator - What season is it now? What are the signs of autumn?

(The sky is gray and gloomy; the sun shines less often, not so warm; it often rains; the leaves turn yellow and fall off; people dress warmly; birds fly to warmer climes).

The story is accompanied by a display of visual symbols (pictures).

A conversation about how animals prepare for winter.

Educator - Yes, you correctly named all the signs of autumn, we harvested, put on warm clothes - we are ready for winter. Interesting, a forest animals getting ready for the cold. Let's figure it out.

The teacher, makes riddles as he guesses, lays out the image of animals (pictures).


Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.

Answer: Yozh

Educator - The back, sides and even part of the hedgehog's head are covered with sharp needles.

Why do you think? (children's answers)

In the fall, the hedgehog prepares a mink for himself, insulates it with moss and dry foliage.

He will choose a place where the dry leaves will curl up in a ball and begin to roll on them. He will collect the leaves on his thorns, run up to the mink, get rid of these leaves and run again.

And what does the hedgehog eat? (children's answers)

Hedgehogs hunt at night, in autumn they feed heavily and get fat - they are preparing for winter. To lie down in a mink and sleep until spring. Hedgehog sleeps in winter.

2. Riddle

The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.

Answer: Bear

Educator - The bear is also called clubfoot, it is true, you can see it if you look at its footprints: it puts its paws with its heels out.

What does a bear eat all summer and autumn? (children's answers)

Is the bear stocking up for the winter? Why? (children's answers)

So the bear, like a hedgehog, has to eat up and fatten up for the whole cold winter.

Where does the bear sleep all winter? (in the den)

But the bear's sleep is very sensitive, it rather does not sleep, but dozes and hears everything that happens around. So make noise winter forest No need. In winter, the lair will be covered with a snow blanket, it will be warm for the bear in it.

Wellness minute

Our Mishutka stretched,

Once stooped, twice stooped,

Paws apart

Apparently no honey.

children perform movements according to the text

The bear got into the hive and now

mimic the walk of a bear

Licking sweet honey from paw

text imitation

And here is another forest dweller.

3. Riddle: Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

Answer: wolf

Educator - The wolf is also preparing for winter. His coat grows over the summer and autumn and becomes very thick and warm. This is necessary for the wolf, because he sleeps right on the snow, covering his nose and paws with his tail. Wolves live in families in winter - this is Wolf Pack. They sleep during the day and hunt at night. There is an expression: "The legs feed the wolf." Indeed, in search of food, he runs many kilometers. The wolf has wide, strong paws.

And what does the wolf eat? (children's answers)

4. Riddle: Cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty,

And her name is...

Answer: Fox

Educator - The fox is walking quietly, it is not audible. In winter, a fox grows thick hair on its paws,not to be cold. The fox walks like in felt boots.

What does a fox eat? (children's answers)

She loves to get mice out of the snow. The fox's hearing is good, she will hear how the mice fumble under the snow, squeak and begin to rake with their paws.

Educator - What do you guys think, why don't the wolf and the fox need to change the color of their coats?

5. Riddle: A ball of fluff,

Long ear.

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots.Answer: hare

Educator - hare changes colorfur coats. What was it like in summer, and in winter?

Interestingly, he changes the color of the fur coat. First the tail turns white, then the hind legs. You look at such a hare, as if he was wearing white pants. Then the back turns white, behind it are the ears, but not to the very tips: they remain black.

Why should a rabbit change its coat? (children's answers)

Who is the hare afraid of, from whom is he hiding? (children's answers)

How is the hare saved?(children's answers)

What helps the hare to run so fast?(children's answers)

Where is the rabbit house? (children's answers)

A hare never digs a hole for itself. During the day he sleeps under a bush. In severe frosts, it burrows into a snowdrift - it is warmer there. At night, a hare comes out to get food.

What? (children's answers)

6. Riddle Who gnawed cones on a branch

And threw the leftovers down?

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter?

Answer: Squirrel

Educator - Right. This is a squirrel.But look, before she was red, but now what? (children's answers)

She changed her coat for a warmer one.

Why do you think the color of the coat changed? (children's answers)

What reserves does protein make for the winter? (children's answers)

Squirrels spend their entire lives in trees. It descends to the ground only to pick a mushroom. And up again. The squirrel dries mushrooms by poking them on sharp branches, and hides nuts in holes that she digs herself among the bushes. If you come across such a pantry, do not touch it, the squirrels need these nuts more.

Tell me, what kind of tail does a squirrel have? (children's answers)

The squirrel's tail is like a parachute. The squirrel will jump from tree to tree, fluff its tail and smoothly fall onto a branch.

What is the name of the squirrel's house? (children's answers)

Inside, the animal lines its dwelling with leaves; in such a hollow there is usually one entrance, which in severe frosts the squirrel plugs with its tail.

5. Surprise moment (Squirrel enters knock on the door)

Squirrel - Hello guys! I came to play with you a little.

Wellness minute musical accompaniment.

"Play with me, buddy."

Get in a circle,

Be careful buddy

Step back,

Step forward

And in place turn.

We will bend the back with you,

Well, let's wag our tail

Come on,

Do not snooze

And repeat after me.

Do all day long

We are not too lazy to jump with you

Step back,

Step forward

And in place turn.

children perform movements according to the text.

Educator - Squirrel, are you ready for winter?

Squirrel Yes, nut, I stocked up a lot of cones, but I didn’t have time to mushrooms ...

Educator - Guys, let's help the squirrels stock mushrooms

Artistic creativity(application from waste material)

While the children are doing the work, the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds " Golden autumn. October", from the series "Seasons"

Squirrel - Thank you guys, these mushrooms will last me all winter. I want to give you nuts. (Cookies) Well, it's time for me to go to the forest, goodbye.

7. Reflection.

    What are the signs of autumn?

    What wild animals are we talking about?

    What have you learned?

    Did you enjoy the activity?

Tatyana Ryabova
Abstract of the lesson in senior group How do animals prepare for winter in autumn?

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group:

"How animals prepare for winter in autumn


-) consolidate children's knowledge of how animals getting ready for winter,

-) to form the concepts of cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in natural phenomena

-) to exercise children in the ability to compose a story according to a model scheme.

-) to develop the ability of children to correlate iconic symbols with images

-) develop memory, attention, visual-effective thinking

-) bring up good relations to nature animals.

Lesson progress

Guys, now I will give you a riddle, and you try to solve it.

The red girl came

And sprinkles the leaves.

What is her name,

Who can guess, kids? (autumn)

That's right autumn. And then autumn what time will come?

Children (winter)

-In autumn, all animals prepare for winter..

A game "One is many"

TO more than one wolf is preparing for winter, but a lot... (wolves)

Not one hare, but many... (hares)

Not one hedgehog, but many ... (hedgehogs)

Not just one bear, but many... (bears)

Not one squirrel, but many ... (protein)

Not just one moose, but many... (moose)

Not just one boar, but many... (boars)

Not one fox, but many... (fox)

Do you want to know how? Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are in the forest, breathe clean fresh air. (musical accompaniment "Noise of the Forest"). We will not make noise so as not to scare animals. Girls, like chanterelles, run to the stumps beautiful easy gait. Boys, like bears, will pass slowly, waddling. Came and here are the animals, they will now tell how they are getting ready for winter.

Guys who will come across to us first in the forest. Guess the riddle and you will immediately know who it is?

Cowardly Jumper:

short tail,

pigtail eyes,

Ears along the back

Clothes in two colors -

For the winter, for the summer.


Presentation "How animals are preparing for winter»

1. slide. like a hare getting ready for winter?

autumn the bunny begins to change the color of the fur coat and shed. But the bunny does not shed immediately. And therefore, hares love to rub against the bushes to quickly get rid of the summer fur. Changed the bunny coat - that means to winter ready! A winter coat will hide him from both the fox and the wolf!

Experience 1. Why is a hare white in winter?

"Grey in summer, white in winter", The answer to this question does not help to find interesting experience. Cut out the silhouette of a bunny from white paper. Let's put the silhouette of a bunny on a sheet of white paper. Let's attach. Can be slightly glued with a glue stick. The white silhouette of a bunny is pinned on White background. That's it ready. If we look at this picture from afar, we will not be able to see who we have drawn. And then we attach the silhouette of a hare to green, then you can immediately see who it is.

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a big pine tree.

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

2. slide. Like a bear getting ready for winter?

Bear in the fall is also preparing for the winter. In winter, he will sleep in a den, but after all, a house is a den first prepare! The bear makes a wintering den under an uprooted tree in a dry place. Before going to the den and falling asleep, the bear confuses its tracks so that no one will find it. He walks through the forest in loops, walks through the windbreak, through the trees to hide his tracks. If there is someone nearby, then the bear will never go to its lair! Will wait for everyone to leave and confuse their tracks! The bear goes to bed before the first snow so that his footprints are not visible in the snow. Interestingly, bears go to bed with their heads to the south.

Guys, look, who is hiding under the Christmas tree?

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

3. slide. like a hedgehog getting ready for winter?

How often do we see in cartoons a joyful hedgehog carrying mushrooms on its needles. But really hedgehog prepare for winter in a completely different way! hedgehog cooks in autumn home for the winter. The hedgehog's house is called "Nora". The hedgehog strings leaves on its back, and then shakes them off in the hole. And at night and during the day the hedgehog works, making himself a cozy house - he carries moss and leaves into it. From moss and leaves, the hedgehog will make himself a soft warm winter bed! Then he will climb into his hole, bury himself in leaves and warm moss and fall asleep in a sweet dream for the whole winter! And wake up in the spring! There is another myth about the hedgehog that he collects autumn apples for their livelihood. This is not true either! There are a lot of ticks in the forest in autumn, which climb between hedgehog needles and are very worried about hedgehogs. Hedgehogs save themselves by planting apples on their needles. It turns out malic acid, which is very afraid of insects. That's why the hedgehog is on itself autumn apples and wears!

Look, someone is jumping on the branches. Who is this?

We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

4. slide. like a squirrel getting ready for winter?

How trains almost all children know their own food for the winter of a squirrel, because in all the cartoons it is shown how she hangs mushrooms on tree branches and dries them on stumps. She also collects nuts, acorns, cones. Where is the squirrel hiding them? Under the stumps, under the roots of trees, in hollows, in moss. TO in winter, squirrels cook their own houses. The squirrel's house is called "hollow". But if there is no hollow, then the squirrel builds a nest for itself. This is a ball of twigs and pieces of bark with one entrance. Inside the nest, the squirrel puts moss and bird feathers to keep it warm. She plugs the cracks with moss and grass. The squirrel nest is built very high in the tree so that no one climbs into it. The squirrel's winter coat is silvery, similar to snow. And in the summer - red.

water masters

Building a house without an ax

House of brushwood and mud.

And good dams. (Beavers)

5. slide. like a beaver getting ready for winter?

Beaver is amazing animal! It is even called "Rodent King"! The beaver has a spatula tail, sharp teeth. A beaver can even gnaw through a tree with its teeth! Beavers can swim, and their fur coat is special - it does not get wet in the water! Beavers take care of their coat and take good care of it. They comb it with their front paws, teeth and claws of the hind legs. But other beavers help them to comb the back, because you can’t reach the back yourself! Just like you, mom probably helps to rub your back with a washcloth when you wash! The beaver's house is called "hut". Beavers build a house from branches and twigs. The house of beavers is very durable, because all the branches are fastened with clay and silt. The hut can only be entered underwater. Beavers live in families. autumn they have a lot to do winterize the dam, repair it, prepare a lot of branches and put them near your house - "huts". It's theirs "food" for the winter. "I'm going" they keep under water near their house. And they need a lot of food in winter! After all, beavers do not sleep in winter, and they need to eat! In winter, beavers swim underwater and eat the roots of aquatic plants and their autumn blanks feed - stored branches.

Say goodbye to the beavers and move on.

He skillfully digs holes

He knows he loves this.

Because the mole and friend

And his name is (Badger)

6. slide. Like a badger getting ready for winter?

badger too prepares his house for winter. The badger's house is a hole. autumn badger repairs the house, brings dry grass, moss, leaves and trains a warm and soft bed for the winter. Just as we have a mattress and pillow on our bed to make it soft and comfortable to sleep, so the badger wants to make his bed soft and comfortable. And the badger also stores food for the winter, dries it and hides it in a hole. He stores acorns, seeds, plant roots.

Look, who is running across the meadow?

Nimble and fast

With a lush mustache

I cover myself with a gray coat,

Tell me what's my name?

Answer: Mouse

7. slide. like a mouse getting ready for winter?

mouse prepared her pantry for the winter and filled it with grain. Sometimes the mice make their pantry right on the field and carry grains into it every night. The mouse hole has several entrances, and it has "bedroom" and a few "Pantries". In winter, the mouse sleeps only in cold weather, and on other days she needs to eat, that's why she stores so much food!

Who are ours, has not yet been caught in the forest?

He looks like a shepherd:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

On a sheep ready to attack. (Wolf)

She is smarter than all the animals

She has a red coat on.

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

This beast of the forest - ....


Like the fox and the wolf getting ready for winter?

fox k autumn she has already raised her foxes, so she does not sit in a hole. But if danger threatens, then the fox runs to his house and hides. The fox's hole is at the edge of the forest on a hill, so that the fox can see the forest from all sides. The fox is very smart, she never runs straight to the hole, first she makes a loop to confuse her tracks, and then she hides in the hole. The fox is a predator, it does not sleep in winter and does not make reserves for the winter, like a wolf. But here's a coat winter and fox, and wolf cook. Their hair, like all animals, grows and becomes very warm and fluffy so that it is not cold in winter.

The guys told us a lot animals about how they prepare for winter. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. One two three, here we are back. Let's check how you remember who preparing for winter and who lives where.

A game "Where is whose house?".

Guess how to proceed.

Lives in a den...

Can live in a hole...

Lives in a hut...

Lives in a hollow...

Lives under a bush...

Outcome classes.

Autumn is the transitional season from hot to cold. At this time, in nature, cardinal changes: air temperature drops and daylight hours shorten, leaves fall and grass turns yellow, migrate migratory birds And the bats, insects and animals prepare for winter. Those species of fauna that remain in temperate latitudes for the winter, behave differently:

  • fish sink to great depths in wintering pits;
  • newts crawl out of water bodies onto land, clog under leaves, into the ground or into minks;
  • toads and arrange themselves places in a layer of silt;
  • insects are hammered into the hollows of trees, hiding under the bark;
  • some species of butterflies fly to warmer climes.

Of greatest interest is how animals prepare for winter.

Hibernation and color change

Depending on the species, different animals prepare for winter in their own way. Some of them fall into hibernation:

  • the Bears;
  • badgers;
  • sony;
  • marmots;
  • raccoons;
  • the bats;
  • chipmunks, etc.

Many animals change color for the winter. So ermines, tundra partridges, reindeer, hares and arctic foxes become white by winter, so they merge with the landscape, which allows them to hide from predators. Sometimes it happens that closely related species do not change color in the same way. It also depends on geographical latitude. They and the same representatives can change color in different ways, if seasonal changes and living conditions of a particular area require it.

Nutrients for the winter

Many animal species stock up on food for the winter. Mice and hamsters, voles and other rodents gather crops. Squirrels collect mushrooms, acorns and nuts. Chipmunks stockpile pine nuts and seeds for the winter. Rodents such as haystacks store haystacks for the winter, in which various herbs are collected and neatly stacked.

Predatory animals also prepare food for the winter. Weasels and weasels collect 2-3 dozen mice in their burrows. Black polecats stock up a large number of. Minks prepare several kilograms for food different fish. Bears, wolverines and martens hide their food in tree branches, rocks and burrows, depending on their wintering grounds.

All representatives of the animal world are preparing for the onset of frost in the fall. Some accumulate fat and fall into prolonged sleep, others store food in minks, and still others change cold climate to warm and congenial. Each species of fauna has its own adaptations that allow them to adapt to harsh conditions and survive.

Winter is a difficult period in the life of the entire animal world. Preparing for winter is different. Take care of the food and shelter of the animals in advance.

They are especially diligently preparing for the winter - mice, voles, make supplies.

Many of them dig their winter holes right in the stacks, under the stacks of bread, and steal grain every night. Underground, as in a large apartment, the mouse has a bedroom and several storage rooms. In winter, the vole will sleep only in the most severe frosts.

But, many animals do not suit any pantries. They are their own pantries. Just eat well for the autumn months. Fat is also a food supply. Yes, and warm: he does not miss the cold. The bear is one of them.

Bears store more fat for the winter. He begins to fatten when the berry ripens. He still has time to gain weight before hibernation. Bears very carefully choose the place of the den, insulate it with moss and branches.

Badgers also store fat for the winter. It is easiest for them to build a hole - they skillfully cope with this - and they can prepare for winter in one day. Since their burrows often turn out to be large, they can “invite” a neighbor, a raccoon, to spend the winter. And the two animals spend the winter together.

In the hole in which the badger settles for hibernation, exemplary cleanliness is maintained.

Beavers harvest a lot of branches, carry them under water and put them in a pile near their homes.

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter? Usually hedgehogs look for deep holes, which are located at a distance of about one and a half meters from the surface layer of the earth. They, like bears, sleep all winter. But before going into hibernation, the hedgehog must have a good meal, become a well-fed fat man.

A skinny, thin hedgehog will not live until spring. So the hedgehog runs in the fall, trying to eat more.

Hedgehog feed at night. And what does the hedgehog eat? Worms, beetles, frogs, lizards, snails, mice, bird eggs. If a hedgehog meets a snake, he will certainly overcome it. Frogs, toads, snakes, lizards also hibernate. Some frogs hibernate at the bottom of water bodies and breathe with their skin.

Accumulate fat and bats, mosquitoes. In the cold, they fall into a state of sleep, in which the body temperature drops to a temperature environment. In winter, they can freeze to the state of icicles.

And in the body of ordinary black ants, tree beetles, caterpillars and other insects, in autumn a special frost-resistant substance appears - glycerin - a liquid that does not freeze even in the most severe cold.

In autumn, many animals change their summer coats for others.

This is very important to them. In winter, they will be invisible in the snow.

Hares that do not stockpile simply change their coats to white, so as not to catch the eye of a wolf and a fox because of their gray attire. They say about him: "Gray in summer and white in winter."

Foxes and wolves, which also do not hibernate in winter and are actively looking for food, they also molt - the hairline is completely or partially replaced, but the color of the coat does not change.

The squirrel also does not hibernate, but all autumn it gathers mushrooms and nuts so as not to be hungry in winter and equips its hollow to be warm. In the pantry stacked hazelnuts and cones.

In addition, the squirrel collected mushrooms. She puts them on broken branches of pines and dries them for future use. In winter, the animal will wander through the branches of trees, and be supported by dried mushrooms.

And further. The squirrel changes his red summer coat for a gray winter one.

Ermine fur is red-brown in summer, and pure white in winter, only the tip of the tail remains black.

Capercaillie roams along the roadsides, he needs to swallow small pebbles in order to grind coarse food with them in winter.

If you pay attention to insects, you will definitely notice that with the onset of autumn cold weather, they disappear.

Watching insects, you can find out what the winter will be like. Ants, for example, before the onset of a harsh winter, build a large anthill. And if you see mosquitoes in autumn, then a warm winter is coming.

Bees, for example, cover the notch more tightly with wax, leaving only small holes. Yes, and how else? However, if the winter is expected to be warm, the bees do not close it at all.

Some birds fly away to warmer climes only to return in the spring.

But the fate of city birds, in winter time, largely depends on the kindness, generosity and mercy of a person. With the advent of cold weather, sparrows huddle in numerous noisy flocks and try to stay closer to human habitation.

It is especially hard for birds when white falls out. fluffy snow covering the whole earth with an elegant veil. It is at this difficult time that feathered singers need our help.

Help the birds in winter, then in summer they will dedicate their best songs, they will eat all the pests in your gardens and make sure that there are as few mosquitoes and flies as possible next season!

The wind rips lonely leaves from the trees, makes noise, laughs at night in the pipes. Dull throws his small splashes on the ground. Autumn. She undresses the forest, cools the water. Increasingly, in the mornings, Luzkytsy are covered with brittle ice. But the snowflakes were spinning and dancing. Winter is coming soon! Those who are supposed to have left. These are many birds, some,. They rushed south for the winter. But there are a lot of those who stayed at home. Deep under water huddled in the corners of the fish. Insects, spiders, centipedes hid. The newt, which lived all summer in the pond, crawled out onto land, looking for a comfortable place in the moss.

Prepared for winter and the trees dropped their leaves. But annual grasses not only took care of themselves, but also of their offspring: they scattered the seeds. So they will winter under the snow until next spring.

The animals are in a hurry. Some dress in warm fur coats, others rush to fill their pantries, prepare food for the future. And there are those who are their own pantry. , badger and many animals sleep all winter. In the meantime, they accumulate fat. They're in a hurry. There is no time to rest: the frost will strike, forge the earth, where will you get food then, where will you hide? Everyone prepares, and each in his own way. Pyotr Petrovich Smolin, a great connoisseur of nature, will tell you about this.

In the years of the harvest of pine nuts, autumn is a real holiday for everyone forest dwellers. Who just does not regale on delicious, satisfying nuts! And bears, and, and chipmunks, and baby red voles. Yes, they not only regale themselves, but also make stocks. The striped chipmunk stuffs his "pockets" - cheek pouches with nuts and drags them to a secluded place, under a stone slab. True, shelter is not always reliable. Hunt down the industrious animal clumsy bear, turn over a stone with a powerful paw and eat all the chipmunk stocks. And if the owner of the pantry gapes, then he himself will go for a snack to the shaggy robber. The owner of the taiga is not too lazy to climb a tree himself, eat nuts directly from the branches, leaving a pile of broken branches after his “dinner”.

But not the bear gets the bulk of the nuts. The main guest of the cedar feast is the nutcrackers, elegant relatives of jackdaws and crows. Their beautiful dark brown plumage, like pearls, is dotted with white spots. A flock of nutcrackers will fly in - and the cones will be empty in an instant. Do not think that nutcrackers are such gluttons. They eat only part of the nuts, they hide the rest in reserve, sometimes taking them away from their native places. But feathered harvesters do not always eat up their stocks. Often they forget where they hid them and never find them. And "settlers" begin to grow in new places. And then ... The inhabitants of the highlands carry the nuts of the "new settlers" farther and farther. As a result, in the vast expanses - from Lake Baikal to the upper reaches of the Lena, there is a zone of cedar stlanets - a high-mountain cedar bush. He moved to Kamchatka and Sakhalin. So the forest workers do not know what to do: whether to thank the nutcracker for her diligence, or to prosecute for the destruction of nuts. Of course, you should not pursue the nutcracker, but you need to learn how to scare it away.


Most quadrupeds wear modest attire. But there are exceptions to every rule. And such an exception among small animals is considered to be a hamster. It has a jet-black chest and abdomen, white paws, white spots on the muzzle and sides on a bright red background and a yellow-gray back. As if showing off, he often becomes a column, showing his colorful outfit. It is not in vain that the hamster dressed up so much, and it is not in vain that he flaunts his outfit.

In the winter snowy season, each animal tells about itself with the traces of its paws. But no matter how you look, you will not find hamster tracks in the snow. This doesn't happen. A hamster sits deep in a hole in winter, but does not sleep, like marmots, ground squirrels and jerboas. He prepared in advance for a difficult time, and now he does not care about winter.

At the end of summer and autumn, the hamster has a hard time - the season of grain harvesting. Near his house, he digs capacious storerooms and fills them with selected grain. Not without reason, when a hamster's reserves are found, its grain goes to the seed fund. Hamster's paws work tirelessly, peeling grain from spikelets. And the animal carries it in voluminous cheek pouches. With tightly stuffed "pockets" the hamster hurries to the pantry. He beats himself with his paws on the cheeks, throws out the grain and immediately goes for a new portion.

The hamster collects its supplies near the hole. There is no reason for a hamster to stray far from her: you can pay with your life in this way. On short hamster legs, you can’t really run away from a swift or winged predator. So the hamster has to strictly ensure that no other hamster collects grain near his hole. According to strict hamster laws, the tricolor outfit of the animal is a signal to relatives: the place is occupied, you need to look for another one. This is the key to the hamster outfit: the yellow-gray back reliably hides the animal from all enemies, and as soon as the hamster rises on its hind legs, its tricolor skin is clearly evident at any time of the day, warning unlucky relatives that the area of ​​​​grain preparations is an inviolable territory and absolutely forbidden for other hamsters.


Can there be hay for ... animals? It's hard to believe this, but it happens. They live in the steppes and mountain-forest regions, funny short little animals with round ears. They live in colonies and warn each other of danger with a loud, drawn-out whistle. For this whistle they called them pikas. They also have another name - haystacks. And that's why.

Pikas - relatives of hares, as well as their long-eared brothers, love to feast on green grass. But unlike hares, pikas feed on grass. all year round. In spring and summer they eat it on the vine, and at the end of summer and autumn they start haymaking. And, just like people, they pull dried grass, small branches of wild rosemary, raspberries and thin shoots of undersized birches into stacks. Shreds of hay push the animal into the cracks between the stones, under the canopies of uprooted roots. And in winter they visit their haystacks every now and then. Reddish desert pikas, inhabitants of the Transcaspian region, hay twice a year: in late spring and autumn.