We wrote yesterday about great sorrow, which has befallen famous actor Konstantin Khabensky. His wife Anastasia died in Los Angeles. At the time of signing the issue, it was not known where and when she would be buried. Friends and colleagues of Kostya Khabensky were waiting for the farewell to be in Moscow today, December 5th. Khabensky himself told them about this on Wednesday. But perhaps plans have changed. The fact is that Anastasia's mother lives in America, who several years ago, together with her new husband, left for permanent residence. And she seems to want her daughter to be buried in the States. Konstantin, who has already decided to bury Nastya in Moscow, is now in a difficult situation.

His son Vanechka is waiting for him at home. As Ukrainian journalist Vakha Kipiani told KP ( distant relative Nastya, her stepfather's nephew), Mikhail Porechenkov's wife Olga looks after the child (Khabensky and Porechenkov are neighbors, they have apartments in the same building).

In the meantime, we recall the story of the great love of Konstantin and Anastasia ...

The history of the acquaintance of Konstantin Khabensky and his future wife- somewhat unusual for a movie star, which is surrounded by lovers in love. True, Konstantin at that time was not such a popular actor. He played at the Lensoviet Theater, just started acting in the TV series "Deadly Force" ...

"Marry him, he's good!"

In May 1999, Nastya arrived in St. Petersburg, went with friends to a cafe near the theater to have a cup of coffee. At the same time, Kostya went there. He was the first to pay attention to a pretty girl, began to exchange glances with her, came up to meet her, invited her to an evening performance. Nastya answered him: "Thank you, I'm leaving for Moscow tonight."

And then Kostya used his indestructible charm. Convinced the girl. As a result, Nastya returned the ticket and went to the performance in the evening. And then they went to the club to play billiards. From this incident, as eyewitnesses say, their love story began. Year called up and went to visit each other. Neither Kostya saw another fan in his new acquaintance, nor Nastya was in love with him, as with a movie character. Just an ordinary guy and a girl really liked each other, despite the distance between St. Petersburg and Moscow and the opinion of parents who did not see Khabensky worthy groom for my beloved daughter. Nastya is from a prosperous, wealthy Moscow family, and then on her way she met some aspiring actor who starred in dubious TV shows. Why rejoice? Only after Nastya's mother went to the play in which Khabensky played, she blessed her daughter: "Marry him, he is good."

I remember Kostya immediately after graduation, when he tried to write scripts for programs on musical television in St. Petersburg, - recalls Andrey, a St. Petersburg acquaintance of the actor. - It was a long time ago. Then we got lost, and about five years ago we met by chance in Moscow. I have never seen Khabensky like this. His eyes were on fire. “I have,” he says, “a family! I got married!" This is how they usually talk about what they are very proud of.

By the way, the wedding was very modest: they signed, sat with friends in a cafe, and then accidentally missed each other and searched for each other all night in St. Petersburg's nightclubs. True, this ridiculous incident did not affect their happy family life at all.

If Kostya and Nastya appeared in public, Andrei recalls, they always held hands. By the way, Nastya was not a notorious party girl, she came to parties on the occasion of premieres infrequently.

And certainly, what she never did - she did not pursue her husband, did not torment him with fits of jealousy, did not guard at the entrance of the theater. However, Kostya did not give reasons for jealousy either. In the theater, with almost all the women, he was polite and friendly, after the performance he could distribute the bouquets handed to him to the technical staff. Some girls took these signs of attention personally, but there was nothing behind them, except for a good upbringing and a respectful attitude towards women.

Fans of Khabensky threatened to pour acid on Nastya

Once Nastya talked about how fans pester Kostya, ”recalls journalist Oleg Yakhontov, who worked with her on Mayak-24 radio. They both went to the store. Out of the corner of her eye, Nastya noticed that the girl standing at the door first rushed to her husband, then stopped and began to peer at him intently. And then she ran away. After shopping, the couple went home. Nastya was tempted to turn around and see if that beauty was following or not. At the door to the front door, she could not stand it and looked around. The girl followed. “At that time, the fan did not dare to approach Kostya. She probably got scared of me, ”Nastya Khabenskaya then finished her story with a laugh.

She was surprisingly tolerant, - they said at the Lensoviet Theater, where Konstantin worked. - And with the fans who called them at home or guarded at the entrance, she always treated politely. Although some would do well to tear off the shag - after all, they were rude to her and threatened. It was said that in Moscow a whole group of female fans hunted her, even threatened to pour acid on her. They wrote all sorts of nasty things on the walls of the house ...

For her to yell at someone?

Yes, God forbid!

But, perhaps, only inadequate fans of Khabensky treated her with hostility. The people who worked with her remember Nastya warmly.

There were legends about her benevolence and responsiveness, - says Oleg Yakhontov. - So that Nastya ever raises her voice to someone - God forbid! Others, when there were punctures, threw thunder and lightning, this is work. It was difficult for Nastya to lose her temper. Whatever the situation, she always calmly, without raising her voice a bit, sorted out the mistakes ...

Ironically, Nastya - a professional journalist - Khabensky took to the States for treatment also in order to protect from annoying paparazzi. Kostya believed that a calm environment is already the key to success. Alas, to cope with an incurable disease did not help either big love, nor unparalleled concern.

Anastasia PLESHAKOVA, Igor KARASEV, Maxim KONCHAROV (KP - St. Petersburg)


We counted in which projects Konstantin Khabensky participated in over the past year and a half, from the very moment when Nastya had to be urgently rescued.

Actually, it's a feat. Lying somewhere beyond acting and human possibilities...


"White Guard" (Alexey Turbin)

Hamlet (Claudius)

"Duck hunting" (Zilov)


"Admiral" (Kolchak)

"Brownie" (Anton Prachenko)

"Irony of Fate-2" (Kostya Lukashin)

"Madagascar -2" (voice acting, Alex the lion)

"Russian Triangle" (Denis Maltsev)

"Especially Dangerous" (Exterminator)


Directed by Maria SOLOVTSOVA:

“Kostya asked everyone to put candles in the church when it was difficult for Nastya”

I have known Kostya for many years, he has not yet been married. When Nastya appeared next to him, we immediately understood that he was lucky. Personally, I was glad that he did not marry a fan, of whom the actors have a train. Nastya was his friend in life, this is important.

Kostya called Nastya affectionately - Hamster. She was with a good figure, not like the others - only bones.

- And what did Nastya call him in response?

Sometimes she jokingly called Zhabka.

- Why?

Abbreviated Khabensky - Khaba. Khaba - Toad. By the way, he even had a frog on the screensaver of his mobile. And he could also cut the silhouette of a frog out of an orange peel with a knife.

In May I filmed Kostya for documentary film, and the tongue did not turn to ask how you were doing. We tried once again not to pull it, although we were all worried. Moreover, he just scared me then.

It was all like wax. Probably because he was fasting. By the way, before we did not notice that he was fasting.

Sometimes, when Nastya had difficult procedures planned, he sent SMS to his friends: “Put a candle, today is a hard day.”

Kostya is a finely organized person. Plays on a serious breakdown. He's having a hard time right now...



When silence is golden...

A couple of months ago I flew to Los Angeles, and my neighbor literally across the aisle was Konstantin Khabensky. I understood where he was flying, and, in principle, according to the canons of the profession, I had to sit down next to him, try as if by chance. Walk back and forth, hiding a portable camera in your sleeve. Ask for an interview ... The reward would be a note, news - “Konstantin Khabensky left to save his wife”, for example ...

I didn't do it. And not only me.

It is clear that everyone recognized the famous actor on the plane. Our fellow travelers were talkative women, families with children, gloomy men... And during the 12 hours of summer, no one twitched at him with a cry of "Kostya, I know you!"

Grief in the actor's family made everyone stay within the limits and be people. Aircraft personnel - emphasized severity, coupled with sincere participation. The pilot came out to the actor - they hugged ...

Only upon arrival in America, two ladies, who took a place right behind Konstantin and obviously with difficulty restraining their spiritual impulses, admonished Khabensky before leaving:

Good luck to you! Shall we break Hollywood?

We’ll definitely tear it up, ”Khabensky smiled.

It's so important when everyone understands everything...



Alexander KALYAGIN: “My daughter became a float”

Once the death of his beloved wife survived and Alexander Kalyagin. His wife Tatyana died of cancer.

The grief of Konstantin Khabensky is understandable and familiar to me, - Kalyagin told us. - When the tragedy happened in my family, my daughter Ksyusha was 5 years old. I had a huge responsibility. In memory of Tatyana, I had to do everything to make our daughter happy, although it was insanely difficult.

It will be very difficult for Kostya, but for the sake of the child, he must overcome everything.

For me, my daughter has become a float in life. At that time I did not announce my grief to anyone, no one helped me. Mom died a year before my wife died, so I was left alone with my tragedy. We will do everything so that Kostya is not lonely.



“She herself was sick, but helped me with money”

Photographer Natalya Voronitsyna, bedridden multiple sclerosis, Nastya helped with money and thus saved her life:

I was shocked when I found out that Anastasia Khabenskaya herself transferred the money through my friend. The matter is that I am treated by methods of oriental medicine. Massage therapists and medicines cost about 40 thousand rubles a month. Nastya helped with a considerable amount, I don’t remember exactly, but for a month or even more I could afford a full course of treatment. But at that moment she herself was in a transcendental situation. I immediately sent her an email e-mail. As it is, she said so, they say, she is surprised and thank you very much! She answered. We began to communicate. Last time Nastya wrote three months ago. She said that she was on the mend, she was discharged. We supported each other. It was discussed that diseases are given to people as a test. Nastya even wrote me the following phrase: “I understood why this disease was given to me.” Probably meant to come to faith in God. We talked a lot about faith.

It is very important that Kostya supported Nastya. When there is no such support nearby, it is especially felt. Nastya is gone. Hurt.

Prepared by Maria REMIZOVA and Raisa MURASHKINA.


"Look for the reflection of the wife in the son"

Hundreds of our readers expressed their condolences to the actor on the website kp.ru

One can only sympathize with the person around whom the emptiness of loss has formed. But there is a child, and this is an opportunity to find the strength in yourself to live on. And sincerely believe in God's Providence even if it seems unfair today.


Konstantin! The inhabitants of Star City sincerely condole with you, a huge loss ... Live with the memory of your spouse and look for the reflection of your wife in the eyes of your son! Brace yourselves...


I understand that no words of sympathy will ease the grief, since I myself experienced such a loss. There will be no such love... I hope someday Kostya will feel better, even just from a thousand such sincere sympathies.


My deepest condolences to Konstantin! Let the earth be the down of his beloved. But there was a son for whom you need to live.

In general, I admire Kostya: there are few men in our time who would treat a sick wife like that. In any case, there are none in my foreseeable space. At one time, I was sick, with a beggarly disability pension, with two children in my arms - my husband left me, went to a healthy one ... Kostya, be strong, God will help you.

Prepared by Denis KORSAKOV and Olga MYASNIKOVA.


my own leading role actor played in life

Konstantin and Nastya Khabensky ... It was really great story love, against the background of which both the crisis and the next dive in the price of oil fade. Still, in this crazy world there are others - real human values ​​....

And until the last I believed in a miracle, that in this story there would still be a Hollywood happy ending. How is it, he is the light "watchman" Anton Gorodetsky, he is also the Admiral, he will definitely come up with something, but how could it be otherwise.

And who else, if not the hero from the Watch, will be able to withstand such a life schedule: a year and a half of constant flights from Moscow to Los Angeles and back - and this is in between filming a movie and working in the theater.

Khabensky really starred a lot, someone said that this is disastrous for the actor, it becomes familiar, the image will go out. But he did not build a career, his main role - she was not on the screen, but in life - to save Nastya. All fees went to her treatment. And Kostya Khabensky performed this most important role in such a way that one wants to shout “Bravo!”. But let's not shout, it's better to be silent. He did a small, but still a miracle. He extended the life of his wife by a year and a half ...


See gallery: Nastya Khabenskaya - young and beautiful

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When Konstantin Khabensky and his wife Nastya were happy.... Anastasia Khabenskaya, the wife of the famous actor Konstanin Khabensky, died of a serious illness. For almost a year and a half, Konstantin fought with all his might for her life. He took Nastya for a consultation the best doctors. Lately Anastasia was treated at the American clinic "Cedar Sinai". But the doctors, alas, could no longer help her. Despite expensive treatment and difficult chemotherapy, Nastya could not be saved.

His fans can learn about the personal life of Konstantin Khabensky only thanks to information from insiders from his inner circle.

The actor himself avoids questions that are not related to his profession.

Khabensky's first wife - Anastasia Smirnova

In 1999, the still little-known Kostya Khabensky, who was not recognized on the streets and was not asked for an autograph at every step, went with a friend to a small St. Petersburg cafe. A company of girls was sitting at one of the tables, among which Konstantin noticed a pretty brunette.

The young people met their eyes, and after a while Khabensky decided to invite the girl he liked to the premiere of his performance.

Anastasia Smirnova, the future wife of the artist, worked as a journalist at one of the St. Petersburg radio stations, and at first she was somewhat skeptical about her new acquaintance: at that time Khabensky was filming in Lethal Force, the girl had a low opinion of such series. However, already during the first conversation, Anastasia realized that this was not a simple acquaintance. Approximately the same feelings were with Konstantin. It was love at first sight.

Soon, Konstantin and Anastasia decided that they would live together, and two years after they met, they got married, and they went to the registry office in sweaters and jeans, deciding not to have a magnificent wedding.

Relatives considered them an ideal couple - the relationship in the young family was so harmonious. Anastasia and Konstantin complemented each other perfectly, the actor tried to take his wife on all his trips.

Khabensky's creative career developed rapidly. In 2004, the actor played the main role of Anton Gorodetsky in Timur Bekmambetov's film " The night Watch". The film, shot in the genre of urban fantasy, was an incredible success at the box office, and Khabensky himself, as they say, woke up famous. A year later, "Day Watch" appeared, which consolidated the success of the blockbuster.

Konstantin Khabensky, who was at the peak of his popularity, began to be credited with endless novels, explaining the situation by the fact that, allegedly, the actor and his wife could not have a child. In early 2007, it became known that Anastasia was pregnant. The actor did not hide the good news, and all the gossip stopped by itself.

When the time of childbirth approached, Anastasia got into a car accident. Despite the fact that the accident was not serious, doctors later considered that as a result of an accident, the woman suffered a microstroke, which led to a brain tumor. Doctors discovered a serious illness in Anastasia Khabenskaya on recent months pregnancy.

Neither Anastasia herself nor her family suspected cancer. The pregnant woman associated her poor health with natural changes in the body. After the doctors made a diagnosis, Khabensky's wife refused treatment: potent drugs could affect the development of an unborn baby.

The boy, who was named Vanya, was born as a result caesarean section. After the birth of her son, Anastasia became worse, and she was transferred to the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital, and then to the Institute. N. N. Burdenko, where the woman had a tumor removed and a course of chemotherapy was performed.

After the operation, Konstantin and Anastasia got married right in the hospital ward, where the woman was transferred from intensive care. Two months later, the tumor began to progress again.

Trying to save his beloved woman, the actor went with her to one of the most best clinics Los Angeles. Many Hollywood stars have been rehabilitated in this hospital. For six months, doctors tried to save Anastasia, applying to her all existing methods of treatment. Konstantin was torn between Los Angeles and Moscow. At this time, the actor takes on all the projects that are offered to him in order to earn money to save his wife. These days, the actor starred in the film "Admiral", but none of the spectators who came to the premiere of the film knew what a tragedy was happening in the fate of the actor who so talentedly played Admiral Kolchak ...

The death of Anastasia on December 1, 2008 was a real blow for the actor. Khabensky's wife died in the arms of her mother, who did not leave her bed.

Life After Wife's Death: Helping Sick Children

In memory of his dead wife, Constantine created charitable foundation for children with cancer. Since 2008, the Khabensky Foundation has been able to help hundreds of children suffering from the same disease that robbed the artist of his beloved woman seven years ago.

Konstantin Khabensky takes an active part in the work of the organization, constantly comes to meet with young patients, and also organizes charity performances for children throughout the country.

The son of the actor Ivan has already grown up, and together with his father he is happy to participate in his charitable projects.

The second wife of Khabensky - Olga Litvinova

The popularity of the actor gave rise to many rumors about his personal life. It was rumored that after the death of Anastasia, the actor had new love. Reporters reported on his wedding in America, then talked about an affair with the former soloist of the Lyceum group Lena Perova.

There were no comments or denials from the actor, he ignored any information about his personal life that appeared in the media. However, in the fall of 2013, it became known that the actor got married again. Khabensky went to the registry office with his theater colleague Olga Litvinova.

The fact that Konstantin and Olga had an affair was first talked about a few years ago. The couple began to be often noticed together outside of work: either at the premiere of the film, or at the rink ...

A friend of Olga Litvinova told reporters that the spouses have mutual understanding and love:

“Kostya and Olya started dating, then parted for a while, quarreled. Apparently they rubbed each other. But now they are just as one. They have love and complete mutual understanding. We've been waiting a long time for them to get married. But Kostya dragged on with the marriage proposal, perhaps he was afraid. Still, the old pain remains in the soul.

Last night, in one of the US clinics, the wife of a famous man died after a serious illness. Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky Anastasia. She was 34 years old.


Last fall, immediately after giving birth, the wife of the popular actor Konstantin Khabensky had to undergo an emergency operation. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery Anastasia removed a tumor in the right hemisphere of the brain. The young mother did not even suspect about her illness - she explained her poor health by pregnancy.

After the operation, Konstantin and Anastasia had a hope that terrible disease behind. The actor was constantly next to the bed of his ill wife, brought his son to her. As soon as Anastasia got a little better, Konstantin married her right in the ward.

However, the Khabensky couple was expected ordeal- the operation and the specialized course of treatment did not give the expected result, the disease progressed. As a result, the actor moved his wife to an American clinic. He worked only to cure his beloved wife. In early September of this year, almost a year after the discovery of the disease, doctors said that Anastasia is on the mend. Konstantin hoped that his wife would be able to return home at least by the first birthday of his son, but long flights she was banned. Therefore, Khabensky, together with his young son, flew to the United States to celebrate a significant event.

However, the improvement turned out to be imaginary. On Wednesday it became known that the night before Anastasia Khabenskaya died in one of the American clinics. Relatives and friends of the Khabensky couple are so depressed by what happened that they refuse to make any comments on this topic.

Internet users immediately reacted to the news. Appeared in various diaries a large number of reports of Anastasia's death. However, bloggers do not write long epitaphs, they express laconic but sincere sympathy for their favorite actor. Everyone is amazed by such terrible news and understand that words cannot convey all the pain and all the feelings. " It is difficult to perceive losses, even if they are the losses of strangers.", says one of the diaries.

In 2013, Konstantin Khabensky married the actress of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov Olga Litvinova, who gave birth to his daughter Alexandra. Olga became the second wife of the artist. In 2008, Khabensky was widowed: his wife, journalist Anastasia Smirnova, died at the age of 33 from a brain tumor. From Anastasia, the artist has a son, Ivan, in September the boy will be 11 years old.

Konstantin was very upset by the death of his wife and for a long time did not comment on personal life. In a recent interview with Vladimir Pozner, the actor said that when Anastasia was still alive, they decided to do charity work with her - to help children with cancer and other brain diseases. When his wife died, Khabensky continued this business by creating his own fund.

About how Anastasia struggled with the disease, Konstantin spoke on Yuri Dud’s show “vdud”. According to the Actor, his first wife turned to healers for help. Now Khabensky believes that it was a mistake.


“Then I thought that a person has the right to use all chances in order to be saved. First of all, these are healers who have a colossal talent for talking to you. Such thimblers who cut such money ...<…>This appeal, it seems to me, took the whole story in the wrong direction at some point. We used his tricks. I brought him to Moscow. And it was a big mistake that was worth the second operation, ”the artist shared.

Anastasia began to feel bad during pregnancy. Then the doctors suggested that the malaise was due precisely to her position. The actor's wife was diagnosed with cancer at an advanced stage. Konstantin does not hold a grudge against doctors who did not immediately make a diagnosis. “If they had found it earlier, it’s not a fact that Vanka would have been in the world,” the artist said. Konstantin added that the son knows what happened to his mother, he periodically talks to him on this topic.