Albert II (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi) was born on March 14, 1958 in Monaco. Father - Rainier III (1949-2005), the thirteenth prince of Monaco of the Grimaldi dynasty. Mother - Grace Kelly (1929-1982), American actress. Sisters - Carolina Louise Margarita (1957) and Stefania Maria Elisabeth (1965).

From childhood, the future monarch was fond of sports. Albert played football, swimming, judo and bobsleigh.

In 2005, after the death of his father, Albert II became the reigning Prince of Monaco and Duke of Valentinois.

On July 1, 2011, Albert II married a professional swimmer from South Africa, Charlene Wittstock, whom he first met in 2000 at Olympic Games in Sydney. In 2006, Charlene moved from Republic of South Africa in Monaco and got a job as a school teacher. At the swimming competition, she met the prince again, and an affair began between them.

Two months before the wedding, Charlene made an attempt to go home to Africa, and thus avoid marriage with the ruler of Monaco. The reason for this was the numerous novels of Albert II and his illegitimate children - Jazmine Grace Grimaldi (1992) and Alexander Coast (2003). However, this scandal was hushed up. On July 2, 2011, the couple got married.

On December 10, 2014, the twins Jacques and Gabriella were born to Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene. Son received titles crown prince Monaco and the Marquise de Baux, and the daughter - the titles of Princess of Monaco and Countess de Carladez.

Albert II (born 1958) is the reigning Prince of Monaco, heir to Rainier III and the dazzling Hollywood film actress Grace Kelly. His turbulent personal life did not leave the pages of world tabloids for many years. Now he is known as loving husband and exemplary father. An avid athlete, a brilliant diplomat, an active philanthropist - this person is surprisingly versatile, and all his merits can hardly be listed. Let's find out what was the path of Prince Albert II to the throne, and also recall some interesting points regarding his life. Moreover, this experience can help you look at your problems from a different angle and understand that there is always room for good endings in life.


Prince Albert II of Monaco was born on March 14, 1958 in the capital of the country - ancient city Monaco-Ville. The boy received his education at the Albert I Lyceum and graduated with excellent results in 1976. After that, he completed a one-year course in various princely affairs and became a student at Amherst College, located in Massachusetts. After studying there for five years, Albert II became a bachelor of political science. After graduating, he served two years on the French warship Jeanne d'Arc as a lieutenant, and for a short time he did internships in large private companies in America and France.

As crown prince, Albert showed a particular interest in humanitarian issues, as well as charitable activities. AT last years governing the country, Rainier III, his father, entrusted Albert with some of his duties. However, he began to help his parent in this even in his youth. Thus, Albert II was excellently prepared for the assumption of the throne.

March 7, 2005 Rainier III was in the ward intensive care Cardiology Center due to heart failure. And on the last day of the month, Crown Prince Albert II was appointed Regent. On April 6, after the death of his 81-year-old father, he became the ruler of Monaco. And in November of the same year, his coronation took place.

Prince Albert II of Monaco bears the title of His Serene Highness. He also has a huge number of high awards and is a holder of many orders. In fairness, it should be noted that the monarch got them not so much because of his title, but for his services to his homeland and the European community.

Stormy personal life

Until the age of fifty, the Prince of Monaco was a convinced bachelor and did not even think about marriage. He was constantly credited love relationship with film actresses, models, athletes. The tabloid publications closely watched the novels of the prince and tracked each passion. Albert II's companions different years called Sharon Stone, Gwyneth Paltrow. A truly windy and fickle gentleman was Albert II, Prince of Monaco. Photos of his many chosen ones now and then flashed in the press. In 2001, the prince announced his engagement to American film actress Angie Eckhart. The press wrote that the son followed in the footsteps of his father. However, their relationship did not last too long.

The prince has two daughters and a son, born of different mothers. He officially recognized them, but they have no rights to the princely throne. This is due to the new laws of the country.

Questions of succession in Monaco

Until 2002, the laws of the state did not prescribe the rules for succession to the throne in the event that the prince does not have children from a legal marriage. However, due to such inconstancy of Albert, they had to be changed in order for the ruling dynasty to retain the throne. At present, the birthright is accepted in Monaco with male preference. This means that if Albert did not have legitimate children, his elder sister Carolina would become the heir to the throne, and then her son. Thus, no matter how frivolous Albert II, the Prince of Monaco, may be in his personal life, children born not from a legal spouse cannot have absolutely no rights to the throne.

Note that at present, the Crown Prince of Monaco is the son of Prince Albert - Jacques.

A family

In the summer of 2010, the prince announced his engagement to Charlene Wittstock, and a year later they were married. What do we know about the chosen one of Albert II? She is twenty years younger than the prince. FROM early childhood Charlene was fond of swimming. At the age of eighteen, the girl won national competitions in this sport, and also participated in the Sydney Olympics. After that, she arrived in Monaco, where she met with Albert II.

Their relationship did not develop rapidly, on the contrary, the prince continued to start relationships with other women. The romance of Albert II and Charlene began only in 2006. A year later, the girl was forced to leave the big sport due to an injury, and the prince invited her to Monaco.

wedding ceremony

Their wedding became one of the most magnificent and solemn ceremonies of the century. It was planned as a grand celebration for all residents of Monaco. At least a thousand invited guests, three public holidays, attracting a huge number of people - this is how Albert II conceived it. Photos and videos of the ceremony show that the celebration really succeeded: it was as luxurious as it was exquisite, and ended with magnificent fireworks. The bride and groom were delightful: he is in white dress uniform carabinieri, she is in a charming silk dress with a twenty-meter train from The wedding took place the next morning after the civil ceremony.

And on December 10 last year, Albert II and Charlene Wittstock became parents: the princess gave her chosen one charming twins: Jacques and Gabriella. Two weeks later, the family organized the first photo session of the kids, and when the children were not even a month old, they first came out.

Spouses dearly love each other and work together selflessly for the good of the principality.


Prince of Monaco early age passionately loves sports. Most of all he is fond of football, swimming, tennis. Interestingly, the prince competed five times in the Olympic Games for the national team of his country, taking part in bobsleigh competitions. In 1985, Albert fought for first place in But, unfortunately, he had to leave the distance. The reason was the malfunction of his car. He is also the patron of the AS Monaco football club.

Prince Albert II of Monaco is a member of the IOC and has been head of the country's National Olympic Committee for 11 years. He long years acts as president of numerous sports federations (including swimming and modern pentathlon) and personally controls the holding of some competitions in the principality, for example, annual athletics competitions.

Cooperation with the UN

Prince Albert II cooperates fruitfully with the UN. He managed to achieve the trust and recognition of this organization. The evidence is that he was chosen as the patron of the Year of the Dolphin in 2006 and entrusted with the official grand opening of it. Albert II takes part in many UN humanitarian and social initiatives.

The activities of the prince in the field of environmental protection

Albert II organizes various events aimed at protecting and combating environmental pollution. He considers this area extremely important for the development of the state. According to the ruling prince, each person should contribute to the care of environment and be responsible for the decision environmental issues even at the household level.

Charity and cultural activities of the prince

Continuing the glorious traditions of his parents, Prince Albert II pays much attention to charity events. He participates in all kinds of actions and missions, both in Monaco and outside the Principality.

Albert II serves as Vice President of the Foundation, established by Princess Grace in 1964. This organization, first of all, provides patronage to gifted dancers, musicians, artists.

Every year she assigns scholarships to representatives of talented youth. In addition, the Foundation participates in charitable events, both within the Principality and on international level. First of all, assistance is provided to children suffering from certain diseases. The Foundation helps them organize all-round leisure: arranges creative workshops, studios, children's theaters. In addition, assistance is provided in various medical research.

It is interesting that Prince Albert II of Monaco acts as the Honorary President of the International Napoleonic Society, founded twenty years ago.

Humanitarian activities

The ruler of Monaco is actively involved in various humanitarian activities. In 1982, he was appointed head of the Red Cross of the Principality. Today he controls the international assistance programs carried out on the territory of the country.

With the participation of Albert, humanitarian actions are also carried out in other states: Romania, India, Brazil. At the same time, His Grace himself travels to the places where they are held. So, for example, he visited places that suffered from the terrible tsunami that happened in Thailand on December 26, 2004.

  • Albert became the first acting monarch to visit the North Pole.
  • As the press reports, when the hero of our story was a participant in the Olympics, he refused any privileges and settled with the rest of the athletes, without emphasizing his origin at all.
  • Shortly before the prince's wedding, information appeared in the press that the bride was going to run away from the crown. The reason was the appearance of the third illegitimate child of Albert. However, in the end it turned out that these were just idle conjectures of the tabloid media. Later, Charlene herself commented on these rumors, calling them ridiculous and ridiculous.
  • The reigning Prince of Monaco is considered one of the the richest people in the world. Today, his capital is estimated at more than one billion dollars. It includes houses and lands located in France and Monaco.
  • For the second year in a row, he leads the ranking of the most handsome men planets according to the famous Glam Magazine.

When Prince Albert II ascended the throne, Monaco was a prosperous and prosperous state with centuries old traditions and happy people. And, thanks to his tireless efforts, it remains so to this day. Stormy romantic adventures did not prevent him from creating a strong and happy family and prove himself a brilliant ruler who cares about the prosperity of his principality and its people.

Albert II(fr. Albert II), full name- Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi - Reigning Prince of Monaco and Duke of Valentinois since 2005, from the House of Grimaldi, son of Rainier III and Grace Kelly. Has the title of His Grace (Serenite). Albert II has the title "14th Prince of Monaco, Duke de Valentinois, Marquis de Baux, Comte de Carlade, Baron de Buy, Possessor of Saint-Remy and Matignon, Comte de Thorin, Baron de Saint-Lo and La Luthumier, Duke d' Etoteville, de Mazarin, de Meilleran and de Mayenne, Prince de Château-Borsa, Comte de Feretti, de Belfort, du Tann and de Rougemont, Baron von Altkirche, Possessor of Tenheim, Marquis de Scilly, Comte de Longjumeau, Baron de Matti, Marquis de Giscard.

Place of Birth. Education. Albert II was born on March 14, 1958 at the Grimaldi Palace in Monaco. Son of Prince Rainier III and his wife, American actress Grace Kelly.

In 1976, Albert graduated with honors from the Lyceum named after Albert I in Monaco. In 1977-1981 he studied in the USA at Massachusetts Amherst College and received the title of licentiate political science. The list of disciplines that Albert studied also included economics, psychology, philosophy, art history, anthropology and sociology. In addition, the future ruler of Monaco sang in the university choir and even toured with him in Europe and the Middle East.

Albert has been fluent in French since childhood and English, and subsequently also studied Italian, German and Spanish.

In 1981-1982 he was on active military service, who served as a lieutenant on board the French helicopter carrier Jeanne d'Arc.

Accession to the throne. In the last years of his reign, due to poor health, Prince Rainier III transferred to his son some of the functions related to the current administration of the principality and its international affairs. Albert was assigned, in particular, the duties of Monaco's representative to the UN, and in 2004 he represented the Principality at the official ceremony of Monaco's entry into the Council of Europe, held in Strasbourg.

As Crown Prince Albert great attention devoted to social and humanitarian issues, as well as charity, leading, in particular, the organization of the Red Cross in Monaco.

During the death of his father, from March 31, 2005 until the death of Rainier (April 6), Albert was regent.

Sport. Albert is also known as a big sports fan. He almost professionally played football, handball, was fond of swimming, athletics, judo. In addition, he participated in the Paris-Dakar rally and competed at the Olympic Games four times as a bobsledder. Since 1994, he has been the head of the Monaco Olympic Committee, in addition, he is the head of a number of other sports associations and is a member of the IOC.

Personal life. Albert remained a bachelor for many years and was considered one of the most enviable suitors in Europe. Numerous novels were attributed to him. Albert acknowledged the paternity of two children - a girl (1992) and a boy (2003) - from two different women. They have no right to the throne. In 2002, Monaco's constitution was amended in order to ensure the succession to the throne and ensure that the Grimaldi dynasty, which has a history of more than 700 years, retains its crown. The new law provides that the brothers and sisters of the deceased monarch, as well as his nephews and nieces, can use the right to inherit. Thus, Albert's heirs can be his sisters - the elder and younger Carolina Stephanie, or one of their seven children.

June 23, 2010 Albert II announced his engagement to 32-year-old Olympic swimming champion Charlene Wittstock from South Africa. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock married on July 1, 2011. After the marriage, Charlene Wittstock received the title of Princess Charlene.

On December 10, 2014, Princess Charlene gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The children were named Jacques-Honoré-Renier and Gabriella Teresa-Maria. The son received the titles of Crown Prince of Monaco and Marquis de Baux, and the daughter - Princess of Monaco and Countess de Carladez.

Turned out to be contagious blue blood. Recently, the news spread around the world: an incorrigible bachelor, 53-year-old Prince Albert II of Monaco, finally got married!

His chosen one was a former swimmer from South Africa, 33-year-old Charlene Wittstock. For this couple, the wedding was a triumph, the path to which lay through mutual misunderstandings, tears and quarrels.

Scandal at the end
On the day of the prince's wedding, July 2 this year, Monaco seemed to plunge into a fairy tale: the streets were full of flowers and flags, citizens showed off in exquisite outfits, foreign guests hurried to pay their respects to the newlyweds. Only European royal families were represented by a landing of 40 people! And the uncrowned heads of state and government, world celebrities, journalists were not at all counted.

In the snow-white uniform of an officer of the Carabinieri, he took a place at the altar in the courtyard of the princely palace and prepared to wait for his betrothed. But why on this happy day on his face did not come from a celebratory expression of concern? The fact is that Albert understood that as soon as Garlen appeared, the guests would immediately begin to look for signs of discord between the bride and groom ...

Just three days before the start of the celebrations, a scandalous article appeared in the French press: Wittstock tried to escape from Albert to her native South Africa. The background of the story is completely unpleasant. Say, in addition to two illegitimate children, Albert has another son - conceived with another woman in the midst of Charlene ...

Gossip aggravated the pre-wedding hassle, and Albert had to once again convince his beloved of the sincerity of his feelings. Now that the worries were over, the prince was almost sure that Charlene would not go anywhere. For too long, this girl, accustomed to winning, fought with the palace protocol and slanders of envious people in order to refuse the gold medal at the very finish line ... “Almost certainty” made the tips of the monarch’s fingers tremble nervously, and her eyes peered painfully into the doorway, where from minute to minute she should to appear named.

And then came the solemn music. Arm in arm with her father, Mike Wittstcock, Charlene stepped onto the red carpet. The wrinkles on Albert's forehead instantly smoothed out, an excited, happy smile appeared on his lips. Unlike the groom, the bride did not smile: her face under the veil seemed to be carved from cold marble. And that made her even more beautiful. Armani open satin dress fitted slim figure, making the girl look like a mermaid even more than on the day when Albert first saw future wife. Admiring her, he plunged into a stream of memories.

As if in reality, the prince heard the starting signal, which in 2000 sent swimmers to win at the stage of the Mare Nostrum international tournament in Monaco. Usually, Albert - an Olympic bobsledder, a terrible fan and a member of the IOC - followed only the sports component of the competition. But this time it was different. Over and over again, one frame scrolled in his head: a dolphin girl with a slender strong body, tightly drawn into a black swimsuit, flies out of the water in a halo of diamond splashes ...

After the finish, the prince went to look for a beautiful nymph in the technical area of ​​​​the competition. It was one of the rare cases when Albert thanked God for being born a monarch, and not a mere mortal, who would certainly have been ordered to come here! Communication began easily, and Charlene willingly accepted the invitation to dinner. That evening, the conversation revolved around swimming - the prince could not think of anything else to talk about with a girl who spent most of her life in the pool. Yes, and he himself was not distinguished by eloquence: the heir to the throne was taught to carefully choose words, limiting himself to safe cliches whenever possible. In addition, he was tormented by stuttering, which did not allow him to communicate freely in childhood, and now returned whenever the prince was nervous. Only about sports he could talk for hours. And Wittstock was the first girl who was not tired of ranting on this topic. On the contrary, she looked with burning eyes, absorbed every word, added something from her experience. “We were drawn to each other from the first meeting,” Albert recalled. “Charlene won me over with her sincerity, curiosity and openness.”

The personal life of the monarch at that time was like a delightful series for fans of the yellow press: he changed women one after another, but the short duration and superficiality of connections only aroused suspicions of latent homosexuality. When asked why he is still not married, he answered: “I know that a woman lives in the world - smart, sociable, with a sense of humor, possessing sufficient charisma and character to represent an entire country. When I meet her, I will marry!” And Charlene seemed to him just like that: a little immature, but with good inclinations. Yes, and being the face of the state for her, the champion, was not new. That's just the age ... Only 22 years old - the peak of a sports career, incompatible with a royal romance. That evening, Albert and his new acquaintance only wished each other good night under the soft light of lanterns on the threshold of the restaurant, and dispersed. For five years.

Extreme strength test
Having met by chance again at a Christmas party, the couple never parted. At that time, all boundaries disappeared for both: they dined in Paris, the next evening they climbed the tower of the London castle, and a week later they went on a yacht along the Bay of Biscay ...

The stormy romance was overshadowed by only one thing - Albert's father, Prince Rainier III, was seriously ill, and every day he got worse. The son gradually took over the reins of government: it became more and more difficult to leave Monaco for at least a few hours. And bring to light new sweetheart Albert hesitated. He understood perfectly well: in a country that was foreign to the girl, under the gun of thousands of curious eyes and surrounded by several hundred ubiquitous paparazzi, their relationship was waiting for an extreme test of strength.

The situation was aggravated by another scandal. Former flight attendant Nicole Coast, originally from Togo, threatened that if Albert did not publicly acknowledge them common child, she herself will tell the press about the illegitimate baby. The crowned dad always took care of his son, regularly transferred money, and provided Nicole with his Parisian apartment. But this was not enough for the woman: in her heart there was resentment against the old Prince Renier, who forbade his son to marry only because of the dark color of her skin. And the thirst for revenge erased all the boundaries of decency ...

“This is blasphemous! How can you take revenge on a dying person? Charlene once exclaimed when this topic slipped back into the conversation.
“She has such a character,” Albert answered sadly. “I acknowledge the child. But only after the death of the pope.
He tried to be frank with his girlfriend. He told about the son, and about the daughter, conceived with a waitress at the resort. Innate wisdom helped Wittstock treat the Don Juan list of his beloved with understanding. And when Coast, keeping her word, told her story to reporters, only Charlene's support kept Albert from a nervous breakdown.

Nicole could not harm Rainier with her trick: he was already too sick to read the newspapers. But for relations, the scandal became a kind of litmus test: the prince was convinced of the kindness and devotion of his beloved. After the death of his father, mourning and all the events associated with the transfer of power, he invited Wittstock to settle in the palace. For him, a confirmed bachelor, it was a huge and decisive step towards the altar.

Instead of a princess, a Christmas tree
Start them life together it was difficult to call it easy. So, the first appearance of Charlene in the role of the official girlfriend of the prince to this day is an occasion for jokes. Being euphoric from the new status, the girl was not fully aware of its seriousness. And one day, instead of getting ready for a charity ball, she played Beach volleyball. As a result, it was necessary to pack up in a wild hurry: Wittstock borrowed a green dress from a friend who lives closest to the beach, put on large cheap jewelry and hastily painted her nails with bright red varnish. Was it any wonder that the next morning the press depicted the outfit of the potential princess in the most caustic tones: they say, look - Prince Albert II and the New Year tree!

“This happens sometimes, but such situations are easy to avoid. Armani and Lagerfeld work with you: listen to them, and no one else will find fault with your clothes, ”Albert reassured his hysterical girlfriend.

However, the services of fashion designers were not enough: Charlene's terrible accent became a new reason for bullying. In general, the path from Cinderella to the princess turned out to be thorny: they laughed at the words of the girl, parodied her manners, and simply did not want to understand the desire for freedom. The prince himself was subjected to numerous attacks. In the role of his wife, the inhabitants of the principality wanted to see a fairy fairy, completely devoid of flaws, and by no means a living person of flesh and blood.

“What are you doing next to this illiterate mermaid? Play around and that's enough. You can find a much more worthy match, ”A close friend tried to reason with Albert on one of the hot June days last year with these words.
This girl is a personality! A man with an iron will and a good heart, retorted the prince. - You know, only in it I can be sure to the end. She stayed with me when they poured slop on me. Comforted, instead of arranging scenes of jealousy. I think I really love her…”

And on the same evening, instead of listening to friendly advice, the prince acted in the exact opposite way. Concluding his beloved in his arms, Albert whispered in her ear: “You know, I'm tired of being a bachelor. And I want to ask you for help in this matter ... "

love in the aquarium
And now they were both standing at the altar. The prince knew: the trials were just beginning - the freedom-loving Charlene would have to get used to many more conventions, so revered in the courtyard. But I was sure - so strong and true love like them, they can do a lot!

Putting a Cartier ring on the girl's finger, the prince could not help smiling dreamily. And his newly-made wife answered those hedgehogs! On her face, until recently so concentrated, were already dancing sunbeams happiness, so well known to all lovers. Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds visited the small church of St. Devota, the patroness of the principality. There, Charlene left the bride's bouquet - the same way Grace Kelly did many years ago when she married Rainier III.

In the church, it seemed to the new princess of Monaco that the bright, sonorous voices of the children from the church choir carried her silent request for happiness to heaven itself. Holding on tightly to Albert - as if in order not to accidentally fly away after the voices! She pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and pressed it to her wet eyes. “My dear,” the embarrassed prince muttered in a barely audible voice. At the exit from the church, he bent down to publicly kiss his lawful wife for the umpteenth time in a day. But she only coquettishly, albeit tangibly, slapped him on the cheek and whispered: “I am ready to live in front of everyone in this small royal aquarium. I understand - otherwise it is impossible. But some things should remain only between us.

There are sad rumors about Princess Charlene, the wife of Prince Albert II of Monaco: she can’t get out of a protracted depression, she doesn’t appear anywhere, and her husband is ready to give her a divorce, because she has already given birth to a legitimate heir. We do not like gossip on the site, so we conducted our own investigation and found evidence that Princess Charlene is in excellent shape and quite happily married.

Charlene and Albert at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Prince on the throne of Monaco, July 11, 2015

The former athlete, and now the wife of Prince Albert II of Monaco, Charlene Wittstock once haunted journalists: a beauty, natural blonde With perfect figure marries, let's be honest, not a dream man, older than himself by as much as 20 years. Prince Albert II does not shine with beauty, but he has one obvious advantage - he is the ruler, albeit a small, but very prosperous principality. Charlene had been waiting for an offer for 10 whole years and, as they say, could not have waited if it weren’t for the strict rules of the princely house: Albert, who exchanged fifty dollars, needed a legitimate heir born in marriage (he already had enough bastards at the time of the wedding in 2011 ). The press did not let up also because Charlene, according to numerous gossip, almost ran away from the wedding because of the story of another illegitimate child Alberta, who surfaced on the eve of X-day. The details of the failed escape were exaggerated in the press for a long time, and Charlene herself added fuel to the fire, who throughout the ceremony looked depressed, and no, no, but brushed away an uninvited tear. In a word, the marriage was predicted to end soon.

Contrary to forecasts, the divorce still did not happen, moreover, Charlene gave birth to Albert's heirs and generally felt good. Charlene's mistake was that after giving birth, she rarely appeared in public. The yellow press immediately drew their conclusions and began to spin the topic of the princess's depression. Allegedly, after the birth of the twins, Charlene still cannot recover, and Albert, seeing the deplorable state of his wife, decided to say goodbye to her, because she had already completed her main mission - she gave birth to the heir to the throne.

However, journalists rejoice in vain, there is no smell of divorce in this family, and for a depressed person, Charlene looks too good and too often travels to social events in the company of her husband. Evidence is below.

Rugby Tournament

Charlene with her son Jacques at a rugby tournament, February 27, 2016

Charlene with her son Jacques, February 27, 2016

On February 27 of this year, Charlene, along with her son Jacques Honore Rainier, appeared at the annual rugby tournament. Charlene, for whom sports are far from the last place, in every possible way supports the young inhabitants of a small principality who have decided to devote themselves to playing rugby. By the way, Charlene is the main organizer of this tournament, so every time she is happy to attend the games themselves. According to the princess, she is going to introduce her own children to sports as soon as they grow up.

Vacation in the Alps and Prince Albert's birthday

Charlene with children in the Swiss Alps, March 10, 2016

Charlene with children in a hotel room, March 11, 2016

On March 10, Charlene and her twins went to the Swiss Alps to show 15-month-old Jacques and Gaby snow, which is a problem in Monaco. The family stayed at the Gstaad Alpina Hotel. Photos of the happy princess with kids and without her husband caused another stir in the press. Journalists saw this sure sign the fact that the couple actually no longer lives together (even if they are resting separately). As usual, the press noticed and covered only what fits into the desired concept. Out of sight remained the fact that after 3 days Prince Albert joined his wife and kids to celebrate his 58th birthday with his family on March 14. Photos modest family idyll, in particular, was published by the French magazine ParisMatch, noting, by the way, that Albert and Charlene impressed the journalists of the publication happy couple, in which "everything is like ordinary people».

Albert with children in a hotel room, March 14, 2016

Charlene with children in a hotel room, March 15, 2016

Of course, most of the publications that painted Charlene's "lonely" vacation in colors, summing up a "factual" base under it, and almost proving that the divorce is close, did not consider it necessary to write at least a small note that they were slightly hasty with conclusions, and Albert has already arrived with his family in Switzerland. Good news not for sale.

Good Friday in Monaco

Charlene and Albert on the balcony of the princely residence in Monaco, March 2016

Catholics, just like the Orthodox, honor traditions and therefore celebrate Easter every year with due trepidation. special meaning for them has Good Friday- on this day, the princes of Monaco from the balcony of their palace watch the festive procession, which begins with main square and ends there. This year was no exception - Charlene and Albert appeared in front of their subjects, tremblingly holding hands. In addition, Charlene was at her best - an elegant jacket and cropped light trousers, and there is nothing to say about a haircut - she emphasizes the delicate aristocratic features of the princess in the best possible way.

Princess Charlene and International Sports Day

Charlene and Albert at the Celebration of Sports, April 6, 2016

Charlene and Albert at the Celebration of Sports, April 6, 2016

Despite the fact that the official day of sports in Monaco is celebrated on April 6, the princely family of Monaco celebrated it a little earlier - perhaps due to the too busy schedule of all its representatives. However, this is not so important - when, the main thing is that the event did take place, and Albert and Charlene attended it together. In honor of the event, the Princess Charlene Foundation organized a huge number of competitions, competitions, master classes and lectures for students of colleges and schools in Monaco, and everywhere the princess tried to be present personally. Photographers only had time to press the buttons of their cameras - Charlene and Albert posed with pleasure in front of the cameras, demonstrating in every possible way that everything that happens brings them incredible joy and pleasure.

Charlene and Albert at the tennis tournament in Monte Carlo

Charlene and Albert at the Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters, April 17, 2016

Charlene and Albert at the Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters, April 17, 2016

Here, the representatives of the yellow press should give up completely. In April, Charlene and Albert attended the popular Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters tennis tournament in Monte Carlo. The couple willingly posed for photographers, appeared everywhere only together (Charlene and Albert were never seen alone during the entire tournament), and nosy paparazzi even managed to capture a very touching and even intimate moment - Albert kisses his supposedly unnecessary wife in the crown . After such a picture, even the most inveterate skeptics should have no arguments against this marriage. All conjectures are crumbling like sandcastles.

The Princess Charlene Foundation opens its first US branch

Princess Charlene at the opening of a branch of her Foundation, Santa Monica, California, May 11, 2016

Charlene at the unofficial part of the opening of the Foundation, in the pool with stars aquatic species Sports, May 11, 2016

Princess Charlene, 11 May 2016

Charlene gives a master class, May 11, 2016

Charlene gives a master class on water safety, May 11, 2016.

As we remember, Charlene was an athlete, a swimmer in the past, she even has some regalia and awards, however, after the wedding, Charlene did away with sports career deciding to devote himself to his family. For several years now, Charlene has been actively involved in the safety of young children while swimming. Actually, the same mission is assigned to her foundation - the princess herself conducts special courses and trainings, wanting to secure as much as possible large quantity schoolchildren from possible drowning. The idea quickly became extremely popular, and finally, in April 2016, Charlene opened the first branch of her company outside her own country.

In total, we summarize: Princess Charlene, “not coming out of a protracted depression,” organized 2 sporting events in Monaco in less than 5 months of 2016, went with her children and her husband to the Swiss Alps, where she went skiing, sleighing, and celebrated Albert’s birthday in the family circle , had fun with her husband at a tournament in Monte Carlo and flew to sunny California, where she swam with the Olympians in the pool and opened a branch of the Self Foundation, which helps make children's stay in the water safer.

We will, of course, now periodically look after the "depressed" Charlene and will continue this case history as new facts appear.

UPD: A new informational occasion was not long in coming - photos of a very unexpected photo shoot Charlene appeared.