A species of sea turtle is regularly observed: Caretta-Caretta (Caretta-Caretta), Caretta-Caretta turtles are on the list of endangered animals. The point is that they for a long time considered a delicacy not only in Far East, but also in some European countries(for example, France and Italy).
These marine reptiles have been living on Earth for 95 million years. Adult turtles reach a size of 115-150 cm, while their weight is about 70-90 kg.....
Caretta-Caretta lays eggs only once every two to three years. Turtles go out onto the sand and, using their hind legs, dig several holes, then, choosing, in their opinion, the most suitable one, they lay eggs there. One turtle can dig up to 80-100 holes, but it will lay all its eggs in only one of them. The process of laying eggs lasts for hours and experts say that the female turtle positive emotions at this moment does not experience at all.
This exhausting procedure for turtles lasts about 60 days (from May to July). And from July to September, small turtles begin to appear. They say that males are hatched at a temperature of 28.5 ° C, but for females, heat is required more - 32 ° C.
Cubs hatched on the appointed day,
moreover, they say, they still need to sit in the sand for 26 hours, which is probably why the supervisors feel the place of laying so carefully - the palm goes vertically into the sand in several places in turn.

If "something suspicious", they rake horizontally to the sides with their palms - in layers.

Probably, being afraid to injure the kids who have already decided to get out on their own :)

If they don’t find anything, they all bury it again, make appropriate notes in their notebook and put a wire frame over the masonry - until the next time.

Yes, so the kids get out of the hole and, guided by the moon, head to the sea, carried away by instinct. During the period when small turtles hatch from eggs, it is forbidden to kindle a fire or light a light, because it can deceive the cubs and they will go astray. the right way. They should have time to get to the water before dawn and the heat came. Latecomers are destroyed by the hot rays of the sun or become food for birds. One of the most dangerous enemies on earth they have is a fox. Of course, even once at sea, the cubs cannot be considered completely safe. Not reaching a certain size, they serve as tasty food for fish.
Instinct again leads adults to the place where they were born. Having hatched in one place, they return there already in order to give life to a new generation.
In Turkey, there are 17 beaches where sea turtles lay their eggs, among them the most important are, for example, Iztuzu, Patara, the Gösu River Delta (Gösu), Belek - all of them have the status of protected areas.

I, in general, disagree about Belek, but it’s not for me to judge.
Well, we came here knowing that Caretta breeds here and that we need to run in the morning (we read w, but what about w!) To the beach and peer at the people walking by.

Oh. Only, having gone to the beach, well, we completely forgot about it - after all, the sea is the same! Half past six in the morning and very warm. And the sea is gentle and the air is warm and my temperature has been 38.2 since yesterday.

And then literally 25 meters from us - it is obvious. And we are in chest-deep water.
In general, they caught us by surprise, but we are for the cameras and run :)
And there already special uncles enter in a special notebook how many pieces from which number of the hole when they got out.

The people of various colors lined up in two lines and with very welcoming cries of the kids, of whom there were four, encourages.

Uncles shout at onlookers so that they don’t inadvertently interfere :) They drove me away when I was standing half a meter to the side of the highway - you never know, maybe the kid wants to turn?

In general, there were four supervisors. And figli? Responsible work!
One records does.

One - with an important plaque on his chest, like, the main one.

He makes all decisions about all the movements of the supervisors in the case of turtles.
One - raises and lowers, and, in case of need, takes away into the common pile the wire frames that are no longer needed, which are installed above the masonry, while the baby is still in the sand.

And he carries a bucket.
One - I don't know why, probably - for the company.
With a bucket is a separate issue: we watched four kids move towards the water. One of them was very weak. At all:(
It was put into this same bucket. Probably carried to the turtle cemetery :(

While the turtles are crawling towards the water (and it's funny, the closer they are to the water, the faster they run, even jump :) it seems that they feel it, even though they were born just a few minutes ago :)), the supervisors are busy with a very important thing: they carefully dig up the masonry - them former home, everyone checks if there is anything else left there, counts the peel, put it back and bury the masonry.

And they don’t go anywhere until the turtles swim away :)

And even if the turtle, which itself is still the size of 3/4 cigarette packs, rolls over, falling off a pebble on the beach, it does not need to be helped by a specially trained uncle helping her with some strange, but probably more in an efficient way: he doesn’t turn it over, he puts a finger on her hand, helping her to tighten her little snares and turn herself over :)

As soon as the baby finally and confidently swims away, they collect their little things and go to the next clutch.
The whole crowd is behind them.

Zakynthos is the habitat of large sea ​​turtles"caretta-caretta". In June, they are busy laying eggs, and the rest of the time they swim to the delight of tourists. Not far from Laganas (an area in Zakynthos) there is a small island of Marathonisi, the only inhabitants of which are turtles.
2: Lagonas Beach

3: Loggerhead, big-headed sea turtle or caretta-caretta (lat. Caretta caretta) is a species of sea turtles, the only representative of the loggerhead genus.

4: Adults about a meter long. This species of turtles is listed in the Red Book, because of the once popular delicacy of their eggs.

5: Set sail on a boat. The view of Laganas is a very flat part of Zakynthos.

6: Turtle again. There are really a lot of turtles swimming, but almost all adults are equipped with small beacons and are not at all for tourist purposes. However, the tourism industry takes advantage of this. The boat catches up with the beacon and everyone waits, watching the turtle when it comes up. The animal should inhale every 15-20 minutes, and since, as a rule, at the moment when the turtle is close, it has long been under water, it was not necessary to wait more than 4-5 minutes.

7: Sailing to Marathonisi

8: Swim around it to see some caves



11: Mission: find the seagull



14: Landed on Marathonisi, there is a nice sandy beach

15: On this island behind the iron grid there was such a house, in all likelihood it was an abandoned church. I didn't find any information about this. There is a courtyard with vineyards, stairs leading up, fences and stone benches. Obviously a churchyard, it is not known what time.

16: And even before there was something like a pier in the sea from the yard, but now it is destroyed, there are blocks of stone. Destroyed for sure by a very strong earthquake in 1953. When almost the whole of Zakynthos plunged into ruins

17: Marathonisi Beach.

18: View of the island of Zakynthos

19: We sail back, and again they. This time in shallow water.


21: Amalechka with her carriage

And finally, two videos with turtles in the sea.

We visited this little Turkish Venice this year.

Dalyan means fishing in Turkish.

There are also many legends about the river. One of them is about twins, a boy and a girl. About how the girl Biblios fell in love with her sibling Kaunos. When she revealed her feelings, her brother had to leave the city. The girl from unrequited love decides to die, throw herself off the biggest cliff. But the goddesses do not allow the girl to die to death spring waters. They turn the girl into the "Dalyan" spring.

The place is really very beautiful.

Of course the weather was rainy that day. This is a little unlucky. The tour costs 65 euros. Bought at the hotel from tour operators. But outside the hotel 2 times less. It took 3.5 hours to get to this picturesque place. The price of the tour included meals.

1. Catching blue crabs

Here in such a place, we caught blue crab. For bait.

We caught such beauties, we could take pictures with them, then let them go free. Back to sea. After fishing, we were offered a lunch of crabs for a fee. When we bought the tour, we were told that a crab lunch was included in the price. But it turned out differently. For one serving 7 ye. + drinks and beer was also paid.

On the palate, sweet, tender, juicy, well, very tasty. (You could also make a wish).

After such a dinner, we went to look at the Caretta-Caretta turtles. And suddenly we hear from the guide... That turtles can not be seen.

On the way to the turtles admired:

2. Lycian tombs

Another name is "Royal Tombs". Beautiful, of course, the tombs are empty. But an architectural monument.

And so we arrived at the habitat of turtles ... And in reality, we did not see any of them. Maybe the weather was bad.

3. Visit the turtles

We did not see turtles, but we visited one of the most beautiful beaches of Iztuzu. Where is the Aegean Sea.

Sunbeds were also paid, and for some reason no one told us about this either. But the weather was not very good. Therefore, it was not possible to swim in the sea.

The road of life. The birth of sea turtles. Caretta caretta.

The other day I watched how sea turtles were born - caretta and fled into the sea together.

But it turns out that life is not so smooth for turtles. Some data: adult turtle reaches a length of 70-95 cm and a mass of 80 to 200 kg. Females lay eggs at night, 4-5 times per season, in summer and autumn. The clutch contains from 100 to 126 eggs with a leathery shell about 4 cm in diameter. Turtles hatch after 1-2 months, spend several hours in the nest, and then crawl out of the sand together and run to the sea. The average life span does not exceed 70 years.

Yesterday I learned that turtles began to climb out of one of the clutches in the Rethymno region and went to look. It was about 7 pm, I quickly found a place on the shore due to the crowd of people. Volunteers worked around the masonry. I was struck a large number of there are about 15 clutches, within a radius of only 10-15 meters and where there is a very narrow sandy coastline.

Volunteers before me have already checked one of the clutches, which was suitable for hatching dates. It contained 112 eggs, but only 38 turtles hatched and left the nest. As the guys said, on average, 70% die during births, and another part of the turtles die in the sea. Opening the masonry, scientists keep statistics: many do not ripen, infections.

With me, they tried to resuscitate three turtles, poured water over them. The turtles, although they were of normal size, were very lethargic and could not crawl. They definitely need to get to the water themselves, stretch their muscles. The girls carefully sprinkled the turtles with sand, perhaps they will still gain strength.

When the volunteers left, I got into a conversation with two girls from a nearby hotel, who had been watching and helping the turtles for several days.

And if you want to compare the Nile turtles that live in the Dalyan Delta with Caretta Caretta, then you)

One of the attractions of Dalyan is the Caretta-Caretta sea turtles, who have chosen Iztuzu Beach for laying eggs.

Some information about Caretta-Caretta, gleaned from the posters of the Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center:
Caretta Caretta is a sea turtle that lives in the Mediterranean Sea. The turtle lives in the sea and comes out on land only to lay eggs. Under water can swim at a depth of up to 200 meters. It can continuously remain under water for 15-25 minutes.
Turtles are carnivores. They have no teeth, but the jaw is powerful and the palate is very sharp. They feed on fish, crabs, crayfish and any other small fry.
At 25-30 years old they reach sexual maturity. Out of 100 turtles, only 3-5 lucky ones survive to puberty. They have too many enemies, one of which is a man. Turtles die entangled in fishing nets or plastic bags thrown into the sea...
The female lays eggs every 2-3 years from May to July. Lays eggs in pits/nests dug in the sand at a depth of 50-60 cm. As a rule, there is more than one nest, the female makes from 3 to 5 nests. Laying in different nests takes place at intervals of about 15 days. One nest has an average of 70 eggs. After 45-65 days, the cubs begin to hatch. At high temperature(+32) females hatch, at low (+26) - males. At the time set by nature, the cubs, having hatched, climb out of the nest and, obeying intuition, head to the sea.
In Turkey, one of the main places for laying Caretta-Caretta eggs are the beaches of Iztuzu, Patara, Belek. These places have the status of protected areas. Interestingly, sea turtles, wherever they are, always return to the beach where they hatched. And it is on this beach that they lay their eggs. To continue their offspring, they, obeying instinct, travel thousands of kilometers to return to the beach, where they themselves were once born...

On Iztuzu Beach, posters are placed at almost every step, showing the places of clutches and urging tourists not to harm the turtles, which are on the list of endangered animals.

The sign indicates that under it there is a place for laying eggs. On the territory from sun loungers to the white line (on the right in the photo), tourists are asked not to arrange sunbeds, not to put umbrellas and not to dig holes. This area belongs to turtles...

As far as I understand, it’s almost impossible to see Caretta-Caretta outside the tour (Those who want to see the turtles will have to go on a special tour. We didn’t go, but as part of another tour we got a very responsive captain who, to our complaints about the fact that we come to Dalyan, but never managed to see Caretta-Caretta, changed the route and brought us to the place of "hunting" for turtles.
Local residents, feeding the turtles, developed them conditioned reflexes and now successfully use it for the entertainment of tourists. Turtles are lured with blue crabs tied to a rope and thus shown to tourists. Crabs are caught here, in the delta.
Here it is, the blue crab

This is for us) Crab baked in foil. Not bad. But it's far from king crabs...

And here came the lover of crabs (she is in the first photo)

The turtle moved quite briskly, apparently young and full of energy. Capturing it proved to be quite problematic.

And here it turned out so terrible. Causes association with bird of prey. The turtle has a large head, hence one of its other names - loggerherd, big-headed sea turtle.

We also met Caretta-Caretta at the Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre. But that is another story...