You can endlessly do only three things - watch how a wild pear blossoms, drink compote from a wild pear and sing odes to it. If talking about useful properties wild pear, then a day is not enough. It is enough that the compote from it is incredibly tasty. It is sour, tart, fragrant, invigorating and, I repeat, incomparably tasty.

Surprisingly enough, such nondescript fruit can be so gorgeous, but it is.

To prepare wild pear compote, we need to remember how we pickle cucumbers and tomatoes. Here the principle is exactly the same.

Wash the pear, cut off the stem if possible.

Sometimes this is difficult to do, since the fruits themselves, their peel and stalk are very tough. You can try to cut the pears, but this is not necessary. And to clean and remove the seed box of a wild game is not at all realistic.

Pour boiling water over three-liter bottles, and put pears in them, about one third of the height of the bottle.

Boil water in a saucepan and pour boiling water over the pears. Cover the jars with lids and leave them for 20 minutes.

Drain the water from the jars into the pan, boil again and again pour boiling water over the pears. Cover the jars again with lids and rest for 20 minutes.

Now it's time to prepare the syrup. Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan and add sugar, at the rate of 250 grams of sugar per one three liter jar. Boil the syrup until the sugar dissolves, then pour it back into the jars and roll them up with lids.

Optionally, you can add citric acid, but properly prepared compote costs and so wonderful, without unnecessary preservatives. Well, the taste of wild pear is not worth strengthening and correcting.

You will remember the bright aroma and taste of pear forever. AND cold winter, and in the summer heat wild pear compote will invariably cheer you up.

This compote is so good and easy to prepare that even a not very experienced man can cook it. Watch the video and prepare jars for compote:

Citric acid or freshly squeezed juice will help to increase the safety of the workpiece and give a piquant taste to the finished drink.

Canned whole pear compote

To prepare compote according to this recipe, it is better to choose hard pears, juicy and dense. The fruits will be preserved whole, so only the tail is removed from them.


  • pear fruits - 4 kg;
  • acid - 1/2 tbsp. l;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • granulated sugar(per 1 liter of syrup) - 250 grams.


  1. Wash the pears thoroughly, remove the tails and put them in a large saucepan.
  2. Boil water separately, add citric acid and pour over pears.
  3. Soak fruit for about 20 minutes. Smaller fruits - up to 10 minutes.
  4. Prepare jars and lids for preserving compote.
  5. Put fruit in clean jars almost to the top.
  6. Lemon juice evenly distributed among the banks.
  7. In the solution where the pears were kept, add water to the top of the pan.
  8. Add 250 grams of sugar to 1 liter of the resulting solution.
  9. Boil the syrup and pour jars.
  10. Cover jars with metal lids and put on sterilization.
  11. It takes about 20 minutes to sterilize the compote.

Seal the jars and put them under the covers until they cool completely.

Pear compote without sterilization: a step by step recipe

This recipe describes an accelerated method of preserving pear compote, which does not harm the safety of the drink.

For one three-liter bottle:

  • whole pears - 5-6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • slice of lemon;
  • purified water - 2.5 liters.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare jars in advance: wash and pour over boiling water.
  2. Place thoroughly washed fruits in jars.
  3. Cook syrup from the right amount of water and sugar.
  4. Fill jars to the top and let steep for a few minutes.
  5. Pour the syrup into a saucepan and boil again.
  6. Place a slice of lemon in each jar.
  7. Fill prepared jars with boiling syrup.
  8. Roll up compote with sterile lids and put in heat for 12 hours for self-sterilization.

Put a little vanilla and a few mint leaves in each jar. This will give a rich taste to the finished drink.

Recipe for canned compote of pear wedges with honey

This recipe uses honey instead of sugar, which is much healthier for the body. Honey syrup goes well with pears, and one glass of the finished drink provides daily allowance organism in nutrients.

Number of products per jar (3 liters):

  • pears - 6 pcs.;
  • flower honey - 1 cup;
  • citric acid or a slice of lemon;
  • water - 3 liters.


  1. Cut the washed fruits into slices, remove the middle and ponytails.
  2. Place the pears in a saucepan and blanch for about 5-10 minutes. Ready fruits are well pierced with a toothpick.
  3. Remove the pears with a slotted spoon and put in jars.
  4. Boil the marinade from honey and water and pour over the pears.
  5. Add a slice of lemon to each jar.
  6. Pasteurize compote in jars for about 25 minutes.
  7. Roll up with hot lids and send under the covers to cool completely.
  8. Ready compote from pear slices should be stored in the cold.

Honey syrup should not be boiled for a long time during cooking, otherwise it will lose all the nutrients.

Wild pear and black currant compote

A drink prepared according to this recipe quenches thirst well, has a sweet and sour taste. Lemon is not added during the cooking process: currant berries have enough natural acid, which is a good preservative.


  • wild pear - 1 kilogram;
  • currant berries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 400 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the pear, cut off the tails.
  2. Sort currant berries from debris and small twigs, rinse and dry with a towel.
  3. Banks prepare, wash and sterilize.
  4. Fill hot sterile jars with fruits to ½ volume.
  5. Boil purified water and fill jars with it.
  6. Let the fruit brew for 2 hours.
  7. Pour the solution into a saucepan and bring to a boil, adding sugar.
  8. Boil the syrup for about 10 minutes.
  9. Pour the finished sugar syrup into jars and roll up.
  10. Send cans under the "fur coat" to cool.

Canned pear compote "Lemonka" and cinnamon: a recipe that everyone will like

Compote according to this recipe is sweet, notes of cinnamon predominate. The drink is suitable for fresh and canned consumption.


  • pear varieties "Limonka" - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - to taste;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.

How to make compote:

  1. Wash the pears, cut out the stalk, the middle.
  2. Sterilize jars first.
  3. Place a cinnamon stick at the bottom of the jar.
  4. Fill the jars with fruits up to the "shoulders".
  5. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  6. Pour the prepared jars with hot syrup and let the pears brew for about 15 minutes.
  7. Do this procedure again.
  8. IN last time when boiling the syrup, citric acid is added to it.
  9. Fill jars with hot syrup and seal.

It is necessary to fill the jars with syrup to the very top: when cooling, the fruits absorb part of the juice.

Canned pear compote with grapes

For the preparation of this compote, white seedless grape varieties are chosen. Pears need to be taken ripe, but firm.


  • pear - 2 kilograms;
  • grapes - 1 brush;
  • granulated sugar (based on 1 liter of water) - 250 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the fruits of the pear and cut into slices, remove the seeds and ponytails.
  2. Sort the grapes, remove all spoiled berries, cut off from the brush.
  3. Fill the prepared jar by ½ volume with fruits and berries.
  4. Boil water and fill the jar with it, leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Pour the solution into a saucepan and bring to a boil, adding sugar. For 1 liter of the resulting syrup - about 1 cup of sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the pears and grapes.
  6. Pour the finished syrup into a jar and roll up with a sterilized lid.
  7. Wrap compote until cool.

During the preparation of sugar syrup, add ground nutmeg to the compote. This will give the drink a unique flavor, but will not harm its safety.

Pear and cherry plum compote: a simple recipe

To prepare compote, you will need juicy yellow pears, ripe cherry plums.


  • pear slices - 2 kg;
  • cherry plum berries - about 1 kg;
  • sugar - 250 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the pears well, remove the stalks, cut into slices.
  2. Prepare syrup from 1 liter of water and 250 g of sugar. Dip pear slices into hot syrup and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Sort cherry plum berries and wash well.
  4. Prepare and sterilize jars.
  5. Fill jars with cherry plum berries.
  6. Remove pear slices from syrup and arrange in jars.
  7. Boil the syrup again and pour over the prepared fruit.
  8. Cover the jars with sterile lids and send for pasteurization.
  9. Sterilize jars with compote for about 20 minutes.
  10. Roll up jars with lids and send to heat.

Ready compote is stored in a cool place.

Assorted compote of pears and other fruits

For its preparation, hard varieties of pears and any fruits are used: plums, cherries, apples. The color of the finished drink is very rich and depends on the selected fruit. The taste of the fruit mix depends on the number of berries in the compote and always turns out to be different.


  • pear - 1.5 kilograms;
  • plums, cherries or apples - optional;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • water - 2 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the pears and cut into random pieces.
  2. Sort fruits (cherries, plums, apples), remove spoiled and seeds.
  3. Prepare jars, wash and sterilize.
  4. Arrange the fruits in jars, filling up to ½ volume.
  5. Prepare sugar syrup.
  6. Pour hot syrup into jars and send them to pasteurization.
  7. Sterilize compote for about 15 minutes.
  8. Roll up with hot sterile lids and wrap until cool.

Pear compote for the winter (video)

Preservation of pear compote is a responsible matter for every housewife. The taste of the drink turns out to be unusual, but due to the fact that pears are poorly stored, jars are almost always amenable to pasteurization. It can be eliminated by adding more acidic fruits to the compote.

Summer is the time to take care of tasty and at the same time healthy preparations that can delight the whole family and their friends in the cold season. A standard set of fruits and berries can always be varied and get an unsurpassed taste. The pear is one of those fruits that rarely gets their attention for canning, and in vain. The richness of vitamins and minerals, with proper preservation, is simply amazing. There is a sufficient amount of sugars in it, but there is little from the acid that leads to spoilage of the product. As a result, an ideal option and a whole field for experimentation.

Before rolling, it is worth choosing the most suitable fruits. In no case should you choose overripe fruits: they will increase the likelihood of fermentation and quick spoilage of the drink. The same applies to the beaten ones - if there are no options, then bad areas must be carefully disposed of.

Small hard pears can be used whole. Sometimes you can not even remove the stalk. Such foresight will help, in addition to compote, to enjoy juicy pulp. And she is very tasty. large fruits it is necessary to carefully clean the insides and prevent the seeds from getting into it. Hard peels should be carefully peeled, as they can impart a slight astringency. And it doesn't fit in any way.

The pleasant color of the pear, even in compote, can be preserved if, initially, after processing, pour the fruits cold water with the addition of citric acid. It is not recommended to soak the fruits for more than half an hour. This can lead to loss of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, after giving the pear the desired color, it is worth starting to prepare the syrup. In this case, you should focus on taste qualities fetus. The sweeter they are, the less sugar you need.

It seems to some that the color of pear compote is not beautiful. In this case, no one forbids experimenting with brighter berries. Raspberries, strawberries, currants, mountain ash, plums perfectly complement the drink and give it a rich taste. And there is no need to talk about how many additional vitamins they will give to seaming.

Valuable properties of compote

Very often, such a drink is used to cleanse the body and suppress various infections. It is useful to drink it for colds and ailments. In addition, its diuretic effect is excellent. Those who seek to cleanse the body of excess and at the same time unload the kidneys and liver can take this property into account. The circulatory system will also say “thank you” for such unloading.


Connoisseurs of slender forms will not disregard and energy value such a blank. In general, it does not exceed 65 kcal. But, this does not mean that it cannot be reduced by using honey in the process of harvesting. This will increase efficiency. But, you don’t need to overdo it with this delicacy.

The best pear compote recipe for a 3 liter jar

Who has tried to prepare this drink and has not failed? At least once the results were deplorable. The standard way is not suitable. Often, banks simply explode, and there is no limit to frustration. In order not to exclude everyone's favorite sunset from the diet, it is worth going for a minor trick and then the enthusiastic exclamations of the household will not subside.


  • Pear fruits - 12 pieces.
  • Sugar sand - 200 grams.
  • Sterilized water - 2.5 liters.

Output - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Carefully select the fruits: a smooth surface and a slight sweetness. Rinse. Remove the stem and inner seeds. Carefully cut into small pieces. Soft varieties should be left in the form of a quarter. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

2. Pour a glass of sugar. The amount can be varied depending on taste preferences.

3. Pour in water. Put on a fire separator and turn on the gas.

4. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the fire. Mix. It is important that the slices do not boil. The cooking process is about 15-20 minutes. It all depends on the pear. Prepare a jar with a lid: rinse, grind with baking soda, sterilize for about 20 minutes. Leave to dry upside down.

5. Pour the compote into the prepared dishes in such a way that it overflows. Close with prepared lid. Check if the container is airtight by turning the jar upside down. Send to a cool place, setting the container upside down. Wrap up.

Literally the next day, delicious and at the same time healthy drink ready. If you want to taste, you can always do it. Although such a rich taste is best enjoyed in winter, when its quality will only increase, and sunny fruits will be missed.

A simple recipe for pear and apple compote for the winter without sterilization

It would seem that reach out and enjoy the taste of healthy fruits. Those who definitely know a lot about tasty and healthy food will rightly appreciate the proposed option. Everyone will like this combo. It is rich, tasty and incredibly useful. And most importantly, you can take any fruit in the garden and get the maximum benefit from them even in winter.


  • Apples - 4 fruits.
  • Pears - 3 fruits.
  • Distilled water - 2.7 liters.
  • Sugar sand - 220 grams.

Output - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare food.

2. Wash the fruits, remove the stalks, seeds and skins.

3. Sterilize the jar well. Dry. Place pre-prepared fruits.

4. Boil water. Pour into fruit jar. To cover with a lid. Let it brew.

5. Drain back into the pan using a special lid.

6. Add granulated sugar and make syrup by bringing it to a boil. Boil for about 5 minutes.

7. Pour syrup into a jar of fruit.

8. Close the jar with a seaming machine.

9. Turn the compote over and wrap for a day. Move basement.

It would seem that a simple drink, but in the cold season, everyone will say a big thank you for such a tasty and at the same time healthy uzvar kept from the summer.

Watch our video recipe:

Bon Appetit!!!

How to make assorted pears, grapes, peaches with orange

Not only is compote an undeniable storehouse of vitamins, it has a positive effect on many metabolic processes, which means it helps to fight against various diseases. This glass contains everything that will energize the body. And even special connoisseurs will appreciate the taste. The proposed version is incredibly interesting in that it combines components that grow both in domestic latitudes and brought from far away. From this combination of components, he only wins.


  • Green pears - 8 fruits.
  • Peaches - 6 medium fruits.
  • Orange - a couple of pieces.
  • Grapes - a bunch.
  • Sugar sand - 350 grams.
  • Distilled water - 5 liters.

Output - 6 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Fruits must be taken slightly unripe. This will help avoid overcooking. Rinse thoroughly, remove excess: bones, stalks, seeds.

2. Divide the grapes into berries.

3. Peel the peaches so that four equal slices are obtained.

4. Rinse oranges. Drop into boiling water. Take out and put in cold water. This will help get rid of the bitter taste. Divide into four slices, removing the core.

5.Pour water. Boil. Add sugar. Boil the syrup for about 20 minutes.

6. Banks carefully sterilize, dry, lay fruits.

7. Pour in the syrup to the brim. He can overflow. This will keep air bubbles out.

8. Close the lid with a twist machine. Flip. Wrap up. Move to a cool place the next day.

Very rich and delicious recipe helping many painlessly survive the winter with a healthy drink.

Why conservation is not stored and explodes

It is very disappointing when the drink does not wait for the specified hour, and simply deteriorates. Compotes explode not infrequently. And in order to prevent such a situation, it is worth observing some of the following rules.

  • Wash fruits well and remove excess particles to prevent the entry of germs and rot.
  • Use for canning only fresh fruits with a dense peel without damage.
  • The fruits must undergo sufficient or proper heat treatment.
  • Only use new lids with elastic bands with sufficient elasticity.
  • The spinning machine must be fully operational. This will prevent the appearance of leaky parts and the penetration of air under the cover, as a result, and further explosion.
  • There should not be a hint of rust or punctures in the lids. Otherwise, depressurization cannot be avoided.

Another point that should never be forgotten is the correct and well-sterilized dishes and products used in the process of creating blanks.

  • Each can should be inspected for chips, cracks, breaks.
  • Careful sterilization is the key to the absence of microorganisms.
  • Lids should be inspected for gum quality, chips, and rust.
  • In no case is it unacceptable to use fruits with the presence of rot.

Some tricks will help make the drink more rich and tasty. The main thing is to apply them before direct preparation, then the result will be simply amazing.

  • If there are hard fruits, they should be boiled a little before putting them in jars. This forethought will help release more vitamins.
  • If the peel has been previously cut, then it can serve as an excellent base for syrup. It should be boiled together with water and sugar. After that, using a colander, strain all the excess.
  • Refrain from using dishwashing liquid. The ideal result can be achieved by using baking soda. It will not only get rid of germs, but also prevent their further appearance.
  • Using an oven to sterilize jars, you can achieve the desired effect much faster.
  • After twisting, the jars should be checked for bubbles. For these purposes, it is enough to turn the jar over. If there are bubbles rising up, it is worth rolling the jar again. When this does not help, it is recommended to remove the lid and repeat the compote rolling procedure again.
  • In the absence of a fresh pear, you can always use drying. True, it is worth taking into account that often a wild game is taken for harvesting dried fruits. This type of fruit has a special tartness. In order to diversify the taste, it is necessary to add currant or plum berries. Cherry will not only increase fortification, but also diversify the taste value of the drink by an order of magnitude.

Pear compote is an excellent drink that gives vivacity and energy. It is pleasant to drink it at any time of the year and get the most out of canned fruits. The main thing is to follow all the rules of harvesting in the process, and then the result will turn out to be incredibly tasty. Connoisseurs can always add their favorite berries in any quantity. With a little effort, you can enjoy a first-class drink all year round and get everything you need. A little bit of imagination and every day a fragrant compote will be ready for the table! Summer is a time of abundance of fruit, and you can roam in terms of harvesting compotes for the winter. It can be cherry or ranetki.

Compotes are a piece of summer rolled up loving hands in jars. Having opened a container with a fruit drink in winter, you can fully enjoy its magical taste and divine aroma. A huge advantage of homemade preparations over purchased juices or lemonades lies in their beneficial properties. Indeed, even after processing, fruits and berries retain many vitamins, which are so necessary in the cold season. And what can boast of purchased drinks? preservatives and dyes. Compotes are especially good for those who have small children. After all, the kids love sweet drinks so much, but loving parents are unlikely to regale the baby with chemical “cocktails”. If you have never been preparing compotes for the winter, then this selection will certainly come in handy. end of summer time fragrant pears from which delicious home-made drinks are obtained. After studying these recipes, you will learn how to preserve pear compote for the winter in its pure form, as well as with the addition of other berries and fruits. Believe me, it's very simple, and most importantly tasty and healthy!

Pear compote for the winter - a simple harvesting option

Today we have pears on the agenda. As you know, they have many varieties and begin to ripen somewhere in July, and end in late autumn.

If you want to drink delicious pear compote in winter, take care of it in summer.

You won't be disappointed with our proven recipe.

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter

Ingredients for 3 liters

  • Pears - 1 kg;
  • Sugar sand - to taste (about 12-15 tablespoons);
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • Cherry - a few pieces.

From this amount of pears, we got one 2-liter and one liter jar of a delicious drink called pear compote.

How to cook delicious pear compote for the winter

There are several ways to prepare this wonderful drink and you will get full information this topic by reading this article.

But, first, we offer you the easiest option for harvesting pear compote, so to speak fast track- without sterilization. It was according to this recipe that we prepared our pear compote for the winter.

Which pears to choose for compote

You can make a blank from different varieties of pears, the main thing is to follow the basic rules.

  1. The fruits should not be soft (overripe), the compote will turn out cloudy and not presentable, and the pears themselves will definitely lose their shape. You should not take green fruits, they will not make tasty, and even more fragrant compote. Ripe, but dense pulp is the key to success!
  2. The pears must not be damaged. Dark dots indicate fruit disease, it is better not to take them. Pears with wormholes and battered places are also not suitable, they can only be used for jam or marmalade. Well, it’s better not to use fruits with rottenness at all!
  3. The size of the fetus does not matter. We cut large and medium-sized ones into halves or quarters (removing the core), and close the small ones entirely.

How to close pear compote without sterilization

In our recipe for pear compote, fruits of the variety “ forest beauty". They have juicy sweet flesh, skin bright green colors with a red barrel (if the fruit ripened in the sun). This type of pear makes just a great drink! Get it ready and see for yourself!

Let's start with the fact that, as usual, we thoroughly wash the container - jars and lids. After that, we steam the jars by inserting boiling water into the neck of the kettle (2 minutes is enough), and boil the lids (1 minute).

We cover the prepared jars with lids and leave for a while.

Then we will wash all the fruits to be preserved. Let the water drain and start cutting them. In our case, these will be quarters. We cut the fruit in half, and after the half we divide it into two parts again. Then we remove the core with bones.

While we are slicing pears, water is already heating up on the stove for compote. We are preparing about 2.7 liters, since we have 2 and 1 liter jars, you can safely replace them with a 3 liter jar.

First, fill a 2-liter jar with prepared slices (about 1 third).

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We do the same with a one-liter jar. But, here, we wanted to slightly diversify our pear compote and make its color brighter. To this end, add a few cherries to the jar. Ultimately, the compote will have a rich pink color, and the fruits themselves will acquire an interesting color. Instead of cherries, you can also take blackcurrants.

The jars are filled and we immediately fill them with water, which has already boiled by this time, cover with a lid and leave to steam for 15-20 minutes.

The indicated time has passed. We pour water from the jars into a saucepan (in turn), put citric acid directly into the jar (for 2 liters = 2/3 tsp, for 1 liter = 1/3 tsp).

Add sugar to the drained water to taste (approximately: for 2 liters = 8-9 tablespoons with a slide, for 1 liter = 4-5 tablespoons with a slide). We let it boil so that the sugar dissolves, and immediately pour it into jars.

For a 3-liter jar of pear compote, you will need 12-15 tbsp. sugar or 250-300 grams of sugar, depending on how sweet you want to close the compote.

We roll up the lids, turn over and wrap. We do not disturb the day. Then we send our pear compote for the winter to a secluded place.

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Other ways to prepare pear compote

And now, as stated at the beginning, we will talk about other options for harvesting pear compote.

Firstly, I would like to note that pears go well with various spices: cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom. And the light color of the compote can be shaded using cherries, raspberries, currants, strawberries as an addition. Pears in compote also go well with apples. And if they have a pronounced sourness, it is not necessary to add citric acid to the compote.

Pear compote with blanching

Pears cut into slices or halves, remove the core. Make sugar syrup and place pears in boiling water, bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and leave the pears to infuse for 5-10 minutes.

Remove the pears from the syrup with a slotted spoon, put them in jars, add citric acid, pour boiling syrup over, roll up, turn over, wrap.

Pear compote with sterilization

Arrange prepared pears in clean jars by 1/3 or half, add citric acid, pour boiling sugar syrup.

We prepare a deep pot with water, put a napkin on the bottom, heat the water, put a jar of compote in it (the water should only reach the shoulders), cover with a lid and wait until bubbles rise up in the jar. We sterilize in this way 3 liter jars 15 minutes, take out of the water, roll up, turn over, warm.

We told you about the main ways of harvesting pear compote for the winter. Apply the one you like best. And also prepare mixed pear compotes with other fruits and berries. Fantasize!

Pear and plum compote for the winter

Did you know that plum and pear create an amazing composition of taste, color and aroma? These garden fruits perfectly complement each other, thanks to which wonderful compotes can be cooked on their basis. The sweetness of the pear, diluted with the acid of the plums, results in a drink made from these fruits boasting a pleasant taste. The delicate light purple color of the compote pleases the eye, and the amazing aroma warms the soul and uplifts the mood. The ease of preparation of such a drink is obvious, so if you have plums and pears in the refrigerator, do not hesitate a minute! In less than an hour, your pantry will be replenished with a wonderful workpiece.


  • Ripe pears - 300 g;
  • Blue plums - 250 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.


  1. First of all, prepare the dishes. Wash a 3 liter glass bottle thoroughly with baking soda, and then rinse it equally well under high pressure running water. Set the washed container on a clean towel, turning it upside down. Leave excess liquid to glass.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the fruits. Rinse pears and plums well under running water. Place the fruits in a colander to free them from moisture.

  1. Bring drinking water to a boil in any convenient way.
  2. Slightly dried pears free from ponytails and cores, and then cut into large slices. Divide the plums into halves, removing the seeds from them. Place prepared fruits in a bottle.
  3. Fill the contents of a large jar with boiling water. The liquid should reach the very neck of the bottle.
  4. Scald the new metal lid with boiling water, and then cover the container with the future compote with it.
  5. Leave the fruit in boiling water for 20-30 minutes. This procedure is called blanching, it will replace your sterilization.
  6. After the specified time, drain the liquid from the bottle into a convenient saucepan. Pieces of fruit should remain in the jar. Re-cap the bottle.
  7. Send a saucepan with fruit liquid to the fire. Add granulated sugar. Stir the syrup until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. Bring it to a boil.
  8. Add citric acid to fruit bottles. Pour boiling syrup into a container.
  9. Roll up the bottle with a lid, after boiling it for about 2-3 minutes in water.
  10. That's the whole simple recipe for pear compote for the winter. It remains only to turn the bottle over, wrap it with a blanket and leave the roll to cool completely, and then move it to the pantry or basement.

Canned pear compote with lemon

This drink has an exquisite tropical taste. Moderate sweetness, slight sourness and unforgettable aroma. What else do you need for real pleasure? Pear compote for the winter with lemon can be prepared using the first method, that is, the blanching method. But there is another option, which you will learn about from this recipe.


  • Medium lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 7.5 l;
  • Sugar - 600 g;
  • Pears - 1.2 kg.


  1. First prepare the container. For the indicated amount of products, you will need 3 cans with a capacity of 3 liters. Wash each of them with soda and rinse with running water.
  2. Boil water in a large bowl. Place a colander, sieve, or any convenient device with holes on the container with boiling water. Place clean jars on top, upside down. Sterilize the containers over steam for 10 minutes, then place them on a towel in the same form. Leave the jars to dry completely.
  3. Wash pears and lemon well and dry naturally (using a colander).

  1. Cut the pears into large pieces, after removing the cores and tails from them.
  2. Release the lemon from the “buttocks”, and then chop into thin rings or semicircles.

  1. Divide the pears into bottles, filling them 1/5 of the total volume. Add 4-5 lemon rings (8-10 semicircles) to each container.
  2. Bring water (7.5 l) to a boil. Add sugar to it and, stirring, wait until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the syrup into the fruit jars, filling them all the way to the top. Roll up containers well with sterile lids.
  4. Cool the blanks by turning them upside down and wrapping them in a warm blanket. Store pear and lemon compote in a dark, cool and dry place.

Pear compote for the winter

Surprisingly, but a fact: a wild pear, which at first glance is inconspicuous, has an incomparable taste. That is why the most beautiful compotes are obtained from it. Moderately sweet, fragrant and slightly tart drink will surely become a favorite among winter preparations. To prepare wild game compote, you do not need to spend time chopping fruits, it is prepared from whole pears.


  • Wild pear - 600 g;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (without top);
  • Drinking water - 2.5 liters.


  1. As always, first you need to wash a three-liter jar of soda, and then put it to drain.
  2. Rinse the pears under running water and place in a bottle.
  3. Bring the water to a boil. Pour boiling water over the contents of the bottle. The container must be completely filled with liquid.
  4. Pour boiling water over the lid and cover the jar with it.
  5. Leave the pears in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  6. Drain the liquid from the jar and bring it back to a boil. Repeat the procedure, again pouring boiling water into the jar, covering it with a lid and leaving it for 20 minutes. Double blanching is used when the fruits are rolled up as a whole.
  7. Pour the liquid back into the saucepan. Add sugar. Send the dishes with syrup to the fire and bring to a boil. The liquid should be stirred occasionally so that the grains of sugar are completely dissolved.
  8. Pour the syrup into a jar and immediately roll it up with a sterile lid. Citric acid should not be added, compote from wild game will turn out to be sweet and sour. However, if you like sour drinks, then pour 0.25 tsp into the bottle. citric acid.

  1. Cool the compote to room temperature in the usual way. Move delicious drink from a game for storage in a room convenient for you. Bon Appetit!

What can be said about pear compote? Only that it should be drunk. The indescribable taste and aftertaste cannot be compared with drinks made from concentrates, which are sold to us in the store as juice or nectar. I remember when I was sent to my grandmother in the village for the holidays, my first question was - can I already eat a pear? This tree was my refuge. I jumped along the branches like a squirrel and the most beautiful yellow, honey, fruits hanging on the very top of my head were not inaccessible to me. I still remember the taste, my grandfather called it "lemon". And what jam we cooked! On the street, in a basin, on an open fire ... all the bees and wasps were visiting us. When enough sweets were boiled, they began to close the compotes. In the course were all the banks that were in the economy. All the relatives loved the pear drink. Grandma still mixed different varieties, to the "lemon" added "duchesse", and a little more greenish "berry".

I was trusted to pluck them from the branches. I didn't like picking up scavengers; other grandchildren got this task. And what a war was going on for “licking a spoon” and trying foam from jam! Ah, childhood, childhood. I remembered this episode when I saw a box of these fragrant fruits in the market. I decided to please my relatives and treat them to a real pear drink.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization with citric acid: the best recipe

While standing hot weather, it is difficult to do conservation in the kitchen, and even sterilize jars. I decided to dry a small number of pears. In winter, dried fruit compote will be a favorite. But you don’t use such “drying” for cake or cream. Only from natural compote. I had to look in my culinary diaries for recipes without a long boil. I have some, I'll cook it myself and share it with you. Happy cooking!


  • pears - 300g;
  • sugar - 1/2 stack;
  • water - 3l;
  • citric acid - 1/4 tsp.

If you like the smell of mint, add a couple of fresh leaves.

How to close pear compote for the winter in 3 liter jars

Pear compote for the winter: a simple recipe with sterilization

And one more recipe for delicious compote, but with sterilization. I hear from friends - I closed it immediately, and the lids were swollen, the compote fermented. In my opinion, this happens if the container was not washed well, the lid was loosely screwed on, or the fruit was rotten. But in order not to risk - sterilize. Pear compote is an excellent drink and another bonus is a dessert made from pieces. By itself, the drink is pale yellowish. If you want to get a bright color, add dark-colored berries - currants, plums ... I love assorted, I mix different fruits and you get an incomparable taste of juice. But mine require only pears. You have to please. I share the recipe with you, I hope that when you cook it, you will be satisfied.

This recipe is suitable for very ripe, soft varieties that simply cannot stand cooking and turn into porridge.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • pears - 2-4pcs (depending on size);
  • water - 1l;
  • sugar - to taste.

How to make compote from soft fruits so that it does not become cloudy

Compote from whole pears for the winter recipes for a 3 liter jar

Summer is the time for canning vegetables and fruits, so we arm ourselves with proven recipes and prepare jars with various blanks. From a wide variety of fruits, today we will focus on pears. They are good both fresh and canned. From them you can prepare jam, jam, jam and compotes. To prepare the latter, we use any variety of pears that you like, as long as they are juicy, sweet and ripe. Do not use too green or overripe fruits. Greens can be hard and unsweetened, and overripe fruits will not make a beautiful compote, they can be wrinkled and deformed during cooking. Having decided on the variety and having bought the necessary fruits on the market, we will deal with conservation. To prepare pear compote, we recommend using spices to give the drink the necessary aroma. By themselves, these fruits have a sweet taste, but this is not enough to cook a delicious compote. Add cinnamon, which will decorate the drink and give it an unforgettable aroma. So that the drink does not turn out cloyingly sweet, we will use citric acid, which will give it a light and pleasant sourness, which the fruits themselves lack so much. As spices, you can use anise stars and dried cloves, but this is up to your taste and preferences.

Required products:

  • 500gr. pears;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 150gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon.

How to cook compote from whole fresh pears

Enjoy the pleasant taste of compote of whole pears with spices!

My jars are perfectly stored both with sterilization and without. Follow all the rules of preparation, and you will get a fragrant sunny drink! Choose from the proposed recipes, which one you like best, and cook with pleasure!