Kharisova Liliya Radikovna


Naberezhnye Chelny Republic of Tatarstan

MADOU Kindergarten 100 Firebird

Synopsis of GCD

By educational field"Communication"

V middle group

"Spring came"

Purpose of the lesson:

Formation of coherent speech.

Lesson objectives:

-Strengthening the ability to describe by signs.

-Activate the use in speech of words denoting actions (verbs) and qualities of objects (adjectives).

-Fix spatial relationships and count up to 5.

-Develop the ability to draw independently using non-traditional forms of drawing.

Educational areas: Communication, Music, Socialization, Cognition, Physical culture, Artistic creativity.

Materials and equipment: Dunno doll, carpet maker, pictures of snowdrops, CD player, audio recordings, art supplies, cotton swabs.

The guys are sitting at the tables.

Knock on the door. The stranger came to visit.

Dunno: Hello guys. All my friends from the Sunny City always tell me that I don't know anything and can't do it. And it seems that recently there was only snow on the street, and now everything has melted, what is happening, tell me guys.

Educator: The guys will explain Dunno what is happening with the weather?

Children's answers : Yes.

Educator: Guys guess the riddle:

The snow is melting, the meadow came to life,

The day is coming. When does it happen?

Children: In the spring!

caregiver : right guys, spring has come to us.

Tell me, what seasons do you know? And what time of year was it before spring? What months of spring do you know? What month is it? Etc.

Children's answers

Didactic game on the development of coherent speech "Description by features and quality"

The teacher asks preschoolers questions to which they answer complete offer For example: The sky is blue in spring. Questions are at the discretion of the teacher. Individual and complete answers are welcome.

What is the sky like in spring? (blue, clear, high, clear, cloudless)

And what is the sun? (spring, warm, bright)

What snow? (dark, dirty).

What happens to snow in spring? (melting, flowing)

What happens to the sun? (shines brightly, warms, caresses)

Who flies from warmer climes? (birds, swallows), etc.

Dunno: Guys, you talk about spring in a very interesting way, but I'm a little tired.

Educator: Guys, let's have a little rest and dance with Dunno.


The children move to light calm music and perform movements according to the words that they sing along with the teacher. The game is repeated twice.

I open my kidneys(swaying, raising hands folded into fists)

green leaves(swaying, unclenching his fists, imitating that these are leaves)

I water the trees(moving fingers, depicting watering plants)

Movement is full(move around on toes)

My name is Spring.

They sat down in their seats.

Didactic game "Say kindly."

Educator: Guys, I will call you the words, and you tell me how these words can be pronounced gently, affectionately. Well, let's try.


flower flower;



Leaf-leaf, leaflet;

Rain, rain, rain;

Grass-grass, grass; etc.

The options for the words and answers of the children may change, here the teacher himself controls both his own and the answers of the children.

Educator: Guys in the spring, when the snow melts, the sun warms the earth, the first grass appears and the first flowers bloom.

Guess the riddle:

Grows through the snow
To the sun's rays, a flower,
Small and delicate
White ...

Children's answers:snowdrop .

"Didactic game of counting and spatial correlation"

Educator: right guys, well done, this is a snowdrop.

Shows a picture with a snowdrop, hangs it on a carpet recorder (the carpet recorder can be replaced with a magnetic board) in the very center (designed as a forest glade).

Educator: Guys, look, there are still snowdrops in the forest. There are so many here. Let's place them in our clearing. Children go out one by one and hang them out as directed by the teacher: for example: place this snowdrop to the left (right, above, below) of the snowdrop (pointing to the snowdrop located in the very center). For easier orientation in space, you can take snowdrops of different colors. When all the snowdrops are hung out (the number is five snowdrops), a child is invited to count all the snowdrops. The teacher asks other children if he counted correctly.

Educator: Well done guys, you did a very good job with this task.

Educator: Guys, how beautiful are our snowdrops in the clearing?

Answers: Yes!

Educator: Do you love flowers?

Answers: Yes!

Educator: Did you know that flowers are also loved by various insects (spiders, ants, flies, etc.)

Educator: Let's imagine ourselves as spiders who decided to crawl through the flowers.

Fizminutka under musical composition"Spiders"

Put your hands on the table. Listen to the task and imagine that your pens are spiders:

Two spiders decided to take a walk and hurried forward along the path, both try, do not lag behind, their toes and legs run briskly. Fingers-legs, fingers-legs do not lag behind. Fingers and legs run briskly (one hand moves fingers forward on the table, the other stands still, then vice versa).

Dunno: Boys and girls, you are so smart, you know everything, and they taught me now and I know that spring has come to us, thank you.

Educator: Guys, let's give Dunno a gift from us, draw snowdrops for him.

Children's answers.

Educator: And we will draw with you with such cotton buds and our fingers. Let's get to work.

Snowdrop drawing.

They give snowdrops to Dunno. Parting.


Educator: You guys did a really good job today. And what did we do today? Who came to visit us? What did you enjoy doing the most? What was the hardest task for you? Etc.

Goals and objectives:


1. Learn to use instrumental case nouns, exercise in coordinating words in cases.

2. Consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs;

3. Exercise the children to answer the teacher's questions with a full answer.

4. Drawing up a descriptive story of the animal according to the scheme.


1. Develop auditory and visual perception, fine motor skills;

2. Improve thought processes;


1.Cultivate love for pets;

2. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, develop the cognitive process;

3. To cultivate communication skills.

Equipment: easel, pictures of domestic and wild animals, toys of wild and domestic animals, model of "village" and "forest", rubber massage balls, sound panel "pets".



GBOU of the city of Moscow School 2000

Open lesson on communication in the middle group on the topic: "Pets"

Group teacher number 2

Arkhipova O.E.

Goals and objectives:


1. Learn to use the instrumental case of nouns, exercise in coordinating words in cases.

2. Consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs;

3. Exercise the children to answer the teacher's questions with a full answer.

4. Drawing up a descriptive story of the animal according to the scheme.


1. Develop auditory and visual perception, fine motor skills;

2. Improve thought processes;


1.Cultivate love for pets;

2. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, develop the cognitive process;

3. To cultivate communication skills.

Equipment: easel, pictures of domestic and wild animals, toys of wild and domestic animals, model of "village" and "forest", rubber massage balls, sound panel "pets".

Lesson progress:

Children enter the group, greet the guests.

Organizing time.

Educator: I invite you on a journey into the world of animals. A white-sided magpie flew into my window this morning and brought a letter from my grandparents on its tail. Let's read it! He takes out a letter from the envelope, reads: Hello, dear boys and girls. We had a misfortune - all the animals fled from our yard. Please help me find them. And to find our animals, you need to solve riddles.

D / game "Riddles"

I serve the master

The master's house to the watchman.

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.

Educator: The very first animal that man made his friend was the dog. Let's remember what the dog eats?

Soft paws, and in the paws - scratches.

The cat is a flexible, graceful animal. She loves her owners, her home, she likes to soak up the warmth and comfort, bask in the sun or lie down in an easy chair. What does a cat eat? (children's answers)

She says "moo-moo!"

At night he sleeps in his barn,

Goes to pasture during the day.

Gives milk to all of us.

The body of the cow is large, with rounded swollen sides. The long tail resembles a panicle. The cow has a large head with upturned horns, erect ears, with which she hears well and big eyes. The cow eats juicy green grass, loves hay.

"M-e-e!" - Who's calling the kids? Who shakes the beard?

Who has twisted horns, and how are the eyes berries?

This is approaching the children along the path ... (goat)

A goat, like a cow, eats grass and hay. A goat is a small animal, its body is covered with thick hair. The legs of the goat are high, slender, the tail is short. The goat has sharp horns on its head.

I have a piglet, instead of a ponytail, a hook,

I like to lie in a puddle and grunt: “Oink! Oink!”

At the pig big head, ending in a round patch, large erect ears and small eyes. The pig does not see well, but her hearing and sense of smell are excellent. The pig has a thick rounded body, a ringed tail and slender legs with hooves. The pig is an omnivore.

Work on the easel

Educator: Let's name these animals again. (Children take turns listing the animals posted on the board)

Educator: How can you call these animals in one word? (Pets)

Educator: Why are they called that?

Children: Because a person takes care of pets, a person builds a home for pets, and pets benefit a person.

Educator: While we were guessing pets, all the animals got mixed up. Help me clean up.

Modeling (wild and domestic animals are located on the tables, children distribute animals, who lives where).

Educator: What is it?

Children: Village house.

Educator: And what is this?

Children: Forest.

Educator: Sort the animals according to their habitats. Well done! Everyone did their job!

Animals can communicate with each other in the same way as people, but they all speak differently. Let's remember who says what ... Now I propose to play the game "Find your mom by voice"

D / ex. "Find your mother" children find their cub to their mother by the sound.

Who has the dog? - a puppy, but a lot ... (puppies)

Who has a cow? - a calf, but a lot ... (calves)

Who has a horse? - a foal, but a lot ... (foals)

Who has the cat? - a kitten, but a lot ... (kittens)

Who's the pig? - a piglet, but a lot ... (pigs)

Who has the goat? - a goat, and a lot ... (goats)

Teacher: Well done guys! You have found a mother for each cub. Now let's have a little rest. Everyone come to me and take the ball.

Physical education minute

I roll circles with the ball (roll between the palms)

Back and forth I drive him. (rolling back and forth)

I will stroke their hand

It's like I'm sweeping a crumb

And squeeze it a little, (squeeze the ball)

How a cat squeezes its paw.

I will press the ball with each finger (press the ball with your fingers)

And I'll start with the other hand. (change hands)

D/game "Which picture is superfluous"

Children among pets must see a wild animal.

Descriptive story according to the schemeabout any pet.

Summary of the lesson:

Guys, our journey into the world of animals has come to an end. Who are we talking about today? What did you enjoy doing today? What new did you learn? Pets need to be protected and cared for.

Synopsis of the GCD in the educational field "Communication" in the middle group on topic

"Literary Kaleidoscope"


Ermakova I.I.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization".


Help children remember and consolidate the names and heroes of fairy tales already known to them;

Find out if they know riddles and poems;

Continue to learn to solve riddles;

Develop a sense of rhyme;

Expand your horizons and lexicon children;

Cultivate friendly relations between children;

Cultivate a love of reading.

Equipment: Books, illustrations, cards with fairy tales.

1. Organizational moment.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs on the carpet.


Children, today we will go on a journey through fairy tales. Imagine that we ended up in a magical land of fairy tales, ruled by a kind king, and a disaster happened there. Baba Yaga stole the sun from the sky, and all the tales became not colored, but gray, gloomy and sad. Let's help bring the sun back to the land of fairy tales, answer the quiz questions. Do you agree?




Then let's hit the road!

2. Didactic game "Who is the hero of the fairy tale"

Sweet, lush, round-cheeked

He has a ruddy side

Runs down the path

And it's called ... (Kolobok)

Who laid a simple testicle,

And who broke the gold?

(Ryaba Hen and mouse from the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen")

There was a teremok in a field.

Was not low, not high.

How many inhabitants in total

Did you move into it?

(Mouse-norushka, Frog-quack, Bunny-runaway, Chanterelle-sister, Top-gray barrel)

Grandfather planted round, white and tasty,

It has grown big, that's the harvest!

Who pulled the turnip in order to count?

(Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse)

There is no river, no pond,

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka from the fairy tale "Three Bears")


Well done children! Did a great job with the first one.

3. D / game "Guess"

Children are invited to name the hero of the fairy tale, who owns the phrase and the name of the fairy tale itself.

- "The Fox carries me for dark forests, for high mountains. (Cockerel from the fairy tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster)

- "According to the pike command, in my opinion, take the sleigh yourself!" (Emelya from the fairy tale "By the command of a pike"

- "I carry a scythe on my shoulder, I want to cut the fox, get off the Fox from the stove!" (Cockerel from the fairy tale "Hare hut")

- "Oh kids, oh kids,

Open up, open up

Your mother has come

She brought milk "(Goat from the fairy tale" The Wolf and the Seven Kids ")

- "Don't sit on a stump,

Do not eat the pie!" (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bears")

- "Stove, mother, hide us!" (Sister from the fairy tale "Geese-swans")


Great guys! How well do you know fairy tales and their heroes. But the quiz continues.

4. Didactic game "Fairy tale objects"

Children are invited to guess the names of fairy-tale objects from various fairy tales.

1. What does Baba Yaga fly on? (On a broom in a mortar)

2. What do wizards wave when they cast spells? (Magic wand)

3. What object lies on the floor at home, but flies in fairy tales? (Carpet plane)

4. If it lies on the table, the food appears by itself (Self-assembly tablecloth)

5. Shoes that help you move very quickly (Boots-walkers)

6. She can make everything invisible (Hat of Invisibility)


Well done! And you have completed this task.

Children, I have now asked you a lot of riddles, but do you know any riddles yourself?

5. Children make riddles to each other.

Winter and summer in one color (Christmas tree)

A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street (Carrot)

White in winter, gray in summer (Hare)

A pear is hanging, you can’t eat (Light bulb)

Piglet in front, hook in back,

In the middle is the back, and on it is a bristle (Pig)

Soft paws, scratches in the paws,

Often washes, but does not know with water (Cat)

Jumping on the branches

Not a bird

Redhead, but not a fox (Squirrel)



Well done kids! How many riddles do you know?

6. Didactic game "Tell me a word"

Children are invited to insert the missing words in the verses into rhyme.

The girl began to put the kitten to sleep:

Here's to your back

Soft ... featherbed,

On top of the feather

A clean... sheet

Here under your ears

White... pillows

("Mustache-striped" S. Marshak)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...

Well, I didn’t play ...

I don't start a wolf

I sat down and... I'm sitting

("Let's sit in silence" by E. Blaginina)

Masha put on a mitten

Oh, where am I finger ... business?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

I didn’t ... get into my little house

("Where is my finger" N. Sakonskaya)

Snow fell on the threshold

The cat sculpted himself ... a pie,

In the meantime, he sculpted and ... baked,

Brook pie ... leaked

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you rush ... jump?

I clapped your hand

You jumped and loudly ... stomped!

("Ball" S. Marshak)


Guys, you turned out to be wonderful poets and storytellers and did an excellent job with all the tasks of the quiz. Thanks to you, the Sun returned to the land of fairy tales and fairy tales became colored again. Good Fairy from fairytale forest as a token of gratitude, he gives you a beautiful "Book of Fairy Tales".

Municipal preschool educational institution

for children of preschool and primary school age

« Primary School- Kindergarten of a compensating type "No. 1

Abstract of an open lesson

in the educational field "Communication"

in the middle group

for students of the methodological association of educators

MOU "Primary school - kindergarten of a compensating type" No. 1

Topic: "Introducing children to the general concept of" dishes "

Prepared and hosted:

Head of the MO of educators,


Subject:“Introduction of children to the general concept of “dishes”.

Target: Familiarization of children with the general concept of "dishes".

« Tasks:

1. To form in children the ability to distinguish and name dishes; improve the ability to find similarities and differences between objects; develop the ability to compose descriptive story according to the subject picture; exercise children in word formation.

2. Develop visual perception, attention, thinking.

3. To cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers, the desire to work in pairs, the ability to listen to each other.

preliminary work

Reading of the work of K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief". Guessing riddles on the topic of dishes.


Circles different color(2 yellow, 2 red, 2 blue); colored envelopes of three colors; D \ and "Find a couple"; utensils: a saucepan, a kettle, a cup, a plate, a frying pan, a sugar bowl, a herring bowl, a butter dish, a coffee pot; "Cursed Leaves"

vocabulary work

Crockery, saucepan, kettle, plate, frying pan, cup, salad bowl, sugar bowl, herring bowl, butter dish, milk jug, napkin holder.

Lesson progressIntroduction

Guys, a lot of guests came to our lesson today, let's
say hello.

Statement of motivation

- Are you curious to know what we are going to do today? Listen

It is different glass, wooden, metal, ceramic.

In flower, polka dot, leaf.

But everyone needs one.

Eat delicious food from it. (Dishes.)

Update personal experience child

The guys sent letters to our group. But in order to open these
letters we need to complete the task "Find a couple."

Each of you has circles of different colors on your chest, I will close my eyes, and you
find your match soon. (Children in pairs are divided into three teams
yellow, red, blue.) The yellow team gets a yellow envelope, the red team gets a red envelope, the blue team gets a blue envelope.)

Didactic game "Collect a picture"

Children from the details collect the image of a pot, kettle, frying pan, cup.

Introduction of new material

Guys, you all coped with the task, and now tell me what you have
happened? (Children's answers.)

Guys, what is this? (Shows a pan.) And what kind of pan, what can you say about it? (Large, white, metal.) What does the pan have? (Handles, lid.) What is the saucepan used for?

And what's that? (Cup.) And what kind of cup? (White, with flowers.) What is it for? (For tea, compote.)

And what's that? (Teapot.) What is it? (Large, small, etc.) What does the kettle have? (Spout, handle, lid.) What is the kettle for?

Thus, the teacher examines all objects (frying pan).

Guys, it seems to me that we have sat too long, let's have a rest.


We kick top - top,

We hands clap - clap!

We eyes a moment - a moment,

We shoulders chik-chik

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

One - sat down, two - got up

Everyone raised their hands up.

One - two, one - two

It's time for us to get busy!

When all the pictures hang on the board, the teacher offers to compare them.

See what items have handles? (Teapot, cup, saucepan,

What items have lids? (Pot, kettle.)

Are there any items here that have neither a handle nor a lid? (Plate.)

What is the difference between a plate and a pan? (The frying pan has a handle, and
there is no plate; a frying pan made of metal, and a plate made of clay; frying pan is not
beats, and the plate may break).

How are a plate and a frying pan similar? (Round.)

That's how much you have said about these subjects. What are all these items for? What is the saucepan for? Pan? Plate? Cup? Yes, guys, all these items are needed in order to cook food, as well as in order to eat. All these items are similar in this way. They can be called in one word. What? (Dishes.) Repeat this word all together. (Children repeat the word in chorus and individually.)

Utensils are household utensils for eating, drinking, storing supplies.

Visual gymnastics (using the Asterisk simulator)

Some names of dishes sound very similar. Sugar utensils are
What? (Sugar bowl.) Dishes for herring - what's that? (Herring.) Dishes for
lettuce - what is it? (Salad bowl.) The teacher makes sure that the children correctly
all words were spoken. Dishes for coffee? (Coffee pot.) Utensils for milk?
(Milkman.) Utensils for butter - what's that? (Oiler.)

Independent activity of children to master new material

Let's set the table for dinner together. Put a tablecloth on it. I will call you, and you will take only one piece of dishes and put it on the table. (Children go out one at a time and put a herring bowl, a salad bowl, a butter dish, etc. on the table. The teacher always asks to name the item of dishes, makes sure that the child pronounces the word correctly. Particular attention should be paid to the word herring, which children usually pronounce incorrectly.)

That's how beautifully you set the table. Now we will put a vase with flowers to make it beautiful and a napkin holder with napkins. (The teacher puts a vase and a napkin holder.) Do you like it, guys?

Look carefully at the table and tell me if there are items on the table that do not belong to the dishes? (Children's suggestions. If the children do not guess, then the teacher invites them to name the items from which they do not eat and in which they do not cook food.) Yes, this is a vase and a napkin holder.

So, guys, today we learned that the items that we
needed for food and for its preparation, are called in one word - dishes.

game exercise for the development of auditory attention

Guys, now I will call you various words if you hear
the name of the dish, clap your hands if the name of another item
stomp your feet.

Articulation gymnastics

When the guys drink tea, what should be done with the dishes? (Wash.)
Exercise "Washing dishes"

Ssss.......... running water. This sound likes a smile.

Speech-thinking training

At the end, the teacher sums up:

Now, guys, you know that the items that we need for cooking and eating are called in one word - dishes. Dishes made from different materials. What are the utensils in which we cook food made? (From metal.) And why? (The metal is durable, metal dishes can be put on fire.)

And the dishes from which we eat, what are they made of? (If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher says that this dish is made of glass

For example, a salad bowl, or made of clay.)

Do you think that if the clay pot falls, it will break? (Yes,
will break.) It is not as strong as metal cookware, so you need to
handle very carefully. Remember this when you are on duty.

After eating, what do they do with the dishes? (Wash.) And if you don’t wash her, then she can run away from such a person, as she ran away from Grandma Fedora.

Reflection lessons

Guys, look at our magnets hanging on the board, if you liked the lesson, take a red magnet, and if not, then black.

What would you tell your parents about our lesson?

What can we teach kids?

Guys, you did a very good job and for this I will give you
"enchanted leaves" that you will disenchant in the evening with

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group on communicative activities
Topic: "All professions are important - all professions are needed"

Integration of educational areas:
1. " Speech development": Develop coherent speech, learn to form verbs from nouns; solve riddles; learn to answer in full sentences; vocabulary activation: scales, syringe, hairdresser, rocket, hammer, brick, pan, shoemaker, etc.
2. " cognitive development": To consolidate the knowledge of children about professions (doctor, driver, seller, educator, etc.), about tools.
3. "Socially - communication development»: Cultivate interest in various professions, and respect.
4. " Physical development»: Develop dexterity, speed and attention.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Hello guys! Today I suggest that you go to the world of professions. There are a lot of them on earth. I will now make riddles for you, and you try to guess what professions they say about:
1. He fights fire.
In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,
Rushing to the fire...
2. Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
Instantly starts the engine
He drives by car.
3 . He puts bricks in a row,
Building a garden for children
Not a miner and not a driver,
Building a house for us...
4. Who, tell me, is this Guarding our peace, He keeps order, Doesn't order hooliganism? ( Police officer )
5. With a book in hand - a reader,
Who writes books.
6. I have been sewing all day today, I have dressed the whole family. Wait a bit, cat - There will be clothes for you too! ( Seamstress, dressmaker)
7. With a heavy bag bypasses the area,
Letters to us in the box puts ...
8. I see a plane in the sky
Like a glowing lump
The pilot controls it
It's simple otherwise.
9. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He is not driving a plane,
And a huge rocket
Children who, tell me, is it?
10. Who, in the days of illness, is more useful for everyone And heals us From all diseases? ( Doctor)
11 .The bell rang loudly,
The lesson started in the class.
The student and the parent know -
Will give a lesson.
12. Showcase all products:
Vegetables, nuts, fruits.
Tomato and cucumber
Offers. ..
13. Teaches us politeness
Reads a story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
These are kids…
14. Walks in a white cap
With a ladle in hand
He cooks dinner for us:
Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.
15. I have a pencil
colorful gouache,
watercolor, palette, brush
And a thick sheet of paper
And also - an easel-tripod,
Because I...
16. Master, master, help- Boots are leaking. Hammer in stronger nails - We will go to visit today! ( Shoemaker)
Educator: Well done guys, that's how many professions you know and now I suggest you play a game called"Who's doing what?":
The doctor - heals, the teacher - teaches, the seller - sells, the builder - builds, the artist - draws, the seamstress - sews, the writer - writes, the cook - cooks, the hairdresser - cuts, the pilot - flies, the educator - educates.
Educator: Well done guys, you know a lot of professions, but to become a firefighter, I know that you need to respond quickly and I suggest you play the game ""Whose team will get to work faster"» .
A game is played where two teams of three people are selected. Rules of the game: quickly put on and take off the firefighter's special uniform.
Educator: Guys, do you know what professions people work in your kindergarten?:
What is she doing in kindergarten, teacher?
- assistant teacher what does she do in kindergarten?
What is she doing in kindergarten?
What is she doing in kindergarten?
What is she doing in the kindergarten?
-music director what does she do in kindergarten?
-laundress... what does she do in kindergarten?
-instructor for physical education what does she do in kindergarten?
Educator: That's how many people of different professions work in our garden, and we cannot do without them. And now I propose to play another game: "What is superfluous?".
Children guess the extra item in the picture, and then call who owns the other tools.

Educator: And now we will play a game of attentiveness, it is called "Where is the mistake?":

1. The cook sells toys, and the seller prepares food.
2. The fireman brings up the children, and the teacher puts out the fire.
3. The teacher sews clothes, and the tailor teaches the children.
4. The shoemaker treats children, and the doctor sews shoes.
5. The builder keeps order, and the policeman builds houses.

Educator: Well done boys! Our journey through the world of professions has come to an end. What did we do today? What did you like the most?

Developed by: educator Chirkova Elena Evgenievna SP " Kindergarten No. 7 GBOU secondary school No. 30 of the city of Syzran "

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of the OOD on cognitive and speech development on the topic "All professions are important, all professions are needed!" Purpose: To clarify and summarize children's ideas about professions. Tasks: 1. Understand the importance of the profession in ...

Purpose: Expansion and clarification of ideas, knowledge about different professions. Tasks: Correctional and educational: - expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe professions of people, teach to name professions at the place of work or r...

Synopsis of the GCD with a speech therapist in the preparatory group for children with ONR on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Theme "All professions are important, all professions are needed"

Your attention is presented to a summary of the GCD of children with a speech therapist on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. The purpose of this lesson is to consolidate children's ideas about the need and importance of adult labor ...