Nature and man, in my opinion, are two concepts inseparable from each other. We are all part big world: amazing, charming, filled with life. Everyone has noticed more than once how the mood changes in accordance with changes in nature.

In autumn, when outside the window it's raining, it's so nice to be sad. And in the spring, when the warm rays of the sun make their way in the morning on the horizon, it comes by itself from somewhere good mood, the desire to rejoice at each new leaf that blossomed at night on a lilac bush growing by the window. The world around us has an invisible influence on our attitude to life, on our mood. The first snow and yellow autumn crowns of trees, green grass through unsteady asphalt, birds hurrying home from the south, all this every time makes you admire the power and wonders of nature in a new way.

The question of the influence of nature on man is very often heard in fiction. Many poets and writers draw a subtle parallel between state of mind heroes and the state of nature. So in the story of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya", nature is the background of events that occur with the main characters. As the plot moves towards the denouement, one can trace the changes in the surrounding world: at first, nature is calm, spring pleases with the awakening of life from winter sleep, but the closer the story gets to the end, the more unsettling becomes environment woodlands. At the end of the story, a storm rises, coinciding with the mental suffering of the heroine. Thus, the writer seeks to emphasize, to make more explicit the feelings of a girl who is forced to leave her loved one.

Nature and man are closely linked by an invisible thread. Being in harmony with the surrounding world, a person is in harmony with himself. Nature every day gives the joy of life, enchants with its beauty. Sometimes, as well as in the works of writers, it becomes the background of our mood. The main thing to remember is that nature has no bad weather, and learns to please the lonely as warm beam sun, and drizzling gray rain.

Option 2

Considering the question of the influence of nature on man, we have in mind two types of their connection with each other: physical contact and spiritual dependence. The results of these relationships find a place in literature, and in painting, and in our daily life.

Everything that happens to a person on earth since the time of his appearance is somehow connected with the laws of nature. Nature gives people everything they need - comfort, food, making him happy.

People do not hesitate to use the gifts of generous nature. However, if their requests are too great, this begins to negatively affect her condition. In this case, nature, unable to resist the predatory actions of man, ceases to be beneficial, in full force act on him.

Polluted ecology is the main obstacle that eventually destroys human health, changing the quality of life. It directly depends on human capabilities. Sometimes nature seems to be trying to remind people that fresh air And healing water are not eternal, the life of all life on the planet depends on their condition.

The spiritual connection of man with nature is confirmed by any kind of art. Each writer of Russian literature who fell under its influence, thanks to landscape sketches, solves the pressing issues of his time, shares his own experiences, gives magical descriptions, impressions of what he saw in the form of prose or poetry. The image of a particle of nature on the canvas by the artist is priceless. Admiring it brings a feeling of happiness and peace to the soul. Photography is also enchanting.

A subtle observer, a true connoisseur of the true beauty of the world around him, receives energy, a charge of vivacity, good mood not only from the crimson sunset, but also from a barely noticeable leaf swaying in the wind.

Nature heals the human soul with bright colors, the beauty of snow-covered forests and flowering meadows. It awakens reasonable thoughts, feelings, gives only positive emotions.

In the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" almost wild nature, among which the main character grew up, made her a kind, independent girl who does not know envy and evil. She also accompanied the characters throughout the work, suggesting the course of further events.

Thus, the influence of nature on a person can be considered both from the side of the spiritual impact on people, and from the side of the analysis of environmental problems. Therefore, one can touch the destructive power of a person and the reflection of this on the quality of his life. But in any case, man and nature are interconnected.

Composition on the topic The influence of nature on man

Nature and man are especially interconnected. Without the gifts of nature, man would not be able to exist. She gave people a lot: clean, fresh air, food, water, without which a person would not have lived a day.

But unfortunately, a person sometimes neglects gifts, and causes irreplaceable damage to Mother Nature. And she, in turn, answers the same. Constant storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and cataclysms. One has only to look, in our world, every corner of the earth is bound to suffer.

Every time nature tries to show that she is the mistress here, and not a man.

Nature has endowed each country with its sights. Someone with beautiful fields, someone with rivers, someone with seas and oceans. On one continent there is an insanely beautiful desert, and on the other - glaciers. Therefore, every year there are more and more tourists, they try to travel all over the country to look at the gifts of nature.

Nature is our biggest first aid kit. It is the majority of medicines that seek their beginnings precisely in the natural structure. All plants affect the human body in their own way, and are the base in medicines.

People have always asked for food from the seas and rivers. More than a billion people depend on fishing. This gives them not only a very important protein, but also a job.

Our nature regulates the climate the globe. That is why we see such a variety of forests and mountains, tundra, deserts, rivers, seas. They are connected by a chain among themselves, and keep the balance of the earth.

The influence of nature on man is also great in economic issue. After all, each country is rich in what nature has awarded it. People have learned to take the maximum from this. Minerals are sold, processed, and are an indispensable link in the economies of countries.

How can you imagine art without nature? We were rewarded with excellent landscapes, and beautiful flowers, gardens, forests have always served as inspiration for writing poetry, fairy tales and other works of art.

Our ancestors put all spirituality into nature. It was they who had the gods of fire, sun, wind, water. People worshiped nature, and she generously thanked them.

In today's society, people have squeezed everything out of nature. The climate is changing, thanks to the constant emissions of waste from production from factories and factories into the atmosphere, constant cataclysms that take many lives with them.

Where nature is alive, the soul of man is alive. In the novel, in the ninth chapter "Oblomov's Dream", the author depicts a God-blessed corner of Russia. Oblomovka is a patriarchal paradise on earth.

The sky there, it seems, on the contrary, presses closer to the earth, but not with the aim of throwing stronger arrows, but only to hug it tighter, with love: it spreads so low above your head, like a parent’s reliable roof, to protect, it seems , a chosen corner from all sorts of adversities. The sun shines brightly and hotly there for about half a year and then leaves from there not suddenly, as if reluctantly, as if turning back to look once or twice at his favorite place and give him in the fall, in the midst of bad weather, a clear, warm day.

All nature protects the inhabitants of Oblomovka from adversity, living life in such a blessed place, people are in harmony with the world and themselves. Their souls are pure, there are no dirty gossip, clashes, searches for profit. Everything is peaceful and friendly. Oblomov is a product of this world. It has kindness, soul, generosity, attention to one's neighbor, something for which Stoltz so appreciates him and Olga fell in love with him.

2. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The main character, raznochinets Bazarov, by virtue of his convictions, considers nature not a temple, but a workshop. His point of view is that all trees are the same. However, arriving at his native estate, he tells Arkady that the aspen over the cliff was his talisman in childhood. Now he supposedly understands that he was small and looked for signs of goodness in everything. Why, then, during the development of his passionate feelings for Odintsova, the freshness of the night bursting in through the window makes such an impression on him? He is ready to fall at the feet of Odintsova, he hates himself for this feeling. Is it not the influence of the same workshop for research and experiments. It is a pity that the experience of Evgeny Bazarov will end so badly.

3. I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco"

The trip to Europe is not at all according to the plan that was drawn up by a person who considers himself a master. Instead of bright sun and on bright days, nature meets the heroes cloudy, unsmiling: “The morning sun deceived every day: from noon it invariably turned gray and began to sow rain, but thicker and colder; then the palm trees at the entrance of the hotel shone with tin," such was nature, as if she did not want to give her warmth and light to these overly jaded gentlemen. However, after the death of the master, the sky cleared, the sun shone, and over the whole world: “... whole country, joyful, beautiful, sunny, stretched under them: and the rocky humps of the island, which lay almost entirely at their feet, and that fabulous blue in which he swam, and the shining morning vapors over the sea to the east, under the dazzling sun, which is already hot warm, rising higher and higher, and foggy-azure, still in the morning unsteady massifs of Italy, its near and distant mountains, the beauty of which is powerless to express the human word. Only real people, such as the famous fisherman Lorenzo, can live next to such nature.

4. V.G. Rasputin "To the same land"

The main character - Pashuta - a woman with an ambiguous fate devoted her whole life to the great Soviet construction site. Years passed, when the plant went into operation and began to produce products, the city lost its charm of a pure taiga settlement.

The city gradually acquired another glory. Cheap electricity was used to smelt aluminum at the world's largest plant, and pulp was cooked at the world's largest timber complex. From fluorine for tens and hundreds of miles around, forests withered, from methyl mercaptan they clogged windows in apartments, caulked, crevices, and still came in with a suffocating cough. Twenty years after the hydroelectric plant gave electricity, the city has become one of the most hazardous to health. They built the city of the future, but built a slow-acting gas chamber in the open.

People have lost contact with each other, every man for himself - this is the motto of this world. Destroying nature, we destroy ourselves, our future.

Composition of the exam How does nature affect man? According to Prishvin's text: "If you want to understand the soul of the forest, find a forest stream and go up or down along its banks"

How does nature affect man? This question is raised in one of his works by the writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.

Reflecting on the problem posed, the author describes the forest landscape in early spring. The hero walks near the stream and notices every detail of the reviving nature: he follows the path of the running stream, sees the still unblown flower buds, smells the smell of birch resin. The writer notices how "new and new obstacles are met by water, and nothing is done to it from this." The writer learns from nature stamina, strength. Water inspires the narrator to fight adversity.
"The entire passage of the stream through the forest is the path of a long struggle, and this is how time is created here," the hero concludes. Nature helps the hero to better understand life by observing the natural course of things. With this conclusion, the author leads us to the conclusion: human life is the path to happiness, thorny, complex, but incredibly interesting and important. These examples indicate that nature helps a person to better understand life, to find inspiration.

The feelings of the narrator also become important for understanding the problem: "It became so that it could not be better, and I had nowhere else to strive." This example shows that unity with nature helps a person achieve harmony.
All examples, complementing each other, point to the positive impact of nature on man, indicate the close relationship between nature and man, and help to better understand the author's position.

M. M. Prishvin believes that a person understands himself better when he observes nature, because he himself is part of it. Looking at nature, overcoming difficulties, reviving and blooming every spring, we are inspired, we achieve inner harmony and all problems temporarily fade into the background.

Not only I agree with the opinion of the writer, but also many Russian poets. For example, A. A. Fet in his famous poem “I came to you with greetings ...” writes: “... the soul is still happy / And ready to serve you”, “... from everywhere / It blows fun on me, / What I don’t know myself that I will / Sing - but only the song is ripening. This once again confirms that nature has a beneficial effect on humans. It becomes a source of human optimism, inspiration for new, yet unknown to us, things.

Summing up, we can say that the beneficial influence of nature is very important for the moral and physical condition of a person. After all, it’s not for nothing that we feel sad and want to sleep when it rains, and have fun when it’s sunny.

Arguments for an essay in the Russian language.
Nature. Part 1.
The problem of nature, attitude to nature, animals, struggle with the natural world, interference in the natural world, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on a person's character.

Is man the king of nature or a part? What is dangerous consumer attitude to nature? What can lead to the struggle of man with the natural world? (V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish")

Astafiev tells us an instructive story about a talented fisherman who has a natural instinct that is useful for fishing. However, this hero also trades in poaching, exterminating fish without counting. By his actions, the hero causes irreparable damage to nature. The reason for these actions is not hunger. Utrobin acts like this out of greed.
In one of these sorties, a huge fish comes across a poacher's hook. Greed and ambition prevent the fisherman from calling his brother for help, he decides to pull out a huge sturgeon at all costs. Over time, Ignatich begins to go under water along with the fish. A turning point happens in his soul, where he asks for forgiveness for all his sins in front of his brother, in front of the bride he offended. Having overcome greed, the fisherman calls his brother for help.
Ignatich changes his attitude to nature when he feels how the fish "tightly and carefully pressed against him with a thick and tender belly." He understands that the fish is clinging to him, because he is afraid of death just like he is. He ceases to see in this living creature only an instrument for profit. When the hero realizes his mistakes, he will be liberated and cleansed of his soul from sins.
At the end of the story, we see that nature forgave the fisherman, gave him new chance for the atonement of all sins.
The fight between Ignatich and the king fish is a metaphor for the battle between man and nature that takes place every day. Destroying nature, man dooms himself to extinction. Causing harm to nature, a person deprives himself of the environment of existence. Cutting down forests, destroying animals, a person dooms himself to extinction.
This work also raises the question: can a person consider himself the king of nature. And Astafiev gives the answer: no, man is a part of nature, and not always the best. Only concern for nature can preserve the balance of life, the countless destruction of what gives us the world can only lead to death. The pride of a person who imagines himself to be the "king of nature" leads only to destruction.
We need to love the world around us, exist in peace and harmony with it, respecting every living being.

The composition of the exam in the text:"A trip to Olepin gave me an unforgettable experience. The morning found me not in bed, not in a hut or city apartment, but under a haystack on the banks of the Koloksha River ..."(according to V.A. Soloukhin).

Full text

(1) Among the many shameful deeds that I have committed in my life, one is the most memorable to me. (2) In the orphanage, a loudspeaker hung in the corridor, and once a voice was heard in it, unlike anyone else, something that irritated me - most likely just a dissimilarity. (3) “Ha… Yelling like a stallion!” I said and unplugged the loudspeaker from the socket. (4) The singer's voice broke off. (5) The children sympathetically reacted to my act, because in my childhood I was the most melodious and reading person. (6) ... Many years later in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. (7) All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra who had seen and survived in their lifetime with the glorious, ant-like, young conductor Zinaida Tykach patiently explained to the public what and why they would play, when, by whom and on what occasion this or that piece of music was written. (8) They did this, as it were, with an apology for their intrusion into such a life of citizens oversaturated with spiritual values, who are being treated and simply fattening at the resort, and the concert began with a dashing Strauss overture in order to prepare listeners overworked by culture for the second, more serious part. (9) But the fabulous Strauss, the fiery Brahms, and the coquettish Offenbach did not help - already from the middle of the first part of the concert, the audience, crowded into the hall for a musical event just because it was free, began to leave the hall. (10) Yes, if only they left him just like that, silently, carefully - no, with indignation, cries, abuse they left, as if they had deceived them in their best desires and dreams. (11) The chairs in the concert hall are old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, knocked together in order, and every citizen, rising from his seat, considered it his duty to slam the seat indignantly. (12) I sat, shrinking into myself, listening to the musicians tear themselves to drown out the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask for forgiveness for all of us from the lovely conductor in a black tailcoat, from the orchestra members, who so hard and stubbornly earn their honest , poor bread, apologize for all of us and tell how I was in childhood ... (13) But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it. (14) What if the singer whom I once offended with a word, her name is the great Nadezhda Obukhova, became my favorite singer, that I “corrected” and cried more than once listening to her. (15) She, the singer, will never hear my repentance, will not be able to forgive me. (16) On the other hand, already elderly and gray-haired, I shudder from every bang and rattle of a chair in the concert hall, ... when the musicians are trying with all their strength, capabilities and talent to convey the suffering of an early-suffering short-sighted young man in defenseless round glasses. (17) He, in his dying symphony, the unfinished song of his aching heart, has been stretching his hands into the hall for more than a century and crying out with a prayer: “(18) People, help me! (19) Help! .. (20) Well, if you can’t help me, at least help yourself! .. "

Do we love our native places where we spent our childhood? Would you like to once again plunge into the atmosphere of childhood? And you can immediately answer in the affirmative: “I think so!”. The problem of the influence of nature on man, the perception of nature is raised by V.A. Soloukhin in his article.

Olepin's trip gave him an unforgettable experience. He experienced such sensations while fishing, and he never experienced them like this again in his life. The author writes that such a night cannot but charm: "... if it does not charm, then the person himself is to blame." To say so, you need to love your homeland, your native places so much, and not only love, but also be able to see this beauty.

The position of the author is clearly expressed in the content of the entire text. Only a person who strongly feels the beauty of nature can describe the state in which the author was. The author writes about how important children's impressions are, because they preserve a joyful perception of the world, they are the most vivid and unforgettable.

I fully agree with the author of the article. Everything that surrounds us is full of meaning and meaning, every moment of life is unique. We need to appreciate these moments. And, being in nature, a person learns to sincerely enjoy the world around him. And this world is especially dear to us when we remember it from childhood.

There are many examples in the literature where this problem is raised. In the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow" a huge place is occupied by descriptions of nature. We see with what great love the author describes his native places, where he loved to hunt. His entire cycle of stories is combined into one big book Hunter's Notes. Here the author great attention gives a description of the surrounding nature. Only a person who infinitely loves nature can feel and describe it so subtly. And the beauty of nature could not but charm Turgenev, who did not doubt its greatness at all.

Also in the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy through the eyes of Andrei Bolkonsky describes extraordinary beauty rotten oak. We see how exactly the hero feels nature, everything that surrounds him. How strongly the oak influenced the hero. Prince Andrei, as it were, says to himself that life at the age of 31 is not over yet!

And the writer Solokhuin is right in saying that this problem is very important, that a person depends on nature, on the world around him. After all, human life without nature is unthinkable.