Nyusha's husband congratulated his children on the first of September and showed their photos.

The news that Nyusha Shurochkina got married graced the covers of gloss and instantly broke the hearts of hundreds of thousands of fans of the artist. The fact that the 27-year-old singer is planning a wedding became known in the winter of 2017, when the girl showed the engagement ring that her lover unexpectedly presented to her during a vacation trip to Africa. Who is this man, Nyusha for a long time hid. But later it turned out that her chosen one is 37-year-old sports official Igor Sivov. They met at one of the sporting events that he organized, and Nyusha was invited to perform there.

“I officially announce that I got married! I never spoke about my personal life, so I carefully concealed this event. It's time to tell you all about it," the singer wrote on the social network at the end of August.

Igor Sivov is Presidential Adviser International Association student sports. He is constantly traveling around the country and the world. But he found time to bring the children to the school in Kazan on Knowledge Day. Nyusha's husband wrote congratulations on September 1 on his Instagram, and at the same time showed grown children. Nothing is known about the older child, and the younger, Matvey, is fond of hockey, loves football, and his father, of course, supports him in this. By the way, in social networks, Matvey is subscribed to the page of Nyusha, his father's new wife.

The fact that Igor Sivov has children from a previous relationship has long been known. Before meeting Nyusha, he was married to a dance teacher, a very spectacular brunette, Alena Sivova. The 34-year-old dancer lives in Kazan and has recently opened her own dance school.

“My heart is not free,” an unexpected confession made in early November in front of an audience of thousands of people in a concert hall, overnight upset the love plans of hundreds of men and made young ladies sigh with emotion. famous singer, singing about beautiful girlish feelings and tremblingly guarded by her parents, first stopped any attempts to find out the most secret from her. But when that same love from books really came, she was unable to hide it behind seven locks. Raised in conservative traditions, Nyusha was often called daddy's daughter, looking forward to when the young girl finally grows up and meets her prince. And it seems that the moment has come.

Fans of the 26-year-old star vying with each other wondered who managed to conquer one of the most desirable girls on the planet, while the singer herself dedicated the lines of her songs to her beloved and embarrassedly, lowering her burning gaze, repeatedly stated: I love.

"Not remembering what happened before"

The name of the artist's love is Igor Sivov. The couple has known each other for a long time, but passionate feelings between them flared up only at the beginning of this autumn. The man is from Kazan. In the late 90s, he performed in the KVN team "Four Tatars", today serves as General Counsel to the President International Federation student sports.

Igor won Nyusha's heart by the fact that he turned out to be unlike everyone who had met her before - a serious, gallant gentleman with impeccable manners courted beautifully, giving flowers to the beautiful singer during rare dates. She, despite neither the ten-year difference in age, nor the fact that he had two children from his first marriage, understood from the first minute: this He.

Now the lovers live in three cities: Swiss Lausanne, where the headquarters of the International University Sports Federation is located, Moscow and Kazan. As before, Nyusha spends a lot of time on tour. But, as soon as they set foot on Moscow soil, they immediately rush into each other's arms - to where there are no prying eyes, no work that forces them to part.

In a conversation with Life, the singer did not deny that she was really connected romantic relationship with Igor Sivov, but declined to comment further.

I will not deny the fact that I am in love and in my personal life there have been big changes- admitted Nyusha. - But I often repeated and I will repeat that I don’t want to talk about my relationship, this is very personal and, perhaps, in due time I will share my happiness with you.

Nyusha Vladimirovna ShurochkinaRussian singer, one of the most popular, talented and promising stars of our stage. Although spiteful critics say that this little star sings to the accompaniment of plywood, but nevertheless, under her songs, youth very energetically ignites in clubs. At birth, this beauty was named Anna but when Anyuta grew up and wanted to become a singer, then the name seemed very banal and boring to her, she wanted something more vivid, sonorous, memorable. Nyusha, Nyushenka- so in childhood, dad affectionately called the future singer. Many have a name Nyusha associated with the pink pig "Smesharikov", but nevertheless, this pseudonym took root, and the songs Nyusha loved by so many, especially since she writes them herself, can you imagine, herself - both words and music! There are really few young talented artists on our stage now who would perform such incendiary, but at the same time deep songs on topics close to most people: love, separation, freedom to choose one's own life path, following through to your goal. For example, I really like at least five songs Nyusha, it is possible that all this is not beyond masterpieces, but her work definitely pleases me, if it does not take for the soul, and I understand that it is truly sensual, deep and strong man can create such wonderful songs.

In this article you will see a lot of photos of the singer Nyusha and her close relatives.

This photo shows a small Nyusha in the arms of your dad

When our heroine was two years old, her father left the family, he fell in love with another woman.

In the photo: stepmother Larisa, mother Irina, herself Nyusha, dad Vladimir Shurochkin

Parents Nyusha initially experienced their breakup hard, especially mom Nyusha, you guessed it. But over time, stepmother and mother Nyusha became friends, no one else sorts things out in this large and friendly family, and Nyushino father from new wife two children were born: a daughter Maria and son Ivan.

On this photo Maria Shurochkina half-sister (paternal) Nyusha.

Maria Shurochkina among other things, synchronized swimmer, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports Russia, Olympic champion 2016 year, six-time world champion.

The sisters are very friendly since childhood, Maria under Nyusha for 5 years.

In this photo you see Nyusha and her stepmother Oksana Shurochkina

And here is the stepmother Oksana Shurochkina Nyushina her best friend, she is both a manager and a choreographer, in general, a second mother. Incidentally, in order to Nyusha was able to start a solo career, her father had to sell his apartment at one time, her stepmother Oksana was not opposed, she always believed in the talent of her stepdaughter.

And here Vladimir Shurochkin I didn’t immediately understand how promising his first daughter was, and he was, to put it mildly, skeptical about her music lessons, writing songs, until he noticed how good these compositions were, now the father is the producer of his daughter, sometimes he writes songs for her, and helps with arranging. But the talent is Nyusha inherited from his father, after all, he also writes songs and sings all his life.

In this photo you see a beautiful stepmother Nyusha, she is only 6 years younger than her husband, but how young she looks at 45!

Nyusha not immediately lucky in love, only to 26 years old she realized that she was already ready to become a wife, because she had finally met a man with whom she wanted to connect her life for a long time. The Chosen One Nyusha became Igor Sivov.

Igor Sivov at the time of this writing, he was working as chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. Divorced, has two children.

In these two photos Nyusha with her father, who is her producer.

And so Vladimir Shurochkin was at the dawn of his creative activity if you didn't guess - Nyushin Dad is the guy in the middle.

And in this photo Nyushina paternal grandparents, the two have lived together for over fifty years!

IN modern world there is not a single person who would not know the singer Nyusha. Her name can be heard more and more often at charity concerts, on the air of radio stations and on television. This beautiful woman makes the hearts of millions of men beat faster, and girls strive to sing like her.

Nyusha is a talented singer, actress, host of television shows, composer, author of beautiful songs that sing in moments of happiness and love.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nyusha Shurochkina?

Currently, people are at a loss to guess who Nyusha Shurochkina is, how old she is. And also, how much she weighs, whether she has children and who her husband is. On numerous sites on the Internet, you can often see requests about how much the singer's breasts are.

Nyusha or Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina was born in 1990, which means she was only twenty-six.

It is very interesting that Anya did not let slip in any interview about her height. It remains only to assume that the girl, remaining without heels, looks at her true fans from a height of at least a meter and sixty centimeters.

From its weight Nyusha big secret does not. It constantly fluctuates between 50 -54 kilograms. Currently, the weight of the girl has reached 54 kilograms.
By the way, in order to satisfy the requests of male fans, we will inform you that the girl’s chest volume is 86, and her waist is 58 centimeters. It is worth noting that the volume of the hips of the beauty is 87 centimeters.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

The biography of Nyusha Shurochkina is absolutely musical and incredibly happy. This is the story of a little girl who was able to achieve everything on her own.
Little Anechka appeared on August 15, 1990 in the city of Moscow. Her parents were famous musicians.
Nyusha's mother, Irina, sang in a rock band, and her father and future producer, Vladimir, performed as part of the most popular Tender May. He wrote the lyrics of some of the songs of this group and the music for them.

Her parents separated when Annushka was two years old, but she did not consider herself an unhappy and unloved child. The father always found time for the baby, and it was he who noticed the musical talent in his daughter.

The girl sang in a pretty early age, namely at three. She took lessons from the famous producer Viktor Pozdnyakov, who confidently said that the baby was very talented. The fact is that she developed an ear for music in just a year.

The girl recorded her first song at a real recording studio at the age of five, after which she began to sing literally everywhere, without embarrassment strangers. Dad gave her a synthesizer, hired professional educators.
At the age of eight, Anyutka sang to English language and recorded her single. At twelve, she captivated audiences in Cologne with English songs that she wrote herself and the purest pronunciation.

The girl was very athletic. She was engaged Thai boxing.

At the age of 9 she attended the fashion theater for children, and from the age of 11 she toured as part of the Grizzly musical group. At the age of 14, the girl went to the casting of the Star Factory, but did not pass it because of her tender age.

Only in 2007, Anna went into the television project "STS lights up the Superstar", during which the laconic pseudonym Nyusha remained on her behalf. By the way, the girl changed her name in her passport to a sonorous stage name.
At the age of eighteen, a talented girl took seventh place in the famous New Wave competition. In 2009, she recorded the professional single "Howling at the Moon", with which she was nominated for "Song of the Year". Soon Nyusha's debut album "Choose a Miracle" was released, which was rated very ambiguously.

2011 is a year of rapid rise in musical career, when new compositions were recorded, a duet was born with the Frenchman Gilles Luca and there was a nomination for the Muz-TV award. Nyusha received the MTV EMA 2011 award and entered the top twenty of the main musical events of the year.
2014 gave Anna a new music album and popularity in the cinema. She played in the series "Univer", "Friends of Friends", "He Time" and gave her voice to cartoon characters. Gerda and Smurfette, Hip Croods and Priscilla speak in her voice.

The girl skates well, so she showed herself perfectly in the television show " glacial period”, where Max Shabalin became her partner. She participated in the show of Ivan Urgant, which is called "Moscow Nights" and "9 Lives".

In 2017, she became the new mentor of the show “Voice. Children”, replacing Pelageya. The girl showed herself to be a professional who can share her experience even with the youngest stars.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina.

In many interviews, the young singer is happy to talk about her plans for the future, tours and songs, but she does not like to talk about her personal life.
The personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is carefully hidden from fans, but some information about her is still leaking out.

At the very beginning of her career, the girl met with the young actor Aristarchus Venes, but she did not take this relationship seriously. There is talk of Nyusha's romance with Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom the girl was vacationing in the Maldives, but this conversation turned out to be just an invention of the star managers.

his first real love the girl calls the Russian hockey player Alexander Radulov, with whom she starred in the first video. However, these can only be rumors related to the promotion of the single.

In 2011, she dated rapper ST, and in 2014 with rising star Yegor Creed. The couple broke up due to the fact that Nyusha's father wanted this, but she herself claims that she and Yegor have different views on life.

Nyusha is in no hurry to start a family, but often says that she has romantic relationships all the time.

Family of Nyusha Shurochkina

The fact that the girl does not have a permanent young man does not mean that she is single. The family of Nyusha Shurochkina is her father and mother, half-sister and younger brother.

Half-sister Maria is a professional swimmer. She is the champion of Russia, the world, Europe in this sport in the junior category.
Brother Vanya is also a very athletic guy who masters such an amazing sport as tricking. It combines several martial arts, on the basis of which various extreme tricks are performed.

Nowadays, the young singer is completely devoted to her career as a singer, actress and TV presenter. She has not yet found a life partner for herself, so the children of Nyusha Shurochkina are not even in the project.

When the girl met Yegor Creed, he talked several times in an interview about future children. But the couple quickly broke up, crashed against insurmountable circumstances and dreams of kids. There were even persistent rumors on the Internet about Nyusha's pregnancy, but the singer denied them.

Looking at the touching treatment of Nyusha with the smallest participants in the show “Voice. Children", the audience notes a strong maternal instinct singers and sincerely wish her to become a mother as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that none of the singer's stormy novels led to the creation of a family, so Nyusha Shurochkina's husband is absent.

Recently, a girl wrote in one of social networks that she might get married soon. She posted a photo of the engagement ring to her page. His future husband is called Igor Sivov. The guy is the general adviser to the president of the ISSF, the couple have known each other for a long time.

The real feelings between them arose in 2016, when a trip to Kenya changed her life forever.

Nyusha does not show the face of her chosen one. It is known that he was married and is the father of two children. The wedding of Igor Sivov and Nyusha Shurochkina is scheduled for 2017.

Nyusha's career began at a very young age, so the producers chose for her the image of a girl from neighboring yard.

Although the Internet is replete with numerous photos of Nyusha Shurochkina before and after plastic surgery, the girl denies that she did not make any kind of correction to her appearance. Numerous fans of the singer, who followed her ascent to the musical Olympus, do not believe in this.

However, even fans can only keep track of the change of hair and clothes, makeup and habits of the girl. Nyusha often said that she did not understand and condemn her colleagues in the music department, who constantly do plastic surgery.

Nyusha had very expressive eyes, but weakly expressed lips. Now she boasts beautiful plump lips. A slightly tucked-in nose catches the eye. Nyusha herself denies rhinoplasty and other surgical interventions in her body.

Sometimes the press flashes information that the singer enlarged her breasts by at least two sizes. Documentary evidence this fact does not exist, so it is impossible to prove plastic surgery. Nyusha Shurochkina in a swimsuit looks very seductive in both young and last years.

So, speaking of plastic surgery, it must be clarified that Nyusha either did not do them at all, or turned to real professionals in her field. Photos before and after plastic surgery does not exist, but fans try to judge its performance by comparing pictures different years.

It is possible that the effect of a changeable appearance is achieved with the help of makeup artists who masterfully use a brush. By the way, Nyusha practically does not use cosmetics, because she strives for maximum naturalness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

These popular social media pages often feature short messages and updated photos. It should be understood that you can only trust those articles that appear on the official pages of the singer.
IN Lately Nyusha often uploads videos from rehearsals and live broadcasts of the television show “Voice. Children ”, in which she is a mentor.

Also, she often helpful tips in the field of sports training, introduces interesting people and inform about the premieres of new clips. Through Instagram, Nyusha Shurochkina will be happy to listen to the comments of her fans.
Nyusha is a wonderful singer and a man generously gifted by nature, who proves that you need to sincerely believe. And then all your dreams will surely come true.

According to Nyusha, when she first met Igor Sivov, General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation FISU, she immediately felt that this was exactly the person she had been looking for for so long. “When we just started talking to him, it seemed to me that I had known him all my life…” the popular performer admitted.


As the artist said, her beloved man supports her in everything and helps to realize plans and dreams, as well as achieve her goals. So, recently Nyusha shot a video for the song "Love You". By the way, in the new musical composition the singer frankly spoke about the feelings that overwhelm her.

After filming, Nyusha planned to go on vacation. However, where exactly the artist did not know. It was a surprise that Sivov organized especially for her. "And upon arrival in Kenya, my man proposed to me. It was unforgettable!" - quotes happy Nyusha magazine "OK!"

For many fans of the artist, the news of the marriage came as a complete surprise, because the fans believed that Nyusha was free. The singer explained that she had never experienced the feelings that she had for Sivov, so she tried to keep her emotions to herself and not share the details of her privacy with outsiders.

“Happiness loves silence. Still, this is my personal life, and I don’t see the need to bring it up for public discussion, I want it to be protected ... I think that God saves the safe,” Nyusha explained the reason for her secrecy.

Of course, the singer has already introduced her beloved man to her family. Relatives warmly received the chosen one of the artist. Nyusha said that now she finally felt that she had support and a strong male shoulder. on which you can rely.

Recall that Igor Sivov is from Kazan. In the late 90s, he performed in the KVN team "Four Tatars". Igor is ten years older than Nyusha. He has two sons from his first marriage.