May is considered to be the beginning of the tourist season, and gradually many resorts and hotels are filled with vacationers. But, of course, there are not many tourists yet. Last spring month the cost of vouchers is not yet high, and the holidays in Russia exacerbate the desire to travel outside of Russia. The choice of countries to which you can go during the days of May is very large. Many resorts have already warmed up by the sun, but there is no sweltering heat.

Traditional destinations for Russians are still and. But, it is worth considering that the climate in Egypt is more conducive to relaxation, the Red Sea is already quite warm, with a temperature of around 25 degrees. In Turkey, the air will not yet be warm enough for swimming in the open sea. Although, at the end of May, it is already quite comfortable here with the water temperature - up to 20 degrees. You can go to the beaches of other Arab countries, for example, in.

But warm clothes still have to be captured. Unstable in the evenings may weather may bring wind and light rain. At the end of spring, a full-fledged season for tourists begins. Local recreation involves swimming in turquoise waters, sunbathing on landscaped beaches and water sports sports. Prices will please you, because during this period they are not yet subject to growth. There will definitely be no problems with housing: many hotels and hotels are starting to work to the fullest and offer rooms and apartments at different prices. During the day, the weather pleases with a 25-degree heat, in the evening the temperature drops slightly. And in or the thermometer does not fall below 27 degrees.

For tourists who want to not only soak up the sun and get the most out of it, they can safely purchase a tour to, which is famous for its healing mud. In the last spring month, the weather here is consistently warm, like the sea. another perfect place for May holiday. The Mediterranean Sea managed to warm up to 20 - 22 degrees. But, it can get a little chilly at night.

May opens wonderful prospects for and . This unusual way travel, which is sure to bring a sea of ​​new emotions. In addition, during some cruises, you can get to the piers of several countries at once, see new cities and their sights.

Cruises across the expanses are no less in demand Baltic Sea. Here you have the opportunity to visit Scandinavia, Russia and the Baltics. The undoubted advantage of such cruises is the relatively inexpensive cost. Worthy rivals of the sea will be river cruises across European lands. You will sail along such rivers as the Rhine, Danube, Elbe or Seine. May is the peak of the cruise season.

Holidays and festivals in May

May is a great time to celebrate a holiday or have fun at a festival in another country. Everyone wants to spend the winter and welcome the spring. Valpyria Night is celebrated from April 30 to May 1. Each country has its own customs, somewhere old furniture flies out of the windows into the streets, somewhere sand pours on the thresholds of the house. Bonfires are burning everywhere and the spirits of exiled witches are hovering. You can visit the color festival in Chelsea. This holiday has been held for almost 200 years. You can participate in the cheese race in England.

In Finland, you run the risk of getting to the student holiday Vappa. A gypsy festival is held in the Czech Republic. The loudest May festival in the world is the Cannes Film Festival in France. Movie buffs come here from all over the world. In addition, on the 30th, a holiday is celebrated here in honor of the birthday of Joan of Arc. In Germany, a large-scale festival is held in honor of spring, which often lasts several days with costume shows, fairs and picnics.

The ancient Celtic festival of Beltane is still celebrated in the UK, and if you manage to get here, then you will certainly be pursued by luck. May 9 is Victory Day in Russia, and in countries where they speak German celebrate father's day. If you want a spectacle, on the twenties, boldly head to the north of Greece, where you can see Pyrovassia. Masters will walk on fire.

When planning a vacation with children, the choice of a country should be taken very seriously. It all depends on your goal: do you want to lie on the beach under palm leaves or do you want to visit historical cities, visit sights and book excursions. Of course, the age of the child will be a fundamental factor. Younger children will have more fun to spend their holidays at sea. The resorts of Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Thailand have already become a standard choice for compatriots.

In Europe, many attractions open their doors to curious tourists. Here such countries as the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Finland are in the lead. Great option will go with the baby to Cyprus. There is a wonderful bay where the waves are small, and the child will be comfortable in the water close to the shore. You can go to Aqaba, which is in Jordan. The flight will not be too expensive, and narrow sandy beaches, clear sea and hotels are perfect for children's holidays.

Haste does not lead to anything good, and this is true. When choosing a resort, you should not rush, otherwise you can accidentally ruin your vacation. Tickets for May 2018 abroad at sea are already starting to sell out, so you should now decide where it is better to go on vacation. In addition, it is very important to study the information about the country in advance so that there are no problems later.

Already in late spring it is really hot here. By 12:00 the air temperature reaches +35, and the water - about +27. Therefore, during that period it is better not to order excursion vouchers, because not every traveler will be able to withstand at least one trip.

For the rest of a family of two for one week, you will have to pay about $ 900. But those who want to save money should book tickets and hotel reservations in advance.

Without a visa, you can only fly to the Sinai Peninsula. To visit other Egyptian resorts, their attractions will already need an entry permit. In this case, a visa is obtained upon arrival at the airport.

In 2018, May in Israel also promises to be hot. Even the Mediterranean Sea will warm up well (approximate temperature is +25). You can have a great rest in Tel Aviv, Eilai, and, of course, Ein Bokek.

Of the advantages, in addition to excellent weather, the following should be emphasized:

  • no need for a visa;
  • bloom national parks, nature reserves;
  • many locals are fluent in Russian.

True, there are major disadvantages that you need to be prepared for. From Friday evening to Saturday evening, all shops, restaurants, cafes are closed and transport does not even work. Prices for services for tourists in Israel are much higher.

The most safe country Middle East. Here, quality service, clean beaches, many interesting excursions, health centers. It takes about 4 hours to fly from Moscow to the capital Amman. May Jordan is hospitable and quite hot. The air and water temperature in May will rise to +30.

In this country there is a wonderful attraction created by nature itself. It's about about the Wadi Rum desert, over which time is not subject. Its creators are rightly called the sun and the wind. It will be no less interesting for any tourist to see with his own eyes the Mount of Heaven, as well as the Dead Sea, where the Jordan River flows into.

Resort pros:

  • real summer;
  • developed tourism sector;
  • richness of culture;
  • National character.

The cons include a continuous flow of tourists and the importunity of local sellers.

A country that does not know severe cold and frost. Here the laws of hospitality are sacred. In May, weather forecasters promise a temperature of at least + 27-30, and water + 22-25. But beach season will be open only by the middle of the month, when sea water warms up to +25.

Clear emerald-colored sea, white sand, incredibly beautiful coasts. The infrastructure is well developed, there are many hotels, hotels, restaurants and other entertainment enterprises.

This is where you should definitely go to relax at sea in 2018, especially if you have never been there before. In May, the East is magnificent, for the sake of beauties abroad it is worth forking out for a ticket.

It is possible to rent housing from owners in the private sector for a long period. So many beautiful places allowing you to plunge into various fairy tales countries. Morocco is great for families with young children.

Inexpensive vacation

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to have a luxurious vacation, but there are budget options, and quite good ones. Worth paying Special attention for trips to Greece and Thailand.

This is one of those resorts for the end of the spring season, in May 2018, together with the children at sea abroad. In Greece, you can not only lie on the sand near the sea, but also visit many places that in reality look much more interesting than the TV screen shows.

In early May, weather forecasters promise warm weather, so it will be possible to open the beach season upon arrival. The hottest resorts are Athens and Rhodes.

In Athens, the air temperature is +25, the water is +22, the beaches are very clean, specially equipped for families. There is an opportunity to fish, water ski, boat, yacht.

Below is a small list of the most visited beaches, as well as the price of entry to each.

  1. Yabanaki - 6 euros.
  2. Asteras - 8 euros.
  3. Acti Vouliagmeni - 5 euros.
  4. Astir Beach - 18 euros.

Each of the above has a well-developed infrastructure, there are bars, cafes, during the day you can go for a massage, play volleyball, tennis, and in the evening beach discos and parties are organized. There are many educational excursions for tourists to choose from: natural attractions, ancient places, monuments, museums, etc.

The island of Rhodes also has many clean beautiful beaches, various historical sites, incredible natural landscapes. In the evening, beach events are organized with music and dancing, nightclubs open.

There is a noticeable difference between day and night temperatures on the island. In the evening it is recommended to dress warmly. The beach season officially opens from the beginning of the month, but if you are planning a holiday with children, it is better to come in the middle.

For a weekly trip to Thailand, you will need about 70-80 thousand rubles. The air temperature is approximately + 30-33, water + 25-28. There are many beautiful beaches with a fairly developed infrastructure, restaurants and cafes where dishes are prepared for every taste. Curious tourists will enjoy various sightseeing destinations.

Amusements and water parks are specially equipped for families with children. Even adults and teenagers can ride bananas, water skis, jet skis, yachts.

Pattaya is just perfect for young people who want to have fun all day long. Here every evening and until the morning seething night life, music, dancing, there are hotels, bars near each beach. It will not be boring even on excursions. Little travelers will love Phuket and Koh Samui.

With a limited budget in May 2018, it is better to go on vacation to Phuket. Despite the excellent service, fairly clean beaches, decorated with palm trees, warm sea, the island is different low prices for all entertainment.

This is where you should go abroad to safely and calmly spend your vacation time.

Noisy and cheerful Koh Samui is full of life all day long. In addition to a huge selection of sightseeing destinations, historical sites and entertainment venues, here you can admire the scenery. It is thanks to them that cool photo shoots are obtained, pictures from which will remind you of a wonderful time.

Without a visa

If there is no opportunity and time to apply for a visa, do not get upset ahead of time. After all, you can spend your vacation with benefit in Malaysia, Cuba or Turkey.

It is known that citizens of Russia can visit this country without a visa. IN last month In spring, the local weather is suitable for relaxing on the beach. Air temperature +33-35, water +29.

Equipped beaches with clean white sand, one might say, summer sun for the perfect tan. Tourists should definitely take with them or buy a high-quality protective face and body cream on the spot so as not to burn themselves.

The most visited resorts are Penang and Borneo. In addition to a beach holiday, there is an opportunity to have fun culturally, try the local cuisine in gastronomic establishments. Adventure lovers can swim in the ocean with stingrays and sharks.

To go on vacation abroad to Cuba, a Russian needs a foreign passport and a Russian passport. In May 2018, the air temperature will be around +30, and the sea +26-28.

Huge sandy beaches, fully equipped for a relaxing break from work and home routine. The sea is warm almost always calm and gentle. For those who prefer water activities, offers yachting, water skiing, diving, windsurfing, snorkeling, as well as fishing.

Most regular tourists choose the resorts of Cayo Coco, Santiago de Cuba and Havana.

On the last island, theme parties, carnivals are held almost daily, cafes, bars and restaurants are open without interruption. Night clubs open in the evening. During the day you can see many interesting local attractions.

With absolute certainty, we can say that Turkey is the most popular country for have a nice rest Russians. No other hotel has so many hotels with high-class service, well-groomed, clean territory, a variety of entertainment for children and adults. In May, the air temperature will reach +28, water +22 and above.

Majority Turkish beaches deservedly received the Blue Flag certificate. They are usually awarded for perfectly clean sea water and beach sand. When buying a tour, food is included in the price. Almost all hotels, hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis and this is very convenient, without extra costs.

While in this country, you just need to visit some sights. After all, the Turkish land has retained reminders of ancient civilizations(monuments Ottoman Empire, Hittite kingdom, etc.).

All resorts are attractive in their own way. Where exactly it is worth going to rest in May 2018, everyone decides on their own, taking into account preferences and financial capabilities. The main thing is that a trip abroad by sea brings only positive impressions, vivid memories and helps to have a good rest.

In May lovely warm weather combined with long weekends, so many people plan a trip during this period. The choice of a place where to go to the sea abroad in May largely depends on the preferences of the vacationer himself, as well as on the cost of the tour and the time it takes to apply for a visa. If you are thinking about where you can go to the sea in May, this article is for you.

May is not only the opening time of the beach season but also a period of various festivities. In Europe, Walpurge Night is actively celebrated and bonfires are lit, the season of fountains opens in St. Petersburg, and the film festival opens in Cannes. At the beginning of May, the glorious city of Madrid celebrates its birthday.

Perhaps the most popular option for Russians is Türkiye. The weather in May is already warm - during the day the air temperature reaches +26 degrees Celsius, and in the evening it can be much cooler (drops to +14 degrees), so in addition to summer things, you will also need warm ones. The water in the sea in May warms up to +23 degrees.

In May, Turkey operates big discounts and promotions, so the tour will cost inexpensively - an average of 100 to 300 dollars. At this time of the year, many fruits and berries are already ripening, which cost mere pennies.

For holidays in Turkey, Russian citizens do not need a visa if the period of stay in the country does not exceed 60 days.

This is another popular destination at this time of the year among tourists from all over the world. The weather in the country is not just warm, but hot - air temperature reaches +26-+28 degrees. Temperature sea ​​water reaches +24 degrees. Suffocating heat promotes beach holidays, but makes sightseeing trips difficult.

average cost May round to Egypt is from 300 to 500 dollars. There is a widespread belief that a visa to Egypt is not required, but this is not entirely true - visa is issued upon arrival at the airport, does not require the collection of documents and costs about 10-15 dollars.

Thailand is already more expensive option: The average cost of the tour is 1000 dollars. May in this country is accompanied by showers and strong waves - this weather is most suitable for servers and fans of extreme sports, but for typical representatives of a beach holiday such weather can become a problem.

As for temperatures, during the day the air warms up to +30 degrees, and at night it cools down to +26 degrees. The temperature of coastal waters is + 26 degrees.

Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Thailand if their stay in the country does not exceed 30 days.

In May, warm weather reigns in Morocco - the air heats up to +30 degrees, and the water - up to +27 degrees. In addition to the lack of rain and comfortable conditions for a beach holiday, Moroccan resorts can also boast relatively inexpensive prices for tourism– the average cost of the tour is 200-300 dollars.

Russians do not need any visa to visit Morocco if the stay is limited to 90 days.

The weather in Israel in May is truly summer - during the day the air temperature reaches +30-+34 degrees, and at night - +28 degrees. Israel washes three seas, and each of them has its own water temperature: in the Mediterranean Sea - + 26- + 28 degrees, in the Dead Sea - + 23- + 26 degrees, and in the Red Sea - + 30 degrees.

Israel this time of year practical no precipitation and a light, refreshing breeze blows from the sea. Such weather is conducive not only to relaxing on the beach, but also to visiting biblical and cultural attractions.

A trip to this magical land will cost an average of 500-600 dollars. As for the visa, for Russian citizens wishing to visit the country for tourism purposes for a period not exceeding 90 days, no visa required.

For those who want to see exotic sights and lie on the golden tropical beaches, must visit Indonesia.

May in Indonesia is considered a dry month - the air temperature here warms up to +28 degrees during the day and up to +24 degrees at night, and the water temperature is +24 degrees.

Holidays in Indonesia difficult to call budget- the average cost of the tour varies from 900 to 1500 dollars.

As for the visa, a visa is not required for Indonesia only if the tourist spends no more than 30 days in the country and if entry will be made only through certain airports.

May in Montenegro beach season opens, although the beginning of the month is still quite cool. But by mid-May, the air warms up to +26 degrees during the day and up to +17-+18 degrees at night. The water temperature by the end of the month is +24-+26 degrees.

A huge plus of Montenegro is that in May there are few tourists and there are a lot of places on the beach. The average cost of the tour is from 700 to 1200 dollars.

Russians do not need a visa to Montenegro if the stay in the country will not exceed 30 days. To enter, it is enough to have a valid passport.

In many popular resorts - for example, in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy - rather cool temperatures are kept in May, which are not suitable for a comfortable beach holiday.

Holidays with children at sea

Going on a trip with children, you need to think about their leisure. The most favorable countries for a beach holiday in May-June with a child are Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand.

For little travelers safest in Cyprus- there are small coves that will allow the kids to swim normally. Wide sandy beaches can also be found in beautiful Jordan.

In Italy and Spain a lot of entertainment for children- attractions, theme parks and water parks.

Budget countries

by the most budget vacation is Türkiye- under favorable conditions, you can relax in the country for a week even for less than $ 100. Also, big discounts are available in Cyprus, Egypt, Israel.

Without a visa

IN a large number countries there is a visa-free regime for Russian tourists in for a limited period. If there is no time for paperwork, then you can go to those countries for which a visa is not required.

These are Türkiye, Indonesia, Morocco, Thailand, Seychelles, Mauritius. In these countries, upon arrival, a small mark is placed in the passport for free.

The end of April - the beginning of May is a great time to travel with the whole family. Many countries open at this time tourist season, so some resorts have big discounts.

The month of May is considered the beginning of the beach season in many countries, with the exception of almost all Asian destinations, where the rainy season begins at this time.

More affordable resorts for Russians, where you can relax in May at sea:

  • resorts of the Black Sea;
  • Mediterranean resorts;
  • resorts of the Red Sea;
  • European resorts.

Black Sea resorts are resorts Black Sea coast Russia, Abkhazia and Bulgaria.

In the Mediterranean, you should pay attention to the Greek island of Crete, Israel, as well as to the Turkish direction.

Resorts of the Red Sea at this time of the year are experiencing a special tourist boom, because. no winds, intense heat and there is maximum amount opportunities to combine beach and sightseeing holidays.

TO European resorts, which are quite comfortable to relax in May include: Cyprus, Canary Islands, Mallorca, the Mediterranean coast of Spain, the coast of Portugal and Cote d'Azur France.

Cheap flights to the sea

Where to go to rest in May at sea?

In May, the season starts for most summer destinations.

One of the most favorable places for recreation is Turkey, at this time there are few tourists, the sea is warm, and the sun's rays give you the opportunity to sunbathe (let's hope that Russians will soon be allowed back into Turkey without problems).

The second direction will be island Greece - Crete and Rhodes.

Beach holidays in May

Some come here to breathe in the fresh sea air, while others want to sunbathe and swim.

Before traveling to the sea in May, you should find out the temperature of the water and air, because. despite the average indicators, every year there may be special weather conditions, and then, based on weather forecasts, financial capabilities and desires, choose the direction that suits you.

Is it worth going to the Black Sea?

Resorts of the Black Sea can not always please warm sea in the month of May.

cold Black Sea

The resorts of the Black Sea are the Black Sea coast of Russia, Abkhazia, as well as the resorts of Bulgaria.

You should really pay attention to the fact that the water in the sea at this time can be quite cool, but in most cases the air temperature is high enough, so you will have the opportunity to sunbathe.

Where to relax in May in Russia?

In Russia, the beach season begins with the resorts of the Black Sea coast, in particular Sochi.

You should really be attentive to the temperature of the water in the sea, it will not always be warmed up to the required temperature.

Get travel medical insurance

Where to go abroad in May?

But favorable conditions will be in some countries of the Middle East, the Caribbean, Egypt and Europe.

In the Emirates, the season ends in May, because in the summer there will be intense heat in the country.

The UAE boasts beautiful beaches, quality hotels and a rather interesting excursion program.

It is hard to imagine that twenty years ago there was a desert inhabited by Bedouins on the site where the luxurious “city of the future” now stands.

The Caribbean is a year-round destination, almost all the time in this region the sun is shining and the beaches boast white sand.

The main Caribbean destination is the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica and Saint Martin are also popular.

In Egypt in given time the optimal time for rest, because the wind season is over and there is no strong summer heat.

The air and water temperatures in the Red Sea are optimal, and there is also the opportunity to visit many local attractions.

Another destination that is ideal for a beach holiday in May is Europe.

European countries boast many resorts located on the Adriatic or Mediterranean Seas, as well as in Atlantic Ocean.

In the Atlantic Ocean are the Canary Islands, which belong to Spain, as well as the Portuguese island of Madeira.

On the Adriatic Sea, Italian resorts should be considered, and on the Mediterranean, the Greek islands, the Cote d'Azur of France, as well as the Spanish islands - Ibiza and Mallorca.

snorkeling in spain

May holidays in Europe

In May, the holiday season begins at the beach resorts of Europe. When choosing a country, you should be careful, because not everywhere at this time there will be a warm sea.

Particular attention should be paid to the Greek islands - Crete and Rhodes, here the water in the sea is already warming up, and the excursion program will also please.

beach holiday on Rhodes

The undoubted leader among European countries, of course, is Spain, in particular the island part.

The best place to stay is the Canary Islands, you can also pay attention to the Costa Blanca and Costa Dorada, because if you get bored, you can always go see the sights of Barcelona or Madrid.

Another European destination is the Cote d'Azur of France, which is an example of style and luxury.

Cannes hosts the International Cannes Film Festival at the end of May. If you wish, you can go for one day in Monaco.

Excursions in Europe

Going to the sea to one of the European countries, you will have the opportunity not only to sunbathe on the beaches, but also to see a lot of sights.

In Spain, you should visit Barcelona, ​​to see with your own eyes the architectural creations of the great Gaudi.

architectural creations of the great Gaudí

Resting in France, you can fly to Paris for one day or go to Bordeaux.

Going to the beach resorts of Italy, you can visit the eternal City Rome, romantic Venice or the cities of love - Verona and Florence.

What is the Mediterranean Sea preparing for us in May?

The water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up by the end of April, respectively, May will be the beginning of the beach season.

Initially, you should pay attention to the southernmost destinations - these are the Greek islands of Crete and Rhodes, as well as the Mediterranean coast of Turkey.

holidays in Turkey

Also in Europe, beach resorts in Spain and France are in demand.

Crete and Rhodes are the first to open the beach season in Greece

Greece has everything, including the islands.

Coming to Crete or Rhodes, you will have the opportunity to combine a beach holiday and a high-quality excursion program.

Of all Greek resorts it is in Crete and Rhodes that the warmest sea will be in May.

If you wish, you can take a ferry and go to the snow-white island of Santorini.

Santorini island

5 reasons to visit Cyprus in May

Cyprus - the island of eternal spring, is also known to us as the island of Aphrodite, because according to the legend, it was here that the Greek goddess Aphrodite came ashore from the sea foam.

What are the reasons why people are so drawn to Cyprus?

Reason 1 – Facilitated visa entry

All tourists who want to come to Cyprus for tourism purposes can easily open an electronic visa - a pro-visa.

A pro-visa is free, done within 1-3 days, it also gives the right to a single entry into the country.

transparent sea in Cyprus

Reason 2 - rich cultural heritage

In Cyprus, there are many attractions, churches, as well as the bay of Aphrodite, from which, according to legend, the goddess of beauty came to the island.

Be sure to visit the local fortresses and museum, as well as the village of Lefkaria.

Reason 3 - beautiful beaches and warm sea

The water in the sea warms up quite well by May, but there are different beaches on the island.

It is believed that best beaches are located in Ayia Napa, the coastline in Larnaca is covered with pebbles, but in Limassol and Paphos you can sunbathe while lying on the sand.

Reason 4 - delicious cuisine

Cypriots are literally obsessed with healthy eating, there is no industry on the island, so all fruits and vegetables grown in the country are environmentally friendly products.

sails in Cyprus

You should also pay attention to the local wine, it is quite tasty, but young fortified wine quickly hits the head, so you should be careful with the use of this drink.

Reason 5 - good weather

Cyprus, like Greece, is one of the sunniest countries in the world; all year round The sun is shining and the weather is nice and comfortable.

Holidays in exotic countries

From exotic destinations attention should be paid to the islands of the Seychelles and Mauritius, as well as to the resorts located in the Caribbean Sea.

Mauritius island

These destinations are not particularly affected by the rainy season, boast an abundance of greenery and quality beaches.

Holidays on the Red Sea

Red Sea resorts are represented by several countries:

  • Israel;
  • Jordan;
  • Egypt.

In Israel, on the shores of the Red Sea is the resort town of Eilat.

The resort is often called the Israeli version of Hurghada or Sharm: first-class hotels, quality service and a rich underwater world.

Aqaba, Jordan

Jordan is represented by the resort of Aqaba. In addition to beaches, the country has a lot of attractions, the most important of which is Petra.

There are two main resorts in Egypt - Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.

There are many small resorts near Hurghada, and diving enthusiasts should head to Marsa Alam. In addition to Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba are located on the Sinai Peninsula.

In Israel (Eilat)

One of the main beach resorts Israel is considered Eilat, which is located on the Red Sea.

The length of the coastline of the resort is seven kilometers.

Eilat (Israel)

In the past, a military ford and a trading port were located in this region, and now there is a modern resort that can safely be called active, there is a high-quality infrastructure and a lot of entertainment.

There are a lot of restaurants, bars, as well as a lot of magnificent hotels, from the windows of which a gorgeous view of the Gulf of Aqaba opens.

Eilat is located on the border between Egypt and Jordan, respectively, you have the opportunity to meet the dawn on Mount Sinai or visit Petra.

The main entertainment in the resort is diving, for which tourists from all over the world come here. In addition to coral reefs, you will have the opportunity to observe sunken ships.

Cruises in May

Cruises are a relatively new tourist destination in our market. Cruise holidays began to gain popularity among Russians a few years ago.

liner in the mediterranean sea

Of the destinations, you should pay attention to cruises on mediterranean sea, which originate in Istanbul, Athens or in Spain.

Cruises are very interesting, during which you will have the opportunity to visit a lot of Greek islands as well as Malta.

The second direction of cruises are cruises from Dubai, during which you can see Qatar, Oman and other states of the Persian Gulf with your own eyes.

Vacation with children

When leaving for a vacation with children, first of all, you should pay attention to the availability of infrastructure at a particular resort, information about the availability of animation and the concept of food will be important.

It will also be important to know in advance information about the duration of the flight.

On the one hand, children endure flights much easier, and on the other hand, a long flight may not be to the liking of the smallest tourists.

with a child at sea

Turkey is considered the most children's destination, all-inclusive hotels provide quality food to the smallest tourists and animation programs.

On the territory of most hotels there are children's clubs, where animators will gladly entertain your child.

Before traveling to Turkey, you should correctly approach the issue of choosing a resort and a hotel:

  1. Mostly cheap hotels are located in Alanya, the beaches are sandy, but at the entrance to the sea there may be stones.
  2. In Antalya, the beaches are mostly sandy., there is a gentle entrance to the sea, the hotels are mostly five-star here and boast an excellent level of service.
  3. In Kemer, the beaches are covered with pebbles, the size of which depends on the region.